Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AcceptAvailableAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func AcceptTransaction(tx *Transaction, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
- func CheckContract(addr *Address, ws WorldState) (state.Account, error)
- func CheckContractArgs(args string) error
- func CheckGenesisBlock(block *Block) bool
- func CheckGenesisConfByDB(pGenesisDB *corepb.Genesis, pGenesis *corepb.Genesis) error
- func CheckGenesisTransaction(tx *Transaction) bool
- func CheckTransaction(tx *Transaction, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
- func DateAvailableAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func DumpGenesis(chain *BlockChain) (*corepb.Genesis, error)
- func EnableInnerContractAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func FindLastNearestLibVersion(deployVersion, libname string) string
- func GetMaxV8JSLibVersionAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) string
- func GetNearestInstructionCounterVersionAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) string
- func HashPbBlock(pbBlock *corepb.Block) (byteutils.Hash, error)
- func IsCompatibleStack(chainID uint32, hash byteutils.Hash) bool
- func LoadGenesisConf(filePath string) (*corepb.Genesis, error)
- func MockGenesisConf() *corepb.Genesis
- func NbreAvailableHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func NbreSplitAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func Nrc20SecurityCheckAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func NvmExeTimeoutAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func RandomAvailableAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func RecordCallContractResultAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func SetCompatibilityOptions(chainID uint32)
- func TransferFromContractEventRecordableAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableAtHeight2(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func V8BlockSeedAvailableAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func V8JSLibVersionControlAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func VerifyExecution(tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
- func WsResetRecordDependencyAtHeight(blockHeight uint64) bool
- func WsResetRecordDependencyAtHeight2(blockHeight uint64) bool
- type Access
- type AccountManager
- type Address
- func AddressParse(s string) (*Address, error)
- func AddressParseFromBytes(b []byte) (*Address, error)
- func NewAddressFromPublicKey(s []byte) (*Address, error)
- func NewContractAddressFromData(from ContractTxFrom, nonce ContractTxNonce) (*Address, error)
- func RecoverSignerFromSignature(alg keystore.Algorithm, plainText []byte, cipherText []byte) (*Address, error)
- type AddressType
- type BinaryPayload
- type Block
- func (block *Block) Alg() keystore.Algorithm
- func (block *Block) Begin() error
- func (block *Block) ChainID() uint32
- func (block *Block) CheckContract(addr *Address) (state.Account, error)
- func (block *Block) Coinbase() *Address
- func (block *Block) CollectTransactions(deadlineInMs int64)
- func (block *Block) Commit()
- func (block *Block) ConsensusRoot() *consensuspb.ConsensusRoot
- func (block *Block) DateAvailable() bool
- func (block *Block) Dynasty() ([]byteutils.Hash, error)
- func (block *Block) EventsRoot() byteutils.Hash
- func (block *Block) ExecuteTransaction(tx *Transaction, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
- func (block *Block) FetchEvents(txHash byteutils.Hash) ([]*state.Event, error)
- func (block *Block) FetchExecutionResultEvent(txHash byteutils.Hash) (*state.Event, error)
- func (block *Block) FromProto(msg proto.Message) error
- func (block *Block) GetAccount(address byteutils.Hash) (state.Account, error)
- func (block *Block) GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash) (*Transaction, error)
- func (block *Block) HasRandomSeed() bool
- func (block *Block) Hash() byteutils.Hash
- func (block *Block) Height() uint64
- func (block *Block) LinkParentBlock(chain *BlockChain, parentBlock *Block) error
- func (block *Block) Miner() *Address
- func (block *Block) NR() NR
- func (block *Block) ParentHash() byteutils.Hash
- func (block *Block) RandomAvailable() bool
- func (block *Block) RandomProof() string
- func (block *Block) RandomSeed() string
- func (block *Block) ReturnTransactions()
- func (block *Block) RollBack()
- func (block *Block) Seal() error
- func (block *Block) Sealed() bool
- func (block *Block) SetRandomSeed(vrfseed, vrfproof []byte)
- func (block *Block) SetSignature(alg keystore.Algorithm, sign byteutils.Hash)
- func (block *Block) SetTimestamp(timestamp int64)
- func (block *Block) Sign(signature keystore.Signature) error
- func (block *Block) Signature() byteutils.Hash
- func (block *Block) StateRoot() byteutils.Hash
- func (block *Block) Storage() storage.Storage
- func (block *Block) String() string
- func (block *Block) Timestamp() int64
- func (block *Block) ToProto() (proto.Message, error)
- func (block *Block) Transactions() Transactions
- func (block *Block) TxsRoot() byteutils.Hash
- func (block *Block) VerifyExecution() error
- func (block *Block) VerifyIntegrity(chainID uint32, consensus Consensus) error
- func (block *Block) WorldState() state.WorldState
- type BlockChain
- func (bc *BlockChain) BlockPool() *BlockPool
- func (bc *BlockChain) ChainID() uint32
- func (bc *BlockChain) CheckGenesisConfig(neb Neblet) error
- func (bc *BlockChain) ConsensusHandler() Consensus
- func (bc *BlockChain) DetachedTailBlocks() []*Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) Dump(count int) string
- func (bc *BlockChain) EventEmitter() *EventEmitter
- func (bc *BlockChain) FindCommonAncestorWithTail(block *Block) (*Block, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) GasPrice() *util.Uint128
- func (bc *BlockChain) GenesisBlock() *Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlock(hash byteutils.Hash) *Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHash(blockHash byteutils.Hash) *Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHeight(height uint64) *Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetContract(addr *Address) (state.Account, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetInputForVRFSigner(parentHash byteutils.Hash, height uint64) (ancestorHash, parentSeed []byte, err error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash) (*Transaction, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) GetTransactionHeight(hash byteutils.Hash) (uint64, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) IsActiveSyncing() bool
- func (bc *BlockChain) LIB() *Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) LoadGenesisFromStorage() (*Block, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) LoadLIBFromStorage() (*Block, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) LoadTailFromStorage() (*Block, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) NewBlock(coinbase *Address) (*Block, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) NewBlockFromParent(coinbase *Address, parentBlock *Block) (*Block, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) SetConsensusHandler(handler Consensus)
- func (bc *BlockChain) SetLIB(lib *Block)
- func (bc *BlockChain) SetSyncService(syncService SyncService)
- func (bc *BlockChain) SetTailBlock(newTail *Block) error
- func (bc *BlockChain) Setup(neb Neblet) error
- func (bc *BlockChain) SimulateTransactionExecution(tx *Transaction) (*SimulateResult, error)
- func (bc *BlockChain) Start()
- func (bc *BlockChain) StartActiveSync() bool
- func (bc *BlockChain) Stop()
- func (bc *BlockChain) Storage() storage.Storage
- func (bc *BlockChain) StoreBlockToStorage(block *Block) error
- func (bc *BlockChain) StoreLIBHashToStorage(block *Block) error
- func (bc *BlockChain) StoreTailHashToStorage(block *Block) error
- func (bc *BlockChain) TailBlock() *Block
- func (bc *BlockChain) TransactionPool() *TransactionPool
- type BlockHeader
- type BlockPool
- type CallPayload
- type Compatibility
- type CompatibilityLocal
