Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type BubbleOverlay
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Brush() gxui.Brush
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Hide()
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Init(outer BubbleOverlayOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) LayoutChildren()
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Pen() gxui.Pen
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetBrush(brush gxui.Brush)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetPen(pen gxui.Pen)
- func (o *BubbleOverlay) Show(control gxui.Control, target math.Point)
- type BubbleOverlayOuter
- type Button
- func (b *Button) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (b *Button) Init(outer ButtonOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (b *Button) IsChecked() bool
- func (b *Button) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (b *Button) Label() gxui.Label
- func (b *Button) SetChecked(checked bool)
- func (b *Button) SetText(text string)
- func (b *Button) SetType(buttonType gxui.ButtonType)
- func (b *Button) Text() string
- func (b *Button) Type() gxui.ButtonType
- type ButtonOuter
- type Cell
- type CodeEditor
- func (e *CodeEditor) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (e *CodeEditor) CreateLine(theme gxui.Theme, index int) (TextBoxLine, gxui.Control)
- func (e *CodeEditor) CreateSuggestionList() gxui.List
- func (e *CodeEditor) HideLines(from int, to int)
- func (e *CodeEditor) HideSuggestionList()
- func (e *CodeEditor) Init(outer CodeEditorOuter, driver gxui.Driver, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font)
- func (e *CodeEditor) IsSuggestionListShowing() bool
- func (e *CodeEditor) ItemSize(theme gxui.Theme) math.Size
- func (e *CodeEditor) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (e *CodeEditor) KeyStroke(ev gxui.KeyStrokeEvent) (consume bool)
- func (e *CodeEditor) Line(idx int) TextBoxLine
- func (e *CodeEditor) MaxLineWidth() int
- func (e *CodeEditor) RevealLines(from int, to int)
- func (e *CodeEditor) ScrollToRune(i int)
- func (e *CodeEditor) SetHorizOffset(offset int)
- func (e *CodeEditor) SetSize(size math.Size)
- func (e *CodeEditor) SetSuggestionProvider(provider gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider)
- func (e *CodeEditor) SetSyntaxLayers(layers gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers)
- func (e *CodeEditor) SetTabSpaces(useSpaces bool)
- func (e *CodeEditor) SetTabWidth(tabWidth int)
- func (e *CodeEditor) ShowSuggestionList()
- func (e *CodeEditor) SizeChanged()
- func (e *CodeEditor) SortSuggestionList()
- func (e *CodeEditor) SuggestionProvider() gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider
- func (e *CodeEditor) SyntaxLayers() gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers
- func (e *CodeEditor) TabSpaces() bool
- func (e *CodeEditor) TabWidth() int
- type CodeEditorLine
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) Init(outer CodeEditorLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, ce *CodeEditor, lineIndex int)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintBackgroundSpans(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintBorders(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintEditorCarets(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintEditorSelections(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintGlyphs(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) PositionAt(runeIndex int) math.Point
- func (l *CodeEditorLine) RuneIndexAt(p math.Point) int
- type CodeEditorLineOuter
- type CodeEditorLinePaintInfo
- type CodeEditorOuter
- type DefaultTextBoxLine
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Init(outer DefaultTextBoxLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, textbox *TextBox, ...)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) MeasureRunes(s, e int) math.Size
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCaret(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCarets(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelections(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintText(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PositionAt(runeIndex int) math.Point
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) RuneIndexAt(p math.Point) int
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) SetCaretWidth(width int)
- func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) SetOffset(offset int)
- type DefaultTextBoxLineOuter
- type DropDownList
- func (l *DropDownList) Adapter() gxui.ListAdapter
- func (l *DropDownList) BubbleOverlay() gxui.BubbleOverlay
- func (l *DropDownList) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *DropDownList) DataReplaced()
- func (l *DropDownList) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *DropDownList) HideList()
- func (l *DropDownList) Init(outer DropDownListOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *DropDownList) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *DropDownList) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *DropDownList) List() gxui.List
- func (l *DropDownList) ListShowing() bool
- func (l *DropDownList) OnHideList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *DropDownList) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *DropDownList) OnShowList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *DropDownList) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *DropDownList) Select(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (l *DropDownList) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
- func (l *DropDownList) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
- func (l *DropDownList) SetBubbleOverlay(overlay gxui.BubbleOverlay)
- func (l *DropDownList) ShowList() bool
- type DropDownListOuter
- type Image
- func (i *Image) AspectMode() gxui.AspectMode
- func (i *Image) Canvas() gxui.Canvas
- func (i *Image) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (i *Image) Init(outer ImageOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (i *Image) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (i *Image) PixelAt(p math.Point) (math.Point, bool)
- func (i *Image) ScalingMode() gxui.ScalingMode
- func (i *Image) SetAspectMode(mode gxui.AspectMode)
- func (i *Image) SetCanvas(canvas gxui.Canvas)
- func (i *Image) SetExplicitSize(explicitSize math.Size)
- func (i *Image) SetScalingMode(mode gxui.ScalingMode)
- func (i *Image) SetTexture(tex gxui.Texture)
- func (i *Image) Texture() gxui.Texture
- type ImageOuter
- type Label
- func (l *Label) Color() gxui.Color
- func (l *Label) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *Label) Font() gxui.Font
- func (l *Label) HorizontalAlignment() gxui.HorizontalAlignment
- func (l *Label) Init(outer LabelOuter, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font, color gxui.Color)
- func (l *Label) Multiline() bool
- func (l *Label) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *Label) SetColor(color gxui.Color)
- func (l *Label) SetFont(font gxui.Font)
- func (l *Label) SetHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment gxui.HorizontalAlignment)
- func (l *Label) SetMultiline(multiline bool)
- func (l *Label) SetText(text string)
- func (l *Label) SetVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment gxui.VerticalAlignment)
- func (l *Label) Text() string
- func (l *Label) VerticalAlignment() gxui.VerticalAlignment
- type LabelOuter
- type LinearLayout
- type LinearLayoutOuter
- type List
- func (l *List) Adapter() gxui.ListAdapter
- func (l *List) ChangeHiddenCount(value int)
- func (l *List) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (l *List) DataChanged(recreateControls bool)
- func (l *List) DataReplaced()
- func (l *List) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *List) Init(outer ListOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *List) IsItemVisible(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (l *List) ItemClicked(ev gxui.MouseEvent, item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (l *List) ItemControl(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.Control
