Overview ¶
Package mock_client is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockABCIClient
- func (m *MockABCIClient) ABCIInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
- func (m *MockABCIClient) ABCIQuery(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (m *MockABCIClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes, ...) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (m *MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func (m *MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
- func (m *MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxSync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func (m *MockABCIClient) EXPECT() *MockABCIClientMockRecorder
- type MockABCIClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery(ctx, path, data interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx, path, data, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockClient
- func (m *MockClient) ABCIInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
- func (m *MockClient) ABCIQuery(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (m *MockClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes, ...) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Block(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BlockResults(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BlockSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultBlockSearch, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BlockchainInfo(ctx context.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BroadcastEvidence(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Evidence) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastEvidence, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
- func (m *MockClient) BroadcastTxSync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func (m *MockClient) CheckTx(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultCheckTx, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Commit(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultCommit, error)
- func (m *MockClient) ConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
- func (m *MockClient) ConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
- func (m *MockClient) DumpConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
- func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockClient) Genesis(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultGenesis, error)
- func (m *MockClient) GenesisChunked(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint) (*coretypes.ResultGenesisChunk, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Header(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
- func (m *MockClient) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Health(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultHealth, error)
- func (m *MockClient) IsRunning() bool
- func (m *MockClient) NetInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
- func (m *MockClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func (m *MockClient) OnReset() error
- func (m *MockClient) OnStart() error
- func (m *MockClient) OnStop()
- func (m *MockClient) Quit() <-chan struct{}
- func (m *MockClient) Reset() error
- func (m *MockClient) SetLogger(arg0 log.Logger)
- func (m *MockClient) Start() error
- func (m *MockClient) Status(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultStatus, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Stop() error
- func (m *MockClient) String() string
- func (m *MockClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string, outCapacity (<-chan coretypes.ResultEvent, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Tx(ctx context.Context, hash []byte, prove bool) (*coretypes.ResultTx, error)
- func (m *MockClient) TxSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage *int, ...) (*coretypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
- func (m *MockClient) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx context.Context, limit *int) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func (m *MockClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string) error
- func (m *MockClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error
- func (m *MockClient) Validators(ctx context.Context, height *int64, page, perPage *int) (*coretypes.ResultValidators, error)
- type MockClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery(ctx, path, data interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx, path, data, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Block(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockResults(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch(ctx, query, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo(ctx, minHeight, maxHeight interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) CheckTx(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Commit(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Genesis(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Header(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IsRunning() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NetInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) OnReset() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) OnStart() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) OnStop() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Quit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Reset() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SetLogger(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Status(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}, outCapacity ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Tx(ctx, hash, prove interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) TxSearch(ctx, query, prove, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx, limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Validators(ctx, height, page, perPage interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockEventsClient
- func (m *MockEventsClient) EXPECT() *MockEventsClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockEventsClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string, outCapacity (<-chan coretypes.ResultEvent, error)
- func (m *MockEventsClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string) error
- func (m *MockEventsClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error
- type MockEventsClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockEventsClientMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}, outCapacity ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventsClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventsClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockEvidenceClient
- type MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder
- type MockHistoryClient
- func (m *MockHistoryClient) BlockchainInfo(ctx context.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
- func (m *MockHistoryClient) EXPECT() *MockHistoryClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockHistoryClient) Genesis(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultGenesis, error)
- func (m *MockHistoryClient) GenesisChunked(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint) (*coretypes.ResultGenesisChunk, error)
- type MockHistoryClientMockRecorder
- type MockMempoolClient
- func (m *MockMempoolClient) CheckTx(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultCheckTx, error)
- func (m *MockMempoolClient) EXPECT() *MockMempoolClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockMempoolClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func (m *MockMempoolClient) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx context.Context, limit *int) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- type MockMempoolClientMockRecorder
- type MockNetworkClient
- func (m *MockNetworkClient) ConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
- func (m *MockNetworkClient) ConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
- func (m *MockNetworkClient) DumpConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
- func (m *MockNetworkClient) EXPECT() *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockNetworkClient) Health(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultHealth, error)
- func (m *MockNetworkClient) NetInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
- type MockNetworkClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) NetInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockRemoteClient
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) ABCIInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) ABCIQuery(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes, ...) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Block(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockResults(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultBlockSearch, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockchainInfo(ctx context.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastEvidence(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Evidence) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastEvidence, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxSync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) CheckTx(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultCheckTx, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Commit(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultCommit, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) ConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) ConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) DumpConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) EXPECT() *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Genesis(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultGenesis, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) GenesisChunked(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint) (*coretypes.ResultGenesisChunk, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Header(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Health(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultHealth, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) IsRunning() bool
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) NetInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) OnReset() error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) OnStart() error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) OnStop()
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Quit() <-chan struct{}
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Remote() string
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Reset() error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) SetLogger(arg0 log.Logger)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Start() error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Status(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultStatus, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Stop() error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) String() string
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string, outCapacity (<-chan coretypes.ResultEvent, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Tx(ctx context.Context, hash []byte, prove bool) (*coretypes.ResultTx, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) TxSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage *int, ...) (*coretypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx context.Context, limit *int) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string) error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error
- func (m *MockRemoteClient) Validators(ctx context.Context, height *int64, page, perPage *int) (*coretypes.ResultValidators, error)
- type MockRemoteClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery(ctx, path, data interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx, path, data, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Block(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockResults(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch(ctx, query, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo(ctx, minHeight, maxHeight interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) CheckTx(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Commit(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Genesis(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Header(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) IsRunning() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) NetInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnReset() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnStart() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnStop() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Quit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Remote() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Reset() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) SetLogger(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Status(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}, outCapacity ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Tx(ctx, hash, prove interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) TxSearch(ctx, query, prove, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx, limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Validators(ctx, height, page, perPage interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockSignClient
- func (m *MockSignClient) Block(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) BlockResults(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) BlockSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultBlockSearch, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) Commit(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultCommit, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) EXPECT() *MockSignClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockSignClient) Header(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) Tx(ctx context.Context, hash []byte, prove bool) (*coretypes.ResultTx, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) TxSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage *int, ...) (*coretypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
- func (m *MockSignClient) Validators(ctx context.Context, height *int64, page, perPage *int) (*coretypes.ResultValidators, error)
- type MockSignClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Block(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockResults(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch(ctx, query, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Commit(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Header(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Tx(ctx, hash, prove interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) TxSearch(ctx, query, prove, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Validators(ctx, height, page, perPage interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockStatusClient
- type MockStatusClientMockRecorder
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockABCIClient ¶
type MockABCIClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockABCIClient is a mock of ABCIClient interface.
func NewMockABCIClient ¶
func NewMockABCIClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockABCIClient
NewMockABCIClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockABCIClient) ABCIInfo ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) ABCIInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
ABCIInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockABCIClient) ABCIQuery ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) ABCIQuery(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
ABCIQuery mocks base method.
func (*MockABCIClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes, opts client.ABCIQueryOptions) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
ABCIQueryWithOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxAsync ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
BroadcastTxAsync mocks base method.
func (*MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxCommit ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
BroadcastTxCommit mocks base method.
func (*MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxSync ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) BroadcastTxSync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
BroadcastTxSync mocks base method.
func (*MockABCIClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockABCIClient) EXPECT() *MockABCIClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockABCIClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockABCIClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockABCIClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockABCIClient.
func (*MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo ¶
func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIInfo indicates an expected call of ABCIInfo.
func (*MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery ¶
func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery(ctx, path, data interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIQuery indicates an expected call of ABCIQuery.
func (*MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions ¶
func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx, path, data, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIQueryWithOptions indicates an expected call of ABCIQueryWithOptions.
func (*MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync ¶
func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxAsync indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxAsync.
func (*MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit ¶
func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxCommit indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxCommit.
func (*MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync ¶
func (mr *MockABCIClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxSync indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxSync.
type MockClient ¶
type MockClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClient is a mock of Client interface.
