Index ¶
- Constants
- func ClearChannelCaches()
- func ClearFileCaches()
- func ClearPostCaches()
- func ClearUserCaches()
- func ClearWebhookCaches()
- func DecodeBytes(input []byte, thing interface{}) error
- func GetBytes(key interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func IsUniqueConstraintError(err string, indexName []string) bool
- func Must(sc StoreChannel) interface{}
- func UpgradeDatabase(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion31(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion310(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion32(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion33(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion34(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion35(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion36(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion37(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion38(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion39(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion40(sqlStore SqlStore)
- func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion41(sqlStore SqlStore)
- type AuditStore
- type ChannelStore
- type ClusterDiscoveryStore
- type CommandStore
- type ComplianceStore
- type EmojiStore
- type FileInfoStore
- type JobStore
- type LayeredReactionStore
- func (s *LayeredReactionStore) Delete(reaction *model.Reaction) StoreChannel
- func (s *LayeredReactionStore) DeleteAllWithEmojiName(emojiName string) StoreChannel
- func (s *LayeredReactionStore) GetForPost(postId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s *LayeredReactionStore) Save(reaction *model.Reaction) StoreChannel
- type LayeredStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Audit() AuditStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Channel() ChannelStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Close()
- func (s *LayeredStore) ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Command() CommandStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Compliance() ComplianceStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) DropAllTables()
- func (s *LayeredStore) Emoji() EmojiStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) FileInfo() FileInfoStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Job() JobStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) License() LicenseStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
- func (s *LayeredStore) OAuth() OAuthStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Post() PostStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Preference() PreferenceStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Reaction() ReactionStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) RunQuery(queryFunction QueryFunction) StoreChannel
- func (s *LayeredStore) Session() SessionStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Status() StatusStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) System() SystemStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Team() TeamStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Token() TokenStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
- func (s *LayeredStore) TotalReadDbConnections() int
- func (s *LayeredStore) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
- func (s *LayeredStore) User() UserStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore
- func (s *LayeredStore) Webhook() WebhookStore
- type LayeredStoreHint
- type LayeredStoreSupplier
- type LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- type LicenseStore
- type LocalCacheSupplier
- func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier
- func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) SetChainNext(next LayeredStoreSupplier)
- type OAuthStore
- type PostStore
- type PreferenceStore
- type QueryFunction
- type ReactionStore
- type RedisSupplier
- func (s *RedisSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier
- func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *RedisSupplier) SetChainNext(next LayeredStoreSupplier)
- type ResultHandler
- type SessionStore
- type SqlAuditStore
- type SqlChannelStore
- func (s SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel(userId string, otherUserId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlChannelStore) Delete(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) ExtraUpdateByUser(userId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAll(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByName(teamId string, name string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted(teamId string, name string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannelCounts(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannelUnread(channelId, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannels(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetDeleted(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetDeletedByName(teamId string, name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetForPost(postId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetFromMaster(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCount(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache(channelId string) int64
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberForPost(postId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembers(channelId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) GetTeamChannels(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string)
- func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelId string)
- func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannel(id string)
- func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName(teamId, name string)
- func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount(channelId string)
- func (us SqlChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache(userId string, channelId string) bool
- func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDelete(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) Restore(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) Save(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel(directchannel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, ...) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) SearchInTeam(teamId string, term string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) SearchMore(userId string, teamId string, term string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) SetDeleteAt(channelId string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) Update(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel
- type SqlCommandStore
- func (s SqlCommandStore) AnalyticsCommandCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlCommandStore) Delete(commandId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) GetByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) Save(command *model.Command) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlCommandStore) Update(cmd *model.Command) StoreChannel
- type SqlComplianceStore
- func (s SqlComplianceStore) ComplianceExport(job *model.Compliance) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlComplianceStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (us SqlComplianceStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlComplianceStore) GetAll(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlComplianceStore) Save(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlComplianceStore) Update(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel
- type SqlEmojiStore
- func (es SqlEmojiStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (es SqlEmojiStore) Delete(id string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (es SqlEmojiStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (es SqlEmojiStore) GetByName(name string) StoreChannel
- func (es SqlEmojiStore) GetList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (es SqlEmojiStore) Save(emoji *model.Emoji) StoreChannel
- type SqlFileInfoStore
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) AttachToPost(fileId, postId string) StoreChannel
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) DeleteForPost(postId string) StoreChannel
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) GetByPath(path string) StoreChannel
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) GetForPost(postId string, readFromMaster bool, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlFileInfoStore) InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache(postId string)
- func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) Save(info *model.FileInfo) StoreChannel
- type SqlJobStore
- func (jss SqlJobStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (jss SqlJobStore) Delete(id string) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllByStatus(status string) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllByType(jobType string) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllByTypePage(jobType string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) Save(job *model.Job) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) UpdateOptimistically(job *model.Job, currentStatus string) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) UpdateStatus(id string, status string) StoreChannel
- func (jss SqlJobStore) UpdateStatusOptimistically(id string, currentStatus string, newStatus string) StoreChannel
- type SqlLicenseStore
- type SqlOAuthStore
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) DeleteApp(id string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessData(token string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(token string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessDataByUserForApp(userId, clientId string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetApp(id string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAppByUser(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetApps(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAuthData(code string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAuthorizedApps(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetPreviousAccessData(userId, clientId string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) RemoveAccessData(token string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) RemoveAuthData(code string) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) SaveAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) SaveApp(app *model.OAuthApp) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) SaveAuthData(authData *model.AuthData) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) UpdateAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) StoreChannel
- func (as SqlOAuthStore) UpdateApp(app *model.OAuthApp) StoreChannel
- type SqlPostStore
- func (s SqlPostStore) AnalyticsPostCount(teamId string, mustHaveFile bool, mustHaveHashtag bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) AnalyticsPostCountsByDay(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlPostStore) Delete(postId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetEtag(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPosts(userId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForChannel(userId, channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForTeam(userId, teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsBatchForIndexing(startTime int64, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsByIds(postIds []string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsCreatedAt(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) GetSingle(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) InvalidateLastPostTimeCache(channelId string)
- func (s SqlPostStore) Overwrite(post *model.Post) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) PermanentDeleteByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) Save(post *model.Post) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) Search(teamId string, userId string, params *model.SearchParams) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPostStore) Update(newPost *model.Post, oldPost *model.Post) StoreChannel
