
v1.9.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 25, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 0



-- import "."


const (
	DefaultSplitBy     = ":"                      // unused currently
	DefaultTimeout     = 10000 * time.Millisecond // 10 seconds, used for raw commands
	DefaultDialTimeout = 1000                     // 1 seconds, used for dial
	DefaultPingTimeout = 5000                     // 5 seconds
	DefaultHANA        = "hdb"
	DefaultPostgres    = "postgres"
	DefaultMSSQLServer = "sqlserver"
	DefaultMySQL       = "mysql"
	DefaultOracle      = "ora"
	DefaultVertica     = "vertica"
	DefaultJmxHost     = ""
	DefaultJmxPort     = "9999"
	DefaultJmxUser     = "admin"
	DefaultJmxPass     = "admin"
	DefaultShell       = "/bin/sh"
	DefaultLineLimit   = 255
	Public             = "public"
	Private            = "private"
	Jmx                = "jmx"
	Img                = "img"
	Image              = "image"
	TypeContainer      = "container"
	TypeCname          = "cname"
	TypeJSON           = "json"
	TypeXML            = "xml"
	TypeColumns        = "columns"
	Contains           = "contains"
var ContainerID string

ContainerID current container id

var DiscoveredProcesses map[string]string

DiscoveredProcesses discovered processes

var Entity *integration.Entity

Entity Infrastructure SDK Entity

var FlexStatusCounter = struct {
	M map[string]int
}{M: make(map[string]int)}

FlexStatusCounter count internal metrics

var Hostname string

Hostname current host

var IgnoredIntegrationData []map[string]interface{}

IgnoredIntegrationData this is used for lookups with ignored output

var IngestData interface{}

IngestData store ingested data

var Integration *integration.Integration

Integration Infrastructure SDK Integration

var IntegrationName = "com.newrelic.nri-flex" // IntegrationName Name

var IntegrationNameShort = "nri-flex" // IntegrationNameShort Short Name

var IntegrationVersion = "Unknown-SNAPSHOT" // IntegrationVersion Version

var IsFargate bool

IsFargate basic check if running on fargate

var IsKubernetes bool

IsKubernetes basic check if running on k8s

var Logrus = logrus.New()

Logrus create instance of the logger

var MetricsStore = struct {
	Data []Metrics

MetricsStore for Dimensional Metrics to store data and lock and unlock when needed

var ServerlessExecutionEnv string

ServerlessExecutionEnv serverless execution environment

var ServerlessName string

ServerlessName if running on serverless platform

var StartTime int64

StartTime time Flex starts in Nanoseconds

func MakeTimestamp
func MakeTimestamp() int64

MakeTimestamp creates timestamp in milliseconds

func MetricsStoreAppend
func MetricsStoreAppend(metrics Metrics)

MetricsStoreAppend Append data to store

func MetricsStoreEmpty
func MetricsStoreEmpty()

MetricsStoreEmpty empties stored data

func Refresh
func Refresh()

Refresh Helper function used for testing

func StatusCounterIncrement
func StatusCounterIncrement(key string)

StatusCounterIncrement increment the status counter for a particular key

func StatusCounterRead
func StatusCounterRead(key string) int

StatusCounterRead the status counter for a particular key

func TimestampMs
func TimestampMs() int64

TimestampMs create a timestamp in milliseconds

type API
type API struct {
	Name              string            `yaml:"name"`
	EventType         string            `yaml:"event_type"`  // override eventType
	Entity            string            `yaml:"entity"`      // define a custom entity name
	EntityType        string            `yaml:"entity_type"` // define a custom entity type (namespace)
	Ingest            bool              `yaml:"ingest"`
	Inventory         map[string]string `yaml:"inventory"`      // set as inventory
	InventoryOnly     bool              `yaml:"inventory_only"` // only generate inventory data
	Events            map[string]string `yaml:"events"`         // set as events
	EventsOnly        bool              `yaml:"events_only"`    // only generate events
	Merge             string            `yaml:"merge"`          // merge into another eventType
	RunAsync          bool              `yaml:"run_async" `     // API block to run in Async mode when using with lookupstore
	JoinKey           string            `yaml:"join_key"`       // merge into another eventType
	Prefix            string            `yaml:"prefix"`         // prefix attribute keys
	File              string            `yaml:"file"`
	URL               string            `yaml:"url"`
	Pagination        Pagination        `yaml:"pagination"`
	EscapeURL         bool              `yaml:"escape_url"`
	Prometheus        Prometheus        `yaml:"prometheus"`
	Cache             string            `yaml:"cache"` // read data from datastore
	Database          string            `yaml:"database"`
	DBDriver          string            `yaml:"db_driver"`
	DBConn            string            `yaml:"db_conn"`
	Shell             string            `yaml:"shell"`
	CommandsAsync     bool              `yaml:"commands_async"` // run commands async
	Commands          []Command         `yaml:"commands"`
	DBQueries         []Command         `yaml:"db_queries"`
	DBAsync           bool              `yaml:"db_async"`   // perform db queries async
	Jq                string            `yaml:"jq"`         // parse data using jq
	ParseHTML         bool              `yaml:"parse_html"` // parse text/html content type table element to JSON
	Jmx               JMX               `yaml:"jmx"`
	IgnoreLines       []int             // not implemented - idea is to ignore particular lines starting from 0 of the command output
	User, Pass        string
	Proxy             string
	TLSConfig         TLSConfig `yaml:"tls_config"`
	Timeout           int
	Method            string
	Payload           string
	Headers           map[string]string `yaml:"headers"`
	DisableParentAttr bool              `yaml:"disable_parent_attr"`
	StartKey          []string          `yaml:"start_key"` // start from a different section of the payload
	StoreLookups      map[string]string `yaml:"store_lookups"`
	DedupeLookups     []string          `yaml:"dedupe_lookups"`
	StoreVariables    map[string]string `yaml:"store_variables"`
	LazyFlatten       []string          `yaml:"lazy_flatten"`
	SampleKeys        map[string]string `yaml:"sample_keys"`
	RenameSamples     map[string]string `yaml:"rename_samples"`     // using regex if sample has a key that matches, make that a different sample
	SkipProcessing    []string          `yaml:"skip_processing"`    // skip processing particular keys using an array of regex strings
	InheritAttributes bool              `yaml:"inherit_attributes"` // attempts to inherit attributes were possible
	CustomAttributes  map[string]string `yaml:"custom_attributes"`  // set additional custom attributes
	SplitObjects      bool              `yaml:"split_objects"`      // convert object with nested objects to array
	SplitArray        bool              `yaml:"split_array"`        // convert array to samples, use SetHeader to set attribute name
	LeafArray         bool              `yaml:"leaf_array"`         // convert array element to samples when SplitArray, use SetHeader to set attribute name
	Scp               SCP               `yaml:"scp"`
	// Key manipulation
	ToLower      bool              `yaml:"to_lower"`       // convert all unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
	ConvertSpace string            `yaml:"convert_space"`  // convert spaces to another char
	SnakeToCamel bool              `yaml:"snake_to_camel"` // snake_case to camelCase
	ReplaceKeys  map[string]string `yaml:"replace_keys"`   // uses rename_keys functionality
	RenameKeys   map[string]string `yaml:"rename_keys"`    // use regex to find keys, then replace value
	AddAttribute map[string]string `yaml:"add_attribute"`  // add attribute // needs description

	// Value manipulation
	PercToDecimal    bool              `yaml:"perc_to_decimal"` // will check strings, and perform a trimRight for the %
	PluckNumbers     bool              `yaml:"pluck_numbers"`   // plucks numbers out of the value
	Math             map[string]string `yaml:"math"`            // perform match across processed metrics
	SubParse         []Parse           `yaml:"sub_parse"`
	ValueParser      map[string]string `yaml:"value_parser"`      // find keys with regex, and parse the value with regex
	ValueTransformer map[string]string `yaml:"value_transformer"` // find key(s) with regex, and modify the value
	MetricParser     MetricParser      `yaml:"metric_parser"`     // to use the MetricParser for setting deltas and gauges a namespace needs to be set

	ValueMapper         map[string][]string `yaml:"value_mapper"`         // Map the value of the key based on regex pattern,  "*.?\s(Service Status)=>$1-Good"
	TimestampConversion map[string]string   `yaml:"timestamp_conversion"` // find keys with regex, convert date<=>timestamp

	// Command based options
	Split     string   `yaml:"split"`      // default vertical, can be set to horizontal (column) useful for tabular outputs
	SplitBy   string   `yaml:"split_by"`   // character to split by
	SetHeader []string `yaml:"set_header"` // manually set header column names
	Regex     bool     `yaml:"regex"`      // process SplitBy as regex
	RowHeader int      `yaml:"row_header"` // set the row header, to be used with SplitBy
	RowStart  int      `yaml:"row_start"`  // start from this line, to be used with SplitBy

	// Filtering Options
	EventFilter                 []Filter            `yaml:"event_filter"` // filters events in/out
	KeyFilter                   []Filter            `yaml:"key_filter"`   // filters keys in/out
	StripKeys                   []string            `yaml:"strip_keys"`
	RemoveKeys                  []string            `yaml:"remove_keys"`
	KeepKeys                    []string            `yaml:"keep_keys"`                       // inverse of removing keys
	SampleFilter                []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_filter"`                   // exclude sample filter key pair values with regex === sample_exclude_filter
	SampleIncludeFilter         []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_include_filter"`           // include sample filter key pair values with regex
	SampleExcludeFilter         []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_exclude_filter"`           // exclude sample filter key pair values with regex
	SampleIncludeMatchAllFilter []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_include_match_all_filter"` //include samples where multiple keys match the specified
	IgnoreOutput                bool                `yaml:"ignore_output"`                   // ignore the output completely, useful when creating lookups

