Sorcery is an open source distributed server for event sourcing, it performs the role of event store and pub sub queue using REST
This document is work in progress the current API spec can be found at the below location
For building Sorcery into a container we use consul and consul-template to supply the defaults.
The system is made up of a server and either one or more workers.
The server is responsible for receiving requests and for registering subscribers, exposes a HTTP endpoint
The workers publish the events, to the subscribers
HEADERS: X-API-Key: asdfasdasdasd33434
publish is the public interface which the clients use to distribute a event through the system
"name": {
"firstname": "Nic",
"surname": "Jackson"
"roles": [
subscribe is used by a service to register its endpoint in order to receive events of a particular type
"server-id": "12345"
"callback": "" // POST
"filter": {"data": "name.firstname=jack%"} # see filters
unsubscirbe to one or multiple events
events list will list all events sent by the system that match the criteria
replay a single event
replay multiple events
"date_start": "2015-10-12",
"date-end": "2015-10-13", //optional
"data": "name.firstname=nic%&name&roles[any]=Admin"
Object Matcher
attempts to match a value on an data object using dot notation e.g. given the below object
"name": {
"firstname": "Nic",
"surname": "Jackson"
"roles": [
name.firstname=nic% would match this event
= equality matcher
!= inequality matcher
> greater than (number)
< less than (number)
Array matcher
[first] = first index
[any] = match any index
[last] = last index
[2] = 3rd index
Array matchers can be combined with object matchers like...