- type SqlPreferenceStore
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) Delete(userId, category, name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteCategory(userId string, category string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteCategoryAndName(category string, name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteUnusedFeatures()
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) Get(userId string, category string, name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) GetAll(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) GetCategory(userId string, category string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) IsFeatureEnabled(feature, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlPreferenceStore) Save(preferences *model.Preferences) StoreChannel
- type SqlSessionStore
- func (me SqlSessionStore) AnalyticsSessionCount() StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) CleanUpExpiredSessions(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (me SqlSessionStore) Get(sessionIdOrToken string) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) GetSessions(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) Remove(sessionIdOrToken string) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) RemoveAllSessions() StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) Save(session *model.Session) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) UpdateDeviceId(id string, deviceId string, expiresAt int64) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(sessionId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (me SqlSessionStore) UpdateRoles(userId, roles string) StoreChannel
- type SqlStatusStore
- func (s SqlStatusStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlStatusStore) Get(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) GetAllFromTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) GetByIds(userIds []string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) GetOnline() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) GetOnlineAway() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) GetTotalActiveUsersCount() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) ResetAll() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) SaveOrUpdate(status *model.Status) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlStatusStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(userId string, lastActivityAt int64) StoreChannel
- type SqlStore
- type SqlSupplier
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) AlterColumnTypeIfExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, ...) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Audit() AuditStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Channel() ChannelStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Close()
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Command() CommandStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Compliance() ComplianceStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateColumnIfNotExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, ...) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) DoesColumnExist(tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) DoesTableExist(tableName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) DropAllTables()
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Emoji() EmojiStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) FileInfo() FileInfoStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetAllConns() []*gorp.DbMap
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetCurrentSchemaVersion() string
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetMaster() *gorp.DbMap
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) string
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetReplica() *gorp.DbMap
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetSearchReplica() *gorp.DbMap
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Job() JobStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) License() LicenseStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
- func (s *SqlSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) OAuth() OAuthStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Post() PostStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Preference() PreferenceStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Reaction() ReactionStore
- func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) RemoveColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) RemoveIndexIfExists(indexName string, tableName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) RemoveTableIfExists(tableName string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) RenameColumnIfExists(tableName string, oldColumnName string, newColumnName string, colType string) bool
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Session() SessionStore
- func (s *SqlSupplier) SetChainNext(next LayeredStoreSupplier)
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Status() StatusStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) System() SystemStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Team() TeamStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Token() TokenStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) TotalReadDbConnections() int
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) User() UserStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore
- func (ss *SqlSupplier) Webhook() WebhookStore
- type SqlSupplierOldStores
- type SqlSystemStore
- func (s SqlSystemStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlSystemStore) Get() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlSystemStore) GetByName(name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlSystemStore) Save(system *model.System) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlSystemStore) SaveOrUpdate(system *model.System) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlSystemStore) Update(system *model.System) StoreChannel
- type SqlTeamStore
- func (s SqlTeamStore) AnalyticsTeamCount() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlTeamStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetActiveMemberCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAll() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAllTeamListing() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAllTeamPageListing(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetByInviteId(inviteId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetByName(name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams(excludeTeamId, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForTeam(teamId, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetMember(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetMembers(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetMembersByIds(teamId string, userIds []string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetTeamsByUserId(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetTeamsForUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) GetTotalMemberCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) PermanentDelete(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) RemoveMember(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) Save(team *model.Team) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) SaveMember(member *model.TeamMember) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) SearchAll(term string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) SearchByName(name string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) SearchOpen(term string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) Update(team *model.Team) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) UpdateDisplayName(name string, teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlTeamStore) UpdateMember(member *model.TeamMember) StoreChannel
- type SqlTokenStore
- type SqlUserAccessTokenStore
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Delete(tokenId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) DeleteAllForUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Get(tokenId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) GetByToken(tokenString string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) GetByUser(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Save(token *model.UserAccessToken) StoreChannel
- type SqlUserStore
- func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsActiveCount(timePeriod int64) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount() StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount() StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsUniqueUserCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (us SqlUserStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetAll() StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetAllProfiles(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetAllProfilesInChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetAllUsingAuthService(authService string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetByAuth(authData *string, authService string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetByEmail(email string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetByUsername(username string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserStore) GetEtagForAllProfiles() StoreChannel
- func (s SqlUserStore) GetEtagForProfiles(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetForLogin(loginId string, ...) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetNewUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfileByIds(userIds []string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfiles(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesByUsernames(usernames []string, teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesInChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesWithoutTeam(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetSystemAdminProfiles() StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetTotalUsersCount() StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetUnreadCount(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) GetUnreadCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) InvalidatProfileCacheForUser(userId string)
- func (us SqlUserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache(channelId string)
- func (us SqlUserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser(userId string)
- func (us SqlUserStore) PermanentDelete(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) Save(user *model.User) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) Search(teamId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) SearchInChannel(channelId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) SearchNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) SearchNotInTeam(notInTeamId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) SearchWithoutTeam(term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) Update(user *model.User, trustedUpdateData bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateAuthData(userId string, service string, authData *string, email string, resetMfa bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts(userId string, attempts int) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateLastPictureUpdate(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateMfaActive(userId string, active bool) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateMfaSecret(userId, secret string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdatePassword(userId, hashedPassword string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateUpdateAt(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (us SqlUserStore) VerifyEmail(userId string) StoreChannel