	SaveOutput string `yaml:"save_output"` // Save output samples to a file

	// Debug Options
	Debug   bool `yaml:"debug"` // logs out additional data, should not be enabled for production use!
	Logging struct {
		Open bool `yaml:"open"` // log open related errors

	ReturnHeaders bool `yaml:"return_headers"`


type AgentConfig
type AgentConfig struct {
	Integrations []ConfigEntry `yaml:"integrations"`

AgentConfig stores the information from a single V4 integrations file This has been added so that Flex can understand the V4 agent format when users are using the config_file parameter

type ArgumentList
type ArgumentList struct {
	ForceLogEvent           bool   `default:"false" help:"Force create an event for everything - useful for testing"`
	OverrideIPMode          string `default:"" help:"Force override ipMode used for container discovery set as private or public - useful for testing"`
	Local                   bool   `default:"true" help:"Collect local entity info"`
	ConfigPath              string `default:"" help:"Set a specific config file."`
	ConfigFile              string `default:"" help:"(deprecated) Set a specific config file. Alias for config_path"`
	ConfigDir               string `default:"flexConfigs/" help:"Set directory of config files"`
	ContainerDiscoveryDir   string `default:"flexContainerDiscovery/" help:"Set directory of auto discovery config files"`
	ContainerDiscovery      bool   `default:"false" help:"Enable container auto discovery"`
	ContainerDiscoveryMulti bool   `default:"false" help:"Allow a container to be matched multiple times"`
	ContainerDump           bool   `default:"false" help:"Dump all containers, useful for debugging"`
	Fargate                 bool   `default:"false" help:"Enable Fargate discovery"`
	DockerAPIVersion        string `default:"" help:"Force Docker client API version"`
	EventLimit              int    `default:"0" help:"Event limiter - limit events per execution, 0 to disable"`
	Entity                  string `default:"" help:"Manually set a remote entity name"`
	InsightsURL             string `default:"" help:"Set Insights URL"`
	InsightsAPIKey          string `default:"" help:"Set Insights API key"`
	InsightsOutput          bool   `default:"false" help:"Output the events generated to standard out"`
	InsightBatchSize        int    `default:"5000" help:"Batch Size - number of metrics per post call to Insight endpoint"`
	MetricAPIUrl            string `default:"https://metric-api.newrelic.com/metric/v1" help:"Set Metric API URL"`
	MetricAPIKey            string `default:"" help:"Set Metric API key"`
	GitFlexDir              string `default:"flexGitConfigs/" help:"Set directory to store configs from git repository"`
	GitService              string `default:"github" help:"Set git service"`
	GitToken                string `default:"" help:"Set git token"`
	GitUser                 string `default:"" help:"Set git user"`
	GitRepo                 string `default:"" help:"Set git repository to sync"`
	GitURL                  string `default:"" help:"Set alternate git url"`
	GitBranch               string `default:"master" help:"Checkout to specified git branch"`
	GitCommit               string `default:"" help:"Checkout to specified git commit, if set will not use branch"`
	ProcessConfigsSync      bool   `default:"false" help:"Process configs synchronously rather then async"`
	// ProcessDiscovery      bool   `default:"true" help:"Enable process discovery"`
	EncryptPass          string `default:"" help:"Pass to be encypted"`
	PassPhrase           string `default:"N3wR3lic!" help:"PassPhrase used to de/encrypt"`
	DiscoverProcessWin   bool   `default:"false" help:"Discover Process info on Windows OS"`
	DiscoverProcessLinux bool   `default:"false" help:"Discover Process info on Linux OS"`
	NRJMXToolPath        string `default:"/usr/lib/nrjmx/" help:"Set a custom path for nrjmx tool"`
	StructuredLogs       bool   `default:"false" help:"output logs in Json structure format for external tool parsing"`

ArgumentList Available Arguments

var Args ArgumentList

Args Infrastructure SDK Arguments List

type BlkioStatEntry
type BlkioStatEntry struct {
	Major uint64 `json:"major"`
	Minor uint64 `json:"minor"`
	Op    string `json:"op"`
	Value uint64 `json:"value"`

BlkioStatEntry is one small entity to store a piece of Blkio stats Not used on Windows.

type BlkioStats
type BlkioStats struct {
	// number of bytes transferred to and from the block device
	IoServiceBytesRecursive []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_service_bytes_recursive"`
	IoServicedRecursive     []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_serviced_recursive"`
	IoQueuedRecursive       []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_queue_recursive"`
	IoServiceTimeRecursive  []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_service_time_recursive"`
	IoWaitTimeRecursive     []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_wait_time_recursive"`
	IoMergedRecursive       []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_merged_recursive"`
	IoTimeRecursive         []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_time_recursive"`
	SectorsRecursive        []BlkioStatEntry `json:"sectors_recursive"`

BlkioStats stores All IO service stats for data read and write. This is a Linux specific structure as the differences between expressing block I/O on Windows and Linux are sufficiently significant to make little sense attempting to morph into a combined structure.

type CPUStats
type CPUStats struct {
	// CPU Usage. Linux and Windows.
	CPUUsage CPUUsage `json:"cpu_usage"`

	// System Usage. Linux only.
	SystemUsage uint64 `json:"system_cpu_usage,omitempty"`

	// Online CPUs. Linux only.
	OnlineCPUs uint32 `json:"online_cpus,omitempty"`

	// Throttling Data. Linux only.
	ThrottlingData ThrottlingData `json:"throttling_data,omitempty"`

CPUStats aggregates and wraps all CPU related info of container

type CPUUsage
type CPUUsage struct {
	// Total CPU time consumed.
	// Units: nanoseconds (Linux)
	// Units: 100's of nanoseconds (Windows)
	TotalUsage uint64 `json:"total_usage"`

	// Total CPU time consumed per core (Linux). Not used on Windows.
	// Units: nanoseconds.
	PercpuUsage []uint64 `json:"percpu_usage,omitempty"`

	// Time spent by tasks of the cgroup in kernel mode (Linux).
	// Time spent by all container processes in kernel mode (Windows).
	// Units: nanoseconds (Linux).
	// Units: 100's of nanoseconds (Windows). Not populated for Hyper-V Containers.
	UsageInKernelmode uint64 `json:"usage_in_kernelmode"`

	// Time spent by tasks of the cgroup in user mode (Linux).
	// Time spent by all container processes in user mode (Windows).
	// Units: nanoseconds (Linux).
	// Units: 100's of nanoseconds (Windows). Not populated for Hyper-V Containers
	UsageInUsermode uint64 `json:"usage_in_usermode"`

CPUUsage stores All CPU stats aggregated since container inception.

type Command
type Command struct {
	Name             string            `yaml:"name"`              // required for database use
	EventType        string            `yaml:"event_type"`        // override eventType (currently used for db only)
	Shell            string            `yaml:"shell"`             // command shell
	Cache            string            `yaml:"cache"`             // use content from cache instead of a run command
	Run              string            `yaml:"run"`               // runs commands, but if database is set, then this is used to run queries
	ContainerExec    string            `yaml:"container_exec"`    // execute a command against a container
	Jmx              JMX               `yaml:"jmx"`               // if wanting to run different jmx endpoints to merge
	CompressBean     bool              `yaml:"compress_bean"`     // compress bean name //unused
	IgnoreOutput     bool              `yaml:"ignore_output"`     // can be useful for chaining commands together
	MetricParser     MetricParser      `yaml:"metric_parser"`     // not used yet
	CustomAttributes map[string]string `yaml:"custom_attributes"` // set additional custom attributes
	Output           string            `yaml:"output"`            // jmx, raw, json,xml
	LineEnd          int               `yaml:"line_end"`          // stop processing command output after a certain amount of lines
	LineStart        int               `yaml:"line_start"`        // start from this line
	Timeout          int               `yaml:"timeout"`           // command timeout
	Dial             string            `yaml:"dial"`              // eg. google.com:80
	Network          string            `yaml:"network"`           // default tcp
	OS               string            `yaml:"os"`                // default empty for any operating system, if set will check if the OS matches else will skip execution

	// Parsing Options - Body
	Split       string `yaml:"split"`        // default vertical, can be set to horizontal (column) useful for outputs that look like a table
	SplitBy     string `yaml:"split_by"`     // character/match to split by
	SplitOutput string `yaml:"split_output"` // split output by found regex
	RegexMatch  bool   `yaml:"regex_match"`  // process SplitBy as a regex match
	GroupBy     string `yaml:"group_by"`     // group by character
	RowHeader   int    `yaml:"row_header"`   // set the row header, to be used with SplitBy
	RowStart    int    `yaml:"row_start"`    // start from this line, to be used with SplitBy

	// Parsing Options - Header
	SetHeader        []string `yaml:"set_header"`         // manually set header column names (used when split is is set to horizontal)
	HeaderSplitBy    string   `yaml:"header_split_by"`    // character/match to split header by
	HeaderRegexMatch bool     `yaml:"header_regex_match"` // process HeaderSplitBy as a regex match

	// RegexMatches
	RegexMatches []RegMatch `yaml:"regex_matches"`

	// Hide exec command from output
	HideErrorExec bool `yaml:"hide_error_exec"` // prevent executable command from getting displayed when there is an error


