
Podinfo is a tiny web application made with Go that showcases best practices of running microservices in Kubernetes.
Podinfo is used by CNCF projects like Flux and Flagger
for end-to-end testing and workshops.
- Health checks (readiness and liveness)
- Graceful shutdown on interrupt signals
- File watcher for secrets and configmaps
- Instrumented with Prometheus and Open Telemetry
- Structured logging with zap
- 12-factor app with viper
- Fault injection (random errors and latency)
- Swagger docs
- Timoni, Helm and Kustomize installers
- End-to-End testing with Kubernetes Kind and Helm
- Multi-arch container image with Docker buildx and GitHub Actions
- Container image signing with Sigstore cosign
- SBOMs and SLSA Provenance embedded in the container image
- CVE scanning with Trivy
Web API:
prints runtime information
GET /version
prints podinfo version and git commit hash
GET /metrics
return HTTP requests duration and Go runtime metrics
GET /healthz
used by Kubernetes liveness probe
GET /readyz
used by Kubernetes readiness probe
POST /readyz/enable
signals the Kubernetes LB that this instance is ready to receive traffic
POST /readyz/disable
signals the Kubernetes LB to stop sending requests to this instance
GET /status/{code}
returns the status code
GET /panic
crashes the process with exit code 255
POST /echo
forwards the call to the backend service and echos the posted content
GET /env
returns the environment variables as a JSON array
GET /headers
returns a JSON with the request HTTP headers
GET /delay/{seconds}
waits for the specified period
POST /token
issues a JWT token valid for one minute JWT=$(curl -sd 'anon' podinfo:9898/token | jq -r .token)
GET /token/validate
validates the JWT token curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" podinfo:9898/token/validate
GET /configs
returns a JSON with configmaps and/or secrets mounted in the config
POST/PUT /cache/{key}
saves the posted content to Redis
GET /cache/{key}
returns the content from Redis if the key exists
DELETE /cache/{key}
deletes the key from Redis if exists
POST /store
writes the posted content to disk at /data/hash and returns the SHA1 hash of the content
GET /store/{hash}
returns the content of the file /data/hash if exists
GET /ws/echo
echos content via websockets podcli ws ws://localhost:9898/ws/echo
GET /chunked/{seconds}
uses transfer-encoding
type chunked
to give a partial response and then waits for the specified period
GET /swagger.json
returns the API Swagger docs, used for Linkerd service profiling and Gloo routes discovery
health checking
echos the received content
returns podinfo version and Git commit hash
returns a successful response after the given seconds in the body of gRPC request
returns environment variables as a JSON array
returns the headers present in the gRPC request. Any custom header can also be given as a part of request and that can be returned using this API
returns the runtime information
crashes the process with gRPC status code as '1 CANCELLED'
returns the gRPC Status code given in the request body
issues a JWT token valid for one minute
validates the JWT token
Web UI:
To access the Swagger UI open <podinfo-host>/swagger/index.html
in a browser.
To install Podinfo on Kubernetes the minimum required version is Kubernetes v1.23.
Install with Timoni:
timoni -n default apply podinfo oci://ghcr.io/nholuongut/modules/podinfo
Install from github.io:
helm repo add podinfo https://nholuongut.github.io/podinfo
helm upgrade --install --wait frontend \
--namespace test \
--set replicaCount=2 \
--set backend=http://backend-podinfo:9898/echo \
helm test frontend --namespace test
helm upgrade --install --wait backend \
--namespace test \
--set redis.enabled=true \
Install from ghcr.io:
helm upgrade --install --wait podinfo --namespace default \
kubectl apply -k github.com/nholuongut/podinfo-deploy//kustomize
docker run -dp 9898:9898 nholuongut/podinfo-deploy
Continuous Delivery
In order to install podinfo on a Kubernetes cluster and keep it up to date with the latest
release in an automated manner, you can use Flux.
Install the Flux CLI on MacOS and Linux using Homebrew:
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
Install the Flux controllers needed for Helm operations:
flux install \
--namespace=flux-system \
--network-policy=false \
Add podinfo's Helm repository to your cluster and
configure Flux to check for new chart releases every ten minutes:
flux create source helm podinfo \
--namespace=default \
--url=https://nholuongut.github.io/podinfo \
Create a podinfo-values.yaml
file locally:
cat > podinfo-values.yaml <<EOL
replicaCount: 2
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 64Mi
Create a Helm release for deploying podinfo in the default namespace:
flux create helmrelease podinfo \
--namespace=default \
--source=HelmRepository/podinfo \
--release-name=podinfo \
--chart=podinfo \
--chart-version=">5.0.0" \
Based on the above definition, Flux will upgrade the release automatically
when a new version of podinfo is released. If the upgrade fails, Flux
can rollback
to the previous working version.
You can check what version is currently deployed with:
flux get helmreleases -n default
To delete podinfo's Helm repository and release from your cluster run:
flux -n default delete source helm podinfo
flux -n default delete helmrelease podinfo
If you wish to manage the lifecycle of your applications in a GitOps manner, check out
this workflow example
for multi-env deployments with Flux, Kustomize and Helm.

- Nho Luong (c). All Rights Reserved.🌟