
v10.12.8 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Feb 5, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 52 Imported by: 0




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const (
	OS_PATH_SEPARATOR            = string(os.PathSeparator)
	EXTENDED_PATH_PREFIX         = `\\?\`
	Dev_Null                     = os.DevNull

	//  this is the perm that AzCopy has used throughout its preview.  So, while we considered relaxing it to 0666
	//  we decided that the best option was to leave it as is, and only relax it if user feedback so requires.

	// Since we haven't updated the Go SDKs to handle CPK just yet, we need to detect CPK related errors
	// and inform the user that we don't support CPK yet.
	CPK_ERROR_SERVICE_CODE = "BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption"
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const (
	DefaultBlockBlobBlockSize      = 8 * 1024 * 1024
	MaxBlockBlobBlockSize          = 4000 * 1024 * 1024
	MaxAppendBlobBlockSize         = 4 * 1024 * 1024
	DefaultPageBlobChunkSize       = 4 * 1024 * 1024
	DefaultAzureFileChunkSize      = 4 * 1024 * 1024
	MaxNumberOfBlocksPerBlob       = 50000
	BlockSizeThreshold             = 256 * 1024 * 1024
	MinParallelChunkCountThreshold = 4 /* minimum number of chunks in parallel for AzCopy to be performant. */


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const ApplicationID = "579a7132-0e58-4d80-b1e1-7a1e2d337859"

ApplicationID represents 1st party ApplicationID for AzCopy. const ApplicationID = "a45c21f4-7066-40b4-97d8-14f4313c3caa" // 3rd party test ApplicationID for AzCopy.

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const AzcopyVersion = "10.12.2"
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const BackupModeFlagName = "backup" // original name, backup mode, matches the name used for the same thing in Robocopy
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const BenchmarkFinalDisclaimer = `` /* 226-byte string literal not displayed */
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const BenchmarkLinuxExtraDisclaimer = `` /* 159-byte string literal not displayed */
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const BenchmarkPreviewNotice = "The benchmark feature is currently in Preview status."
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const BenchmarkUserAgent = "Benchmark " + UserAgent
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const DefaultActiveDirectoryEndpoint = ""
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const DefaultTenantID = "common"
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const EncryptionAlgorithmAES256 string = "AES256"

Default Encryption Algorithm Supported

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const EnvVarOAuthTokenInfo = "AZCOPY_OAUTH_TOKEN_INFO"

EnvVarOAuthTokenInfo passes oauth token info into AzCopy through environment variable. Note: this is only used for testing, and not encouraged to be used in production environments.

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const ErrorCodeEnvVarOAuthTokenInfoNotSet = "environment variable AZCOPY_OAUTH_TOKEN_INFO is not set"

ErrorCodeEnvVarOAuthTokenInfoNotSet defines error code when environment variable AZCOPY_OAUTH_TOKEN_INFO is not set.

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const FileCountDefault = 100
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const FileCountParam = "file-count"
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const GCPImportUserAgent = "GCPImport " + UserAgent
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const IMDSAPIVersionArcVM = "2019-11-01"
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const IMDSAPIVersionAzureVM = "2018-02-01"
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const IncludeAfterFlagName = "include-after"
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const IncludeBeforeFlagName = "include-before"
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const MSIEndpointArcVM = "http://localhost:40342/metadata/identity/oauth2/token"
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const MSIEndpointAzureVM = ""
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const PreserveOwnerDefault = true
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const PreserveOwnerFlagName = "preserve-owner"
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const Resource = ""

Resource used in azure storage OAuth authentication

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const S3ImportUserAgent = "S3Import " + UserAgent
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const SigAzure = azbfs.SigAzure
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const SigXAmzForAws = azbfs.SigXAmzForAws
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const SizePerFileParam = "size-per-file"
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const TokenRefreshSourceTokenStore = "tokenstore"

TokenRefreshSourceTokenStore indicates enabling azcopy oauth integration through tokenstore. Note: This should be only used for internal integrations.

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const TryEquals string = "Try=" // TODO: refactor so that this can be used by the retry policies too?  So that when you search the logs for Try= you are guaranteed to find both types of retry (i.e. request send retries, and body read retries)
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const UserAgent = "AzCopy/" + AzcopyVersion
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Refer to for details


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var AzcopyJobPlanFolder string
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var BenchmarkLmt = time.Date(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
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var ChunkWriterAlreadyFailed = errors.New("chunk Writer already failed")
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var DefaultHashValidationOption = EHashValidationOption.FailIfDifferent()
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var DefaultInvalidMetadataHandleOption = EInvalidMetadataHandleOption.ExcludeIfInvalid()
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var DefaultTokenExpiryWithinThreshold = time.Minute * 10
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var EBenchMarkMode = BenchMarkMode(0)
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var EBlobType = BlobType(0)
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var EBlockBlobTier = BlockBlobTier(0)
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var ECompressionType = CompressionType(0)
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var ECredentialType = CredentialType(0)
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var EDeleteDestination = DeleteDestination(0)
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var EDeleteSnapshotsOption = DeleteSnapshotsOption(0)


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var EEntityType = EntityType(0)
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var EEnvironmentVariable = EnvironmentVariable{}
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var EExitCode = ExitCode(0)
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var EFolderPropertiesOption = FolderPropertyOption(0)
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var EFromTo = FromTo(0)
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var EHashValidationOption = HashValidationOption(0)
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var EInvalidMetadataHandleOption = InvalidMetadataHandleOption(0)
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var EJobPriority = JobPriority(0)
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var EJobStatus = JobStatus(0)
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var ELocation = Location(0)
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var EOutputFormat = OutputFormat(0)
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var EOverwriteOption = OverwriteOption(0)
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var EPageBlobTier = PageBlobTier(0)
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var EPerfConstraint = PerfConstraint(0)
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var EPreservePermissionsOption = PreservePermissionsOption(0)
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var EPromptType = PromptType("")
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var EResponseOption = ResponseOption{ResponseType: "", UserFriendlyResponseType: "", ResponseString: ""}

represents one possible response

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var ERpcCmd = RpcCmd("")
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var ETransferDirection = TransferDirection(0)
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var ETransferStatus = TransferStatus(0)
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var EWaitReason = WaitReason{0, ""}
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var GlobalTestOAuthInjection = TestOAuthInjection{
	DoTokenRefreshInjection: false,
	TokenRefreshDuration:    time.Second * 10,

GlobalTestOAuthInjection is the global setting for OAuth testing injection control

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var ProxyLookupTimeoutError = errors.New("proxy lookup timed out")
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var RootDriveRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(^[A-Z]:\/?$)`)

The regex doesn't require a / on the ending, it just requires something similar to the following C: C:/ //myShare //myShare/ demonstrated at:

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var RootShareRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(^\/\/[^\/]*\/?$)`)
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var VisibleEnvironmentVariables = []EnvironmentVariable{

This array needs to be updated when a new public environment variable is added Things are here, rather than in command line parameters for one of two reasons: 1. They are optional and obscure (e.g. performance tuning parameters) or 2. They are authentication secrets, which we do not accept on the command line


func AtomicMorphInt32

func AtomicMorphInt32(target *int32, morpher AtomicMorpherInt32) interface{}

AtomicMorph atomically morphs target in to new value (and result) as indicated by the AtomicMorpher callback function.

func AtomicMorphInt64

func AtomicMorphInt64(target *int64, morpher AtomicMorpherInt64) interface{}

AtomicMorph atomically morphs target in to new value (and result) as indicated bythe AtomicMorpher callback function.

func AtomicMorphUint32

func AtomicMorphUint32(target *uint32, morpher AtomicMorpherUint32) interface{}

AtomicMorph atomically morphs target in to new value (and result) as indicated bythe AtomicMorpher callback function.

func AtomicMorphUint64

func AtomicMorphUint64(target *uint64, morpher AtomicMorpherUint64) interface{}

AtomicMorph atomically morphs target in to new value (and result) as indicated bythe AtomicMorpher callback function.

func ConsolidatePathSeparators

func ConsolidatePathSeparators(path string) string

Replace azcopy path separators (/) with the OS path separator

func CreateBlobCredential

func CreateBlobCredential(ctx context.Context, credInfo CredentialInfo, options CredentialOpOptions) azblob.Credential

CreateBlobCredential creates Blob credential according to credential info.

func CreateBlobFSCredential

func CreateBlobFSCredential(ctx context.Context, credInfo CredentialInfo, options CredentialOpOptions) azbfs.Credential

CreateBlobFSCredential creates BlobFS credential according to credential info.

func CreateDirectoryIfNotExist

func CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(directory string, tracker FolderCreationTracker) error

func CreateFileOfSizeWithWriteThroughOption

func CreateFileOfSizeWithWriteThroughOption(destinationPath string, fileSize int64, writeThrough bool, t FolderCreationTracker, forceIfReadOnly bool) (*os.File, error)

func CreateGCPClient

func CreateGCPClient(ctx context.Context) (*gcpUtils.Client, error)

==================================================================== GCP credential factory related methods ====================================================================

func CreateParentDirectoryIfNotExist

func CreateParentDirectoryIfNotExist(destinationPath string, tracker FolderCreationTracker) error

func CreateS3Client

func CreateS3Client(ctx context.Context, credInfo CredentialInfo, option CredentialOpOptions) (*minio.Client, error)

============================================================================================== S3 credential related factory methods ==============================================================================================

func CreateS3Credential

func CreateS3Credential(ctx context.Context, credInfo CredentialInfo, options CredentialOpOptions) (*credentials.Credentials, error)

CreateS3Credential creates AWS S3 credential according to credential info.

func DeterminePathSeparator

func DeterminePathSeparator(path string) string

func DocumentationForDependencyOnChangeDetection

func DocumentationForDependencyOnChangeDetection()

func EnvVarOAuthTokenInfoExists

func EnvVarOAuthTokenInfoExists() bool

EnvVarOAuthTokenInfoExists verifies if environment variable for OAuthTokenInfo is specified. The method returns true if the environment variable is set. Note: This is useful for only checking whether the env var exists, please use getTokenInfoFromEnvVar directly in the case getting token info is necessary.

func GenerateFullPath

func GenerateFullPath(rootPath, childPath string) string

it's possible that enumerators didn't form rootPath and childPath correctly for them to be combined plainly so we must behave defensively and make sure the full path is correct

func GenerateFullPathWithQuery

func GenerateFullPathWithQuery(rootPath, childPath, extraQuery string) string

func GetBlocksRoundedUp

func GetBlocksRoundedUp(size uint64, blockSize uint64) uint16

GetBlocksRoundedUp returns the number of blocks given sie, rounded up

func GetClientProvidedKey

func GetClientProvidedKey(options CpkOptions) azblob.ClientProvidedKeyOptions

func GetJsonStringFromTemplate

func GetJsonStringFromTemplate(template interface{}) string

func IffError

func IffError(test bool, trueVal, falseVal error) error

inline if functions

func IffString

func IffString(test bool, trueVal, falseVal string) string

func IffStringNotNil

func IffStringNotNil(wanted *string, instead string) string

used to get properties in a safe, but not so verbose manner

func IffUint8

func IffUint8(test bool, trueVal, falseVal uint8) byte

func Iffint16

func Iffint16(test bool, trueVal, falseVal int16) int16

func Iffint32

func Iffint32(test bool, trueVal, falseVal int32) int32

func Iffint64

func Iffint64(test bool, trueVal, falseVal int64) int64

func Iffint8

func Iffint8(test bool, trueVal, falseVal int8) int8

func Iffloat64

func Iffloat64(test bool, trueVal, falseVal float64) float64

func Iffuint16

func Iffuint16(test bool, trueVal, falseVal uint16) uint16

func Iffuint32

func Iffuint32(test bool, trueVal, falseVal uint32) uint32

func Iffuint64

func Iffuint64(test bool, trueVal, falseVal uint64) uint64

func IsErrorEnvVarOAuthTokenInfoNotSet

func IsErrorEnvVarOAuthTokenInfoNotSet(err error) bool

IsErrorEnvVarOAuthTokenInfoNotSet verifies if an error indicates environment variable AZCOPY_OAUTH_TOKEN_INFO is not set.

