Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AsciiTable(hdr []string, rows [][]string) string
- func Cache() *ttlCache
- func DecrementCounter(key string) error
- func Directory() *directory
- func ExistsKV(key string) bool
- func ForceSqlDBHandle(db *sql.DB)
- func GetCounter(key string) (value int, err error)
- func GetKV(key string) (string, bool)
- func IncrementCounter(key string) error
- func IsDebug() bool
- func PluginRegistry() *pluginRegistry
- func RmPrefId(id int) error
- func SetCounter(key string, value int) error
- func SetKV(key, value string, ttl time.Duration) (err error)
- func SetPref(user, broker, room, plugin, key, value string) error
- func SqlDB() *sql.DB
- func SqlInit(sqlTxt string) error
- func Utf8Table(hdr []string, rows [][]string) string
- type BoolParam
- func (p *BoolParam) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (p *BoolParam) IsRequired() bool
- func (p *BoolParam) Key() string
- func (p *BoolParam) Name() string
- func (p *BoolParam) SetDefault(def bool) *BoolParam
- func (p *BoolParam) SetUsage(usage string) *BoolParam
- func (p *BoolParam) SubCmd() *SubCmd
- func (p *BoolParam) Usage() string
- type BoolParamInst
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Found() bool
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Key() string
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Name() string
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Param() *BoolParam
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Required() bool
- func (p *BoolParamInst) String() (string, error)
- func (p *BoolParamInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
- func (p *BoolParamInst) Value() bool
- type Broker
- type Cmd
- func (c *Cmd) AddAlias(alias string) *Cmd
- func (c *Cmd) AddBoolParam(key string, required bool) *BoolParam
- func (c *Cmd) AddIdxParam(position int, name string, required bool) *IdxParam
- func (c *Cmd) AddKVParam(key string, required bool) *KVParam
- func (c *Cmd) AddSubCmd(token string) *SubCmd
- func (c *Cmd) Aliases() []string
- func (c *Cmd) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (c *Cmd) GetBoolParam(key string) *BoolParam
- func (c *Cmd) GetIdxParam(idx int) *IdxParam
- func (c *Cmd) GetKVParam(key string) *KVParam
- func (c *Cmd) GetSubCmd(token string) *SubCmd
- func (c *Cmd) HasBoolParam(key string) bool
- func (c *Cmd) HasIdxParam(idx int) bool
- func (c *Cmd) HasKVParam(key string) bool
- func (c *Cmd) HasKeyParam(key string) bool
- func (c *Cmd) HasSubCmdToken(token string) bool
- func (c *Cmd) ListNamedParams() []NamedParam
- func (c *Cmd) ListSubCmds() []*SubCmd
- func (c *Cmd) MustSubCmd() bool
- func (c *Cmd) Parent() *Cmd
- func (c *Cmd) Process(argv []string) (*CmdInst, error)
- func (c *Cmd) SetUsage(usage string) *Cmd
- func (c *Cmd) SubCmds() []*SubCmd
- func (c *Cmd) Token() string
- func (c *Cmd) Usage() string
- type CmdInst
- func (c *CmdInst) GetBoolParam(key string) *BoolParam
- func (c *CmdInst) GetBoolParamInst(key string) *BoolParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) GetIdxParam(idx int) *IdxParam
- func (c *CmdInst) GetIdxParamInst(idx int) *IdxParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) GetIdxParamInstByName(name string) *IdxParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) GetKVParam(key string) *KVParam
- func (c *CmdInst) GetKVParamInst(key string) *KVParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) HasBoolParam(key string) bool
- func (c *CmdInst) HasBoolParamInst(key string) bool
- func (c *CmdInst) HasIdxParam(idx int) bool
- func (c *CmdInst) HasIdxParamInst(idx int) bool
- func (c *CmdInst) HasKVParam(key string) bool
- func (c *CmdInst) HasKVParamInst(key string) bool
- func (c *CmdInst) ListBoolParamInsts() []*BoolParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) ListIdxParamInsts() []*IdxParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) ListKVParamInsts() []*KVParamInst
- func (c *CmdInst) Remainder() []string
- func (c *CmdInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
- func (c *CmdInst) SubCmdToken() string
- func (c *CmdInst) Usage() string
- type DirEdge
- type DirNode
- type DirNodeAttr
- type Evt
- func (e *Evt) AsPref() Pref
- func (e *Evt) BodyAsArgv() []string
- func (e *Evt) BrokerName() string
- func (e *Evt) Clone() Evt
- func (e *Evt) Error(err error)
- func (e *Evt) FindPrefs() Prefs
- func (e *Evt) ForceToRoom() Evt
- func (e *Evt) ForceToUser() Evt
- func (e *Evt) InstanceSettings() Prefs
- func (e *Evt) Reply(msg string)
- func (e *Evt) ReplyDM(msg string)
- func (e *Evt) ReplyTable(hdr []string, rows [][]string)
- func (e *Evt) ReplyToRoom(msg string)
- func (e *Evt) Replyf(msg string, a ...interface{})
- func (e *Evt) String() string
- type FontChar
- type FontData
