Index ¶
- Constants
- func ConvertSliceToMap(existingLabels []string) map[string]struct{}
- func ToResponseProto(configProto Protocol) proto.HostConfig_Protocol
- type AccountManager
- type AccountRequest
- type AccountRequestBuffer
- type AccountResult
- type Config
- type DNSConfigCache
- func (c *DNSConfigCache) GetCustomZone(key string) (*proto.CustomZone, bool)
- func (c *DNSConfigCache) GetNameServerGroup(key string) (*proto.NameServerGroup, bool)
- func (c *DNSConfigCache) SetCustomZone(key string, value *proto.CustomZone)
- func (c *DNSConfigCache) SetNameServerGroup(key string, value *proto.NameServerGroup)
- type DefaultAccountManager
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) AccountExists(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (bool, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) AddPeer(ctx context.Context, setupKey, userID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CheckGroupPermissions(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CheckUserAccessByJWTGroups(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID string, name, description string, ...) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreatePAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, ...) (*types.PersonalAccessTokenGenerated, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, prefix netip.Prefix, ...) (*route.Route, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID string, keyName string, ...) (*types.SetupKey, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, user *types.UserInfo) (*types.UserInfo, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, groupID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, groupIDs []string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, nsGroupID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, ...) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, peerID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, policyID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, postureChecksID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRegularUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserIDs []string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, routeID route.ID, userID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, keyID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) FindExistingPostureCheck(accountID string, checks *posture.ChecksDefinition) (*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (*types.Account, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountByID(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.Account, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountFromPAT(ctx context.Context, token string) (*types.Account, *types.User, *types.PersonalAccessToken, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID, domain string) (string, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDForPeerKey(ctx context.Context, peerKey string) (string, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDFromToken(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (string, string, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.Settings, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAllConnectedPeers() (map[string]struct{}, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAllGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.Group, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAllPATs(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, ...) ([]*types.PersonalAccessToken, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSDomain() string
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.DNSSettings, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetEvents(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*activity.Event, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetExternalCacheManager() ExternalCacheManager
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID, userID string) (*types.Group, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetGroupByName(ctx context.Context, groupName, accountID string) (*types.Group, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetIdpManager() idp.Manager
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, nsGroupID string) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetNetworkMap(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*types.NetworkMap, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetOrCreateAccountByUser(ctx context.Context, userID, domain string) (*types.Account, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, ...) (*types.PersonalAccessToken, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, peerID, userID string) (*nbpeer.Peer, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPeerNetwork(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*types.Network, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPeers(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*nbpeer.Peer, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, policyID, userID string) (*types.Policy, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, postureChecksID, userID string) (*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, routeID route.ID, userID string) (*route.Route, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, keyID string) (*types.SetupKey, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetUser(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*types.User, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetUserByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*types.User, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetUsersFromAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.UserInfo, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetValidatedPeers(account *types.Account) (map[string]struct{}, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupAddPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID, peerID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupAddResource(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID string, resource types.Resource) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupDeletePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID, peerID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupDeleteResource(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID string, resource types.Resource) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupValidation(ctx context.Context, accountID string, groupIDs []string) (bool, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) HasConnectedChannel(peerID string) bool
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) InviteUser(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, ...) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListNameServerGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) ([]*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.Policy, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListPostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListRoutes(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*route.Route, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListSetupKeys(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.SetupKey, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID string) ([]*types.User, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) LoginPeer(ctx context.Context, login PeerLogin) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) MarkPATUsed(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) MarkPeerConnected(ctx context.Context, peerPubKey string, connected bool, realIP net.IP, ...) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) OnPeerDisconnected(ctx context.Context, accountID string, peerPubKey string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveDNSSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string, ...) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, newGroup *types.Group) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, groups []*types.Group) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, ...) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveOrAddUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *types.User, ...) (*types.UserInfo, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveOrAddUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, updates []*types.User, ...) ([]*types.UserInfo, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SavePolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, policy *types.Policy) (*types.Policy, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SavePostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, postureChecks *posture.Checks) (*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, routeToSave *route.Route) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID string, keyToSave *types.SetupKey, ...) (*types.SetupKey, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *types.User) (*types.UserInfo, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) StoreEvent(ctx context.Context, initiatorID, targetID, accountID string, ...)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SyncAndMarkPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID string, peerPubKey string, ...) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SyncPeer(ctx context.Context, sync PeerSync, account *types.Account) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SyncPeerMeta(ctx context.Context, peerPubKey string, meta nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountPeer(ctx context.Context, account *types.Account, peer *nbpeer.Peer)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountPeers(ctx context.Context, accountID string)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, newSettings *types.Settings) (*types.Account, error)
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateIntegratedValidatorGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string, groups []string) error
