Very powerful server agent for collecting & sending logs & metrics with an easy-to-use web console.
Support sources
- File: read data in file, including csv file,kafka-rest log,nginx log.
- Elasticsearch: read data in ElasticSearch.
- MongoDB: read data in MongoDB.
- MySQL: read data in MySQL.
- MicroSoft SQL Server: read data in Microsoft SQL Server.
- Postgre SQL: read data in PostgreSQL.
- Kafka: read data in Kafka.
- Redis: read data in Redis.
- Socket: read data via tcp\udp\unixsocket protocol.
- Http: reveive data in post request as http server.
- Script: support script and read data from the result.
- Snmp: auto read data from Snmp service.
Working method
logkit-community support multiple sources and can send kinds of data to Pandora, every data source relevant to a logic runner,a runner's workaround as follows:
Weclome to contribute to logkit:
lastest stable:Go to Download page
History:Go to Releases
Trial:construct lastest logkit trial version every 5:00am (only for Linux 64 and Docker), you can download it (note: not include update of frontend).
Install and Usage
export LOGKIT_VERSION=<version number>
wget https://pandora-dl.qiniu.com/logkit_${LOGKIT_VERSION}.tar.gz && tar xvf logkit_${LOGKIT_VERSION}.tar.gz && rm logkit_${LOGKIT_VERSION}.tar.gz && cd _package_linux64/
export LOGKIT_VERSION=<version number>
wget https://pandora-dl.qiniu.com/logkit_mac_${LOGKIT_VERSION}.tar.gz && tar xvf logkit_mac_${LOGKIT_VERSION}.tar.gz && rm logkit_mac_${LOGKIT_VERSION}.tar.gz && cd _package_mac/
please download https://pandora-dl.qiniu.com/logkit_windows_<LOGKIT_VERSION>.zip
并解压缩,go to directory
logkit.conf is logkit-community tool's configuration,mainly for specifing running resource and paths of runners.
Open logkit.conf
, for example:
"max_procs": 8,
"debug_level": 1,
"confs_path": ["confs*"]
For simply use, you can only focus on three options:
port of logkit we。
statistic resource path of logkit page, recommand to use absolute path note:old version moved to "public-old" directory。
including add conf in web, logkit also support monitor directory to add runners. (if you only need to add logkit runner in web, you can ignore this option)
./logkit -f logkit.conf
the web url is the value of bind_host
configured in step 2
Contribute frontend code
refer to README file:logkitweb/README.md
Install and startup from source code
go build -o logkit logkit.go
./logkit -f logkit.conf
startup logkit using docker
docker pull wonderflow/logkit:<version>
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v /local/logkit/dataconf:/app/confs -v /local/log/path:/logs/path logkit:<version>
Deploying logkit in Kubernetes
get configs deploying in Kubernetes
curl -L -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qiniu/logkit/master/deploy/logkit_on_k8s.yaml
enjoy it!