- func (l *List) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *List) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *List) MajorAxisItemSize() int
- func (l *List) MouseExit(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (l *List) MouseMove(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (l *List) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *List) OnItemClicked(f func(gxui.MouseEvent, gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *List) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (l *List) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
- func (l *List) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (l *List) PaintChild(c gxui.Canvas, child *gxui.Child, idx int)
- func (l *List) PaintMouseOverBackground(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (l *List) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (l *List) RemoveAll()
- func (l *List) ScrollBarEnabled(bool) bool
- func (l *List) ScrollOffset() int
- func (l *List) ScrollRound() bool
- func (l *List) ScrollTo(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (l *List) Select(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (l *List) SelectNext()
- func (l *List) SelectPrevious()
- func (l *List) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
- func (l *List) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
- func (l *List) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
- func (l *List) SetScrollBarEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (l *List) SetScrollOffset(scrollOffset int)
- func (l *List) SetScrollRound(value bool)
- func (l *List) SetSize(size math.Size)
- func (l *List) SizeChanged()
- func (l *List) UpdateItemMouseOver()
- func (l *List) VisibleItemRange(includePartiallyVisible bool) (startIndex, endIndex int)
- type ListOuter
- type PanelEntry
- type PanelHolder
- func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanel(panel gxui.Control, name string)
- func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanelAt(panel gxui.Control, name string, index int)
- func (p *PanelHolder) Begin() int
- func (p *PanelHolder) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (p *PanelHolder) End() int
- func (p *PanelHolder) Init(outer PanelHolderOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (p *PanelHolder) LayoutChildren()
- func (p *PanelHolder) Panel(index int) gxui.Control
- func (p *PanelHolder) PanelCount() int
- func (p *PanelHolder) PanelIndex(panel gxui.Control) int
- func (p *PanelHolder) RemovePanel(panel gxui.Control)
- func (p *PanelHolder) Select(index int)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SelectNext()
- func (p *PanelHolder) SelectPrev()
- func (p *PanelHolder) SelectedPanel() gxui.Control
- func (p *PanelHolder) SetLeftSwitchButtonText(text string)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SetMaxLabelLength(length int)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SetRightSwitchButtonText(text string)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SetSwitchButtonMode(mode gxui.SwitchButtonMode)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SetSwitchMode(mode gxui.SwitchMode)
- func (p *PanelHolder) SwitchButtonMode() gxui.SwitchButtonMode
- func (p *PanelHolder) SwitchMode() gxui.SwitchMode
- func (p *PanelHolder) Tab(index int) gxui.Control
- type PanelHolderOuter
- type PanelTab
- type PanelTabCreater
- type ProgressBar
- func (b *ProgressBar) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (b *ProgressBar) Init(outer ProgressBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (b *ProgressBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (b *ProgressBar) PaintProgress(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect, frac float32)
- func (b *ProgressBar) Progress() int
- func (b *ProgressBar) SetDesiredSize(size math.Size)
- func (b *ProgressBar) SetProgress(progress int)
- func (b *ProgressBar) SetTarget(target int)
- func (b *ProgressBar) Target() int
- type ProgressBarOuter
- type ScrollBar
- func (s *ScrollBar) AutoHide() bool
- func (s *ScrollBar) BarBrush() gxui.Brush
- func (s *ScrollBar) BarPen() gxui.Pen
- func (s *ScrollBar) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (s *ScrollBar) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (s *ScrollBar) Init(outer ScrollBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (s *ScrollBar) IsVisible() bool
- func (s *ScrollBar) MouseDown(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (s *ScrollBar) OnScroll(f func(from, to int)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (s *ScrollBar) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
- func (s *ScrollBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (s *ScrollBar) RailBrush() gxui.Brush
- func (s *ScrollBar) RailPen() gxui.Pen
- func (s *ScrollBar) ScrollFraction() (from, to float32)
- func (s *ScrollBar) ScrollLimit() int
- func (s *ScrollBar) ScrollPosition() (from, to int)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetAutoHide(autoHide bool)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetBarBrush(b gxui.Brush)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetBarPen(b gxui.Pen)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetRailBrush(b gxui.Brush)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetRailPen(b gxui.Pen)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetScrollLimit(l int)
- func (s *ScrollBar) SetScrollPosition(from, to int)
- type ScrollBarOuter
- type ScrollLayout
- func (l *ScrollLayout) Child() gxui.Control
- func (l *ScrollLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *ScrollLayout) Init(outer ScrollLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *ScrollLayout) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) ScrollAxis() (horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) SetChild(control gxui.Control)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollAxis(horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollOffset(scrollOffset math.Point) bool
- type ScrollLayoutOuter
- type SplitterBar
- func (b *SplitterBar) Init(outer SplitterBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (b *SplitterBar) IsDragging() bool
- func (b *SplitterBar) MouseDown(e gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragEnd(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragStart(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (b *SplitterBar) OnSplitterDragged(f func(wndPnt math.Point))
- func (b *SplitterBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (b *SplitterBar) SetBackgroundColor(c gxui.Color)
- func (b *SplitterBar) SetForegroundColor(c gxui.Color)
- type SplitterBarOuter
- type SplitterLayout
- func (l *SplitterLayout) AddChildAt(index int, control gxui.Control) *gxui.Child
- func (l *SplitterLayout) ChildWeight(child gxui.Control) float32
- func (l *SplitterLayout) CreateSplitterBar() gxui.Control
- func (l *SplitterLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *SplitterLayout) Init(outer SplitterLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *SplitterLayout) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
- func (l *SplitterLayout) RemoveChildAt(index int)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) SetChildWeight(child gxui.Control, weight float32)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
- func (l *SplitterLayout) SplitterDragged(splitter gxui.Control, wndPnt math.Point)
- type SplitterLayoutOuter
- type SuggestionAdapter
- type TableLayout
- func (l *TableLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
- func (l *TableLayout) Init(outer TableLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (l *TableLayout) LayoutChildren()
- func (l *TableLayout) RemoveChild(child gxui.Control)
- func (l *TableLayout) SetChildAt(x, y, w, h int, child gxui.Control) *gxui.Child
- func (l *TableLayout) SetGrid(columns, rows int)