Command Struct

type Config
type Config struct {
	FileName           string             `yaml:"file_name"`           // set when file is read
	FilePath           string             `yaml:"file_path"`           // set when file is read
	ContainerDiscovery ContainerDiscovery `yaml:"container_discovery"` // provide container discovery parameter at config level
	Name               string
	Global             Global
	APIs               []API
	Datastore          map[string][]interface{}       `yaml:"datastore"`
	LookupStore        map[string]map[string]struct{} `yaml:"lookup_store"` // ensures uniqueness vs a slice
	LookupFile         string                         `yaml:"lookup_file"`
	VariableStore      map[string]string              `yaml:"variable_store"`
	Secrets            map[string]Secret              `yaml:"secrets"`
	CustomAttributes   map[string]string              `yaml:"custom_attributes"` // set additional custom attributes
	MetricAPI          bool                           `yaml:"metric_api"`        // enable use of the dimensional data models metric api

Config YAML Struct

type ConfigEntry
type ConfigEntry struct {
	Name   string `yaml:"name"`
	Config Config `yaml:"config"`

ConfigEntry holds an integrations YAML configuration entry. It may define multiple types of tasks

type Container
type Container struct {

	// The Docker ID for the container.
	DockerID string `json:"DockerID"`

	// The name of the container as specified in the task definition.
	Name string `json:"Name"`

	// The name of the container supplied to Docker.
	// The Amazon ECS container agent generates a unique name for the container to avoid name collisions when multiple copies of the same task definition are run on a single instance.
	DockerName string `json:"DockerName"`

	// The image for the container.
	Image string `json:"Image"`

	//The SHA-256 digest for the image.
	ImageID string `json:"ImageID,omitempty"`

	// Any ports exposed for the container. This parameter is omitted if there are no exposed ports.
	Ports string `json:"Ports"`

	// Any labels applied to the container. This parameter is omitted if there are no labels applied.
	Labels map[string]string `json:"Labels"`

	// Any labels applied to the container. This parameter is omitted if there are no labels applied.
	Limits map[string]uint64 `json:"Limits"`

	// The desired status for the container from Amazon ECS.
	DesiredStatus string `json:"DesiredStatus"`

	// The known status for the container from Amazon ECS.
	KnownStatus string `json:"KnownStatus"`

	// The exit code for the container. This parameter is omitted if the container has not exited.
	ExitCode string `json:"ExitCode"`

	// The time stamp for when the container was created. This parameter is omitted if the container has not been created yet.
	CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"`

	// The time stamp for when the container started. This parameter is omitted if the container has not started yet.
	StartedAt string `json:"StartedAt"` // 2017-11-17T17:14:07.781711848Z

	// The time stamp for when the container stopped. This parameter is omitted if the container has not stopped yet.
	FinishedAt string `json:"FinishedAt"`

	// The type of the container. Containers that are specified in your task definition are of type NORMAL.
	// You can ignore other container types, which are used for internal task resource provisioning by the Amazon ECS container agent.
	Type string `json:"Type"`

	// The network information for the container, such as the network mode and IP address. This parameter is omitted if no network information is defined.
	Networks []Network `json:"Networks"`

Container as defined by the ECS metadata API

type ContainerDiscovery
type ContainerDiscovery struct {
	Target          string `yaml:"target"`  // string of container or image to target
	Type            string `yaml:"type"`    // container or image
	Mode            string `yaml:"mode"`    // contains, prefix, exact
	Port            int    `yaml:"port"`    // port
	IPMode          string `yaml:"ip_mode"` // public / private
	FileName        string `yaml:"file_name"`
	ReplaceComplete bool   `yaml:"replace_complete"`

ContainerDiscovery struct

type Filter
type Filter struct {
	Key     string `yaml:"key"`
	Value   string `yaml:"value"`
	Mode    string `yaml:"mode"`    // default regex, other options contains, prefix, suffix
	Inverse bool   `yaml:"inverse"` // inverse only works when being used for keys currently (setting to true is like using keep keys)

Filter struct

type Global
type Global struct {
	BaseURL    string `yaml:"base_url"`
	User, Pass string
	Proxy      string
	Timeout    int
	Headers    map[string]string `yaml:"headers"`
	Jmx        JMX               `yaml:"jmx"`
	TLSConfig  TLSConfig         `yaml:"tls_config"`
	Passphrase string            `yaml:"pass_phrase"`
	SSHPEMFile string            `yaml:"ssh_pem_file"`

Global struct

type JMX
type JMX struct {
	Domain         string `yaml:"domain"`
	User           string `yaml:"user"`
	Pass           string `yaml:"pass"`
	Host           string `yaml:"host"`
	Port           string `yaml:"port"`
	URIPath        string `yaml:"uri_path"`
	KeyStore       string `yaml:"key_store"`
	KeyStorePass   string `yaml:"key_store_pass"`
	TrustStore     string `yaml:"trust_store"`
	TrustStorePass string `yaml:"trust_store_pass"`

JMX struct

type MemoryStats
type MemoryStats struct {

	// current res_counter usage for memory
	Usage uint64 `json:"usage,omitempty"`
	// maximum usage ever recorded.
	MaxUsage uint64 `json:"max_usage,omitempty"`
	// TODO(vishh): Export these as stronger types.
	// all the stats exported via memory.stat.
	Stats map[string]uint64 `json:"stats,omitempty"`
	// number of times memory usage hits limits.
	Failcnt uint64 `json:"failcnt,omitempty"`
	Limit   uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`

	// committed bytes
	Commit uint64 `json:"commitbytes,omitempty"`
	// peak committed bytes
	CommitPeak uint64 `json:"commitpeakbytes,omitempty"`
	// private working set
	PrivateWorkingSet uint64 `json:"privateworkingset,omitempty"`

MemoryStats aggregates all memory stats since container inception on Linux. Windows returns stats for commit and private working set only.

type MetricParser
type MetricParser struct {
	Namespace Namespace                         `yaml:"namespace"`
	Metrics   map[string]string                 `yaml:"metrics"`  // inputBytesPerSecond: RATE
	Mode      string                            `yaml:"mode"`     // options regex, prefix, suffix, contains
	AutoSet   bool                              `yaml:"auto_set"` // if set to true, will attempt to do a contains instead of a direct key match, this is useful for setting multiple metrics
	Counts    map[string]int64                  `yaml:"counts"`
	Summaries map[string]map[string]interface{} `yaml:"summaries"`

MetricParser Struct

type Metrics
type Metrics struct {
	TimestampMs      int64                    `json:"timestamp.ms,omitempty"` // required for every metric at root or nested
	IntervalMs       int64                    `json:"interval.ms,omitempty"`  // required for count & summary
	CommonAttributes map[string]interface{}   `json:"commonAttributes,omitempty"`
	Metrics          []map[string]interface{} `json:"metrics"` // summaries have a different value structure then gauges or counters

Metrics struct

type Namespace
type Namespace struct {
	// if neither of the below are set and the MetricParser is used, the namespace will default to the "Name" attribute
	CustomAttr   string   `yaml:"custom_attr"`   // set your own custom namespace attribute
	ExistingAttr []string `yaml:"existing_attr"` // utilise existing attributes and chain together to create a custom namespace

Namespace Struct

type NetStats
type NetStats struct {
	RxBytes   uint64 `json:"rx_bytes"`
	RxPackets uint64 `json:"rx_packets"`
	TxBytes   uint64 `json:"tx_bytes"`
	TxPackets uint64 `json:"tx_packets"`

NetStats ECS container network usage

type Network
type Network struct {

	// NetworkMode currently only supported mode is awsvpc
	NetworkMode string `json:"NetworkMode"`

	// IPv4 Addresses supplied in a single element list
	IPv4Addresses []string `json:"IPv4Addresses"`

Network information of the container

type NetworkStats
type NetworkStats struct {
	// Bytes received. Windows and Linux.
	RxBytes uint64 `json:"rx_bytes"`
	// Packets received. Windows and Linux.
	RxPackets uint64 `json:"rx_packets"`
	// Received errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we don't `omitempty` this
	// field as it is expected in the >=v1.21 API stats structure.
	RxErrors uint64 `json:"rx_errors"`
	// Incoming packets dropped. Windows and Linux.
	RxDropped uint64 `json:"rx_dropped"`
	// Bytes sent. Windows and Linux.
	TxBytes uint64 `json:"tx_bytes"`
	// Packets sent. Windows and Linux.
	TxPackets uint64 `json:"tx_packets"`
	// Sent errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we don't `omitempty` this
	// field as it is expected in the >=v1.21 API stats structure.
	TxErrors uint64 `json:"tx_errors"`
	// Outgoing packets dropped. Windows and Linux.
	TxDropped uint64 `json:"tx_dropped"`
	// Endpoint ID. Not used on Linux.
	EndpointID string `json:"endpoint_id,omitempty"`
	// Instance ID. Not used on Linux.
	InstanceID string `json:"instance_id,omitempty"`

NetworkStats aggregates the network stats of one container

type Pagination
type Pagination struct {
	// internal attribute use
	OriginalURL  string `yaml:"original_url"`  // internal use (not intended for user use)
	NextLink     string `yaml:"next_link"`     // internal use (not intended for user use)
	NoPages      int    `yaml:"no_pages"`      // used to track how many pages walked (not intended for user use)
	PageMarker   int    `yaml:"page_marker"`   // used as a page marker (not intended for user use)
	CursorMarker string `yaml:"cursor_marker"` // used as a marker currently for cursors (not intended for user use)

	// attributes for use
	Increment   int    `yaml:"increment"`     // number to increment by
	MaxPages    int    `yaml:"max_pages"`     // set the max number of pages to walk (needs to be set or payload_key)
	MaxPagesKey string `yaml:"max_pages_key"` // set the max number of pages to walk (needs to be set or payload_key)

