Application operator template/example for the NDAC Application Framework
The purpose of this project is to show an example how a simple application operator can be created which is fully compatible with the NDAC Application Framework (NDAC App FW).
It shows the way how the NDAC App FW platform services can be requested, how a simple application can be deployed/undeployed and how an application can send back data to the DC side (appStatus, appReportedData). It provides these functionalities as a general solution which can be easily reused by most of the app operators.
In this specific example the application is Consul which is a well known key-values data store. It is a stateful application so it needs persistent storage and it has prometheus endpoint to provide the metrics. That's why it is a good candidate to represent the currently available NDAC App FW platform services.
Platform resource request handling
The only way for an application to request NDAC platform resources (persistent storage, prometheus monitoring collection, access to the PLTE network, etc.) is to create the CR (CustomResource) of the platform resource provider. A CR contains the parameters which are needed to give the requested resource for the application. Every platform resource provider has its own CR. Based on the given parameters in the CR and the available application constraints the platform resource provider evaluates the request. If the requested resource can be given for the application then the provider does the needed configuration and update the result of the evaluation in the CR (status/approvalStatus: Approved or Rejected).
This example contains a metrics collection and a storage request. The application deployment starts with the apply of these requests and the deployment flow continuous only when the resources are granted for the application.
CR based deployment templating
An application operator has at least one CR (currently exactly one supported by the App FW) which contains the basic configuration of the application and serves as a trigger for the deployment/undeplyoment. The values from the CR can be used as template variables which can be inserted into the deployment yamls. The yaml files of your application should be located under the deployment/app-deployment directory.
Example CR:
kind: Consul
name: example-consul
replicaCount: 1
uiPort: 8500
altPort: 8400
udpPort: 53
httpPort: 8080
httpsPort: 8443
serflan: 8301
serfwan: 8302
consulDns: 8600
server: 8300
Example usage in the deployment yaml.
replicaCount: [[ .ReplicaCount ]]
uiport: [[ .Ports.UiPort ]]
altport: [[ .Ports.AltPort ]]
udpport: [[ .Ports.UdpPort ]]
httpsport: [[ .Ports.HttpPort ]]
httpport: [[ .Ports.HttpsPort ]]
serflan: [[ .Ports.Serflan ]]
serfwan: [[ .Ports.Serfwan ]]
consuldns: [[ .Ports.ConsulDns ]]
server: [[ .Ports.Server ]]
The name of the variable comes from the defined go structure consul_types.go
type ConsulSpec struct {
ReplicaCount int `json:"replicaCount"`
Ports Ports `json:"ports"`
type Ports struct {
UiPort int `json:"uiPort,omitempty"`
AltPort int `json:"altPort,omitempty"`
UdpPort int `json:"udpPort,omitempty"`
HttpPort int `json:"httpPort,omitempty"`
HttpsPort int `json:"httpsPort,omitempty"`
Serflan int `json:"serflan,omitempty"`
Serfwan int `json:"serfwan,omitempty"`
ConsulDns int `json:"consulDns,omitempty"`
Server int `json:"server,omitempty"`
To execute this CR based templating you need to create a templater object and call the RunCrTemplater method. It gives back the templated, concatenated yaml files as a string which can be applied in the Kubernetes:
templater, err := template.NewTemplater(instance.Spec, namespace)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Failed to initialize the templater")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
out, err = templater.RunCrTemplater("---\n")
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Failed to execute the CR templater")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
Helm3 chart support
If your application already has a Helm chart then you can reuse that in the application operator. This example project uses Helm3 to deploy/undeploy the chart placed in the app-deployment directory. If you use the CR templating, described in the previous section, then you can feed the data from the CR to the values.yaml of your chart or to any other yaml in the app-deployment directory.
//Execute templating for the app-deplyoment directory using the values from the CR
templater, err := template.NewTemplater(instance.Spec, namespace)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Failed to initialize the templater")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
//Gives back the output of the templated yamls. It can be applied directly in kubernetes
_, err = templater.RunCrTemplater("---\n")
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Failed to execute the CR templater")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
//Optional - Helm based deployment
err = helm.NewHelm(namespace).Deploy()
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Failed to deploy the helm chart")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
The helm chart support and the CR based templating is independent from each other. You can use one or both of them. In this example the parameters in the values.yaml are filled from the CR using the CR templating feature.
Application pod status monitoring
An application operator must report back the status of the application via its own CR in the status/appStatus field. This information will be used on the NDAC customer portal to show whether the application is working or not.