- type TableLayoutOuter
- type TextBox
- func (t *TextBox) Carets() []int
- func (t *TextBox) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) Controller() *gxui.TextBoxController
- func (t *TextBox) CreateLine(theme gxui.Theme, index int) (line TextBoxLine, container gxui.Control)
- func (t *TextBox) DesiredWidth() int
- func (t *TextBox) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) Font() gxui.Font
- func (t *TextBox) HorizOffset() int
- func (t *TextBox) Init(outer TextBoxOuter, driver gxui.Driver, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font)
- func (t *TextBox) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) KeyStroke(ev gxui.KeyStrokeEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *TextBox) LayoutChildren()
- func (t *TextBox) LineEnd(line int) int
- func (t *TextBox) LineIndex(runeIndex int) int
- func (t *TextBox) LineStart(line int) int
- func (t *TextBox) MaxLineWidth() int
- func (t *TextBox) MouseMove(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (t *TextBox) Multiline() bool
- func (t *TextBox) OnRedrawLines(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (t *TextBox) OnSelectionChanged(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (t *TextBox) OnTextChanged(f func([]gxui.TextBoxEdit)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (t *TextBox) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (t *TextBox) PaintChild(c gxui.Canvas, child *gxui.Child, idx int)
- func (t *TextBox) PaintMouseOverBackground(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (t *TextBox) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (t *TextBox) RuneIndexAt(pnt math.Point) (index int, found bool)
- func (t *TextBox) Runes() []rune
- func (t *TextBox) ScrollToLine(i int)
- func (t *TextBox) ScrollToRune(i int)
- func (t *TextBox) Select(sel gxui.TextSelectionList)
- func (t *TextBox) SelectAll()
- func (t *TextBox) SelectSlice(sel []gxui.TextSelection)
- func (t *TextBox) SelectionPoint() math.Point
- func (t *TextBox) SetDesiredWidth(desiredWidth int)
- func (t *TextBox) SetFont(font gxui.Font)
- func (t *TextBox) SetHorizOffset(offset int)
- func (t *TextBox) SetMultiline(multiline bool)
- func (t *TextBox) SetSize(size math.Size)
- func (t *TextBox) SetText(text string)
- func (t *TextBox) SetTextColor(color gxui.Color)
- func (t *TextBox) SizeChanged()
- func (t *TextBox) StartOffset() int
- func (t *TextBox) Text() string
- func (t *TextBox) TextAt(s, e int) string
- func (t *TextBox) TextColor() gxui.Color
- func (t *TextBox) WordAt(runeIndex int) string
- type TextBoxAdapter
- type TextBoxLine
- type TextBoxOuter
- type Tree
- func (t *Tree) Adapter() gxui.TreeAdapter
- func (t *Tree) CollapseAll()
- func (t *Tree) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (t *Tree) ExpandAll()
- func (t *Tree) Init(outer TreeOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
- func (t *Tree) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
- func (t *Tree) PaintChild(c gxui.Canvas, child *gxui.Child, idx int)
- func (t *Tree) PaintUnexpandedSelection(c gxui.Canvas, r math.Rect)
- func (t *Tree) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.TreeAdapter)
- func (t *Tree) SetControlCreator(c TreeControlCreator)
- func (t *Tree) Show(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- type TreeControlCreator
- type TreeOuter
- type TreeToListAdapter
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) CollapseAll()
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) Contains(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) Count() int
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) Create(theme gxui.Theme, index int) gxui.Control
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) DeepestNode(item gxui.AdapterItem) *TreeToListNode
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ExpandAll()
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ExpandItem(item gxui.AdapterItem)
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ItemAt(idx int) gxui.AdapterItem
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
- func (a *TreeToListAdapter) Size(theme gxui.Theme) math.Size
- type TreeToListNode
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Children() []*TreeToListNode
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Collapse() bool
- func (n *TreeToListNode) CollapseAll()
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Depth() int
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Descendants() int
- func (n *TreeToListNode) DirectItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Expand() bool
- func (n *TreeToListNode) ExpandAll()
- func (n *TreeToListNode) IsExpanded() bool
- func (n *TreeToListNode) IsLeaf() bool
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Item() gxui.AdapterItem
- func (n *TreeToListNode) ItemAt(idx int) gxui.AdapterItem
- func (n *TreeToListNode) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
- func (n *TreeToListNode) NodeAt(idx int) *TreeToListNode
- func (n *TreeToListNode) OnChange(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (n *TreeToListNode) Parent() *TreeToListNode
- func (n *TreeToListNode) ToggleExpanded() bool
- type Window
- func (w *Window) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (w *Window) Close()
- func (w *Window) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
- func (w *Window) Draw() gxui.Canvas
- func (w *Window) Focus() gxui.Focusable
- func (w *Window) Fullscreen() bool
- func (w *Window) Hide()
- func (w *Window) Icon() image.Image
- func (w *Window) Init(outer WindowOuter, driver gxui.Driver, width, height int, title string)
- func (w *Window) IsVisible() bool
- func (w *Window) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent)
- func (w *Window) KeyStroke(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)
- func (w *Window) LayoutChildren()
- func (w *Window) OnClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnClose(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnDoubleClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyDown(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyRepeat(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyStroke(f func(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnKeyUp(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseDown(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseEnter(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseExit(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseMove(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseScroll(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnMouseUp(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) OnResize(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
- func (w *Window) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
- func (w *Window) Parent() gxui.Parent
- func (w *Window) Position() math.Point
- func (w *Window) Redraw()
- func (w *Window) Relayout()
- func (w *Window) Scale() float32
- func (w *Window) SetFocus(c gxui.Control) bool
- func (w *Window) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool)
- func (w *Window) SetIcon(i image.Image)
- func (w *Window) SetPosition(pos math.Point)
- func (w *Window) SetScale(scale float32)
- func (w *Window) SetSize(size math.Size)
- func (w *Window) SetTitle(t string)
- func (w *Window) Show()
- func (w *Window) Size() math.Size
- func (w *Window) Title() string
- func (w *Window) Viewport() gxui.Viewport
- type WindowOuter
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BubbleOverlay ¶
func (*BubbleOverlay) Brush ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Brush() gxui.Brush
func (*BubbleOverlay) DesiredSize ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*BubbleOverlay) Hide ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Hide()
func (*BubbleOverlay) Init ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Init(outer BubbleOverlayOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*BubbleOverlay) LayoutChildren ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) LayoutChildren()
