The Aesir Programming Language
Welcome to the Aesir Programming Language! Aesir is a new programming language written in Go. It's currently at it's beta and is under active development.
About Aesir
Aesir is designed to be a simple, yet powerful programming language. It's written in Go, making it highly efficient and portable. The language is still in its early stages, but it's already capable of handling a variety of tasks.
- Integer and Boolean expressions
- Prefix and Infix operators
- Conditional (if-else) expressions
- Return statements
- Error handling
- Let statements
- Function literals
Here are some examples of what you can do with Aesir:
Integer Expressions
let a = 5; a; // returns 5
Boolean Expressions
let a = true; a; // returns true
Arithmetic Operations
let a = 5 * 5; a; // returns 25
Variable Assignments
let a = 5; let b = a; b; // returns 5
Complex Expressions
let a = 5; let b = a; let c = a + b + 5; c; // returns 15
Function Literals
let identity = fn(x) { x; }; identity(5); // returns 5
If-Else Expressions
let result = if (10 > 1) { return true } else { return false }; result; // returns true
Return Statements
let earlyReturn = fn() { return 5; 10; }; earlyReturn(); // returns 5
Error Handling
let error = 5 + true; // returns "type mismatch: INTEGER + BOOLEAN"
More Examples
Fibonacci Sequence
let fibonacci = fn(x) { if (x == 0) { 0 } else { if (x == 1) { 1 } else { fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2) } } }; fibonacci(10); // returns 55
let factorial = fn(x) { if (x == 0) { 1 } else { x * factorial(x - 1) } }; factorial(5); // returns 120
Getting Started
To get started with Aesir, you'll need to have Go installed on your machine. Once you have Go installed, you can clone this repository and start it with go run ./
. You will then be able to enter Aesir code into the REPL.
Contributions to the Aesir Programming Language are welcome! Whether it's reporting bugs, improving documentation, or contributing code, I appreciate all the help we can get.
The Aesir Programming Language is open-source software licensed under the GPL-3 License. See LICENSE for more information.
- Towhid Khan - I am a Software Developer.I enjoy using my skills to contribute to the exciting technological advances that happen every day. - Towhid Khan - Main Developer Behind this project