- func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdatePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, update *nbpeer.Peer) (*nbpeer.Peer, error)
- type DefaultScheduler
- type DeviceAuthorizationFlow
- type EphemeralManager
- type ExternalCacheManager
- type GRPCServer
- func (s *GRPCServer) GetDeviceAuthorizationFlow(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.EncryptedMessage, error)
- func (s *GRPCServer) GetPKCEAuthorizationFlow(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.EncryptedMessage, error)
- func (s *GRPCServer) GetServerKey(ctx context.Context, req *proto.Empty) (*proto.ServerKeyResponse, error)
- func (s *GRPCServer) IsHealthy(ctx context.Context, req *proto.Empty) (*proto.Empty, error)
- func (s *GRPCServer) Login(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.EncryptedMessage, error)
- func (s *GRPCServer) Sync(req *proto.EncryptedMessage, srv proto.ManagementService_SyncServer) error
- func (s *GRPCServer) SyncMeta(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.Empty, error)
- type GroupLinkError
- type Host
- type HttpServerConfig
- type MocIntegratedValidator
- func (a MocIntegratedValidator) GetValidatedPeers(accountID string, groups map[string]*types.Group, ...) (map[string]struct{}, error)
- func (MocIntegratedValidator) IsNotValidPeer(_ context.Context, accountID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer, peersGroup []string, ...) (bool, bool, error)
- func (MocIntegratedValidator) PeerDeleted(_ context.Context, _, _ string) error
- func (MocIntegratedValidator) PreparePeer(_ context.Context, accountID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer, peersGroup []string, ...) *nbpeer.Peer
- func (MocIntegratedValidator) SetPeerInvalidationListener(func(accountID string))
- func (MocIntegratedValidator) Stop(_ context.Context)
- func (a MocIntegratedValidator) ValidateExtraSettings(_ context.Context, newExtraSettings *account.ExtraSettings, ...) error
- func (a MocIntegratedValidator) ValidatePeer(_ context.Context, update *nbpeer.Peer, peer *nbpeer.Peer, userID string, ...) (*nbpeer.Peer, bool, error)
- type MockScheduler
- type PKCEAuthorizationFlow
- type PeerLogin
- type PeerSync
- type PeersUpdateManager
- func (p *PeersUpdateManager) CloseChannel(ctx context.Context, peerID string)
- func (p *PeersUpdateManager) CloseChannels(ctx context.Context, peerIDs []string)
- func (p *PeersUpdateManager) CreateChannel(ctx context.Context, peerID string) chan *UpdateMessage
- func (p *PeersUpdateManager) GetAllConnectedPeers() map[string]struct{}
- func (p *PeersUpdateManager) HasChannel(peerID string) bool
- func (p *PeersUpdateManager) SendUpdate(ctx context.Context, peerID string, update *UpdateMessage)
- type Protocol
- type Provider
- type ProviderConfig
- type Relay
- type Resource
- type ResourceType
- type ReverseProxy
- type Scheduler
- type SecretsManager
- type SetupKeyUpdateOperation
- type SetupKeyUpdateOperationType
- type StoreConfig
- type TURNConfig
- type TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager
- func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) CancelRefresh(peerID string)
- func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) GenerateRelayToken() (*Token, error)
- func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) GenerateTurnToken() (*Token, error)
- func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) SetupRefresh(ctx context.Context, peerID string)
- type Token
- type UpdateMessage
Constants ¶
const ( CacheExpirationMax = 7 * 24 * 3600 * time.Second // 7 days CacheExpirationMin = 3 * 24 * 3600 * time.Second // 3 days )
const ( UDP Protocol = "udp" DTLS Protocol = "dtls" TCP Protocol = "tcp" HTTP Protocol = "http" HTTPS Protocol = "https" NONE Provider = "none" )
const ( // DefaultDeviceAuthFlowScope defines the bare minimum scope to request in the device authorization flow DefaultDeviceAuthFlowScope string = "openid" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ConvertSliceToMap ¶ added in v0.29.3
func ToResponseProto ¶
func ToResponseProto(configProto Protocol) proto.HostConfig_Protocol
Types ¶
type AccountManager ¶
type AccountManager interface { GetOrCreateAccountByUser(ctx context.Context, userId, domain string) (*types.Account, error) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (*types.Account, error) CreateSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID string, keyName string, keyType types.SetupKeyType, expiresIn time.Duration, autoGroups []string, usageLimit int, userID string, ephemeral bool) (*types.SetupKey, error) SaveSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID string, key *types.SetupKey, userID string) (*types.SetupKey, error) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, key *types.UserInfo) (*types.UserInfo, error) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) error DeleteRegularUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserIDs []string) error InviteUser(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) error ListSetupKeys(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.SetupKey, error) SaveUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *types.User) (*types.UserInfo, error) SaveOrAddUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *types.User, addIfNotExists bool) (*types.UserInfo, error) SaveOrAddUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, updates []*types.User, addIfNotExists bool) ([]*types.UserInfo, error) GetSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, keyID string) (*types.SetupKey, error) GetAccountByID(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.Account, error) AccountExists(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (bool, error) GetAccountIDByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID, domain string) (string, error) GetAccountIDFromToken(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (string, string, error) CheckUserAccessByJWTGroups(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) error GetAccountFromPAT(ctx context.Context, pat string) (*types.Account, *types.User, *types.PersonalAccessToken, error) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) error MarkPATUsed(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) error GetUserByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*types.User, error) GetUser(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*types.User, error) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID string) ([]*types.User, error) GetPeers(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*nbpeer.Peer, error) MarkPeerConnected(ctx context.Context, peerKey string, connected bool, realIP net.IP, account *types.Account) error DeletePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, peerID, userID string) error UpdatePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer) (*nbpeer.Peer, error) GetNetworkMap(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*types.NetworkMap, error) GetPeerNetwork(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*types.Network, error) AddPeer(ctx context.Context, setupKey, userID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error) CreatePAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenName string, expiresIn int) (*types.PersonalAccessTokenGenerated, error) DeletePAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenID string) error GetPAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenID string) (*types.PersonalAccessToken, error) GetAllPATs(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) ([]*types.PersonalAccessToken, error) GetUsersFromAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.UserInfo, error) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, accountId, groupID, userID string) (*types.Group, error) GetAllGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.Group, error) GetGroupByName(ctx context.Context, groupName, accountID string) (*types.Group, error) SaveGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, group *types.Group) error SaveGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, newGroups []*types.Group) error DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, accountId, userId, groupID string) error DeleteGroups(ctx context.Context, accountId, userId string, groupIDs []string) error GroupAddPeer(ctx context.Context, accountId, groupID, peerID string) error GroupDeletePeer(ctx context.Context, accountId, groupID, peerID string) error GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, policyID, userID string) (*types.Policy, error) SavePolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, policy *types.Policy) (*types.Policy, error) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, policyID, userID string) error ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.Policy, error) GetRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, routeID route.ID, userID string) (*route.Route, error) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, prefix netip.Prefix, networkType route.NetworkType, domains domain.List, peerID string, peerGroupIDs []string, description string, netID route.NetID, masquerade bool, metric int, groups, accessControlGroupIDs []string, enabled bool, userID string, keepRoute bool) (*route.Route, error) SaveRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, route *route.Route) error DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, routeID route.ID, userID string) error ListRoutes(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*route.Route, error) GetNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, nsGroupID string) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error) CreateNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID string, name, description string, nameServerList []nbdns.NameServer, groups []string, primary bool, domains []string, enabled bool, userID string, searchDomainsEnabled