- func (fd *FontData) ParseColor(in string, def color.Color) color.Color
- func (fd *FontData) StringToChars(want string) []*FontChar
- func (fd *FontData) StringToImage(want string, clr color.Color) image.Image
- func (fd *FontData) StringToImages(want string, clr color.Color) []image.Image
- func (fd *FontData) StringsToImage(want []string, clr color.Color) image.Image
- type IdxParam
- func (p *IdxParam) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (p *IdxParam) Idx() int
- func (p *IdxParam) IsRequired() bool
- func (p *IdxParam) Name() string
- func (p *IdxParam) SetDefault(def string) *IdxParam
- func (p *IdxParam) SetUsage(usage string) *IdxParam
- func (p *IdxParam) SubCmd() *SubCmd
- func (p *IdxParam) Usage() string
- type IdxParamInst
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Bool() (bool, error)
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (p *IdxParamInst) DefInt(def int) int
- func (p *IdxParamInst) DefString(def string) string
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Duration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Float() (float64, error)
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Found() bool
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Idx() int
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Int() (int, error)
- func (p *IdxParamInst) MustString() string
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Name() string
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Param() *IdxParam
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Required() bool
- func (p *IdxParamInst) String() (string, error)
- func (p *IdxParamInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Time() (time.Time, error)
- func (p *IdxParamInst) Value() string
- type Instance
- type KVParam
- func (p *KVParam) AddAlias(alias string) *KVParam
- func (p *KVParam) Aliases() []string
- func (p *KVParam) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (p *KVParam) IsRequired() bool
- func (p *KVParam) Key() string
- func (p *KVParam) Name() string
- func (p *KVParam) SetDefault(def string) *KVParam
- func (p *KVParam) SetUsage(usage string) *KVParam
- func (p *KVParam) SubCmd() *SubCmd
- func (p *KVParam) Usage() string
- type KVParamInst
- func (p *KVParamInst) Bool() (bool, error)
- func (p *KVParamInst) Cmd() *Cmd
- func (p *KVParamInst) DefInt(def int) int
- func (p *KVParamInst) DefString(def string) string
- func (p *KVParamInst) Duration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (p *KVParamInst) Float() (float64, error)
- func (p *KVParamInst) Found() bool
- func (p *KVParamInst) Int() (int, error)
- func (p *KVParamInst) Key() string
- func (p *KVParamInst) MustString() string
- func (p *KVParamInst) Name() string
- func (p *KVParamInst) Param() *KVParam
- func (p *KVParamInst) Required() bool
- func (p *KVParamInst) String() (string, error)
- func (p *KVParamInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
- func (p *KVParamInst) Time() (time.Time, error)
- func (p *KVParamInst) Value() string
- type LogEntry
- type Logger
- func (l *Logger) Debugf(msg string, a ...interface{})
- func (l *Logger) DisableDbgStdout()
- func (l *Logger) DisableDebug()
- func (l *Logger) DisableLogStdout()
- func (l *Logger) EnableDebug()
- func (l *Logger) Fatalf(msg string, a ...interface{})
- func (l *Logger) IsDebug() bool
- func (l *Logger) NewDebugSink() chan LogEntry
- func (l *Logger) NewLogSink() chan LogEntry
- func (l *Logger) Panic(msg string)
- func (l *Logger) Panicf(msg string, a ...interface{})
- func (l *Logger) Printf(msg string, a ...interface{})
- func (l *Logger) Println(a ...interface{})
- func (l *Logger) SetPrefix(prefix string)
- type NamedParam
- type PeriodicFunc
- type Plugin
- type Pref
- func (in *Pref) Delete() error
- func (p Pref) Find() Prefs
- func (p Pref) FindKey(key string) Prefs
- func (in *Pref) Get() Pref
- func (in *Pref) GetPrefs() Prefs
- func (in *Pref) Set() error
- func (pref Pref) SetBroker(broker string) Pref
- func (pref Pref) SetKey(key string) Pref
- func (pref Pref) SetUser(user string) Pref
- func (p *Pref) String() string
- type Prefs
- func (prefs Prefs) Broker(broker string) Prefs
- func (prefs Prefs) Clone() Prefs
- func (prefs Prefs) Key(key string) Prefs
- func (ps Prefs) Len() int
- func (ps Prefs) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (prefs Prefs) One() Pref
- func (prefs Prefs) Plugin(plugin string) Prefs
- func (prefs Prefs) Room(room string) Prefs
- func (p *Prefs) String() string
- func (ps Prefs) Swap(i, j int)
- func (prefs Prefs) Table() [][]string
- func (prefs Prefs) User(user string) Prefs
- func (prefs Prefs) Value(value string) Prefs
- type RequiredParamNotFound
- type RouterCTX
- type SecretStore
- func (ss *SecretStore) Delete(key string)
- func (ss *SecretStore) Dump() map[string]string
