This is a brief tutorial I created for a couple friends to show how to do some stuff in Go and Ethereum.
- Create the environment to compile/execute in docker
- Use abigen to compile an ERC20 contract into a Go
- Create an account in Infura and read information from the ERC20 token
- Compile a UniswapV3 Pool and read swap() logs from it
- Process the logs into something more readeable print it out on screen.
- Get the list of the most active pools from the Graph and monitor them all at once.
- Each milestone will be a separate branch/tag (named milestone-nnn-xxxxxxx) so you can compare each step with a diff
- main branch will have the "final" code.
Running the code
First, you'll need a Infura API key. Get an account at https://infura.io/register.
This project is meant to be used as supporting material for a tutorial. Flawless execution is not the priority, but if you want a quick start, try:
$ ./make
go build -o golang-tutorial main.go getPools.go
$ export INFURA_API_KEY=....
$ ./golang-tutorial
Watching swaps for pool: 0x69D91B94f0AaF8e8A2586909fA77A5c2c89818d5
Watching swaps for pool: 0x2F62f2B4c5fcd7570a709DeC05D68EA19c82A9ec
You also can try out all this using Docker,
$ docker build . -t nicocesar/golang-tutorial
Successfully built 6b65760b3cd8
Successfully tagged nicocesar/golang-tutorial:latest
docker run -ti --env INFURA_API_KEY=... nicocesar/golang-tutorial
Watching swaps for pool: 0x69D91B94f0AaF8e8A2586909fA77A5c2c89818d5
Watching swaps for pool: 0x2F62f2B4c5fcd7570a709DeC05D68EA19c82A9ec
INFURA_API_KEY is not set.
If you see this:
$ ./golang-tutorial
INFURA_API_KEY is not set. Get an account at https://infura.io/register
You'll need to create an INFURA_API_KEY from https://infura.io/register, the process is free of charge for low amount of requests. This tutorial can be addapted to use a local installation too, but currently is not the main objective of this repo.
GLIBC_2.xx not found
If you see this:
$ docker run -ti --env INFURA_API_KEY=... nicocesar/golang-tutorial
./golang-tutorial: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ./golang-tutorial)
./golang-tutorial: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by ./golang-tutorial)
It's very likely that there is a compilation in the local environment (Ubuntu/Debian, etc) that has a different glib from the alpine docker image. Solution:
$ make clean
rm -rf geth-* tools solidity_contracts golang-tutorial
$ docker build . -t nicocesar/golang-tutorial
$ docker run -ti --env INFURA_API_KEY=.. nicocesar/golang-tutorial
Feel free to create a Pull Request with suggestions