This example has a very basic monitoring capability. It checks the status of those pods which have the statusCheck: "true"
label in the pod definition. If all of the pods are in Running
state which has the mentioned label then the appStatus
is updated to Running
. When the status of one of the pod changes from Running
to anything else, the
appStatus is updated to NotRunning
A complex application needs to have a more sophisticated mechanism to handle this status update but this is absolutely application specific.
Reporting data to NDAC
An application operator has the possibility to report back some custom data to the NDAC DC. This data can be visualized on the NDAC Customer or Maintenance UI. Typically such data should be reported which gets value after the deployment and its value can not be known before. Eg: the url of the application UI or some dynamic IP address of an application component. The structure of the reported data is up to the application. It can be a complex or a simple data structure since it is transformed to a JSON representation. Anything under the status/appReportedData structure in the CR of the application operator is converted to JSON and transferred to the DB of the NDAC DC in case of every change. The CRD (CustomResourceDefinition) of the application operator should contain the OpenApi schema of the appReportedData. In this way, the UI can generate an application specific page to visualize the reported information.
This feature of the example depends on the monitoring feature. A running and a notRunning callback can be defined for the Monitoring service which will be called when the status of the application changes. App FW watches all of the changes of the appReportedData and sends it to the DC.
monitor := monitoring.NewMonitor(r.client, instance, namespace,
func() {
logger.Info("Set AppReportedData")
//runningCallback - example, some dynamic data should be reported here which has value only after the deployment
svc, err := kubelib.GetKubeAPI().CoreV1().Services(namespace).Get("example-consul-service", v1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Failed to read the svc of the metrics endpoint")
instance.Status.AppReportedData.MetricsClusterIp = svc.Spec.ClusterIP
if err := r.client.Status().Update(context.TODO(), instance); nil != err {
logger.Error(err, "status app reported data update failed")
func() {
Application licence handling
Every application in NDAC App FW has a corresponding licence to protect it from unwanted use. It is the the responsibility of the application developer to define its behavior in the event of licence expiration and re/activation, thus the developer should implement the following interface:
type LicenceExpiredResourceFuncs interface {
The implementation (instance) of above interface can then be passed as the second argument in instantiating licenceexpired Handler:
func New(namespace string, callbacks LicenceExpiredResourceFuncs) *Handler
licenceexpired.New(namespace, licCallbacks).Watch()
where licCallbacks implements LicenceExpiredResourceFuncs interface.
It is recommended to set the application status appropriately. When its licence expired, the operator should be able to set its status to "FROZEN" so the NDAC App FW will be notified. Also, when its licence becomes valid, its status should be set to "RUNNING" or "NOT_RUNNING" depending on the application criteria set for it to be in either state.
Application removal
In case the CR of the application operator is deleted the operator should gracefully stop the application and removed the deployed resources. It again depends on the application how it can be safely stopped.
This example project stores the GVK (Group, Version, Kind) of every resource which was applied in the Kubernetes and in case of a CR delete it starts to delete every resource using this information. When it is finished, it removes the finalizer from the CR to indicate to the App FW that the application is terminated and its namespace can be deleted.
Steps to create your own application operator
Prerequirement: operator-sdk cli is needed for the following commands.
First you should add a new API resource which will be managed by your application operator. The example project has the Consul resource under the api/v1alpha1 directory. You can choose to rename this according to your need but probably it is easier to generate a new one and copy the relevant parts from the Consul API. After that you can remove the Consul API. It is mandatory to include the appStatus field in the status section and it is suggested to put the appReportedData as well:
const ( AppStatusNotSet = "UNSET" AppStatusNotRunning = "NOT_RUNNING" AppStatusRunning = "RUNNING" AppStatusFrozen = "FROZEN" ) type AppReporteData struct { //this stucture can be anything } //test // ConsulStatus defines the observed state of Consul // +k8s:openapi-gen=true type ConsulStatus struct { AppStatus AppStatus `json:"appStatus,omitempty"` AppReportedData AppReporteData `json:"appReportedData,omitempty"` }
Create a new folder and start to initialise the project using below command:
operator-sdk init
Command to generate your own API resource, controller and CRD:
operator-sdk create api --version=v1alpha1 --kind=Consul
The above command generates also your controller, but you can again reuse the controller of the Consul resource or you can generate your own and copy the useful parts from the Consul controller (controllers/consul).
Replace the content of the deployment/app-deployment and deployment/resource-reqs directories with your custom application yamls.
For the application lifecycle management, App FW uses the operator-lifecycle-manager components. It has an application registry which should contain the metadata of each and every version of an application. In practice it has information only about the application specific operator. To create this registry you need to generate a CSV (ClusterServiceVersion) file for you operator.