func NewMockClient ¶
func NewMockClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockClient
NewMockClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockClient) ABCIInfo ¶
func (m *MockClient) ABCIInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
ABCIInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ABCIQuery ¶
func (m *MockClient) ABCIQuery(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
ABCIQuery mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions ¶
func (m *MockClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes, opts client.ABCIQueryOptions) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
ABCIQueryWithOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Block ¶
func (m *MockClient) Block(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
Block mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BlockByHash ¶
func (m *MockClient) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
BlockByHash mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BlockResults ¶
func (m *MockClient) BlockResults(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
BlockResults mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BlockSearch ¶
func (m *MockClient) BlockSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultBlockSearch, error)
BlockSearch mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BlockchainInfo ¶
func (m *MockClient) BlockchainInfo(ctx context.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
BlockchainInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BroadcastEvidence ¶
func (m *MockClient) BroadcastEvidence(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Evidence) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastEvidence, error)
BroadcastEvidence mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BroadcastTxAsync ¶
func (m *MockClient) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
BroadcastTxAsync mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BroadcastTxCommit ¶
func (m *MockClient) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
BroadcastTxCommit mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BroadcastTxSync ¶
func (m *MockClient) BroadcastTxSync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
BroadcastTxSync mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) CheckTx ¶
func (m *MockClient) CheckTx(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultCheckTx, error)
CheckTx mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Commit ¶
func (m *MockClient) Commit(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultCommit, error)
Commit mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ConsensusParams ¶
func (m *MockClient) ConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
ConsensusParams mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ConsensusState ¶
func (m *MockClient) ConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
ConsensusState mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) DumpConsensusState ¶
func (m *MockClient) DumpConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
DumpConsensusState mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockClient) Genesis ¶
func (m *MockClient) Genesis(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultGenesis, error)
Genesis mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) GenesisChunked ¶
func (m *MockClient) GenesisChunked(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint) (*coretypes.ResultGenesisChunk, error)
GenesisChunked mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Header ¶
func (m *MockClient) Header(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
Header mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) HeaderByHash ¶
func (m *MockClient) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
HeaderByHash mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Health ¶
func (m *MockClient) Health(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultHealth, error)
Health mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) NetInfo ¶
func (m *MockClient) NetInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
NetInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (m *MockClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
NumUnconfirmedTxs mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SetLogger ¶
func (m *MockClient) SetLogger(arg0 log.Logger)
SetLogger mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Status ¶
func (m *MockClient) Status(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultStatus, error)
Status mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Subscribe ¶
func (m *MockClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string, outCapacity (<-chan coretypes.ResultEvent, error)
Subscribe mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) TxSearch ¶
func (m *MockClient) TxSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
TxSearch mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (m *MockClient) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx context.Context, limit *int) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
UnconfirmedTxs mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Unsubscribe ¶
func (m *MockClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string) error
Unsubscribe mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (m *MockClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error
UnsubscribeAll mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Validators ¶
func (m *MockClient) Validators(ctx context.Context, height *int64, page, perPage *int) (*coretypes.ResultValidators, error)
Validators mocks base method.
type MockClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockClient.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIInfo indicates an expected call of ABCIInfo.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery(ctx, path, data interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIQuery indicates an expected call of ABCIQuery.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx, path, data, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIQueryWithOptions indicates an expected call of ABCIQueryWithOptions.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Block ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Block(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Block indicates an expected call of Block.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockByHash indicates an expected call of BlockByHash.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BlockResults ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockResults(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockResults indicates an expected call of BlockResults.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch(ctx, query, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockSearch indicates an expected call of BlockSearch.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo(ctx, minHeight, maxHeight interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockchainInfo indicates an expected call of BlockchainInfo.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastEvidence indicates an expected call of BroadcastEvidence.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxAsync indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxAsync.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxCommit indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxCommit.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxSync indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxSync.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) CheckTx ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) CheckTx(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckTx indicates an expected call of CheckTx.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Commit ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Commit(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Commit indicates an expected call of Commit.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsensusParams indicates an expected call of ConsensusParams.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsensusState indicates an expected call of ConsensusState.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