- type SqlWebhookStore
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) AnalyticsIncomingCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) AnalyticsOutgoingCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) DeleteIncoming(webhookId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) DeleteOutgoing(webhookId string, time int64) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncoming(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingByTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoing(id string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingByChannel(channelId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingByTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) InvalidateWebhookCache(webhookId string)
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) SaveIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) SaveOutgoing(webhook *model.OutgoingWebhook) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) UpdateIncoming(hook *model.IncomingWebhook) StoreChannel
- func (s SqlWebhookStore) UpdateOutgoing(hook *model.OutgoingWebhook) StoreChannel
- type StatusStore
- type Store
- type StoreChannel
- type StoreResult
- type SystemStore
- type TeamStore
- type TokenStore
- type UserAccessTokenStore
- type UserStore
- type UserWithLastActivityAt
- type WebhookStore
Constants ¶
View Source
View Source
View Source
const ( EMOJI_CACHE_SIZE = 5000 EMOJI_CACHE_SEC = 1800 // 30 mins )
View Source
const ( FILE_INFO_CACHE_SIZE = 25000 FILE_INFO_CACHE_SEC = 1800 // 30 minutes )
View Source
const ( LAST_POST_TIME_CACHE_SIZE = 25000 LAST_POST_TIME_CACHE_SEC = 900 // 15 minutes LAST_POSTS_CACHE_SIZE = 1000 LAST_POSTS_CACHE_SEC = 900 // 15 minutes )
View Source
View Source
View Source
const ( VERSION_4_1_0 = "4.1.0" VERSION_4_0_0 = "4.0.0" VERSION_3_10_0 = "3.10.0" VERSION_3_9_0 = "3.9.0" VERSION_3_8_0 = "3.8.0" VERSION_3_7_0 = "3.7.0" VERSION_3_6_0 = "3.6.0" VERSION_3_5_0 = "3.5.0" VERSION_3_4_0 = "3.4.0" VERSION_3_3_0 = "3.3.0" VERSION_3_2_0 = "3.2.0" VERSION_3_1_0 = "3.1.0" VERSION_3_0_0 = "3.0.0" OLDEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION = VERSION_3_0_0 )
View Source
View Source
const ( MISSING_ACCOUNT_ERROR = "store.sql_user.missing_account.const" MISSING_AUTH_ACCOUNT_ERROR = "store.sql_user.get_by_auth.missing_account.app_error" PROFILES_IN_CHANNEL_CACHE_SIZE = model.CHANNEL_CACHE_SIZE PROFILES_IN_CHANNEL_CACHE_SEC = 900 // 15 mins PROFILE_BY_IDS_CACHE_SIZE = model.SESSION_CACHE_SIZE PROFILE_BY_IDS_CACHE_SEC = 900 // 15 mins USER_SEARCH_OPTION_NAMES_ONLY = "names_only" USER_SEARCH_OPTION_NAMES_ONLY_NO_FULL_NAME = "names_only_no_full_name" USER_SEARCH_OPTION_ALL_NO_FULL_NAME = "all_no_full_name" USER_SEARCH_OPTION_ALLOW_INACTIVE = "allow_inactive" USER_SEARCH_TYPE_NAMES_NO_FULL_NAME = "Username, Nickname" USER_SEARCH_TYPE_NAMES = "Username, FirstName, LastName, Nickname" USER_SEARCH_TYPE_ALL_NO_FULL_NAME = "Username, Nickname, Email" USER_SEARCH_TYPE_ALL = "Username, FirstName, LastName, Nickname, Email" )
View Source
const ( WEBHOOK_CACHE_SIZE = 25000 WEBHOOK_CACHE_SEC = 900 // 15 minutes )
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
FEATURE_TOGGLE_PREFIX = "feature_enabled_"
View Source
const (
MISSING_STATUS_ERROR = "store.sql_status.get.missing.app_error"
View Source
const REDIS_EXPIRY_TIME = 30 * time.Minute
View Source
const (
TEAM_MEMBER_EXISTS_ERROR = "store.sql_team.save_member.exists.app_error"
View Source
const ( // Set HasReactions = true if and only if the post has reactions, update UpdateAt only if HasReactions changes UPDATE_POST_HAS_REACTIONS_QUERY = `` /* 270-byte string literal not displayed */ )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ClearChannelCaches ¶
func ClearChannelCaches()
func ClearFileCaches ¶
func ClearFileCaches()
func ClearPostCaches ¶
func ClearPostCaches()
func ClearUserCaches ¶
func ClearUserCaches()
func ClearWebhookCaches ¶
func ClearWebhookCaches()
func DecodeBytes ¶
func IsUniqueConstraintError ¶
func Must ¶
func Must(sc StoreChannel) interface{}
func UpgradeDatabase ¶
func UpgradeDatabase(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion31 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion31(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion310 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion310(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion32 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion32(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion33 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion33(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion34 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion34(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion35 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion35(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion36 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion36(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion37 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion37(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion38 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion38(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion39 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion39(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion40 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion40(sqlStore SqlStore)
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion41 ¶
func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion41(sqlStore SqlStore)
Types ¶
type AuditStore ¶
type AuditStore interface { Save(audit *model.Audit) StoreChannel Get(user_id string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlAuditStore ¶
func NewSqlAuditStore(sqlStore SqlStore) AuditStore
type ChannelStore ¶
type ChannelStore interface { Save(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel CreateDirectChannel(userId string, otherUserId string) StoreChannel SaveDirectChannel(channel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, member2 *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel Update(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel InvalidateChannel(id string) InvalidateChannelByName(teamId, name string) GetFromMaster(id string) StoreChannel Delete(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel Restore(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel SetDeleteAt(channelId string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel PermanentDelete(channelId string) StoreChannel GetByName(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetByNameIncludeDeleted(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetDeletedByName(team_id string, name string) StoreChannel GetDeleted(team_id string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetChannels(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) StoreChannel GetChannelCounts(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel GetTeamChannels(teamId string) StoreChannel GetAll(teamId string) StoreChannel GetForPost(postId string) StoreChannel SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel GetMembers(channelId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string) IsUserInChannelUseCache(userId string, channelId string) bool GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelId string) GetMemberForPost(postId string, userId string) StoreChannel InvalidateMemberCount(channelId string) GetMemberCountFromCache(channelId string) int64 GetMemberCount(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetPinnedPosts(channelId string) StoreChannel RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userId string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userId string) StoreChannel IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) StoreChannel ExtraUpdateByUser(userId string, time int64) StoreChannel GetMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel SearchInTeam(teamId string, term string) StoreChannel SearchMore(userId string, teamId string, term string) StoreChannel GetMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) StoreChannel AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) StoreChannel GetChannelUnread(channelId, userId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlChannelStore ¶
func NewSqlChannelStore(sqlStore SqlStore) ChannelStore
type ClusterDiscoveryStore ¶
type ClusterDiscoveryStore interface { Save(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) StoreChannel Delete(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) StoreChannel Exists(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) StoreChannel GetAll(discoveryType, clusterName string) StoreChannel SetLastPingAt(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) StoreChannel Cleanup() StoreChannel }
func NewSqlClusterDiscoveryStore ¶
func NewSqlClusterDiscoveryStore(sqlStore SqlStore) ClusterDiscoveryStore
type CommandStore ¶
type CommandStore interface { Save(webhook *model.Command) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel Delete(commandId string, time int64) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel Update(hook *model.Command) StoreChannel AnalyticsCommandCount(teamId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlCommandStore ¶
func NewSqlCommandStore(sqlStore SqlStore) CommandStore
type ComplianceStore ¶
type ComplianceStore interface { Save(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel Update(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetAll(offset, limit int) StoreChannel ComplianceExport(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlComplianceStore ¶
func NewSqlComplianceStore(sqlStore SqlStore) ComplianceStore
type EmojiStore ¶
type EmojiStore interface { Save(emoji *model.Emoji) StoreChannel Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetByName(name string) StoreChannel GetList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel Delete(id string, time int64) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlEmojiStore ¶
func NewSqlEmojiStore(sqlStore SqlStore) EmojiStore
type FileInfoStore ¶
type FileInfoStore interface { Save(info *model.FileInfo) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetByPath(path string) StoreChannel GetForPost(postId string, readFromMaster bool, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache(postId string) AttachToPost(fileId string, postId string) StoreChannel DeleteForPost(postId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlFileInfoStore ¶
func NewSqlFileInfoStore(sqlStore SqlStore) FileInfoStore
type JobStore ¶
type JobStore interface { Save(job *model.Job) StoreChannel UpdateOptimistically(job *model.Job, currentStatus string) StoreChannel UpdateStatus(id string, status string) StoreChannel UpdateStatusOptimistically(id string, currentStatus string, newStatus string) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetAllByType(jobType string) StoreChannel GetAllByTypePage(jobType string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetAllByStatus(status string) StoreChannel Delete(id string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlJobStore ¶
type LayeredReactionStore ¶
type LayeredReactionStore struct {
func (*LayeredReactionStore) Delete ¶
func (s *LayeredReactionStore) Delete(reaction *model.Reaction) StoreChannel
func (*LayeredReactionStore) DeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (s *LayeredReactionStore) DeleteAllWithEmojiName(emojiName string) StoreChannel
func (*LayeredReactionStore) GetForPost ¶
func (s *LayeredReactionStore) GetForPost(postId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (*LayeredReactionStore) Save ¶
func (s *LayeredReactionStore) Save(reaction *model.Reaction) StoreChannel
type LayeredStore ¶
type LayeredStore struct { TmpContext context.Context ReactionStore ReactionStore DatabaseLayer *SqlSupplier LocalCacheLayer *LocalCacheSupplier RedisLayer *RedisSupplier LayerChainHead LayeredStoreSupplier }