bool) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error) SaveNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, nsGroupToSave *nbdns.NameServerGroup) error DeleteNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, nsGroupID, userID string) error ListNameServerGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) ([]*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error) GetDNSDomain() string StoreEvent(ctx context.Context, initiatorID, targetID, accountID string, activityID activity.ActivityDescriber, meta map[string]any) GetEvents(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*activity.Event, error) GetDNSSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.DNSSettings, error) SaveDNSSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string, dnsSettingsToSave *types.DNSSettings) error GetPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, peerID, userID string) (*nbpeer.Peer, error) UpdateAccountSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, newSettings *types.Settings) (*types.Account, error) LoginPeer(ctx context.Context, login PeerLogin) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error) // used by peer gRPC API SyncPeer(ctx context.Context, sync PeerSync, account *types.Account) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error) // used by peer gRPC API GetAllConnectedPeers() (map[string]struct{}, error) HasConnectedChannel(peerID string) bool GetExternalCacheManager() ExternalCacheManager GetPostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, postureChecksID, userID string) (*posture.Checks, error) SavePostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, postureChecks *posture.Checks) (*posture.Checks, error) DeletePostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, postureChecksID, userID string) error ListPostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*posture.Checks, error) GetIdpManager() idp.Manager UpdateIntegratedValidatorGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string, groups []string) error GroupValidation(ctx context.Context, accountId string, groups []string) (bool, error) GetValidatedPeers(account *types.Account) (map[string]struct{}, error) SyncAndMarkPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID string, peerPubKey string, meta nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta, realIP net.IP) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error) OnPeerDisconnected(ctx context.Context, accountID string, peerPubKey string) error SyncPeerMeta(ctx context.Context, peerPubKey string, meta nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta) error FindExistingPostureCheck(accountID string, checks *posture.ChecksDefinition) (*posture.Checks, error) GetAccountIDForPeerKey(ctx context.Context, peerKey string) (string, error) GetAccountSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.Settings, error) DeleteSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, keyID string) error UpdateAccountPeers(ctx context.Context, accountID string) }
type AccountRequest ¶ added in v0.28.8
type AccountRequest struct { AccountID string ResultChan chan *AccountResult }
AccountRequest holds the result channel to return the requested account.
type AccountRequestBuffer ¶ added in v0.28.9
type AccountRequestBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAccountRequestBuffer ¶ added in v0.28.9
func NewAccountRequestBuffer(ctx context.Context, store store.Store) *AccountRequestBuffer
func (*AccountRequestBuffer) GetAccountWithBackpressure ¶ added in v0.28.9
type AccountResult ¶ added in v0.28.8
AccountResult holds the account data or an error.
type Config ¶
type Config struct { Stuns []*Host TURNConfig *TURNConfig Relay *Relay Signal *Host Datadir string DataStoreEncryptionKey string HttpConfig *HttpServerConfig IdpManagerConfig *idp.Config DeviceAuthorizationFlow *DeviceAuthorizationFlow PKCEAuthorizationFlow *PKCEAuthorizationFlow StoreConfig StoreConfig ReverseProxy ReverseProxy }
Config of the Management service
func (Config) GetAuthAudiences ¶ added in v0.15.0
GetAuthAudiences returns the audience from the http config and device authorization flow config
type DNSConfigCache ¶ added in v0.28.8
DNSConfigCache is a thread-safe cache for DNS configuration components
func (*DNSConfigCache) GetCustomZone ¶ added in v0.28.8
func (c *DNSConfigCache) GetCustomZone(key string) (*proto.CustomZone, bool)
GetCustomZone retrieves a cached custom zone
func (*DNSConfigCache) GetNameServerGroup ¶ added in v0.28.8
func (c *DNSConfigCache) GetNameServerGroup(key string) (*proto.NameServerGroup, bool)
GetNameServerGroup retrieves a cached name server group
func (*DNSConfigCache) SetCustomZone ¶ added in v0.28.8
func (c *DNSConfigCache) SetCustomZone(key string, value *proto.CustomZone)
SetCustomZone stores a custom zone in the cache
func (*DNSConfigCache) SetNameServerGroup ¶ added in v0.28.8
func (c *DNSConfigCache) SetNameServerGroup(key string, value *proto.NameServerGroup)
SetNameServerGroup stores a name server group in the cache
type DefaultAccountManager ¶
func BuildManager ¶
func BuildManager( ctx context.Context, store store.Store, peersUpdateManager *PeersUpdateManager, idpManager idp.Manager, singleAccountModeDomain string, dnsDomain string, eventStore activity.Store, geo geolocation.Geolocation, userDeleteFromIDPEnabled bool, integratedPeerValidator integrated_validator.IntegratedValidator, metrics telemetry.AppMetrics, ) (*DefaultAccountManager, error)
BuildManager creates a new DefaultAccountManager with a provided Store
func (*DefaultAccountManager) AccountExists ¶
AccountExists checks if an account exists.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) AddPeer ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) AddPeer(ctx context.Context, setupKey, userID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
AddPeer adds a new peer to the Store. Each Account has a list of pre-authorized SetupKey and if no Account has a given key err with a code status.PermissionDenied will be returned, meaning the setup key is invalid or not found. If a User ID is provided, it means that we passed the authentication using JWT, then we look for account by User ID and register the peer to it. We also add the User ID to the peer metadata to identify registrant. If no userID provided, then fail with status.PermissionDenied Each new Peer will be assigned a new next net.IP from the Account.Network and Account.Network.LastIP will be updated (IP's are not reused). The peer property is just a placeholder for the Peer properties to pass further
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CheckGroupPermissions ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CheckGroupPermissions(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) error
CheckGroupPermissions validates if a user has the necessary permissions to view groups
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CheckUserAccessByJWTGroups ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CheckUserAccessByJWTGroups(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) error
CheckUserAccessByJWTGroups checks if the user has access, particularly in cases where the admin enabled JWT group propagation and set the list of groups with access permissions.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CreateNameServerGroup ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID string, name, description string, nameServerList []nbdns.NameServer, groups []string, primary bool, domains []string, enabled bool, userID string, searchDomainEnabled bool) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
CreateNameServerGroup creates and saves a new nameserver group
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CreatePAT ¶ added in v0.14.6
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreatePAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenName string, expiresIn int) (*types.PersonalAccessTokenGenerated, error)
CreatePAT creates a new PAT for the given user
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CreateRoute ¶ added in v0.8.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, prefix netip.Prefix, networkType route.NetworkType, domains domain.List, peerID string, peerGroupIDs []string, description string, netID route.NetID, masquerade bool, metric int, groups, accessControlGroupIDs []string, enabled bool, userID string, keepRoute bool) (*route.Route, error)
CreateRoute creates and saves a new route
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CreateSetupKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID string, keyName string, keyType types.SetupKeyType, expiresIn time.Duration, autoGroups []string, usageLimit int, userID string, ephemeral bool) (*types.SetupKey, error)
CreateSetupKey generates a new setup key with a given name, type, list of groups IDs to auto-assign to peers registered with this key, and adds it to the specified account. A list of autoGroups IDs can be empty.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) CreateUser ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, user *types.UserInfo) (*types.UserInfo, error)
CreateUser creates a new user under the given account. Effectively this is a user invite.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteAccount ¶ added in v0.24.4
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) error
DeleteAccount deletes an account and all its users from local store and from the remote IDP if the requester is an admin and account owner
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteGroup ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, groupID string) error
DeleteGroup object of the peers.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteGroups ¶ added in v0.28.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, groupIDs []string) error
DeleteGroups deletes groups from an account. Note: This function does not acquire the global lock. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure proper locking is in place before invoking this method.
