A small go based API for static e-commerce sites.
It handles orders and payments. Integrates with Stripe for payments and will support international pricing and VAT verification.
GoCommerce is released under the MIT License. Please make sure you understand its implications and guarantees.
Setting up
See the example configuration for an example of how to configure GoCcommerce.
The most important setting is the site_url
. GoCommerce is always tied to a website,
and will use the site URL to verify product prices, offers, and settings for countries,
product types and VAT rules.
GoCommerce will also look for email templates within a designated site folder and use the site URL to construct links to order history.
Create a config.json
file based on config.example.json
- You must set the site_url
, and either
, or paypal client_id
and secret
, as a minimum. You can get paypal keys by
creating an app at on the REST API apps
section of the paypal developer website.
What your static site must support
Each product you want to sell from your static site must have unique URL where GoCommerce can find the meta data needed for calculating pricing and taxes in order to verify that the order is legitimate before using Stripe to charge the client.
The metadata can be anywhere on the page, and goes in a script tag in this format:
<script class="gocommerce-product" type="application/json">
{"sku": "my-product", "title": "My Product", "prices": [{"amount": "49.99", "currency": "USD"}], "type": "ebook"}
The minimum required is the Sku, title and at least one "price". Default currency is USD if nothing else specified.
Mail templates (Not implemented yet)
GoCommerce will look for mail templates inside
when sending mails to users or administrators.
Right now the mail templates are:
- Order Confirmation
VAT, Countries and Regions
GoCommerce will regularly check for a file called
This file should have settings with rules for VAT or currency regions.
This file is not required for GoCommerce to work, but will enable support for various advanced features. Currently it enables VAT calculations on a per country/product type basic.
The reason we make you include the file in the static site, is that you'll need to do the same VAT calculations client side during checkout to be able to show this to the user. The commerce-js client library can help you with this.
Here's an example settings file:
"taxes": [{
"percentage": 20,
"product_types": ["ebook"],
"countries": ["Austria", "Bulgaria", "Estonia", "France", "Gibraltar", "Slovakia", "United Kingdom"]
}, {
"percentage": 7,
"product_types": ["book"],
"countries": ["Austria", "Belgium", "Bulgaria", "Croatia", "Cyprus", "Denmark", "Estonia"]
Based on these rules, if an order includes a product with "type" set to "ebook" in the product metadata on the site and the users billing Address is set to "Austria", GoCommerce will verify that a 20 percentage tax has been included in that product.
JavaScript Client Library
The easiest way to use GoCommerce is with commerce-js.
There is no documentation for this package.