- func (ss *SecretStore) Exists(key string) bool
- func (ss *SecretStore) Get(key string) string
- func (ss *SecretStore) InitDB()
- func (ss *SecretStore) LoadFromDB()
- func (ss *SecretStore) Put(key, value string)
- func (ss *SecretStore) SaveToDB()
- func (ss *SecretStore) Set(key, value string)
- func (ss *SecretStore) SetEncryptionKey(in []byte)
- func (ss *SecretStore) WipeDB()
- type SubCmd
- func (s *SubCmd) AddAlias(alias string) *SubCmd
- func (c *SubCmd) AddBoolParam(key string, required bool) *BoolParam
- func (c *SubCmd) AddIdxParam(position int, name string, required bool) *IdxParam
- func (c *SubCmd) AddKVParam(key string, required bool) *KVParam
- func (s *SubCmd) SetUsage(usage string) *SubCmd
- func (s *SubCmd) SubCmd() *SubCmd
- type SubCmdInst
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetBoolParam(key string) *BoolParam
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetBoolParamInst(key string) *BoolParamInst
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetIdxParam(idx int) *IdxParam
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetIdxParamInst(idx int) *IdxParamInst
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetIdxParamInstByName(name string) *IdxParamInst
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetKVParam(key string) *KVParam
- func (c *SubCmdInst) GetKVParamInst(key string) *KVParamInst
- func (c *SubCmdInst) HasIdxParam(idx int) bool
- func (c *SubCmdInst) HasKVParam(key string) bool
- func (c *SubCmdInst) SubCmdToken() string
- type SubCmdNotFound
- type UnsupportedTimeFormatError
Constants ¶
const CounterTable = `` /* 191-byte string literal not displayed */
const DirEdgeTable = `` /* 490-byte string literal not displayed */
const DirNodeAttrTable = `` /* 374-byte string literal not displayed */
const DirNodeTable = `` /* 212-byte string literal not displayed */
const KEY_SIZE = 32
256-bit AES key and 96-bit nonce size in bytes
const KVTable = `` /* 267-byte string literal not displayed */
const NONCE_SIZE = 12
const PLUGIN_INST_TABLE = `` /* 243-byte string literal not displayed */
const PrefsTable = `` /* 607-byte string literal not displayed */
PrefsTable contains the SQL to create the prefs table key field is called pkey because key is a reserved word
const SECRETS_KEY_DSN = "hal.dsn"
const SECRETS_TABLE = `` /* 298-byte string literal not displayed */
SECRETS_TABLE holds encrypted key/value pairs along with their nonces. uses VARBINARY instead of BINARY to avoid null termination issues.
Variables ¶
var TimeFormats = [...]string{
supported time formats for ParamInst.Time()
Functions ¶
func AsciiTable ¶
Table takes a 2-dimensional array of strings and returns a single string formatted in a table appropriate for rendering in a fixed-width font. Should be suitable for Markdown table rendering. cheesy 2-pass technique, assuming straight fixed-width ASCII for now
func DecrementCounter ¶
func ExistsKV ¶
ExistsKV checks to see if a key exists in the kv. False if any errors are encountered.
func ForceSqlDBHandle ¶
ForceSqlDBHandle can be used to forcibly replace the DB handle with another one, e.g. go-sqlmock. This is mainly here for tests, but it's also useful for things like examples/repl to operate with no database.
func GetCounter ¶
func GetKV ¶
GetKV retreives a value from the database. Returns value,ok style. Returns "", false if the query fails and "", true if there was no value available.
func IncrementCounter ¶
func PluginRegistry ¶
func PluginRegistry() *pluginRegistry
func SetCounter ¶
func SetKV ¶
SetKV inserts a new value in the database with the provided TTL. If the TTL is 0, it defaults to 10 years.
func SqlInit ¶
SqlInit executes the provided SQL once per runtime. Execution is not tracked across restarts so statements still need to use CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS or other methods of achieving idempotent execution. Errors are returned unmodified, including primary key violations, so you may ignore them as needed.
Types ¶
type BoolParam ¶
type BoolParam struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
keyed parameters that are boolean (flags), e.g. "--foo", "-f", "foo=true"
func (*BoolParam) Cmd ¶
Cmd returns the command the parameter belongs to. Panics if no command is attached.
func (*BoolParam) IsRequired ¶
func (*BoolParam) Name ¶
Name returns the key string. Mostly for use in printing errors, etc. Implements NamedParam.
func (*BoolParam) SetDefault ¶
type BoolParamInst ¶
type BoolParamInst struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BoolParamInst represents a flag/boolean parameter found in the command
func (*BoolParamInst) Cmd ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Cmd() *Cmd
Cmd returns the command the parameter belongs to. Panics if no command is attached.