If an error occurs while deleting a group, the function skips it and continues deleting other groups. Errors are collected and returned at the end.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteNameServerGroup ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, nsGroupID, userID string) error
DeleteNameServerGroup deletes nameserver group with nsGroupID
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeletePAT ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenID string) error
DeletePAT deletes a specific PAT from a user
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeletePeer ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, peerID, userID string) error
DeletePeer removes peer from the account by its IP
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeletePolicy ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, policyID, userID string) error
DeletePolicy from the store
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeletePostureChecks ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeletePostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, postureChecksID, userID string) error
DeletePostureChecks deletes a posture check by ID.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRegularUsers ¶ added in v0.28.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRegularUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserIDs []string) error
DeleteRegularUsers deletes regular users from an account. Note: This function does not acquire the global lock. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure proper locking is in place before invoking this method.
If an error occurs while deleting the user, the function skips it and continues deleting other users. Errors are collected and returned at the end.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRoute ¶ added in v0.8.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, routeID route.ID, userID string) error
DeleteRoute deletes route with routeID
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteSetupKey ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, keyID string) error
DeleteSetupKey removes the setup key from the account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) DeleteUser ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) error
DeleteUser deletes a user from the given account.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) FindExistingPostureCheck ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) FindExistingPostureCheck(accountID string, checks *posture.ChecksDefinition) (*posture.Checks, error)
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccount ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (*types.Account, error)
GetAccount returns an account associated with this account ID.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountByID ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountByID(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.Account, error)
GetAccountByID returns an account associated with this account ID.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountFromPAT ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountFromPAT(ctx context.Context, token string) (*types.Account, *types.User, *types.PersonalAccessToken, error)
GetAccountFromPAT returns Account and User associated with a personal access token
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDByUserID ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID, domain string) (string, error)
GetAccountIDByUserID retrieves the account ID based on the userID provided. If user does have an account, it returns the user's account ID. If the user doesn't have an account, it creates one using the provided domain. Returns the account ID or an error if none is found or created.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDForPeerKey ¶ added in v0.28.4
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDFromToken ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountIDFromToken(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (string, string, error)
GetAccountIDFromToken returns an account ID associated with this token.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountSettings ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAllConnectedPeers ¶ added in v0.23.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAllConnectedPeers() (map[string]struct{}, error)
GetAllConnectedPeers returns connected peers based on peersUpdateManager.GetAllConnectedPeers()
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAllGroups ¶ added in v0.26.4
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAllGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.Group, error)
GetAllGroups returns all groups in an account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetAllPATs ¶ added in v0.14.6
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAllPATs(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) ([]*types.PersonalAccessToken, error)
GetAllPATs returns all PATs for a user
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSDomain ¶ added in v0.10.10
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSDomain() string
GetDNSDomain returns the configured dnsDomain
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSSettings ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) (*types.DNSSettings, error)
GetDNSSettings validates a user role and returns the DNS settings for the provided account ID
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetEvents ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetEvents(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*activity.Event, error)
GetEvents returns a list of activity events of an account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetExternalCacheManager ¶ added in v0.24.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetExternalCacheManager() ExternalCacheManager
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetGroup ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID, userID string) (*types.Group, error)
GetGroup returns a specific group by groupID in an account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetGroupByName ¶ added in v0.25.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetGroupByName(ctx context.Context, groupName, accountID string) (*types.Group, error)
GetGroupByName filters all groups in an account by name and returns the one with the most peers
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetIdpManager ¶ added in v0.26.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetIdpManager() idp.Manager
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetNameServerGroup ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, nsGroupID string) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
GetNameServerGroup gets a nameserver group object from account and nameserver group IDs
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetNetworkMap ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetNetworkMap(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*types.NetworkMap, error)
GetNetworkMap returns Network map for a given peer (omits original peer from the Peers result)
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetOrCreateAccountByUser ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetOrCreateAccountByUser(ctx context.Context, userID, domain string) (*types.Account, error)
GetOrCreateAccountByUser returns an existing account for a given user id or creates a new one if doesn't exist
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetPAT ¶ added in v0.14.6
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPAT(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenID string) (*types.PersonalAccessToken, error)
GetPAT returns a specific PAT from a user
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetPeer ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, peerID, userID string) (*nbpeer.Peer, error)
GetPeer for a given accountID, peerID and userID error if not found.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetPeerNetwork ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPeerNetwork(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*types.Network, error)
GetPeerNetwork returns the Network for a given peer
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetPeers ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPeers(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*nbpeer.Peer, error)
GetPeers returns a list of peers under the given account filtering out peers that do not belong to a user if the current user is not an admin.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetPolicy ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, policyID, userID string) (*types.Policy, error)
GetPolicy from the store
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetPostureChecks ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetRoute ¶ added in v0.8.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID string, routeID route.ID, userID string) (*route.Route, error)
GetRoute gets a route object from account and route IDs
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetSetupKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID, keyID string) (*types.SetupKey, error)
GetSetupKey looks up a SetupKey by KeyID, returns NotFound error if not found.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetUser ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetUser(ctx context.Context, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*types.User, error)
GetUser looks up a user by provided authorization claims. It will also create an account if didn't exist for this user before.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetUserByID ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetUsersFromAccount ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetUsersFromAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.UserInfo, error)
