The web API provides access to core functions via HTTP.
It can be used by local client software to connect to the Peernet network and use functions such as share, search, and download files.
Use Considerations (when not to use it)
- Do not expose this API to the internet or local network. The API provides direct access to the users blockchain. It provides sensitive actions such as deleting the account (including the private key). If the use of an API key is disabled, an unauthenticated attacker could abuse the API to add any local file to the user's blockchain and then read it.
- The API shall only run on a loopback IP such as
or ::1
- The API is not supposed to be used by regular web browsers. CORS HTTP headers are intentionally not set.
- You should use the API key functionality, which enforces the API key in every call using the HTTP header
The API must be initialized and started before use. The last parameter is the API key (in this example no API key is used). For security reasons it is recommended to use a random local port and provide a randomly generated API key.
webapi.Start([]string{""}, false, "", "", 10*time.Second, 10*time.Second, uuid.Nil)
// To register an additional API endpoint:
webapi.Router.HandleFunc("/newfunction", newFunction).Methods("GET")
Each API instance should use a random UUID as API key. Subsequently, that UUID must be provided by the client in every API call in the x-api-key
HTTP header. Failure to provide the API key in calls results in HTTP status 401 Unauthorized.
This effectively secures the API against unauthenticated attackers, including other software running on the same machine, malicious websites using a DNS rebinding attack, and accidental link opening by the user.
To disable the use of API keys a null UUID (= 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
) can be provided when starting the API. This may be useful for development purposes, but should never be used in production.
Available Functions
These are the functions provided by the API:
/status Provide current connectivity status to the network
/account/info Information about the current account
/account/delete Delete account
/blockchain/header Header of the blockchain
/blockchain/append Append a block to the blockchain
/blockchain/read Read a block of the blockchain
/blockchain/file/add Add file to the blockchain
/blockchain/file/list List all files stored on the blockchain
/blockchain/file/delete Delete files from the blockchain
/blockchain/file/update Updates files on the blockchain
/profile/list List all profile fields
/profile/read Read a profile field
/profile/write Write profile fields
/profile/delete Delete profile fields
/search Submit a search request
/search/result Return search results
/search/result/ws Websocket to receive results
/search/terminate Terminate a search
/search/statistic Search result statistics
/download/start Start the download of a file
/download/view View file on the standard browser
/download/status Get the status of a download
/download/action Pause, resume, and cancel a download
/explore List recently shared files
/file/format Detect file type and format
/warehouse/create Create a file in the warehouse
/warehouse/create/path Create a file in the warehouse via copy
/warehouse/read Read a file in the warehouse
/warehouse/read/path Read a file in the warehouse to disk
/warehouse/delete Delete a file in the warehouse
/merge/directory List all recent files shared by peers based
on the similar file shared
/warehouse/create/uploadID Generates a UUID to track upload status
/warehouse/create/track/uploadID Tracks upload status when a upload is
ongoing to the warehaouse (Triggers after
the route "/warehouse/create" is called).
API Documentation
All times used by the API (both input and output) are UTC based. It is the frontend's responsibility to convert the times to the local time zone for visualization to the end user where appropriate.
This function informs about the current connection status of the client to the network. Additional fields will be added in the future.
Request: GET /status
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiResponseStatus
type apiResponseStatus struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // Status code: 0 = Ok.
IsConnected bool `json:"isconnected"` // Whether connected to Peernet.
CountPeerList int `json:"countpeerlist"` // Count of peers in the peer list. Note that this contains peers that are considered inactive, but have not yet been removed from the list.
CountNetwork int `json:"countnetwork"` // Count of total peers in the network.
// This is usually a higher number than CountPeerList, which just represents the current number of connected peers.
// The CountNetwork number is going to be queried from root peers which may or may not have a limited view into the network.
Account API
This function returns information about the current peer.
Request: GET /account/info
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiResponsePeerSelf
The peer and node IDs are encoded as hex encoded strings.
type apiResponsePeerSelf struct {
PeerID string `json:"peerid"` // Peer ID. This is derived from the public in compressed form.
NodeID string `json:"nodeid"` // Node ID. This is the blake3 hash of the peer ID and used in the DHT.
This deletes the account. This action is irreversible. After deleting the account, the backend shall no longer be used.
Note that it currently does not send a termination message to other peers. As a result, other peers may retain data or metadata.
