
Yet Another JSON-Schema Validator. Command line tool for validating JSON and/or YAML documents against provided schemas.
The real credit goes to xeipuuv/gojsonschema which does the heavy lifting behind this CLI.
Simply use go install
to install
go install github.com/neilpa/yajsv
There are also pre-built static binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux on the releases tab.
Yajsv validates JSON (and/or YAML) documents against a JSON-Schema, providing a status per document:
- pass: Document is valid relative to the schema
- fail: Document is invalid relative to the schema
- error: Document is malformed, e.g. not valid JSON or YAML
The 'fail' status may be reported multiple times per-document, once for each schema validation failure.
Basic usage example
$ yajsv -s schema.json document.json
document.json: pass
Or with both schema and doc in YAML.
$ yajsv -s schema.yml document.yml
document.yml: pass
With multiple schema files and docs
$ yajsv -s schema.json -r foo.json -r bar.yaml doc1.json doc2.yaml
doc1.json: pass
doc2.json: pass
Or with file globs (note the quotes to side-step shell expansion)
$ yajsv -s main.schema.json -r '*.schema.json' 'docs/*.json'
docs/a.json: pass
docs/b.json: fail: Validation failure message
Note that each referenced schema is assumed to be a path on the local filesystem. These are not
URI references to either local or external files.
See yajsv -h
for more details