GetUsersFromAccount performs a batched request for users from IDP by account ID apply filter on what data to return based on provided user role.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GetValidatedPeers ¶ added in v0.26.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetValidatedPeers(account *types.Account) (map[string]struct{}, error)
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GroupAddPeer ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupAddPeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID, peerID string) error
GroupAddPeer appends peer to the group
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GroupAddResource ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupAddResource(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID string, resource types.Resource) error
GroupAddResource appends resource to the group
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GroupDeletePeer ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupDeletePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID, peerID string) error
GroupDeletePeer removes peer from the group
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GroupDeleteResource ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GroupDeleteResource(ctx context.Context, accountID, groupID string, resource types.Resource) error
GroupDeleteResource removes resource from the group
func (*DefaultAccountManager) GroupValidation ¶ added in v0.26.5
func (*DefaultAccountManager) HasConnectedChannel ¶ added in v0.24.4
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) HasConnectedChannel(peerID string) bool
HasConnectedChannel returns true if peers has channel in update manager, otherwise false
func (*DefaultAccountManager) InviteUser ¶ added in v0.21.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) InviteUser(ctx context.Context, accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) error
InviteUser resend invitations to users who haven't activated their accounts prior to the expiration period.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) ListNameServerGroups ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListNameServerGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string) ([]*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
ListNameServerGroups returns a list of nameserver groups from account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) ListPolicies ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.Policy, error)
ListPolicies from the store.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) ListPostureChecks ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListPostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*posture.Checks, error)
ListPostureChecks returns a list of posture checks.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) ListRoutes ¶ added in v0.8.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListRoutes(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*route.Route, error)
ListRoutes returns a list of routes from account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) ListSetupKeys ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListSetupKeys(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string) ([]*types.SetupKey, error)
ListSetupKeys returns a list of all setup keys of the account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) ListUsers ¶ added in v0.24.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID string) ([]*types.User, error)
ListUsers returns lists of all users under the account. It doesn't populate user information such as email or name.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) LoginPeer ¶ added in v0.14.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) LoginPeer(ctx context.Context, login PeerLogin) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
LoginPeer logs in or registers a peer. If peer doesn't exist the function checks whether a setup key or a user is present and registers a new peer if so.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) MarkPATUsed ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) MarkPATUsed(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) error
MarkPATUsed marks a personal access token as used
func (*DefaultAccountManager) MarkPeerConnected ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) MarkPeerConnected(ctx context.Context, peerPubKey string, connected bool, realIP net.IP, account *types.Account) error
MarkPeerConnected marks peer as connected (true) or disconnected (false)
func (*DefaultAccountManager) OnPeerDisconnected ¶ added in v0.28.7
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveDNSSettings ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveDNSSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string, dnsSettingsToSave *types.DNSSettings) error
SaveDNSSettings validates a user role and updates the account's DNS settings
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveGroup ¶
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, newGroup *types.Group) error
SaveGroup object of the peers
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveGroups ¶ added in v0.28.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, groups []*types.Group) error
SaveGroups adds new groups to the account. Note: This function does not acquire the global lock. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure proper locking is in place before invoking this method.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveNameServerGroup ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveNameServerGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, nsGroupToSave *nbdns.NameServerGroup) error
SaveNameServerGroup saves nameserver group
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveOrAddUser ¶ added in v0.24.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveOrAddUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *types.User, addIfNotExists bool) (*types.UserInfo, error)
SaveOrAddUser updates the given user. If addIfNotExists is set to true it will add user when no exist Only User.AutoGroups, User.Role, and User.Blocked fields are allowed to be updated for now.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveOrAddUsers ¶ added in v0.28.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveOrAddUsers(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, updates []*types.User, addIfNotExists bool) ([]*types.UserInfo, error)
SaveOrAddUsers updates existing users or adds new users to the account. Note: This function does not acquire the global lock. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure proper locking is in place before invoking this method.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SavePolicy ¶ added in v0.14.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SavePolicy(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, policy *types.Policy) (*types.Policy, error)
SavePolicy in the store
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SavePostureChecks ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SavePostureChecks(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, postureChecks *posture.Checks) (*posture.Checks, error)
SavePostureChecks saves a posture check.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveRoute ¶ added in v0.8.9
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveRoute(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, routeToSave *route.Route) error
SaveRoute saves route
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveSetupKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveSetupKey(ctx context.Context, accountID string, keyToSave *types.SetupKey, userID string) (*types.SetupKey, error)
SaveSetupKey saves the provided SetupKey to the database overriding the existing one. Due to the unique nature of a SetupKey certain properties must not be overwritten (e.g. the key itself, creation date, ID, etc). These properties are overwritten: AutoGroups, Revoked (only from false to true), and the UpdatedAt. The rest is copied from the existing key.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SaveUser ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveUser(ctx context.Context, accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *types.User) (*types.UserInfo, error)
SaveUser saves updates to the given user. If the user doesn't exist, it will throw status.NotFound error.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) StoreEvent ¶ added in v0.24.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) StoreEvent(ctx context.Context, initiatorID, targetID, accountID string, activityID activity.ActivityDescriber, meta map[string]any)
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SyncAndMarkPeer ¶ added in v0.27.5
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SyncPeer ¶ added in v0.14.3
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SyncPeer(ctx context.Context, sync PeerSync, account *types.Account) (*nbpeer.Peer, *types.NetworkMap, []*posture.Checks, error)
SyncPeer checks whether peer is eligible for receiving NetworkMap (authenticated) and returns its NetworkMap if eligible
func (*DefaultAccountManager) SyncPeerMeta ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SyncPeerMeta(ctx context.Context, peerPubKey string, meta nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta) error
func (*DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountPeer ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountPeer(ctx context.Context, account *types.Account, peer *nbpeer.Peer)
UpdateAccountPeer updates a single peer that belongs to an account. Should be called when changes need to be synced to a specific peer only.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountPeers ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountPeers(ctx context.Context, accountID string)
UpdateAccountPeers updates all peers that belong to an account. Should be called when changes have to be synced to peers.