	PageStart    int    `yaml:"page_start"`     // page to start walking from
	PageNextKey  string `yaml:"page_next_key"`  // set a key to look for the next page to walk too - regex eg. "next":.(\d+)
	PageLimit    int    `yaml:"page_limit"`     // manually set the page_limit to use
	PageLimitKey string `yaml:"page_limit_key"` // set a key to look for the limit / page size / offset to use - regex eg. "limit":.(\d+)

	PayloadKey string `yaml:"payload_key"` // set a key to watch if data exists at a particular attribute (needs to be set or max_pages) regex eg. "someKey":(\[(.*?)\]|\{(.*?)\})

	NextCursorKey string `yaml:"next_cursor_key"` // watch for next cursor to query next
	MaxCursorKey  string `yaml:"max_cursor_key"`  // watch for max cursor to stop at

	NextLinkKey  string `yaml:"next_link_key"`  // look for a next link key to browse too
	NextLinkHost string `yaml:"next_link_host"` // set next link host - useful when next_link_key returns a partial URL, e.g "/mynextlinkABC", the next link will be {next_link_host}/mynextlinkABC

Pagination handles request pagination

type Parse
type Parse struct {
	Type    string   `yaml:"type"` // perform a contains, match, hasPrefix or regex for specified key
	Key     string   `yaml:"key"`
	SplitBy []string `yaml:"split_by"`

Parse struct

type PidsStats
type PidsStats struct {
	// Current is the number of pids in the cgroup
	Current uint64 `json:"current,omitempty"`
	// Limit is the hard limit on the number of pids in the cgroup.
	// A "Limit" of 0 means that there is no limit.
	Limit uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`

PidsStats contains the stats of a container's pids

type Prometheus
type Prometheus struct {
	Enable           bool              `yaml:"enable"`
	Raw              bool              `yaml:"raw"`             // creates an event per prometheus metric retaining all metadata
	Unflatten        bool              `yaml:"unflatten"`       // unflattens all counters and gauges into separate metric samples retaining all their metadata // make this map[string]string
	FlattenedEvent   string            `yaml:"flattened_event"` // name of the flattenedEvent
	KeyMerge         []string          `yaml:"key_merge"`       // list of keys to merge into the key name when flattening, not usable when unflatten set to true
	KeepLabels       bool              `yaml:"keep_labels"`     // not usable when unflatten set to true
	KeepHelp         bool              `yaml:"keep_help"`       // not usable when unflatten set to true
	CustomAttributes map[string]string `yaml:"custom_attributes"`
	SampleKeys       map[string]string `yaml:"sample_keys"`
	Histogram        bool              `yaml:"histogram"`       // if flattening by default, create a full histogram sample
	HistogramEvent   string            `yaml:"histogram_event"` // override histogram event type
	Summary          bool              `yaml:"summary"`         // if flattening by default, create a full summary sample
	SummaryEvent     string            `yaml:"summaryevent"`    // override summary event type
	GoMetrics        bool              `yaml:"go_metrics"`      // enable go metrics


Prometheus struct

type RegMatch
type RegMatch struct {
	Expression string   `yaml:"expression"`
	Keys       []string `yaml:"keys"`
	KeysMulti  []string `yaml:"keys_multi"`

RegMatch support for regex matches

type SCP
type SCP struct {
	User       string `yaml:"user"`
	Pass       string `yaml:"pass"`
	Host       string `yaml:"host"`
	Port       string `yaml:"port"`
	RemoteFile string `yaml:"remote_file"`
	Passphrase string `yaml:"pass_phrase"`
	SSHPEMFile string `yaml:"ssh_pem_file"`

SCP struct

type SampleMerge
type SampleMerge struct {
	EventType string   `yaml:"event_type"` // new event_type name for the sample
	Samples   []string `yaml:"samples"`    // list of samples to be merged

SampleMerge merge multiple samples into one (will remove previous samples)

type SamplesToMerge
type SamplesToMerge struct {
	Data map[string][]interface{}

SamplesToMerge keep merge sapmles

func (*SamplesToMerge) SampleAppend
func (s *SamplesToMerge) SampleAppend(key string, sample interface{})

SampleAppend append sample with locking

type Secret
type Secret struct {
	Kind           string                 `yaml:"kind"` // eg. aws, vault
	Key            string                 `yaml:"key"`
	Token          string                 `yaml:"token"`
	CredentialFile string                 `yaml:"credential_file"`
	ConfigFile     string                 `yaml:"config_file"`
	File           string                 `yaml:"file"`
	Data           string                 `yaml:"data"`
	HTTP           API                    `yaml:"http"`
	Region         string                 `yaml:"region"`
	Base64Decode   bool                   `yaml:"base64_decode"`
	Type           string                 `yaml:"type"` // basic, equal, json
	Values         map[string]interface{} `yaml:"values"`

Secret Struct

type Stats
type Stats struct {
	// Common stats
	Read    time.Time `json:"read"`
	PreRead time.Time `json:"preread"`

	// Linux specific stats, not populated on Windows.
	PidsStats  PidsStats  `json:"pids_stats,omitempty"`
	BlkioStats BlkioStats `json:"blkio_stats,omitempty"`

	// Windows specific stats, not populated on Linux.
	NumProcs     uint32       `json:"num_procs"`
	StorageStats StorageStats `json:"storage_stats,omitempty"`

	// Shared stats
	CPUStats    CPUStats    `json:"cpu_stats,omitempty"`
	PreCPUStats CPUStats    `json:"precpu_stats,omitempty"` // "Pre"="Previous"
	MemoryStats MemoryStats `json:"memory_stats,omitempty"`

	// Network from AWS Stats API
	Network NetStats `json:"network"`

	// Networks request version >=1.21
	Networks map[string]NetworkStats `json:"networks,omitempty"`

Stats is Ultimate struct aggregating all types of stats of one container

type StorageStats
type StorageStats struct {
	ReadCountNormalized  uint64 `json:"read_count_normalized,omitempty"`
	ReadSizeBytes        uint64 `json:"read_size_bytes,omitempty"`
	WriteCountNormalized uint64 `json:"write_count_normalized,omitempty"`
	WriteSizeBytes       uint64 `json:"write_size_bytes,omitempty"`

StorageStats is the disk I/O stats for read/write on Windows.

type TLSConfig
type TLSConfig struct {
	Enable             bool   `yaml:"enable"`
	InsecureSkipVerify bool   `yaml:"insecure_skip_verify"`
	MinVersion         uint16 `yaml:"min_version"`
	MaxVersion         uint16 `yaml:"max_version"`
	Ca                 string `yaml:"ca"` // path to ca to read

TLSConfig struct

type TaskMetadata
type TaskMetadata struct {

	// The name of the cluster that hosts the task.
	Cluster string `json:"Cluster"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task.
	TaskArn string `locationName:"taskArn" type:"string"`

	// The family of the Amazon ECS task definition for the task.
	Family string `locationName:"family" type:"string"`

	// The revision of the Amazon ECS task definition for the task.
	Revision string `locationName:"revision" type:"string"`

	// The desired status of the task. For more information, see Task Lifecycle
	// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_life_cycle.html).
	DesiredStatus string `locationName:"desiredStatus" type:"string"`

	// The known status for the task from Amazon ECS.
	KnownStatus string `locationName:"knownStatus" type:"string"`

	// A list of container metadata for each container associated with the task.
	Containers []Container `json:"Containers"`

	// The resource limits specified at the task level (such as CPU and memory). This parameter is omitted if no resource limits are defined.
	Limits map[string]float64 `json:"Limits"`

	// The Unix timestamp for when the container image pull began.
	PullStartedAt *time.Time `locationName:"pullStartedAt" type:"timestamp"`

	// The Unix timestamp for when the container image pull completed.
	PullStoppedAt *time.Time `locationName:"pullStoppedAt" type:"timestamp"`

	// The Unix timestamp for when the task execution stopped.
	ExecutionStoppedAt *time.Time `locationName:"executionStoppedAt" type:"timestamp"`

TaskMetadata https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task-metadata-endpoint-v2.html#task-metadata-endpoint-v2-response

type ThrottlingData
type ThrottlingData struct {
	// Number of periods with throttling active
	Periods uint64 `json:"periods"`
	// Number of periods when the container hits its throttling limit.
	ThrottledPeriods uint64 `json:"throttled_periods"`
	// Aggregate time the container was throttled for in nanoseconds.
	ThrottledTime uint64 `json:"throttled_time"`

ThrottlingData stores CPU throttling stats of one running container. Not used on Windows.