DumpConsensusState indicates an expected call of DumpConsensusState.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Genesis ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Genesis(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Genesis indicates an expected call of Genesis.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GenesisChunked indicates an expected call of GenesisChunked.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Header ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Header(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Header indicates an expected call of Header.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
HeaderByHash indicates an expected call of HeaderByHash.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Health ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Health indicates an expected call of Health.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) IsRunning ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IsRunning() *gomock.Call
IsRunning indicates an expected call of IsRunning.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) NetInfo ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NetInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NetInfo indicates an expected call of NetInfo.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NumUnconfirmedTxs indicates an expected call of NumUnconfirmedTxs.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) OnReset ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) OnReset() *gomock.Call
OnReset indicates an expected call of OnReset.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) OnStart ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) OnStart() *gomock.Call
OnStart indicates an expected call of OnStart.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) OnStop ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) OnStop() *gomock.Call
OnStop indicates an expected call of OnStop.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Quit ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Quit() *gomock.Call
Quit indicates an expected call of Quit.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Reset ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Reset() *gomock.Call
Reset indicates an expected call of Reset.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SetLogger ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SetLogger(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetLogger indicates an expected call of SetLogger.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Start ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Status ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Status(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Status indicates an expected call of Status.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Stop ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) String ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
String indicates an expected call of String.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Subscribe ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}, outCapacity ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Subscribe indicates an expected call of Subscribe.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Tx ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Tx(ctx, hash, prove interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tx indicates an expected call of Tx.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) TxSearch ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) TxSearch(ctx, query, prove, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
TxSearch indicates an expected call of TxSearch.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx, limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnconfirmedTxs indicates an expected call of UnconfirmedTxs.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
Unsubscribe indicates an expected call of Unsubscribe.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnsubscribeAll indicates an expected call of UnsubscribeAll.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Validators ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Validators(ctx, height, page, perPage interface{}) *gomock.Call
Validators indicates an expected call of Validators.
type MockEventsClient ¶
type MockEventsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventsClient is a mock of EventsClient interface.
func NewMockEventsClient ¶
func NewMockEventsClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventsClient
NewMockEventsClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockEventsClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventsClient) EXPECT() *MockEventsClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockEventsClient) Subscribe ¶
func (m *MockEventsClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string, outCapacity (<-chan coretypes.ResultEvent, error)
Subscribe mocks base method.
func (*MockEventsClient) Unsubscribe ¶
func (m *MockEventsClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string) error
Unsubscribe mocks base method.
func (*MockEventsClient) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (m *MockEventsClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error
UnsubscribeAll mocks base method.
type MockEventsClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventsClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventsClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventsClient.
func (*MockEventsClientMockRecorder) Subscribe ¶
func (mr *MockEventsClientMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}, outCapacity ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Subscribe indicates an expected call of Subscribe.
func (*MockEventsClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe ¶
func (mr *MockEventsClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
Unsubscribe indicates an expected call of Unsubscribe.
func (*MockEventsClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (mr *MockEventsClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnsubscribeAll indicates an expected call of UnsubscribeAll.
type MockEvidenceClient ¶
type MockEvidenceClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEvidenceClient is a mock of EvidenceClient interface.
func NewMockEvidenceClient ¶
func NewMockEvidenceClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEvidenceClient
NewMockEvidenceClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockEvidenceClient) BroadcastEvidence ¶
func (m *MockEvidenceClient) BroadcastEvidence(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Evidence) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastEvidence, error)
BroadcastEvidence mocks base method.
func (*MockEvidenceClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEvidenceClient) EXPECT() *MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEvidenceClient.
func (*MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence ¶
func (mr *MockEvidenceClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastEvidence indicates an expected call of BroadcastEvidence.
type MockHistoryClient ¶
type MockHistoryClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockHistoryClient is a mock of HistoryClient interface.
func NewMockHistoryClient ¶
func NewMockHistoryClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockHistoryClient
NewMockHistoryClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockHistoryClient) BlockchainInfo ¶
func (m *MockHistoryClient) BlockchainInfo(ctx context.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
BlockchainInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockHistoryClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockHistoryClient) EXPECT() *MockHistoryClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockHistoryClient) Genesis ¶
func (m *MockHistoryClient) Genesis(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultGenesis, error)
Genesis mocks base method.
func (*MockHistoryClient) GenesisChunked ¶
func (m *MockHistoryClient) GenesisChunked(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint) (*coretypes.ResultGenesisChunk, error)
GenesisChunked mocks base method.
type MockHistoryClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockHistoryClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockHistoryClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockHistoryClient.
func (*MockHistoryClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo ¶
func (mr *MockHistoryClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo(ctx, minHeight, maxHeight interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockchainInfo indicates an expected call of BlockchainInfo.