func (*BubbleOverlay) Paint ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*BubbleOverlay) Pen ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) Pen() gxui.Pen
func (*BubbleOverlay) SetBrush ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetBrush(brush gxui.Brush)
func (*BubbleOverlay) SetPen ¶
func (o *BubbleOverlay) SetPen(pen gxui.Pen)
type BubbleOverlayOuter ¶
type BubbleOverlayOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type Button ¶
type Button struct { LinearLayout parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Button) Click ¶
func (b *Button) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*Button) SetChecked ¶
func (*Button) SetType ¶
func (b *Button) SetType(buttonType gxui.ButtonType)
func (*Button) Type ¶
func (b *Button) Type() gxui.ButtonType
type ButtonOuter ¶
type ButtonOuter interface { LinearLayoutOuter IsChecked() bool SetChecked(bool) }
type CodeEditor ¶
type CodeEditor struct { TextBox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CodeEditor) Click ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
mixins.List overrides
func (*CodeEditor) CreateLine ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) CreateLine(theme gxui.Theme, index int) (TextBoxLine, gxui.Control)
mixins.TextBox overrides
func (*CodeEditor) CreateSuggestionList ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) CreateSuggestionList() gxui.List
func (*CodeEditor) HideLines ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) HideLines(from int, to int)
func (*CodeEditor) HideSuggestionList ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) HideSuggestionList()
func (*CodeEditor) Init ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) Init(outer CodeEditorOuter, driver gxui.Driver, theme gxui.Theme, font gxui.Font)
func (*CodeEditor) IsSuggestionListShowing ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) IsSuggestionListShowing() bool
func (*CodeEditor) KeyPress ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
func (*CodeEditor) KeyStroke ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) KeyStroke(ev gxui.KeyStrokeEvent) (consume bool)
func (*CodeEditor) Line ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) Line(idx int) TextBoxLine
func (*CodeEditor) MaxLineWidth ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) MaxLineWidth() int
func (*CodeEditor) RevealLines ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) RevealLines(from int, to int)
func (*CodeEditor) ScrollToRune ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) ScrollToRune(i int)
func (*CodeEditor) SetHorizOffset ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SetHorizOffset(offset int)
func (*CodeEditor) SetSize ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SetSize(size math.Size)
func (*CodeEditor) SetSuggestionProvider ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SetSuggestionProvider(provider gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider)
func (*CodeEditor) SetSyntaxLayers ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SetSyntaxLayers(layers gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers)
func (*CodeEditor) SetTabSpaces ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SetTabSpaces(useSpaces bool)
func (*CodeEditor) SetTabWidth ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SetTabWidth(tabWidth int)
func (*CodeEditor) ShowSuggestionList ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) ShowSuggestionList()
func (*CodeEditor) SizeChanged ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SizeChanged()
func (*CodeEditor) SortSuggestionList ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SortSuggestionList()
func (*CodeEditor) SuggestionProvider ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SuggestionProvider() gxui.CodeSuggestionProvider
func (*CodeEditor) SyntaxLayers ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) SyntaxLayers() gxui.CodeSyntaxLayers
func (*CodeEditor) TabSpaces ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) TabSpaces() bool
func (*CodeEditor) TabWidth ¶
func (e *CodeEditor) TabWidth() int
type CodeEditorLine ¶
type CodeEditorLine struct { DefaultTextBoxLine // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CodeEditorLine) Init ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) Init(outer CodeEditorLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, ce *CodeEditor, lineIndex int)
func (*CodeEditorLine) Paint ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
DefaultTextBoxLine overrides
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintBackgroundSpans ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintBackgroundSpans(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintBorders ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintBorders(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintEditorCarets ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintEditorCarets(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintEditorSelections ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintEditorSelections(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PaintGlyphs ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) PaintGlyphs(c gxui.Canvas, info CodeEditorLinePaintInfo)
func (*CodeEditorLine) PositionAt ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) PositionAt(runeIndex int) math.Point
func (*CodeEditorLine) RuneIndexAt ¶
func (l *CodeEditorLine) RuneIndexAt(p math.Point) int
type CodeEditorLineOuter ¶
type CodeEditorLineOuter interface { DefaultTextBoxLineOuter PaintEditorSelections(gxui.Canvas, CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) PaintEditorCarets(gxui.Canvas, CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) PaintBackgroundSpans(gxui.Canvas, CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) PaintGlyphs(gxui.Canvas, CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) PaintBorders(gxui.Canvas, CodeEditorLinePaintInfo) }
type CodeEditorLinePaintInfo ¶
type CodeEditorOuter ¶
type CodeEditorOuter interface { TextBoxOuter CreateSuggestionList() gxui.List }
type DefaultTextBoxLine ¶
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) DesiredSize ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) Init ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Init(outer DefaultTextBoxLineOuter, theme gxui.Theme, textbox *TextBox, lineIndex int)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) MeasureRunes ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) MeasureRunes(s, e int) math.Size
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) Paint ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCaret ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCaret(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCarets ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintCarets(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelection ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelection(c gxui.Canvas, top, bottom math.Point)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelections ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintSelections(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintText ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PaintText(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) PositionAt ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) PositionAt(runeIndex int) math.Point
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) RuneIndexAt ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) RuneIndexAt(p math.Point) int
TextBoxLine compliance
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) SetCaretWidth ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) SetCaretWidth(width int)
func (*DefaultTextBoxLine) SetOffset ¶
func (t *DefaultTextBoxLine) SetOffset(offset int)
type DefaultTextBoxLineOuter ¶
type DropDownList ¶
type DropDownList struct { base.Container parts.BackgroundBorderPainter parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropDownList) Adapter ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Adapter() gxui.ListAdapter
