Wait Until
Command line utility which holds up execution of a bash pipeline until a given command returns a desired exit code.
Useful for preventing race conditions in build pipelines.
Wait until the database container is accepting connections before importing the SQL dump.
docker-compose up -d
wait-until --timeout=60s -- mysqladmin ping -h
mysql < db.sql
Wait for redis to accept connections before starting the app.
wait-until --retries=5 --sleep=5s -- redis-cli ping
./app start
usage: wait-until [<flags>] <command>
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-v, --verbose Enabled verbose output.
-t, --timeout=TIMEOUT Timeout before aborting pipeline. Omit for no limit.
-r, --retries=-1 Number of attempts before aborting pipeline. -1 for no limit.
-s, --sleep=1s Sleep time between each execution.
-e, --exit-code=0 Desired exit code before allowing pipeline to proceed.
<command> Command to repeatedly execute until exit code met, timeout exceeded, or retry limit exceeded.
It is recommended to use the +pipefail
bash directive when using this tool to ensure failures in this command terminate the pipeline.