This is a little webserver implementation bsed on chi.
The webserver is supposed to serve a folder containing e.g. a static website and is suited to serve a SPA.
The server package contains a collection of http.Handler implementations which may be reused in other projects.
The filesystem package contains a readonly in-memory-filesystem implementation.
Server package features
Logs are (without -pretty option) are provided in a GCP compatible JSON format.
The following middleware handler features are provided in the server package:
- Fallback: Handler that falls back on a configured default path when retrieving a specified set of status codes from the next handler.
Very useful for serving a SPA.
- Headers: Static Headers can be easily configured.
- Caching: Support via ETag and If-None-Match HTTP-Headers
- Access-Log: Basic access-logging formatted in a GCP-compatible way.
- CspReplace and SessionCookie: See my blog about fixing Angular CSP regarding style-src.
Docker container
You can use the ngergs/websrv docker container, the entrypoint is set to the websrv executable.
Binary build
All releases starting with v1.4.3 have binary builds attached to them for linux, windows and osx.
Compilation from Source
Compile from source:
git clone https://github.com/ngergs/websrv
go build ./cmd/websrv
The path to this folder has to be provided as command line argument. There are a number of various optional settings.
Usage: ./websrv {options} [target-path]
Prints an access log for the file server endpoint.
-config-file string
Optional file that contains more involved config settings, see server/config.go for the structure.
Log debug level
-fallback-path string
Filepath relative to targetDir which serves as fallback. Set to "/" to serve a SPA.
Whether to send gzip encoded response. See config-file for setting the detailed types. As default gzip is used when activated for test/css, text/html and application/javascript (default true)
-gzip-level int
The compression level used for gzip compression. See the golang gzip documentation for details. Only applies to on-the-fly compression. The in-memory-fs (when used) uses for static files always gzip.BestCompression (default 1)
Whether to start the health check endpoint (under a separate port) (default true)
Prints an access log for the health check endpoint to stdout.
-health-port int
Different port under which the health check endpoint runs. (default 8081)
Prints the help.
-idle-timeout int
Timeout for idle TCP connections with keep-alive in seconds. (default 30)
Whether to use a in-memory-filesystem. I.e. prefetch the target directory into the heap.
Whether to start the metrics endpoint (under a separate port)
Prints an access log for the metrics endpoint to stdout.
-metrics-namespace string
Prometheus namespace for the collected metrics. (default "websrv")
-metrics-port int
TCP-Port under which the metrics endpoint runs. (default 9090)
-port int
Port under which the webserver runs. (default 8080)
Activates zerolog pretty logging
-read-timeout int
Timeout to read the entire request in seconds. (default 10)
-shutdown-delay int
Delay before shutting down the server in seconds. To make sure that the load balancing of the surrounding infrastructure had time to update. (default 5)
-shutdown-timeout int
Timeout for the graceful shutdown in seconds. (default 10)
-write-timeout int
Timeout to write the complete response in seconds. (default 10)
Advanced configs
More involved configs can be provided via the config-file option. See config-example.json for an exmaple. The structure is as follows:
type Config struct {
// Static headers to be set
Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"`
AngularCspReplace *AngularCspReplace `json:"angular-csp-replace,omitempty"`
// Mapping of file extension to Media-Type, needed due to https://github.com/golang/go/issues/32350
MediaTypeMap map[string]string `json:"media-type-map,omitempty"`
// Media-Types for which gzipping should be applied (if activated and client has set the Accept-Encoding: gzip HTTP-Header)
GzipMediaTypes []string `json:"gzip-media-types,omitempty"`
type AngularCspReplace struct {
// (secret) placeholder which will be replaced with the session id when serving
VariableName string `json:"variable-name"`
// Regex for which files the Variable-Name should be replaced
FilePathPattern string `json:"file-Path-regex,omitempty"`
// Name of the session-id cookie
CookieName string `json:"cookie-name"`
// Max-Age setting for the session-id cookie, 30 seconds should be sufficient
CookieMaxAge int `json:"cookie-max-age"`