View Source
const (
	DefaultSplitBy     = ":"                      // unused currently
	DefaultTimeout     = 10000 * time.Millisecond // 10 seconds, used for raw commands
	DefaultDialTimeout = 1000                     // 1 seconds, used for dial
	DefaultPingTimeout = 5000                     // 5 seconds
	DefaultHANA        = "hdb"
	DefaultPostgres    = "postgres"
	DefaultMSSQLServer = "sqlserver"
	DefaultMySQL       = "mysql"
	DefaultOracle      = "oracle"
	DefaultMonetDB     = "monetdb"
	DefaultVertica     = "vertica"
	DefaultJmxHost     = ""
	DefaultJmxPort     = "9999"
	DefaultJmxUser     = "admin"
	DefaultJmxPass     = "admin"
	DefaultShell       = "/bin/sh"
	DefaultLineLimit   = 255
	Public             = "public"
	Private            = "private"
	Jmx                = "jmx"
	Img                = "img"
	Image              = "image"
	TypeContainer      = "container"
	TypeCname          = "cname"
	TypeJSON           = "json"
	TypeXML            = "xml"
	TypeCSV            = "csv"
	TypeColumns        = "columns"
	Contains           = "contains"


View Source
var CacheStoreLock = struct {
View Source
var ContainerID string

ContainerID current container id

View Source
var DiscoveredProcesses map[string]string

DiscoveredProcesses discovered processes

Entity Infrastructure SDK Entity

View Source
var FlexStatusCounter = struct {
	M map[string]int
}{M: make(map[string]int)}

FlexStatusCounter count internal metrics

View Source
var Hostname string

Hostname current host

View Source
var IgnoredIntegrationData []map[string]interface{}

IgnoredIntegrationData this is used for lookups with ignored output

View Source
var IngestData interface{}

IngestData store ingested data

Integration Infrastructure SDK Integration

View Source
var IntegrationName = "com.newrelic.nri-flex" // IntegrationName Name
View Source
var IntegrationNameShort = "nri-flex" // IntegrationNameShort Short Name
View Source
var IntegrationVersion = "Unknown-SNAPSHOT" // IntegrationVersion Version
View Source
var IsFargate bool

IsFargate basic check if running on fargate

View Source
var IsKubernetes bool

IsKubernetes basic check if running on k8s

View Source
var Logrus = logrus.New()

Logrus create instance of the logger

View Source
var MetricsStore = struct {
	Data []Metrics

MetricsStore for Dimensional Metrics to store data and lock and unlock when needed

View Source
var ServerlessExecutionEnv string

ServerlessExecutionEnv serverless execution environment

View Source
var ServerlessName string

ServerlessName if running on serverless platform

View Source
var StartTime int64

StartTime time Flex starts in Nanoseconds


func MakeTimestamp

func MakeTimestamp() int64

MakeTimestamp creates timestamp in milliseconds

func MetricsStoreAppend

func MetricsStoreAppend(metrics Metrics)

MetricsStoreAppend Append data to store

func MetricsStoreEmpty

func MetricsStoreEmpty()

MetricsStoreEmpty empties stored data

func Refresh

func Refresh()

Refresh Helper function used for testing

func SetupLogger added in v1.4.0

func SetupLogger()

func StatusCounterIncrement

func StatusCounterIncrement(key string)

StatusCounterIncrement increment the status counter for a particular key

func StatusCounterRead

func StatusCounterRead(key string) int

StatusCounterRead the status counter for a particular key

func TimestampMs

func TimestampMs() int64

TimestampMs create a timestamp in milliseconds


type API

type API struct {
	Name              string            `yaml:"name"`
	EventType         string            `yaml:"event_type"`  // override eventType
	Entity            string            `yaml:"entity"`      // define a custom entity name
	EntityType        string            `yaml:"entity_type"` // define a custom entity type (namespace)
	Ingest            bool              `yaml:"ingest"`
	Inventory         map[string]string `yaml:"inventory"`      // set as inventory
	InventoryOnly     bool              `yaml:"inventory_only"` // only generate inventory data
	Events            map[string]string `yaml:"events"`         // set as events
	EventsOnly        bool              `yaml:"events_only"`    // only generate events
	Merge             string            `yaml:"merge"`          // merge into another eventType
	RunAsync          bool              `yaml:"run_async" `     // API block to run in Async mode when using with lookupstore
	AsyncRate         int               `yaml:"async_rate"`     //Async Request Throttle Rate
	JoinKey           string            `yaml:"join_key"`       // merge into another eventType
	Prefix            string            `yaml:"prefix"`         // prefix attribute keys
	File              string            `yaml:"file"`
	URL               string            `yaml:"url"`
	Pagination        Pagination        `yaml:"pagination"`
	EscapeURL         bool              `yaml:"escape_url"`
	Prometheus        Prometheus        `yaml:"prometheus"`
	Cache             string            `yaml:"cache"` // read data from datastore
	Database          string            `yaml:"database"`
	DBDriver          string            `yaml:"db_driver"`
	DBConn            string            `yaml:"db_conn"`
	Shell             string            `yaml:"shell"`
	CommandsAsync     bool              `yaml:"commands_async"` // run commands async
	Commands          []Command         `yaml:"commands"`
	DBQueries         []Command         `yaml:"db_queries"`
	DBAsync           bool              `yaml:"db_async"`   // perform db queries async
	Jq                string            `yaml:"jq"`         // parse data using jq
	ParseHTML         bool              `yaml:"parse_html"` // parse text/html content type table element to JSON
	Jmx               JMX               `yaml:"jmx"`
	IgnoreLines       []int             // not implemented - idea is to ignore particular lines starting from 0 of the command output
	User, Pass        string
	Proxy             string
	TLSConfig         TLSConfig `yaml:"tls_config"`
	Timeout           int
	Method            string
	Payload           string
	Headers           map[string]string `yaml:"headers"`
	DisableParentAttr bool              `yaml:"disable_parent_attr"`
	StartKey          []string          `yaml:"start_key"` // start from a different section of the payload
	StoreLookups      map[string]string `yaml:"store_lookups"`
	DedupeLookups     []string          `yaml:"dedupe_lookups"`
	StoreVariables    map[string]string `yaml:"store_variables"`
	LazyFlatten       []string          `yaml:"lazy_flatten"`
	SampleKeys        map[string]string `yaml:"sample_keys"`
	RenameSamples     map[string]string `yaml:"rename_samples"`     // using regex if sample has a key that matches, make that a different sample
	SkipProcessing    []string          `yaml:"skip_processing"`    // skip processing particular keys using an array of regex strings
	InheritAttributes bool              `yaml:"inherit_attributes"` // attempts to inherit attributes were possible
	CustomAttributes  map[string]string `yaml:"custom_attributes"`  // set additional custom attributes
	SplitObjects      bool              `yaml:"split_objects"`      // convert object with nested objects to array
	SplitArray        bool              `yaml:"split_array"`        // convert array to samples, use SetHeader to set attribute name
	LeafArray         bool              `yaml:"leaf_array"`         // convert array element to samples when SplitArray, use SetHeader to set attribute name
	Scp               SCP               `yaml:"scp"`
	HWSigner          HWSigner          `yaml:"hw_signer"`     // Huawei Cloud Service API signer
	AliyunSigner      AliyunSigner      `yaml:"aliyun_signer"` // Huawei Cloud Service API signer
	// Key manipulation
	ToLower      bool              `yaml:"to_lower"`       // convert all unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
	ConvertSpace string            `yaml:"convert_space"`  // convert spaces to another char
	SnakeToCamel bool              `yaml:"snake_to_camel"` // snake_case to camelCase
	ReplaceKeys  map[string]string `yaml:"replace_keys"`   // uses rename_keys functionality
	RenameKeys   map[string]string `yaml:"rename_keys"`    // use regex to find keys, then replace value
	AddAttribute map[string]string `yaml:"add_attribute"`  // add attribute // needs description

	// Value manipulation
	PercToDecimal    bool              `yaml:"perc_to_decimal"` // will check strings, and perform a trimRight for the %
	PluckNumbers     bool              `yaml:"pluck_numbers"`   // plucks numbers out of the value
	Math             map[string]string `yaml:"math"`            // perform match across processed metrics
	SubParse         []Parse           `yaml:"sub_parse"`
	ValueParser      map[string]string `yaml:"value_parser"`      // find keys with regex, and parse the value with regex
	ValueTransformer map[string]string `yaml:"value_transformer"` // find key(s) with regex, and modify the value
	MetricParser     MetricParser      `yaml:"metric_parser"`     // to use the MetricParser for setting deltas and gauges a namespace needs to be set
	ValueToLower     []string          `yaml:"value_to_lower"`    // target keys to set values to convert to lowercase
	ValueToUpper     []string          `yaml:"value_to_upper"`    // target keys to set values to convert to uppercase

	ValueMapper         map[string][]string `yaml:"value_mapper"`         // Map the value of the key based on regex pattern,  "*.?\s(Service Status)=>$1-Good"
	TimestampConversion map[string]string   `yaml:"timestamp_conversion"` // find keys with regex, convert date<=>timestamp

	// Command based options
	Split     string   `yaml:"split"`      // default vertical, can be set to horizontal (column) useful for tabular outputs
	SplitBy   string   `yaml:"split_by"`   // character to split by
	SetHeader []string `yaml:"set_header"` // manually set header column names
	Regex     bool     `yaml:"regex"`      // process SplitBy as regex
	RowHeader int      `yaml:"row_header"` // set the row header, to be used with SplitBy
	RowStart  int      `yaml:"row_start"`  // start from this line, to be used with SplitBy

	// Filtering Options
	EventFilter                 []Filter            `yaml:"event_filter"` // filters events in/out
	KeyFilter                   []Filter            `yaml:"key_filter"`   // filters keys in/out
	StripKeys                   []string            `yaml:"strip_keys"`
	RemoveKeys                  []string            `yaml:"remove_keys"`
	KeepKeys                    []string            `yaml:"keep_keys"`                       // inverse of removing keys
	SampleFilter                []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_filter"`                   // exclude sample filter key pair values with regex === sample_exclude_filter
	SampleIncludeFilter         []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_include_filter"`           // include sample filter key pair values with regex
	SampleExcludeFilter         []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_exclude_filter"`           // exclude sample filter key pair values with regex
	SampleIncludeMatchAllFilter []map[string]string `yaml:"sample_include_match_all_filter"` //include samples where multiple keys match the specified
	IgnoreOutput                bool                `yaml:"ignore_output"`                   // ignore the output completely, useful when creating lookups