func (*LayeredStore) Audit ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Audit() AuditStore
func (*LayeredStore) Channel ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Channel() ChannelStore
func (*LayeredStore) Close ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Close()
func (*LayeredStore) ClusterDiscovery ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore
func (*LayeredStore) Command ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Command() CommandStore
func (*LayeredStore) Compliance ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Compliance() ComplianceStore
func (*LayeredStore) DropAllTables ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) DropAllTables()
func (*LayeredStore) Emoji ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Emoji() EmojiStore
func (*LayeredStore) FileInfo ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) FileInfo() FileInfoStore
func (*LayeredStore) Job ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Job() JobStore
func (*LayeredStore) License ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) License() LicenseStore
func (*LayeredStore) MarkSystemRanUnitTests ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
func (*LayeredStore) OAuth ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) OAuth() OAuthStore
func (*LayeredStore) Post ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Post() PostStore
func (*LayeredStore) Preference ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Preference() PreferenceStore
func (*LayeredStore) Reaction ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Reaction() ReactionStore
func (*LayeredStore) RunQuery ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) RunQuery(queryFunction QueryFunction) StoreChannel
func (*LayeredStore) Session ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Session() SessionStore
func (*LayeredStore) Status ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Status() StatusStore
func (*LayeredStore) System ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) System() SystemStore
func (*LayeredStore) Team ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Team() TeamStore
func (*LayeredStore) Token ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Token() TokenStore
func (*LayeredStore) TotalMasterDbConnections ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
func (*LayeredStore) TotalReadDbConnections ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) TotalReadDbConnections() int
func (*LayeredStore) TotalSearchDbConnections ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
func (*LayeredStore) User ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) User() UserStore
func (*LayeredStore) UserAccessToken ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore
func (*LayeredStore) Webhook ¶
func (s *LayeredStore) Webhook() WebhookStore
type LayeredStoreHint ¶
type LayeredStoreHint int
const ( LSH_NO_CACHE LayeredStoreHint = iota LSH_MASTER_ONLY )
type LayeredStoreSupplier ¶
type LayeredStoreSupplier interface { // // Control // SetChainNext(LayeredStoreSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier // // Reactions //), hints ...LayeredStoreHint) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult }
type LayeredStoreSupplierResult ¶
type LayeredStoreSupplierResult struct {
func NewSupplierResult ¶
func NewSupplierResult() *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
type LicenseStore ¶
type LicenseStore interface { Save(license *model.LicenseRecord) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlLicenseStore ¶
func NewSqlLicenseStore(sqlStore SqlStore) LicenseStore
type LocalCacheSupplier ¶
type LocalCacheSupplier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocalCacheSupplier ¶
func NewLocalCacheSupplier() *LocalCacheSupplier
func (*LocalCacheSupplier) Next ¶
func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier
func (*LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionDelete ¶
func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionGetForPost ¶
func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionSave ¶
func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*LocalCacheSupplier) SetChainNext ¶
func (s *LocalCacheSupplier) SetChainNext(next LayeredStoreSupplier)
type OAuthStore ¶
type OAuthStore interface { SaveApp(app *model.OAuthApp) StoreChannel UpdateApp(app *model.OAuthApp) StoreChannel GetApp(id string) StoreChannel GetAppByUser(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetApps(offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetAuthorizedApps(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel DeleteApp(id string) StoreChannel SaveAuthData(authData *model.AuthData) StoreChannel GetAuthData(code string) StoreChannel RemoveAuthData(code string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(userId string) StoreChannel SaveAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) StoreChannel UpdateAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) StoreChannel GetAccessData(token string) StoreChannel GetAccessDataByUserForApp(userId, clientId string) StoreChannel GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(token string) StoreChannel GetPreviousAccessData(userId, clientId string) StoreChannel RemoveAccessData(token string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlOAuthStore ¶
func NewSqlOAuthStore(sqlStore SqlStore) OAuthStore
type PostStore ¶
type PostStore interface { Save(post *model.Post) StoreChannel Update(newPost *model.Post, oldPost *model.Post) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetSingle(id string) StoreChannel Delete(postId string, time int64) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel GetPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetFlaggedPosts(userId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetFlaggedPostsForTeam(userId, teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetFlaggedPostsForChannel(userId, channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetEtag(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel Search(teamId string, userId string, params *model.SearchParams) StoreChannel AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay(teamId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsPostCountsByDay(teamId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsPostCount(teamId string, mustHaveFile bool, mustHaveHashtag bool) StoreChannel InvalidateLastPostTimeCache(channelId string) GetPostsCreatedAt(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel Overwrite(post *model.Post) StoreChannel GetPostsByIds(postIds []string) StoreChannel GetPostsBatchForIndexing(startTime int64, limit int) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlPostStore ¶
type PreferenceStore ¶ added in v1.2.1
type PreferenceStore interface { Save(preferences *model.Preferences) StoreChannel Get(userId string, category string, name string) StoreChannel GetCategory(userId string, category string) StoreChannel GetAll(userId string) StoreChannel Delete(userId, category, name string) StoreChannel DeleteCategory(userId string, category string) StoreChannel DeleteCategoryAndName(category string, name string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel IsFeatureEnabled(feature, userId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlPreferenceStore ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewSqlPreferenceStore(sqlStore SqlStore) PreferenceStore
type QueryFunction ¶
type QueryFunction func(LayeredStoreSupplier) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
type ReactionStore ¶
type ReactionStore interface { Save(reaction *model.Reaction) StoreChannel Delete(reaction *model.Reaction) StoreChannel GetForPost(postId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel DeleteAllWithEmojiName(emojiName string) StoreChannel }
type RedisSupplier ¶
type RedisSupplier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRedisSupplier ¶
func NewRedisSupplier() *RedisSupplier
func (*RedisSupplier) Next ¶
func (s *RedisSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier
func (*RedisSupplier) ReactionDelete ¶
func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*RedisSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*RedisSupplier) ReactionGetForPost ¶
func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*RedisSupplier) ReactionSave ¶
func (s *RedisSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*RedisSupplier) SetChainNext ¶
func (s *RedisSupplier) SetChainNext(next LayeredStoreSupplier)
type ResultHandler ¶
type ResultHandler func(*StoreResult)
type SessionStore ¶
type SessionStore interface { Save(session *model.Session) StoreChannel Get(sessionIdOrToken string) StoreChannel GetSessions(userId string) StoreChannel GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId string) StoreChannel Remove(sessionIdOrToken string) StoreChannel RemoveAllSessions() StoreChannel PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser(teamId string) StoreChannel UpdateLastActivityAt(sessionId string, time int64) StoreChannel UpdateRoles(userId string, roles string) StoreChannel UpdateDeviceId(id string, deviceId string, expiresAt int64) StoreChannel AnalyticsSessionCount() StoreChannel }
func NewSqlSessionStore ¶
func NewSqlSessionStore(sqlStore SqlStore) SessionStore
type SqlAuditStore ¶
type SqlAuditStore struct {
func (SqlAuditStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlAuditStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlAuditStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlAuditStore) Get(user_id string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlAuditStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlAuditStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlAuditStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlAuditStore) Save(audit *model.Audit) StoreChannel
type SqlChannelStore ¶
type SqlChannelStore struct {
func (SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel(userId string, otherUserId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlChannelStore) Delete ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) Delete(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) ExtraUpdateByUser ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) ExtraUpdateByUser(userId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetAll ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAll(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetByName ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByName(teamId string, name string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted(teamId string, name string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetChannelCounts ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannelCounts(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetChannelUnread ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannelUnread(channelId, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetChannels ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannels(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetDeleted ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetDeleted(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetDeletedByName ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetDeletedByName(teamId string, name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetForPost ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetForPost(postId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetFromMaster ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetFromMaster(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMember ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCount ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCount(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache(channelId string) int64