Request: GET /account/delete?confirm=[0 or 1]
Result: 204 if the user choses not to delete the account
200 if successfully deleted
Blockchain Functions
Common status codes returned by various endpoints in the blockchain
Status |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
StatusOK |
Successful operation. |
1 |
StatusBlockNotFound |
Missing block in the blockchain. |
2 |
StatusCorruptBlock |
Error block encoding. |
3 |
StatusCorruptBlockRecord |
Error block record encoding. |
4 |
StatusDataNotFound |
Requested data not available in the blockchain. |
5 |
StatusNotInWarehouse |
File to be added to blockchain does not exist in the Warehouse. |
This function returns information about the current peer. It is not required that a peer has a blockchain. If no data is shared, there are no blocks. The blockchain does not formally have a header as each block has the same structure.
Request: GET /blockchain/header
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainHeader
type apiBlockchainHeader struct {
PeerID string `json:"peerid"` // Peer ID hex encoded.
Version uint64 `json:"version"` // Current version number of the blockchain.
Height uint64 `json:"height"` // Height of the blockchain (number of blocks). If 0, no data exists.
Blockchain Append Block
This appends a block to the blockchain. This is a low-level function for already encoded blocks.
Do not use this function. Adding invalid data to the blockchain may corrupt it which subsequently might result in blacklisting by other peers.
Request: POST /blockchain/append with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockRaw
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockStatus
type apiBlockRecordRaw struct {
Type uint8 `json:"type"` // Record Type. See core.RecordTypeX.
Data []byte `json:"data"` // Data according to the type.
type apiBlockchainBlockRaw struct {
Records []apiBlockRecordRaw `json:"records"` // Block records in encoded raw format.
type apiBlockchainBlockStatus struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // See blockchain.StatusX.
Height uint64 `json:"height"` // Height of the blockchain (number of blocks).
Version uint64 `json:"version"` // Version of the blockchain.
Blockchain Read Block
This reads a block of the current peer.
Request: GET /blockchain/read?block=[number]
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlock
type apiBlockchainBlock struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // See blockchain.StatusX.
PeerID string `json:"peerid"` // Peer ID hex encoded.
LastBlockHash []byte `json:"lastblockhash"` // Hash of the last block. Blake3.
BlockchainVersion uint64 `json:"blockchainversion"` // Blockchain version
Number uint64 `json:"blocknumber"` // Block number
RecordsRaw []apiBlockRecordRaw `json:"recordsraw"` // Records raw. Successfully decoded records are parsed into the below fields.
RecordsDecoded []interface{} `json:"recordsdecoded"` // Records decoded. The encoding for each record depends on its type.
The array RecordsDecoded
will contain any present record of the following:
- Profile records, see
- File records, see
File Functions
These functions allow adding, deleting, and listing files stored on the users blockchain. Only metadata is actually stored on the blockchain. To download a remote file both the file hash and the node ID are required. The node ID specifies the owner of the file.
type apiFile struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` // Unique ID.
Hash []byte `json:"hash"` // Blake3 hash of the file data
Type uint8 `json:"type"` // File Type. For example audio or document. See TypeX.
Format uint16 `json:"format"` // File Format. This is more granular, for example PDF or Word file. See FormatX.
Size uint64 `json:"size"` // Size of the file
Folder string `json:"folder"` // Folder, optional
Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the file
Description string `json:"description"` // Description. This is expected to be multiline and contain hashtags!
Date time.Time `json:"date"` // Date shared
NodeID []byte `json:"nodeid"` // Node ID, owner of the file. Read only.
Metadata []apiFileMetadata `json:"metadata"` // Additional metadata.
type apiFileMetadata struct {
Type uint16 `json:"type"` // See core.TagX constants.
Name string `json:"name"` // User friendly name of the metadata type. Use the Type fields to identify the metadata as this name may change.
// Depending on the exact type, one of the below fields is used for proper encoding:
Text string `json:"text"` // Text value. UTF-8 encoding.
Blob []byte `json:"blob"` // Binary data
Date time.Time `json:"date"` // Date
Number uint64 `json:"number"` // Number
Below is the list of defined metadata types. Undefined types may be used by clients, but are always mapped into the blob
field. Virtual tags are generated at runtime and are read-only. They cannot be stored on the blockchain.