func (*DropDownList) BubbleOverlay ¶
func (l *DropDownList) BubbleOverlay() gxui.BubbleOverlay
func (*DropDownList) Click ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*DropDownList) DataReplaced ¶
func (l *DropDownList) DataReplaced()
func (*DropDownList) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *DropDownList) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*DropDownList) HideList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) HideList()
func (*DropDownList) Init ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Init(outer DropDownListOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*DropDownList) KeyPress ¶
func (l *DropDownList) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler overrides
func (*DropDownList) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *DropDownList) LayoutChildren()
func (*DropDownList) List ¶
func (l *DropDownList) List() gxui.List
func (*DropDownList) ListShowing ¶
func (l *DropDownList) ListShowing() bool
func (*DropDownList) OnHideList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) OnHideList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*DropDownList) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (l *DropDownList) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*DropDownList) OnShowList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) OnShowList(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*DropDownList) Select ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Select(item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (*DropDownList) Selected ¶
func (l *DropDownList) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
func (*DropDownList) SetAdapter ¶
func (l *DropDownList) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
func (*DropDownList) SetBubbleOverlay ¶
func (l *DropDownList) SetBubbleOverlay(overlay gxui.BubbleOverlay)
gxui.DropDownList compliance
func (*DropDownList) ShowList ¶
func (l *DropDownList) ShowList() bool
type DropDownListOuter ¶
type DropDownListOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type Image ¶
type Image struct { base.Control parts.BackgroundBorderPainter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Image) AspectMode ¶
func (i *Image) AspectMode() gxui.AspectMode
func (*Image) ScalingMode ¶
func (i *Image) ScalingMode() gxui.ScalingMode
func (*Image) SetAspectMode ¶
func (i *Image) SetAspectMode(mode gxui.AspectMode)
func (*Image) SetExplicitSize ¶
func (*Image) SetScalingMode ¶
func (i *Image) SetScalingMode(mode gxui.ScalingMode)
func (*Image) SetTexture ¶
type ImageOuter ¶
type ImageOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type Label ¶
func (*Label) HorizontalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) HorizontalAlignment() gxui.HorizontalAlignment
func (*Label) SetHorizontalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) SetHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment gxui.HorizontalAlignment)
func (*Label) SetMultiline ¶
func (*Label) SetVerticalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) SetVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment gxui.VerticalAlignment)
func (*Label) VerticalAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) VerticalAlignment() gxui.VerticalAlignment
type LabelOuter ¶
type LabelOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type LinearLayout ¶
type LinearLayout struct { base.Container parts.LinearLayout parts.BackgroundBorderPainter }
func (*LinearLayout) Init ¶
func (l *LinearLayout) Init(outer LinearLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*LinearLayout) Paint ¶
func (l *LinearLayout) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
type LinearLayoutOuter ¶
type LinearLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type List ¶
type List struct { base.Container parts.BackgroundBorderPainter parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*List) ChangeHiddenCount ¶
func (*List) ContainsItem ¶
func (l *List) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (*List) DataChanged ¶
func (*List) DataReplaced ¶
func (l *List) DataReplaced()
func (*List) IsItemVisible ¶
func (l *List) IsItemVisible(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (*List) ItemClicked ¶
func (l *List) ItemClicked(ev gxui.MouseEvent, item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (*List) ItemControl ¶
func (l *List) ItemControl(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.Control
func (*List) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *List) LayoutChildren()
func (*List) MajorAxisItemSize ¶
func (*List) MouseExit ¶
func (l *List) MouseExit(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*List) MouseScroll ¶
func (l *List) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
func (*List) OnItemClicked ¶
func (l *List) OnItemClicked(f func(gxui.MouseEvent, gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*List) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (l *List) OnSelectionChanged(f func(gxui.AdapterItem)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*List) Orientation ¶
func (l *List) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
func (*List) PaintChild ¶
PaintChildren overrides
func (*List) PaintMouseOverBackground ¶
func (*List) ScrollBarEnabled ¶
func (*List) ScrollOffset ¶
func (*List) ScrollRound ¶
func (*List) ScrollTo ¶
func (l *List) ScrollTo(item gxui.AdapterItem)
func (*List) SelectNext ¶
func (l *List) SelectNext()
func (*List) SelectPrevious ¶
func (l *List) SelectPrevious()
func (*List) Selected ¶
func (l *List) Selected() gxui.AdapterItem
func (*List) SetAdapter ¶
func (l *List) SetAdapter(adapter gxui.ListAdapter)
func (*List) SetOrientation ¶
func (l *List) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
func (*List) SetScrollBarEnabled ¶
func (*List) SetScrollOffset ¶
func (*List) SetScrollRound ¶
func (*List) SizeChanged ¶
func (l *List) SizeChanged()
func (*List) UpdateItemMouseOver ¶
func (l *List) UpdateItemMouseOver()
func (*List) VisibleItemRange ¶
type PanelEntry ¶
type PanelEntry struct { Tab PanelTab Panel gxui.Control MouseDownSubscription gxui.EventSubscription }
type PanelHolder ¶
func (*PanelHolder) AddPanel ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanel(panel gxui.Control, name string)
gxui.PanelHolder compliance
func (*PanelHolder) AddPanelAt ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) AddPanelAt(panel gxui.Control, name string, index int)
func (*PanelHolder) Begin ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) Begin() int
func (*PanelHolder) DesiredSize ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*PanelHolder) End ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) End() int
func (*PanelHolder) Init ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) Init(outer PanelHolderOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*PanelHolder) LayoutChildren ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) LayoutChildren()
func (*PanelHolder) PanelCount ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) PanelCount() int
func (*PanelHolder) PanelIndex ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) PanelIndex(panel gxui.Control) int
func (*PanelHolder) RemovePanel ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) RemovePanel(panel gxui.Control)
func (*PanelHolder) Select ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) Select(index int)
func (*PanelHolder) SelectNext ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SelectNext()
func (*PanelHolder) SelectPrev ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SelectPrev()
func (*PanelHolder) SelectedPanel ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SelectedPanel() gxui.Control
func (*PanelHolder) SetLeftSwitchButtonText ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SetLeftSwitchButtonText(text string)
func (*PanelHolder) SetMaxLabelLength ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SetMaxLabelLength(length int)