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) DateAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NbreAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NbreSplitHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) RandomAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityLocal) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64
- type CompatibilityMainNet
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) DateAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NbreAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NbreSplitHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) RandomAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64
- type CompatibilityTestNet
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) DateAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NbreAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NbreSplitHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) RandomAvailableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64
- func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64
- type Consensus
- type ContractTxFrom
- type ContractTxNonce
- type Data
- type DeployPayload
- type Dip
- type DipPayload
- type EventEmitter
- type EventSubscriber
- type MockNeb
- func (n *MockNeb) AccountManager() AccountManager
- func (n *MockNeb) BlockChain() *BlockChain
- func (n *MockNeb) Config() *nebletpb.Config
- func (n *MockNeb) Consensus() Consensus
- func (n *MockNeb) Dip() Dip
- func (n *MockNeb) EventEmitter() *EventEmitter
- func (n *MockNeb) Genesis() *corepb.Genesis
- func (n *MockNeb) IsActiveSyncing() bool
- func (n *MockNeb) Nbre() Nbre
- func (n *MockNeb) NetService() net.Service
- func (n *MockNeb) Nr() NR
- func (n *MockNeb) Nvm() NVM
- func (n *MockNeb) SetAccountManager(a AccountManager)
- func (n *MockNeb) SetBlockChain(bc *BlockChain)
- func (n *MockNeb) SetConsensus(c Consensus)
- func (n *MockNeb) SetGenesis(genesis *corepb.Genesis)
- func (n *MockNeb) SetStorage(s storage.Storage)
- func (n *MockNeb) StartPprof(string) error
- func (n *MockNeb) Storage() storage.Storage
- type MockNetService
- func (n MockNetService) Broadcast(name string, msg net.Serializable, priority int)
- func (n MockNetService) BroadcastNetworkID([]byte)
- func (n MockNetService) ClosePeer(peerID string, reason error)
- func (n MockNetService) Deregister(...*net.Subscriber)
- func (n MockNetService) Node() *net.Node
- func (n MockNetService) Register(...*net.Subscriber)
- func (n MockNetService) Relay(name string, msg net.Serializable, priority int)
- func (n MockNetService) SendMessageToPeer(messageName string, data []byte, priority int, peerID string) error
- func (n MockNetService) SendMessageToPeers(messageName string, data []byte, priority int, filter net.PeerFilterAlgorithm) []string
- func (n MockNetService) SendMsg(name string, msg []byte, target string, priority int) error
- func (n MockNetService) Start() error
- func (n MockNetService) Stop()
- func (n MockNetService) Sync(net.Serializable) error
- type NR
- type NVM
- type Nbre
- type Neblet
- type ProtocolPayload
- type SimulateResult
- type SmartContractEngine
- type SyncService
- type Transaction
- func (tx *Transaction) ChainID() uint32
- func (tx *Transaction) Data() []byte
- func (tx *Transaction) DataLen() int
- func (tx *Transaction) From() *Address
- func (tx *Transaction) FromProto(msg proto.Message) error
- func (tx *Transaction) GasCountOfTxBase() (*util.Uint128, error)
- func (tx *Transaction) GasLimit() *util.Uint128
- func (tx *Transaction) GasPrice() *util.Uint128
- func (tx *Transaction) GenerateContractAddress() (*Address, error)
- func (tx *Transaction) Hash() byteutils.Hash
- func (tx *Transaction) JSONString() string
- func (tx *Transaction) LoadPayload() (TxPayload, error)
- func (tx *Transaction) NewInnerTransaction(from, to *Address, value *util.Uint128, payloadType string, payload []byte) (*Transaction, error)
- func (tx *Transaction) Nonce() uint64
- func (tx *Transaction) SetHash(in byteutils.Hash)
- func (tx *Transaction) SetNonce(newNonce uint64)
- func (tx *Transaction) SetTimestamp(timestamp int64)
- func (tx *Transaction) Sign(signature keystore.Signature) error
- func (tx *Transaction) String() string
- func (tx *Transaction) StringWithoutData() string
- func (tx *Transaction) Timestamp() int64
- func (tx *Transaction) To() *Address
- func (tx *Transaction) ToProto() (proto.Message, error)
- func (tx *Transaction) Type() string
- func (tx *Transaction) Value() *util.Uint128
- func (tx *Transaction) VerifyIntegrity(chainID uint32) error
- type TransactionEvent
- type TransactionEventV2
- type TransactionPool
- func (pool *TransactionPool) Del(tx *Transaction)
- func (pool *TransactionPool) Empty() bool
- func (pool *TransactionPool) GetMaxGasLimit() *util.Uint128
- func (pool *TransactionPool) GetMinGasPrice() *util.Uint128
- func (pool *TransactionPool) GetPending(addr *Address) uint64
- func (pool *TransactionPool) GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash) *Transaction
- func (pool *TransactionPool) Pop() *Transaction
- func (pool *TransactionPool) PopWithBlacklist(fromBlacklist *sync.Map, toBlacklist *sync.Map) *Transaction
- func (pool *TransactionPool) Push(tx *Transaction) error
- func (pool *TransactionPool) PushAndBroadcast(tx *Transaction) error
- func (pool *TransactionPool) PushAndRelay(tx *Transaction) error
- func (pool *TransactionPool) RegisterInNetwork(ns net.Service)
- func (pool *TransactionPool) SetGasConfig(gasPrice, gasLimit *util.Uint128) error
- func (pool *TransactionPool) Start()
- func (pool *TransactionPool) Stop()
- type Transactions
- type TxPayload
- type V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
- type WorldState
Constants ¶
const ( NRC20FuncTransfer = "transfer" NRC20FuncTransferFrom = "transferFrom" NRC20FuncApprove = "approve" )
const ( Padding byte = 0x19 NebulasFaith = 'n' )
const ( // AddressPaddingLength the length of headpadding in byte AddressPaddingLength = 1 // AddressPaddingIndex the index of headpadding bytes AddressPaddingIndex = 0 // AddressTypeLength the length of address type in byte AddressTypeLength = 1 // AddressTypeIndex the index of address type bytes AddressTypeIndex = 1 // AddressDataLength the length of data of address in byte. AddressDataLength = 20 // AddressChecksumLength the checksum of address in byte. AddressChecksumLength = 4 // AddressLength the length of address in byte. AddressLength = AddressPaddingLength + AddressTypeLength + AddressDataLength + AddressChecksumLength // AddressDataEnd the end of the address data AddressDataEnd = 22 // AddressBase58Length length of base58(Address.address) AddressBase58Length = 35 // PublicKeyDataLength length of public key PublicKeyDataLength = 65 )
const ( // EagleNebula chain id for 1.x EagleNebula = 1 << 4 // ChunkSize is the size of blocks in a chunk ChunkSize = 32 // Tail Key in storage Tail = "blockchain_tail" // LIB (latest irreversible block) in storage LIB = "blockchain_lib" // transaction's block height TxBlockHeight = "height" )
const ( // MainNetID mainnet id MainNetID uint32 = 1 // TestNetID testnet id TestNetID uint32 = 1001 )
const ( // TopicPendingTransaction the topic of pending a transaction in transaction_pool. TopicPendingTransaction = "chain.pendingTransaction" // TopicLibBlock the topic of latest irreversible block. TopicLibBlock = "chain.latestIrreversibleBlock" // TopicTransactionExecutionResult the topic of transaction execution result TopicTransactionExecutionResult = "chain.transactionResult" // TopicNewTailBlock the topic of new tail block set TopicNewTailBlock = "chain.newTailBlock" // TopicRevertBlock the topic of revert block TopicRevertBlock = "chain.revertBlock" // TopicDropTransaction drop tx (1): smaller nonce (2) expire txLifeTime TopicDropTransaction = "chain.dropTransaction" // TopicTransferFromContract transfer from contract TopicTransferFromContract = "chain.transferFromContract" // TopicInnerTransferContract inner transfer TopicInnerContract = "chain.innerContract" )
const ( TxPayloadBinaryType = "binary" TxPayloadDeployType = "deploy" TxPayloadCallType = "call" TxPayloadProtocolType = "protocol" TxPayloadDipType = "dip" )
Payload Types
const ( SourceTypeJavaScript = "js" SourceTypeTypeScript = "ts" )
const ( NrStartHeight = 2307000 NrIntervalHeight = 40320 )
