CSI Driver Sanity Tester
This library provides a simple way to ensure that a CSI driver conforms to
the CSI specification. There are two ways to leverage this testing framework.
For CSI drivers written in Golang, the framework provides a simple API function
to call to test the driver. Another way to run the test suite is to use the
command line program csi-sanity.
For Golang CSI Drivers
This framework leverages the Ginkgo BDD testing framework to deliver a descriptive
test suite for your driver. To test your driver, simply call the API in one of your
Golang TestXXX
functions. For example:
func TestMyDriver(t *testing.T) {
// Setup the full driver and its environment
... setup driver ...
// Now call the test suite
sanity.Test(t, driverEndpointAddress)
Command line program
Please see csi-sanity