func (*DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountSettings ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountSettings(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, newSettings *types.Settings) (*types.Account, error)
UpdateAccountSettings updates Account settings. Only users with role UserRoleAdmin can update the account. User that performs the update has to belong to the account. Returns an updated Account
func (*DefaultAccountManager) UpdateIntegratedValidatorGroups ¶ added in v0.26.5
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateIntegratedValidatorGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string, userID string, groups []string) error
UpdateIntegratedValidatorGroups updates the integrated validator groups for a specified account. It retrieves the account associated with the provided userID, then updates the integrated validator groups with the provided list of group ids. The updated account is then saved.
- accountID: The ID of the account for which integrated validator groups are to be updated.
- userID: The ID of the user whose account is being updated.
- groups: A slice of strings representing the ids of integrated validator groups to be updated.
- error: An error if any occurred during the process, otherwise returns nil
func (*DefaultAccountManager) UpdatePeer ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdatePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, update *nbpeer.Peer) (*nbpeer.Peer, error)
UpdatePeer updates peer. Only Peer.Name, Peer.SSHEnabled, Peer.LoginExpirationEnabled and Peer.InactivityExpirationEnabled can be updated.
type DefaultScheduler ¶ added in v0.14.2
type DefaultScheduler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DefaultScheduler is a generic structure that allows to schedule jobs (functions) to run in the future and cancel them.
func NewDefaultScheduler ¶ added in v0.14.2
func NewDefaultScheduler() *DefaultScheduler
NewDefaultScheduler creates an instance of a DefaultScheduler
func (*DefaultScheduler) Cancel ¶ added in v0.14.2
func (wm *DefaultScheduler) Cancel(ctx context.Context, IDs []string)
Cancel cancels the scheduled job by ID if present. If job wasn't found the function returns false.
func (*DefaultScheduler) Schedule ¶ added in v0.14.2
func (wm *DefaultScheduler) Schedule(ctx context.Context, in time.Duration, ID string, job func() (nextRunIn time.Duration, reschedule bool))
Schedule a job to run in some time in the future. If job returns true then it will be scheduled one more time. If job with the provided ID already exists, a new one won't be scheduled.
type DeviceAuthorizationFlow ¶
type DeviceAuthorizationFlow struct { Provider string ProviderConfig ProviderConfig }
DeviceAuthorizationFlow represents Device Authorization Flow information that can be used by the client to login initiate a Oauth 2.0 device authorization grant flow see
type EphemeralManager ¶ added in v0.23.0
type EphemeralManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EphemeralManager keep a list of ephemeral peers. After ephemeralLifeTime inactivity the peer will be deleted automatically. Inactivity means the peer disconnected from the Management server.
func NewEphemeralManager ¶ added in v0.23.0
func NewEphemeralManager(store store.Store, accountManager AccountManager) *EphemeralManager
NewEphemeralManager instantiate new EphemeralManager
func (*EphemeralManager) LoadInitialPeers ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (e *EphemeralManager) LoadInitialPeers(ctx context.Context)
LoadInitialPeers load from the database the ephemeral type of peers and schedule a cleanup procedure to the head of the linked list (to the most deprecated peer). At the end of cleanup it schedules the next cleanup to the new head.
func (*EphemeralManager) OnPeerConnected ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (e *EphemeralManager) OnPeerConnected(ctx context.Context, peer *nbpeer.Peer)
OnPeerConnected remove the peer from the linked list of ephemeral peers. Because it has been called when the peer is active the manager will not delete it while it is active.
func (*EphemeralManager) OnPeerDisconnected ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (e *EphemeralManager) OnPeerDisconnected(ctx context.Context, peer *nbpeer.Peer)
OnPeerDisconnected add the peer to the linked list of ephemeral peers. Because of the peer is inactive it will be deleted after the ephemeralLifeTime period.
type ExternalCacheManager ¶ added in v0.24.3
type ExternalCacheManager cache.CacheInterface[*idp.UserData]
type GRPCServer ¶ added in v0.8.5
type GRPCServer struct { proto.UnimplementedManagementServiceServer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GRPCServer an instance of a Management gRPC API server
func NewServer ¶
func NewServer( ctx context.Context, config *Config, accountManager AccountManager, settingsManager settings.Manager, peersUpdateManager *PeersUpdateManager, secretsManager SecretsManager, appMetrics telemetry.AppMetrics, ephemeralManager *EphemeralManager, ) (*GRPCServer, error)
NewServer creates a new Management server
func (*GRPCServer) GetDeviceAuthorizationFlow ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (s *GRPCServer) GetDeviceAuthorizationFlow(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.EncryptedMessage, error)
GetDeviceAuthorizationFlow returns a device authorization flow information This is used for initiating an Oauth 2 device authorization grant flow which will be used by our clients to Login
func (*GRPCServer) GetPKCEAuthorizationFlow ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (s *GRPCServer) GetPKCEAuthorizationFlow(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.EncryptedMessage, error)
GetPKCEAuthorizationFlow returns a pkce authorization flow information This is used for initiating an Oauth 2 pkce authorization grant flow which will be used by our clients to Login
func (*GRPCServer) GetServerKey ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (s *GRPCServer) GetServerKey(ctx context.Context, req *proto.Empty) (*proto.ServerKeyResponse, error)
func (*GRPCServer) Login ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (s *GRPCServer) Login(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.EncryptedMessage, error)
Login endpoint first checks whether peer is registered under any account In case it is, the login is successful In case it isn't, the endpoint checks whether setup key is provided within the request and tries to register a peer. In case of the successful registration login is also successful
func (*GRPCServer) Sync ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (s *GRPCServer) Sync(req *proto.EncryptedMessage, srv proto.ManagementService_SyncServer) error
Sync validates the existence of a connecting peer, sends an initial state (all available for the connecting peers) and notifies the connected peer of any updates (e.g. new peers under the same account)
func (*GRPCServer) SyncMeta ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (s *GRPCServer) SyncMeta(ctx context.Context, req *proto.EncryptedMessage) (*proto.Empty, error)
SyncMeta endpoint is used to synchronize peer's system metadata and notifies the connected, peer's under the same account of any updates.