func IsForceLoggingDisabled

func IsForceLoggingDisabled() bool


func IsGCPURL(u url.URL) bool

IsGCPURL validates whether a given URL is a valid GCP Object/Service/Bucket URL

func IsS3URL

func IsS3URL(u url.URL) bool

IsS3URL verfies if a given URL points to S3 URL supported by AzCopy-v10

func IsShortPath

func IsShortPath(s string) bool

func NewAzCopyLogSanitizer

func NewAzCopyLogSanitizer() pipeline.LogSanitizer

func NewDecompressingWriter

func NewDecompressingWriter(destination io.WriteCloser, ct CompressionType) io.WriteCloser

NewDecompressingWriter returns a WriteCloser which decompresses the data that is written to it, before passing the decompressed data on to a final destination. This decompressor is intended to work with compressed data wrapped in either the ZLib headers or the slightly larger Gzip headers. Both of those formats compress a single file (often a .tar archive in the case of Gzip). So there is no need to to expand the decompressed info out into multiple files (as we would have to do, if we were to support "zip" compression). See

func NewNullHasher

func NewNullHasher() hash.Hash

func NewRandomDataGenerator

func NewRandomDataGenerator(length int64) *randomDataGenerator

func NewReadLogFunc

func NewReadLogFunc(logger ILogger, fullUrl *url.URL) func(int, error, int64, int64, bool)

func OSOpenFile

func OSOpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)

NOTE: OSOpenFile not safe to use on directories on Windows. See comment on the Windows version of this routine

func OSStat

func OSStat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)

func PanicIfErr

func PanicIfErr(err error)

captures the common logic of exiting if there's an expected error

func RedactSecretQueryParam

func RedactSecretQueryParam(rawQuery, queryKeyNeedRedact string) (bool, string)

func SetBackupMode

func SetBackupMode(enable bool, fromTo FromTo) error

func ToClientProvidedKeyOptions

func ToClientProvidedKeyOptions(cpkInfo CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo CpkScopeInfo) azblob.ClientProvidedKeyOptions

func ToExtendedPath

func ToExtendedPath(short string) string

ToExtendedPath converts short paths to an extended path.

func ToShortPath

func ToShortPath(long string) string

ToShortPath converts an extended path to a short path.


type AtomicMorpherInt32

type AtomicMorpherInt32 func(startVal int32) (val int32, morphResult interface{})

AtomicMorpherInt32 identifies a method passed to and invoked by the AtomicMorphInt32 function. The AtomicMorpher callback is passed a startValue and based on this value it returns what the new value should be and the result that AtomicMorph should return to its caller.

type AtomicMorpherInt64

type AtomicMorpherInt64 func(startVal int64) (val int64, morphResult interface{})

AtomicMorpherUint64 identifies a method passed to and invoked by the AtomicMorphUint64 function. The AtomicMorpher callback is passed a startValue and based on this value it returns what the new value should be and the result that AtomicMorph should return to its caller.

type AtomicMorpherUint32

type AtomicMorpherUint32 func(startVal uint32) (val uint32, morphResult interface{})

AtomicMorpherUint32 identifies a method passed to and invoked by the AtomicMorph function. The AtomicMorpher callback is passed a startValue and based on this value it returns what the new value should be and the result that AtomicMorph should return to its caller.

type AtomicMorpherUint64

type AtomicMorpherUint64 func(startVal uint64) (val uint64, morphResult interface{})

AtomicMorpherUint64 identifies a method passed to and invoked by the AtomicMorphUint64 function. The AtomicMorpher callback is passed a startValue and based on this value it returns what the new value should be and the result that AtomicMorph should return to its caller.

type AzError

type AzError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AzError is to handle AzCopy internal errors in a fine way

var EAzError AzError

func NewAzError

func NewAzError(base AzError, additionalInfo string) AzError

NewAzError composes an AzError with given code and messgae

func (AzError) Equals

func (lhs AzError) Equals(rhs AzError) bool

func (AzError) Error

func (err AzError) Error() string

func (AzError) ErrorCode

func (err AzError) ErrorCode() uint64

func (AzError) InvalidBlobName

func (err AzError) InvalidBlobName() AzError

func (AzError) LoginCredMissing

func (err AzError) LoginCredMissing() AzError

type BenchMarkMode

type BenchMarkMode uint8

BenchMarkMode enumerates values for Azcopy bench command. Valid values Upload or Download

func (BenchMarkMode) Download

func (BenchMarkMode) Download() BenchMarkMode

func (*BenchMarkMode) Parse

func (bm *BenchMarkMode) Parse(s string) error

func (BenchMarkMode) String

func (bm BenchMarkMode) String() string

func (BenchMarkMode) Upload

func (BenchMarkMode) Upload() BenchMarkMode

type BlobTags

type BlobTags map[string]string

BlobTags is a map of key-value pair

func ToCommonBlobTagsMap

func ToCommonBlobTagsMap(blobTagsString string) BlobTags

func (BlobTags) ToAzBlobTagsMap

func (bt BlobTags) ToAzBlobTagsMap() azblob.BlobTagsMap

ToAzBlobTagsMap converts BlobTagsMap to azblob's BlobTagsMap

func (BlobTags) ToString

func (bt BlobTags) ToString() string

type BlobTransferAttributes

type BlobTransferAttributes struct {
	BlobType                 BlobType              // The type of a blob - BlockBlob, PageBlob, AppendBlob
	ContentType              string                // The content type specified for the blob.
	ContentEncoding          string                // Specifies which content encodings have been applied to the blob.
	ContentLanguage          string                // Specifies the language of the content
	ContentDisposition       string                // Specifies the content disposition
	CacheControl             string                // Specifies the cache control header
	BlockBlobTier            BlockBlobTier         // Specifies the tier to set on the block blobs.
	PageBlobTier             PageBlobTier          // Specifies the tier to set on the page blobs.
	Metadata                 string                // User-defined Name-value pairs associated with the blob
	NoGuessMimeType          bool                  // represents user decision to interpret the content-encoding from source file
	PreserveLastModifiedTime bool                  // when downloading, tell engine to set file's timestamp to timestamp of blob
	PutMd5                   bool                  // when uploading, should we create and PUT Content-MD5 hashes
	MD5ValidationOption      HashValidationOption  // when downloading, how strictly should we validate MD5 hashes?
	BlockSizeInBytes         int64                 // when uploading/downloading/copying, specify the size of each chunk
	DeleteSnapshotsOption    DeleteSnapshotsOption // when deleting, specify what to do with the snapshots
	BlobTagsString           string                // when user explicitly provides blob tags

This struct represents the optional attribute for blob request header

type BlobType

type BlobType uint8

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enumerates the values for blob type.

func FromAzBlobType

func FromAzBlobType(bt azblob.BlobType) BlobType

func (BlobType) AppendBlob

func (BlobType) AppendBlob() BlobType

func (BlobType) BlockBlob

func (BlobType) BlockBlob() BlobType

func (BlobType) Detect

func (BlobType) Detect() BlobType

func (BlobType) PageBlob

func (BlobType) PageBlob() BlobType

func (*BlobType) Parse

func (bt *BlobType) Parse(s string) error

func (BlobType) String

func (bt BlobType) String() string

func (*BlobType) ToAzBlobType

func (bt *BlobType) ToAzBlobType() azblob.BlobType

ToAzBlobType returns the equivalent azblob.BlobType for given string.

type BlockBlobTier

type BlockBlobTier uint8

func (BlockBlobTier) Archive

func (BlockBlobTier) Archive() BlockBlobTier

func (BlockBlobTier) Cool

func (BlockBlobTier) Hot

func (BlockBlobTier) MarshalJSON

func (bbt BlockBlobTier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (BlockBlobTier) None

func (*BlockBlobTier) Parse

func (bbt *BlockBlobTier) Parse(s string) error

func (BlockBlobTier) String

func (bbt BlockBlobTier) String() string

func (BlockBlobTier) ToAccessTierType

func (bbt BlockBlobTier) ToAccessTierType() azblob.AccessTierType

func (*BlockBlobTier) UnmarshalJSON

func (bbt *BlockBlobTier) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

Implementing UnmarshalJSON() method for type BlockBlobTier.

type ByteSlice

type ByteSlice []byte


type ByteSliceExtension

type ByteSliceExtension struct {

func (ByteSliceExtension) RemoveBOM

func (bs ByteSliceExtension) RemoveBOM() []byte

RemoveBOM removes any BOM from the byte slice

type ByteSlicePooler

type ByteSlicePooler interface {
	RentSlice(desiredLength int64) []byte
	ReturnSlice(slice []byte)

A pool of byte slices Like sync.Pool, but strongly-typed to byte slices

func NewMultiSizeSlicePool

func NewMultiSizeSlicePool(maxSliceLength int64) ByteSlicePooler

Create new slice pool capable of pooling slices up to maxSliceLength in size

type CPUMonitor

type CPUMonitor interface {
	CPUContentionExists() bool

func NewCalibratedCpuUsageMonitor

func NewCalibratedCpuUsageMonitor() CPUMonitor

NewCalibratedCpuUsageMonitor should be called early in the app's life cycle, before we are creating any significant CPU load so that it's self-calibration will be accurate

func NewNullCpuMonitor

func NewNullCpuMonitor() CPUMonitor

type CacheLimiter

type CacheLimiter interface {
	TryAdd(count int64, useRelaxedLimit bool) (added bool)
	WaitUntilAdd(ctx context.Context, count int64, useRelaxedLimit Predicate) error
	Remove(count int64)
	Limit() int64

Used to limit the amounts of things. E.g. amount of in-flight data in RAM, to keep it an an acceptable level. Also used for number of open files (since that's limited on Linux). In the case of RAM usage, for downloads, network is producer and disk is consumer, while for uploads the roles are reversed. In either case, if the producer is faster than the consumer, this CacheLimiter is necessary prevent unbounded RAM usage.

func NewCacheLimiter

func NewCacheLimiter(limit int64) CacheLimiter

type CancelPauseResumeResponse

type CancelPauseResumeResponse struct {
	ErrorMsg              string
	CancelledPauseResumed bool

type ChunkID

type ChunkID struct {
	Name string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Identifies a chunk. Always create with NewChunkID

func NewChunkID

func NewChunkID(name string, offsetInFile int64, length int64) ChunkID

func NewPseudoChunkIDForWholeFile

func NewPseudoChunkIDForWholeFile(name string) ChunkID

func (ChunkID) IsPseudoChunk

func (id ChunkID) IsPseudoChunk() bool

func (ChunkID) Length

func (id ChunkID) Length() int64

func (ChunkID) OffsetInFile

func (id ChunkID) OffsetInFile() int64

func (ChunkID) SetCompletionNotificationSent

func (id ChunkID) SetCompletionNotificationSent()

type ChunkReaderSourceFactory

type ChunkReaderSourceFactory func() (CloseableReaderAt, error)

Factory method for data source for singleChunkReader

type ChunkStatusLogger

type ChunkStatusLogger interface {
	LogChunkStatus(id ChunkID, reason WaitReason)
	IsWaitingOnFinalBodyReads() bool

type ChunkStatusLoggerCloser

type ChunkStatusLoggerCloser interface {
	GetCounts(td TransferDirection) []chunkStatusCount
	GetPrimaryPerfConstraint(td TransferDirection, rc RetryCounter) PerfConstraint
	FlushLog() // not close, because we had issues with writes coming in after this // TODO: see if that issue still exists

func NewChunkStatusLogger

func NewChunkStatusLogger(jobID JobID, cpuMon CPUMonitor, logFileFolder string, enableOutput bool) ChunkStatusLoggerCloser

type ChunkedFileWriter

type ChunkedFileWriter interface {

	// WaitToScheduleChunk blocks until enough RAM is available to handle the given chunk, then it
	// "reserves" that amount of RAM in the CacheLimiter and returns.
	WaitToScheduleChunk(ctx context.Context, id ChunkID, chunkSize int64) error