func (*BoolParamInst) Found ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Found() bool
func (*BoolParamInst) Key ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Key() string
func (*BoolParamInst) Name ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Name() string
Name returns the key string. Mostly for use in printing errors, etc. Implements NamedParam.
func (*BoolParamInst) Param ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Param() *BoolParam
func (*BoolParamInst) Required ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Required() bool
func (*BoolParamInst) String ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) String() (string, error)
String returns the value as a string.
func (*BoolParamInst) SubCmdInst ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
func (*BoolParamInst) Value ¶
func (p *BoolParamInst) Value() bool
type Broker ¶
type Broker interface { // the text name of the broker, arbitrary, but usually "slack" or "cli" Name() string Send(evt Evt) SendTable(evt Evt, header []string, rows [][]string) SendDM(evt Evt) SetTopic(roomId, topic string) error GetTopic(roomId string) (topic string, err error) Leave(roomId string) (err error) LooksLikeRoomId(room string) bool LooksLikeUserId(user string) bool RoomIdToName(id string) (name string) RoomNameToId(name string) (id string) UserIdToName(id string) (name string) UserNameToId(name string) (id string) Stream(out chan *Evt) }
Broker is an instance of a broker that can send/receive events.
type Cmd ¶
type Cmd struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cmd models a tree of commands and subcommands along with their parameters. The tree will almost always be 1 or 2 levels deep. Deeper is possible but unlikely to be much higher, KISS. TODO: switc to maps for (kv|bool|idx)params and maybe subCmds
func (*Cmd) AddBoolParam ¶
AddBoolParam adds a boolean/flag parameter to the command and returns the new parameter.
func (*Cmd) AddIdxParam ¶
AddIdxParam adds a positional parameter to the command and returns the new parameter.
func (*Cmd) AddKVParam ¶
AddKVParam creates and adds a key/value parameter to the command handle and returns the new parameter.
func (*Cmd) Cmd ¶
Cmd returns the command it was called on. It does nothing and exists to make it possible to format chained calls nicely.
func (*Cmd) GetBoolParam ¶
func (*Cmd) GetIdxParam ¶
GetIdxParam gets a positional parameter by its index.
func (*Cmd) GetKVParam ¶
func (*Cmd) HasBoolParam ¶
func (*Cmd) HasIdxParam ¶
func (*Cmd) HasKVParam ¶
func (*Cmd) HasKeyParam ¶
HasKeyParam returns true if there are any parameters defined with the provided key of either key type (bool or kv).
func (*Cmd) HasSubCmdToken ¶
HasSubCmdToken returns whether or not the proivded token is defined as a subcommand.
func (*Cmd) ListNamedParams ¶
func (c *Cmd) ListNamedParams() []NamedParam
ListNamedParams returns a list of all parameters via the interface NamedParam. Mainly for use in printing options, etc..
func (*Cmd) ListSubCmds ¶
ListSubCmds makes sure the SubCmds list is initialized and returns the list.
func (*Cmd) MustSubCmd ¶
MustSubCmd returns bool indicating if a subcommand is required.
func (*Cmd) Process ¶
parse a list of argv-style strings (0 is always the command name e.g. []string{"prefs"}) foo bar --baz foo --bar baz --version foo bar=baz foo x=y z=q init --foo baz TODO: automatic emdash cleanup TODO: enforce MustSubCmd TODO: return errors instead of nil/panic
type CmdInst ¶
type CmdInst struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CmdInst) GetBoolParam ¶
func (*CmdInst) GetBoolParamInst ¶
func (c *CmdInst) GetBoolParamInst(key string) *BoolParamInst
GetBoolParamInst gets a key/value parameter instance by its key.
func (*CmdInst) GetIdxParam ¶
func (*CmdInst) GetIdxParamInst ¶
func (c *CmdInst) GetIdxParamInst(idx int) *IdxParamInst
GetIdxParamInst gets a positional parameter instance by its index.
func (*CmdInst) GetIdxParamInstByName ¶
func (c *CmdInst) GetIdxParamInstByName(name string) *IdxParamInst
GetIdxParamInsByNamet gets an indexed parameter instance by its name.
func (*CmdInst) GetKVParam ¶
func (*CmdInst) GetKVParamInst ¶
func (c *CmdInst) GetKVParamInst(key string) *KVParamInst
GetKVParamInst gets a key/value parameter instance by its key.
func (*CmdInst) HasBoolParam ¶
func (*CmdInst) HasBoolParamInst ¶
func (*CmdInst) HasIdxParam ¶
func (*CmdInst) HasIdxParamInst ¶
func (*CmdInst) HasKVParam ¶
func (*CmdInst) HasKVParamInst ¶
func (*CmdInst) ListBoolParamInsts ¶
func (c *CmdInst) ListBoolParamInsts() []*BoolParamInst
ListBoolParamInsts initializes the boolparaminsts list on the fly and returns it.
