# Unpack tar
tar -xzf procgo_v0.0.0_darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
# Move to location in PATH
mv procgo /usr/local/bin/
mv procgo-daemon /usr/local/bin/
# Create required daemon log file
sudo mkdir /var/log/procgo
sudo touch /var/log/procgo/daemon.log
sudo chmod 666 /var/log/procgo/daemon.log
# Write to some location in FPATH
procgo completion > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_procgo
procgo is tool to run local services concurrently.
It is similar to foreman. The main difference is
that it consists of a client daemon architecture
which allows it to start/stop/restart services independently.
procgo [command]
Available Commands:
completion generates zsh completions
help Help about any command
kill kills the daemon
logs prints the logs of the services
restart restarts the provided services
start starts the provided services
status lists all running services
stop stops the provided services
-h, --help help for procgo
-j, --procfile string procfile (default "Procfile")
-v, --version version for procgo
Use "procgo [command] --help" for more information about a command.