	SaveOutput string `yaml:"save_output"` // Save output samples to a file

	// Debug Options
	Debug   bool `yaml:"debug"` // logs out additional data, should not be enabled for production use!
	Logging struct {
		Open bool `yaml:"open"` // log open related errors

	ReturnHeaders bool `yaml:"return_headers"`


type AgentConfig added in v1.2.0

type AgentConfig struct {
	Integrations []ConfigEntry `yaml:"integrations"`

AgentConfig stores the information from a single V4 integrations file This has been added so that Flex can understand the V4 agent format when users are using the config_file parameter

type AliyunSigner added in v1.4.1

type AliyunSigner struct {
	Key    string `yaml:"key"`
	Secret string `yaml:"secret"`

AliyunSigner struct

type ArgumentList

type ArgumentList struct {
	ForceLogEvent           bool   `default:"false" help:"Force create an event for everything - useful for testing"`
	OverrideIPMode          string `default:"" help:"Force override ipMode used for container discovery set as private or public - useful for testing"`
	Local                   bool   `default:"true" help:"Collect local entity info"`
	ConfigPath              string `default:"" help:"Set a specific config file."`
	ConfigFile              string `default:"" help:"(deprecated) Set a specific config file. Alias for config_path"`
	ConfigDir               string `default:"flexConfigs/" help:"Set directory of config files"`
	ContainerDiscoveryDir   string `default:"flexContainerDiscovery/" help:"Set directory of auto discovery config files"`
	ContainerDiscovery      bool   `default:"false" help:"Enable container auto discovery"`
	ContainerDiscoveryMulti bool   `default:"false" help:"Allow a container to be matched multiple times"`
	ContainerDump           bool   `default:"false" help:"Dump all containers, useful for debugging"`
	Fargate                 bool   `default:"false" help:"Enable Fargate discovery"`
	DockerAPIVersion        string `default:"" help:"Force Docker client API version"`
	EventLimit              int    `default:"0" help:"Event limiter - limit events per execution, 0 to disable"`
	Entity                  string `default:"" help:"Manually set a remote entity name"`
	InsightsURL             string `default:"" help:"Set Insights URL"`
	InsightsAPIKey          string `default:"" help:"Set Insights API key"`
	InsightsOutput          bool   `default:"false" help:"Output the events generated to standard out"`
	InsightBatchSize        int    `default:"5000" help:"Batch Size - number of metrics per post call to Insight endpoint"`
	MetricAPIUrl            string `default:"https://metric-api.newrelic.com/metric/v1" help:"Set Metric API URL"`
	MetricAPIKey            string `default:"" help:"Set Metric API key"`
	GitFlexDir              string `default:"flexGitConfigs/" help:"Set directory to store configs from git repository"`
	GitService              string `default:"github" help:"Set git service"`
	GitToken                string `default:"" help:"Set git token"`
	GitUser                 string `default:"" help:"Set git user"`
	GitRepo                 string `default:"" help:"Set git repository to sync"`
	GitURL                  string `default:"" help:"Set alternate git url"`
	GitBranch               string `default:"master" help:"Checkout to specified git branch"`
	GitCommit               string `default:"" help:"Checkout to specified git commit, if set will not use branch"`
	ProcessConfigsSync      bool   `default:"false" help:"Process configs synchronously rather then async"`
	AsyncRate               int    `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	// ProcessDiscovery      bool   `default:"true" help:"Enable process discovery"`
	EncryptPass          string `default:"" help:"Pass to be encypted"`
	PassPhrase           string `default:"N3wR3lic!" help:"PassPhrase used to de/encrypt"`
	DiscoverProcessWin   bool   `default:"false" help:"Discover Process info on Windows OS"`
	DiscoverProcessLinux bool   `default:"false" help:"Discover Process info on Linux OS"`
	NRJMXToolPath        string `default:"/usr/lib/nrjmx/" help:"Set a custom path for nrjmx tool"`
	StructuredLogs       bool   `default:"false" help:"output logs in Json structure format for external tool parsing"`
	AllowEnvCommands     bool   `default:"false" help:"enable to allow the use of FLEX_CMD_PREPEND, FLEX_CMD_APPEND & FLEX_CMD_WRAP"`
	StdinPipe            bool   `default:"false" help:"use cmd.StdinPipe for commands"`

ArgumentList Available Arguments

var Args ArgumentList

Args Infrastructure SDK Arguments List

type Assert added in v1.3.9

type Assert struct {
	Match    string `yaml:"match"`     // containue if output matches this string
	NotMatch string `yaml:"not_match"` // continue if output does not match this string

Assert uses command as an assertion to block or pass following commands

type BlkioStatEntry

type BlkioStatEntry struct {
	Major uint64 `json:"major"`
	Minor uint64 `json:"minor"`
	Op    string `json:"op"`
	Value uint64 `json:"value"`

BlkioStatEntry is one small entity to store a piece of Blkio stats Not used on Windows.

type BlkioStats

type BlkioStats struct {
	// number of bytes transferred to and from the block device
	IoServiceBytesRecursive []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_service_bytes_recursive"`
	IoServicedRecursive     []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_serviced_recursive"`
	IoQueuedRecursive       []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_queue_recursive"`
	IoServiceTimeRecursive  []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_service_time_recursive"`
	IoWaitTimeRecursive     []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_wait_time_recursive"`
	IoMergedRecursive       []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_merged_recursive"`
	IoTimeRecursive         []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_time_recursive"`
	SectorsRecursive        []BlkioStatEntry `json:"sectors_recursive"`

BlkioStats stores All IO service stats for data read and write. This is a Linux specific structure as the differences between expressing block I/O on Windows and Linux are sufficiently significant to make little sense attempting to morph into a combined structure.

type CPUStats

type CPUStats struct {
	// CPU Usage. Linux and Windows.
	CPUUsage CPUUsage `json:"cpu_usage"`

	// System Usage. Linux only.
	SystemUsage uint64 `json:"system_cpu_usage,omitempty"`

	// Online CPUs. Linux only.
	OnlineCPUs uint32 `json:"online_cpus,omitempty"`

	// Throttling Data. Linux only.
	ThrottlingData ThrottlingData `json:"throttling_data,omitempty"`

CPUStats aggregates and wraps all CPU related info of container

type CPUUsage

type CPUUsage struct {
	// Total CPU time consumed.
	// Units: nanoseconds (Linux)
	// Units: 100's of nanoseconds (Windows)
	TotalUsage uint64 `json:"total_usage"`

	// Total CPU time consumed per core (Linux). Not used on Windows.
	// Units: nanoseconds.
	PercpuUsage []uint64 `json:"percpu_usage,omitempty"`

	// Time spent by tasks of the cgroup in kernel mode (Linux).
	// Time spent by all container processes in kernel mode (Windows).
	// Units: nanoseconds (Linux).
	// Units: 100's of nanoseconds (Windows). Not populated for Hyper-V Containers.
	UsageInKernelmode uint64 `json:"usage_in_kernelmode"`

	// Time spent by tasks of the cgroup in user mode (Linux).
	// Time spent by all container processes in user mode (Windows).
	// Units: nanoseconds (Linux).
	// Units: 100's of nanoseconds (Windows). Not populated for Hyper-V Containers
	UsageInUsermode uint64 `json:"usage_in_usermode"`

CPUUsage stores All CPU stats aggregated since container inception.

type Command

type Command struct {
	Name             string            `yaml:"name"`              // required for database use
	EventType        string            `yaml:"event_type"`        // override eventType (currently used for db only)
	Shell            string            `yaml:"shell"`             // command shell
	Cache            string            `yaml:"cache"`             // use content from cache instead of a run command
	Run              string            `yaml:"run"`               // runs commands, but if database is set, then this is used to run queries
	ContainerExec    string            `yaml:"container_exec"`    // execute a command against a container
	Jmx              JMX               `yaml:"jmx"`               // if wanting to run different jmx endpoints to merge
	CompressBean     bool              `yaml:"compress_bean"`     // compress bean name //unused
	IgnoreOutput     bool              `yaml:"ignore_output"`     // can be useful for chaining commands together
	MetricParser     MetricParser      `yaml:"metric_parser"`     // not used yet
	CustomAttributes map[string]string `yaml:"custom_attributes"` // set additional custom attributes
	Output           string            `yaml:"output"`            // jmx, raw, json,xml
	LineEnd          int               `yaml:"line_end"`          // stop processing command output after a certain amount of lines
	LineStart        int               `yaml:"line_start"`        // start from this line
	Timeout          int               `yaml:"timeout"`           // command timeout
	Dial             string            `yaml:"dial"`              // eg. google.com:80
	Network          string            `yaml:"network"`           // default tcp
	OS               string            `yaml:"os"`                // default empty for any operating system, if set will check if the OS matches else will skip execution
	// Parsing Options - Body
	Split       string `yaml:"split"`        // default vertical, can be set to horizontal (column) useful for outputs that look like a table
	SplitBy     string `yaml:"split_by"`     // character/match to split by
	SplitOutput string `yaml:"split_output"` // split output by found regex
	RegexMatch  bool   `yaml:"regex_match"`  // process SplitBy as a regex match
	GroupBy     string `yaml:"group_by"`     // group by character
	RowHeader   int    `yaml:"row_header"`   // set the row header, to be used with SplitBy
	RowStart    int    `yaml:"row_start"`    // start from this line, to be used with SplitBy

	// Parsing Options - Header
	SetHeader        []string `yaml:"set_header"`         // manually set header column names (used when split is is set to horizontal)
	HeaderSplitBy    string   `yaml:"header_split_by"`    // character/match to split header by
	HeaderRegexMatch bool     `yaml:"header_regex_match"` // process HeaderSplitBy as a regex match