func (*CmdInst) ListIdxParamInsts ¶
func (c *CmdInst) ListIdxParamInsts() []*IdxParamInst
func (*CmdInst) ListKVParamInsts ¶
func (c *CmdInst) ListKVParamInsts() []*KVParamInst
ListKVParamInsts initializes the kvparaminsts list on the fly and returns it.
func (*CmdInst) SubCmdInst ¶
func (c *CmdInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
func (*CmdInst) SubCmdToken ¶
SubCmdToken returns the subcommand's token string. Returns empty string if there is no subcommand.
type DirNodeAttr ¶
type Evt ¶
type Evt struct { ID string `json:"id"` // ID for the event (assigned by upstream or broker) Body string `json:"body"` // body of the event, regardless of source Command string `json:"command"` // optional command associated with the body, typically empty Subject string `json:"subject"` // the subject of the message, if available, typically empty Room string `json:"room"` // the room where the event originated RoomId string `json:"room_id"` // the room id from the source broker User string `json:"user"` // the username that created the event UserId string `json:"user_id"` // the user id from the source broker Time time.Time `json:"time"` // timestamp of the event Broker Broker `json:"broker"` // the broker the event came from IsChat bool `json:"is_chat"` // lets the broker differentiate chats and other events IsBot bool `json:"is_bot"` // message was generated by the bot ToUser bool `json:"to_user"` // when true, always deliver outgoing event via DM ToRoom bool `json:"to_room"` // when true, always deliver outgoing event to the room ToFunc bool `json:"to_func"` // when true, call the ReplyFunc instead of the usual reply path ReplyFunc func(string) // a function to be called with a reply rather than the usual process Original interface{} // the original message container (e.g. slack.MessageEvent) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Evt is a generic container for events processed by the bot. Event sources are responsible for copying the appropriate data into the Evt fields. Routing and most plugins will not work if the body isn't copied, at a minimum. When ToUser and ToRoom are both true, the event will be delivered twice. The original event should usually be attached to the Original
func (*Evt) AsPref ¶
AsPref returns a a pref with user, room, broker, and plugin set using data from the event handle.
func (*Evt) BodyAsArgv ¶
BodyAsArgv does minimal parsing of the event body, returning an argv-like array of strings with quoted strings intact (but with quotes removed). The goal is shell-like, and is not a full implementation. Leading/trailing whitespace is removed. Escaping quotes, etc. is not supported.
func (*Evt) BrokerName ¶
BrokerName returns the text name of current broker.
func (*Evt) Clone ¶
Clone() returns a copy of the event with the same broker/room/user and a current timestamp. Body, Command, and Subject will be empty. Time is updated to the current time. Original is carried through, so nil that if you don't want it preserved.
func (*Evt) Error ¶
Error replies to the event with the provided error. Future: need to figure out if there's going to be a kind of error handling module in Hal for making errors visible in a logging room, possibly on a different broker...
func (*Evt) FindPrefs ¶
FindPrefs fetches the union of all matching settings from the database for user, broker, room, and plugin. Plugins can use the Prefs methods to filter from there.
func (*Evt) ForceToRoom ¶
ForceToRoom clones the event and returns a copy with ToRoom set to true. Takes priority over reply-via-dm routing. Useful for chaining, e.g. evt.ToRoom().Replyf("go away!").
func (*Evt) ForceToUser ¶
ForceToUser clones the event and returns a copy with ToUser set to true. Takes priority over reply-via-dm routing. Useful for chaining.
func (*Evt) InstanceSettings ¶
InstanceSettings gets all the settings matching the settings defined by the plugin's Settings field.
func (*Evt) Reply ¶
Reply is a helper that crafts a new event from the provided string and initiates the reply on the broker attached to the event. The message is routed according to preferences and the ToUser/ToRoom fields on the event. If no preferences are set for the user/room/plugin the response will go to the room where the command originated. The "reply-via-dm" preference can be set to "true" to default to having replies to to DM instead of the room.
func (*Evt) ReplyDM ¶
ReplyDM makes it convenient to reply to a user via DM. The user is drawn from the event's UserId field and passed to the broker's SendDM() method.
func (*Evt) ReplyTable ¶
ReplyTable sends a table of data back, formatting it according to preferences. TODO: move code from brokers/slack/broker.go/SendTable here TODO: document preferences here
func (*Evt) ReplyToRoom ¶
ReplyToRoom crafts a new event from the provided string and sends it to the room the event originated from.
type FontChar ¶
type FontChar struct { String string // the UTF-8 single character Code uint Width uint Value [16]uint8 }
FontChar is a single character of the font. The Code field might go away. It was extracted from the original font and was flaky so I switched to using the UTF8-string to index and locate glyphs.
type FontData ¶
type FontData struct { Facename string Height int Width int Ascent int Pointsize int Weight int Charset int Chars [256]FontChar // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FontData is a font and its metadata.
func FixedFont ¶
func FixedFont() *FontData
FixedFont returns a handle for the embedded 8x16 VGA font.
