Overview ¶
Code generated by tutone: DO NOT EDIT
Code generated by tutone: DO NOT EDIT
Example (CloudAccounts) ¶
// Initialize the client configuration. A Personal API key is required to // communicate with the backend API. cfg := config.New() cfg.PersonalAPIKey = os.Getenv("NEW_RELIC_API_KEY") // Initialize the client. client := New(cfg) // Get the linked cloud accounts linkedAccounts, err := client.GetLinkedAccounts("aws") if err != nil { log.Fatal("error retrieving linked accounts:", err) } log.Printf("linked accounts count: %d", len(*linkedAccounts)) // Link a cloud account linkResponse, err := client.CloudLinkAccount(mock.TestAccountID, CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput{ Aws: []CloudAwsLinkAccountInput{ { Arn: "arn:aws:iam::12345678:role/MyAWSARN", Name: "My Linked AWS Account", }, }, }) if err != nil || len(linkResponse.LinkedAccounts) != 1 { log.Fatal("error linking cloud account:", err) } linkedAccountID := linkResponse.LinkedAccounts[0].ID // Rename a linked account _, err = client.CloudRenameAccount(mock.TestAccountID, CloudRenameAccountsInput{ LinkedAccountId: linkedAccountID, Name: "My Renamed Linked AWS Account", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error renaming linked cloud account:", err) } // Unlink a linked account _, err = client.CloudUnlinkAccount(mock.TestAccountID, CloudUnlinkAccountsInput{linkedAccountID}) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error unlinking linked cloud account:", err) }
Index ¶
- Constants
- type Actor
- type Cloud
- func (a *Cloud) CloudConfigureIntegration(accountID int, integrations CloudIntegrationsInput) (*CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload, error)
- func (a *Cloud) CloudDisableIntegration(accountID int, integrations CloudDisableIntegrationsInput) (*CloudDisableIntegrationPayload, error)
- func (a *Cloud) CloudLinkAccount(accountID int, accounts CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput) (*CloudLinkAccountPayload, error)
- func (a *Cloud) CloudRenameAccount(accountID int, accounts CloudRenameAccountsInput) (*CloudRenameAccountPayload, error)
- func (a *Cloud) CloudUnlinkAccount(accountID int, accounts CloudUnlinkAccountsInput) (*CloudUnlinkAccountPayload, error)
- func (a *Cloud) GetLinkedAccounts(provider string) (*[]CloudLinkedAccount, error)
- type CloudAPIgatewayIntegration
- type CloudAPIgatewayIntegrationInput
- type CloudAccountMutationError
- type CloudActorFields
- type CloudAlbIntegration
- type CloudAlbIntegrationInput
- type CloudAutoscalingIntegration
- type CloudAutoscalingIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsAppsyncIntegration
- type CloudAwsAppsyncIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsAthenaIntegration
- type CloudAwsAthenaIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsCognitoIntegration
- type CloudAwsCognitoIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsConnectIntegration
- type CloudAwsConnectIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegration
- type CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsDisableIntegrationsInput
- type CloudAwsDocdbIntegration
- type CloudAwsDocdbIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsFsxIntegration
- type CloudAwsFsxIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsGlueIntegration
- type CloudAwsGlueIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsGovCloudProvider
- type CloudAwsGovcloudDisableIntegrationsInput
- type CloudAwsGovcloudIntegrationsInput
- type CloudAwsGovcloudLinkAccountInput
- type CloudAwsIntegrationsInput
- type CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegration
- type CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsLinkAccountInput
- type CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegration
- type CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegration
- type CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsMqIntegration
- type CloudAwsMqIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsMskIntegration
- type CloudAwsMskIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsNeptuneIntegration
- type CloudAwsNeptuneIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsProvider
- type CloudAwsQldbIntegration
- type CloudAwsQldbIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegration
- type CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsStatesIntegration
- type CloudAwsStatesIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegration
- type CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsWafIntegration
- type CloudAwsWafIntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsWafv2Integration
- type CloudAwsWafv2IntegrationInput
- type CloudAwsXrayIntegration
- type CloudAwsXrayIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegration
- type CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegration
- type CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureAppserviceIntegration
- type CloudAzureAppserviceIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureContainersIntegration
- type CloudAzureContainersIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegration
- type CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegration
- type CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegration
- type CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureDisableIntegrationsInput
- type CloudAzureEventhubIntegration
- type CloudAzureEventhubIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegration
- type CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureFirewallsIntegration
- type CloudAzureFirewallsIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegration
- type CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureFunctionsIntegration
- type CloudAzureFunctionsIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureIntegrationsInput
- type CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegration
- type CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureLinkAccountInput
- type CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegration
- type CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureLogicappsIntegration
- type CloudAzureLogicappsIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegration
- type CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureMariadbIntegration
- type CloudAzureMariadbIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureMysqlIntegration
- type CloudAzureMysqlIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegration
- type CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegration
- type CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureRediscacheIntegration
- type CloudAzureRediscacheIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureServicebusIntegration
- type CloudAzureServicebusIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureServicefabricIntegration
- type CloudAzureServicefabricIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureSqlIntegration
- type CloudAzureSqlIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegration
- type CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureStorageIntegration
- type CloudAzureStorageIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegration
- type CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegration
- type CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureVmsIntegration
- type CloudAzureVmsIntegrationInput
- type CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegration
- type CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegrationInput
- type CloudBaseIntegration
- type CloudBaseProvider
- type CloudBillingIntegration
- type CloudBillingIntegrationInput
- type CloudCloudfrontIntegration
- type CloudCloudfrontIntegrationInput
- type CloudCloudtrailIntegration
- type CloudCloudtrailIntegrationInput
- type CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload
- type CloudConfigureIntegrationResponse
- type CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput
- type CloudDisableIntegrationPayload
- type CloudDisableIntegrationResponse
- type CloudDisableIntegrationsInput
- type CloudDynamodbIntegration
- type CloudDynamodbIntegrationInput
- type CloudEbsIntegration
- type CloudEbsIntegrationInput
- type CloudEc2Integration
- type CloudEc2IntegrationInput
- type CloudEcsIntegration
- type CloudEcsIntegrationInput
- type CloudEfsIntegration
- type CloudEfsIntegrationInput
- type CloudElasticacheIntegration
- type CloudElasticacheIntegrationInput
- type CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegration
- type CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegrationInput
- type CloudElasticsearchIntegration
- type CloudElasticsearchIntegrationInput
- type CloudElbIntegration
- type CloudElbIntegrationInput
- type CloudEmrIntegration
- type CloudEmrIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpAppengineIntegration
- type CloudGcpAppengineIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpBigqueryIntegration
- type CloudGcpBigqueryIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpDataflowIntegration
- type CloudGcpDataflowIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpDataprocIntegration
- type CloudGcpDataprocIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpDatastoreIntegration
- type CloudGcpDatastoreIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpDisableIntegrationsInput
- type CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegration
- type CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegration
- type CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegration
- type CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpFirestoreIntegration
- type CloudGcpFirestoreIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpFunctionsIntegration
- type CloudGcpFunctionsIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpIntegrationsInput
- type CloudGcpInterconnectIntegration
- type CloudGcpInterconnectIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpKubernetesIntegration
- type CloudGcpKubernetesIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpLinkAccountInput
- type CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegration
- type CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpProvider
- type CloudGcpPubsubIntegration
- type CloudGcpPubsubIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpRouterIntegration
- type CloudGcpRouterIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpRunIntegration
- type CloudGcpRunIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpSpannerIntegration
- type CloudGcpSpannerIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpSqlIntegration
- type CloudGcpSqlIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpStorageIntegration
- type CloudGcpStorageIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpVmsIntegration
- type CloudGcpVmsIntegrationInput
- type CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegration
- type CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegrationInput
- type CloudHealthIntegration
- type CloudHealthIntegrationInput
- type CloudIamIntegration
- type CloudIamIntegrationInput
- type CloudIntegration
- type CloudIntegrationInterface
- type CloudIntegrationMutationError
- type CloudIntegrationsInput
- type CloudIotIntegration
- type CloudIotIntegrationInput
- type CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegration
- type CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegrationInput
- type CloudKinesisIntegration
- type CloudKinesisIntegrationInput
- type CloudLambdaIntegration
- type CloudLambdaIntegrationInput
- type CloudLinkAccountPayload
- type CloudLinkAccountResponse
- type CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput
- type CloudLinkedAccount
- type CloudProvider
- type CloudProviderInterface
- type CloudRdsIntegration
- type CloudRdsIntegrationInput
- type CloudRedshiftIntegration
- type CloudRedshiftIntegrationInput
- type CloudRenameAccountPayload
- type CloudRenameAccountResponse
- type CloudRenameAccountsInput
- type CloudRoute53Integration
- type CloudRoute53IntegrationInput
- type CloudS3Integration
- type CloudS3IntegrationInput
- type CloudService
- type CloudSesIntegration
- type CloudSesIntegrationInput
- type CloudSnsIntegration
- type CloudSnsIntegrationInput
- type CloudSqsIntegration
- type CloudSqsIntegrationInput
- type CloudTrustedadvisorIntegration
- type CloudTrustedadvisorIntegrationInput
- type CloudUnlinkAccountPayload
- type CloudUnlinkAccountResponse
- type CloudUnlinkAccountsInput
- type CloudVpcIntegration
- type CloudVpcIntegrationInput
- type SecureValue
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const CloudConfigureIntegrationMutation = `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */
const CloudDisableIntegrationMutation = `` /* 167-byte string literal not displayed */
const CloudLinkAccountMutation = `` /* 179-byte string literal not displayed */
const CloudRenameAccountMutation = `` /* 181-byte string literal not displayed */
const CloudUnlinkAccountMutation = `` /* 183-byte string literal not displayed */
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Actor ¶ added in v0.46.0
type Actor struct { // The `cloud` field provides access to cloud integrations configuration data scoped to the Actor. Cloud CloudActorFields `json:"cloud"` }
Actor - The `Actor` object contains fields that are scoped to the API user's access level.