type GroupLinkError ¶ added in v0.21.9
func (*GroupLinkError) Error ¶ added in v0.21.9
func (e *GroupLinkError) Error() string
type Host ¶
type Host struct { Proto Protocol // URI e.g. turns:// or URI string Username string Password string }
Host represents a Wiretrustee host (e.g. STUN, TURN, Signal)
type HttpServerConfig ¶
type HttpServerConfig struct { LetsEncryptDomain string // CertFile is the location of the certificate CertFile string // CertKey is the location of the certificate private key CertKey string // AuthAudience identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for (aud in JWT) AuthAudience string // AuthIssuer identifies principal that issued the JWT AuthIssuer string // AuthUserIDClaim is the name of the claim that used as user ID AuthUserIDClaim string // AuthKeysLocation is a location of JWT key set containing the public keys used to verify JWT AuthKeysLocation string // OIDCConfigEndpoint is the endpoint of an IDP manager to get OIDC configuration OIDCConfigEndpoint string // IdpSignKeyRefreshEnabled identifies the signing key is currently being rotated or not IdpSignKeyRefreshEnabled bool // Extra audience ExtraAuthAudience string }
HttpServerConfig is a config of the HTTP Management service server
type MocIntegratedValidator ¶ added in v0.36.0
type MocIntegratedValidator struct {
ValidatePeerFunc func(_ context.Context, update *nbpeer.Peer, peer *nbpeer.Peer, userID string, accountID string, dnsDomain string, peersGroup []string, extraSettings *account.ExtraSettings) (*nbpeer.Peer, bool, error)
func (MocIntegratedValidator) GetValidatedPeers ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (MocIntegratedValidator) IsNotValidPeer ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (MocIntegratedValidator) PeerDeleted ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (MocIntegratedValidator) PeerDeleted(_ context.Context, _, _ string) error
func (MocIntegratedValidator) PreparePeer ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (MocIntegratedValidator) SetPeerInvalidationListener ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (MocIntegratedValidator) SetPeerInvalidationListener(func(accountID string))
func (MocIntegratedValidator) Stop ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (MocIntegratedValidator) Stop(_ context.Context)
func (MocIntegratedValidator) ValidateExtraSettings ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (a MocIntegratedValidator) ValidateExtraSettings(_ context.Context, newExtraSettings *account.ExtraSettings, oldExtraSettings *account.ExtraSettings, peers map[string]*nbpeer.Peer, userID string, accountID string) error
func (MocIntegratedValidator) ValidatePeer ¶ added in v0.36.0
type MockScheduler ¶ added in v0.14.2
type MockScheduler struct { CancelFunc func(ctx context.Context, IDs []string) ScheduleFunc func(ctx context.Context, in time.Duration, ID string, job func() (nextRunIn time.Duration, reschedule bool)) }
MockScheduler is a mock implementation of Scheduler
type PKCEAuthorizationFlow ¶ added in v0.22.0
type PKCEAuthorizationFlow struct {
ProviderConfig ProviderConfig
PKCEAuthorizationFlow represents Authorization Code Flow information that can be used by the client to login initiate a Oauth 2.0 authorization code grant flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). See
type PeerLogin ¶ added in v0.14.3
type PeerLogin struct { // WireGuardPubKey is a peers WireGuard public key WireGuardPubKey string // SSHKey is a peer's ssh key. Can be empty (e.g., old version do not provide it, or this feature is disabled) SSHKey string // Meta is the system information passed by peer, must be always present. Meta nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta // UserID indicates that JWT was used to log in, and it was valid. Can be empty when SetupKey is used or auth is not required. UserID string // SetupKey references to a server.SetupKey to log in. Can be empty when UserID is used or auth is not required. SetupKey string // ConnectionIP is the real IP of the peer ConnectionIP net.IP }
PeerLogin used as a data object between the gRPC API and AccountManager on Login request.
type PeerSync ¶ added in v0.14.3
type PeerSync struct { // WireGuardPubKey is a peers WireGuard public key WireGuardPubKey string // Meta is the system information passed by peer, must be always present Meta nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta // UpdateAccountPeers indicate updating account peers, // which occurs when the peer's metadata is updated UpdateAccountPeers bool }
PeerSync used as a data object between the gRPC API and AccountManager on Sync request.
type PeersUpdateManager ¶
type PeersUpdateManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPeersUpdateManager ¶
func NewPeersUpdateManager(metrics telemetry.AppMetrics) *PeersUpdateManager
NewPeersUpdateManager returns a new instance of PeersUpdateManager
func (*PeersUpdateManager) CloseChannel ¶
func (p *PeersUpdateManager) CloseChannel(ctx context.Context, peerID string)
CloseChannel closes updates channel of a given peer
func (*PeersUpdateManager) CloseChannels ¶ added in v0.14.2
func (p *PeersUpdateManager) CloseChannels(ctx context.Context, peerIDs []string)
CloseChannels closes updates channel for each given peer
func (*PeersUpdateManager) CreateChannel ¶
func (p *PeersUpdateManager) CreateChannel(ctx context.Context, peerID string) chan *UpdateMessage
CreateChannel creates a go channel for a given peer used to deliver updates relevant to the peer.
