Amazon S3 implementation with Go
This project implements the basic AWS S3 services for Go. Besides, this project also demonstrate how to complete
the mock testing by dependency injection with the interface.
Install the AWS SDK for GO
We don't need to install it again if we just want to run this project.
Setup AWS configurations
For GoLand user can set up in File -> Settings -> Go/Go Modules
AWS Session
Before using S3 service, we need to create a session of AWS. We can use CreateSession
method in the session.go
create a new session.
S3 Implementation
The implementation about S3 bucket is in the bucket.go
, and about S3 object is in the object.go
For now there are CreateBucket
, ListBuckets
, DeleteBucket
, ListObjects
, UploadObject
, DownloadObject
, DeleteObject
S3 Integration Test
After the implementation of S3 services, we implement the integration tests in bucket_test.go
and object_test.go
Dependency Injection
After this commit we completed the implementation and integration
test of S3 service, repo is here.
Now we consider defining an interface S3 Client
includes all features of S3 service. Then we can use dependency
injection and switch among different implementations of S3 Client
, ex., mock implementation for unit test.
type s3Client interface {
createBucket(bucket string) error
listBuckets() ([]*s3.Bucket, error)
deleteBucket(bucket string) error
listObjects(bucket string) ([]*s3.Object, error)
uploadObject(bucket string, objectKey string, reader io.Reader) error
downloadObject(bucket string, objectKey string, writer io.WriterAt) (int64, error)
copyObject(sourceBucket string, destBucket string, objectKey string) error
deleteObject(bucket string, objectKey string) error
Unit Testing by Mock Implementation of the Interface
We use two data structures to simulate the behavior of S3 service, i.e.,
type MockS3Client struct {
// The first map key is bucket name, and the second one is object key.
mockS3 map[string]map[string]*mockS3Object
type mockS3Object struct {
size int64
content []byte
Then we complete all the mock implementations of the interface s3client
by above two struct
in the mock_s3_client.go