Discover Packages
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Published: May 30, 2024
License: MIT
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Imports: 1
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Imported by: 0
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The network toolbox
Mason is a network discovery and monitoring tool. It includes common network tools such as ping, traceroute, and snmp data fetching providing visibility of networks. Discovered devices are reguarly monitored by ping with historical data graphed for analysis.
Download pre-built binary (coming soon)
Grant admin network permissions to the binary (instead of running mason as root): sudo ./mason sys setcap
Start Mason as a server: ./mason server
Open a browser at http://localhost:4380/
Single binary with no external runtime dependencies
Can be used as a server or a cli tool
Multiple core networking tools
DNS Checks
TCP Port Scaning
TLS certificate information
Default configuration designed to be productive on the initial run
Core tools are additional exposed via command line and as network services
Built in Web and Terminal UIs
Low memory requirements ( 25-50 MB )
Discovery Techniques
ARP Requests over address space for local LANs
Ping (ICMPv4) requests over address space for known/discovered networks
SNMP probes for ARP tables and network interfaces on discovered devices
Device monitoring
Ping requests on regular intervals with recording of response time statistics
Different monitoring intervals for servers vs. client devices
Charting of ping response times over time
Mason is still in initial development and has plenty of rough edges. If you find a bug or have an issue, please open an Github issue.
The nettools package contains the basic network tools so you can build your own network tooling
Send and receive ARP requests
DNS resolution
Send and receive ICMP4 Echo requests
TCP Port scanning for a target
SNMP information retrival
TLS certiicate fetching and details parsing
Traceroute using ICMP4 to a target
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There is no documentation for this package.
Source Files
Package server provides the Mason application used for network discovery and management
Package server provides the Mason application used for network discovery and management
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