Type |
Constant |
Encoding |
Virtual |
Info |
0 |
TagName |
Text |
Mapped into Name field. Name of file. |
1 |
TagFolder |
Text |
Mapped into Folder field. Folder name. |
2 |
TagDescription |
Text |
Mapped into Description field. Arbitrary description of the file. May contain hashtags. |
3 |
TagDateShared |
Date |
x |
Mapped into Date field. When the file was published on the blockchain. |
4 |
TagDateCreated |
Date |
Date when the file was originally created. |
5 |
TagSharedByCount |
Number |
x |
Count of peers that share the file. |
6 |
TagSharedByGeoIP |
Text/CSV |
x |
GeoIP data of peers that are sharing the file. CSV encoded with header "latitude,longitude". |
The file type is an indication what type of content the file's data is:
Type |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
TypeBinary |
Binary/unspecified |
1 |
TypeText |
Plain text |
2 |
TypePicture |
Picture of any format |
3 |
TypeVideo |
Video |
4 |
TypeAudio |
Audio |
5 |
TypeDocument |
Any document file, including office documents, PDFs, power point, spreadsheets |
6 |
TypeExecutable |
Any executable file, OS independent |
7 |
TypeContainer |
Container files like ZIP, RAR, TAR, ISO |
8 |
TypeCompressed |
Compressed files like GZ, BZ |
9 |
TypeFolder |
Virtual folder |
10 |
TypeEbook |
Ebook |
The file format is a more granular indicator about the content of a file:
Type |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
FormatBinary |
Binary/unspecified |
1 |
FormatPDF |
PDF document |
2 |
FormatWord |
Word document |
3 |
FormatExcel |
Excel |
4 |
FormatPowerpoint |
Powerpoint |
5 |
FormatPicture |
Pictures (including GIF, excluding icons) |
6 |
FormatAudio |
Audio files |
7 |
FormatVideo |
Video files |
8 |
FormatContainer |
Compressed files including ZIP, RAR, TAR and others |
9 |
FormatHTML |
HTML file |
10 |
FormatText |
Text file |
11 |
FormatEbook |
Ebook file |
12 |
FormatCompressed |
Compressed file |
13 |
FormatDatabase |
Database file |
14 |
FormatEmail |
Single email |
15 |
FormatCSV |
CSV file |
16 |
FormatFolder |
Virtual folder |
17 |
FormatExecutable |
Executable file |
18 |
FormatInstaller |
Installer |
19 |
FormatAPK |
20 |
FormatISO |
21 |
FormatPeernetSearch |
File type to store peernet search history |
Add File
This adds a file with the provided information to the blockchain. The date field cannot be set by the caller and is ignored. If the ID field is left empty, a random UUID is automatically assigned. The size field is ignored; it will be automatically set to the file size identified by the hash (via the Warehouse). The format and type fields need to be set by the caller; /file/format
can be used to detect them.
Any file added is publicly accessible. The user should be informed about this fact in advance. The user is responsible and liable for any files shared.
Each file must be already stored in the Warehouse (virtual folders are exempt). Files in the Warehouse are identified using the hash.
If any file is not stored in the Warehouse, the function aborts with the status code StatusNotInWarehouse. Files can be added to the Warehouse via /warehouse/create
and /warehouse/create/path
If the block record encoding fails for any file, this function aborts with the status code StatusCorruptBlockRecord. In case the function aborts, the blockchain remains unchanged.
Do not add the same file with the same ID multiple times. Doing so will create double entries. This function does not check if the file is already stored on the blockchain. Storing multiple files with the same file hash, but different IDs, is perfectly fine.
Request: POST /blockchain/file/add with JSON structure apiBlockAddFiles
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockStatus
type apiBlockAddFiles struct {
Files []apiFile `json:"files"` // List of files
Status int `json:"status"` // Status of the operation, only used when this structure is returned from the API.
Example POST request to
"files": [{
"id": "236de31d-f402-4389-bdd1-56463abdc309",
"hash": "aFad3zRACbk44dsOw5sVGxYmz+Rqh8ORDcGJNqIz+Ss=",
"type": 1,
"format": 10,
"size": 4,
"name": "Test.txt",
"folder": "sample directory/sub folder",
"description": "",
"metadata": []
Another payload example to create a new file but with a new arbitrary tag with type number 100 set to "test" and setting the metadata field "Date Created" (which is type 2 = core.TagTypeDateCreated
"files": [{
"id": "bc32cbae-011d-4f0b-80a8-281ca93692e7",
"hash": "aFad3zRACbk44dsOw5sVGxYmz+Rqh8ORDcGJNqIz+Ss=",
"type": 1,
"format": 10,
"size": 4,
"name": "Test.txt",
"folder": "sample directory/sub folder",
"description": "Example description\nThis can be any text #newfile #2021.",
"metadata": [{
"type": 2,
"date": "2021-08-28T00:00:00Z"
List Files
This lists all files stored on the blockchain.
