Advent of Code 2022

Solutions for the 2022 Advent of Code
This project makes use of Go 1.19.
go mod download
go test ./...
Running the Solutions
To run a solution, use the problem name followed by the path to an input file.
For example, to run problem 2a:
$ go run main.go 1 a
Answer: 1532
Took 1.5586ms
Adding New Solutions
A generator program is included that makes templates for each day, automatically
downloading challenge input and updating the root command to add new subcommands
for each problem. Running go generate
from the repo root will generate the
following for each day that is currently accessible:
: A "glue" file combining commands for both of the day's problems to simplify wiring up subcommands
: The main problem implementation, containing a cobra command A
and the implementation func a(*challenge.Input) int
: A basic test template
: The main problem implementation, containing a cobra command B
and the implementation func b(*challenge.Input) int
: A basic test template
: The challenge input
Additionally, challenge/cmd/cmd.go
will be regenerated to import and add all
This requires goimports
be available on your $PATH
. Additionally, you must be
logged into in Chrome so the generator can use your session
cookie to download challenge input.
Existing solutions and challenge inputs will be skipped instead of regenerated.
These solutions are licensed under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for details.