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMemberForPost ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMemberForPost(postId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMembers ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembers(channelId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMembersByIds ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMembersForUser ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetMoreChannels ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) GetTeamChannels ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) GetTeamChannels(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser ¶
func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string)
func (SqlChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps ¶
func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelId string)
func (SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannel ¶
func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannel(id string)
func (SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName ¶
func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName(teamId, name string)
func (SqlChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount ¶
func (us SqlChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount(channelId string)
func (SqlChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache ¶
func (us SqlChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache(userId string, channelId string) bool
func (SqlChannelStore) PermanentDelete ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDelete(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) RemoveMember ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) Restore ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) Restore(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) Save(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel(directchannel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, member2 *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) SaveMember ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) SearchInTeam ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) SearchInTeam(teamId string, term string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) SearchMore ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) SearchMore(userId string, teamId string, term string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) SetDeleteAt ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) SetDeleteAt(channelId string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) Update ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) Update(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt ¶
func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlChannelStore) UpdateMember ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel
type SqlCommandStore ¶
type SqlCommandStore struct {
func (SqlCommandStore) AnalyticsCommandCount ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) AnalyticsCommandCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlCommandStore) Delete ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) Delete(commandId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) GetByTeam ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) GetByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) Save(command *model.Command) StoreChannel
func (SqlCommandStore) Update ¶
func (s SqlCommandStore) Update(cmd *model.Command) StoreChannel
type SqlComplianceStore ¶
type SqlComplianceStore struct {
func (SqlComplianceStore) ComplianceExport ¶
func (s SqlComplianceStore) ComplianceExport(job *model.Compliance) StoreChannel
func (SqlComplianceStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlComplianceStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlComplianceStore) Get ¶
func (us SqlComplianceStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlComplianceStore) GetAll ¶
func (s SqlComplianceStore) GetAll(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlComplianceStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlComplianceStore) Save(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel
func (SqlComplianceStore) Update ¶
func (us SqlComplianceStore) Update(compliance *model.Compliance) StoreChannel
type SqlEmojiStore ¶
type SqlEmojiStore struct {
func (SqlEmojiStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (es SqlEmojiStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlEmojiStore) Delete ¶
func (es SqlEmojiStore) Delete(id string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlEmojiStore) Get ¶
func (es SqlEmojiStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlEmojiStore) GetByName ¶
func (es SqlEmojiStore) GetByName(name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlEmojiStore) GetList ¶
func (es SqlEmojiStore) GetList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlEmojiStore) Save ¶
func (es SqlEmojiStore) Save(emoji *model.Emoji) StoreChannel
type SqlFileInfoStore ¶
type SqlFileInfoStore struct {
func (SqlFileInfoStore) AttachToPost ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) AttachToPost(fileId, postId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlFileInfoStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlFileInfoStore) DeleteForPost ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) DeleteForPost(postId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlFileInfoStore) Get ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlFileInfoStore) GetByPath ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) GetByPath(path string) StoreChannel
func (SqlFileInfoStore) GetForPost ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) GetForPost(postId string, readFromMaster bool, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlFileInfoStore) InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache ¶
func (s SqlFileInfoStore) InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache(postId string)
func (SqlFileInfoStore) Save ¶
func (fs SqlFileInfoStore) Save(info *model.FileInfo) StoreChannel
type SqlJobStore ¶
type SqlJobStore struct {
func (SqlJobStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlJobStore) Delete ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) Delete(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) Get ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) GetAllByStatus ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllByStatus(status string) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) GetAllByType ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllByType(jobType string) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) GetAllByTypePage ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllByTypePage(jobType string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) GetAllPage ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) Save ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) Save(job *model.Job) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) UpdateOptimistically ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) UpdateOptimistically(job *model.Job, currentStatus string) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) UpdateStatus ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) UpdateStatus(id string, status string) StoreChannel
func (SqlJobStore) UpdateStatusOptimistically ¶
func (jss SqlJobStore) UpdateStatusOptimistically(id string, currentStatus string, newStatus string) StoreChannel
type SqlLicenseStore ¶
type SqlLicenseStore struct {
func (SqlLicenseStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (ls SqlLicenseStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlLicenseStore) Get ¶
func (ls SqlLicenseStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlLicenseStore) Save ¶
func (ls SqlLicenseStore) Save(license *model.LicenseRecord) StoreChannel
type SqlOAuthStore ¶
type SqlOAuthStore struct {
func (SqlOAuthStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlOAuthStore) DeleteApp ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) DeleteApp(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessData(token string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessDataByRefreshToken ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(token string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessDataByUserForApp ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAccessDataByUserForApp(userId, clientId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetApp ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetApp(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetAppByUser ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAppByUser(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetApps ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetApps(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetAuthData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAuthData(code string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetAuthorizedApps ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetAuthorizedApps(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) GetPreviousAccessData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) GetPreviousAccessData(userId, clientId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (as SqlOAuthStore) PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) RemoveAccessData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) RemoveAccessData(token string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) RemoveAuthData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) RemoveAuthData(code string) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) SaveAccessData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) SaveAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) SaveApp ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) SaveApp(app *model.OAuthApp) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) SaveAuthData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) SaveAuthData(authData *model.AuthData) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) UpdateAccessData ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) UpdateAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) StoreChannel
func (SqlOAuthStore) UpdateApp ¶
func (as SqlOAuthStore) UpdateApp(app *model.OAuthApp) StoreChannel
type SqlPostStore ¶
type SqlPostStore struct {
func (SqlPostStore) AnalyticsPostCount ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPostStore) AnalyticsPostCount(teamId string, mustHaveFile bool, mustHaveHashtag bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) AnalyticsPostCountsByDay ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPostStore) AnalyticsPostCountsByDay(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPostStore) AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlPostStore) Delete ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) Delete(postId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetEtag ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetEtag(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPosts ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPosts(userId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForChannel ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForChannel(userId, channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForTeam ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForTeam(userId, teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPosts ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPostsAfter ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPostsBatchForIndexing ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsBatchForIndexing(startTime int64, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPostsBefore ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPostsByIds ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsByIds(postIds []string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPostsCreatedAt ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsCreatedAt(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetPostsSince ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) GetSingle ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) GetSingle(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) InvalidateLastPostTimeCache ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) InvalidateLastPostTimeCache(channelId string)