const ( // TxExecutionFailed failed status for transaction execute result. TxExecutionFailed = 0 // TxExecutionSuccess success status for transaction execute result. TxExecutionSuccess = 1 // TxExecutionPendding pendding status when transaction in transaction pool. TxExecutionPendding = 2 )
const ( MessageTypeNewBlock = "newblock" MessageTypeParentBlockDownloadRequest = "dlblock" MessageTypeBlockDownloadResponse = "dlreply" MessageTypeNewTx = "newtx" )
const (
AcceptedNetWorkDelay = 2
const (
ContractAcceptFunc = "accept"
const (
// DefaultV8JSLibVersion default version
DefaultV8JSLibVersion = "1.0.0"
********* js lib relative BEGIN *********
const (
//InnerTransactionNonce inner tx nonce
InnerTransactionNonce = 0
const (
NoSender = ""
const (
// TxHashByteLength invalid tx hash length(len of []byte)
TxHashByteLength = 32
Variables ¶
var ( // BlockHashLength define a const of the length of Hash of Block in byte. BlockHashLength = 32 // ParallelNum num PackedParallelNum = 1 // verify thread parallel num VerifyParallelNum = 1 //runtime.NumCPU() * 2 // VerifyExecutionTimeout 0 means unlimited VerifyExecutionTimeout = 0 // NebulasRewardAddress Nebulas Council Recycling address NebulasRewardAddress, _ = AddressParse("n1Rc66BjDF4LSoQ2uC9rbiMDnKMEV8ryG7k") // BlockReward given to coinbase // rule: 3% per year, 3,000,000. 1 block per 15 seconds // value: 10^8 * 3% / (365*24*3600/15) * 10^18 ≈ 1.42694 * 10^18 BlockReward, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("1426940000000000000") // CoinbaseReward given to coinbase after nbre available // rule: 2% per year, 2,000,000. 1 block per 15 seconds // value: 10^8 * 2% / (365*24*3600/15) * 10^18 ≈ 0.95129 * 10^18 CoinbaseReward, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("951290000000000000") // NebulasReward given to nebulas project address // rule: 1% per year, 1,000,000. 1 block per 15 seconds // value: 10^8 * 1% / (365*24*3600/15) * 10^18 ≈ 0.47565 * 10^18 NebulasReward, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("475650000000000000") // DIPReward given to dip project address // rule: 1% per year, 1,000,000. 1 block per 15 seconds // value: 10^8 * 1% / (365*24*3600/15) * 10^18 ≈ 0.47565 * 10^18 DIPReward, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("475650000000000000") // NebulasRewardAddress Nebulas Council Recycling address NebulasRewardAddress2, _ = AddressParse("n1bMN7dssdVCv7XtnF6tmwB59pxxrwvpNwP") // NebulasRewardAddress Nebulas Council Recycling address DIPRewardAddress2, _ = AddressParse("n1HXQWZbnCwK2QVyFuNSM47CVxEUq1GEhLc") )
var ( GenesisHash = make([]byte, BlockHashLength) GenesisTimestamp = int64(0) GenesisCoinbase, _ = NewAddressFromPublicKey(make([]byte, PublicKeyDataLength)) )
Genesis Block Hash
var (
// TransactionMaxGasPrice max gasPrice:1 * 10 ** 12
TransactionMaxGasPrice, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("1000000000000")
// TransactionMaxGas max gas:50 * 10 ** 9
TransactionMaxGas, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("50000000000")
// TransactionGasPrice default gasPrice : 2*10**10
TransactionGasPrice, _ = util.NewUint128FromString("20000000000")
// GenesisGasPrice default gasPrice : 1*10**6
GenesisGasPrice, _ = util.NewUint128FromInt(1000000)
// MinGasCountPerTransaction default gas for normal transaction
MinGasCountPerTransaction, _ = util.NewUint128FromInt(20000)
// GasCountPerByte per byte of data attached to a transaction gas cost
GasCountPerByte, _ = util.NewUint128FromInt(1)
// MaxDataPayLoadLength Max data length in transaction
MaxDataPayLoadLength = 128 * 1024
// MaxDataBinPayloadLength Max data length in binary transaction
MaxDataBinPayloadLength = 64
// MaxEventErrLength Max error length in event
MaxEventErrLength = 256
// MaxResultLength max execution result length
MaxResultLength = 256
var ( TestCompatArr = []string{"5b6a9ed8a48cfb0e6415f0df9f79cbbdac565dd139779c7972069b37c99a3913", "918d116f5d42b253e84497d65d2a6508fb5c4c1dbc5c1c2a1718ab718a50a509"} MainCompatArr = []string{"ee90d2cc5f930fe627363e9e05f1e98ea20025898201c849125659d6c0079242", "3db72f0d02daa26407d13ca9efc820ec618407d10d55ac15433784aaef93c659"} )
var ( ErrInvalidBlockOnCanonicalChain = errors.New("invalid block, it's not on canonical chain") ErrNotBlockInCanonicalChain = errors.New("cannot find the block in canonical chain") ErrInvalidBlockCannotFindParentInLocal = errors.New("invalid block received, download its parent from others") ErrCannotFindBlockAtGivenHeight = errors.New("cannot find a block at given height which is less than tail block's height") ErrInvalidBlockCannotFindParentInLocalAndTryDownload = errors.New("invalid block received, download its parent from others") ErrInvalidBlockCannotFindParentInLocalAndTrySync = errors.New("invalid block received, sync its parent from others") ErrBlockNotFound = errors.New("block not found in blockchain cache nor chain") ErrInvalidConfigChainID = errors.New("invalid chainID, genesis chainID not equal to chainID in config") ErrCannotLoadGenesisConf = errors.New("cannot load genesis conf") ErrGenesisNotEqualChainIDInDB = errors.New("Failed to check. genesis chainID not equal in db") ErrGenesisNotEqualDynastyInDB = errors.New("Failed to check. genesis dynasty not equal in db") ErrGenesisNotEqualTokenInDB = errors.New("Failed to check. genesis TokenDistribution not equal in db") ErrGenesisNotEqualDynastyLenInDB = errors.New("Failed to check. genesis dynasty length not equal in db") ErrGenesisNotEqualTokenLenInDB = errors.New("Failed to check. genesis TokenDistribution length not equal in db") ErrLinkToWrongParentBlock = errors.New("link the block to a block who is not its parent") ErrMissingParentBlock = errors.New("cannot find the block's parent block in storage") ErrInvalidBlockHash = errors.New("invalid block hash") ErrDoubleSealBlock = errors.New("cannot seal a block twice") ErrDuplicatedBlock = errors.New("duplicated block") ErrDoubleBlockMinted = errors.New("double block minted") ErrVRFProofFailed = errors.New("VRF proof failed") ErrInvalidBlockRandom = errors.New("invalid block random") ErrInvalidChainID = errors.New("invalid transaction chainID") ErrInvalidTransactionSigner = errors.New("invalid transaction signer") ErrInvalidTransactionHash = errors.New("invalid transaction hash") ErrInvalidSignature = errors.New("invalid transaction signature") ErrInvalidTxPayloadType = errors.New("invalid transaction data payload type") ErrInvalidGasPrice = errors.New("invalid gas price, should be in (0, 10^12]") ErrInvalidGasLimit = errors.New("invalid gas limit, should be in (0, 5*10^10]") ErrNoTimeToPackTransactions = errors.New("no time left to pack transactions in a block") ErrTxDataPayLoadOutOfMaxLength = errors.New("data's payload is out of max data length") ErrTxDataBinPayLoadOutOfMaxLength = errors.New("data's payload is out of max data length in a binary tx") ErrNilArgument = errors.New("argument(s) is nil") ErrInvalidArgument = errors.New("invalid argument(s)") ErrInsufficientBalance = errors.New("insufficient balance") ErrBelowGasPrice = errors.New("below the gas price") ErrGasCntOverflow = errors.New("the count of gas used is overflow") ErrGasFeeOverflow = errors.New("the fee of gas used is overflow") ErrInvalidTransfer = errors.New("transfer error: overflow or insufficient balance") ErrGasLimitLessOrEqualToZero = errors.New("gas limit less or equal to 0") ErrOutOfGasLimit = errors.New("out of gas limit") ErrTxExecutionFailed = errors.New("transaction execution failed") ErrZeroGasPrice = errors.New("gas price should be greater than zero") ErrZeroGasLimit = errors.New("gas limit should be greater than zero") ErrContractDeployFailed = errors.New("contract deploy failed") ErrContractCheckFailed = errors.New("contract check failed") ErrContractTransactionAddressNotEqual = errors.New("contract transaction from-address not equal to to-address") ErrDuplicatedTransaction = errors.New("duplicated transaction") ErrSmallTransactionNonce = errors.New("cannot accept a transaction with smaller nonce") ErrLargeTransactionNonce = errors.New("cannot accept a transaction with too bigger nonce") ErrInvalidAddress = errors.New("address: invalid address") ErrInvalidAddressFormat = errors.New("address: invalid address format") ErrInvalidAddressType = errors.New("address: invalid address