Request: GET /blockchain/file/list
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockAddFiles
Example request:
Example response:
"files": [{
"id": "a59b6465-fe8c-4a61-9fcc-fe37cf711fd4",
"hash": "aFad3zRACbk44dsOw5sVGxYmz+Rqh8ORDcGJNqIz+Ss=",
"type": 1,
"format": 10,
"size": 4,
"folder": "sample directory/sub folder",
"name": "Test.txt",
"description": "",
"date": "2021-08-27T14:59:13Z",
"nodeid": "0Zo9QHCF06Nrbxgg9s4Q4wYpcHzsQhSMsmftQqjanVI=",
"metadata": []
}, {
"id": "bc32cbae-011d-4f0b-80a8-281ca9369211",
"hash": "aFad3zRACbk44dsOw5sVGxYmz+Rqh8ORDcGJNqIz+Ss=",
"type": 1,
"format": 10,
"size": 4,
"folder": "sample directory/sub folder",
"name": "Test 2.txt",
"description": "Example description\nThis can be any text #newfile #2021.",
"date": "2021-09-27T23:33:37Z",
"nodeid": "0Zo9QHCF06Nrbxgg9s4Q4wYpcHzsQhSMsmftQqjanVI=",
"metadata": [{
"type": 2,
"name": "Date Created",
"text": "",
"blob": null,
"date": "2021-08-28T00:00:00Z"
"status": 0
Delete File
This deletes files from the blockchain with the provided IDs. The blockchain will be refactored, which means it is recalculated without the specified files. The blockchains version number might be increased.
It will automatically delete the file in the Warehouse if there are no other references.
Request: POST /blockchain/file/delete with JSON structure apiBlockAddFiles
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockStatus
Example POST request to
"files": [{
"id": "236de31d-f402-4389-bdd1-56463abdc309"
Example response indicating success:
"status": 0,
"height": 7,
"version": 1
Update File
This updates files that are already published on the blockchain. This is useful for example when changing a file name or description.
Just like with the add file function, the file must be already stored in the Warehouse, otherwise this function fails.
The files are identified by their IDs. If an ID is not set, this function fails with HTTP 400. The size field is ignored; it will be automatically set to the file size identified by the hash (via the Warehouse).
Note as this replaces the previous file record on the blockchain, all details (including special metadata fields) must be included.
Request: POST /blockchain/file/update with JSON structure apiBlockAddFiles
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockStatus
List Recent files based on the Node ID
This returns recently shared files in Peernet. Results are returned in real-time. The file type is an optional filter.
Request: GET /blockchain/view?node=[node ID]&limit=[max records]&type=[file type]&offset=[offset]
Result: 200 with JSON structure SearchResult. Check the field status.
Example request to list 20 recently shared files (all file types):[node ID]&limit=20
Example request to list 10 recent documents:[node ID]&type=5&limit=10
Profile Functions
User profile data such as the username, email address, and picture are stored on the blockchain. Profile fields are text (UTF-8) or binary encoded, depending on the type.
Note that all profile data is arbitrary and shall be considered untrusted and unverified. To establish trust, the user must load Certificates into the blockchain that validate certain data.
Below is the list of well known profile information. Clients may define additional fields. The purpose of this defined list is to provide a common mapping across different client software. Undefined types are always mapped into the blob
Type |
Constant |
Encoding |
Info |
0 |
ProfileName |
Text |
Arbitrary username |
1 |
ProfileEmail |
Text |
Email address |
2 |
ProfileWebsite |
Text |
Website address |
3 |
ProfileTwitter |
Text |
Twitter account without the @ |
4 |
ProfileYouTube |
Text |
YouTube channel URL |
5 |
ProfileAddress |
Text |
Physical address |
6 |
ProfilePicture |
Blob |
Profile picture |
Profile List
This lists all profile fields.
Request: GET /profile/list&node=[node id<optional>]
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiProfileData
type apiProfileData struct {
Fields []apiBlockRecordProfile `json:"fields"` // All fields
Status int `json:"status"` // Status of the operation, only used when this structure is returned from the API. See blockchain.StatusX.
type apiBlockRecordProfile struct {
Type uint16 `json:"type"` // See ProfileX constants.
// Depending on the exact type, one of the below fields is used for proper encoding:
Text string `json:"text"` // Text value. UTF-8 encoding.
Blob []byte `json:"blob"` // Binary data
Example request:
Example response:
"fields": [{
"type": 0,
"text": "Test Username 2021",
"blob": null
}, {
"type": 1,
"text": "test@example.com",
"blob": null
"status": 0
Profile Read
This reads a specific profile field. See ProfileX for recognized fields.
Request: GET /profile/read?field=[index]&node=[node id<optional>]
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiProfileData
Example request to read the users username:
Example response:
"fields": [{
"type": 0,
"text": "Test Username 2021",
"blob": null
"status": 0
Profile Write
This writes profile fields. It can write multiple fields at once. See ProfileX for recognized fields.
