
Table of Contents
is a lightweight proxy application designed to sit between your Prometheus server and its clients. It provides valuable insights by collecting detailed analytics on PromQL queries, helping you understand query performance, resource usage, and overall system behavior. This can significantly improve observability for Prometheus users, providing actionable data to optimize query execution and infrastructure.

There are several key features that prom-analytics-proxy
offers to enhance your Prometheus monitoring setup:
Query Analytics
Collects detailed statistics on PromQL queries, including query execution times, resource consumption, and the number of series touched.
Metrics Usage
Offers seamless integration with Perses Metrics Usage to gather and correlate metrics usage data from multiple sources—such as Recording Rules, Alerts, and Dashboards, alongside existing metrics and queries for deeper insights. For more information please check the Metrics Usage Integration section.
Data Storage
Supports storing the collected analytics data in either ClickHouse, PostgreSQL, or SQLite, giving flexibility based on your database preferences.
User Interface
Offers an intuitive web-based UI for exploring and visualizing analytics data, enabling engineers to make data-driven decisions for query optimization. Includes Query Shortcuts for quick access to frequently used query patterns.
Project Structure
The project is organized into the following core components:
: A Go-based backend application responsible for acting as a proxy between Prometheus and clients. It captures and processes analytics from PromQL queries, offering insights into query performance metrics such as execution time, resource usage, and efficiency.
: A React-based user interface located in the ui
directory. This component provides a visual platform to explore the analytics data collected by the proxy, making it easier to analyze and identify trends in PromQL queries.
Both components are designed to work together, with prom-analytics-proxy
handling data collection and backend logic, while prom-analytics-proxy-ui
provides a frontend interface for exploring query insights.
The prom-analytics-proxy
application supports several configuration options that can be set via command-line flags or configuration file, using the -config-file
-clickhouse-addr string
Address of the clickhouse server, comma separated for multiple servers. (default "localhost:9000")
-clickhouse-database string
Database for the clickhouse server, can also be set via CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE env var. (default "default")
-clickhouse-dial-timeout duration
Timeout to dial clickhouse. (default 5s)
-clickhouse-password string
Password for the clickhouse server, can also be set via CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD env var.
-clickhouse-username string
Username for the clickhouse server, can also be set via CLICKHOUSE_USER env var.
-config-file string
Path to the configuration file, it takes precedence over the command line flags.
-database-provider string
The provider of database to use for storing query data. Supported values: clickhouse, postgresql, sqlite.
Request query stats from the upstream prometheus API.
-insecure-listen-address string
The address the prom-analytics-proxy proxy HTTP server should listen on. (default ":9091")
-insert-batch-size int
Batch size for inserting queries into the database. (default 10)
-insert-buffer-size int
Buffer size for the insert channel. (default 100)
-insert-flush-interval duration
Flush interval for inserting queries into the database. (default 5s)
-insert-grace-period duration
Grace period to insert pending queries after program shutdown. (default 5s)
-insert-timeout duration
Timeout to insert a query into the database. (default 1s)
-log-format string
Log format (text, json) (default "text")
-log-level string
Log level (default "INFO")
-metadata-limit uint
The maximum number of metric metadata entries to retrieve from the upstream prometheus API. (default 0 which means no limit)
-postgresql-addr string
Address of the postgresql server. (default "localhost")
-postgresql-database string
Database for the postgresql server, can also be set via POSTGRESQL_DATABASE env var.
-postgresql-dial-timeout duration
Timeout to dial postgresql. (default 5s)
-postgresql-password string
Password for the postgresql server, can also be set via POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD env var.
-postgresql-port int
Port of the postgresql server. (default 5432)
-postgresql-sslmode string
SSL mode for the postgresql server. (default "disable")
-postgresql-user string
Username for the postgresql server, can also be set via POSTGRESQL_USER env var.
-series-limit uint
The maximum number of series to retrieve from the upstream prometheus API. (default 0 which means no limit)
-sqlite-database-path string
Path to the sqlite database. (default "prom-analytics-proxy.db")
-upstream string
The URL of the upstream prometheus API.
Tracing Support
The prom-analytics-proxy application includes built-in support for distributed tracing using OpenTelemetry. To enable tracing, you must provide a configuration file specifying the tracing settings. Below is an example configuration and details for each option:
client_type: ""
service_name: ""
resource_attributes: {}
reconnection_period: 0s
compression: ""
insecure: false
endpoint: ""
url_path: ""
timeout: 0s
retry_enabled: false
retry_initial_interval: 0s
retry_max_interval: 0s
retry_max_elapsed_time: 0s
headers: {}
ca_file: ""
cert_file: ""
key_file: ""
server_name: ""
insecure_skip_verify: false
sampler_type: ""
sampler_param: ""
Metrics Usage Integration
The prom-analytics-proxy
application integrates with Perses Metrics Usage to gather and correlate metrics usage data from multiple sources. Essentially, prom-analytics-proxy
acts as a backend for the Metrics Usage frontend, providing the data needed to populate the UI.
Because Metrics Usage is a separate project, you must deploy it alongside prom-analytics-proxy
to enable this feature. Once configured, prom-analytics-proxy
sends the collected data to the Metrics Usage backend, which is then displayed in the Metrics Usage UI. For more information, see the Metrics Usage repository.
You can find a sample configuration file for the Metrics Usage integration in the config
directory. The file includes the following options, assuming the prom-analytics-proxy
is running on localhost:9091
enable: true
url: ""
- enable: true
url: ""
url: "http://localhost:9091"
- enable: true
url: ""
url: "http://localhost:9091"
enable: true
url: ""
url: "http://localhost:9091"