	// RegexMatches
	RegexMatches []RegMatch `yaml:"regex_matches"`

	// Mask run command
	HideErrorExec bool   `yaml:"hide_error_exec"` // prevent executable command from getting displayed when there is an error
	Assert        Assert `yaml:"assert"`          // use command as an assertion to block other commands unless successful

Command Struct

type Config

type Config struct {
	FileName           string             `yaml:"file_name"`           // set when file is read
	FilePath           string             `yaml:"file_path"`           // set when file is read
	ContainerDiscovery ContainerDiscovery `yaml:"container_discovery"` // provide container discovery parameter at config level
	Name               string
	Global             Global
	APIs               []API
	Datastore          map[string][]interface{}       `yaml:"datastore"`
	LookupStore        map[string]map[string]struct{} `yaml:"lookup_store"` // ensures uniqueness vs a slice
	LookupFile         string                         `yaml:"lookup_file"`
	VariableStore      map[string]string              `yaml:"variable_store"`
	Secrets            map[string]Secret              `yaml:"secrets"`
	CustomAttributes   map[string]string              `yaml:"custom_attributes"` // set additional custom attributes
	MetricAPI          bool                           `yaml:"metric_api"`        // enable use of the dimensional data models metric api

Config YAML Struct

type ConfigEntry added in v1.2.0

type ConfigEntry struct {
	Name   string `yaml:"name"`
	Config Config `yaml:"config"`

ConfigEntry holds an integrations YAML configuration entry. It may define multiple types of tasks

type Container

type Container struct {

	// The Docker ID for the container.
	DockerID string `json:"DockerID"`

	// The name of the container as specified in the task definition.
	Name string `json:"Name"`

	// The name of the container supplied to Docker.
	// The Amazon ECS container agent generates a unique name for the container to avoid name collisions when multiple copies of the same task definition are run on a single instance.
	DockerName string `json:"DockerName"`

	// The image for the container.
	Image string `json:"Image"`

	//The SHA-256 digest for the image.
	ImageID string `json:"ImageID,omitempty"`

	// Any ports exposed for the container. This parameter is omitted if there are no exposed ports.
	Ports string `json:"Ports"`

	// Any labels applied to the container. This parameter is omitted if there are no labels applied.
	Labels map[string]string `json:"Labels"`

	// Any labels applied to the container. This parameter is omitted if there are no labels applied.
	Limits map[string]uint64 `json:"Limits"`

	// The desired status for the container from Amazon ECS.
	DesiredStatus string `json:"DesiredStatus"`

	// The known status for the container from Amazon ECS.
	KnownStatus string `json:"KnownStatus"`

	// The exit code for the container. This parameter is omitted if the container has not exited.
	ExitCode string `json:"ExitCode"`

	// The time stamp for when the container was created. This parameter is omitted if the container has not been created yet.
	CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"`

	// The time stamp for when the container started. This parameter is omitted if the container has not started yet.
	StartedAt string `json:"StartedAt"` // 2017-11-17T17:14:07.781711848Z

	// The time stamp for when the container stopped. This parameter is omitted if the container has not stopped yet.
	FinishedAt string `json:"FinishedAt"`

	// The type of the container. Containers that are specified in your task definition are of type NORMAL.
	// You can ignore other container types, which are used for internal task resource provisioning by the Amazon ECS container agent.
	Type string `json:"Type"`

	// The network information for the container, such as the network mode and IP address. This parameter is omitted if no network information is defined.
	Networks []Network `json:"Networks"`

Container as defined by the ECS metadata API

type ContainerDiscovery

type ContainerDiscovery struct {
	Target          string `yaml:"target"`  // string of container or image to target
	Type            string `yaml:"type"`    // container or image
	Mode            string `yaml:"mode"`    // contains, prefix, exact
	Port            int    `yaml:"port"`    // port
	IPMode          string `yaml:"ip_mode"` // public / private
	FileName        string `yaml:"file_name"`
	ReplaceComplete bool   `yaml:"replace_complete"`

ContainerDiscovery struct

type Filter

type Filter struct {
	Key     string `yaml:"key"`
	Value   string `yaml:"value"`
	Mode    string `yaml:"mode"`    // default regex, other options contains, prefix, suffix
	Inverse bool   `yaml:"inverse"` // inverse only works when being used for keys currently (setting to true is like using keep keys)

Filter struct

type Global

type Global struct {
	BaseURL    string `yaml:"base_url"`
	User, Pass string
	Proxy      string
	Timeout    int
	Headers    map[string]string `yaml:"headers"`
	Jmx        JMX               `yaml:"jmx"`
	TLSConfig  TLSConfig         `yaml:"tls_config"`
	Passphrase string            `yaml:"pass_phrase"`
	SSHPEMFile string            `yaml:"ssh_pem_file"`

Global struct

type HWSigner added in v1.3.7

type HWSigner struct {
	Key    string `yaml:"key"`
	Secret string `yaml:"secret"`

HWSigner struct

type JMX

type JMX struct {
	Domain         string `yaml:"domain"`
	User           string `yaml:"user"`
	Pass           string `yaml:"pass"`
	Host           string `yaml:"host"`
	Port           string `yaml:"port"`
	URIPath        string `yaml:"uri_path"`
	KeyStore       string `yaml:"key_store"`
	KeyStorePass   string `yaml:"key_store_pass"`
	TrustStore     string `yaml:"trust_store"`
	TrustStorePass string `yaml:"trust_store_pass"`

JMX struct

type MemoryStats

type MemoryStats struct {

	// current res_counter usage for memory
	Usage uint64 `json:"usage,omitempty"`
	// maximum usage ever recorded.
	MaxUsage uint64 `json:"max_usage,omitempty"`
	// TODO(vishh): Export these as stronger types.
	// all the stats exported via memory.stat.
	Stats map[string]uint64 `json:"stats,omitempty"`
	// number of times memory usage hits limits.
	Failcnt uint64 `json:"failcnt,omitempty"`
	Limit   uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`

	// committed bytes
	Commit uint64 `json:"commitbytes,omitempty"`
	// peak committed bytes
	CommitPeak uint64 `json:"commitpeakbytes,omitempty"`
	// private working set
	PrivateWorkingSet uint64 `json:"privateworkingset,omitempty"`

MemoryStats aggregates all memory stats since container inception on Linux. Windows returns stats for commit and private working set only.

type MetricParser

type MetricParser struct {
	Namespace Namespace                         `yaml:"namespace"`
	Metrics   map[string]string                 `yaml:"metrics"`  // inputBytesPerSecond: RATE
	Mode      string                            `yaml:"mode"`     // options regex, prefix, suffix, contains
	AutoSet   bool                              `yaml:"auto_set"` // if set to true, will attempt to do a contains instead of a direct key match, this is useful for setting multiple metrics
	Counts    map[string]int64                  `yaml:"counts"`
	Summaries map[string]map[string]interface{} `yaml:"summaries"`

MetricParser Struct

type Metrics

type Metrics struct {
	TimestampMs      int64                    `json:"timestamp.ms,omitempty"` // required for every metric at root or nested
	IntervalMs       int64                    `json:"interval.ms,omitempty"`  // required for count & summary
	CommonAttributes map[string]interface{}   `json:"commonAttributes,omitempty"`
	Metrics          []map[string]interface{} `json:"metrics"` // summaries have a different value structure then gauges or counters

Metrics struct

type Namespace

type Namespace struct {
	// if neither of the below are set and the MetricParser is used, the namespace will default to the "Name" attribute
	CustomAttr   string   `yaml:"custom_attr"`   // set your own custom namespace attribute
	ExistingAttr []string `yaml:"existing_attr"` // utilise existing attributes and chain together to create a custom namespace

Namespace Struct

type NetStats

type NetStats struct {
	RxBytes   uint64 `json:"rx_bytes"`
	RxPackets uint64 `json:"rx_packets"`
	TxBytes   uint64 `json:"tx_bytes"`
	TxPackets uint64 `json:"tx_packets"`

NetStats ECS container network usage

type Network

type Network struct {

	// NetworkMode currently only supported mode is awsvpc
	NetworkMode string `json:"NetworkMode"`

	// IPv4 Addresses supplied in a single element list
	IPv4Addresses []string `json:"IPv4Addresses"`

Network information of the container

type NetworkStats

type NetworkStats struct {
	// Bytes received. Windows and Linux.
	RxBytes uint64 `json:"rx_bytes"`
	// Packets received. Windows and Linux.
	RxPackets uint64 `json:"rx_packets"`
	// Received errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we don't `omitempty` this
	// field as it is expected in the >=v1.21 API stats structure.
	RxErrors uint64 `json:"rx_errors"`
	// Incoming packets dropped. Windows and Linux.
	RxDropped uint64 `json:"rx_dropped"`
	// Bytes sent. Windows and Linux.
	TxBytes uint64 `json:"tx_bytes"`
	// Packets sent. Windows and Linux.
	TxPackets uint64 `json:"tx_packets"`
	// Sent errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we don't `omitempty` this
	// field as it is expected in the >=v1.21 API stats structure.
	TxErrors uint64 `json:"tx_errors"`
	// Outgoing packets dropped. Windows and Linux.
	TxDropped uint64 `json:"tx_dropped"`
	// Endpoint ID. Not used on Linux.
	EndpointID string `json:"endpoint_id,omitempty"`
	// Instance ID. Not used on Linux.
	InstanceID string `json:"instance_id,omitempty"`