func (SqlPostStore) Overwrite ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) Overwrite(post *model.Post) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) PermanentDeleteByChannel ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) PermanentDeleteByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlPostStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) Save(post *model.Post) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) Search ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) Search(teamId string, userId string, params *model.SearchParams) StoreChannel
func (SqlPostStore) Update ¶
func (s SqlPostStore) Update(newPost *model.Post, oldPost *model.Post) StoreChannel
type SqlPreferenceStore ¶ added in v1.2.1
type SqlPreferenceStore struct {
func (SqlPreferenceStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlPreferenceStore) Delete ¶
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) Delete(userId, category, name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteCategory ¶
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteCategory(userId string, category string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteCategoryAndName ¶
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteCategoryAndName(category string, name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteUnusedFeatures ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) DeleteUnusedFeatures()
func (SqlPreferenceStore) Get ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) Get(userId string, category string, name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) GetAll ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) GetAll(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) GetCategory ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) GetCategory(userId string, category string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) IsFeatureEnabled ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) IsFeatureEnabled(feature, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlPreferenceStore) Save ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlPreferenceStore) Save(preferences *model.Preferences) StoreChannel
type SqlSessionStore ¶
type SqlSessionStore struct {
func (SqlSessionStore) AnalyticsSessionCount ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) AnalyticsSessionCount() StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) CleanUpExpiredSessions ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) CleanUpExpiredSessions(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlSessionStore) Get ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) Get(sessionIdOrToken string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) GetSessions ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) GetSessions(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (me SqlSessionStore) PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) Remove ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) Remove(sessionIdOrToken string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) RemoveAllSessions ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) RemoveAllSessions() StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) Save ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) Save(session *model.Session) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) UpdateDeviceId ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) UpdateDeviceId(id string, deviceId string, expiresAt int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) UpdateLastActivityAt ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(sessionId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlSessionStore) UpdateRoles ¶
func (me SqlSessionStore) UpdateRoles(userId, roles string) StoreChannel
type SqlStatusStore ¶
type SqlStatusStore struct {
func (SqlStatusStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlStatusStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) Get(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) GetAllFromTeam ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) GetAllFromTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) GetByIds ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) GetByIds(userIds []string) StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) GetOnline ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) GetOnline() StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) GetOnlineAway ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) GetOnlineAway() StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) GetTotalActiveUsersCount ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) GetTotalActiveUsersCount() StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) ResetAll ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) ResetAll() StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) SaveOrUpdate ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) SaveOrUpdate(status *model.Status) StoreChannel
func (SqlStatusStore) UpdateLastActivityAt ¶
func (s SqlStatusStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(userId string, lastActivityAt int64) StoreChannel
type SqlStore ¶
type SqlStore interface { GetCurrentSchemaVersion() string GetMaster() *gorp.DbMap GetSearchReplica() *gorp.DbMap GetReplica() *gorp.DbMap TotalMasterDbConnections() int TotalReadDbConnections() int TotalSearchDbConnections() int MarkSystemRanUnitTests() DoesTableExist(tablename string) bool DoesColumnExist(tableName string, columName string) bool CreateColumnIfNotExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, postgresColType string, defaultValue string) bool RemoveColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) bool RemoveTableIfExists(tableName string) bool RenameColumnIfExists(tableName string, oldColumnName string, newColumnName string, colType string) bool GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) string AlterColumnTypeIfExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, postgresColType string) bool CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool RemoveIndexIfExists(indexName string, tableName string) bool GetAllConns() []*gorp.DbMap Close() Team() TeamStore Channel() ChannelStore Post() PostStore User() UserStore Audit() AuditStore ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore Compliance() ComplianceStore Session() SessionStore OAuth() OAuthStore System() SystemStore Webhook() WebhookStore Command() CommandStore Preference() PreferenceStore License() LicenseStore Token() TokenStore Emoji() EmojiStore Status() StatusStore FileInfo() FileInfoStore Reaction() ReactionStore Job() JobStore UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore }
type SqlSupplier ¶
type SqlSupplier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSqlSupplier ¶
func NewSqlSupplier() *SqlSupplier
func (*SqlSupplier) AlterColumnTypeIfExists ¶
func (*SqlSupplier) Audit ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Audit() AuditStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Channel ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Channel() ChannelStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Close ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Close()
func (*SqlSupplier) ClusterDiscovery ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Command ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Command() CommandStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Compliance ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Compliance() ComplianceStore
func (*SqlSupplier) CreateColumnIfNotExists ¶
func (*SqlSupplier) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) CreateIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) DoesColumnExist ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) DoesColumnExist(tableName string, columnName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) DoesTableExist ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) DoesTableExist(tableName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) DropAllTables ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) DropAllTables()
func (*SqlSupplier) Emoji ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Emoji() EmojiStore
func (*SqlSupplier) FileInfo ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) FileInfo() FileInfoStore
func (*SqlSupplier) GetAllConns ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetAllConns() []*gorp.DbMap
func (*SqlSupplier) GetCurrentSchemaVersion ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetCurrentSchemaVersion() string
func (*SqlSupplier) GetMaster ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetMaster() *gorp.DbMap
func (*SqlSupplier) GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) string
func (*SqlSupplier) GetReplica ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetReplica() *gorp.DbMap
func (*SqlSupplier) GetSearchReplica ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) GetSearchReplica() *gorp.DbMap
func (*SqlSupplier) Job ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Job() JobStore
func (*SqlSupplier) License ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) License() LicenseStore
func (*SqlSupplier) MarkSystemRanUnitTests ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
func (*SqlSupplier) Next ¶
func (s *SqlSupplier) Next() LayeredStoreSupplier
func (*SqlSupplier) OAuth ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) OAuth() OAuthStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Post ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Post() PostStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Preference ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Preference() PreferenceStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Reaction ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Reaction() ReactionStore
func (*SqlSupplier) ReactionDelete ¶
func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*SqlSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*SqlSupplier) ReactionGetForPost ¶
func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*SqlSupplier) ReactionSave ¶
func (s *SqlSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints ...LayeredStoreHint) *LayeredStoreSupplierResult
func (*SqlSupplier) RemoveColumnIfExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) RemoveColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) RemoveIndexIfExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) RemoveIndexIfExists(indexName string, tableName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) RemoveTableIfExists ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) RemoveTableIfExists(tableName string) bool
func (*SqlSupplier) RenameColumnIfExists ¶
func (*SqlSupplier) Session ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Session() SessionStore
func (*SqlSupplier) SetChainNext ¶
func (s *SqlSupplier) SetChainNext(next LayeredStoreSupplier)
func (*SqlSupplier) Status ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Status() StatusStore
func (*SqlSupplier) System ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) System() SystemStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Team ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Team() TeamStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Token ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Token() TokenStore
func (*SqlSupplier) TotalMasterDbConnections ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
func (*SqlSupplier) TotalReadDbConnections ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) TotalReadDbConnections() int
func (*SqlSupplier) TotalSearchDbConnections ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