Command to generate the skeleton of the CSV (the result is generated under config/manifests/bases directory):
operator-sdk generate kustomize manifests
After generating kustomize bases and a kustomization.yaml, you can generate a bundle or package manifests.
Package manifests way of packaging is deprecated, but NDAC Application Framework still uses it, therefore that should be generated until Application Framework switches to bundles.
To generate package manifests:
kustomize build config/manifests | operator-sdk generate packagemanifests --version 0.0.1
To generate a bundle:
kustomize build config/manifests | operator-sdk generate bundle --version 0.0.1
More information on bundles:
You need to insert an exact docker image of your application specific operator to the CSV file.
It can be built with the following command:
make docker-build
After that you should replace the
placeholder in the CSV with your docker image name.Pull secret should be added to the CSV file. During testing it should be the pull secret of your own registry.
!!! IMPORTANT !!! this secret should be part of the application registry, so it should be next to the CSV file, but you also need to create the same secret in the
namespace. OLM will create it automatically in the application namespace if it can find the same secret also in theolm
namespace.imagePullSecrets: - name: pull-secret
Application constraints should be added to the CSV file. This a descriptor to an exact version of the application about the needed platform resources. When your application will be part of the official application registry these resource needs will be checked and approved by the NDAC team. After that the platform service provider components won't let your application to request and access more resources than you have in the constraints section.
Currently you should describe only your storage needs.Example application constraint:
apiVersion: kind: ClusterServiceVersion metadata: name: indoor.v0.0.1 namespace: placeholder annotations: application-constraints: | storage-service: requests: - name: storage-for-db size: 500Mi spec:
section in the CSV file should be extended with thedisplaName
fields.customresourcedefinitions: owned: - kind: Consul name: version: v1alpha1 + displayName: Consul application + description: Consul application
The binary name of your application operator should be check and updated in the CSV file.
spec: containers: - command: - consul-operator
To access the platform resources the RBAC section should be extended in the CSV file with the API group of the platform request resources:
- apiGroups: - resources: - '*' - consuls verbs: - '*' serviceAccountName: consul-operator
How to test your application operator without App FW in your local environment
After your operator will be able to build. You will need a Kubernetes cluster and there you can deploy your operator with the following command:
make deploy
The applied yaml files can be found under the config/ directory.
The next step is to apply the CR from the config/samples/ to the same namespace where your operator is running. For this phase you should delete the content of the deployment/resource-reqs directory because on your environment the NDAC platform resource providers are not available so your operator won’t be able to get the needed resources and it will interrupt the deployment.
With any empty resource-reqs directory you will see that your operator is deploying your application and when you delete the CR it should delete the deployed components.
After this phase works well you can proceed with the OLM integration. You should install the OLM components in your k8s cluster. It can be done by executing the from here : will have an olm namespace with some components. The olm-operator is the only relevant for you. You need to create a new namespace where your operator will be deployed. And in that namespace first you should create an OLM specific OperatorGroup resource.
This is an example, please replace the “your-namespace” string with the namespace where you want to install your operator.
apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: example-operatorgroup namespace: your-namespace spec: targetNamespaces: - your-namespace
You should apply your CRD and CSV file(packagemanifests/0.0.1/consul.clusterserviceversion.yaml) in the newly created namespace. The CSV will be detected by the olm-operator and it will deploy the operator. If there is some problem, you can check the status part of the installPlan and CSV resources. It should contain the reason why OLM can’t do the deployment.
The last step is the CR creation to trigger the application deployment.
How to test your application operator with the App FW
First you need to build an application-registry which contains your new application.
You can build it manually by cloning this repo. After that you should replace the content of the manifest directory with the packagemanifests/. And finally you should build and push the docker image with these commands:
docker build -t {replace this with your image name} -f upstream-example.Dockerfile . docker push {replace this with your image name}
After you have the new application registry image with your own content in the docker registry, you just need to update the app-registry deployment in your edge which is running in the
namespace. -
At this phase you are still not able to test the application deployment in e2e because the DC side components also need to know about your new application.(app-catalog should be extended with the new app, new license should be created for the application and finally the this new license should be activated for the user). So you should request these modifications from the NDAC team.
After the previously mentioned requirements are fulfilled you can trigger CR upload, Deployment, Undeployment operations via REST API.
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1alpha1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1alpha1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true |
the purpose of this module to filter every event which doesn't have any meaning for the applications.
the purpose of this module to filter every event which doesn't have any meaning for the applications. |