	// EnqueueChunk hands the given chunkContents over to the ChunkedFileWriter, to be written to disk.
	// Because ChunkedFileWriter writes sequentially, the actual time of writing is not known to the caller.
	// All the caller knows, is that responsibility for writing the chunk has been passed to the ChunkedFileWriter.
	// While any error may be returned immediately, errors are more likely to be returned later, on either a subsequent
	// call to this routine or on the final return to Flush.
	// After the chunk is written to disk, its reserved memory byte allocation is automatically subtracted from the CacheLimiter.
	EnqueueChunk(ctx context.Context, id ChunkID, chunkSize int64, chunkContents io.Reader, retryable bool) error

	// Flush will block until all the chunks have been written to disk.  err will be non-nil if and only in any chunk failed to write.
	// Flush must be called exactly once, after all chunks have been enqueued with EnqueueChunk.
	Flush(ctx context.Context) (md5HashOfFileAsWritten []byte, err error)

	// MaxRetryPerDownloadBody returns the maximum number of retries that will be done for the download of a single chunk body
	MaxRetryPerDownloadBody() int

Used to write all the chunks to a disk file

func NewChunkedFileWriter

func NewChunkedFileWriter(ctx context.Context, slicePool ByteSlicePooler, cacheLimiter CacheLimiter, chunkLogger ChunkStatusLogger, file io.WriteCloser, numChunks uint32, maxBodyRetries int, md5ValidationOption HashValidationOption, sourceMd5Exists bool) ChunkedFileWriter

type CloseableReaderAt

type CloseableReaderAt interface {

Simple aggregation of existing io interfaces

type CompressionType

type CompressionType uint8

func GetCompressionType

func GetCompressionType(contentEncoding string) (CompressionType, error)

func (CompressionType) GZip

func (CompressionType) None

func (CompressionType) String

func (ct CompressionType) String() string

func (CompressionType) Unsupported

func (CompressionType) Unsupported() CompressionType

func (CompressionType) ZLib

type CopyJobPartOrderErrorType

type CopyJobPartOrderErrorType string
var ECopyJobPartOrderErrorType CopyJobPartOrderErrorType

func (CopyJobPartOrderErrorType) NoTransfersScheduledErr

func (CopyJobPartOrderErrorType) NoTransfersScheduledErr() CopyJobPartOrderErrorType

type CopyJobPartOrderRequest

type CopyJobPartOrderRequest struct {
	Version         Version         // version of azcopy
	JobID           JobID           // Guid - job identifier
	PartNum         PartNumber      // part number of the job
	IsFinalPart     bool            // to determine the final part for a specific job
	ForceWrite      OverwriteOption // to determine if the existing needs to be overwritten or not. If set to true, existing blobs are overwritten
	ForceIfReadOnly bool            // Supplements ForceWrite with addition setting for Azure Files objects with read-only attribute
	AutoDecompress  bool            // if true, source data with encodings that represent compression are automatically decompressed when downloading
	Priority        JobPriority     // priority of the task
	FromTo          FromTo
	Fpo             FolderPropertyOption // passed in from front-end to ensure that front-end and STE agree on the desired behaviour for the job
	// list of blobTypes to exclude.
	ExcludeBlobType []azblob.BlobType

	SourceRoot      ResourceString
	DestinationRoot ResourceString

	Transfers      Transfers
	LogLevel       LogLevel
	BlobAttributes BlobTransferAttributes
	CommandString  string // commandString hold the user given command which is logged to the Job log file
	CredentialInfo CredentialInfo

	PreserveSMBPermissions         PreservePermissionsOption
	PreserveSMBInfo                bool
	S2SGetPropertiesInBackend      bool
	S2SSourceChangeValidation      bool
	DestLengthValidation           bool
	S2SInvalidMetadataHandleOption InvalidMetadataHandleOption
	S2SPreserveBlobTags            bool
	CpkOptions                     CpkOptions

This struct represents the job info (a single part) to be sent to the storage engine

type CopyJobPartOrderResponse

type CopyJobPartOrderResponse struct {
	ErrorMsg   CopyJobPartOrderErrorType
	JobStarted bool

type CopyTransfer

type CopyTransfer struct {
	Source           string
	Destination      string
	EntityType       EntityType
	LastModifiedTime time.Time //represents the last modified time of source which ensures that source hasn't changed while transferring
	SourceSize       int64     // size of the source entity in bytes.

	// Properties for service to service copy (some also used in upload or download too)
	ContentType        string
	ContentEncoding    string
	ContentDisposition string
	ContentLanguage    string
	CacheControl       string
	ContentMD5         []byte
	Metadata           Metadata

	// Properties for S2S blob copy
	BlobType      azblob.BlobType
	BlobTier      azblob.AccessTierType
	BlobVersionID string
	// Blob index tags categorize data in your storage account utilizing key-value tag attributes
	BlobTags BlobTags

This struct represent a single transfer entry with source and destination details ** DO NOT construct directly. Use cmd.storedObject.ToNewCopyTransfer **

type CountPerSecond

type CountPerSecond interface {
	// Add atomically adds delta to *addr and returns the new value.
	// To subtract a signed positive constant value c, do Add(^uint64(c-1)).
	Add(delta uint64) uint64 // Pass 0 to get the current count value
	LatestRate() float64

CountPerSecond ...

func NewCountPerSecond

func NewCountPerSecond() CountPerSecond

type CpkInfo

type CpkInfo struct {
	// The algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash.
	// Currently, the only accepted value is "AES256".
	// Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided.
	EncryptionAlgorithm *string

	// Optional. Specifies the encryption key to use to encrypt the data provided in the request.
	// If not specified, encryption is performed with the root account encryption key.
	EncryptionKey *string

	// The SHA-256 hash of the provided encryption key.
	// Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided.
	EncryptionKeySha256 *string

func GetCpkInfo

func GetCpkInfo(cpkInfo bool) CpkInfo

func (CpkInfo) Marshal

func (csi CpkInfo) Marshal() (string, error)

type CpkOptions

type CpkOptions struct {
	// Optional flag to encrypt user data with user provided key.
	// Key is provide in the REST request itself
	// Provided key (EncryptionKey and EncryptionKeySHA256) and its hash will be fetched from environment variables
	// Set EncryptionAlgorithm = "AES256" by default.
	CpkInfo bool
	// Key is present in AzureKeyVault and Azure KeyVault is linked with storage account.
	// Provided key name will be fetched from Azure Key Vault and will be used to encrypt the data
	CpkScopeInfo string
	// flag to check if the source is encrypted by user provided key or not.
	// True only if user wishes to download source encrypted by user provided key
	IsSourceEncrypted bool

type CpkScopeInfo

type CpkScopeInfo struct {
	EncryptionScope *string

CpkScopeInfo specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services.

func GetCpkScopeInfo

func GetCpkScopeInfo(cpkScopeInfo string) CpkScopeInfo

func (CpkScopeInfo) Marshal

func (csi CpkScopeInfo) Marshal() (string, error)

type CredCache

type CredCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CredCache manages credential caches. Use keyring in Linux OS. Session keyring is choosed, the session hooks key should be created since user first login (i.e. by pam). So the session is inherited by processes created from login session. When user logout, the session keyring is recycled.

func NewCredCache

func NewCredCache(options CredCacheOptions) *CredCache

NewCredCache creates a cred cache.

func (*CredCache) HasCachedToken

func (c *CredCache) HasCachedToken() (bool, error)

HasCachedToken returns if there is cached token for current executing user.

func (*CredCache) LoadToken

func (c *CredCache) LoadToken() (*OAuthTokenInfo, error)

LoadToken gets the cached oauth token.

func (*CredCache) RemoveCachedToken

func (c *CredCache) RemoveCachedToken() error

RemoveCachedToken deletes the cached token.

func (*CredCache) SaveToken

func (c *CredCache) SaveToken(token OAuthTokenInfo) error

SaveToken saves an oauth token.

type CredCacheInternalIntegration

type CredCacheInternalIntegration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CredCacheInternalIntegration manages credential caches with Gnome keyring. Note: This should be only used for internal integration.

func NewCredCacheInternalIntegration

func NewCredCacheInternalIntegration(options CredCacheOptions) *CredCacheInternalIntegration

NewCredCacheInternalIntegration creates a cred cache.

func (*CredCacheInternalIntegration) HasCachedToken

func (c *CredCacheInternalIntegration) HasCachedToken() (bool, error)

HasCachedToken returns if there is cached token for current executing user.

func (*CredCacheInternalIntegration) LoadToken

LoadToken gets the cached oauth token.

func (*CredCacheInternalIntegration) RemoveCachedToken

func (c *CredCacheInternalIntegration) RemoveCachedToken() error

RemoveCachedToken deletes the cached token.

func (*CredCacheInternalIntegration) SaveToken

SaveToken saves an oauth token.

type CredCacheOptions

type CredCacheOptions struct {
	// Used by credCache in Windows.
	DPAPIFilePath string

	// Used by credCacheSegmented in Windows, and keyring in Linux.
	KeyName string
	// Used by keychain in Mac OS, and gnome keyring in Linux.
	ServiceName string
	AccountName string

CredCacheOptions contains options could be used in different kinds of cred caches in different platform.

type CredentialInfo

type CredentialInfo struct {
	CredentialType    CredentialType
	OAuthTokenInfo    OAuthTokenInfo
	S3CredentialInfo  S3CredentialInfo
	GCPCredentialInfo GCPCredentialInfo

CredentialInfo contains essential credential info which need be transited between modules, and used during creating Azure storage client Credential.

type CredentialOpOptions

type CredentialOpOptions struct {
	LogInfo  func(string)
	LogError func(string)
	Panic    func(error)
	CallerID string

	// Used to cancel operations, if fatal error happened during operation.
	Cancel context.CancelFunc

CredentialOpOptions contains credential operations' parameters.

type CredentialType

type CredentialType uint8

CredentialType defines the different types of credentials

func (CredentialType) Anonymous

func (CredentialType) Anonymous() CredentialType

func (CredentialType) GoogleAppCredentials

func (CredentialType) GoogleAppCredentials() CredentialType

func (CredentialType) OAuthToken

func (CredentialType) OAuthToken() CredentialType

func (*CredentialType) Parse

func (ct *CredentialType) Parse(s string) error

func (CredentialType) S3AccessKey

func (CredentialType) S3AccessKey() CredentialType

func (CredentialType) S3PublicBucket

func (CredentialType) S3PublicBucket() CredentialType

func (CredentialType) SharedKey

func (CredentialType) SharedKey() CredentialType

func (CredentialType) String

func (ct CredentialType) String() string

func (CredentialType) Unknown

func (CredentialType) Unknown() CredentialType

type DeleteDestination

type DeleteDestination uint32

func (DeleteDestination) False

func (*DeleteDestination) Parse

func (dd *DeleteDestination) Parse(s string) error

func (DeleteDestination) Prompt

func (DeleteDestination) String

func (dd DeleteDestination) String() string

func (DeleteDestination) True

type DeleteSnapshotsOption

type DeleteSnapshotsOption uint8

func (DeleteSnapshotsOption) Include

func (DeleteSnapshotsOption) None

func (DeleteSnapshotsOption) Only

func (*DeleteSnapshotsOption) Parse

func (d *DeleteSnapshotsOption) Parse(s string) error

func (DeleteSnapshotsOption) String

func (d DeleteSnapshotsOption) String() string

func (DeleteSnapshotsOption) ToDeleteSnapshotsOptionType

func (d DeleteSnapshotsOption) ToDeleteSnapshotsOptionType() azblob.DeleteSnapshotsOptionType

type EntityType

type EntityType uint8

func (EntityType) File

func (EntityType) File() EntityType

func (EntityType) Folder

func (EntityType) Folder() EntityType

func (EntityType) String

func (e EntityType) String() string

type EnvironmentVariable

type EnvironmentVariable struct {
	Name         string
	DefaultValue string
	Description  string
	Hidden       bool

func (EnvironmentVariable) AADEndpoint

func (EnvironmentVariable) AWSAccessKeyID

func (EnvironmentVariable) AWSAccessKeyID() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) AWSSecretAccessKey

func (EnvironmentVariable) AWSSecretAccessKey() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) AccountKey

func (EnvironmentVariable) AccountName

func (EnvironmentVariable) ApplicationID

func (EnvironmentVariable) ApplicationID() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) AutoLoginType

func (EnvironmentVariable) AutoLoginType() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) AutoTuneToCpu

func (EnvironmentVariable) AutoTuneToCpu() EnvironmentVariable

added in so that CPU usage detection can be disabled if advanced users feel it is causing tuning to be too conservative (i.e. not enough concurrency, due to detected CPU usage)

func (EnvironmentVariable) AwsSessionToken

func (EnvironmentVariable) AwsSessionToken() EnvironmentVariable

AwsSessionToken is temporarily internally reserved, and not exposed to users.