type Cloud ¶ added in v0.46.0
type Cloud struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Cloud) CloudConfigureIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a *Cloud) CloudConfigureIntegration( accountID int, integrations CloudIntegrationsInput, ) (*CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload, error)
Create or modify a cloud integration.
For details and mutation examples visit [our docs](
func (*Cloud) CloudDisableIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a *Cloud) CloudDisableIntegration( accountID int, integrations CloudDisableIntegrationsInput, ) (*CloudDisableIntegrationPayload, error)
Disable a cloud integration. Stops collecting data for the specified integration.
For details and mutation examples visit [our docs](
func (*Cloud) CloudLinkAccount ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a *Cloud) CloudLinkAccount( accountID int, accounts CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput, ) (*CloudLinkAccountPayload, error)
Link a cloud provider account to a New Relic Account.
For details and mutation examples visit [our docs](
func (*Cloud) CloudRenameAccount ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a *Cloud) CloudRenameAccount( accountID int, accounts CloudRenameAccountsInput, ) (*CloudRenameAccountPayload, error)
Rename one or more linked cloud provider accounts.
For details and mutation examples visit [our docs](
func (*Cloud) CloudUnlinkAccount ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a *Cloud) CloudUnlinkAccount( accountID int, accounts CloudUnlinkAccountsInput, ) (*CloudUnlinkAccountPayload, error)
Unlink one or more cloud provider accounts. Stops collecting data for all the associated integrations.
For details and mutation examples visit [our docs](
func (*Cloud) GetLinkedAccounts ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a *Cloud) GetLinkedAccounts( provider string, ) (*[]CloudLinkedAccount, error)
Get all linked cloud provider accounts scoped to the Actor.
type CloudAPIgatewayIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAPIgatewayIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify each name or prefix for the Stages that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. StagePrefixes []string `json:"stagePrefixes"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAPIgatewayIntegration - API Gateway Integration
func (*CloudAPIgatewayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAPIgatewayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAPIgatewayIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAPIgatewayIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each name or prefix for the Stages that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. StagePrefixes []string `json:"stagePrefixes"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudAPIgatewayIntegrationInput - Amazon API Gateway
type CloudAccountMutationError ¶
type CloudAccountMutationError struct { // The passed linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The error message. Message string `json:"message"` // The passed newrelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The passed provider slug. ProviderSlug string `json:"providerSlug"` // The error status. Type string `json:"type"` }
CloudAccountMutationError - Account Mutation Error
type CloudActorFields ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudActorFields struct { // Get all linked cloud provider accounts scoped to the Actor. LinkedAccounts []CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccounts"` }
CloudActorFields -
type CloudAlbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAlbIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // Specify each name or prefix for the LBs that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. LoadBalancerPrefixes []string `json:"loadBalancerPrefixes"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAlbIntegration - ALB/NLB Integration
func (*CloudAlbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAlbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAlbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAlbIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // Specify each name or prefix for the LBs that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. LoadBalancerPrefixes []string `json:"loadBalancerPrefixes"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudAlbIntegrationInput - Elastic Load Balancing - Application Load Balancer (ALB)
type CloudAutoscalingIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAutoscalingIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAutoscalingIntegration - AutoScaling Integration
func (*CloudAutoscalingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAutoscalingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAutoscalingIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAutoscalingIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAutoscalingIntegrationInput - AWS Auto Scaling
type CloudAwsAppsyncIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsAppsyncIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsAppsyncIntegration - AppSync Integration
func (*CloudAwsAppsyncIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsAppsyncIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsAppsyncIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsAppsyncIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsAppsyncIntegrationInput - AppSync
type CloudAwsAthenaIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsAthenaIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsAthenaIntegration - Athena Integration
func (*CloudAwsAthenaIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsAthenaIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsAthenaIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsAthenaIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsAthenaIntegrationInput - Athena
type CloudAwsCognitoIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsCognitoIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsCognitoIntegration - Cognito Integration
func (*CloudAwsCognitoIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsCognitoIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsCognitoIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsCognitoIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsCognitoIntegrationInput - Cognito
type CloudAwsConnectIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsConnectIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsConnectIntegration - Connect Integration
func (*CloudAwsConnectIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsConnectIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsConnectIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsConnectIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsConnectIntegrationInput - Connect
type CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegration - Direct Connect Integration
func (*CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegrationInput - Direct Connect
type CloudAwsDisableIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudAwsDisableIntegrationsInput struct { // API Gateway integration APIgateway []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"apigateway"` // ALB/NLB integration Alb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"alb"` // AutoScaling integration Autoscaling []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"autoscaling"` // AppSync integration AwsAppsync []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsAppsync"` // Athena integration AwsAthena []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsAthena"` // Cognito integration AwsCognito []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsCognito"` // Connect integration AwsConnect []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsConnect"` // Direct Connect integration AwsDirectconnect []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsDirectconnect"` // DocumentDB integration AwsDocdb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsDocdb"` // FSx integration AwsFsx []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsFsx"` // Glue integration AwsGlue []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsGlue"` // Kinesis Data Analytics integration AwsKinesisanalytics []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsKinesisanalytics"` // Elemental MediaConvert integration AwsMediaconvert []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsMediaconvert"` // MediaPackage VOD integration AwsMediapackagevod []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsMediapackagevod"` // MQ integration AwsMq []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsMq"` // Managed Kafka integration AwsMsk []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsMsk"` // Neptune integration AwsNeptune []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsNeptune"` // QLDB integration AwsQldb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsQldb"` // Route53 Resolver integration AwsRoute53resolver []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsRoute53resolver"` // Step Functions integration AwsStates []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsStates"` // Transit Gateway integration AwsTransitgateway []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsTransitgateway"` // WAF integration AwsWaf []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsWaf"` // WAFV2 integration AwsWafv2 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsWafv2"` // X-Ray integration AwsXray []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsXray"` // Billing integration Billing []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"billing"` // CloudFront integration Cloudfront []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"cloudfront"` // CloudTrail integration Cloudtrail []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"cloudtrail"` // DynamoDB integration Dynamodb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"dynamodb"` // EBS integration Ebs []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"ebs"` // EC2 integration Ec2 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"ec2"` // ECS integration Ecs []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"ecs"` // EFS integration Efs []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"efs"` // ElastiCache integration Elasticache []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"elasticache"` // Elastic Beanstalk integration Elasticbeanstalk []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"elasticbeanstalk"` // Elasticsearch Service integration Elasticsearch []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"elasticsearch"` // ELB (Classic) integration Elb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"elb"` // EMR integration Emr []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"emr"` // Health integration Health []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"health"` // IAM integration Iam []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"iam"` // IoT integration Iot []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"iot"` // Kinesis Streams integration Kinesis []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"kinesis"` // Kinesis Firehose integration KinesisFirehose []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"kinesisFirehose"` // Lambda integration Lambda []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"lambda"` // RDS integration Rds []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"rds"` // Redshift integration Redshift []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"redshift"` // Route 53 integration Route53 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"route53"` // S3 integration S3 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"s3"` // SES integration Ses []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"ses"` // SNS integration Sns []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"sns"` // SQS integration Sqs []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"sqs"` // Trusted Advisor integration Trustedadvisor []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"trustedadvisor"` // VPC integration Vpc []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"vpc"` }
CloudAwsDisableIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudAwsDocdbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsDocdbIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsDocdbIntegration - DocumentDB Integration
func (*CloudAwsDocdbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsDocdbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsDocdbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsDocdbIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsDocdbIntegrationInput - DocumentDB
type CloudAwsFsxIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsFsxIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsFsxIntegration - FSx Integration
func (*CloudAwsFsxIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsFsxIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsFsxIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsFsxIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsFsxIntegrationInput - FSx
type CloudAwsGlueIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsGlueIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsGlueIntegration - Glue Integration
func (*CloudAwsGlueIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsGlueIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsGlueIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsGlueIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsGlueIntegrationInput - Glue
type CloudAwsGovCloudProvider ¶
type CloudAwsGovCloudProvider struct { // The AWS Account ID AwsAccountId string `json:"awsAccountId"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud provider identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // The cloud provider icon name. Icon string `json:"icon"` // The cloud provider name. Name string `json:"name"` // Get details of one cloud provider service. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Get details of all the cloud provider services available for integration. Services []CloudService `json:"services"` // The cloud provider short name. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsGovCloudProvider - The Amazon Web Services cloud provider (GovCloud)
func (*CloudAwsGovCloudProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider ¶
func (x *CloudAwsGovCloudProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider()
type CloudAwsGovcloudDisableIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudAwsGovcloudDisableIntegrationsInput struct { // API Gateway integration APIgateway []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"apigateway"` // ALB/NLB integration Alb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"alb"` // AutoScaling integration Autoscaling []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"autoscaling"` // Direct Connect integration AwsDirectconnect []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsDirectconnect"` // Step Functions integration AwsStates []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"awsStates"` // CloudTrail integration Cloudtrail []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"cloudtrail"` // DynamoDB integration Dynamodb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"dynamodb"` // EBS integration Ebs []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"ebs"` // EC2 integration Ec2 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"ec2"` // Elasticsearch Service integration Elasticsearch []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"elasticsearch"` // ELB (Classic) integration Elb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"elb"` // EMR integration Emr []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"emr"` // IAM integration Iam []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"iam"` // Lambda integration Lambda []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"lambda"` // RDS integration Rds []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"rds"` // Redshift integration Redshift []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"redshift"` // Route 53 integration Route53 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"route53"` // S3 integration S3 []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"s3"` // SNS integration Sns []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"sns"` // SQS integration Sqs []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"sqs"` }
CloudAwsGovcloudDisableIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudAwsGovcloudIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudAwsGovcloudIntegrationsInput struct { // API Gateway integration APIgateway []CloudAPIgatewayIntegrationInput `json:"apigateway"` // ALB/NLB integration Alb []CloudAlbIntegrationInput `json:"alb"` // AutoScaling integration Autoscaling []CloudAutoscalingIntegrationInput `json:"autoscaling"` // Direct Connect integration AwsDirectconnect []CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegrationInput `json:"awsDirectconnect"` // Step Functions integration AwsStates []CloudAwsStatesIntegrationInput `json:"awsStates"` // CloudTrail integration Cloudtrail []CloudCloudtrailIntegrationInput `json:"cloudtrail"` // DynamoDB integration Dynamodb []CloudDynamodbIntegrationInput `json:"dynamodb"` // EBS integration Ebs []CloudEbsIntegrationInput `json:"ebs"` // EC2 integration Ec2 []CloudEc2IntegrationInput `json:"ec2"` // Elasticsearch Service integration Elasticsearch []CloudElasticsearchIntegrationInput `json:"elasticsearch"` // ELB (Classic) integration Elb []CloudElbIntegrationInput `json:"elb"` // EMR integration Emr []CloudEmrIntegrationInput `json:"emr"` // IAM integration Iam []CloudIamIntegrationInput `json:"iam"` // Lambda integration Lambda []CloudLambdaIntegrationInput `json:"lambda"` // RDS integration Rds []CloudRdsIntegrationInput `json:"rds"` // Redshift integration Redshift []CloudRedshiftIntegrationInput `json:"redshift"` // Route 53 integration Route53 []CloudRoute53IntegrationInput `json:"route53"` // S3 integration S3 []CloudS3IntegrationInput `json:"s3"` // SNS integration Sns []CloudSnsIntegrationInput `json:"sns"` // SQS integration Sqs []CloudSqsIntegrationInput `json:"sqs"` }
CloudAwsGovcloudIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudAwsGovcloudLinkAccountInput ¶
type CloudAwsGovcloudLinkAccountInput struct { // The key used to make requests to AWS service APIs AccessKeyId string `json:"accessKeyId"` // The AWS account id AwsAccountId string `json:"awsAccountId"` // The linked account name. Name string `json:"name"` // The secret key used to make requests to AWS service APIs SecretAccessKey SecureValue `json:"secretAccessKey"` }
CloudAwsGovcloudLinkAccountInput - Information required to link an AWS GovCloud account to a NewRelic account.
type CloudAwsIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudAwsIntegrationsInput struct { // API Gateway integration APIgateway []CloudAPIgatewayIntegrationInput `json:"apigateway"` // ALB/NLB integration Alb []CloudAlbIntegrationInput `json:"alb"` // AutoScaling integration Autoscaling []CloudAutoscalingIntegrationInput `json:"autoscaling"` // AppSync integration AwsAppsync []CloudAwsAppsyncIntegrationInput `json:"awsAppsync"` // Athena integration AwsAthena []CloudAwsAthenaIntegrationInput `json:"awsAthena"` // Cognito integration AwsCognito []CloudAwsCognitoIntegrationInput `json:"awsCognito"` // Connect integration AwsConnect []CloudAwsConnectIntegrationInput `json:"awsConnect"` // Direct Connect integration AwsDirectconnect []CloudAwsDirectconnectIntegrationInput `json:"awsDirectconnect"` // DocumentDB integration AwsDocdb []CloudAwsDocdbIntegrationInput `json:"awsDocdb"` // FSx integration AwsFsx []CloudAwsFsxIntegrationInput `json:"awsFsx"` // Glue integration AwsGlue []CloudAwsGlueIntegrationInput `json:"awsGlue"` // Kinesis Data Analytics integration AwsKinesisanalytics []CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegrationInput `json:"awsKinesisanalytics"` // Elemental MediaConvert integration AwsMediaconvert []CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegrationInput `json:"awsMediaconvert"` // MediaPackage VOD integration AwsMediapackagevod []CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegrationInput `json:"awsMediapackagevod"` // MQ integration AwsMq []CloudAwsMqIntegrationInput `json:"awsMq"` // Managed Kafka integration AwsMsk []CloudAwsMskIntegrationInput `json:"awsMsk"` // Neptune integration AwsNeptune []CloudAwsNeptuneIntegrationInput `json:"awsNeptune"` // QLDB integration AwsQldb []CloudAwsQldbIntegrationInput `json:"awsQldb"` // Route53 Resolver integration AwsRoute53resolver []CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegrationInput `json:"awsRoute53resolver"` // Step Functions integration AwsStates []CloudAwsStatesIntegrationInput `json:"awsStates"` // Transit Gateway integration AwsTransitgateway []CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegrationInput `json:"awsTransitgateway"` // WAF integration AwsWaf []CloudAwsWafIntegrationInput `json:"awsWaf"` // WAFV2 integration AwsWafv2 []CloudAwsWafv2IntegrationInput `json:"awsWafv2"` // X-Ray integration AwsXray []CloudAwsXrayIntegrationInput `json:"awsXray"` // Billing integration Billing []CloudBillingIntegrationInput `json:"billing"` // CloudFront integration Cloudfront []CloudCloudfrontIntegrationInput `json:"cloudfront"` // CloudTrail integration Cloudtrail []CloudCloudtrailIntegrationInput `json:"cloudtrail"` // DynamoDB integration Dynamodb []CloudDynamodbIntegrationInput `json:"dynamodb"` // EBS integration Ebs []CloudEbsIntegrationInput `json:"ebs"` // EC2 integration Ec2 []CloudEc2IntegrationInput `json:"ec2"` // ECS integration Ecs []CloudEcsIntegrationInput `json:"ecs"` // EFS integration Efs []CloudEfsIntegrationInput `json:"efs"` // ElastiCache integration Elasticache []CloudElasticacheIntegrationInput `json:"elasticache"` // Elastic Beanstalk integration Elasticbeanstalk []CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegrationInput `json:"elasticbeanstalk"` // Elasticsearch Service integration Elasticsearch []CloudElasticsearchIntegrationInput `json:"elasticsearch"` // ELB (Classic) integration Elb []CloudElbIntegrationInput `json:"elb"` // EMR integration Emr []CloudEmrIntegrationInput `json:"emr"` // Health integration Health []CloudHealthIntegrationInput `json:"health"` // IAM integration Iam []CloudIamIntegrationInput `json:"iam"` // IoT integration Iot []CloudIotIntegrationInput `json:"iot"` // Kinesis Streams integration Kinesis []CloudKinesisIntegrationInput `json:"kinesis"` // Kinesis Firehose integration KinesisFirehose []CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegrationInput `json:"kinesisFirehose"` // Lambda integration Lambda []CloudLambdaIntegrationInput `json:"lambda"` // RDS integration Rds []CloudRdsIntegrationInput `json:"rds"` // Redshift integration Redshift []CloudRedshiftIntegrationInput `json:"redshift"` // Route 53 integration Route53 []CloudRoute53IntegrationInput `json:"route53"` // S3 integration S3 []CloudS3IntegrationInput `json:"s3"` // SES integration Ses []CloudSesIntegrationInput `json:"ses"` // SNS integration Sns []CloudSnsIntegrationInput `json:"sns"` // SQS integration Sqs []CloudSqsIntegrationInput `json:"sqs"` // Trusted Advisor integration Trustedadvisor []CloudTrustedadvisorIntegrationInput `json:"trustedadvisor"` // VPC integration Vpc []CloudVpcIntegrationInput `json:"vpc"` }
CloudAwsIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegration - Kinesis Data Analytics Integration
func (*CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsKinesisanalyticsIntegrationInput - Kinesis Data Analytics
type CloudAwsLinkAccountInput ¶
type CloudAwsLinkAccountInput struct { // The AWS role ARN (used to fetch data). Arn string `json:"arn"` // The linked account name. Name string `json:"name"` }
CloudAwsLinkAccountInput - Information required to link a AWS account to a NewRelic account.
type CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegration - Elemental MediaConvert Integration
func (*CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsMediaconvertIntegrationInput - Elemental MediaConvert
type CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegration - MediaPackage VOD Integration
func (*CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsMediapackagevodIntegrationInput - MediaPackage VOD
type CloudAwsMqIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsMqIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsMqIntegration - MQ Integration
func (*CloudAwsMqIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsMqIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsMqIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsMqIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsMqIntegrationInput - MQ
type CloudAwsMskIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsMskIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsMskIntegration - Managed Kafka Integration
func (*CloudAwsMskIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsMskIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsMskIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsMskIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsMskIntegrationInput - Managed Kafka
type CloudAwsNeptuneIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsNeptuneIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsNeptuneIntegration - Neptune Integration
func (*CloudAwsNeptuneIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsNeptuneIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsNeptuneIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsNeptuneIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsNeptuneIntegrationInput - Neptune
type CloudAwsProvider ¶
type CloudAwsProvider struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud provider identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // The cloud provider icon name. Icon string `json:"icon"` // The cloud provider name. Name string `json:"name"` // The New Relic AWS Account ID that will use the Role. RoleAccountId string `json:"roleAccountId"` // The external ID required to assume the Role by the New Relic Account. RoleExternalId string `json:"roleExternalId"` // Get details of one cloud provider service. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Get details of all the cloud provider services available for integration. Services []CloudService `json:"services"` // The cloud provider short name. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsProvider - The Amazon Web Services cloud provider
func (*CloudAwsProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider ¶
func (x *CloudAwsProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider()
type CloudAwsQldbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsQldbIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsQldbIntegration - QLDB Integration
func (*CloudAwsQldbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsQldbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsQldbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsQldbIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsQldbIntegrationInput - QLDB
type CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegration - Route53 Resolver Integration
func (*CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsRoute53resolverIntegrationInput - Route53 Resolver
type CloudAwsStatesIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsStatesIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsStatesIntegration - Step Functions Integration
func (*CloudAwsStatesIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsStatesIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsStatesIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsStatesIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsStatesIntegrationInput - Step Functions
type CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegration - Transit Gateway Integration
func (*CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsTransitgatewayIntegrationInput - Transit Gateway
type CloudAwsWafIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsWafIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsWafIntegration - WAF Integration
func (*CloudAwsWafIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsWafIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsWafIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAwsWafIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsWafIntegrationInput - WAF
type CloudAwsWafv2Integration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsWafv2Integration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsWafv2Integration - WAFV2 Integration
func (*CloudAwsWafv2Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsWafv2Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsWafv2IntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsWafv2IntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsWafv2IntegrationInput - WAFV2
type CloudAwsXrayIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsXrayIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAwsXrayIntegration - X-Ray Integration
func (*CloudAwsXrayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAwsXrayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAwsXrayIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAwsXrayIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudAwsXrayIntegrationInput - X-Ray
type CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegration - Api Management Integration
func (*CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegrationInput - Api Management
type CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegration - App Gateway Integration
func (*CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegrationInput - App Gateway
type CloudAzureAppserviceIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureAppserviceIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureAppserviceIntegration - App Service Integration
func (*CloudAzureAppserviceIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureAppserviceIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureAppserviceIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureAppserviceIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureAppserviceIntegrationInput - Azure App Service
type CloudAzureContainersIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureContainersIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureContainersIntegration - Containers Integration
func (*CloudAzureContainersIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureContainersIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureContainersIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureContainersIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureContainersIntegrationInput - Containers
type CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegration - Cosmos DB Integration
func (*CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegrationInput - Azure Cosmos DB
type CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify if additional cost data per tag should be collected. This field is case sensitive. TagKeys []string `json:"tagKeys"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegration - Cost Management Integration
func (*CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify if additional cost data per tag should be collected. This field is case sensitive. TagKeys []string `json:"tagKeys"` }
CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegrationInput - Cost Management
type CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegration - Data Factory Integration
func (*CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegrationInput - Data Factory
type CloudAzureDisableIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudAzureDisableIntegrationsInput struct { // Api Management integration AzureAPImanagement []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureApimanagement"` // App Gateway integration AzureAppgateway []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureAppgateway"` // App Service integration AzureAppservice []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureAppservice"` // Containers integration AzureContainers []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureContainers"` // Cosmos DB integration AzureCosmosdb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureCosmosdb"` // Cost Management integration AzureCostmanagement []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureCostmanagement"` // Data Factory integration AzureDatafactory []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureDatafactory"` // Event Hub integration AzureEventhub []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureEventhub"` // Express Route integration AzureExpressroute []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureExpressroute"` // Firewalls integration AzureFirewalls []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureFirewalls"` // Front Door integration AzureFrontdoor []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureFrontdoor"` // Functions integration AzureFunctions []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureFunctions"` // Key Vault integration AzureKeyvault []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureKeyvault"` // Load Balancer integration AzureLoadbalancer []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureLoadbalancer"` // Logic Apps integration AzureLogicapps []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureLogicapps"` // Machine Learning integration AzureMachinelearning []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureMachinelearning"` // Database for MariaDB integration AzureMariadb []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureMariadb"` // Database for MySQL integration AzureMysql []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureMysql"` // Database for PostgreSQL integration AzurePostgresql []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azurePostgresql"` // Power BI Dedicated integration AzurePowerbidedicated []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azurePowerbidedicated"` // Redis Cache integration AzureRediscache []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureRediscache"` // Service Bus integration AzureServicebus []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureServicebus"` // Service Fabric integration AzureServicefabric []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureServicefabric"` // SQL Database integration AzureSql []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureSql"` // SQL Managed Instances integration AzureSqlmanaged []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureSqlmanaged"` // Storage integration AzureStorage []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureStorage"` // Virtual machine scale sets integration AzureVirtualmachine []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureVirtualmachine"` // Virtual Network integration AzureVirtualnetworks []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureVirtualnetworks"` // Virtual Machines integration AzureVms []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureVms"` // VPN Gateways integration AzureVpngateways []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"azureVpngateways"` }
CloudAzureDisableIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudAzureEventhubIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureEventhubIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureEventhubIntegration - Event Hub Integration
func (*CloudAzureEventhubIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureEventhubIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureEventhubIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureEventhubIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureEventhubIntegrationInput - Event Hub
type CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegration - Express Route Integration
func (*CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegrationInput - Express Route
type CloudAzureFirewallsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureFirewallsIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureFirewallsIntegration - Firewalls Integration
func (*CloudAzureFirewallsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureFirewallsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureFirewallsIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureFirewallsIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureFirewallsIntegrationInput - Firewalls
type CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegration - Front Door Integration
func (*CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegrationInput - Front Door
type CloudAzureFunctionsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureFunctionsIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureFunctionsIntegration - Functions Integration
func (*CloudAzureFunctionsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureFunctionsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureFunctionsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureFunctionsIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureFunctionsIntegrationInput - Azure Functions
type CloudAzureIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudAzureIntegrationsInput struct { // Api Management integration AzureAPImanagement []CloudAzureAPImanagementIntegrationInput `json:"azureApimanagement"` // App Gateway integration AzureAppgateway []CloudAzureAppgatewayIntegrationInput `json:"azureAppgateway"` // App Service integration AzureAppservice []CloudAzureAppserviceIntegrationInput `json:"azureAppservice"` // Containers integration AzureContainers []CloudAzureContainersIntegrationInput `json:"azureContainers"` // Cosmos DB integration AzureCosmosdb []CloudAzureCosmosdbIntegrationInput `json:"azureCosmosdb"` // Cost Management integration AzureCostmanagement []CloudAzureCostmanagementIntegrationInput `json:"azureCostmanagement"` // Data Factory integration AzureDatafactory []CloudAzureDatafactoryIntegrationInput `json:"azureDatafactory"` // Event Hub integration AzureEventhub []CloudAzureEventhubIntegrationInput `json:"azureEventhub"` // Express Route integration AzureExpressroute []CloudAzureExpressrouteIntegrationInput `json:"azureExpressroute"` // Firewalls integration AzureFirewalls []CloudAzureFirewallsIntegrationInput `json:"azureFirewalls"` // Front Door integration AzureFrontdoor []CloudAzureFrontdoorIntegrationInput `json:"azureFrontdoor"` // Functions integration AzureFunctions []CloudAzureFunctionsIntegrationInput `json:"azureFunctions"` // Key Vault integration AzureKeyvault []CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegrationInput `json:"azureKeyvault"` // Load Balancer integration AzureLoadbalancer []CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegrationInput `json:"azureLoadbalancer"` // Logic Apps integration AzureLogicapps []CloudAzureLogicappsIntegrationInput `json:"azureLogicapps"` // Machine Learning integration AzureMachinelearning []CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegrationInput `json:"azureMachinelearning"` // Database for MariaDB integration AzureMariadb []CloudAzureMariadbIntegrationInput `json:"azureMariadb"` // Database for MySQL integration AzureMysql []CloudAzureMysqlIntegrationInput `json:"azureMysql"` // Database for PostgreSQL integration AzurePostgresql []CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegrationInput `json:"azurePostgresql"` // Power BI Dedicated integration AzurePowerbidedicated []CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegrationInput `json:"azurePowerbidedicated"` // Redis Cache integration AzureRediscache []CloudAzureRediscacheIntegrationInput `json:"azureRediscache"` // Service Bus integration AzureServicebus []CloudAzureServicebusIntegrationInput `json:"azureServicebus"` // Service Fabric integration AzureServicefabric []CloudAzureServicefabricIntegrationInput `json:"azureServicefabric"` // SQL Database integration AzureSql []CloudAzureSqlIntegrationInput `json:"azureSql"` // SQL Managed Instances integration AzureSqlmanaged []CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegrationInput `json:"azureSqlmanaged"` // Storage integration AzureStorage []CloudAzureStorageIntegrationInput `json:"azureStorage"` // Virtual machine scale sets integration AzureVirtualmachine []CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegrationInput `json:"azureVirtualmachine"` // Virtual Network integration AzureVirtualnetworks []CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegrationInput `json:"azureVirtualnetworks"` // Virtual Machines integration AzureVms []CloudAzureVmsIntegrationInput `json:"azureVms"` // VPN Gateways integration AzureVpngateways []CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegrationInput `json:"azureVpngateways"` }
CloudAzureIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegration - Key Vault Integration
func (*CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureKeyvaultIntegrationInput - Key Vault
type CloudAzureLinkAccountInput ¶
type CloudAzureLinkAccountInput struct { // The Azure account application identifier (used to fetch data). ApplicationID string `json:"applicationId"` // The Azure account application secret key. ClientSecret SecureValue `json:"clientSecret"` // The linked account name. Name string `json:"name"` // The Azure account subscription identifier. SubscriptionId string `json:"subscriptionId"` // The Azure account tenant identifier. TenantId string `json:"tenantId"` }
CloudAzureLinkAccountInput - Information required to link a Azure account to a NewRelic account.
type CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegration - Load Balancer Integration
func (*CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureLoadbalancerIntegrationInput - Azure Load Balancer
type CloudAzureLogicappsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureLogicappsIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureLogicappsIntegration - Logic Apps Integration
func (*CloudAzureLogicappsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureLogicappsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureLogicappsIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureLogicappsIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureLogicappsIntegrationInput - Logic Apps
type CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegration - Machine Learning Integration
func (*CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureMachinelearningIntegrationInput - Machine Learning
type CloudAzureMariadbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureMariadbIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureMariadbIntegration - Database for MariaDB Integration
func (*CloudAzureMariadbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureMariadbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureMariadbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureMariadbIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureMariadbIntegrationInput - Database for MariaDB
type CloudAzureMysqlIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureMysqlIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureMysqlIntegration - Database for MySQL Integration
func (*CloudAzureMysqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureMysqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureMysqlIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureMysqlIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureMysqlIntegrationInput - Database for MySQL
type CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegration - Database for PostgreSQL Integration
func (*CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzurePostgresqlIntegrationInput - Database for PostgreSQL
type CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegration - Power BI Dedicated Integration
func (*CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzurePowerbidedicatedIntegrationInput - Power BI Dedicated
type CloudAzureRediscacheIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureRediscacheIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureRediscacheIntegration - Redis Cache Integration
func (*CloudAzureRediscacheIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureRediscacheIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureRediscacheIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureRediscacheIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureRediscacheIntegrationInput - Azure Redis Cache
type CloudAzureServicebusIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureServicebusIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureServicebusIntegration - Service Bus Integration
func (*CloudAzureServicebusIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureServicebusIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureServicebusIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureServicebusIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureServicebusIntegrationInput - Azure Service Bus
type CloudAzureServicefabricIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureServicefabricIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureServicefabricIntegration - Service Fabric Integration
func (*CloudAzureServicefabricIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureServicefabricIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureServicefabricIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureServicefabricIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureServicefabricIntegrationInput - Service Fabric
type CloudAzureSqlIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureSqlIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureSqlIntegration - SQL Database Integration
func (*CloudAzureSqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureSqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureSqlIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureSqlIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureSqlIntegrationInput - Azure SQL Database
type CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegration - SQL Managed Instances Integration
func (*CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureSqlmanagedIntegrationInput - SQL Managed Instances
type CloudAzureStorageIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureStorageIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureStorageIntegration - Storage Integration
func (*CloudAzureStorageIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureStorageIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureStorageIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureStorageIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureStorageIntegrationInput - Azure Storage
type CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegration - Virtual machine scale sets Integration
func (*CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureVirtualmachineIntegrationInput - Virtual machine scale sets
type CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegration - Virtual Network Integration
func (*CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureVirtualnetworksIntegrationInput - Azure Virtual Network
type CloudAzureVmsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureVmsIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureVmsIntegration - Virtual Machines Integration
func (*CloudAzureVmsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureVmsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureVmsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudAzureVmsIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureVmsIntegrationInput - Azure Virtual Machines
type CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegration - VPN Gateways Integration
func (*CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each Resource group associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. ResourceGroups []string `json:"resourceGroups"` }
CloudAzureVpngatewaysIntegrationInput - VPN Gateways
type CloudBaseIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudBaseIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudBaseIntegration - Base Integration Object
func (*CloudBaseIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudBaseIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudBaseProvider ¶
type CloudBaseProvider struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud provider identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // The cloud provider icon name. Icon string `json:"icon"` // The cloud provider name. Name string `json:"name"` // Get details of one cloud provider service. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Get details of all the cloud provider services available for integration. Services []CloudService `json:"services"` // The cloud provider short name. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudBaseProvider - Base Provider Object
func (*CloudBaseProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider ¶
func (x *CloudBaseProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider()
type CloudBillingIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudBillingIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudBillingIntegration - Billing Integration
func (*CloudBillingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudBillingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudBillingIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudBillingIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudBillingIntegrationInput - AWS Billing
type CloudCloudfrontIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudCloudfrontIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if Lambdas@Edge should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchLambdasAtEdge bool `json:"fetchLambdasAtEdge"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudCloudfrontIntegration - CloudFront Integration
func (*CloudCloudfrontIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudCloudfrontIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudCloudfrontIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudCloudfrontIntegrationInput struct { // Specify if Lambdas@Edge should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchLambdasAtEdge bool `json:"fetchLambdasAtEdge"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudCloudfrontIntegrationInput - Amazon CloudFront
type CloudCloudtrailIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudCloudtrailIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudCloudtrailIntegration - CloudTrail Integration
func (*CloudCloudtrailIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudCloudtrailIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudCloudtrailIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudCloudtrailIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudCloudtrailIntegrationInput - AWS CloudTrail
type CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload ¶
type CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload struct { // The list of errors. Errors []CloudIntegrationMutationError `json:"errors"` // The created/modified service integrations. Integrations []CloudIntegrationInterface `json:"integrations"` }
CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload - Autogenerated return type of ConfigureIntegration
func (*CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type CloudConfigureIntegrationResponse ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudConfigureIntegrationResponse struct {
CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload CloudConfigureIntegrationPayload `json:"CloudConfigureIntegration"`
type CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput struct { // The linked account identifier LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` }
CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput - Information required to disable a cloud service integration from a linked account.
