Nitric Membrane Plugins
The Nitric Plugins represent pluggable services that back the unified nitric service APIs
Providers are a collection of plugin factories, these are compiled into Go plugins to be loaded by the pluggable memrane.
Example providers:
Gateway Plugin
Gateway plugins are used to abstract implementation detail for application input/output. This usually involves presenting some kind of external interface (for example a HTTP server), normalizing incoming data from this interface to pass to the hosted application (over HTTP) and then denormalizing output to be returned back to the hosted environment.
Official Gateway Plugins:
- AWS Lambda
- AWS HTTP (typically used with ECS)
- GCP HTTP (typically used with Cloud Run)
- Dev HTTP (used for local development)
events Plugin
events plugins are used for communication between services, it exposes a simple publish model that allows NitricEvent(s) to be pushed onto topics. Topic subscriptions are normally defined at deploy time and configured through the Nitric Stack definition file.
Official events Plugins:
Document Plugin
Documents plugins are used to provide a queryable key value store interface that allows users to store simple object data under a given collection and key.
Official Document Plugins:
Queue Plugin
Queue plugins provide a simple push/pop interface allowing users to asynchronously process batch operations.
Official Queue Plugins:
Storage Plugins
Storage plugins provide access to provide blob stores, allowing storage of files using a simple bucket/key interface for storage and retrieval.
Official Storage Plugins:
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
The Digital Ocean App Platform HTTP gateway plugin
The Digital Ocean App Platform HTTP gateway plugin |
The Digital Ocean App Platform HTTP gateway plugin
The Digital Ocean App Platform HTTP gateway plugin |
The GCP HTTP gateway plugin for CloudRun
The GCP HTTP gateway plugin for CloudRun |
The AWS HTTP gateway plugin
The AWS HTTP gateway plugin |