func (EnvironmentVariable) BufferGB

func (EnvironmentVariable) CPKEncryptionKey

func (EnvironmentVariable) CPKEncryptionKey() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) CPKEncryptionKeySHA256

func (EnvironmentVariable) CPKEncryptionKeySHA256() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) CacheProxyLookup

func (EnvironmentVariable) CacheProxyLookup() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) CertificatePassword

func (EnvironmentVariable) CertificatePassword() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) CertificatePath

func (EnvironmentVariable) CertificatePath() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) ClientSecret

func (EnvironmentVariable) ConcurrencyValue

func (EnvironmentVariable) ConcurrencyValue() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) CredentialType

func (EnvironmentVariable) CredentialType() EnvironmentVariable

CredentialType is only used for internal integration.

func (EnvironmentVariable) DefaultServiceApiVersion

func (EnvironmentVariable) DefaultServiceApiVersion() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) DisableHierarchicalScanning

func (EnvironmentVariable) DisableHierarchicalScanning() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) DisableSyslog

func (EnvironmentVariable) DisableSyslog() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) EnumerationPoolSize

func (EnvironmentVariable) EnumerationPoolSize() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) GoogleAppCredentials

func (EnvironmentVariable) GoogleAppCredentials() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) GoogleCloudProject

func (EnvironmentVariable) GoogleCloudProject() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) JobPlanLocation

func (EnvironmentVariable) JobPlanLocation() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) LogLocation

func (EnvironmentVariable) ManagedIdentityClientID

func (EnvironmentVariable) ManagedIdentityClientID() EnvironmentVariable

For MSI login

func (EnvironmentVariable) ManagedIdentityObjectID

func (EnvironmentVariable) ManagedIdentityObjectID() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) ManagedIdentityResourceString

func (EnvironmentVariable) ManagedIdentityResourceString() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) MimeMapping

func (EnvironmentVariable) OAuthTokenInfo

func (EnvironmentVariable) OAuthTokenInfo() EnvironmentVariable

OAuthTokenInfo is only used for internal integration.

func (EnvironmentVariable) OptimizeSparsePageBlobTransfers

func (EnvironmentVariable) OptimizeSparsePageBlobTransfers() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) PacePageBlobs

func (EnvironmentVariable) PacePageBlobs() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) ParallelStatFiles

func (EnvironmentVariable) ParallelStatFiles() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) ProfileCPU

func (EnvironmentVariable) ProfileMemory

func (EnvironmentVariable) ProfileMemory() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) RequestTryTimeout

func (EnvironmentVariable) RequestTryTimeout() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) ShowPerfStates

func (EnvironmentVariable) ShowPerfStates() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) TenantID

func (EnvironmentVariable) TransferInitiationPoolSize

func (EnvironmentVariable) TransferInitiationPoolSize() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) UserAgentPrefix

func (EnvironmentVariable) UserAgentPrefix() EnvironmentVariable

func (EnvironmentVariable) UserDir

type ExclusiveStringMap

type ExclusiveStringMap struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewExclusiveStringMap

func NewExclusiveStringMap(fromTo FromTo, goos string) *ExclusiveStringMap

func (*ExclusiveStringMap) Add

func (e *ExclusiveStringMap) Add(key string) error

Add succeeds if and only if key is not currently in the map

func (*ExclusiveStringMap) Remove

func (e *ExclusiveStringMap) Remove(key string)

type ExitCode

type ExitCode uint32

func (ExitCode) Error

func (ExitCode) Error() ExitCode

func (ExitCode) NoExit

func (ExitCode) NoExit() ExitCode

NoExit is used as a marker, to suppress the normal exit behaviour

func (ExitCode) Success

func (ExitCode) Success() ExitCode

type FileURLPartsExtension

type FileURLPartsExtension struct {


func (FileURLPartsExtension) GetServiceURL

func (parts FileURLPartsExtension) GetServiceURL() url.URL

func (FileURLPartsExtension) GetShareURL

func (parts FileURLPartsExtension) GetShareURL() url.URL

type FolderCreationTracker

type FolderCreationTracker interface {
	RecordCreation(folder string)
	ShouldSetProperties(folder string, overwrite OverwriteOption, prompter Prompter) bool
	StopTracking(folder string)

folderCreationTracker is used to ensure than in an overwrite=false situation we only set folder properties on folders which were created by the current job. (To be consistent with the fact that when overwrite == false, we only set file properties on files created by the current job)

type FolderDeletionFunc

type FolderDeletionFunc func(context.Context, ILogger) bool

folderDeletionFunc should delete the folder IF IT IS EMPTY, and return true. If it is not empty, false must be returned. FolderDeletionManager is allowed to call this on a folder that is not yet empty. In that case, FolderDeletionManager may call it again later. Errors are not returned because of the delay to when deletion might happen, so it's up to the func to do its own logging

type FolderDeletionManager

type FolderDeletionManager interface {

	// RecordChildExists takes a child name and counts it against the child's immediate parent
	// Should be called for both types of child: folders and files.
	// Only counts it against the immediate parent (that's all that's necessary, because we recurse in tryDeletion)
	RecordChildExists(childFileOrFolder *url.URL)

	// RecordChildDelete records that a file, previously passed to RecordChildExists, has now been deleted
	// Only call for files, not folders
	RecordChildDeleted(childFile *url.URL)

	// RequestDeletion registers a function that will be called to delete the given folder, when that
	// folder has no more known children.  May be called before, after or during the time that
	// the folder's children are being passed to RecordChildExists and RecordChildDeleted
	// Warning: only pass in deletionFuncs that will do nothing and return FALSE if the
	// folder is not yet empty. If they return false, they may be called again later.
	RequestDeletion(folder *url.URL, deletionFunc FolderDeletionFunc)

FolderDeletionManager handles the fact that (in most locations) we can't delete folders that still contain files. So it allows us to request deletion of a folder, and have that be attempted after the last file is removed. Note that maybe the apparent last file isn't the last (e.g. there are other files, still to be deleted, in future job parts), in which case any failed deletion will be retried if there's a new "candidate last child" removed. Takes URLs rather than strings because that ensures correct (un)escaping, and makes it clear that we don't support Windows & MacOS local paths (which have cases insensitivity that we don't support here).

func NewFolderDeletionManager

func NewFolderDeletionManager(ctx context.Context, fpo FolderPropertyOption, logger ILogger) FolderDeletionManager

type FolderPropertyOption

type FolderPropertyOption uint8

FolderPropertyOption controls which folders get their properties recorded in the Plan file

func (FolderPropertyOption) AllFolders

func (FolderPropertyOption) AllFoldersExceptRoot

func (FolderPropertyOption) AllFoldersExceptRoot() FolderPropertyOption

func (FolderPropertyOption) NoFolders

func (FolderPropertyOption) Unspecified

no FPO has been selected. Make sure the zero-like value is "unspecified" so that we detect any code paths that that do not nominate any FPO

type FromTo

type FromTo uint16

FromTo defines the different types of sources/destination location combinations FromTo is 16 bit where first 8 bit represents the from location and other 8 bits represents the to location

func (*FromTo) AreBothFolderAware

func (ft *FromTo) AreBothFolderAware() bool

func (FromTo) BenchmarkBlob

func (FromTo) BenchmarkBlob() FromTo

todo: to we really want these? Starts to look like a bit of a combinatorial explosion

func (FromTo) BenchmarkBlobFS

func (FromTo) BenchmarkBlobFS() FromTo

func (FromTo) BenchmarkFile

func (FromTo) BenchmarkFile() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobBlob

func (FromTo) BlobBlob() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobFSLocal

func (FromTo) BlobFSLocal() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobFSTrash

func (FromTo) BlobFSTrash() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobFile

func (FromTo) BlobFile() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobLocal

func (FromTo) BlobLocal() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobPipe

func (FromTo) BlobPipe() FromTo

func (FromTo) BlobTrash

func (FromTo) BlobTrash() FromTo

func (FromTo) FileBlob

func (FromTo) FileBlob() FromTo

func (FromTo) FileFile

func (FromTo) FileFile() FromTo

func (FromTo) FileLocal

func (FromTo) FileLocal() FromTo

func (FromTo) FilePipe

func (FromTo) FilePipe() FromTo

func (FromTo) FileTrash

func (FromTo) FileTrash() FromTo

func (*FromTo) From

func (ft *FromTo) From() Location

func (*FromTo) FromAndTo

func (ft *FromTo) FromAndTo(s string) (srcLocation, dstLocation Location, err error)

func (FromTo) GCPBlob

func (FromTo) GCPBlob() FromTo

func (*FromTo) IsDownload

func (ft *FromTo) IsDownload() bool

func (*FromTo) IsS2S

func (ft *FromTo) IsS2S() bool

func (*FromTo) IsUpload

func (ft *FromTo) IsUpload() bool

func (FromTo) LocalBlob

func (FromTo) LocalBlob() FromTo

func (FromTo) LocalBlobFS

func (FromTo) LocalBlobFS() FromTo

func (FromTo) LocalFile

func (FromTo) LocalFile() FromTo

func (*FromTo) Parse

func (ft *FromTo) Parse(s string) error

func (FromTo) PipeBlob

func (FromTo) PipeBlob() FromTo

func (FromTo) PipeFile

func (FromTo) PipeFile() FromTo

func (FromTo) S3Blob

func (FromTo) S3Blob() FromTo

func (FromTo) String

func (ft FromTo) String() string

func (*FromTo) To

func (ft *FromTo) To() Location

func (FromTo) Unknown

func (FromTo) Unknown() FromTo

type GCPClientFactory

type GCPClientFactory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGCPClientFactory

func NewGCPClientFactory() GCPClientFactory

func (*GCPClientFactory) GetGCPClient

func (f *GCPClientFactory) GetGCPClient(ctx context.Context, credInfo CredentialInfo, option CredentialOpOptions) (*gcpUtils.Client, error)

type GCPCredentialInfo

type GCPCredentialInfo struct {

type GCPObjectInfoExtension

type GCPObjectInfoExtension struct {
	ObjectInfo gcpUtils.ObjectAttrs

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) CacheControl

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) CacheControl() string

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentDisposition

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentDisposition() string

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentEncoding

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentEncoding() string

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentLanguage

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentLanguage() string

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentMD5

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentMD5() []byte

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentType

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) ContentType() string

func (*GCPObjectInfoExtension) NewCommonMetadata

func (gie *GCPObjectInfoExtension) NewCommonMetadata() Metadata

NewCommonMetadata returns a map of user-defined key/value pairs

type GCPURLParts

type GCPURLParts struct {
	Scheme         string
	Host           string
	BucketName     string
	ObjectKey      string
	UnparsedParams string