func (*SqlSupplier) User ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) User() UserStore
func (*SqlSupplier) UserAccessToken ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore
func (*SqlSupplier) Webhook ¶
func (ss *SqlSupplier) Webhook() WebhookStore
type SqlSupplierOldStores ¶
type SqlSupplierOldStores struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SqlSystemStore ¶
type SqlSystemStore struct {
func (SqlSystemStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlSystemStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlSystemStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlSystemStore) Get() StoreChannel
func (SqlSystemStore) GetByName ¶
func (s SqlSystemStore) GetByName(name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlSystemStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlSystemStore) Save(system *model.System) StoreChannel
func (SqlSystemStore) SaveOrUpdate ¶
func (s SqlSystemStore) SaveOrUpdate(system *model.System) StoreChannel
func (SqlSystemStore) Update ¶
func (s SqlSystemStore) Update(system *model.System) StoreChannel
type SqlTeamStore ¶
type SqlTeamStore struct {
func (SqlTeamStore) AnalyticsTeamCount ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) AnalyticsTeamCount() StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlTeamStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetActiveMemberCount ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetActiveMemberCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetAll ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAll() StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetAllPage ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetAllTeamListing ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAllTeamListing() StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetAllTeamPageListing ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetAllTeamPageListing(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetByInviteId ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetByInviteId(inviteId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetByName ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetByName(name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams(excludeTeamId, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForTeam ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForTeam(teamId, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetMember ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetMember(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetMembers ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetMembers(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetMembersByIds ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetMembersByIds(teamId string, userIds []string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetTeamsByUserId ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetTeamsByUserId(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetTeamsForUser ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetTeamsForUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) GetTotalMemberCount ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) GetTotalMemberCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) PermanentDelete ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlTeamStore) PermanentDelete(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByTeam ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByUser ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) RemoveMember ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) RemoveMember(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) Save(team *model.Team) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) SaveMember ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) SaveMember(member *model.TeamMember) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) SearchAll ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) SearchAll(term string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) SearchByName ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) SearchByName(name string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) SearchOpen ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) SearchOpen(term string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) Update ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) Update(team *model.Team) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) UpdateDisplayName ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) UpdateDisplayName(name string, teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTeamStore) UpdateMember ¶
func (s SqlTeamStore) UpdateMember(member *model.TeamMember) StoreChannel
type SqlTokenStore ¶
type SqlTokenStore struct {
func (SqlTokenStore) Cleanup ¶
func (s SqlTokenStore) Cleanup()
func (SqlTokenStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlTokenStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlTokenStore) Delete ¶
func (s SqlTokenStore) Delete(token string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTokenStore) GetByToken ¶
func (s SqlTokenStore) GetByToken(tokenString string) StoreChannel
func (SqlTokenStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlTokenStore) Save(token *model.Token) StoreChannel
type SqlUserAccessTokenStore ¶
type SqlUserAccessTokenStore struct {
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Delete ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Delete(tokenId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) DeleteAllForUser ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) DeleteAllForUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Get ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Get(tokenId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) GetByToken ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) GetByToken(tokenString string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) GetByUser ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) GetByUser(userId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Save ¶
func (s SqlUserAccessTokenStore) Save(token *model.UserAccessToken) StoreChannel
type SqlUserStore ¶
type SqlUserStore struct {
func (SqlUserStore) AnalyticsActiveCount ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsActiveCount(timePeriod int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount() StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount() StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) AnalyticsUniqueUserCount ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) AnalyticsUniqueUserCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlUserStore) Get ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetAll ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetAll() StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetAllProfiles ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetAllProfiles(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetAllProfilesInChannel ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetAllProfilesInChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetAllUsingAuthService ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetAllUsingAuthService(authService string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetByAuth ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetByAuth(authData *string, authService string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetByEmail ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetByEmail(email string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetByUsername ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetByUsername(username string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetEtagForAllProfiles ¶
func (s SqlUserStore) GetEtagForAllProfiles() StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetEtagForProfiles ¶
func (s SqlUserStore) GetEtagForProfiles(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetForLogin ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetForLogin(loginId string, allowSignInWithUsername, allowSignInWithEmail, ldapEnabled bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetNewUsersForTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetNewUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfileByIds ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfileByIds(userIds []string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfiles ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfiles(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfilesByUsernames ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesByUsernames(usernames []string, teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfilesInChannel ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesInChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfilesNotInChannel ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfilesNotInTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetProfilesWithoutTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetProfilesWithoutTeam(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetSystemAdminProfiles ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (us SqlUserStore) GetSystemAdminProfiles() StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetTotalUsersCount ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetTotalUsersCount() StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetUnreadCount ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetUnreadCount(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) GetUnreadCountForChannel ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) GetUnreadCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) InvalidatProfileCacheForUser ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) InvalidatProfileCacheForUser(userId string)
func (SqlUserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache(channelId string)
func (SqlUserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser(userId string)
func (SqlUserStore) PermanentDelete ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (us SqlUserStore) PermanentDelete(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) Save ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) Save(user *model.User) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) Search ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) Search(teamId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) SearchInChannel ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) SearchInChannel(channelId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) SearchNotInChannel ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) SearchNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) SearchNotInTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) SearchNotInTeam(notInTeamId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) SearchWithoutTeam ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) SearchWithoutTeam(term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) Update ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) Update(user *model.User, trustedUpdateData bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdateAuthData ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateAuthData(userId string, service string, authData *string, email string, resetMfa bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts(userId string, attempts int) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdateLastPictureUpdate ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateLastPictureUpdate(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdateMfaActive ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateMfaActive(userId string, active bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdateMfaSecret ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateMfaSecret(userId, secret string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdatePassword ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdatePassword(userId, hashedPassword string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) UpdateUpdateAt ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) UpdateUpdateAt(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlUserStore) VerifyEmail ¶