func (*FontData) ParseColor ¶
ParseColor parses a 6-byte or 8-byte hex color string (HTML-style) and returns a color.RGBA. If anything goes wrong during parsing, it returns the default provided.
func (*FontData) StringToChars ¶
StringToChars takes a string and returns the FontChar
func (*FontData) StringToImage ¶
StringToImage takes a string and renders it to an image.Image. Newlines are not respected. See: StringsToImage().
func (*FontData) StringToImages ¶
StringToImages takes a string and returns a list of images
type IdxParam ¶
type IdxParam struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
positional parameters (0 indexed)
func (*IdxParam) Cmd ¶
Cmd returns the command the parameter belongs to. Panics if no command is attached.
func (*IdxParam) IsRequired ¶
func (*IdxParam) SetDefault ¶
type IdxParamInst ¶
type IdxParamInst struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IdxParamInst represents a positional parameter found in the command
func (*IdxParamInst) Bool ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Bool() (bool, error)
func (*IdxParamInst) Cmd ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Cmd() *Cmd
Cmd returns the command the parameter belongs to. Panics if no command is attached.
func (*IdxParamInst) DefInt ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) DefInt(def int) int
func (*IdxParamInst) DefString ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) DefString(def string) string
func (*IdxParamInst) Float ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Float() (float64, error)
func (*IdxParamInst) Found ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Found() bool
func (*IdxParamInst) Idx ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Idx() int
func (*IdxParamInst) Int ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Int() (int, error)
func (*IdxParamInst) MustString ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) MustString() string
func (*IdxParamInst) Name ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Name() string
Name returns the name given to the indexed param. Implements NamedParam.
func (*IdxParamInst) Param ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Param() *IdxParam
func (*IdxParamInst) Required ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Required() bool
func (*IdxParamInst) String ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) String() (string, error)
String returns the value as a string.
func (*IdxParamInst) SubCmdInst ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
func (*IdxParamInst) Value ¶
func (p *IdxParamInst) Value() string
type Instance ¶
type Instance struct { *Plugin RoomId string // room id Broker Broker // the broker that produces events Regex string // a regex for filtering messages Settings Prefs // runtime settings for the instance // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Instance is an instance of a plugin tied to a room.
func (*Instance) LoadSettingsFromPrefs ¶
func (inst *Instance) LoadSettingsFromPrefs()
LoadSettingsFromPrefs loads all of the settings specified in the plugin Settings list into the instance's Settings list. Any current settings are replaced. The search is run with room and plugin set to whatever values the instance has.
func (*Instance) SaveSettingsToPrefs ¶
func (inst *Instance) SaveSettingsToPrefs()
SaveSettingsToPrefs saves runtime instance preferences to the prefs table in the database.
func (*Instance) Unregister ¶
Unregister removes an instance from the list of plugin instances.
type KVParam ¶
type KVParam struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
key/value parameters, e.g. "--foo=bar", "foo=bar", "-f bar", "--foo bar"
func (*KVParam) Cmd ¶
Cmd returns the command the parameter belongs to. Panics if no command is attached.
func (*KVParam) IsRequired ¶
func (*KVParam) Name ¶
Name returns the key string. Mostly for use in printing errors, etc. Implements NamedParam.
func (*KVParam) SetDefault ¶
type KVParamInst ¶
type KVParamInst struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KVParamInst represents a key/value parameter found in the command
func (*KVParamInst) Bool ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Bool() (bool, error)
func (*KVParamInst) Cmd ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Cmd() *Cmd
Cmd returns the command the parameter belongs to. Panics if no command is attached.
func (*KVParamInst) DefInt ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) DefInt(def int) int
func (*KVParamInst) DefString ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) DefString(def string) string
func (*KVParamInst) Float ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Float() (float64, error)
func (*KVParamInst) Found ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Found() bool
func (*KVParamInst) Int ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Int() (int, error)
func (*KVParamInst) Key ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Key() string
func (*KVParamInst) MustString ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) MustString() string
MustString returns the value as a string. If it was required/not-set, panic ensues. Empty string may be returned for not-required+not-set.
func (*KVParamInst) Name ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Name() string
Name returns the key string. Mostly for use in printing errors, etc. Implements NamedParam.
func (*KVParamInst) Param ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Param() *KVParam
func (*KVParamInst) Required ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Required() bool
func (*KVParamInst) String ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) String() (string, error)
String returns the value as a string.
func (*KVParamInst) SubCmdInst ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) SubCmdInst() *SubCmdInst
func (*KVParamInst) Value ¶
func (p *KVParamInst) Value() string
type Logger ¶
type Logger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Logger provides a handle for using Hal's logging facility. Any Logger created ultimately uses the same singleton.
func (*Logger) Debugf ¶
Debugf formats the message and propagates it. No work is performed if debugging is disabled.
func (*Logger) DisableDbgStdout ¶
func (l *Logger) DisableDbgStdout()
DisableDbgStdout disables the automatic forwarding of debug messages to stdout.