type") ErrInvalidAddressChecksum = errors.New("address: invalid address checksum") ErrInvalidCandidatePayloadAction = errors.New("invalid transaction candidate payload action") ErrInvalidDelegatePayloadAction = errors.New("invalid transaction vote payload action") ErrInvalidDelegateToNonCandidate = errors.New("cannot delegate to non-candidate") ErrInvalidUnDelegateFromNonDelegatee = errors.New("cannot un-delegate from non-delegatee") ErrCloneWorldState = errors.New("Failed to clone world state") ErrCloneAccountState = errors.New("Failed to clone account state") ErrCloneTxsState = errors.New("Failed to clone txs state") ErrCloneEventsState = errors.New("Failed to clone events state") ErrInvalidBlockStateRoot = errors.New("invalid block state root hash") ErrInvalidBlockTxsRoot = errors.New("invalid block txs root hash") ErrInvalidBlockEventsRoot = errors.New("invalid block events root hash") ErrInvalidBlockConsensusRoot = errors.New("invalid block consensus root hash") ErrInvalidProtoToBlock = errors.New("protobuf message cannot be converted into Block") ErrInvalidProtoToBlockHeader = errors.New("protobuf message cannot be converted into BlockHeader") ErrInvalidProtoToTransaction = errors.New("protobuf message cannot be converted into Transaction") ErrInvalidTransactionData = errors.New("invalid data in tx from Proto") ErrInvalidDagBlock = errors.New("block's dag is incorrect") ErrCannotRevertLIB = errors.New("cannot revert latest irreversible block") ErrCannotLoadGenesisBlock = errors.New("cannot load genesis block from storage") ErrCannotLoadLIBBlock = errors.New("cannot load tail block from storage") ErrCannotLoadTailBlock = errors.New("cannot load latest irreversible block from storage") ErrGenesisConfNotMatch = errors.New("Failed to load genesis from storage, different with genesis conf") ErrInvalidDeploySource = errors.New("invalid source of deploy payload") ErrInvalidDeploySourceType = errors.New("invalid source type of deploy payload") ErrInvalidCallFunction = errors.New("invalid function of call payload") ErrInvalidTransactionResultEvent = errors.New("invalid transaction result event, the last event in tx's events should be result event") ErrNotFoundTransactionResultEvent = errors.New("transaction result event is not found ") // nvm error ErrExecutionFailed = errors.New("execution failed") ErrUnexpected = errors.New("Unexpected sys error") // multi nvm error ErrInnerExecutionFailed = errors.New("multi execution failed") ErrCreateInnerTx = errors.New("Failed to create inner transaction") // access control ErrUnsupportedKeyword = errors.New("transaction data has unsupported keyword") ErrUnsupportedFunction = errors.New("transaction payload has unsupported function") ErrRestrictedFromAddress = errors.New("transaction from address is restricted") ErrRestrictedToAddress = errors.New("transaction to address is restricted") ErrNrc20ArgsCheckFailed = errors.New("transaction nrc20 args check failed") ErrNrc20AddressCheckFailed = errors.New("transaction nrc20 address check failed") ErrNrc20ValueCheckFailed = errors.New("transaction nrc20 value check failed") // func deprecated ErrFuncDeprecated = errors.New("function deprecated") )
Error Types
var (
DefaultPayloadGas, _ = util.NewUint128FromInt(1)
// DefaultLimitsOfTotalMemorySize default limits of total memory size
DefaultLimitsOfTotalMemorySize uint64 = 40 * 1000 * 1000
Default gas count
var ( // ErrInvalidJSLibVersion .. ErrInvalidJSLibVersion = errors.New("invalid js lib version") )
var (
MockDynasty = []string{
var NebCompatibility = NewCompatibilityTestNet()
NebCompatibility ..
var ( // PublicFuncNameChecker in smart contract PublicFuncNameChecker = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z$][A-Za-z0-9_$]*$") )
var ( // NOTE: versions should be arranged in ascending order // map[libname][versions] V8JSLibs = map[string][]string{ "execution_env.js": {"1.0.0", "1.0.5"}, "bignumber.js": {"1.0.0"}, "random.js": {"1.0.0", "1.0.5", "1.1.0"}, "date.js": {"1.0.0", "1.0.5"}, "tsc.js": {"1.0.0"}, "util.js": {"1.0.0"}, "esprima.js": {"1.0.0"}, "assert.js": {"1.0.0"}, "instruction_counter.js": {"1.0.0", "1.1.0"}, "typescriptServices.js": {"1.0.0"}, "blockchain.js": {"1.0.0", "1.0.5", "1.1.0"}, "console.js": {"1.0.0"}, "event.js": {"1.0.0"}, "storage.js": {"1.0.0"}, "crypto.js": {"1.0.5"}, "uint.js": {"1.0.5"}, } )
var ..
Functions ¶
func AcceptAvailableAtHeight ¶
AcceptAvailableAtHeight ..
func AcceptTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func AcceptTransaction(tx *Transaction, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
AcceptTransaction in a tx world state
func CheckContract ¶ added in v1.0.0
func CheckContract(addr *Address, ws WorldState) (state.Account, error)
CheckContract check if contract is valid
func CheckContractArgs ¶ added in v1.0.0
CheckContractArgs check contract args
func CheckGenesisBlock ¶ added in v0.3.0
CheckGenesisBlock if a block is a genesis block
func CheckGenesisConfByDB ¶ added in v1.0.0
func CheckGenesisConfByDB(pGenesisDB *corepb.Genesis, pGenesis *corepb.Genesis) error
CheckGenesisConfByDB check mem and genesis.conf if equal return nil
func CheckGenesisTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.1
func CheckGenesisTransaction(tx *Transaction) bool
CheckGenesisTransaction if a tx is a genesis transaction
func CheckTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func CheckTransaction(tx *Transaction, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
CheckTransaction in a tx world state
func DateAvailableAtHeight ¶
DateAvailableAtHeight ..
func DumpGenesis ¶ added in v1.0.0
func DumpGenesis(chain *BlockChain) (*corepb.Genesis, error)
DumpGenesis return the configuration of the genesis block in the storage
func EnableInnerContractAtHeight ¶
EnableInnerContractAtHeight ..
func FindLastNearestLibVersion ¶ added in v1.0.5
FindLastNearestLibVersion ..
func GetMaxV8JSLibVersionAtHeight ¶ added in v1.0.5
GetMaxV8JSLibVersionAtHeight ..
func GetNearestInstructionCounterVersionAtHeight ¶
GetNearestInstructionCounterVersionAtHeight ..
func HashPbBlock ¶ added in v1.0.0
HashPbBlock return the hash of pb block.
func IsCompatibleStack ¶ added in v1.0.5
IsCompatibleStack return if compatible stack
func LoadGenesisConf ¶ added in v1.0.0
LoadGenesisConf load genesis conf for file
func MockGenesisConf ¶
func MockGenesisConf() *corepb.Genesis
MockGenesisConf return mock genesis conf
func NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasAtHeight ¶
NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasAtHeight ..
func Nrc20SecurityCheckAtHeight ¶
Nrc20SecurityCheckAtHeight ..
func NvmExeTimeoutAtHeight ¶
NvmExeTimeoutAtHeight ..
func NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutAtHeight ¶ added in v1.0.7
NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutAtHeight ..
func NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectAtHeight ¶
NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectAtHeight ..
func NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ¶
NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ..
func RandomAvailableAtHeight ¶
RandomAvailableAtHeight ..
func RecordCallContractResultAtHeight ¶
RecordCallContractResultAtHeight ..
func SetCompatibilityOptions ¶ added in v1.0.2
func SetCompatibilityOptions(chainID uint32)
SetCompatibilityOptions set compatibility height according to chain_id
func TransferFromContractEventRecordableAtHeight ¶
TransferFromContractEventRecordableAtHeight ..
func TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableAtHeight ¶
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableAtHeight ..
func TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableAtHeight2 ¶
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableAtHeight2 ..
func V8BlockSeedAvailableAtHeight ¶
V8BlockSeedAvailableAtHeight ..
func V8JSLibVersionControlAtHeight ¶
V8JSLibVersionControlAtHeight ..
func VerifyExecution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func VerifyExecution(tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
VerifyExecution transaction and return result.
func WsResetRecordDependencyAtHeight ¶
WsResetRecordDependencyAtHeight ..
func WsResetRecordDependencyAtHeight2 ¶
WsResetRecordDependencyAtHeight2 ..