func (*MockHistoryClientMockRecorder) Genesis ¶
func (mr *MockHistoryClientMockRecorder) Genesis(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Genesis indicates an expected call of Genesis.
func (*MockHistoryClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked ¶
func (mr *MockHistoryClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GenesisChunked indicates an expected call of GenesisChunked.
type MockMempoolClient ¶
type MockMempoolClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockMempoolClient is a mock of MempoolClient interface.
func NewMockMempoolClient ¶
func NewMockMempoolClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockMempoolClient
NewMockMempoolClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockMempoolClient) CheckTx ¶
func (m *MockMempoolClient) CheckTx(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultCheckTx, error)
CheckTx mocks base method.
func (*MockMempoolClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockMempoolClient) EXPECT() *MockMempoolClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockMempoolClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (m *MockMempoolClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
NumUnconfirmedTxs mocks base method.
func (*MockMempoolClient) UnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (m *MockMempoolClient) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx context.Context, limit *int) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
UnconfirmedTxs mocks base method.
type MockMempoolClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockMempoolClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockMempoolClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockMempoolClient.
func (*MockMempoolClientMockRecorder) CheckTx ¶
func (mr *MockMempoolClientMockRecorder) CheckTx(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckTx indicates an expected call of CheckTx.
func (*MockMempoolClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (mr *MockMempoolClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NumUnconfirmedTxs indicates an expected call of NumUnconfirmedTxs.
func (*MockMempoolClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (mr *MockMempoolClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx, limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnconfirmedTxs indicates an expected call of UnconfirmedTxs.
type MockNetworkClient ¶
type MockNetworkClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNetworkClient is a mock of NetworkClient interface.
func NewMockNetworkClient ¶
func NewMockNetworkClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNetworkClient
NewMockNetworkClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockNetworkClient) ConsensusParams ¶
func (m *MockNetworkClient) ConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
ConsensusParams mocks base method.
func (*MockNetworkClient) ConsensusState ¶
func (m *MockNetworkClient) ConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
ConsensusState mocks base method.
func (*MockNetworkClient) DumpConsensusState ¶
func (m *MockNetworkClient) DumpConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
DumpConsensusState mocks base method.
func (*MockNetworkClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockNetworkClient) EXPECT() *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockNetworkClient) Health ¶
func (m *MockNetworkClient) Health(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultHealth, error)
Health mocks base method.
func (*MockNetworkClient) NetInfo ¶
func (m *MockNetworkClient) NetInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
NetInfo mocks base method.
type MockNetworkClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockNetworkClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNetworkClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNetworkClient.
func (*MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams ¶
func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsensusParams indicates an expected call of ConsensusParams.
func (*MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState ¶
func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsensusState indicates an expected call of ConsensusState.
func (*MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState ¶
func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
DumpConsensusState indicates an expected call of DumpConsensusState.
func (*MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) Health ¶
func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Health indicates an expected call of Health.
func (*MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) NetInfo ¶
func (mr *MockNetworkClientMockRecorder) NetInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NetInfo indicates an expected call of NetInfo.
type MockRemoteClient ¶
type MockRemoteClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockRemoteClient is a mock of RemoteClient interface.
