Actor Load Test
This includes actor test application and load test driver client.
make build
Note: stateactor and testclient will be generated under ./dist
Build Docker image
docker build -t [your registry]/actorload .
Run test locally
- Run StateActor Service
% dapr run --app-id stateactor --app-port 3000 -- ./dist/stateactor -p 3000
% ./stateactor --help
Usage of ./stateactor:
-actors string
Actor types array separated by comma. e.g. StateActor,SaveActor (default "StateActor")
-p int
StateActor service app port. (default 3000)
- Start load test client
# Target QPS: 1000 qps, Number of test actors: 200, Duration: 30 mins
% dapr run --app-id testclient -- ./dist/testclient -qps 1000 -numactors 200 -t 30m
% ./testclient --help
Usage of ./testclient:
-a string
Actor Type (default "StateActor")
-c int
Number of parallel simultaneous connections. (default 10)
Logs filename and line number of callers to log (default true)
-loglevel value
loglevel, one of [Debug Verbose Info Warning Error Critical Fatal] (default Info)
-logprefix string
Prefix to log lines before logged messages (default "> ")
-m string
test actor method that will be called during test. e.g. nop, setActorState, getActorState (default "setActorState")
-numactors int
Number of randomly generated actors. (default 10)
-qps float
QPS per thread. (default 100)
-s int
The size of save state value. (default 1024)
-t duration
How long to run the test. (default 1m0s)