Types ¶
type Access ¶
type Access struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Access) CheckTransaction ¶
func (a *Access) CheckTransaction(tx *Transaction) error
CheckTransaction Check that the transaction meets the conditions
type AccountManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AccountManager interface { NewAccount([]byte) (*Address, error) Accounts() []*Address Unlock(*Address, []byte, time.Duration) error Lock(*Address) error SignHash(*Address, byteutils.Hash, keystore.Algorithm) ([]byte, error) SignBlock(*Address, *Block) error GenerateRandomSeed(*Address, []byte, []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) SignTransaction(*Address, *Transaction) error SignTransactionWithPassphrase(*Address, *Transaction, []byte) error Update(*Address, []byte, []byte) error Load([]byte, []byte) (*Address, error) LoadPrivate([]byte, []byte) (*Address, error) Import([]byte, []byte) (*Address, error) Remove(*Address, []byte) error }
AccountManager interface of account mananger
type Address ¶
type Address struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Address design of nebulas address
[Account Address] Similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum, Nebulas also adopts elliptic curve algorithm as its basic encryption algorithm for Nebulas accounts. The address is derived from **public key**, which is in turn derived from the **private key** that encrypted with user's **passphrase**. Also we have the checksum design aiming to prevent a user from sending _Nas_ to a wrong user account accidentally due to entry of several incorrect characters.
The specific calculation formula is as follows:
Content = ripemd160( sha3_256( Public Key ) ) CheckSum = sha3_256( 0x19 + 0x57 + Content )[0:4] Address = base58( 0x19 + 0x57 + Content + CheckSum ) 0x57 is a one-byte "type code" for account address, 0x19 is a one-byte fixed "padding"
The ripemd160 digest of SHA3-256 digest of a public key serve as the major component of an address, for which another SHA3-256 digest should be conducted and the first 4 bytes should be used as a checksum. For example: The final address of Nebulas Wallet should be: n1TV3sU6jyzR4rJ1D7jCAmtVGSntJagXZHC
[Smart Contract Address] Calculating contract address differs slightly from account, passphrase of contract sender is not required but address & nonce. For more information, plz check ( and [rpc.sendTransaction]( Calculation formula is as follows:
Content = ripemd160( sha3_256( tx.from, tx.nonce ) ) CheckSum = sha3_256( 0x19 + 0x58 + Content )[0:4] Address = base58( 0x19 + 0x58 + Content + CheckSum ) 0x58 is a one-byte "type code" for smart contract address, 0x19 is a one-byte fixed "padding"
[TODO] In addition to standard address with 50 characters, we also support extended address in order to ensure the security of transfers conducted by users. The traditional bank transfer design is used for reference: In the process of a bank transfer, bank card number of the remittee should be verified, in addition to which the remitter must enter the name of the remittee. The transfer can be correctly processed only when the bank card number and the name match each other. The generating algorithm for extended address is described as follows:
ExtData = Utf8Bytes({Nickname or any string}) ExtHash = sha3_256(Data + ExtData)[0:2] ExtAddress = Account Address + Hex(ExtHash)
An extended address is generated through addition of 2-byte extended verification to the end of a standard address and contains a total of 54 characters. Addition of extended information allows the addition of another element verification to the Nebulas Wallet APP. For example:
The standard address of Alice’s wallet is 0xdf4d22611412132d3e9bd322f82e2940674ec1bc03b20e40, and the extended address after addition of the nickname "alice" should be 0xdf4d22611412132d3e9bd322f82e2940674ec1bc03b20e40e345. Alice tells Bob the extended address 0xdf4d22611412132d3e9bd322f82e2940674ec1bc03b20e40e345 and her nickname alice. Bob enters 0xdf4d22611412132d3e9bd322f82e2940674ec1bc03b20e40e345 and alice in the Wallet App. The Wallet App verifies the consistency between the wallet address and the nickname in order to avoid the circumstance that Bob enters the account number of another user by mistake.
func AddressParse ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddressParse parse address string.
func AddressParseFromBytes ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddressParseFromBytes parse address from bytes.
func NewAddressFromPublicKey ¶
NewAddressFromPublicKey return new address from publickey bytes
func NewContractAddressFromData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewContractAddressFromData(from ContractTxFrom, nonce ContractTxNonce) (*Address, error)
NewContractAddressFromData return new contract address from bytes.
func RecoverSignerFromSignature ¶ added in v1.0.0
func RecoverSignerFromSignature(alg keystore.Algorithm, plainText []byte, cipherText []byte) (*Address, error)
RecoverSignerFromSignature return address who signs the signature
func (*Address) Equals ¶ added in v0.2.0
Equals compare two Address. True is equal, otherwise false.
func (*Address) Type ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (a *Address) Type() AddressType
Type return the type of address.
type AddressType ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AddressType byte
AddressType address type
const ( AccountAddress AddressType = 0x57 + iota ContractAddress )
address type enum
const UndefinedAddressType AddressType = 0x00
UndefinedAddressType undefined
type BinaryPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
type BinaryPayload struct {
Data []byte
BinaryPayload carry some data
func LoadBinaryPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LoadBinaryPayload(bytes []byte) (*BinaryPayload, error)
LoadBinaryPayload from bytes
func NewBinaryPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewBinaryPayload(data []byte) *BinaryPayload
NewBinaryPayload with data
func (*BinaryPayload) BaseGasCount ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *BinaryPayload) BaseGasCount() *util.Uint128
BaseGasCount returns base gas count
func (*BinaryPayload) Execute ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *BinaryPayload) Execute(limitedGas *util.Uint128, tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (*util.Uint128, string, error)
Execute the payload in tx
func (*BinaryPayload) ToBytes ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *BinaryPayload) ToBytes() ([]byte, error)
ToBytes serialize payload
type Block ¶
type Block struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Block structure
func LoadBlockFromStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LoadBlockFromStorage(hash byteutils.Hash, chain *BlockChain) (*Block, error)
LoadBlockFromStorage return a block from storage
func MockBlock ¶ added in v1.0.5
func MockBlock(header *BlockHeader, height uint64) *Block
MockBlock nf/nvm/engine.CheckV8Run() & cmd/v8/main.go
func NewGenesisBlock ¶
func NewGenesisBlock(conf *corepb.Genesis, chain *BlockChain) (*Block, error)
NewGenesisBlock create genesis @Block from file.
func (*Block) CheckContract ¶ added in v1.0.0
CheckContract check if contract is valid
func (*Block) CollectTransactions ¶ added in v0.2.0
CollectTransactions and add them to block.
func (*Block) ConsensusRoot ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (block *Block) ConsensusRoot() *consensuspb.ConsensusRoot
ConsensusRoot return consensus root
func (*Block) DateAvailable ¶ added in v1.0.2
DateAvailable check if date available in contract
func (*Block) EventsRoot ¶ added in v1.0.0
EventsRoot return events root hash.