func (*PeersUpdateManager) GetAllConnectedPeers ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (p *PeersUpdateManager) GetAllConnectedPeers() map[string]struct{}
GetAllConnectedPeers returns a copy of the connected peers map
func (*PeersUpdateManager) HasChannel ¶ added in v0.24.4
func (p *PeersUpdateManager) HasChannel(peerID string) bool
HasChannel returns true if peers has channel in update manager, otherwise false
func (*PeersUpdateManager) SendUpdate ¶
func (p *PeersUpdateManager) SendUpdate(ctx context.Context, peerID string, update *UpdateMessage)
SendUpdate sends update message to the peer's channel
type ProviderConfig ¶
type ProviderConfig struct { // ClientID An IDP application client id ClientID string // ClientSecret An IDP application client secret ClientSecret string // Domain An IDP API domain // Deprecated. Use TokenEndpoint and DeviceAuthEndpoint Domain string // Audience An Audience for to authorization validation Audience string // TokenEndpoint is the endpoint of an IDP manager where clients can obtain access token TokenEndpoint string // DeviceAuthEndpoint is the endpoint of an IDP manager where clients can obtain device authorization code DeviceAuthEndpoint string // AuthorizationEndpoint is the endpoint of an IDP manager where clients can obtain authorization code AuthorizationEndpoint string // Scopes provides the scopes to be included in the token request Scope string // UseIDToken indicates if the id token should be used for authentication UseIDToken bool // RedirectURL handles authorization code from IDP manager RedirectURLs []string }
ProviderConfig has all attributes needed to initiate a device/pkce authorization flow
type Resource ¶ added in v0.35.0
type Resource struct { Type ResourceType ID string }
type ResourceType ¶ added in v0.35.0
type ResourceType string
func (ResourceType) String ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (p ResourceType) String() string
type ReverseProxy ¶ added in v0.25.8
type ReverseProxy struct { // TrustedHTTPProxies represents a list of trusted HTTP proxies by their IP prefixes. // When extracting the real IP address from request headers, the middleware will verify // if the peer's address falls within one of these trusted IP prefixes. TrustedHTTPProxies []netip.Prefix // TrustedHTTPProxiesCount specifies the count of trusted HTTP proxies between the internet // and the server. When using the trusted proxy count method to extract the real IP address, // the middleware will search the X-Forwarded-For IP list from the rightmost by this count // minus one. TrustedHTTPProxiesCount uint // TrustedPeers represents a list of trusted peers by their IP prefixes. // These peers are considered trustworthy by the gRPC server operator, // and the middleware will attempt to extract the real IP address from // request headers if the peer's address falls within one of these // trusted IP prefixes. TrustedPeers []netip.Prefix }
ReverseProxy contains reverse proxy configuration in front of management.
type Scheduler ¶ added in v0.14.2
type Scheduler interface { Cancel(ctx context.Context, IDs []string) Schedule(ctx context.Context, in time.Duration, ID string, job func() (nextRunIn time.Duration, reschedule bool)) }
Scheduler is an interface which implementations can schedule and cancel jobs
type SecretsManager ¶ added in v0.29.0
type SecretsManager interface { GenerateTurnToken() (*Token, error) GenerateRelayToken() (*Token, error) SetupRefresh(ctx context.Context, peerKey string) CancelRefresh(peerKey string) }
SecretsManager used to manage TURN and relay secrets
type SetupKeyUpdateOperation ¶ added in v0.9.2
type SetupKeyUpdateOperation struct { Type SetupKeyUpdateOperationType Values []string }
SetupKeyUpdateOperation operation object with type and values to be applied
type SetupKeyUpdateOperationType ¶ added in v0.9.2
type SetupKeyUpdateOperationType int
SetupKeyUpdateOperationType operation type
const ( // UpdateSetupKeyName indicates a setup key name update operation UpdateSetupKeyName SetupKeyUpdateOperationType = iota // UpdateSetupKeyRevoked indicates a setup key revoked filed update operation UpdateSetupKeyRevoked // UpdateSetupKeyAutoGroups indicates a setup key auto-assign groups update operation UpdateSetupKeyAutoGroups // UpdateSetupKeyExpiresAt indicates a setup key expiration time update operation UpdateSetupKeyExpiresAt )
func (SetupKeyUpdateOperationType) String ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (t SetupKeyUpdateOperationType) String() string
type StoreConfig ¶ added in v0.24.0
StoreConfig contains Store configuration
type TURNConfig ¶
type TURNConfig struct { TimeBasedCredentials bool CredentialsTTL util.Duration Secret string Turns []*Host }
TURNConfig is a config of the TURNCredentialsManager
type TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager ¶
type TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager generates credentials with TTL and using pre-shared secret known to TURN server
func NewTimeBasedAuthSecretsManager ¶
func NewTimeBasedAuthSecretsManager(updateManager *PeersUpdateManager, turnCfg *TURNConfig, relayCfg *Relay) *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager
func (*TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) CancelRefresh ¶
func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) CancelRefresh(peerID string)
CancelRefresh cancels scheduled peer credentials refresh
func (*TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) GenerateRelayToken ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) GenerateRelayToken() (*Token, error)
GenerateRelayToken generates new time-based secret credentials for relay
func (*TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) GenerateTurnToken ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) GenerateTurnToken() (*Token, error)
GenerateTurnToken generates new time-based secret credentials for TURN
func (*TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) SetupRefresh ¶
func (m *TimeBasedAuthSecretsManager) SetupRefresh(ctx context.Context, peerID string)
SetupRefresh starts peer credentials refresh
type UpdateMessage ¶
type UpdateMessage struct { Update *proto.SyncResponse NetworkMap *types.NetworkMap }
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package api provides primitives to interact with the openapi HTTP API.
Package api provides primitives to interact with the openapi HTTP API. |
Package metrics gather anonymous information about the usage of NetBird management
Package metrics gather anonymous information about the usage of NetBird management |