GCPURLParts structure is used to parse and hold the different components of GCP Object/Service/Bucket URL

func NewGCPURLParts

func NewGCPURLParts(u url.URL) (GCPURLParts, error)

NewGCPURLParts processes the given URL and returns a valid GCPURLParts structure that contains all the necessary components.

func (*GCPURLParts) IsBucketSyntactically

func (gUrl *GCPURLParts) IsBucketSyntactically() bool

func (*GCPURLParts) IsDirectorySyntactically

func (gUrl *GCPURLParts) IsDirectorySyntactically() bool

IsDirectorySyntactically returns true if the given GCPURLParts points to a directory or not based on the path.

func (*GCPURLParts) IsObjectSyntactically

func (gUrl *GCPURLParts) IsObjectSyntactically() bool

func (*GCPURLParts) IsServiceSyntactically

func (gUrl *GCPURLParts) IsServiceSyntactically() bool

func (*GCPURLParts) String

func (gUrl *GCPURLParts) String() string

func (*GCPURLParts) URL

func (gUrl *GCPURLParts) URL() url.URL

URL returns a valid net/url.URL object initialised from the components of GCP URL

type GenericResourceURLParts

type GenericResourceURLParts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GenericResourceURLParts is intended to be a generic solution to code duplication when using *URLParts TODO: Use this to reduce code dupe in the cca.Source and jobPartOrder.Source setups Currently this just contains generic functions for what we *need*. This isn't an overarching, perfect implementation. The above suggestion would be preferable to continuing to expand this (due to 4x code dupe for every function)-- it's just a bridge over a LARGE gap for now.

func NewGenericResourceURLParts

func NewGenericResourceURLParts(resourceURL url.URL, location Location) GenericResourceURLParts

func (GenericResourceURLParts) GetContainerName

func (g GenericResourceURLParts) GetContainerName() string

func (GenericResourceURLParts) GetObjectName

func (g GenericResourceURLParts) GetObjectName() string

func (*GenericResourceURLParts) SetObjectName

func (g *GenericResourceURLParts) SetObjectName(objectName string)

func (GenericResourceURLParts) String

func (g GenericResourceURLParts) String() string

func (GenericResourceURLParts) URL

type GetJobFromToRequest

type GetJobFromToRequest struct {
	JobID JobID

GetJobFromToRequest indicates request to get job's FromTo info from job part plan header

type GetJobFromToResponse

type GetJobFromToResponse struct {
	ErrorMsg    string
	FromTo      FromTo
	Source      string
	Destination string

GetJobFromToResponse indicates response to get job's FromTo info.

type HTTPResponseExtension

type HTTPResponseExtension struct {


func (HTTPResponseExtension) IsSuccessStatusCode

func (r HTTPResponseExtension) IsSuccessStatusCode(successStatusCodes bool

IsSuccessStatusCode checks if response's status code is contained in specified success status codes.

type HashValidationOption

type HashValidationOption uint8

func (HashValidationOption) FailIfDifferent

func (HashValidationOption) FailIfDifferent() HashValidationOption

FailIfDifferent says fail if hashes different, but NOT fail if saved hash is totally missing. This is a balance of convenience (for cases where no hash is saved) vs strictness (to validate strictly when one is present)

func (HashValidationOption) FailIfDifferentOrMissing

func (HashValidationOption) FailIfDifferentOrMissing() HashValidationOption

FailIfDifferentOrMissing is the strictest option, and useful for testing or validation in cases when we _know_ there should be a hash

func (HashValidationOption) LogOnly

LogOnly means only log if missing or different, don't fail the transfer

func (HashValidationOption) MarshalJSON

func (hvo HashValidationOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (HashValidationOption) NoCheck

Do not check hashes at download time at all

func (*HashValidationOption) Parse

func (hvo *HashValidationOption) Parse(s string) error

func (HashValidationOption) String

func (hvo HashValidationOption) String() string

func (*HashValidationOption) UnmarshalJSON

func (hvo *HashValidationOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type ILogger

type ILogger interface {
	ShouldLog(level pipeline.LogLevel) bool
	Log(level pipeline.LogLevel, msg string)
	Panic(err error)

type ILoggerCloser

type ILoggerCloser interface {

func NewAppLogger

func NewAppLogger(minimumLevelToLog pipeline.LogLevel, logFileFolder string) ILoggerCloser

type ILoggerResetable

type ILoggerResetable interface {
	MinimumLogLevel() pipeline.LogLevel
var AzcopyCurrentJobLogger ILoggerResetable

func NewJobLogger

func NewJobLogger(jobID JobID, minimumLevelToLog LogLevel, logFileFolder string, logFileNameSuffix string) ILoggerResetable

type IdentityInfo

type IdentityInfo struct {
	ClientID string `json:"_identity_client_id"`
	ObjectID string `json:"_identity_object_id"`
	MSIResID string `json:"_identity_msi_res_id"`

IdentityInfo contains info for MSI.

func (*IdentityInfo) Validate

func (identityInfo *IdentityInfo) Validate() error

Validate validates identity info, at most only one of clientID, objectID or MSI resource ID could be set.

type InitMsgJsonTemplate

type InitMsgJsonTemplate struct {
	LogFileLocation string
	JobID           string
	IsCleanupJob    bool

type InvalidMetadataHandleOption

type InvalidMetadataHandleOption uint8

func (InvalidMetadataHandleOption) ExcludeIfInvalid

ExcludeIfInvalid indicates whenever invalid metadata key is found, exclude the specific metadata with WARNING logged.

func (InvalidMetadataHandleOption) FailIfInvalid

FailIfInvalid indicates whenever invalid metadata key is found, directly fail the transfer.

func (InvalidMetadataHandleOption) MarshalJSON

func (i InvalidMetadataHandleOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*InvalidMetadataHandleOption) Parse

func (InvalidMetadataHandleOption) RenameIfInvalid

RenameIfInvalid indicates whenever invalid metadata key is found, rename the metadata key and save the metadata with renamed key.

func (InvalidMetadataHandleOption) String

func (*InvalidMetadataHandleOption) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *InvalidMetadataHandleOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type JobID

type JobID UUID

func NewJobID

func NewJobID() JobID

func ParseJobID

func ParseJobID(jobID string) (JobID, error)

func (JobID) IsEmpty

func (j JobID) IsEmpty() bool

var EmptyJobId JobID = JobID{}

func (JobID) MarshalJSON

func (j JobID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Implementing MarshalJSON() method for type JobID

func (JobID) String

func (j JobID) String() string

func (*JobID) UnmarshalJSON

func (j *JobID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

Implementing UnmarshalJSON() method for type JobID

type JobIDDetails

type JobIDDetails struct {
	JobId         JobID
	CommandString string
	StartTime     int64
	JobStatus     JobStatus

type JobPriority

type JobPriority uint8

JobPriority defines the transfer priorities supported by the Storage Transfer Engine's channels The default priority is Normal

func (JobPriority) Low

func (JobPriority) Low() JobPriority

func (JobPriority) Normal

func (JobPriority) Normal() JobPriority

func (JobPriority) String

func (jp JobPriority) String() string

type JobStatus

type JobStatus uint32 // Must be 32-bit for atomic operations

JobStatus indicates the status of a Job; the default is InProgress.

func (JobStatus) All

func (JobStatus) All() JobStatus

func (*JobStatus) AtomicLoad

func (j *JobStatus) AtomicLoad() JobStatus

func (*JobStatus) AtomicStore

func (j *JobStatus) AtomicStore(newJobStatus JobStatus)

func (JobStatus) Cancelled

func (JobStatus) Cancelled() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) Cancelling

func (JobStatus) Cancelling() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) Completed

func (JobStatus) Completed() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) CompletedWithErrors

func (JobStatus) CompletedWithErrors() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) CompletedWithErrorsAndSkipped

func (JobStatus) CompletedWithErrorsAndSkipped() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) CompletedWithSkipped

func (JobStatus) CompletedWithSkipped() JobStatus

func (*JobStatus) EnhanceJobStatusInfo

func (j *JobStatus) EnhanceJobStatusInfo(skippedTransfers, failedTransfers, successfulTransfers bool) JobStatus

func (JobStatus) Failed

func (JobStatus) Failed() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) InProgress

func (JobStatus) InProgress() JobStatus

func (*JobStatus) IsJobDone

func (j *JobStatus) IsJobDone() bool

func (JobStatus) MarshalJSON

func (j JobStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Implementing MarshalJSON() method for type JobStatus

func (*JobStatus) Parse

func (j *JobStatus) Parse(s string) error

func (JobStatus) Paused

func (JobStatus) Paused() JobStatus

func (JobStatus) String

func (js JobStatus) String() string

func (*JobStatus) UnmarshalJSON

func (j *JobStatus) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

Implementing UnmarshalJSON() method for type JobStatus

type JsonOutputTemplate

type JsonOutputTemplate struct {
	TimeStamp      time.Time
	MessageType    string
	MessageContent string // a simple string for INFO and ERROR, a serialized JSON for INIT, PROGRESS, EXIT
	PromptDetails  PromptDetails

defines the general output template when the format is set to json

type LifecycleMgr

type LifecycleMgr interface {
	Init(OutputBuilder)                                          // let the user know the job has started and initial information like log location
	Progress(OutputBuilder)                                      // print on the same line over and over again, not allowed to float up
	Exit(OutputBuilder, ExitCode)                                // indicates successful execution exit after printing, allow user to specify exit code
	Info(string)                                                 // simple print, allowed to float up
	Dryrun(OutputBuilder)                                        // print files for dry run mode
	Error(string)                                                // indicates fatal error, exit after printing, exit code is always Failed (1)
	Prompt(message string, details PromptDetails) ResponseOption // ask the user a question(after erasing the progress), then return the response
	SurrenderControl()                                           // give up control, this should never return
	InitiateProgressReporting(WorkController)                    // start writing progress with another routine
	AllowReinitiateProgressReporting()                           // allow re-initiation of progress reporting for followup job
	GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariable) string           // get the environment variable or its default value
	ClearEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariable)                // clears the environment variable
	SetOutputFormat(OutputFormat)                                // change the output format of the entire application
	EnableInputWatcher()                                         // depending on the command, we may allow user to give input through Stdin
	EnableCancelFromStdIn()                                      // allow user to send in `cancel` to stop the job
	AddUserAgentPrefix(string) string                            // append the global user agent prefix, if applicable
	E2EAwaitContinue()                                           // used by E2E tests
	E2EAwaitAllowOpenFiles()                                     // used by E2E tests
	E2EEnableAwaitAllowOpenFiles(enable bool)                    // used by E2E tests
	IsForceLoggingDisabled() bool

create a public interface so that consumers outside of this package can refer to the lifecycle manager but they would not be able to instantiate one

func GetLifecycleMgr

func GetLifecycleMgr() LifecycleMgr

type ListContainerResponse

type ListContainerResponse struct {
	Blobs []string

ListContainerResponse represents the list of blobs within the container.

type ListJobSummaryResponse

type ListJobSummaryResponse struct {
	ErrorMsg  string
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"-"`
	JobID     JobID
	// TODO: added for debugging purpose. remove later
	ActiveConnections int64 `json:",string"`
	// CompleteJobOrdered determines whether the Job has been completely ordered or not
	CompleteJobOrdered bool
	JobStatus          JobStatus

	TotalTransfers uint32 `json:",string"` // = FileTransfers + FolderPropertyTransfers. It also = TransfersCompleted + TransfersFailed + TransfersSkipped
	// FileTransfers and FolderPropertyTransfers just break the total down into the two types.
	// The name FolderPropertyTransfers is used to emphasise that is is only counting transferring the properties and existence of
	// folders. A "folder property transfer" does not include any files that may be in the folder. Those are counted as
	// FileTransfers.
	FileTransfers           uint32 `json:",string"`
	FolderPropertyTransfers uint32 `json:",string"`

