P2P Crypto Price Feed
A Go-based tool that demonstrates the use of LibP2P to publish and subscribe to cryptocurrency price updates. The application uses a publish-subscribe (pubsub) mechanism to emit and listen to real-time cryptocurrency prices, leveraging the LibP2P framework for peer-to-peer communication.
This tool showcases how to create a decentralized application that shares cryptocurrency price information between peers. The main features include:
- Produce Command: Continuously fetch cryptocurrency price updates and broadcast them to a LibP2P topic.
- Listen Command: Subscribe to the topic and receive real-time cryptocurrency price updates from other nodes.
Key Components
- LibP2P Host: Creates a peer-to-peer network with relay and NAT traversal capabilities.
- PubSub Topic: Uses LibP2P's GossipSub protocol to join and broadcast messages to a pubsub topic.
- Commands:
: Fetches cryptocurrency price data and broadcasts it.
: Listens for broadcasts of cryptocurrency price data from other peers.
Ensure you have Go installed on your machine.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/noleto/p2p-crypto-price.git
cd p2p-crypto-price
Install dependencies:
go mod tidy
Build the application:
go build -o p2p-crypto-price
The application provides two main commands, produce
and listen
, to either broadcast or subscribe to cryptocurrency prices.
Produce Command
The produce
command fetches cryptocurrency prices and broadcasts them to the peer-to-peer network.
./p2p-crypto-price produce [flags]
, --symbol
: Symbol of the cryptocurrency to fetch price data for (default: BTC
, --quote-refresh
: Time in seconds to refresh and publish the price quotes (default: 30
To produce price data for Bitcoin (BTC
), updated every 30 seconds:
/!\ Create a conf file in your $HOME named: "$HOME/.p2p_crypto_price.yaml"
apiKey: <Coinmarket API KEY>
./p2p-crypto-price produce -s BTC -q 30
Listen Command
The listen
command subscribes to the topic and receives price updates from other peers.
./p2p-crypto-price listen
To listen to the price updates of Bitcoin being broadcasted on the topic:
./p2p-crypto-price listen
How It Works
- Node Creation: Both the producer and listener create a LibP2P node with relay and NAT traversal capabilities.
- Join Topic: Nodes join a specific topic (
) using the GossipSub protocol.
- Produce: The producer fetches cryptocurrency prices and publishes messages to the topic.
- Listen: Listeners receive and log messages from the topic.
The tool uses CoinMarketCap's API to retrieve real-time price data, which is then shared across the peers in the network.
Start a Producer Node: This node will fetch price updates and publish them to the network.
./p2p-crypto-price produce -s ETH -q 60
This command fetches the price of Ethereum (ETH
) every 60 seconds and broadcasts it.
Start a Listener Node: This node will listen to updates from producer nodes.
./p2p-crypto-price listen
This command listens for price updates of cryptocurrencies on the network.
Feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and send pull requests if you have any improvements to make.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.