Request: POST /profile/write with JSON structure apiProfileData
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockStatus
Example POST request to
"fields": [{
"type": 0,
"text": "Test Username 2021"
Example response:
"status": 0,
"height": 1,
"version": 0
Profile Delete
This function allows to delete profile fields. Only the type number is required. Multiple fields can be deleted at the same time.
Request: POST /profile/delete with JSON structure apiProfileData
Response: 200 with JSON structure apiBlockchainBlockStatus
Example POST request to
(deleting the profile name):
"fields": [{
"type": 0
Search API
The search API provides a high-level function to search for files in Peernet. Searching is always asynchronous. /search
returns an UUID which is used to loop over /search/result
until the search is terminated.
The current implementation of the underlying search algorithm only searches file names.
Filters and sort order may be applied when starting the search at /search
, or at runtime when returning the results at /search/result
These are the available sort options:
Sort |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
SortNone |
No sorting. Results are returned as they come in. |
1 |
SortRelevanceAsc |
Least relevant results first. |
2 |
SortRelevanceDec |
Most relevant results first. |
3 |
SortDateAsc |
Oldest first. |
4 |
SortDateDesc |
Newest first. |
5 |
SortNameAsc |
File name ascending. The folder name is not used for sorting. |
6 |
SortNameDesc |
File name descending. The folder name is not used for sorting. |
7 |
SortSizeAsc |
File size ascending. Smallest files first. |
8 |
SortSizeDesc |
File size descending. Largest files first. |
9 |
SortSharedByCountAsc |
Shared by count ascending. Files that are shared by the least count of peers first. |
10 |
SortSharedByCountDesc |
Shared by count descending. Files that are shared by the most count of peers first. |
11 |
Node |
Filter files based on the NodeID provided |
The following filters are supported:
- Filter by date from and to. Both dates are required. The inclusion check for the 'from date' is >= and 'to date' <.
- File type such as binary, text document etc. See core.TypeX.
- File format (which is more granular) such as PDF, Word, Ebook, etc. See core.FormatX.
Submitting a Search Request
This starts a search request and returns an ID that can be used to collect the results asynchronously. Note that some of the filters described below (such as filetype
) must be set to -1 if they are not used.
Request: POST /search with JSON SearchRequest
Response: 200 on success with JSON SearchRequestResponse
type SearchRequest struct {
Term string `json:"term"` // Search term.
Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Timeout in seconds. 0 means default. This is the entire time the search may take. Found results are still available after this timeout.
MaxResults int `json:"maxresults"` // Total number of max results. 0 means default.
DateFrom string `json:"datefrom"` // Date from, both from/to are required if set. Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05".
DateTo string `json:"dateto"` // Date to, both from/to are required if set. Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05".
Sort int `json:"sort"` // See SortX.
TerminateID []uuid.UUID `json:"terminate"` // Optional: Previous search IDs to terminate. This is if the user makes a new search from the same tab. Same as first calling /search/terminate.
FileType int `json:"filetype"` // File type such as binary, text document etc. See core.TypeX. -1 = not used.
FileFormat int `json:"fileformat"` // File format such as PDF, Word, Ebook, etc. See core.FormatX. -1 = not used.
SizeMin int `json:"sizemin"` // Min file size in bytes. -1 = not used.
SizeMax int `json:"sizemax"` // Max file size in bytes. -1 = not used.
NodeID string `json:"node"` // Filter based on the NodeID provided
type SearchRequestResponse struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` // ID of the search job. This is used to get the results.
Status int `json:"status"` // Status of the search: 0 = Success (ID valid), 1 = Invalid Term, 2 = Error Max Concurrent Searches
Note that the date format for the datefrom
and dateto
fields is "2006-01-02 15:04:05" which is different to native JSON time encoding used elsewhere. The time zone is UTC.
Example POST request to
"term": "Test Search",
"timeout": 10,
"maxresults": 1000,
"sort": 0,
"filetype": -1,
"fileformat": -1,
"sizemin": -1,
"sizemax": -1
Example response:
"id": "ac5efa64-d403-4a57-8259-c7b7dfb09667",
"status": 0
Returning Search Results
This function returns search results. The default limit is 100.
If reset is set, all results will be filtered and sorted according to the provided parameters. This means that the new first result will be returned again and internal result offset is set to 0. Note that most filters must be set to -1 if they are not used (see the field comments in the SearchRequest
structure in /search
The statistics of all results (regardless of applied runtime filters) can be returned immediately in the statistics
field by specifying &stats=1
. The returned statistics is the SearchStatisticData
structure and matches with what is returned by /search/statistic
Note that the date format for the &from=
and &to=
parameters is "2006-01-02 15:04:05" which is different to native JSON time encoding used elsewhere. The time zone is UTC.