func (*Logger) DisableDebug ¶
func (l *Logger) DisableDebug()
DisableDebug disables debug message propagation.
func (*Logger) DisableLogStdout ¶
func (l *Logger) DisableLogStdout()
DisableLogStdout disables the automatic forwarding of log messages to stdout.
func (*Logger) EnableDebug ¶
func (l *Logger) EnableDebug()
EnableDebug enables debug message propagation.
func (*Logger) NewDebugSink ¶
NewLogSink creates a new channel that will receive debug messages. It is allocated and ready to go on return. Do not close it.
func (*Logger) NewLogSink ¶
NewLogSink creates a new channel that will receive log messages. It is allocated and ready to go on return. Do not close it.
type NamedParam ¶
type PeriodicFunc ¶
type PeriodicFunc struct { Name string Interval time.Duration Function func() NoRand bool // set to true to disable randomizing the first execution // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetPeriodicFunc ¶
func GetPeriodicFunc(name string) *PeriodicFunc
GetPeriodicFunc finds a periodic function by name and returns a pointer to it. If the name is not found, nil is returned.
func (*PeriodicFunc) Bump ¶
func (pf *PeriodicFunc) Bump()
Bump schedules a periodic function to update outside of the scheduled times. The value of pf.Last() is updated when this is used.
func (*PeriodicFunc) Last ¶
func (pf *PeriodicFunc) Last() time.Time
Last returns the wallclock time of the last run of the function.
func (*PeriodicFunc) Register ¶
func (pf *PeriodicFunc) Register()
Register puts a pf in the global list and makes it available to GetPeriodicFunc. Anonymous pf's work fine but are not retreivable.
func (*PeriodicFunc) Status ¶
func (pf *PeriodicFunc) Status() string
Status returns initialized/running/stopped state as a string.
type Plugin ¶
type Plugin struct { Name string // a unique name (used to launch instances) Func func(Evt) // the code to execute for each matched event Init func(*Instance) // plugin hook called at instance creation time Command string // the name of the command for invocation, e.g. "atlas", "uptime" Regex string // the default regex match, to be used when Command isn't sufficient BotEvents bool // set to true to receive events generated by the bot user Settings Prefs // required+autoloaded preferences + defaults Secrets []string // required+autoloaded secret key names }
Plugin is a function with metadata to assist with message routing. Plugins are registered at startup by the main program and wired up to receive events when an instance is created e.g. by the pluginmgr plugin. The Command and Regex can be set to pre-filter messages. Regex should only be used for custom REs. Most commands should use Command to set a static string and the RE will be generated automatically and consistently.
func (*Plugin) Instance ¶
Instance creates an instance of a plugin. It is *not* registered (and therefore not considered by the router until that is done).
func (*Plugin) Unregister ¶
Unregister removes a plugin from the bot.
type Pref ¶
type Pref struct { User string `json:"user"` Plugin string `json:"plugin"` Broker string `json:"broker"` Room string `json:"room"` Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Default string `json:"default"` Success bool `json:"-"` Error error `json:"-"` Id int `json:"id"` }
Pref is a key/value pair associated with a combination of user, plugin, borker, or room.
func GetPref ¶
GetPref will retreive the most-specific preference from pref storage using the parameters provided. This is a bit like pattern matching. If no match is found, the provided default is returned. TODO: explain this better
func (Pref) Find ¶
Find retrieves all preferences from the database that match any field in the handle's fields. If the Key field is set, it is matched first. The resulting list is sorted before it is returned. Unlike Get(), empty string fields are not included in the (generated) query so it can potentially match a lot of rows. Returns an empty list and logs upon errors.
func (*Pref) Get ¶
Get retrieves a value from the database. If the database returns an error, Success will be false and the Error field will be populated.
func (Pref) SetBroker ¶
SetBroker returns a copy of the pref with the Broker set to the provided string.
func (Pref) SetKey ¶
SetKey returns a copy of the pref with the key set to the provided string. Useful for chaining e.g. fooPrefs := p.SetKey("foo").Find().
type Prefs ¶
type Prefs []Pref
func FindPrefs ¶
FindPrefs gets all records that match any of the inputs that are not empty strings. (hint: user="x", broker="y"; WHERE user=? OR broker=?)
func GetPrefs ¶
GetPrefs retrieves a set of preferences from the database. The settings are matched exactly on user,broker,room,plugin. e.g. GetPrefs("", "", "", "uptime") would get only records that have user/broker/room set to the empty string and room set to "uptime". A record with user "pford" and plugin "uptime" would not be included.
func (Prefs) One ¶
One returns the most-specific preference from the Prefs according to the precedence order of user>room>broker>plugin>global.
func (Prefs) Room ¶
Room filters the preference list by room, returning a new Prefs e.g. instprefs = prefs.Room("magrathea").Plugin("uptime").Broker("slack")
type RequiredParamNotFound ¶
type RequiredParamNotFound struct {
Param NamedParam
RequiredParamNotFound is returned when a parameter has Required=true and a method was used to access the value but no value was set in the command.
