This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) program written in Golang for managing your todo list.
- Add new tasks to your todo list.
- Mark tasks as complete.
- View your todo list with date range.
- Delete tasks from your todo list.
Build and run with your golang environment
After clone the project.
go install
go build -o tdlist cmd/go-tdlist/main.go
Execute it with following commands.
./tdlist --help
Usage of ./tdlist:
Add a new todo
-complete int
Toggle todo completion
-del int
Delete a todo
-end_date string
End date
List all todos by date range, default is today
-start_date string
Start date
Add: Add a new todo
./tdlist -add
Add a todo task:
Complete: Toggle todo completion
./tdlist -complete [id]
Delete: Delete a todo
./tdlist -del [id]
List: List all todos by date range, default is today
./tdlist -list