	TransfersCompleted uint32 `json:",string"`
	TransfersFailed    uint32 `json:",string"`
	TransfersSkipped   uint32 `json:",string"`

	// includes bytes sent in retries (i.e. has double counting, if there are retries) and in failed transfers
	BytesOverWire uint64 `json:",string"`

	// does not include failed transfers or bytes sent in retries (i.e. no double counting). Includes successful transfers and transfers in progress
	TotalBytesTransferred uint64 `json:",string"`

	// sum of the total transfer enumerated so far.
	TotalBytesEnumerated uint64 `json:",string"`
	// sum of total bytes expected in the job (i.e. based on our current expectation of which files will be successful)
	TotalBytesExpected uint64 `json:",string"`

	PercentComplete float32 `json:",string"`

	// Stats measured from the network pipeline
	// Values are all-time values, for the duration of the job.
	// Will be zero if read outside the process running the job (e.g. with 'jobs show' command)
	AverageIOPS            int     `json:",string"`
	AverageE2EMilliseconds int     `json:",string"`
	ServerBusyPercentage   float32 `json:",string"`
	NetworkErrorPercentage float32 `json:",string"`

	FailedTransfers  []TransferDetail
	SkippedTransfers []TransferDetail
	PerfConstraint   PerfConstraint
	PerfStrings      []string `json:"-"`

	PerformanceAdvice []PerformanceAdvice
	IsCleanupJob      bool

represents the JobProgressPercentage Summary response for list command when requested the Job Progress Summary for given JobId

type ListJobTransfersRequest

type ListJobTransfersRequest struct {
	JobID    JobID
	OfStatus TransferStatus

type ListJobTransfersResponse

type ListJobTransfersResponse struct {
	ErrorMsg string
	JobID    JobID
	Details  []TransferDetail

represents the list of Details and details of number of transfers

type ListJobsResponse

type ListJobsResponse struct {
	ErrorMessage string
	JobIDDetails []JobIDDetails

ListJobsResponse represent the Job with JobId and

type ListOfFiles

type ListOfFiles struct {
	Files []string

this struct is used to parse the contents of file passed with list-of-files flag.

type ListRequest

type ListRequest struct {
	JobID    JobID
	OfStatus string // TODO: OfStatus with string type sounds not good, change it to enum
	Output   OutputFormat

represents the raw list command input from the user when requested the list of transfer with given status for given JobId

type ListSyncJobSummaryResponse

type ListSyncJobSummaryResponse struct {
	DeleteTotalTransfers     uint32 `json:",string"`
	DeleteTransfersCompleted uint32 `json:",string"`

wraps the standard ListJobSummaryResponse with sync-specific stats

type Location

type Location uint8

Location indicates the type of Location

func (Location) AllStandardLocations

func (Location) AllStandardLocations() []Location

AllStandardLocations returns all locations that are "normal" for testing purposes. Excludes the likes of Unknown, Benchmark and Pipe

func (Location) Benchmark

func (Location) Benchmark() Location

func (Location) Blob

func (Location) Blob() Location

func (Location) BlobFS

func (Location) BlobFS() Location

func (Location) File

func (Location) File() Location

func (Location) GCP

func (Location) GCP() Location

func (Location) IsFolderAware

func (l Location) IsFolderAware() bool

IsFolderAware returns true if the location has real folders (e.g. there's such a thing as an empty folder, and folders may have properties). Folders are only virtual, and so not real, in Blob Storage.

func (Location) IsLocal

func (l Location) IsLocal() bool

func (Location) IsRemote

func (l Location) IsRemote() bool

func (Location) Local

func (Location) Local() Location

func (Location) Pipe

func (Location) Pipe() Location

func (Location) S3

func (Location) S3() Location

func (Location) String

func (l Location) String() string

func (Location) Unknown

func (Location) Unknown() Location

type LogLevel

type LogLevel uint8

func (LogLevel) Debug

func (LogLevel) Debug() LogLevel

func (LogLevel) Error

func (LogLevel) Error() LogLevel

func (LogLevel) Fatal

func (LogLevel) Fatal() LogLevel

func (LogLevel) Info

func (LogLevel) Info() LogLevel

func (LogLevel) None

func (LogLevel) None() LogLevel

func (LogLevel) Panic

func (LogLevel) Panic() LogLevel

func (*LogLevel) Parse

func (ll *LogLevel) Parse(s string) error

func (LogLevel) String

func (ll LogLevel) String() string

func (LogLevel) ToPipelineLogLevel

func (ll LogLevel) ToPipelineLogLevel() pipeline.LogLevel

func (LogLevel) Warning

func (LogLevel) Warning() LogLevel

type MMF

type MMF struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMMF

func NewMMF(file *os.File, writable bool, offset int64, length int64) (*MMF, error)

func (*MMF) Slice

func (m *MMF) Slice() []byte

Slice() returns the memory mapped byte slice

func (*MMF) Unmap

func (m *MMF) Unmap()

To unmap, we need exclusive (write) access to the MMF and then we set isMapped to false so that future readers know the MMF is unusable.

func (*MMF) UnuseMMF

func (m *MMF) UnuseMMF()

RUnlock unlocks the held lock

func (*MMF) UseMMF

func (m *MMF) UseMMF() bool

type Metadata

type Metadata map[string]string

Metadata used in AzCopy.

func FromAzBlobMetadataToCommonMetadata

func FromAzBlobMetadataToCommonMetadata(m azblob.Metadata) Metadata

FromAzBlobMetadataToCommonMetadata converts azblob's metadata to common metadata.

func FromAzFileMetadataToCommonMetadata

func FromAzFileMetadataToCommonMetadata(m azfile.Metadata) Metadata

FromAzFileMetadataToCommonMetadata converts azfile's metadata to common metadata.

func UnMarshalToCommonMetadata

func UnMarshalToCommonMetadata(metadataString string) (Metadata, error)

UnMarshalToCommonMetadata unmarshals string to common metadata.

func (Metadata) ConcatenatedKeys

func (m Metadata) ConcatenatedKeys() string

func (Metadata) ExcludeInvalidKey

func (m Metadata) ExcludeInvalidKey() (retainedMetadata Metadata, excludedMetadata Metadata, invalidKeyExists bool)

func (Metadata) Marshal

func (m Metadata) Marshal() (string, error)

Marshal marshals metadata to string.

func (Metadata) ResolveInvalidKey

func (m Metadata) ResolveInvalidKey() (resolvedMetadata Metadata, err error)

ResolveInvalidKey resolves invalid metadata key with following steps: 1. replace all invalid char(i.e. ASCII chars expect [0-9A-Za-z_]) with '_' 2. add 'rename_' as prefix for the new valid key, this key will be used to save original metadata's value. 3. add 'rename_key_' as prefix for the new valid key, this key will be used to save original metadata's invalid key. Example, given invalid metadata for Azure: '123-invalid':'content', it will be resolved as two new k:v pairs: 'rename_123_invalid':'content' 'rename_key_123_invalid':'123-invalid' So user can try to recover the metadata in Azure side. Note: To keep first version simple, whenever collision is found during key resolving, error will be returned. This can be further improved once any user feedback get.

func (Metadata) ToAzBlobMetadata

func (m Metadata) ToAzBlobMetadata() azblob.Metadata

ToAzBlobMetadata converts metadata to azblob's metadata.

func (Metadata) ToAzFileMetadata

func (m Metadata) ToAzFileMetadata() azfile.Metadata

ToAzFileMetadata converts metadata to azfile's metadata.

type NoCopy

type NoCopy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The NoCopy struct is used as a field inside another struct that should not be copied by value. After embedded this field, the out struct's members can call the Check method which will panic if it detects the out struct has been copied by value.

func (*NoCopy) Check

func (nc *NoCopy) Check()

Check panics if the struct embedded this NoCopy field has been copied by value.

type OAuthTokenInfo

type OAuthTokenInfo struct {
	Tenant                  string `json:"_tenant"`
	ActiveDirectoryEndpoint string `json:"_ad_endpoint"`
	TokenRefreshSource      string `json:"_token_refresh_source"`
	ApplicationID           string `json:"_application_id"`
	Identity                bool   `json:"_identity"`
	IdentityInfo            IdentityInfo
	ServicePrincipalName    bool `json:"_spn"`
	SPNInfo                 SPNInfo
	// Note: ClientID should be only used for internal integrations through env var with refresh token.
	// It indicates the Application ID assigned to your app when you registered it with Azure AD.
	// In this case AzCopy refresh token on behalf of caller.
	// For more details, please refer to
	ClientID string `json:"_client_id"`

OAuthTokenInfo contains info necessary for refresh OAuth credentials.

func (*OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromCert

func (credInfo *OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromCert(ctx context.Context) (*adal.Token, error)

GetNewTokenFromCert refreshes a token manually from a certificate.

func (*OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromMSI

func (credInfo *OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromMSI(ctx context.Context) (*adal.Token, error)

GetNewTokenFromMSI gets token from Azure Instance Metadata Service identity endpoint. It first checks if the VM is registered with Azure Arc. Failing that case, it checks if it is an Azure VM. For details, please refer to Note: Currently the msiTokenHTTPClient timeout is configured for 30 secs. Should be reduced to 5 sec as IMDS endpoint is local to the machine. Without this change, if some router is configured to not return "ICMP unreachable" then it will take 30 secs to timeout and fallback to ARC. For now, this has been mitigated by checking Arc first, and then Azure

func (*OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromSecret

func (credInfo *OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromSecret(ctx context.Context) (*adal.Token, error)

GetNewTokenFromSecret is a refresh shell for secretLoginNoUOTM

func (*OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromTokenStore

func (credInfo *OAuthTokenInfo) GetNewTokenFromTokenStore(ctx context.Context) (*adal.Token, error)

GetNewTokenFromTokenStore gets token from token store. (Credential Manager in Windows, keyring in Linux and keychain in MacOS.) Note: This approach should only be used in internal integrations.

func (OAuthTokenInfo) IsEmpty

func (credInfo OAuthTokenInfo) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns if current OAuthTokenInfo is empty and doesn't contain any useful info.

func (*OAuthTokenInfo) Refresh

func (credInfo *OAuthTokenInfo) Refresh(ctx context.Context) (*adal.Token, error)

Refresh gets new token with token info.

func (*OAuthTokenInfo) RefreshTokenWithUserCredential

func (credInfo *OAuthTokenInfo) RefreshTokenWithUserCredential(ctx context.Context) (*adal.Token, error)

RefreshTokenWithUserCredential gets new token with user credential through refresh.

type ObjectInfoExtension

type ObjectInfoExtension struct {
	ObjectInfo minio.ObjectInfo

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) CacheControl

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) CacheControl() string

CacheControl returns the value for header Cache-Control.

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) ContentDisposition

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) ContentDisposition() string

ContentDisposition returns the value for header Content-Disposition.

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) ContentEncoding

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) ContentEncoding() string

ContentEncoding returns the value for header Content-Encoding.

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) ContentLanguage

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) ContentLanguage() string

ContentLanguage returns the value for header Content-Language.

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) ContentMD5

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) ContentMD5() []byte

ContentMD5 returns the value for header Content-MD5.