func NewMockRemoteClient ¶
func NewMockRemoteClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockRemoteClient
NewMockRemoteClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockRemoteClient) ABCIInfo ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) ABCIInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultABCIInfo, error)
ABCIInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) ABCIQuery ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) ABCIQuery(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
ABCIQuery mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx context.Context, path string, data bytes.HexBytes, opts client.ABCIQueryOptions) (*coretypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
ABCIQueryWithOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Block ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Block(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
Block mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BlockByHash ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
BlockByHash mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BlockResults ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockResults(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
BlockResults mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BlockSearch ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultBlockSearch, error)
BlockSearch mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BlockchainInfo ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BlockchainInfo(ctx context.Context, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockchainInfo, error)
BlockchainInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BroadcastEvidence ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastEvidence(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Evidence) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastEvidence, error)
BroadcastEvidence mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxAsync ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
BroadcastTxAsync mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxCommit ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error)
BroadcastTxCommit mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxSync ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) BroadcastTxSync(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error)
BroadcastTxSync mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) CheckTx ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) CheckTx(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.Tx) (*coretypes.ResultCheckTx, error)
CheckTx mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Commit ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Commit(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultCommit, error)
Commit mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) ConsensusParams ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) ConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusParams, error)
ConsensusParams mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) ConsensusState ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) ConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultConsensusState, error)
ConsensusState mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) DumpConsensusState ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) DumpConsensusState(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error)
DumpConsensusState mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) EXPECT() *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Genesis ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Genesis(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultGenesis, error)
Genesis mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) GenesisChunked ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) GenesisChunked(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint) (*coretypes.ResultGenesisChunk, error)
GenesisChunked mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Header ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Header(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
Header mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) HeaderByHash ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
HeaderByHash mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Health ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Health(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultHealth, error)
Health mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) IsRunning ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) IsRunning() bool
IsRunning mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) NetInfo ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) NetInfo(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultNetInfo, error)
NetInfo mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
NumUnconfirmedTxs mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) OnReset ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) OnReset() error
OnReset mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) OnStart ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) OnStart() error
OnStart mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Quit ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Quit() <-chan struct{}
Quit mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Remote ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Remote() string
Remote mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) SetLogger ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) SetLogger(arg0 log.Logger)
SetLogger mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Status ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Status(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultStatus, error)
Status mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) String ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) String() string
String mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Subscribe ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string, outCapacity (<-chan coretypes.ResultEvent, error)
Subscribe mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Tx ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Tx(ctx context.Context, hash []byte, prove bool) (*coretypes.ResultTx, error)
Tx mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) TxSearch ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) TxSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
TxSearch mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) UnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx context.Context, limit *int) (*coretypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error)
UnconfirmedTxs mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Unsubscribe ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber, query string) error
Unsubscribe mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error
UnsubscribeAll mocks base method.
func (*MockRemoteClient) Validators ¶
func (m *MockRemoteClient) Validators(ctx context.Context, height *int64, page, perPage *int) (*coretypes.ResultValidators, error)
Validators mocks base method.
type MockRemoteClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockRemoteClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockRemoteClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockRemoteClient.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIInfo indicates an expected call of ABCIInfo.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIQuery(ctx, path, data interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIQuery indicates an expected call of ABCIQuery.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ABCIQueryWithOptions(ctx, path, data, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
ABCIQueryWithOptions indicates an expected call of ABCIQueryWithOptions.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Block ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Block(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Block indicates an expected call of Block.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockByHash indicates an expected call of BlockByHash.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockResults ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockResults(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockResults indicates an expected call of BlockResults.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch(ctx, query, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockSearch indicates an expected call of BlockSearch.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BlockchainInfo(ctx, minHeight, maxHeight interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockchainInfo indicates an expected call of BlockchainInfo.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastEvidence(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastEvidence indicates an expected call of BroadcastEvidence.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxAsync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxAsync indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxAsync.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxCommit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxCommit indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxCommit.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) BroadcastTxSync(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BroadcastTxSync indicates an expected call of BroadcastTxSync.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) CheckTx ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) CheckTx(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckTx indicates an expected call of CheckTx.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Commit ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Commit(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Commit indicates an expected call of Commit.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ConsensusParams(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsensusParams indicates an expected call of ConsensusParams.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) ConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsensusState indicates an expected call of ConsensusState.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) DumpConsensusState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
DumpConsensusState indicates an expected call of DumpConsensusState.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Genesis ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Genesis(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Genesis indicates an expected call of Genesis.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) GenesisChunked(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GenesisChunked indicates an expected call of GenesisChunked.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Header ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Header(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Header indicates an expected call of Header.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
HeaderByHash indicates an expected call of HeaderByHash.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Health ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Health(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Health indicates an expected call of Health.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) IsRunning ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) IsRunning() *gomock.Call
IsRunning indicates an expected call of IsRunning.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) NetInfo ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) NetInfo(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NetInfo indicates an expected call of NetInfo.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) NumUnconfirmedTxs(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NumUnconfirmedTxs indicates an expected call of NumUnconfirmedTxs.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnReset ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnReset() *gomock.Call
OnReset indicates an expected call of OnReset.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnStart ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnStart() *gomock.Call
OnStart indicates an expected call of OnStart.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnStop ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) OnStop() *gomock.Call
OnStop indicates an expected call of OnStop.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Quit ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Quit() *gomock.Call
Quit indicates an expected call of Quit.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Remote ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Remote() *gomock.Call
Remote indicates an expected call of Remote.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Reset ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Reset() *gomock.Call
Reset indicates an expected call of Reset.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) SetLogger ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) SetLogger(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetLogger indicates an expected call of SetLogger.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Start ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Status ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Status(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Status indicates an expected call of Status.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Stop ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) String ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
String indicates an expected call of String.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Subscribe ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}, outCapacity ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Subscribe indicates an expected call of Subscribe.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Tx ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Tx(ctx, hash, prove interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tx indicates an expected call of Tx.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) TxSearch ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) TxSearch(ctx, query, prove, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
TxSearch indicates an expected call of TxSearch.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) UnconfirmedTxs(ctx, limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnconfirmedTxs indicates an expected call of UnconfirmedTxs.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Unsubscribe(ctx, subscriber, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
Unsubscribe indicates an expected call of Unsubscribe.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnsubscribeAll indicates an expected call of UnsubscribeAll.
