GoTokenizers is a Go module implementing some of the most used
state-of-the-art natural language tokenizers.
This is a work-in-progress port from the original Hugging Face's
tokenizers, written in Rust.
The project's goal is the creation of a similar tokenization library
entirely written in Go - that is, without requiring foreign language
integrations. Without having any competitive performance ambition, we simply
aim to provide a good alternative for the Go community.
Warning: the development is currently in its very early stage. We are
progressively porting to Go the original Rust code, which in turn is under
active development.
We want to quickly reach a stable complete port of the library, so we are
adopting a mostly quantitative approach. That means that we are consciously
sacrificing code elegance and performance, keeping instead a stricter
parallelism between the original Rust code and the newly written Go code.
Only on a second phase, once we have a first complete library port, we expect
to focus on cleaning, refactoring, testing, and maybe even re-engineering
some components. Eventually, we will evaluate further expansions, and a
possible integration or combination with the
spago library. However, as you can guess,
it's too soon to tell!
GoTokenizers is licensed under the
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.
This project is strongly based on
Hugging Face Tokenizers,
which is licensed under the
Apache License 2.0.