func (*PanelHolder) SetRightSwitchButtonText ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SetRightSwitchButtonText(text string)
func (*PanelHolder) SetSwitchButtonMode ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SetSwitchButtonMode(mode gxui.SwitchButtonMode)
func (*PanelHolder) SetSwitchMode ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SetSwitchMode(mode gxui.SwitchMode)
func (*PanelHolder) SwitchButtonMode ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SwitchButtonMode() gxui.SwitchButtonMode
func (*PanelHolder) SwitchMode ¶
func (p *PanelHolder) SwitchMode() gxui.SwitchMode
type PanelHolderOuter ¶
type PanelHolderOuter interface { base.ContainerNoControlOuter gxui.PanelHolder PanelTabCreater }
type PanelTabCreater ¶
type PanelTabCreater interface {
CreatePanelTab() PanelTab
type ProgressBar ¶
type ProgressBar struct { base.Control parts.BackgroundBorderPainter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ProgressBar) DesiredSize ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*ProgressBar) Init ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Init(outer ProgressBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*ProgressBar) Paint ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Paint(c gxui.Canvas)
func (*ProgressBar) PaintProgress ¶
func (*ProgressBar) Progress ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Progress() int
func (*ProgressBar) SetDesiredSize ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) SetDesiredSize(size math.Size)
gxui.ProgressBar compliance
func (*ProgressBar) SetProgress ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) SetProgress(progress int)
func (*ProgressBar) SetTarget ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) SetTarget(target int)
func (*ProgressBar) Target ¶
func (b *ProgressBar) Target() int
type ProgressBarOuter ¶
type ScrollBar ¶
func (*ScrollBar) Click ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler overrides
func (*ScrollBar) MouseDown ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) MouseDown(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*ScrollBar) OnScroll ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) OnScroll(f func(from, to int)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*ScrollBar) Orientation ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
func (*ScrollBar) ScrollFraction ¶
func (*ScrollBar) ScrollLimit ¶
func (*ScrollBar) ScrollPosition ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetAutoHide ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetBarBrush ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetOrientation ¶
func (s *ScrollBar) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
func (*ScrollBar) SetRailBrush ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetRailPen ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetScrollLimit ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetScrollPosition ¶
type ScrollBarOuter ¶
type ScrollBarOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type ScrollLayout ¶
type ScrollLayout struct { base.Container parts.BackgroundBorderPainter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ScrollLayout) Child ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) Child() gxui.Control
func (*ScrollLayout) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*ScrollLayout) Init ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) Init(outer ScrollLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*ScrollLayout) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) LayoutChildren()
func (*ScrollLayout) MouseScroll ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) MouseScroll(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*ScrollLayout) ScrollAxis ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) ScrollAxis() (horizontal, vertical bool)
func (*ScrollLayout) SetChild ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) SetChild(control gxui.Control)
gxui.ScrollLayout complaince
func (*ScrollLayout) SetScrollAxis ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollAxis(horizontal, vertical bool)
func (*ScrollLayout) SetScrollOffset ¶
func (l *ScrollLayout) SetScrollOffset(scrollOffset math.Point) bool
type ScrollLayoutOuter ¶
type ScrollLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type SplitterBar ¶
func (*SplitterBar) Init ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) Init(outer SplitterBarOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*SplitterBar) IsDragging ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) IsDragging() bool
func (*SplitterBar) MouseDown ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) MouseDown(e gxui.MouseEvent)
InputEventHandler overrides
func (*SplitterBar) OnDragEnd ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragEnd(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*SplitterBar) OnDragStart ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) OnDragStart(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*SplitterBar) OnSplitterDragged ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) OnSplitterDragged(f func(wndPnt math.Point))
func (*SplitterBar) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) SetBackgroundColor(c gxui.Color)
func (*SplitterBar) SetForegroundColor ¶
func (b *SplitterBar) SetForegroundColor(c gxui.Color)
type SplitterBarOuter ¶
type SplitterBarOuter interface { base.ControlOuter }
type SplitterLayout ¶
func (*SplitterLayout) AddChildAt ¶
func (*SplitterLayout) ChildWeight ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) ChildWeight(child gxui.Control) float32
func (*SplitterLayout) CreateSplitterBar ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) CreateSplitterBar() gxui.Control
func (*SplitterLayout) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*SplitterLayout) Init ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) Init(outer SplitterLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*SplitterLayout) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) LayoutChildren()
func (*SplitterLayout) Orientation ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) Orientation() gxui.Orientation
func (*SplitterLayout) RemoveChildAt ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) RemoveChildAt(index int)
func (*SplitterLayout) SetChildWeight ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) SetChildWeight(child gxui.Control, weight float32)
func (*SplitterLayout) SetOrientation ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) SetOrientation(o gxui.Orientation)
func (*SplitterLayout) SplitterDragged ¶
func (l *SplitterLayout) SplitterDragged(splitter gxui.Control, wndPnt math.Point)
type SplitterLayoutOuter ¶
type SplitterLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter CreateSplitterBar() gxui.Control }
type SuggestionAdapter ¶
type SuggestionAdapter struct {
func (*SuggestionAdapter) SetSuggestions ¶
func (a *SuggestionAdapter) SetSuggestions(suggestions []gxui.CodeSuggestion)
func (*SuggestionAdapter) Suggestion ¶
func (a *SuggestionAdapter) Suggestion(item gxui.AdapterItem) gxui.CodeSuggestion
type TableLayout ¶
func (*TableLayout) DesiredSize ¶
func (l *TableLayout) DesiredSize(min, max math.Size) math.Size
func (*TableLayout) Init ¶
func (l *TableLayout) Init(outer TableLayoutOuter, theme gxui.Theme)
func (*TableLayout) LayoutChildren ¶
func (l *TableLayout) LayoutChildren()
func (*TableLayout) RemoveChild ¶
func (l *TableLayout) RemoveChild(child gxui.Control)
func (*TableLayout) SetChildAt ¶
func (*TableLayout) SetGrid ¶
func (l *TableLayout) SetGrid(columns, rows int)
type TableLayoutOuter ¶
type TableLayoutOuter interface { base.ContainerOuter }
type TextBox ¶
type TextBox struct { List gxui.AdapterBase parts.Focusable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TextBox is a mixin for text boxes. It is not guaranteed to be goroutine-safe, but simple accessors to the underlying text is controlled by gxui.TextBoxController, which is itself goroutine-safe.