func (*Block) ExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (block *Block) ExecuteTransaction(tx *Transaction, ws WorldState) (bool, error)
ExecuteTransaction execute the transaction return giveback, err system error: giveback == true logic error: giveback == false, expect Bigger Nonce
func (*Block) FetchEvents ¶ added in v1.0.0
FetchEvents fetch events by txHash.
func (*Block) FetchExecutionResultEvent ¶ added in v1.0.0
FetchExecutionResultEvent fetch execution result event by txHash.
func (*Block) GetAccount ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetAccount return the account with the given address on this block.
func (*Block) GetTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (block *Block) GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash) (*Transaction, error)
GetTransaction from txs Trie
func (*Block) HasRandomSeed ¶ added in v1.0.2
HasRandomSeed check random if exists
func (*Block) LinkParentBlock ¶
func (block *Block) LinkParentBlock(chain *BlockChain, parentBlock *Block) error
LinkParentBlock link parent block, return true if hash is the same; false otherwise.
func (*Block) ParentHash ¶
ParentHash return parent hash.
func (*Block) RandomAvailable ¶ added in v1.0.2
RandomAvailable check if Math.random available in contract
func (*Block) RandomProof ¶ added in v1.0.5
RandomProof block random proof (VRF)
func (*Block) RandomSeed ¶ added in v1.0.2
RandomSeed block random seed (VRF)
func (*Block) ReturnTransactions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (block *Block) ReturnTransactions()
ReturnTransactions and giveback them to tx pool if a block is reverted, we should erase all changes made by this block on storage. use refcount.
func (*Block) SetRandomSeed ¶ added in v1.0.2
SetRandomSeed set block.header.random
func (*Block) SetSignature ¶ added in v1.0.0
SetSignature set the signature
func (*Block) SetTimestamp ¶
SetTimestamp set timestamp
func (*Block) Transactions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (block *Block) Transactions() Transactions
Transactions returns block transactions
func (*Block) VerifyExecution ¶ added in v1.0.0
VerifyExecution execute the block and verify the execution result.
func (*Block) VerifyIntegrity ¶ added in v1.0.0
VerifyIntegrity verify block's hash, txs' integrity and consensus acceptable.
func (*Block) WorldState ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (block *Block) WorldState() state.WorldState
WorldState return the world state of the block
type BlockChain ¶
type BlockChain struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockChain the BlockChain core type.
func NewBlockChain ¶
func NewBlockChain(neb Neblet) (*BlockChain, error)
NewBlockChain create new #BlockChain instance.
func (*BlockChain) BlockPool ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) BlockPool() *BlockPool
BlockPool return block pool.
func (*BlockChain) CheckGenesisConfig ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) CheckGenesisConfig(neb Neblet) error
CheckGenesisConfig check if the genesis and config is valid
func (*BlockChain) ConsensusHandler ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) ConsensusHandler() Consensus
ConsensusHandler return consensus handler.
func (*BlockChain) DetachedTailBlocks ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) DetachedTailBlocks() []*Block
DetachedTailBlocks return detached tail blocks, used by Fork Choice algorithm.
func (*BlockChain) EventEmitter ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) EventEmitter() *EventEmitter
EventEmitter return the eventEmitter.
func (*BlockChain) FindCommonAncestorWithTail ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bc *BlockChain) FindCommonAncestorWithTail(block *Block) (*Block, error)
FindCommonAncestorWithTail return the block's common ancestor with current tail
func (*BlockChain) GasPrice ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) GasPrice() *util.Uint128
GasPrice returns the lowest transaction gas price.
func (*BlockChain) GenesisBlock ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) GenesisBlock() *Block
GenesisBlock return the genesis block.
func (*BlockChain) GetBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlock(hash byteutils.Hash) *Block
GetBlock return block of given hash from local storage and detachedBlocks.
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHash ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHash(blockHash byteutils.Hash) *Block
GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHash check if a block is on canonical chain
func (*BlockChain) GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHeight ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHeight(height uint64) *Block
GetBlockOnCanonicalChainByHeight return block in given height
func (*BlockChain) GetContract ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (bc *BlockChain) GetContract(addr *Address) (state.Account, error)
GetContract return contract of given address
func (*BlockChain) GetInputForVRFSigner ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (bc *BlockChain) GetInputForVRFSigner(parentHash byteutils.Hash, height uint64) (ancestorHash, parentSeed []byte, err error)
GetInputForVRFSigner returns [ getBlock(block.height - 2 * dynasty.size).hash, block.parent.seed ]
func (*BlockChain) GetTransaction ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (bc *BlockChain) GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash) (*Transaction, error)
GetTransaction return transaction of given hash from local storage.
func (*BlockChain) GetTransactionHeight ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) GetTransactionHeight(hash byteutils.Hash) (uint64, error)
GetTransactionHeight return transaction's block height
func (*BlockChain) IsActiveSyncing ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (bc *BlockChain) IsActiveSyncing() bool
IsActiveSyncing returns true if being syncing
func (*BlockChain) LIB ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) LIB() *Block
LIB return the latest irrversible block
func (*BlockChain) LoadGenesisFromStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) LoadGenesisFromStorage() (*Block, error)
LoadGenesisFromStorage load genesis
func (*BlockChain) LoadLIBFromStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) LoadLIBFromStorage() (*Block, error)
LoadLIBFromStorage load LIB
func (*BlockChain) LoadTailFromStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) LoadTailFromStorage() (*Block, error)
LoadTailFromStorage load tail block
func (*BlockChain) NewBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) NewBlock(coinbase *Address) (*Block, error)
NewBlock create new #Block instance.
func (*BlockChain) NewBlockFromParent ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) NewBlockFromParent(coinbase *Address, parentBlock *Block) (*Block, error)
NewBlockFromParent create new block from parent block and return it.
func (*BlockChain) SetConsensusHandler ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) SetConsensusHandler(handler Consensus)
SetConsensusHandler set consensus handler.
func (*BlockChain) SetLIB ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) SetLIB(lib *Block)
SetLIB update the latest irrversible block
func (*BlockChain) SetSyncService ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) SetSyncService(syncService SyncService)
SetSyncService set sync service.
func (*BlockChain) SetTailBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) SetTailBlock(newTail *Block) error
SetTailBlock set tail block.
func (*BlockChain) Setup ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) Setup(neb Neblet) error
Setup the blockchain
func (*BlockChain) SimulateTransactionExecution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) SimulateTransactionExecution(tx *Transaction) (*SimulateResult, error)
SimulateTransactionExecution execute transaction in sandbox and rollback all changes, used to EstimateGas and Call api.
func (*BlockChain) StartActiveSync ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) StartActiveSync() bool
StartActiveSync start active sync task
func (*BlockChain) Storage ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (bc *BlockChain) Storage() storage.Storage
Storage return the storage.
func (*BlockChain) StoreBlockToStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) StoreBlockToStorage(block *Block) error
StoreBlockToStorage store block
func (*BlockChain) StoreLIBHashToStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) StoreLIBHashToStorage(block *Block) error
StoreLIBHashToStorage store LIB block hash
func (*BlockChain) StoreTailHashToStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (bc *BlockChain) StoreTailHashToStorage(block *Block) error
StoreTailHashToStorage store tail block hash
func (*BlockChain) TailBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChain) TailBlock() *Block
TailBlock return the tail block.
func (*BlockChain) TransactionPool ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bc *BlockChain) TransactionPool() *TransactionPool
TransactionPool return block pool.
type BlockHeader ¶
type BlockHeader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockHeader of a block
type BlockPool ¶
type BlockPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockPool a pool of all received blocks from network. Blocks will be sent to Consensus when it passes signature verification.
func NewBlockPool ¶
NewBlockPool return new #BlockPool instance.
func (*BlockPool) PushAndBroadcast ¶ added in v0.2.0
PushAndBroadcast push block into block pool and broadcast it.
func (*BlockPool) PushAndRelay ¶ added in v0.2.0
PushAndRelay push block into block pool and relay it.
func (*BlockPool) RegisterInNetwork ¶
RegisterInNetwork register message subscriber in network.
type CallPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
CallPayload carry function call information
func LoadCallPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LoadCallPayload(bytes []byte) (*CallPayload, error)
LoadCallPayload from bytes
func NewCallPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewCallPayload(function, args string) (*CallPayload, error)
NewCallPayload with function & args
func (*CallPayload) BaseGasCount ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *CallPayload) BaseGasCount() *util.Uint128
BaseGasCount returns base gas count
func (*CallPayload) Execute ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *CallPayload) Execute(limitedGas *util.Uint128, tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (*util.Uint128, string, error)
Execute the call payload in tx, call a function
func (*CallPayload) ToBytes ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *CallPayload) ToBytes() ([]byte, error)
ToBytes serialize payload
type Compatibility ¶
type Compatibility interface { TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64 AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64 RandomAvailableHeight() uint64 DateAvailableHeight() uint64 RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64 NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64 WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64 //reserve address of to V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64 TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64 NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64 NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64 V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64 WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64 //reserve change log TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64 NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64 NbreAvailableHeight() uint64 Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64 NbreSplitHeight() uint64 }
Compatibility ..
func NewCompatibilityMainNet ¶
func NewCompatibilityMainNet() Compatibility
NewCompatibilityMainNet ..
func NewCompatibilityTestNet ¶
func NewCompatibilityTestNet() Compatibility
NewCompatibilityTestNet ..
type CompatibilityLocal ¶
type CompatibilityLocal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompatibilityLocal ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64
AcceptFuncAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) DateAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) DateAvailableHeight() uint64
DateAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NbreAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NbreAvailableHeight() uint64
NbreAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NbreSplitHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NbreSplitHeight() uint64
NbreSplitHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64
NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64
Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NvmExeTimeoutHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64
NvmExeTimeoutHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64
NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64
NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64
NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) RandomAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) RandomAvailableHeight() uint64
RandomAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) RecordCallContractResultHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64
RecordCallContractResultHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64
TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2 ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2 ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64
V8JSLibVersionControlHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64
WsResetRecordDependencyHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityLocal) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2 ¶
func (c *CompatibilityLocal) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64
WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2 ..
type CompatibilityMainNet ¶
type CompatibilityMainNet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompatibilityMainNet ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64
AcceptFuncAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) DateAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) DateAvailableHeight() uint64
DateAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NbreAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NbreAvailableHeight() uint64
NbreAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NbreSplitHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NbreSplitHeight() uint64
NbreSplitHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64
NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64
Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NvmExeTimeoutHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64
NvmExeTimeoutHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64
NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64
NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64
NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) RandomAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) RandomAvailableHeight() uint64
RandomAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) RecordCallContractResultHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64
RecordCallContractResultHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64
TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2 ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2 ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64
V8JSLibVersionControlHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64
WsResetRecordDependencyHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityMainNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2 ¶
func (c *CompatibilityMainNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64
WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2 ..
type CompatibilityTestNet ¶
type CompatibilityTestNet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompatibilityTestNet ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) AcceptFuncAvailableHeight() uint64
AcceptFuncAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) DateAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) DateAvailableHeight() uint64
DateAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NbreAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NbreAvailableHeight() uint64
NbreAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NbreSplitHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NbreSplitHeight() uint64
NbreSplitHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight() uint64
NewNvmExeTimeoutConsumeGasHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight() uint64
Nrc20SecurityCheckHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NvmExeTimeoutHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmExeTimeoutHeight() []uint64
NvmExeTimeoutHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight() uint64
NvmGasLimitWithoutTimeoutHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight() uint64
NvmMemoryLimitWithoutInjectHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight() uint64
NvmValueCheckUpdateHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) RandomAvailableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) RandomAvailableHeight() uint64
RandomAvailableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) RecordCallContractResultHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) RecordCallContractResultHeight() uint64
RecordCallContractResultHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight() uint64
TransferFromContractEventRecordableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight() uint64
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2 ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2() uint64
TransferFromContractFailureEventRecordableHeight2 ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) V8JSLibVersionControlHeight() uint64
V8JSLibVersionControlHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) V8JSLibVersionHeightMap() *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap
V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight() uint64
WsResetRecordDependencyHeight ..
func (*CompatibilityTestNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2 ¶
func (c *CompatibilityTestNet) WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2() uint64
WsResetRecordDependencyHeight2 ..
type Consensus ¶
type Consensus interface { Setup(Neblet) error Start() Stop() EnableMining(string) error DisableMining() error Enable() bool ResumeMining() SuspendMining() Pending() bool VerifyBlock(*Block) error ForkChoice() error UpdateLIB() NewState(*consensuspb.ConsensusRoot, storage.Storage, bool) (state.ConsensusState, error) GenesisConsensusState(*BlockChain, *corepb.Genesis) (state.ConsensusState, error) CheckTimeout(*Block) bool CheckDoubleMint(*Block) bool NumberOfBlocksInDynasty() uint64 }
Consensus interface of consensus algorithm.
type DeployPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeployPayload carry contract deploy information
func LoadDeployPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LoadDeployPayload(bytes []byte) (*DeployPayload, error)
LoadDeployPayload from bytes
func NewDeployPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewDeployPayload(source, sourceType, args string) (*DeployPayload, error)
NewDeployPayload with source & args
func (*DeployPayload) BaseGasCount ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *DeployPayload) BaseGasCount() *util.Uint128
BaseGasCount returns base gas count
func (*DeployPayload) Execute ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *DeployPayload) Execute(limitedGas *util.Uint128, tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (*util.Uint128, string, error)
Execute deploy payload in tx, deploy a new contract
func (*DeployPayload) ToBytes ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (payload *DeployPayload) ToBytes() ([]byte, error)
ToBytes serialize payload
type DipPayload ¶
DipPayload carry ir data
func LoadDipPayload ¶
func LoadDipPayload(bytes []byte) (*DipPayload, error)
LoadDipPayload from bytes
func NewDipPayload ¶
func NewDipPayload(start, end, version uint64, contract string) (*DipPayload, error)
NewDipPayload with data
func (*DipPayload) BaseGasCount ¶
func (payload *DipPayload) BaseGasCount() *util.Uint128
BaseGasCount returns base gas count
func (*DipPayload) Execute ¶
func (payload *DipPayload) Execute(limitedGas *util.Uint128, tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (*util.Uint128, string, error)
Execute the payload in tx
func (*DipPayload) ToBytes ¶
func (payload *DipPayload) ToBytes() ([]byte, error)
ToBytes serialize payload
type EventEmitter ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EventEmitter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventEmitter provide event functionality for Nebulas.
func NewEventEmitter ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewEventEmitter(size int) *EventEmitter
NewEventEmitter return new EventEmitter.
func (*EventEmitter) Deregister ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (emitter *EventEmitter) Deregister(subscribers ...*EventSubscriber)
Deregister deregister event chan.
func (*EventEmitter) Register ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (emitter *EventEmitter) Register(subscribers ...*EventSubscriber)
Register register event chan.
func (*EventEmitter) Start ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (emitter *EventEmitter) Start()
Start start emitter.
func (*EventEmitter) Trigger ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (emitter *EventEmitter) Trigger(e *state.Event)
Trigger trigger event.