Request: GET /search/result?id=[UUID]&limit=[max records]
Optional parameters:
&reset=[0|1] to reset the filters or sort orders with any of the below parameters (all required):
&filetype=[File Type]
&fileformat=[File Format]
&from=[Date From]&to=[Date To]
&sizemin=[Minimum file size]
&sizemax=[Maximum file size]
&sort=[sort order]
&offset=[absolute offset] with &limit=[records] to get items pagination style. Returned items (and ones before) are automatically frozen.
Result: 200 with JSON structure SearchResult. Check the field status.
type SearchResult struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // Status: 0 = Success with results, 1 = No more results available, 2 = Search ID not found, 3 = No results yet available keep trying
Files []apiFile `json:"files"` // List of files found
Statistic interface{} `json:"statistic"` // Statistics of all results (independent from applied filters), if requested. Only set if files are returned (= if statistics changed). See SearchStatisticData.
Example request:
Example response with dummy data:
"status": 1,
"files": [{
"id": "b5b0706c-817c-492f-8203-5005c59f110c",
"hash": "Mv6O773ytkJ5jSjLoy2EvHQaM5KfVppJHeTppMc7alA=",
"type": 1,
"format": 14,
"size": 10,
"folder": "",
"name": "88d8cc57d5c2a5fea881ceea09503ee4.txt",
"description": "",
"date": "2021-09-23T00:00:00Z",
"nodeid": "j4yHzmCXiXqg4DPhowj0DIOuuyJxQflo2QSNG3yhCK8=",
"metadata": [{
"type": 5,
"name": "Shared By Count",
"text": "",
"blob": null,
"date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"number": 7
}, {
"type": 6,
"name": "Shared By GeoIP",
"text": "25.7766,-178.1275\n-46.4041,8.0066\n84.4478,8.2417\n14.1721,-9.7539\n-67.2364,127.6007\n-75.1604,106.7583\n70.5132,-133.4146",
"blob": null,
"date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"number": 0
Search Result Statistics
This returns search result statistics. Statistics are always calculated over all results, regardless of any applied runtime filters.
Request: GET /search/statistic?id=[UUID]
Result: 200 with JSON structure SearchStatistic. Check the field status (0 = Success, 2 = ID not found).
type SearchStatistic struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // Status: 0 = Success
IsTerminated bool `json:"terminated"` // Whether the search is terminated, meaning that statistics won't change
type SearchStatisticData struct {
Date []SearchStatisticRecordDay `json:"date"` // Files per date
FileType []SearchStatisticRecord `json:"filetype"` // Files per file type
FileFormat []SearchStatisticRecord `json:"fileformat"` // Files per file format
Total int `json:"total"` // Total count of files
type SearchStatisticRecordDay struct {
Date time.Time `json:"date"` // The day (which covers the full 24 hours). Always rounded down to midnight.
Count int `json:"count"` // Count of files.
type SearchStatisticRecord struct {
Key int `json:"key"` // Key index. The exact meaning depends on where this structure is used.
Count int `json:"count"` // Count of files for the given key
Receiving Search Results via Websocket
This provides a websocket to receive results as stream. It does not support changing runtime filters and returning statistics.
Request: GET /search/result/ws?id=[UUID]&limit=[optional max records]
Result: If successful, upgrades to a websocket and sends JSON structure SearchResult messages.
Limit is optional. Not used if ommitted or 0.
Example socket URL: ws://
Terminating a Search
The user can terminate a search early using this function. This helps save system resources and should be considered best practice once a search is no longer needed (for example when the user closes the tab or window that shows the results).
Request: GET /search/terminate?id=[UUID]
Response: 204 Empty
Download API
Downloads can have these status types:
Status |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
DownloadWaitMetadata |
Wait for file metadata. |
1 |
DownloadWaitSwarm |
Wait to join swarm. |
2 |
DownloadActive |
Active downloading. It could still be stuck at any percentage (including 0%) if no seeders are available. |
3 |
DownloadPause |
Paused by the user. |
4 |
DownloadCanceled |
Canceled by the user before the download finished. Once canceled, a new download has to be started if the file shall be downloaded. |
5 |
DownloadFinished |
Download finished 100%. |
The API response codes for download functions are:
Status |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
DownloadResponseSuccess |
Success |
1 |
DownloadResponseIDNotFound |
Error: Download ID not found. |
2 |
DownloadResponseFileInvalid |
Error: Target file cannot be used. For example, permissions denied to create it. |
3 |
DownloadResponseActionInvalid |
Error: Invalid action. Pausing a non-active download, resuming a non-paused download, or canceling already canceled or finished download. |
4 |
DownloadResponseFileWrite |
Error writing file. |
Start Download
This starts the download of a file. The path is the full path on disk to store the file.