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) ContentType

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) ContentType() string

func (*ObjectInfoExtension) NewCommonMetadata

func (oie *ObjectInfoExtension) NewCommonMetadata() Metadata

NewMetadata returns user-defined key/value pairs.

type OutputBuilder

type OutputBuilder func(OutputFormat) string

used for output types that are not simple strings, such as progress and init a given format(text,json) is passed in, and the appropriate string is returned

func GetStandardInitOutputBuilder

func GetStandardInitOutputBuilder(jobID string, logFileLocation string, isCleanupJob bool, cleanupMessage string) OutputBuilder

type OutputFormat

type OutputFormat uint32

func (OutputFormat) Json

func (OutputFormat) Json() OutputFormat

func (OutputFormat) None

func (OutputFormat) None() OutputFormat

func (*OutputFormat) Parse

func (of *OutputFormat) Parse(s string) error

func (OutputFormat) String

func (of OutputFormat) String() string

func (OutputFormat) Text

func (OutputFormat) Text() OutputFormat

type OverwriteOption

type OverwriteOption uint8

func (OverwriteOption) False

func (OverwriteOption) IfSourceNewer

func (OverwriteOption) IfSourceNewer() OverwriteOption

func (*OverwriteOption) Parse

func (o *OverwriteOption) Parse(s string) error

func (OverwriteOption) Prompt

func (OverwriteOption) String

func (o OverwriteOption) String() string

func (OverwriteOption) True

type PageBlobTier

type PageBlobTier uint8

func (PageBlobTier) MarshalJSON

func (pbt PageBlobTier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (PageBlobTier) None

func (PageBlobTier) None() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P10

func (PageBlobTier) P10() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P15

func (PageBlobTier) P15() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P20

func (PageBlobTier) P20() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P30

func (PageBlobTier) P30() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P4

func (PageBlobTier) P40

func (PageBlobTier) P40() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P50

func (PageBlobTier) P50() PageBlobTier

func (PageBlobTier) P6

func (*PageBlobTier) Parse

func (pbt *PageBlobTier) Parse(s string) error

func (PageBlobTier) String

func (pbt PageBlobTier) String() string

func (PageBlobTier) ToAccessTierType

func (pbt PageBlobTier) ToAccessTierType() azblob.AccessTierType

func (*PageBlobTier) UnmarshalJSON

func (pbt *PageBlobTier) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

Implementing UnmarshalJSON() method for type BlockBlobTier.

type PartNumber

type PartNumber uint32

type PerfConstraint

type PerfConstraint int32

func (PerfConstraint) CPU

func (PerfConstraint) Disk

func (PerfConstraint) PageBlobService

func (PerfConstraint) PageBlobService() PerfConstraint

func (*PerfConstraint) Parse

func (pc *PerfConstraint) Parse(s string) error

func (PerfConstraint) Service

func (PerfConstraint) Service() PerfConstraint

func (PerfConstraint) String

func (pc PerfConstraint) String() string

func (PerfConstraint) Unknown

func (PerfConstraint) Unknown() PerfConstraint

type PerformanceAdvice

type PerformanceAdvice struct {

	// Code representing the type of the advice
	Code string `json:"Code"` // reminder that PerformanceAdvice may be serialized in JSON output

	// Human-friendly title (directly corresponds to Code, but more readable)
	Title string

	// Reason why this advice has been given
	Reason string

	// Is this the primary advice (used to distinguish most important advice in cases where multiple advice objects are returned)
	PriorityAdvice bool

type Predicate

type Predicate func() bool

type PreservePermissionsOption

type PreservePermissionsOption uint8

func NewPreservePermissionsOption

func NewPreservePermissionsOption(preserve, includeOwnership bool, fromTo FromTo) PreservePermissionsOption

func (PreservePermissionsOption) ACLsOnly

func (PreservePermissionsOption) IsTruthy

func (p PreservePermissionsOption) IsTruthy() bool

func (PreservePermissionsOption) None

func (PreservePermissionsOption) OwnershipAndACLs

type PrologueState

type PrologueState struct {
	// Leading bytes are the early bytes of the file, to be used
	// for mime-type detection (or nil if file is empty or the bytes code
	// not be read).
	LeadingBytes []byte

PrologueState contains info necessary for different sending operations' prologue.

func (PrologueState) GetInferredContentType

func (ps PrologueState) GetInferredContentType(jptm cutdownJptm) string

type PromptDetails

type PromptDetails struct {
	PromptType      PromptType
	ResponseOptions []ResponseOption // used from prompt messages where we expect a response
	PromptTarget    string           // used when prompt message is targeting a specific resource, ease partner team integration

type PromptType

type PromptType string

func (PromptType) Cancel

func (PromptType) Cancel() PromptType

func (PromptType) DeleteDestination

func (PromptType) DeleteDestination() PromptType

func (PromptType) Overwrite

func (PromptType) Overwrite() PromptType

type Prompter

type Prompter interface {
	ShouldOverwrite(objectPath string, objectType EntityType) bool

type ProxyLookupFunc

type ProxyLookupFunc func(req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) // signature of normal Transport.Proxy lookup
var GlobalProxyLookup ProxyLookupFunc

type ResourceHTTPHeaders

type ResourceHTTPHeaders struct {
	ContentType        string
	ContentMD5         []byte
	ContentEncoding    string
	ContentLanguage    string
	ContentDisposition string
	CacheControl       string

Common resource's HTTP headers stands for properties used in AzCopy.

func (ResourceHTTPHeaders) ToAzBlobHTTPHeaders

func (h ResourceHTTPHeaders) ToAzBlobHTTPHeaders() azblob.BlobHTTPHeaders

ToAzBlobHTTPHeaders converts ResourceHTTPHeaders to azblob's BlobHTTPHeaders.

func (ResourceHTTPHeaders) ToAzFileHTTPHeaders

func (h ResourceHTTPHeaders) ToAzFileHTTPHeaders() azfile.FileHTTPHeaders

ToAzFileHTTPHeaders converts ResourceHTTPHeaders to azfile's FileHTTPHeaders.

func (ResourceHTTPHeaders) ToBlobFSHTTPHeaders

func (h ResourceHTTPHeaders) ToBlobFSHTTPHeaders() azbfs.BlobFSHTTPHeaders

ToBlobFSHTTPHeaders converts ResourceHTTPHeaders to BlobFS Headers.

type ResourceString

type ResourceString struct {
	Value      string
	SAS        string // SAS should NOT be persisted in the plan files (both for security reasons, and because, at the time of any resume, it may be stale anyway. Resume requests fresh SAS on command line)
	ExtraQuery string

ResourceString represents a source or dest string, that can have three parts: the main part, a sas, and extra query parameters that are not part of the sas.

func (ResourceString) Clone

func (r ResourceString) Clone() ResourceString

func (ResourceString) CloneWithConsolidatedSeparators

func (r ResourceString) CloneWithConsolidatedSeparators() ResourceString

func (ResourceString) CloneWithValue

func (r ResourceString) CloneWithValue(newValue string) ResourceString

func (ResourceString) FullURL

func (r ResourceString) FullURL() (*url.URL, error)

func (ResourceString) ValueLocal

func (r ResourceString) ValueLocal() string

to be used when the value is assumed to be a local path Using this signals "Yes, I really am ignoring the SAS and ExtraQuery on purpose", and will result in a panic in the case of programmer error of calling this method when those fields have values

type ResponseOption

type ResponseOption struct {
	ResponseType             string // helps us clarify the user's intent and support partner team's localization
	UserFriendlyResponseType string // text to print in interactive mode
	ResponseString           string // short (abbreviation) string that gets sent back by the user to indicate that this response is chosen

func (ResponseOption) Default

func (ResponseOption) Default() ResponseOption

func (ResponseOption) No

func (ResponseOption) NoForAll

func (ResponseOption) NoForAll() ResponseOption

func (*ResponseOption) Parse

func (o *ResponseOption) Parse(s string) error

func (ResponseOption) Yes

NOTE: these enums are shared with StgExp, so the text is spelled out explicitly (for easy json marshalling)

func (ResponseOption) YesForAll

func (ResponseOption) YesForAll() ResponseOption

type ResumeJobRequest

type ResumeJobRequest struct {
	JobID           JobID
	SourceSAS       string
	DestinationSAS  string
	IncludeTransfer map[string]int
	ExcludeTransfer map[string]int
	CredentialInfo  CredentialInfo

type RetryCounter

type RetryCounter interface {
	GetTotalRetries() int64

type RpcCmd

type RpcCmd string

JobStatus indicates the status of a Job; the default is InProgress.

func (RpcCmd) CancelJob

func (RpcCmd) CancelJob() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) CopyJobPartOrder

func (RpcCmd) CopyJobPartOrder() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) GetJobFromTo

func (RpcCmd) GetJobFromTo() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) GetJobLCMWrapper

func (RpcCmd) GetJobLCMWrapper() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) ListJobSummary

func (RpcCmd) ListJobSummary() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) ListJobTransfers

func (RpcCmd) ListJobTransfers() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) ListJobs

func (RpcCmd) ListJobs() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) ListSyncJobSummary

func (RpcCmd) ListSyncJobSummary() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) None

func (RpcCmd) None() RpcCmd

func (*RpcCmd) Parse

func (c *RpcCmd) Parse(s string) error

func (RpcCmd) Pattern

func (c RpcCmd) Pattern() string

func (RpcCmd) PauseJob

func (RpcCmd) PauseJob() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) ResumeJob

func (RpcCmd) ResumeJob() RpcCmd

func (RpcCmd) String

func (c RpcCmd) String() string

type S3ClientFactory

type S3ClientFactory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewS3ClientFactory

func NewS3ClientFactory() S3ClientFactory

NewS3ClientFactory creates new S3 client factory.

func (*S3ClientFactory) GetS3Client

func (f *S3ClientFactory) GetS3Client(ctx context.Context, credInfo CredentialInfo, option CredentialOpOptions) (*minio.Client, error)

GetS3Client gets S3 client from pool, or create a new S3 client if no client created for specific credInfo.

type S3CredentialInfo

type S3CredentialInfo struct {
	Endpoint string
	Region   string

S3CredentialInfo contains essential credential info which need to build up S3 client.

type S3URLParts

type S3URLParts struct {
	Scheme         string // Ex: "https://", "s3://"
	Host           string // Ex: "", "", ""
	Endpoint       string // Ex: "", ""
	BucketName     string // Ex: "MyBucket"
	ObjectKey      string // Ex: "hello.txt", "foo/bar"
	Version        string
	Region         string // Ex: endpoint region, e.g. "eu-west-1"
	UnparsedParams string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

S3URLParts represents the components that make up AWS S3 Service/Bucket/Object URL. You parse an existing URL into its parts by calling NewS3URLParts(). According to and, S3URLParts supports virtual-hosted-style and path-style URL: Ex, virtual-hosted-style(the bucket name is part of the domain name in the URL) : a. b. Ex, path-style URL(the bucket name is not part of the domain (unless you use a Region-specific endpoint)): a. (US East (N. Virginia) Region endpoint) b. (Region-specific endpoint) Dual stack endpoint(IPv6&IPv4) is also supported ( i.e. the endpoint in or

func NewS3URLParts

func NewS3URLParts(u url.URL) (S3URLParts, error)

NewS3URLParts parses a URL initializing S3URLParts' fields. This method overwrites all fields in the S3URLParts object.

func (*S3URLParts) IsBucketSyntactically

func (p *S3URLParts) IsBucketSyntactically() bool

func (*S3URLParts) IsDirectorySyntactically

func (p *S3URLParts) IsDirectorySyntactically() bool

IsDirectorySyntactically validates if the S3URLParts is indicating a directory. Note: directory in S3 is a virtual abstract, and a object as well.

func (*S3URLParts) IsObjectSyntactically

func (p *S3URLParts) IsObjectSyntactically() bool

func (*S3URLParts) IsServiceSyntactically

func (p *S3URLParts) IsServiceSyntactically() bool

func (*S3URLParts) String

func (p *S3URLParts) String() string

func (*S3URLParts) URL

func (p *S3URLParts) URL() url.URL

URL returns a URL object whose fields are initialized from the S3URLParts fields.

type SPNInfo

type SPNInfo struct {
	// Secret is used for two purposes: The certificate secret, and a client secret.
	// The secret is persisted to the JSON file because AAD does not issue a refresh token.
	// Thus, the original secret is needed to refresh.
	Secret   string `json:"_spn_secret"`
	CertPath string `json:"_spn_cert_path"`

SPNInfo contains info for authenticating with Service Principal Names

type SingleChunkReader

type SingleChunkReader interface {

	// ReadSeeker is used to read the contents of the chunk, and because the sending pipeline seeks at various times