It's encouraged to develop with the driver in debug mode so that functions that must be called on the UI goroutine will panic if they are called on non-UI goroutines.
func (*TextBox) Controller ¶
func (t *TextBox) Controller() *gxui.TextBoxController
func (*TextBox) CreateLine ¶
func (*TextBox) DesiredWidth ¶
func (*TextBox) DoubleClick ¶
func (t *TextBox) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent) (consume bool)
func (*TextBox) HorizOffset ¶
func (*TextBox) LayoutChildren ¶
func (t *TextBox) LayoutChildren()
func (*TextBox) MaxLineWidth ¶
func (*TextBox) MouseMove ¶
func (t *TextBox) MouseMove(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*TextBox) OnRedrawLines ¶
func (t *TextBox) OnRedrawLines(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*TextBox) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (t *TextBox) OnSelectionChanged(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*TextBox) OnTextChanged ¶
func (t *TextBox) OnTextChanged(f func([]gxui.TextBoxEdit)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*TextBox) PaintChild ¶
func (*TextBox) PaintMouseOverBackground ¶
func (*TextBox) PaintSelection ¶
mixins.List overrides
func (*TextBox) ScrollToLine ¶
func (*TextBox) ScrollToRune ¶
func (*TextBox) Select ¶
func (t *TextBox) Select(sel gxui.TextSelectionList)
func (*TextBox) SelectSlice ¶
func (t *TextBox) SelectSlice(sel []gxui.TextSelection)
func (*TextBox) SelectionPoint ¶
func (*TextBox) SetDesiredWidth ¶
func (*TextBox) SetHorizOffset ¶
func (*TextBox) SetMultiline ¶
func (*TextBox) SetTextColor ¶
func (*TextBox) SizeChanged ¶
func (t *TextBox) SizeChanged()
func (*TextBox) StartOffset ¶
type TextBoxAdapter ¶
type TextBoxAdapter struct { gxui.DefaultAdapter TextBox *TextBox }
func (*TextBoxAdapter) Count ¶
func (t *TextBoxAdapter) Count() int
func (*TextBoxAdapter) ItemAt ¶
func (t *TextBoxAdapter) ItemAt(index int) gxui.AdapterItem
func (*TextBoxAdapter) ItemIndex ¶
func (t *TextBoxAdapter) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
type TextBoxLine ¶
type TextBoxOuter ¶
type Tree ¶
func (*Tree) Adapter ¶
func (t *Tree) Adapter() gxui.TreeAdapter
func (*Tree) CollapseAll ¶
func (t *Tree) CollapseAll()
func (*Tree) ContainsItem ¶
func (t *Tree) ContainsItem(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
func (*Tree) KeyPress ¶
func (t *Tree) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent) (consume bool)
InputEventHandler override
func (*Tree) PaintChild ¶
List override
func (*Tree) PaintUnexpandedSelection ¶
func (*Tree) SetControlCreator ¶
func (t *Tree) SetControlCreator(c TreeControlCreator)
func (*Tree) Show ¶
func (t *Tree) Show(item gxui.AdapterItem)
type TreeControlCreator ¶
type TreeControlCreator interface { // Create returns a Control that contains control (returned by the backing // TreeNode) and visualizes the expanded state of node. Create(theme gxui.Theme, control gxui.Control, node *TreeToListNode) gxui.Control // Size returns the size that each of the controls returned by Create will // be displayed at for the given theme. // treeControlSize is the size returned the backing TreeNode. Size(theme gxui.Theme, treeControlSize math.Size) math.Size }
Interface used to visualize tree nodes in as a list.
type TreeToListAdapter ¶
type TreeToListAdapter struct { gxui.AdapterBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TreeToListAdapter converts a TreeAdapter to a ListAdapter so that the tree can be visualized with a List.
func CreateTreeToListAdapter ¶
func CreateTreeToListAdapter(treeAdapter gxui.TreeAdapter, creator TreeControlCreator) *TreeToListAdapter
CreateTreeToListAdapter wraps the provided TreeAdapter with an adapter conforming to the ListAdapter interface.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) CollapseAll ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) CollapseAll()
CollapseAll collapses this node and all child nodes.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) Contains ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) Contains(item gxui.AdapterItem) bool
Contains returns true if item is part of the tree (regardless of whether it is part of the expanded tree or not).