func (us SqlUserStore) VerifyEmail(userId string) StoreChannel
type SqlWebhookStore ¶
type SqlWebhookStore struct {
func (SqlWebhookStore) AnalyticsIncomingCount ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) AnalyticsIncomingCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) AnalyticsOutgoingCount ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) AnalyticsOutgoingCount(teamId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists()
func (SqlWebhookStore) DeleteIncoming ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) DeleteIncoming(webhookId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) DeleteOutgoing ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) DeleteOutgoing(webhookId string, time int64) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetIncoming ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncoming(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingByChannel ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingByTeam ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingByTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingList ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetIncomingList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoing ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoing(id string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingByChannel ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingByChannel(channelId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingByTeam ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingByTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingList ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) GetOutgoingList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) InvalidateWebhookCache ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) InvalidateWebhookCache(webhookId string)
func (SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SqlWebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser(userId string) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) SaveIncoming ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) SaveIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) SaveOutgoing ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) SaveOutgoing(webhook *model.OutgoingWebhook) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) UpdateIncoming ¶
func (s SqlWebhookStore) UpdateIncoming(hook *model.IncomingWebhook) StoreChannel
func (SqlWebhookStore) UpdateOutgoing ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s SqlWebhookStore) UpdateOutgoing(hook *model.OutgoingWebhook) StoreChannel
type StatusStore ¶
type StatusStore interface { SaveOrUpdate(status *model.Status) StoreChannel Get(userId string) StoreChannel GetByIds(userIds []string) StoreChannel GetOnlineAway() StoreChannel GetOnline() StoreChannel GetAllFromTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel ResetAll() StoreChannel GetTotalActiveUsersCount() StoreChannel UpdateLastActivityAt(userId string, lastActivityAt int64) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlStatusStore ¶
func NewSqlStatusStore(sqlStore SqlStore) StatusStore
type Store ¶
type Store interface { Team() TeamStore Channel() ChannelStore Post() PostStore User() UserStore Audit() AuditStore ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore Compliance() ComplianceStore Session() SessionStore OAuth() OAuthStore System() SystemStore Webhook() WebhookStore Command() CommandStore Preference() PreferenceStore License() LicenseStore Token() TokenStore Emoji() EmojiStore Status() StatusStore FileInfo() FileInfoStore Reaction() ReactionStore Job() JobStore UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore MarkSystemRanUnitTests() Close() DropAllTables() TotalMasterDbConnections() int TotalReadDbConnections() int TotalSearchDbConnections() int }
func NewLayeredStore ¶
func NewLayeredStore() Store
type StoreChannel ¶
type StoreChannel chan StoreResult
type StoreResult ¶
type SystemStore ¶
type SystemStore interface { Save(system *model.System) StoreChannel SaveOrUpdate(system *model.System) StoreChannel Update(system *model.System) StoreChannel Get() StoreChannel GetByName(name string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlSystemStore ¶
func NewSqlSystemStore(sqlStore SqlStore) SystemStore
type TeamStore ¶
type TeamStore interface { Save(team *model.Team) StoreChannel Update(team *model.Team) StoreChannel UpdateDisplayName(name string, teamId string) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetByName(name string) StoreChannel SearchByName(name string) StoreChannel SearchAll(term string) StoreChannel SearchOpen(term string) StoreChannel GetAll() StoreChannel GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetAllTeamListing() StoreChannel GetAllTeamPageListing(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetTeamsByUserId(userId string) StoreChannel GetByInviteId(inviteId string) StoreChannel PermanentDelete(teamId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsTeamCount() StoreChannel SaveMember(member *model.TeamMember) StoreChannel UpdateMember(member *model.TeamMember) StoreChannel GetMember(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel GetMembers(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetMembersByIds(teamId string, userIds []string) StoreChannel GetTotalMemberCount(teamId string) StoreChannel GetActiveMemberCount(teamId string) StoreChannel GetTeamsForUser(userId string) StoreChannel GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams(excludeTeamId, userId string) StoreChannel GetChannelUnreadsForTeam(teamId, userId string) StoreChannel RemoveMember(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel RemoveAllMembersByTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel RemoveAllMembersByUser(userId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlTeamStore ¶
type TokenStore ¶
type TokenStore interface { Save(recovery *model.Token) StoreChannel Delete(token string) StoreChannel GetByToken(token string) StoreChannel Cleanup() }
func NewSqlTokenStore ¶
func NewSqlTokenStore(sqlStore SqlStore) TokenStore
type UserAccessTokenStore ¶
type UserAccessTokenStore interface { Save(token *model.UserAccessToken) StoreChannel Delete(tokenId string) StoreChannel DeleteAllForUser(userId string) StoreChannel Get(tokenId string) StoreChannel GetByToken(tokenString string) StoreChannel GetByUser(userId string, page, perPage int) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlUserAccessTokenStore ¶
func NewSqlUserAccessTokenStore(sqlStore SqlStore) UserAccessTokenStore
type UserStore ¶
type UserStore interface { Save(user *model.User) StoreChannel Update(user *model.User, allowRoleUpdate bool) StoreChannel UpdateLastPictureUpdate(userId string) StoreChannel UpdateUpdateAt(userId string) StoreChannel UpdatePassword(userId, newPassword string) StoreChannel UpdateAuthData(userId string, service string, authData *string, email string, resetMfa bool) StoreChannel UpdateMfaSecret(userId, secret string) StoreChannel UpdateMfaActive(userId string, active bool) StoreChannel Get(id string) StoreChannel GetAll() StoreChannel InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser(userId string) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache(channelId string) GetProfilesInChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetAllProfilesInChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetProfilesNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetProfilesWithoutTeam(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetProfilesByUsernames(usernames []string, teamId string) StoreChannel GetAllProfiles(offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetProfiles(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetProfileByIds(userId []string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel InvalidatProfileCacheForUser(userId string) GetByEmail(email string) StoreChannel GetByAuth(authData *string, authService string) StoreChannel GetAllUsingAuthService(authService string) StoreChannel GetByUsername(username string) StoreChannel GetForLogin(loginId string, allowSignInWithUsername, allowSignInWithEmail, ldapEnabled bool) StoreChannel VerifyEmail(userId string) StoreChannel GetEtagForAllProfiles() StoreChannel GetEtagForProfiles(teamId string) StoreChannel UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts(userId string, attempts int) StoreChannel GetTotalUsersCount() StoreChannel GetSystemAdminProfiles() StoreChannel PermanentDelete(userId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsUniqueUserCount(teamId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsActiveCount(time int64) StoreChannel GetUnreadCount(userId string) StoreChannel GetUnreadCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) StoreChannel GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetNewUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel Search(teamId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel SearchNotInTeam(notInTeamId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel SearchInChannel(channelId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel SearchNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel SearchWithoutTeam(term string, options map[string]bool) StoreChannel AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount() StoreChannel AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount() StoreChannel GetProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) StoreChannel GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string) StoreChannel }
func NewSqlUserStore ¶
type UserWithLastActivityAt ¶
type WebhookStore ¶
type WebhookStore interface { SaveIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) StoreChannel GetIncoming(id string, allowFromCache bool) StoreChannel GetIncomingList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetIncomingByTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel UpdateIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) StoreChannel GetIncomingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel DeleteIncoming(webhookId string, time int64) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser(userId string) StoreChannel SaveOutgoing(webhook *model.OutgoingWebhook) StoreChannel GetOutgoing(id string) StoreChannel GetOutgoingList(offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetOutgoingByChannel(channelId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel GetOutgoingByTeam(teamId string, offset, limit int) StoreChannel DeleteOutgoing(webhookId string, time int64) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel(channelId string) StoreChannel PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser(userId string) StoreChannel UpdateOutgoing(hook *model.OutgoingWebhook) StoreChannel AnalyticsIncomingCount(teamId string) StoreChannel AnalyticsOutgoingCount(teamId string) StoreChannel InvalidateWebhookCache(webhook string) }
func NewSqlWebhookStore ¶
func NewSqlWebhookStore(sqlStore SqlStore) WebhookStore
Source Files
- layered_store.go
- layered_store_hints.go
- layered_store_supplier.go
- local_cache_supplier.go
- local_cache_supplier_reactions.go
- redis_supplier.go
- sql_audit_store.go
- sql_channel_store.go
- sql_cluster_discovery_store.go
- sql_command_store.go
- sql_compliance_store.go
- sql_emoji_store.go
- sql_file_info_store.go
- sql_job_store.go
- sql_license_store.go
- sql_oauth_store.go
- sql_post_store.go
- sql_preference_store.go
- sql_session_store.go
- sql_status_store.go
- sql_store.go
- sql_supplier.go
- sql_supplier_reactions.go
- sql_system_store.go
- sql_team_store.go
- sql_tokens_store.go
- sql_upgrade.go
- sql_user_access_token_store.go
- sql_user_store.go
- sql_webhook_store.go
- store.go
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