tempted - Temporal Text User Interface
is a TUI (Textual User Interface) for Temporal. It is an CLI alternative to tctl
, seeking to give an interative experince like the Temporal Web UI.
$ tempted --help
Environment Variables
The following environment variables affect program runtime:
| Name | Default | Description |
| --- | --- |
|"localhost:7233:7234" | host:port
for Temporal frontend service |
Binaries for multiple platforms are released on GitHub through GitHub Actions.
You can also install for various platforms with Homebrew from neomantra/homebrew-tap
brew tap neomantra/homebrew-tap
brew install neomantra/homebrew-tap/tempted
Example Usage
can be served via ssh application. For example, you could host an internal ssh application for your company such that anyone on the internal network can ssh -p <your-port> <your-host>
and immediately access tempted
without installing or configuring anything.
Serve the ssh app with tempted serve
Building is performed with task:
$ task
Credits and License
This Text Application is not only inspired by wander
, a similar tool for HashiCorp Nomad. The entire initial implementation was copied, then I ported an initial spike working in a few hours!
This software is released with the same license as Temporal, with gratitude to and no affiliation with Temporal.io and Charm.sh and robinovitch61.
Copyright (c) 2023 Neomantra BV. Authored by Evan Wies.
Released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.