func (*TreeToListAdapter) Count ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) Count() int
Count returns the total number of expanded nodes in the tree.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) Create ¶
Create returns a Control visualizing the item at the specified index in the list of all the expanded nodes treated as as a flattened list.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) DeepestNode ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) DeepestNode(item gxui.AdapterItem) *TreeToListNode
DeepestNode returns the deepest expanded node to represent item. If the item is not found in the adapter, then nil is returned.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) ExpandAll ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ExpandAll()
ExpandAll expands this node and all child nodes.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) ExpandItem ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ExpandItem(item gxui.AdapterItem)
ExpandItem expands the tree to show item.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) ItemAt ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ItemAt(idx int) gxui.AdapterItem
ItemAt returns the idx'th item of all the expanded nodes treated as a flattened list. Index 0 represents the first root node, index 1 may represent the the second root node or the first child of the first root node, and so on.
func (*TreeToListAdapter) ItemIndex ¶
func (a *TreeToListAdapter) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
ItemIndex returns the index of item in the list of all the expanded nodes treated as a flattened list. Index 0 represents the first root node, index 1 may represent the the second root node or the first child of the first root node, and so on.
type TreeToListNode ¶
type TreeToListNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TreeToListNode) Children ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Children() []*TreeToListNode
Children returns all the immediate child nodes.
func (*TreeToListNode) Collapse ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Collapse() bool
Collapse attempts to collapse the node, returning true if the node collapses. If the node is already collapsed then Collapse returns false.
func (*TreeToListNode) CollapseAll ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) CollapseAll()
CollapseAll collapses this node and all child nodes.
func (*TreeToListNode) Depth ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Depth() int
Depth returns the depth of this node.
func (*TreeToListNode) Descendants ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Descendants() int
Descendants returns the total number of descendants of this node.
func (*TreeToListNode) DirectItemIndex ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) DirectItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
DirectItemIndex returns the immediate child index that wraps or indirectly contains item. If no children contain item, the function returns -1.
func (*TreeToListNode) Expand ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Expand() bool
Expand attempts to expand the node, returning true if the node expands. If the node is already expanded or is a leaf then Expand returns false.
func (*TreeToListNode) ExpandAll ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) ExpandAll()
ExpandAll expands this node and all child nodes.
func (*TreeToListNode) IsExpanded ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) IsExpanded() bool
IsExpanded returns true if the node is currently expanded.
func (*TreeToListNode) IsLeaf ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) IsLeaf() bool
IsLeaf returns true if the node is a leaf in the tree.
func (*TreeToListNode) Item ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Item() gxui.AdapterItem
Item returns the AdapterItem this node represents.
func (*TreeToListNode) ItemAt ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) ItemAt(idx int) gxui.AdapterItem
ItemAt returns the idx'th item of all the expanded nodes treated as a flattened list. Index 0 represents the first child of n, index 1 may represent the the second child of n or the first grandchild of n, and so on.
func (*TreeToListNode) ItemIndex ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) ItemIndex(item gxui.AdapterItem) int
ItemIndex returns the index of item in the list of all the expanded nodes treated as a flattened list. Index 0 represents the first child of n, index 1 may represent the the second child of n or the first grandchild of n, and so on.
func (*TreeToListNode) NodeAt ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) NodeAt(idx int) *TreeToListNode
NodeAt returns the idx'th TreeToListNode of all the expanded nodes under this node treated as a flattened list. Index 0 represents the first child of n, index 1 may represent the the second child of n or the first grandchild of n, and so on.
func (*TreeToListNode) OnChange ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) OnChange(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
OnChange registers f to be called when the node is expanded, collapsed or has a change in the number of children.
func (*TreeToListNode) Parent ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) Parent() *TreeToListNode
Parent returns the parent of this node, or nil if this node is a root.
func (*TreeToListNode) ToggleExpanded ¶
func (n *TreeToListNode) ToggleExpanded() bool
ToggleExpanded attempts to toggles the expanded state of the node, returning true if the state changed.
type Window ¶
type Window struct { parts.Attachable parts.BackgroundBorderPainter parts.Container parts.Paddable parts.PaintChildren // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Window) Click ¶
func (w *Window) Click(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*Window) DoubleClick ¶
func (w *Window) DoubleClick(ev gxui.MouseEvent)
func (*Window) Fullscreen ¶
func (*Window) KeyPress ¶
func (w *Window) KeyPress(ev gxui.KeyboardEvent)
func (*Window) KeyStroke ¶
func (w *Window) KeyStroke(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)
func (*Window) LayoutChildren ¶
func (w *Window) LayoutChildren()
func (*Window) OnClick ¶
func (w *Window) OnClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnClose ¶
func (w *Window) OnClose(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnDoubleClick ¶
func (w *Window) OnDoubleClick(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyDown ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyDown(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyRepeat ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyRepeat(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyStroke ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyStroke(f func(gxui.KeyStrokeEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnKeyUp ¶
func (w *Window) OnKeyUp(f func(gxui.KeyboardEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseDown ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseDown(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseEnter ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseEnter(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseExit ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseExit(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseMove ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseMove(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseScroll ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseScroll(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnMouseUp ¶
func (w *Window) OnMouseUp(f func(gxui.MouseEvent)) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) OnResize ¶
func (w *Window) OnResize(f func()) gxui.EventSubscription
func (*Window) SetFullscreen ¶
func (*Window) SetPosition ¶
type WindowOuter ¶
type WindowOuter interface { gxui.Window outer.Attachable outer.IsVisibler outer.LayoutChildren outer.PaintChilder outer.Painter outer.Parenter }
Source Files ¶
- bubble_overlay.go
- button.go
- code_editor.go
- code_editor_line.go
- code_suggestion_adapter.go
- default_textbox_line.go
- drop_down_list.go
- image.go
- label.go
- linear_layout.go
- list.go
- panel_holder.go
- progress_bar.go
- scroll_bar.go
- scroll_layout.go
- splitter_bar.go
- splitter_layout.go
- table_layout.go
- textbox.go
- tree.go
- tree_to_list_adapter.go
- tree_to_list_node.go
- window.go