type CloudDisableIntegrationPayload ¶
type CloudDisableIntegrationPayload struct { // The list of disabled cloud service integrations. DisabledIntegrations []CloudIntegrationInterface `json:"disabledIntegrations"` // The list of errors. Errors []CloudIntegrationMutationError `json:"errors"` }
CloudDisableIntegrationPayload - Autogenerated return type of DisableIntegration
func (*CloudDisableIntegrationPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudDisableIntegrationPayload) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type CloudDisableIntegrationResponse ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudDisableIntegrationResponse struct {
CloudDisableIntegrationPayload CloudDisableIntegrationPayload `json:"CloudDisableIntegration"`
type CloudDisableIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudDisableIntegrationsInput struct { // Aws provider Aws CloudAwsDisableIntegrationsInput `json:"aws"` // AwsGovcloud provider AwsGovcloud CloudAwsGovcloudDisableIntegrationsInput `json:"awsGovcloud"` // Azure provider Azure CloudAzureDisableIntegrationsInput `json:"azure"` // Gcp provider Gcp CloudGcpDisableIntegrationsInput `json:"gcp"` }
CloudDisableIntegrationsInput - List of providers
type CloudDynamodbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudDynamodbIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudDynamodbIntegration - DynamoDB Integration
func (*CloudDynamodbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudDynamodbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudDynamodbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudDynamodbIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudDynamodbIntegrationInput - Amazon DynamoDB
type CloudEbsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudEbsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudEbsIntegration - EBS Integration
func (*CloudEbsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudEbsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudEbsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudEbsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudEbsIntegrationInput - Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
type CloudEc2Integration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudEc2Integration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if IP addresses of ec2 instance should be collected FetchIpAddresses bool `json:"fetchIpAddresses"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudEc2Integration - EC2 Integration
func (*CloudEc2Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudEc2Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudEc2IntegrationInput ¶
type CloudEc2IntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if IP addresses of ec2 instance should be collected FetchIpAddresses bool `json:"fetchIpAddresses"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudEc2IntegrationInput - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
type CloudEcsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudEcsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudEcsIntegration - ECS Integration
func (*CloudEcsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudEcsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudEcsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudEcsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudEcsIntegrationInput - Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
type CloudEfsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudEfsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudEfsIntegration - EFS Integration
func (*CloudEfsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudEfsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudEfsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudEfsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudEfsIntegrationInput - Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
type CloudElasticacheIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudElasticacheIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudElasticacheIntegration - ElastiCache Integration
func (*CloudElasticacheIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudElasticacheIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudElasticacheIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudElasticacheIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudElasticacheIntegrationInput - Amazon ElastiCache
type CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegration - Elastic Beanstalk Integration
func (*CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudElasticbeanstalkIntegrationInput - AWS Elastic Beanstalk
type CloudElasticsearchIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudElasticsearchIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if metrics should be collected for nodes. Turning it on will increase the number of API calls made to CloudWatch. FetchNodes bool `json:"fetchNodes"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudElasticsearchIntegration - Elasticsearch Service Integration
func (*CloudElasticsearchIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudElasticsearchIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudElasticsearchIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudElasticsearchIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if metrics should be collected for nodes. Turning it on will increase the number of API calls made to CloudWatch. FetchNodes bool `json:"fetchNodes"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudElasticsearchIntegrationInput - Amazon Elasticsearch Service
type CloudElbIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudElbIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudElbIntegration - ELB (Classic) Integration
func (*CloudElbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudElbIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudElbIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudElbIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudElbIntegrationInput - Elastic Load Balancing - Classic Load Balancer (ELB)
type CloudEmrIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudEmrIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if tags and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudEmrIntegration - EMR Integration
func (*CloudEmrIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudEmrIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudEmrIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudEmrIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if tags and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudEmrIntegrationInput - Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
type CloudGcpAppengineIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpAppengineIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpAppengineIntegration - App Engine Integration
func (*CloudGcpAppengineIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpAppengineIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpAppengineIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpAppengineIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpAppengineIntegrationInput - Google App Engine
type CloudGcpBigqueryIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpBigqueryIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpBigqueryIntegration - BigQuery Integration
func (*CloudGcpBigqueryIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpBigqueryIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpBigqueryIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpBigqueryIntegrationInput struct { // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpBigqueryIntegrationInput - BigQuery
type CloudGcpDataflowIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpDataflowIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpDataflowIntegration - Dataflow Integration
func (*CloudGcpDataflowIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpDataflowIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpDataflowIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpDataflowIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpDataflowIntegrationInput - Dataflow
type CloudGcpDataprocIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpDataprocIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpDataprocIntegration - Dataproc Integration
func (*CloudGcpDataprocIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpDataprocIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpDataprocIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpDataprocIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpDataprocIntegrationInput - Dataproc
type CloudGcpDatastoreIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpDatastoreIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpDatastoreIntegration - Datastore Integration
func (*CloudGcpDatastoreIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpDatastoreIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpDatastoreIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpDatastoreIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpDatastoreIntegrationInput - Datastore
type CloudGcpDisableIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudGcpDisableIntegrationsInput struct { // App Engine integration GcpAppengine []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpAppengine"` // BigQuery integration GcpBigquery []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpBigquery"` // Dataflow integration GcpDataflow []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpDataflow"` // Dataproc integration GcpDataproc []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpDataproc"` // Datastore integration GcpDatastore []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpDatastore"` // Firebase Database integration GcpFirebasedatabase []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirebasedatabase"` // Firebase Hosting integration GcpFirebasehosting []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirebasehosting"` // Firebase Storage integration GcpFirebasestorage []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirebasestorage"` // Firestore integration GcpFirestore []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirestore"` // Cloud Functions integration GcpFunctions []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFunctions"` // Interconnect integration GcpInterconnect []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpInterconnect"` // Kubernetes Engine integration GcpKubernetes []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpKubernetes"` // Cloud Load Balancing integration GcpLoadbalancing []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpLoadbalancing"` // Cloud Pub/Sub integration GcpPubsub []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpPubsub"` // Router integration GcpRouter []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpRouter"` // Run integration GcpRun []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpRun"` // Cloud Spanner integration GcpSpanner []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpSpanner"` // Cloud SQL integration GcpSql []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpSql"` // Cloud Storage integration GcpStorage []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpStorage"` // Compute Engine integration GcpVms []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpVms"` // VPC Access integration GcpVpcaccess []CloudDisableAccountIntegrationInput `json:"gcpVpcaccess"` }
CloudGcpDisableIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegration - Firebase Database Integration
func (*CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegrationInput - Firebase Database
type CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegration - Firebase Hosting Integration
func (*CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegrationInput - Firebase Hosting
type CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegration - Firebase Storage Integration
func (*CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegrationInput - Firebase Storage
type CloudGcpFirestoreIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirestoreIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpFirestoreIntegration - Firestore Integration
func (*CloudGcpFirestoreIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpFirestoreIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpFirestoreIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFirestoreIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpFirestoreIntegrationInput - Firestore
type CloudGcpFunctionsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpFunctionsIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpFunctionsIntegration - Cloud Functions Integration
func (*CloudGcpFunctionsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpFunctionsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpFunctionsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpFunctionsIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpFunctionsIntegrationInput - Google Cloud Functions
type CloudGcpIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudGcpIntegrationsInput struct { // App Engine integration GcpAppengine []CloudGcpAppengineIntegrationInput `json:"gcpAppengine"` // BigQuery integration GcpBigquery []CloudGcpBigqueryIntegrationInput `json:"gcpBigquery"` // Dataflow integration GcpDataflow []CloudGcpDataflowIntegrationInput `json:"gcpDataflow"` // Dataproc integration GcpDataproc []CloudGcpDataprocIntegrationInput `json:"gcpDataproc"` // Datastore integration GcpDatastore []CloudGcpDatastoreIntegrationInput `json:"gcpDatastore"` // Firebase Database integration GcpFirebasedatabase []CloudGcpFirebasedatabaseIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirebasedatabase"` // Firebase Hosting integration GcpFirebasehosting []CloudGcpFirebasehostingIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirebasehosting"` // Firebase Storage integration GcpFirebasestorage []CloudGcpFirebasestorageIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirebasestorage"` // Firestore integration GcpFirestore []CloudGcpFirestoreIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFirestore"` // Cloud Functions integration GcpFunctions []CloudGcpFunctionsIntegrationInput `json:"gcpFunctions"` // Interconnect integration GcpInterconnect []CloudGcpInterconnectIntegrationInput `json:"gcpInterconnect"` // Kubernetes Engine integration GcpKubernetes []CloudGcpKubernetesIntegrationInput `json:"gcpKubernetes"` // Cloud Load Balancing integration GcpLoadbalancing []CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegrationInput `json:"gcpLoadbalancing"` // Cloud Pub/Sub integration GcpPubsub []CloudGcpPubsubIntegrationInput `json:"gcpPubsub"` // Router integration GcpRouter []CloudGcpRouterIntegrationInput `json:"gcpRouter"` // Run integration GcpRun []CloudGcpRunIntegrationInput `json:"gcpRun"` // Cloud Spanner integration GcpSpanner []CloudGcpSpannerIntegrationInput `json:"gcpSpanner"` // Cloud SQL integration GcpSql []CloudGcpSqlIntegrationInput `json:"gcpSql"` // Cloud Storage integration GcpStorage []CloudGcpStorageIntegrationInput `json:"gcpStorage"` // Compute Engine integration GcpVms []CloudGcpVmsIntegrationInput `json:"gcpVms"` // VPC Access integration GcpVpcaccess []CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegrationInput `json:"gcpVpcaccess"` }
CloudGcpIntegrationsInput - List of integrations
type CloudGcpInterconnectIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpInterconnectIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpInterconnectIntegration - Interconnect Integration
func (*CloudGcpInterconnectIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpInterconnectIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpInterconnectIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpInterconnectIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpInterconnectIntegrationInput - Interconnect
type CloudGcpKubernetesIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpKubernetesIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpKubernetesIntegration - Kubernetes Engine Integration
func (*CloudGcpKubernetesIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpKubernetesIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpKubernetesIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpKubernetesIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpKubernetesIntegrationInput - Google Kubernetes Engine
type CloudGcpLinkAccountInput ¶
type CloudGcpLinkAccountInput struct { // The linked account name. Name string `json:"name"` // The GCP project identifier. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` }
CloudGcpLinkAccountInput - Information required to link a GCP account to a NewRelic account.
type CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegration - Cloud Load Balancing Integration
func (*CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpLoadbalancingIntegrationInput - Google Cloud Load Balancing
type CloudGcpProvider ¶
type CloudGcpProvider struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud provider identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // The cloud provider icon name. Icon string `json:"icon"` // The cloud provider name. Name string `json:"name"` // Get details of one cloud provider service. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The service account identifier used to link the GCP project to NewRelic. ServiceAccountId string `json:"serviceAccountId"` // Get details of all the cloud provider services available for integration. Services []CloudService `json:"services"` // The cloud provider short name. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpProvider - The Google Cloud Platform cloud provider
func (*CloudGcpProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider ¶
func (x *CloudGcpProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider()
type CloudGcpPubsubIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpPubsubIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpPubsubIntegration - Cloud Pub/Sub Integration
func (*CloudGcpPubsubIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpPubsubIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpPubsubIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpPubsubIntegrationInput struct { // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpPubsubIntegrationInput - Cloud Pub/Sub
type CloudGcpRouterIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpRouterIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpRouterIntegration - Router Integration
func (*CloudGcpRouterIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpRouterIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpRouterIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpRouterIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpRouterIntegrationInput - Router
type CloudGcpRunIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpRunIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpRunIntegration - Run Integration
func (*CloudGcpRunIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpRunIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpRunIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpRunIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpRunIntegrationInput - Run
type CloudGcpSpannerIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpSpannerIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpSpannerIntegration - Cloud Spanner Integration
func (*CloudGcpSpannerIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpSpannerIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpSpannerIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpSpannerIntegrationInput struct { // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpSpannerIntegrationInput - Cloud Spanner
type CloudGcpSqlIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpSqlIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpSqlIntegration - Cloud SQL Integration
func (*CloudGcpSqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpSqlIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpSqlIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpSqlIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpSqlIntegrationInput - Google Cloud SQL
type CloudGcpStorageIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpStorageIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpStorageIntegration - Cloud Storage Integration
func (*CloudGcpStorageIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpStorageIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpStorageIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpStorageIntegrationInput struct { // Specify if labels and the extended inventory should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpStorageIntegrationInput - Google Cloud Storage
type CloudGcpVmsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpVmsIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpVmsIntegration - Compute Engine Integration
func (*CloudGcpVmsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpVmsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpVmsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudGcpVmsIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpVmsIntegrationInput - Google Compute Engine
type CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegration - VPC Access Integration
func (*CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegrationInput ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudGcpVpcaccessIntegrationInput - VPC Access
type CloudHealthIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudHealthIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudHealthIntegration - Health Integration
func (*CloudHealthIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudHealthIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudHealthIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudHealthIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudHealthIntegrationInput - AWS Health
type CloudIamIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudIamIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudIamIntegration - IAM Integration
func (*CloudIamIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudIamIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudIamIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudIamIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudIamIntegrationInput - AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
type CloudIntegration ¶
type CloudIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudIntegration - The configuration of a cloud service integration for a linked account.
func (*CloudIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶
func (x *CloudIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudIntegrationInterface ¶
type CloudIntegrationInterface interface {
CloudIntegration - The configuration of a cloud service integration for a linked account.
func UnmarshalCloudIntegrationInterface ¶ added in v0.46.0
func UnmarshalCloudIntegrationInterface(b []byte) (*CloudIntegrationInterface, error)
type CloudIntegrationMutationError ¶
type CloudIntegrationMutationError struct { // The passed integration slug. IntegrationSlug string `json:"integrationSlug"` // The passed linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The error message. Message string `json:"message"` // The passed newrelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The error status. Type string `json:"type"` }
CloudIntegrationMutationError - Integration Mutation Error
type CloudIntegrationsInput ¶
type CloudIntegrationsInput struct { // Aws provider Aws CloudAwsIntegrationsInput `json:"aws"` // AwsGovcloud provider AwsGovcloud CloudAwsGovcloudIntegrationsInput `json:"awsGovcloud"` // Azure provider Azure CloudAzureIntegrationsInput `json:"azure"` // Gcp provider Gcp CloudGcpIntegrationsInput `json:"gcp"` }
CloudIntegrationsInput - List of providers
type CloudIotIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudIotIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudIotIntegration - IoT Integration
func (*CloudIotIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudIotIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudIotIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudIotIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudIotIntegrationInput - AWS IoT
type CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegration - Kinesis Firehose Integration
func (*CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudKinesisFirehoseIntegrationInput - Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
type CloudKinesisIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudKinesisIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if Shards should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchShards bool `json:"fetchShards"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudKinesisIntegration - Kinesis Streams Integration
func (*CloudKinesisIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudKinesisIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudKinesisIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudKinesisIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if Shards should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchShards bool `json:"fetchShards"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudKinesisIntegrationInput - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
type CloudLambdaIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudLambdaIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudLambdaIntegration - Lambda Integration
func (*CloudLambdaIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudLambdaIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudLambdaIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudLambdaIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudLambdaIntegrationInput - AWS Lambda
type CloudLinkAccountPayload ¶
type CloudLinkAccountPayload struct { // The list of errors. Errors []CloudAccountMutationError `json:"errors"` // The created Linked accounts. LinkedAccounts []CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccounts"` }
CloudLinkAccountPayload - Autogenerated return type of LinkAccount
type CloudLinkAccountResponse ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudLinkAccountResponse struct {
CloudLinkAccountPayload CloudLinkAccountPayload `json:"CloudLinkAccount"`
type CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput ¶
type CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput struct { // Aws provider Aws []CloudAwsLinkAccountInput `json:"aws,omitempty"` // AwsGovcloud provider AwsGovcloud []CloudAwsGovcloudLinkAccountInput `json:"awsGovcloud,omitempty"` // Azure provider Azure []CloudAzureLinkAccountInput `json:"azure,omitempty"` // Gcp provider Gcp []CloudGcpLinkAccountInput `json:"gcp,omitempty"` }
CloudLinkCloudAccountsInput - Specific Cloud provider information required to link the Cloud provider account to a NewRelic account.