func (RequiredParamNotFound) Error ¶
func (e RequiredParamNotFound) Error() string
Error fulfills the Error interface.
type RouterCTX ¶
type RouterCTX struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RouterCTX holds the router's context, including input/output chans.
func Router ¶
func Router() *RouterCTX
Router returns the singleton router context. The router is initialized on the first call to this function.
func (*RouterCTX) AddBroker ¶
AddBroker adds a broker to the router and starts forwarding events between it and the router.
func (*RouterCTX) Brokers ¶
Brokers returns all brokers that have been added to the router. The returned list is not in any particular order.
type SecretStore ¶
type SecretStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
secrets stores a plaintext key/value store for sensitive data that the bot and plugins need to operate along with methods for persisting encrypted copies to the database
func Secrets ¶
func Secrets() *SecretStore
Secrets returns a handle for accessing secrets managed by hal.
func (*SecretStore) Delete ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) Delete(key string)
Delete removes the key from the in-memory secret store. This is not persisted.
func (*SecretStore) Dump ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) Dump() map[string]string
Dump returns a copy of the kv store. DO NOT USE IN PLUGINS. This returns an UNENCRYPTED copy of the kv store for CLI tools and debugging. This might go away.
func (*SecretStore) Exists ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) Exists(key string) bool
Exists checks to see if the provided key exists in the secret store.
func (*SecretStore) Get ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) Get(key string) string
Get returns the value of a key from the secret store. If the key doesn't exist, empty string is returned. To check existence, use Exists(string).
func (*SecretStore) InitDB ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) InitDB()
func (*SecretStore) LoadFromDB ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) LoadFromDB()
Load secrets from the database and decrypt them into hal's in-memory secret store. The database-side secrets will be added to the existing store, overwriting on conflict (e.g. the database secrets). Any errors during this process are fatal.
func (*SecretStore) SaveToDB ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) SaveToDB()
Serialize the secret store, encrypt it, and store it in the database. Any errors during this process are fatal.
func (*SecretStore) Set ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) Set(key, value string)
Put adds a key/value to the in-memory secret store. Put'ing a key that already exists overwrites the previous value. The secret store is not persisted at this point, an additional call to Save() is required.
func (*SecretStore) SetEncryptionKey ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) SetEncryptionKey(in []byte)
SetEncryptionKey sets the key used to encrypt/decrypt credentials stored in the database. This needs to be called before anything will work.
func (*SecretStore) WipeDB ¶
func (ss *SecretStore) WipeDB()
type SubCmd ¶
type SubCmd struct { Cmd // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SubCmd) AddBoolParam ¶
AddBoolParam adds a boolean/flag parameter to the subcommand and returns the new parameter.
func (*SubCmd) AddIdxParam ¶
AddIdxParam adds a positional parameter to the subcommand and returns the new parameter.
func (*SubCmd) AddKVParam ¶
AddKVParam creates and adds a key/value parameter to the subcommand and returns the new parameter.
type SubCmdInst ¶
type SubCmdInst struct { CmdInst // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SubCmdInst) GetBoolParam ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetBoolParam(key string) *BoolParam
func (*SubCmdInst) GetBoolParamInst ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetBoolParamInst(key string) *BoolParamInst
GetBoolParamInst gets a key/value parameter instance by its key.
func (*SubCmdInst) GetIdxParam ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetIdxParam(idx int) *IdxParam
func (*SubCmdInst) GetIdxParamInst ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetIdxParamInst(idx int) *IdxParamInst
GetIdxParamInst gets an indexed parameter instance by its index.
func (*SubCmdInst) GetIdxParamInstByName ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetIdxParamInstByName(name string) *IdxParamInst
GetIdxParamInstByName gets an indexed parameter instance by its name.
func (*SubCmdInst) GetKVParam ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetKVParam(key string) *KVParam
func (*SubCmdInst) GetKVParamInst ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) GetKVParamInst(key string) *KVParamInst
GetKVParamInst gets a key/value parameter instance by its key.
func (*SubCmdInst) HasIdxParam ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) HasIdxParam(idx int) bool
func (*SubCmdInst) HasKVParam ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) HasKVParam(key string) bool
func (*SubCmdInst) SubCmdToken ¶
func (c *SubCmdInst) SubCmdToken() string
type SubCmdNotFound ¶
type SubCmdNotFound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (SubCmdNotFound) Error ¶
func (e SubCmdNotFound) Error() string
type UnsupportedTimeFormatError ¶
type UnsupportedTimeFormatError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnsupportedTimeFormatError is returned when a provided time string cannot be parsed with one of the pre-defined time formats.
func (UnsupportedTimeFormatError) Error ¶
func (e UnsupportedTimeFormatError) Error() string
Error fulfills the Error interface for UnsupportedTimeFormatError.