NetworkStats aggregates the network stats of one container

type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	// internal attribute use
	OriginalURL  string `yaml:"original_url"`  // internal use (not intended for user use)
	NextLink     string `yaml:"next_link"`     // internal use (not intended for user use)
	NoPages      int    `yaml:"no_pages"`      // used to track how many pages walked (not intended for user use)
	PageMarker   int    `yaml:"page_marker"`   // used as a page marker (not intended for user use)
	CursorMarker string `yaml:"cursor_marker"` // used as a marker currently for cursors (not intended for user use)

	// attributes for use
	Increment   int    `yaml:"increment"`     // number to increment by
	MaxPages    int    `yaml:"max_pages"`     // set the max number of pages to walk (needs to be set or payload_key)
	MaxPagesKey string `yaml:"max_pages_key"` // set the max number of pages to walk (needs to be set or payload_key)

	PageStart    int    `yaml:"page_start"`     // page to start walking from
	PageNextKey  string `yaml:"page_next_key"`  // set a key to look for the next page to walk too - regex eg. "next":.(\d+)
	PageLimit    int    `yaml:"page_limit"`     // manually set the page_limit to use
	PageLimitKey string `yaml:"page_limit_key"` // set a key to look for the limit / page size / offset to use - regex eg. "limit":.(\d+)

	PayloadKey string `yaml:"payload_key"` // set a key to watch if data exists at a particular attribute (needs to be set or max_pages) regex eg. "someKey":(\[(.*?)\]|\{(.*?)\})

	NextCursorKey string `yaml:"next_cursor_key"` // watch for next cursor to query next
	MaxCursorKey  string `yaml:"max_cursor_key"`  // watch for max cursor to stop at

	NextLinkKey  string `yaml:"next_link_key"`  // look for a next link key to browse too
	NextLinkHost string `yaml:"next_link_host"` // set next link host - useful when next_link_key returns a partial URL, e.g "/mynextlinkABC", the next link will be {next_link_host}/mynextlinkABC

Pagination handles request pagination

type Parse

type Parse struct {
	Type    string   `yaml:"type"` // perform a contains, match, hasPrefix or regex for specified key
	Key     string   `yaml:"key"`
	SplitBy []string `yaml:"split_by"`

Parse struct

type PidsStats

type PidsStats struct {
	// Current is the number of pids in the cgroup
	Current uint64 `json:"current,omitempty"`
	// Limit is the hard limit on the number of pids in the cgroup.
	// A "Limit" of 0 means that there is no limit.
	Limit uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`

PidsStats contains the stats of a container's pids

type Prometheus

type Prometheus struct {
	Enable           bool              `yaml:"enable"`
	Raw              bool              `yaml:"raw"`             // creates an event per prometheus metric retaining all metadata
	Unflatten        bool              `yaml:"unflatten"`       // unflattens all counters and gauges into separate metric samples retaining all their metadata // make this map[string]string
	FlattenedEvent   string            `yaml:"flattened_event"` // name of the flattenedEvent
	KeyMerge         []string          `yaml:"key_merge"`       // list of keys to merge into the key name when flattening, not usable when unflatten set to true
	KeepLabels       bool              `yaml:"keep_labels"`     // not usable when unflatten set to true
	KeepHelp         bool              `yaml:"keep_help"`       // not usable when unflatten set to true
	CustomAttributes map[string]string `yaml:"custom_attributes"`
	SampleKeys       map[string]string `yaml:"sample_keys"`
	Histogram        bool              `yaml:"histogram"`       // if flattening by default, create a full histogram sample
	HistogramEvent   string            `yaml:"histogram_event"` // override histogram event type
	Summary          bool              `yaml:"summary"`         // if flattening by default, create a full summary sample
	SummaryEvent     string            `yaml:"summaryevent"`    // override summary event type
	GoMetrics        bool              `yaml:"go_metrics"`      // enable go metrics


Prometheus struct

type RegMatch

type RegMatch struct {
	Expression string   `yaml:"expression"`
	Keys       []string `yaml:"keys"`
	KeysMulti  []string `yaml:"keys_multi"`

RegMatch support for regex matches

type SCP added in v0.9.3

type SCP struct {
	User       string `yaml:"user"`
	Pass       string `yaml:"pass"`
	Host       string `yaml:"host"`
	Port       string `yaml:"port"`
	RemoteFile string `yaml:"remote_file"`
	Passphrase string `yaml:"pass_phrase"`
	SSHPEMFile string `yaml:"ssh_pem_file"`

SCP struct

type SampleMerge

type SampleMerge struct {
	EventType string   `yaml:"event_type"` // new event_type name for the sample
	Samples   []string `yaml:"samples"`    // list of samples to be merged

SampleMerge merge multiple samples into one (will remove previous samples)

type SamplesToMerge added in v0.9.7

type SamplesToMerge struct {
	Data map[string][]interface{}

SamplesToMerge keep merge sapmles

func (*SamplesToMerge) SampleAppend added in v0.9.7

func (s *SamplesToMerge) SampleAppend(key string, sample interface{})

SampleAppend append sample with locking

type Secret

type Secret struct {
	Kind           string                 `yaml:"kind"` // eg. aws, vault
	Key            string                 `yaml:"key"`
	Token          string                 `yaml:"token"`
	CredentialFile string                 `yaml:"credential_file"`
	ConfigFile     string                 `yaml:"config_file"`
	File           string                 `yaml:"file"`
	Data           string                 `yaml:"data"`
	HTTP           API                    `yaml:"http"`
	Region         string                 `yaml:"region"`
	Base64Decode   bool                   `yaml:"base64_decode"`
	Type           string                 `yaml:"type"` // basic, equal, json
	Values         map[string]interface{} `yaml:"values"`

Secret Struct

type Stats

type Stats struct {
	// Common stats
	Read    time.Time `json:"read"`
	PreRead time.Time `json:"preread"`

	// Linux specific stats, not populated on Windows.
	PidsStats  PidsStats  `json:"pids_stats,omitempty"`
	BlkioStats BlkioStats `json:"blkio_stats,omitempty"`

	// Windows specific stats, not populated on Linux.
	NumProcs     uint32       `json:"num_procs"`
	StorageStats StorageStats `json:"storage_stats,omitempty"`

	// Shared stats
	CPUStats    CPUStats    `json:"cpu_stats,omitempty"`
	PreCPUStats CPUStats    `json:"precpu_stats,omitempty"` // "Pre"="Previous"
	MemoryStats MemoryStats `json:"memory_stats,omitempty"`

	// Network from AWS Stats API
	Network NetStats `json:"network"`

	// Networks request version >=1.21
	Networks map[string]NetworkStats `json:"networks,omitempty"`

Stats is Ultimate struct aggregating all types of stats of one container

type StorageStats

type StorageStats struct {
	ReadCountNormalized  uint64 `json:"read_count_normalized,omitempty"`
	ReadSizeBytes        uint64 `json:"read_size_bytes,omitempty"`
	WriteCountNormalized uint64 `json:"write_count_normalized,omitempty"`
	WriteSizeBytes       uint64 `json:"write_size_bytes,omitempty"`

StorageStats is the disk I/O stats for read/write on Windows.

type TLSConfig

type TLSConfig struct {
	Enable             bool   `yaml:"enable"`
	InsecureSkipVerify bool   `yaml:"insecure_skip_verify"`
	MinVersion         uint16 `yaml:"min_version"`
	MaxVersion         uint16 `yaml:"max_version"`
	Ca                 string `yaml:"ca"`   // path to ca to read
	Key                string `yaml:"key"`  // path to key to read
	Cert               string `yaml:"cert"` // path to cert to read
	ServerName         string `yaml:"server_name"`

TLSConfig struct

type TaskMetadata

type TaskMetadata struct {

	// The name of the cluster that hosts the task.
	Cluster string `json:"Cluster"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task.
	TaskArn string `locationName:"taskArn" type:"string"`

	// The family of the Amazon ECS task definition for the task.
	Family string `locationName:"family" type:"string"`

	// The revision of the Amazon ECS task definition for the task.
	Revision string `locationName:"revision" type:"string"`

	// The desired status of the task. For more information, see Task Lifecycle
	// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_life_cycle.html).
	DesiredStatus string `locationName:"desiredStatus" type:"string"`

	// The known status for the task from Amazon ECS.
	KnownStatus string `locationName:"knownStatus" type:"string"`

	// A list of container metadata for each container associated with the task.
	Containers []Container `json:"Containers"`

	// The resource limits specified at the task level (such as CPU and memory). This parameter is omitted if no resource limits are defined.
	Limits map[string]float64 `json:"Limits"`

	// The Unix timestamp for when the container image pull began.
	PullStartedAt *time.Time `locationName:"pullStartedAt" type:"timestamp"`

	// The Unix timestamp for when the container image pull completed.
	PullStoppedAt *time.Time `locationName:"pullStoppedAt" type:"timestamp"`

	// The Unix timestamp for when the task execution stopped.
	ExecutionStoppedAt *time.Time `locationName:"executionStoppedAt" type:"timestamp"`

TaskMetadata https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task-metadata-endpoint-v2.html#task-metadata-endpoint-v2-response

type ThrottlingData

type ThrottlingData struct {
	// Number of periods with throttling active
	Periods uint64 `json:"periods"`
	// Number of periods when the container hits its throttling limit.
	ThrottledPeriods uint64 `json:"throttled_periods"`
	// Aggregate time the container was throttled for in nanoseconds.
	ThrottledTime uint64 `json:"throttled_time"`

ThrottlingData stores CPU throttling stats of one running container. Not used on Windows.

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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
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