type CloudLinkedAccount ¶
type CloudLinkedAccount struct { // The credential. This is a Role ARN for AWS, an application ID for Azure and a service account ID or user account email for GCP. AuthLabel string `json:"authLabel"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Indicates whether the account disabled. Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` // The cloud account identifier. This is the Account ID in AWS, the Subscription ID in Azure and the Project ID in GCP. ExternalId string `json:"externalId"` // The linked account identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // Get details of one cloud service integration. Integration CloudIntegrationInterface `json:"integration"` // Get details of all cloud service integrations. Integrations []CloudIntegrationInterface `json:"integrations"` // The linked account name in NewRelic. Name string `json:"name"` // The New Relic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud provider. Provider CloudProviderInterface `json:"provider"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudLinkedAccount - A cloud account linked to a NewRelic account.
func (*CloudLinkedAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudLinkedAccount) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type CloudProvider ¶
type CloudProvider struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud provider identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // The cloud provider icon name. Icon string `json:"icon"` // The cloud provider name. Name string `json:"name"` // Get details of one cloud provider service. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Get details of all the cloud provider services available for integration. Services []CloudService `json:"services"` // The cloud provider short name. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudProvider - A cloud services provider.
func (*CloudProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider ¶
func (x *CloudProvider) ImplementsCloudProvider()
type CloudProviderInterface ¶
type CloudProviderInterface interface {
CloudProvider - A cloud services provider.
func UnmarshalCloudProviderInterface ¶ added in v0.46.0
func UnmarshalCloudProviderInterface(b []byte) (*CloudProviderInterface, error)
type CloudRdsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudRdsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudRdsIntegration - RDS Integration
func (*CloudRdsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudRdsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudRdsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudRdsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudRdsIntegrationInput - Amazon Relation Database Service (RDS)
type CloudRedshiftIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudRedshiftIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudRedshiftIntegration - Redshift Integration
func (*CloudRedshiftIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudRedshiftIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudRedshiftIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudRedshiftIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudRedshiftIntegrationInput - Amazon Redshift
type CloudRenameAccountPayload ¶
type CloudRenameAccountPayload struct { // The list of errors. Errors []CloudAccountMutationError `json:"errors"` // The updated linked accounts. LinkedAccounts []CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccounts"` }
CloudRenameAccountPayload - Autogenerated return type of RenameAccount
type CloudRenameAccountResponse ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudRenameAccountResponse struct {
CloudRenameAccountPayload CloudRenameAccountPayload `json:"CloudRenameAccount"`
type CloudRenameAccountsInput ¶
type CloudRenameAccountsInput struct { // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The linked account new name. Name string `json:"name"` }
CloudRenameAccountsInput - Information required when operating on a Linked Account.
type CloudRoute53Integration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudRoute53Integration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudRoute53Integration - Route 53 Integration
func (*CloudRoute53Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudRoute53Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudRoute53IntegrationInput ¶
type CloudRoute53IntegrationInput struct { // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudRoute53IntegrationInput - Amazon Route 53
type CloudS3Integration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudS3Integration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudS3Integration - S3 Integration
func (*CloudS3Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudS3Integration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudS3IntegrationInput ¶
type CloudS3IntegrationInput struct { // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudS3IntegrationInput - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
type CloudService ¶
type CloudService struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service identifier in NewRelic. ID int `json:"id"` // The cloud service icon name. Icon string `json:"icon"` // Shows if the cloud service is enabled for integrating. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The cloud service name. Name string `json:"name"` // The cloud provider. Provider CloudProviderInterface `json:"provider"` // The cloud service unique short name. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudService - A Cloud Provider service available for monitoring.
func (*CloudService) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudService) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type CloudSesIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudSesIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudSesIntegration - SES Integration
func (*CloudSesIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudSesIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudSesIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudSesIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudSesIntegrationInput - Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
type CloudSnsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudSnsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudSnsIntegration - SNS Integration
func (*CloudSnsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudSnsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudSnsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudSnsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudSnsIntegrationInput - Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
type CloudSqsIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudSqsIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // Specify each name or prefix for the Queues that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. QueuePrefixes []string `json:"queuePrefixes"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudSqsIntegration - SQS Integration
func (*CloudSqsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudSqsIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudSqsIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudSqsIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Determine if extra inventory data be collected or not. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchExtendedInventory bool `json:"fetchExtendedInventory"` // Specify if tags should be collected. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchTags bool `json:"fetchTags"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify each name or prefix for the Queues that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. QueuePrefixes []string `json:"queuePrefixes"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudSqsIntegrationInput - Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
type CloudTrustedadvisorIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudTrustedadvisorIntegration struct { // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudTrustedadvisorIntegration - Trusted Advisor Integration
func (*CloudTrustedadvisorIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudTrustedadvisorIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudTrustedadvisorIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudTrustedadvisorIntegrationInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` }
CloudTrustedadvisorIntegrationInput - Trusted Advisor
type CloudUnlinkAccountPayload ¶
type CloudUnlinkAccountPayload struct { // The list of errors. Errors []CloudAccountMutationError `json:"errors"` // The unlinked accounts. UnlinkedAccounts []CloudLinkedAccount `json:"unlinkedAccounts"` }
CloudUnlinkAccountPayload - Autogenerated return type of UnlinkAccount
type CloudUnlinkAccountResponse ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudUnlinkAccountResponse struct {
CloudUnlinkAccountPayload CloudUnlinkAccountPayload `json:"CloudUnlinkAccount"`
type CloudUnlinkAccountsInput ¶
type CloudUnlinkAccountsInput struct { // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` }
CloudUnlinkAccountsInput - Information required to unlink (remove) a linked account.
type CloudVpcIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CloudVpcIntegration struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // The object creation date, in epoch (Unix) time CreatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"createdAt"` // Specify if NAT gateway should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchNatGateway bool `json:"fetchNatGateway"` // Specify if VPN should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchVpn bool `json:"fetchVpn"` // The cloud service integration identifier. ID int `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The parent linked account identifier. LinkedAccount CloudLinkedAccount `json:"linkedAccount"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // The cloud service integration name. Name string `json:"name"` // The parent NewRelic account identifier. NrAccountId int `json:"nrAccountId"` // The cloud service used in the integration. Service CloudService `json:"service"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` // The object last update date, in epoch (Unix) time UpdatedAt serialization.EpochTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
CloudVpcIntegration - VPC Integration
func (*CloudVpcIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (x *CloudVpcIntegration) ImplementsCloudIntegration()
type CloudVpcIntegrationInput ¶
type CloudVpcIntegrationInput struct { // Specify each AWS region that includes the resources that you want to monitor. AwsRegions []string `json:"awsRegions"` // Specify if NAT gateway should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchNatGateway bool `json:"fetchNatGateway"` // Specify if VPN should be monitored. May affect total data collection time and contribute to the Cloud provider API rate limit. FetchVpn bool `json:"fetchVpn"` // [DEPRECATED] Multiple polling interval is no longer supported, use only metrics_polling_interval InventoryPollingInterval int `json:"inventoryPollingInterval"` // The linked account identifier. LinkedAccountId int `json:"linkedAccountId"` // The data polling interval in seconds. MetricsPollingInterval int `json:"metricsPollingInterval"` // Specify a Tag key associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagKey string `json:"tagKey"` // Specify a Tag value associated with the resources that you want to monitor. Filter values are case-sensitive. TagValue string `json:"tagValue"` }
CloudVpcIntegrationInput - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
type SecureValue ¶ added in v0.46.0
type SecureValue string
SecureValue - The `SecureValue` scalar represents a secure value, ie a password, an API key, etc.