The hash parameter identifies the file to download. The node ID identifies the blockchain (i.e., the "owner" of the file). The hash and node must be hex-encoded.
Request: GET /download/start?path=[target path on disk]&hash=[file hash to download]&node=[node ID]
Result: 200 with JSON structure apiResponseDownloadStatus
type apiResponseDownloadStatus struct {
APIStatus int `json:"apistatus"` // Status of the API call. See DownloadResponseX.
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` // Download ID. This can be used to query the latest status and take actions.
DownloadStatus int `json:"downloadstatus"` // Status of the download. See DownloadX.
File apiFile `json:"file"` // File information. Only available for status >= DownloadWaitSwarm.
Progress struct {
TotalSize uint64 `json:"totalsize"` // Total size in bytes.
DownloadedSize uint64 `json:"downloadedsize"` // Count of bytes download so far.
Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"` // Percentage downloaded. Rounded to 2 decimal points. Between 0.00 and 100.00.
} `json:"progress"` // Progress of the download. Only valid for status >= DownloadWaitSwarm.
Swarm struct {
CountPeers uint64 `json:"countpeers"` // Count of peers participating in the swarm.
} `json:"swarm"` // Information about the swarm. Only valid for status >= DownloadActive.
Example request:
Example response (only apistatus, id, and downloadstatus are used):
"apistatus": 0,
"id": "a6107122-9e31-42d3-b663-0df64263c6bc",
"downloadstatus": 0
View file on the browser
This requests 2 parameters which is the Node ID and the hash of the file
and provides the possibility to view the file on the standard browser.
Request: GET /download/view?hash=[file hash to download]&node=[node ID]
Result: 200 with the file content
Example request:
Get Download Status
This returns the status of an active download.
Request: GET /download/status?id=[download ID]
Result: 200 with JSON structure apiResponseDownloadStatus
Example request:
"apistatus": 0,
"id": "950316e8-23b4-49c7-83dd-c021e793129e",
"downloadstatus": 5,
"file": {
"id": "78ac46dc-6731-4f3d-a9d4-22c9a4eb5fb9",
"hash": "LiQUdqPD78+e6j1eS+0VmSUdCgUXVDN74ELVTRcgmWc=",
"type": 0,
"format": 13,
"size": 10240,
"folder": "",
"name": "a96dc7b6a4a7a401c48f93c442f01de9.bin",
"description": "",
"date": "2021-10-04T04:37:17Z",
"nodeid": "lMP3/nYMjoE/PfGKRDZi+ms5h7jWUrdIZaKSvLAAq6A=",
"metadata": []
"progress": {
"totalsize": 10240,
"downloadedsize": 1024,
"percentage": 10
"swarm": {
"countpeers": 0
Pause, Resume, and Cancel a Download
This pauses, resumes, and cancels a download. Once canceled, a new download has to be started if the file shall be downloaded.
Only active downloads can be paused. While a download is in discovery phase (querying metadata, joining swarm), it can only be canceled.
Action: 0 = Pause, 1 = Resume, 2 = Cancel.
Request: GET /download/action?id=[download ID]&action=[action]
Result: 200 with JSON structure apiResponseDownloadStatus (using APIStatus and DownloadStatus)
List Recently Shared Files
This returns recently shared files in Peernet. Results are returned in real-time. The file type is an optional filter.
Request: GET /explore?limit=[max records]&type=[file type]&offset=[offset]
Result: 200 with JSON structure SearchResult. Check the field status.
Example request to list 20 recently shared files (all file types):
Example request to list 10 recent documents:
Helper Functions
These helper functions are usually not needed, but can be useful in special cases.
This function detects the file type and file format of the specified file. It will primarily use the file extension for detection. If unavailable, it uses the first 512 bytes of the file data to detect the type. The path is the full file path (including directory) on disk.
Request: GET /file/format?path=[file path on disk]
Result: 200 with JSON structure apiResponseFileFormat
type apiResponseFileFormat struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // Status: 0 = Success, 1 = Error reading file
FileType uint16 `json:"filetype"` // File Type.
FileFormat uint16 `json:"fileformat"` // File Format.
Example request:
Example response:
"status": 0,
"filetype": 1,
"fileformat": 10
The Warehouse stores the actual files that are shared by the user. The blockchain only stores the metadata information. The Warehouse and the blockchain must be kept in sync.
- Files are identified (and adressed) by their hash.
- Before using
, you must store the file in the Warehouse using /warehouse/create
or /warehouse/create/path
. The blockchain add file function verifies if the file exists in the Warehouse and fails if it does not.