	// Closer is needed to clean up resources

	// BlockingPrefetch tries to read the full contents of the chunk into RAM.
	BlockingPrefetch(fileReader io.ReaderAt, isRetry bool) error

	// GetPrologueState is used to grab enough of the initial bytes to do MIME-type detection.  Expected to be called only
	// on the first chunk in each file (since there's no point in calling it on others)
	// There is deliberately no error return value from the Prologue.
	// If it failed, the Prologue itself must call jptm.FailActiveSend.
	GetPrologueState() PrologueState

	// Length is the number of bytes in the chunk
	Length() int64

	// HasPrefectchedEntirelyZeros gives an indication of whether this chunk is entirely zeros.  If it returns true
	// then the chunk content has been prefetched AND it was all zeroes. For some remote destinations, that support "sparse file"
	// semantics, it is safe and correct to skip the upload of those chunks where this returns true.
	// In the rare edge case where this returns false due to the prefetch having failed (rather than the contents being non-zero),
	// we'll just treat it as a non-zero chunk. That's simpler (to code, to review and to test) than having this code force a prefetch.
	HasPrefetchedEntirelyZeros() bool

	// WriteBufferTo writes the entire contents of the prefetched buffer to h
	// Panics if the internal buffer has not been prefetched (or if its been discarded after a complete Read)
	WriteBufferTo(h hash.Hash)

Reader of ONE chunk of a file. Maybe used to re-read multiple times (e.g. if we must retry the sending of the chunk). A instance of this type cannot be used by multiple threads (since it's Read/Seek are inherently stateful) The reader can throw away the data after each successful read, and then re-read it from disk if there is a need to retry the transmission of the chunk. That saves us the RAM cost of from having to keep every transmitted chunk in RAM until acknowledged by the service. We just re-read if the service says we need to retry. Although there's a time (performance) cost in the re-read, that's fine in a retry situation because the retry indicates we were going too fast for the service anyway.

func NewSingleChunkReader

func NewSingleChunkReader(ctx context.Context, sourceFactory ChunkReaderSourceFactory, chunkId ChunkID, length int64, chunkLogger ChunkStatusLogger, generalLogger ILogger, slicePool ByteSlicePooler, cacheLimiter CacheLimiter) SingleChunkReader

type Status

type Status uint32

type TestOAuthInjection

type TestOAuthInjection struct {
	DoTokenRefreshInjection bool
	TokenRefreshDuration    time.Duration

TestOAuthInjection controls variables for OAuth testing injections

type TransferDetail

type TransferDetail struct {
	Src                string
	Dst                string
	IsFolderProperties bool
	TransferStatus     TransferStatus
	TransferSize       uint64
	ErrorCode          int32  `json:",string"`
	ErrorMessage       string `json:",string"`

represents the Details and details of a single transfer

type TransferDirection

type TransferDirection int32

func (*TransferDirection) AtomicLoad

func (td *TransferDirection) AtomicLoad() TransferDirection

func (*TransferDirection) AtomicStore

func (td *TransferDirection) AtomicStore(newTransferDirection TransferDirection)

func (TransferDirection) Download

func (*TransferDirection) Parse

func (td *TransferDirection) Parse(s string) error

func (TransferDirection) S2SCopy

func (TransferDirection) String

func (td TransferDirection) String() string

func (TransferDirection) UnKnown

func (TransferDirection) Upload

type TransferStatus

type TransferStatus int32 // Must be 32-bit for atomic operations; negative #s represent a specific failure code

func (TransferStatus) All

Transfer is any of the three possible state (InProgress, Completer or Failed)

func (*TransferStatus) AtomicLoad

func (ts *TransferStatus) AtomicLoad() TransferStatus

func (*TransferStatus) AtomicStore

func (ts *TransferStatus) AtomicStore(newTransferStatus TransferStatus)

func (TransferStatus) BlobTierFailure

func (TransferStatus) BlobTierFailure() TransferStatus

Transfer failed due to failure while Setting blob tier.

func (TransferStatus) Cancelled

func (TransferStatus) Cancelled() TransferStatus

func (TransferStatus) Failed

func (TransferStatus) Failed() TransferStatus

Transfer failed due to some error.

func (TransferStatus) FolderCreated

func (TransferStatus) FolderCreated() TransferStatus

Folder was created, but properties have not been persisted yet. Equivalent to Started, but never intended to be set on anything BUT folders.

func (TransferStatus) MarshalJSON

func (ts TransferStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Implementing MarshalJSON() method for type Transfer Status

func (TransferStatus) NotStarted

func (TransferStatus) NotStarted() TransferStatus

Transfer is ready to transfer and not started transferring yet

func (*TransferStatus) Parse

func (ts *TransferStatus) Parse(s string) error

func (TransferStatus) ShouldTransfer

func (ts TransferStatus) ShouldTransfer() bool

func (TransferStatus) SkippedBlobHasSnapshots

func (TransferStatus) SkippedBlobHasSnapshots() TransferStatus

func (TransferStatus) SkippedEntityAlreadyExists

func (TransferStatus) SkippedEntityAlreadyExists() TransferStatus

func (TransferStatus) Started

func (TransferStatus) Started() TransferStatus

TODO confirm whether this is actually needed

  Transfer started & at least 1 chunk has successfully been transferred.
  Used to resume a transfer that started to avoid transferring all chunks thereby improving performance

Update(Jul 2020): This represents the state of transfer as soon as the file is scheduled.

func (TransferStatus) String

func (ts TransferStatus) String() string

func (TransferStatus) Success

func (TransferStatus) Success() TransferStatus

Transfer successfully completed

func (TransferStatus) TierAvailabilityCheckFailure

func (TransferStatus) TierAvailabilityCheckFailure() TransferStatus

func (*TransferStatus) UnmarshalJSON

func (ts *TransferStatus) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

Implementing UnmarshalJSON() method for type Transfer Status

type Transfers

type Transfers struct {
	List                []CopyTransfer
	TotalSizeInBytes    uint64
	FileTransferCount   uint32
	FolderTransferCount uint32

Transfers describes each file/folder being transferred in a given JobPartOrder, and other auxilliary details of this order.

type URLExtension

type URLExtension struct {


func (URLExtension) RedactSecretQueryParamForLogging

func (u URLExtension) RedactSecretQueryParamForLogging() string

func (URLExtension) URLWithPlusDecodedInPath

func (u URLExtension) URLWithPlusDecodedInPath() url.URL

URLWithPlusDecodedInPath returns a URL with '+' in path decoded as ' '(space). This is useful for the cases, e.g: S3 management console encode ' '(space) as '+', which is not supported by Azure resources.

type URLStringExtension

type URLStringExtension string


func (URLStringExtension) RedactSecretQueryParamForLogging

func (s URLStringExtension) RedactSecretQueryParamForLogging() string

type UUID

type UUID struct {
	D1 uint32
	D2 uint16
	D3 uint16
	D4 [8]uint8

A UUID representation compliant with specification in RFC 4122 document.

func NewUUID

func NewUUID() (u UUID)

NewUUID returns a new UUID using RFC 4122 algorithm.

func ParseUUID

func ParseUUID(uuidStr string) (UUID, error)

ParseUUID parses a string formatted as "003020100-0504-0706-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f" or "{03020100-0504-0706-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f}" into a UUID.

func (UUID) MarshalJSON

func (u UUID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Implementing MarshalJSON() method for type UUID

func (UUID) String

func (u UUID) String() string

String returns an unparsed version of the generated UUID sequence.

func (*UUID) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UUID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

Implementing UnmarshalJSON() method for type UUID

type UserOAuthTokenManager

type UserOAuthTokenManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UserOAuthTokenManager for token management.

func NewUserOAuthTokenManagerInstance

func NewUserOAuthTokenManagerInstance(credCacheOptions CredCacheOptions) *UserOAuthTokenManager

NewUserOAuthTokenManagerInstance creates a token manager instance.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) CertLogin

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) CertLogin(tenantID, activeDirectoryEndpoint, certPath, certPass, applicationID string, persist bool) (*OAuthTokenInfo, error)

CertLogin non-interactively logs in using a specified certificate, certificate password, and activedirectory endpoint.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) GetTokenInfo

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) GetTokenInfo(ctx context.Context) (*OAuthTokenInfo, error)

GetTokenInfo gets token info, it follows rule:

  1. If there is token passed from environment variable(note this is only for testing purpose), use token passed from environment variable.
  2. Otherwise, try to get token from cache.

This method either successfully return token, or return error.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) HasCachedToken

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) HasCachedToken() (bool, error)

HasCachedToken returns if there is cached token in token manager.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) MSILogin

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) MSILogin(ctx context.Context, identityInfo IdentityInfo, persist bool) (*OAuthTokenInfo, error)

MSILogin tries to get token from MSI, persist indicates whether to cache the token on local disk.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) RemoveCachedToken

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) RemoveCachedToken() error

RemoveCachedToken delete all the cached token.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) SecretLogin

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) SecretLogin(tenantID, activeDirectoryEndpoint, secret, applicationID string, persist bool) (*OAuthTokenInfo, error)

SecretLogin is a UOTM shell for secretLoginNoUOTM.

func (*UserOAuthTokenManager) UserLogin

func (uotm *UserOAuthTokenManager) UserLogin(tenantID, activeDirectoryEndpoint string, persist bool) (*OAuthTokenInfo, error)

UserLogin interactively logins in with specified tenantID and activeDirectoryEndpoint, persist indicates whether to cache the token on local disk.

type Version

type Version uint32

type WaitReason

type WaitReason struct {
	Name string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WaitReason identifies the one thing that a given chunk is waiting on, at a given moment. Basically = state, phrased in terms of "the thing I'm waiting for"

func (WaitReason) Body

func (WaitReason) Body() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) BodyReReadDueToMem

func (WaitReason) BodyReReadDueToMem() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) BodyReReadDueToSpeed

func (WaitReason) BodyReReadDueToSpeed() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) Cancelled

func (WaitReason) Cancelled() WaitReason

NOTE: when adding new statuses please renumber to make Cancelled numerically the last, to avoid the need to also change numWaitReasons()

func (WaitReason) ChunkDone

func (WaitReason) ChunkDone() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) CreateLocalFile

func (WaitReason) CreateLocalFile() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) DiskIO

func (WaitReason) DiskIO() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) Epilogue

func (WaitReason) Epilogue() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) FilePacer

func (WaitReason) FilePacer() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) HeaderResponse

func (WaitReason) HeaderResponse() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) LockDestination

func (WaitReason) LockDestination() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) ModifiedTimeRefresh

func (WaitReason) ModifiedTimeRefresh() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) Nothing

func (WaitReason) Nothing() WaitReason

Head (below) has index between GB and Body, just so the ordering is numerical ascending during typical chunk lifetime for both upload and download We use just the first letters of these when displaying perf states as we run (if enabled) so try to keep the first letters unique (except for Done and Cancelled, which are not displayed, and so may duplicate the first letter of something else)

func (WaitReason) OpenLocalSource

func (WaitReason) OpenLocalSource() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) PriorChunk

func (WaitReason) PriorChunk() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) QueueToWrite

func (WaitReason) QueueToWrite() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) RAMToSchedule

func (WaitReason) RAMToSchedule() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) S2SCopyOnWire

func (WaitReason) S2SCopyOnWire() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) Sorting

func (WaitReason) Sorting() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) String

func (wr WaitReason) String() string

func (WaitReason) WorkerGR

func (WaitReason) WorkerGR() WaitReason

func (WaitReason) XferStart

func (WaitReason) XferStart() WaitReason

extra ones for start of uploads (prior to chunk scheduling)

type WorkController

type WorkController interface {
	Cancel(mgr LifecycleMgr)                                        // handle to cancel the work
	ReportProgressOrExit(mgr LifecycleMgr) (totalKnownCount uint32) // print the progress status, optionally exit the application if work is done

for the lifecycleMgr to babysit a job, it must be given a controller to get information about the job


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