A basic ingress implementation. Started as a hobby project the result is now a small ingress that can
handle basic cases. However, it is still more of educational value to see a basic ingress without much bells and whistles.
Docker container
You can use the ngergs/ingress docker container as a drop-in replacement for other ingress controller
as long as you do not need advanced features. See the helm folder for a corresponding Helm-chart.
Compilation from Source
Compile from source:
git clone
go build ./cmd/ingress/
The path to this folder has to be provided as command line argument. There are a number of various optional settings.
Usage: ./ingress {options}
Prints an access log. (default true)
Log debug level
Whether to start the health check endpoint (/ under a separate port) (default true)
Prints an access log for the health check endpoint to stdout.
-health-port int
TCP-Port under which the health check endpoint runs. (default 8081)
Prints the help.
-host-ip string
Host IP addresses. Optional, but needs to be set if the ingress status should be updated.
Set HSTS-Header
-hsts-max-age int
Max-Age for the HSTS-Header, only relevant if hsts is activated. (default 63072000)
Whether the HSTS preload directive should be active.
Whether HSTS if activated should add the includeSubdomains directive. (default true)
-http-port int
TCP-Port for the HTTP endpoint (default 8080)
-http2-alt-svc int
h2 TCP-Port for the Alt-Svc HTTP-Header. May differ from https-port e.g. when a container with port mapping or load balancer with port mappings are used (default 443)
Whether http3 is enabled
-http3-alt-svc int
h3 UDP-Port for the Alt-Svc HTTP-Header. May differ from http3-port e.g. when a container with port mapping or load balancer with port mappings are used (default 443)
-http3-port int
UDP-Port for the HTTP3 endpoint. Note that Kubernetes merges ContainerPort configs using only the port (not combined with the protocol) as key. (default 8444)
-https-port int
TCP-Port for the HTTPs endpoint (default 8443)
-idle-timeout int
Timeout for idle TCP connections with keep-alive in seconds. (default 30)
-ingress-class-name string
Corresponds to spec.ingressClassName. Only ingress definitions that match these are evaluated. (default "ingress")
Whether to start the metrics endpoint (/ under a separate port)
Prints an access log for the metrics endpoint to stdout.
-metrics-namespace string
Prometheus namespace for the collected metrics. (default "ingress")
-metrics-port int
TCP-Port under which the metrics endpoint runs. (default 9090)
Activates zerolog pretty logging
-read-timeout int
Timeout to read the entire request in seconds. (default 10)
-shutdown-delay int
Delay before shutting down the server in seconds. To make sure that the load balancing of the surrounding infrastructure had time to update. (default 5)
-shutdown-timeout int
Timeout to graceful shutdown the reverse proxy in seconds. (default 10)
-write-timeout int
Timeout to write the complete response in seconds. (default 10)