- When deleting a file from the blockchain via
, it will automatically delete the file from the warehouse if there are no other files on the blockchain referencing it.
- Because files are addressed using their hash, they are automatically deduplicated. If the user shares the exact same file data under different file names, it is only stored once.
Note: The Warehouse does NOT store files downloaded from other users. It strictly only stores files that the user choses to publish.
Status codes:
Status |
Constant |
Info |
0 |
StatusOK |
Success |
1 |
StatusErrorCreateTempFile |
Error creating a temporary file. |
2 |
StatusErrorWriteTempFile |
Error writing temporary file. |
3 |
StatusErrorCloseTempFile |
Error closing temporary file. |
4 |
StatusErrorRenameTempFile |
Error renaming temporary file. |
5 |
StatusErrorCreatePath |
Error creating path for target file in warehouse. |
7 |
StatusErrorOpenFile |
Error opening file. |
8 |
StatusInvalidHash |
Invalid hash. |
9 |
StatusFileNotFound |
File not found. |
10 |
StatusErrorDeleteFile |
Error deleting file. |
11 |
StatusErrorReadFile |
Error reading file. |
12 |
StatusErrorSeekFile |
Error seeking to position in file. |
13 |
StatusErrorTargetExists |
Target file already exists. |
14 |
StatusErrorCreateTarget |
Error creating target file. |
15 |
StatusErrorCreateMerkle |
Error creating merkle tree. |
16 |
StatusErrorMerkleTreeFile |
Invalid merkle tree companion file. |
Create File
This creates a file in the warehouse. The payload data is the file data to store. It returns the hash of the stored file. If the file already exists it does not return an error.
Request: POST /warehouse/create with raw data to create as new file
Response: 200 with JSON structure WarehouseResult
type WarehouseResult struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // See warehouse.StatusX.
Hash []byte `json:"hash"` // Hash of the file.
Example POST request to
--form 'id="<uuid>"' \
--form 'File=@"<file path>"'
Example response:
"status": 0,
"hash": "2/NE8j54ICYTKYg64m9kkpp8mXdUkAHSjcQMkgLXZR4="
Create File by Copy
This creates a file in the warehouse by copying it from an existing local file.
Warning: An attacker could supply any local file using this function, put them into storage and read them! No input path verification or limitation is done.
In the future the API should be secured using a random API key and setting the CORS header prohibiting regular browsers to access the API.
Request: GET /warehouse/create/path?path=[target path on disk]
Response: 200 with JSON structure WarehouseResult
Example request to add the local file "C:\Test File 1.txt":
Example response in case the file does not exist (returning StatusFileNotFound):
"status": 9,
"hash": null
Read File
This reads a file in the warehouse. The offset and limit parameter are optional. The hash must be hex encoded.
Request: GET /warehouse/read?hash=[hash]
Optional parameters &offset=[file offset]&limit=[read limit in bytes]
Response: 200 with the raw file data
404 if file was not found
500 in case of internal error opening the file
Example request:
Read File To Disk
This reads a file from the warehouse and stores it to the target file. It fails with StatusErrorTargetExists if the target file already exists.
The path must include the full directory and file name.
Request: GET /warehouse/read/path?hash=[hash]&path=[target path on disk]
Optional parameters &offset=[file offset]&limit=[read limit in bytes]
Response: 200 with JSON structure WarehouseResult
Example request:
Delete File
This deletes a file in the warehouse. This is normally not needed, since /blockchain/file/delete
will automatically delete files in the Warehouse if there are no active references.
Warning: Deleting files from the warehouse but not the blockchain creates orphans. Peers might blacklist other peers who advertise files via their blockchain, but fail to provide them for transfer.
Request: GET /warehouse/delete?hash=[hash]
Response: 200 with JSON structure WarehouseResult
Example request:
Merge Directory
Shows the recent files of peers that shared
the same file as the one provided in the GET request.
Currently searches through Memory for Nodes currently
identified in the network and then checks if the files
they shared match with the hash that is provided
in the search parameter and the queries the recent
file that node shared and then returns that result
Request: GET /merge/directory?hash=[hash]
Response: 200 with JSON structure SearchResultMergedDirectory
Example request:
// SearchResultMergedDirectory contains results for the merged directory.
type SearchResultMergedDirectory struct {
Status int `json:"status"` // Status: 0 = Success with results, 1 = No more results available, 2 = Search ID not found, 3 = No results yet available keep trying
Files []apiFile `json:"files"` // List of files found
Statistic interface{} `json:"statistic"` // Statistics of all results (independent from applied filters), if requested. Only set if files are returned (= if statistics changed). See SearchStatisticData.