func (*MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Validators ¶
func (mr *MockRemoteClientMockRecorder) Validators(ctx, height, page, perPage interface{}) *gomock.Call
Validators indicates an expected call of Validators.
type MockSignClient ¶
type MockSignClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockSignClient is a mock of SignClient interface.
func NewMockSignClient ¶
func NewMockSignClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockSignClient
NewMockSignClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockSignClient) Block ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) Block(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
Block mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) BlockByHash ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (*coretypes.ResultBlock, error)
BlockByHash mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) BlockResults ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) BlockResults(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
BlockResults mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) BlockSearch ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) BlockSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultBlockSearch, error)
BlockSearch mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) Commit ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) Commit(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultCommit, error)
Commit mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) EXPECT() *MockSignClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockSignClient) Header ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) Header(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
Header mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) HeaderByHash ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash bytes.HexBytes) (*coretypes.ResultHeader, error)
HeaderByHash mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) Tx ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) Tx(ctx context.Context, hash []byte, prove bool) (*coretypes.ResultTx, error)
Tx mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) TxSearch ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) TxSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, prove bool, page, perPage *int, orderBy string) (*coretypes.ResultTxSearch, error)
TxSearch mocks base method.
func (*MockSignClient) Validators ¶
func (m *MockSignClient) Validators(ctx context.Context, height *int64, page, perPage *int) (*coretypes.ResultValidators, error)
Validators mocks base method.
type MockSignClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockSignClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockSignClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockSignClient.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) Block ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Block(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Block indicates an expected call of Block.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockByHash indicates an expected call of BlockByHash.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockResults ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockResults(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockResults indicates an expected call of BlockResults.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) BlockSearch(ctx, query, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockSearch indicates an expected call of BlockSearch.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) Commit ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Commit(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Commit indicates an expected call of Commit.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) Header ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Header(ctx, height interface{}) *gomock.Call
Header indicates an expected call of Header.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) HeaderByHash(ctx, hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
HeaderByHash indicates an expected call of HeaderByHash.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) Tx ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Tx(ctx, hash, prove interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tx indicates an expected call of Tx.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) TxSearch ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) TxSearch(ctx, query, prove, page, perPage, orderBy interface{}) *gomock.Call
TxSearch indicates an expected call of TxSearch.
func (*MockSignClientMockRecorder) Validators ¶
func (mr *MockSignClientMockRecorder) Validators(ctx, height, page, perPage interface{}) *gomock.Call
Validators indicates an expected call of Validators.
type MockStatusClient ¶
type MockStatusClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStatusClient is a mock of StatusClient interface.
func NewMockStatusClient ¶
func NewMockStatusClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStatusClient
NewMockStatusClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockStatusClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockStatusClient) EXPECT() *MockStatusClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockStatusClient) Status ¶
func (m *MockStatusClient) Status(arg0 context.Context) (*coretypes.ResultStatus, error)
Status mocks base method.
type MockStatusClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockStatusClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStatusClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStatusClient.
func (*MockStatusClientMockRecorder) Status ¶
func (mr *MockStatusClientMockRecorder) Status(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Status indicates an expected call of Status.