type EventSubscriber ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EventSubscriber struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventSubscriber subscriber object
func NewEventSubscriber ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewEventSubscriber(size int, topics []string) *EventSubscriber
NewEventSubscriber returns an EventSubscriber
func (*EventSubscriber) EventChan ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *EventSubscriber) EventChan() chan *state.Event
EventChan returns subscriber's eventCh
type MockNeb ¶
type MockNeb struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMockNeb ¶
func NewMockNeb(am AccountManager, consensus Consensus, nvm NVM) *MockNeb
NewMockNeb create mock neb for unit testing
func (*MockNeb) AccountManager ¶
func (n *MockNeb) AccountManager() AccountManager
func (*MockNeb) BlockChain ¶
func (n *MockNeb) BlockChain() *BlockChain
func (*MockNeb) EventEmitter ¶
func (n *MockNeb) EventEmitter() *EventEmitter
func (*MockNeb) IsActiveSyncing ¶
func (*MockNeb) NetService ¶
func (*MockNeb) SetAccountManager ¶
func (n *MockNeb) SetAccountManager(a AccountManager)
func (*MockNeb) SetBlockChain ¶
func (n *MockNeb) SetBlockChain(bc *BlockChain)
func (*MockNeb) SetConsensus ¶
func (*MockNeb) SetGenesis ¶
func (n *MockNeb) SetGenesis(genesis *corepb.Genesis)
func (*MockNeb) SetStorage ¶
func (*MockNeb) StartPprof ¶
type MockNetService ¶
type MockNetService struct{}
func (MockNetService) Broadcast ¶
func (n MockNetService) Broadcast(name string, msg net.Serializable, priority int)
func (MockNetService) BroadcastNetworkID ¶
func (n MockNetService) BroadcastNetworkID([]byte)
func (MockNetService) ClosePeer ¶
func (n MockNetService) ClosePeer(peerID string, reason error)
func (MockNetService) Deregister ¶
func (n MockNetService) Deregister(...*net.Subscriber)
func (MockNetService) Node ¶
func (n MockNetService) Node() *net.Node
func (MockNetService) Register ¶
func (n MockNetService) Register(...*net.Subscriber)
func (MockNetService) Relay ¶
func (n MockNetService) Relay(name string, msg net.Serializable, priority int)
func (MockNetService) SendMessageToPeer ¶
func (MockNetService) SendMessageToPeers ¶
func (n MockNetService) SendMessageToPeers(messageName string, data []byte, priority int, filter net.PeerFilterAlgorithm) []string
func (MockNetService) Start ¶
func (n MockNetService) Start() error
func (MockNetService) Stop ¶
func (n MockNetService) Stop()
func (MockNetService) Sync ¶
func (n MockNetService) Sync(net.Serializable) error
type NVM ¶ added in v1.0.0
type NVM interface { CreateEngine(block *Block, tx *Transaction, contract state.Account, ws WorldState) (SmartContractEngine, error) CheckV8Run() error }
NVM interface
type Nbre ¶
type Nbre interface { Start() error Execute(command string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) Stop() }
Nbre interface
type Neblet ¶ added in v1.0.0
type Neblet interface { Genesis() *corepb.Genesis SetGenesis(*corepb.Genesis) Config() *nebletpb.Config Storage() storage.Storage EventEmitter() *EventEmitter Consensus() Consensus BlockChain() *BlockChain NetService() net.Service IsActiveSyncing() bool AccountManager() AccountManager Nvm() NVM Nr() NR Dip() Dip StartPprof(string) error }
Neblet interface breaks cycle import dependency and hides unused services.
type ProtocolPayload ¶
type ProtocolPayload struct {
Data []byte
ProtocolPayload carry ir data
func LoadProtocolPayload ¶
func LoadProtocolPayload(bytes []byte) (*ProtocolPayload, error)
LoadProtocolPayload from bytes
func NewProtocolPayload ¶
func NewProtocolPayload(data []byte) (*ProtocolPayload, error)
NewProtocolPayload with data
func (*ProtocolPayload) BaseGasCount ¶
func (payload *ProtocolPayload) BaseGasCount() *util.Uint128
BaseGasCount returns base gas count
func (*ProtocolPayload) Execute ¶
func (payload *ProtocolPayload) Execute(limitedGas *util.Uint128, tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (*util.Uint128, string, error)
Execute the payload in tx
func (*ProtocolPayload) ToBytes ¶
func (payload *ProtocolPayload) ToBytes() ([]byte, error)
ToBytes serialize payload
type SimulateResult ¶ added in v1.0.0
SimulateResult the result of simulating transaction execution
type SmartContractEngine ¶ added in v1.0.0
type SmartContractEngine interface { SetExecutionLimits(uint64, uint64) error DeployAndInit(source, sourceType, args string) (string, error) Call(source, sourceType, function, args string) (string, error) ExecutionInstructions() uint64 Dispose() }
SmartContractEngine interface
type SyncService ¶ added in v1.0.0
type SyncService interface { Start() Stop() StartActiveSync() bool StopActiveSync() WaitingForFinish() IsActiveSyncing() bool }
SyncService interface of sync service
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Transaction type is used to handle all transaction data.
func GetTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash, ws WorldState) (*Transaction, error)
GetTransaction from txs Trie
func NewTransaction ¶
func NewTransaction(chainID uint32, from, to *Address, value *util.Uint128, nonce uint64, payloadType string, payload []byte, gasPrice *util.Uint128, gasLimit *util.Uint128) (*Transaction, error)
NewTransaction create #Transaction instance.
func (*Transaction) ChainID ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) ChainID() uint32
ChainID return chainID
func (*Transaction) DataLen ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (tx *Transaction) DataLen() int
DataLen return the length of payload
func (*Transaction) From ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (tx *Transaction) From() *Address
From return from address
func (*Transaction) FromProto ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (tx *Transaction) FromProto(msg proto.Message) error
FromProto converts proto Tx into domain Tx
func (*Transaction) GasCountOfTxBase ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) GasCountOfTxBase() (*util.Uint128, error)
GasCountOfTxBase calculate the actual amount for a tx with data
func (*Transaction) GasLimit ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) GasLimit() *util.Uint128
GasLimit returns gasLimit
func (*Transaction) GasPrice ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) GasPrice() *util.Uint128
GasPrice returns gasPrice
func (*Transaction) GenerateContractAddress ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) GenerateContractAddress() (*Address, error)
GenerateContractAddress according to tx.from and tx.nonce.
func (*Transaction) Hash ¶
func (tx *Transaction) Hash() byteutils.Hash
Hash return the hash of transaction.
func (*Transaction) JSONString ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (tx *Transaction) JSONString() string
JSONString of transaction
func (*Transaction) LoadPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) LoadPayload() (TxPayload, error)
LoadPayload returns tx's payload
func (*Transaction) NewInnerTransaction ¶
func (tx *Transaction) NewInnerTransaction(from, to *Address, value *util.Uint128, payloadType string, payload []byte) (*Transaction, error)
NewChildTransaction return child tx to inner nvm
func (*Transaction) Nonce ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (tx *Transaction) Nonce() uint64
Nonce return tx nonce
func (*Transaction) SetHash ¶
func (tx *Transaction) SetHash(in byteutils.Hash)
SetHash set hash to in args
func (*Transaction) SetNonce ¶
func (tx *Transaction) SetNonce(newNonce uint64)
SetNonce update th nonce
func (*Transaction) SetTimestamp ¶
func (tx *Transaction) SetTimestamp(timestamp int64)
SetTimestamp update the timestamp.
func (*Transaction) Sign ¶
func (tx *Transaction) Sign(signature keystore.Signature) error
Sign sign transaction,sign algorithm is
func (*Transaction) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (tx *Transaction) String() string
func (*Transaction) StringWithoutData ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (tx *Transaction) StringWithoutData() string
func (*Transaction) Timestamp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) Timestamp() int64
Timestamp return timestamp
func (*Transaction) ToProto ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (tx *Transaction) ToProto() (proto.Message, error)
ToProto converts domain Tx to proto Tx
func (*Transaction) Value ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) Value() *util.Uint128
Value return tx value
func (*Transaction) VerifyIntegrity ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (tx *Transaction) VerifyIntegrity(chainID uint32) error
VerifyIntegrity return transaction verify result, including Hash and Signature.
type TransactionEvent ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TransactionEvent struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` Status int8 `json:"status"` GasUsed string `json:"gas_used"` Error string `json:"error"` }
TransactionEvent transaction event
type TransactionEventV2 ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TransactionEventV2 struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` Status int8 `json:"status"` GasUsed string `json:"gas_used"` Error string `json:"error"` ExecuteResult string `json:"execute_result"` }
TransactionEventV2 add execution result
type TransactionPool ¶
type TransactionPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionPool cache txs, is thread safe
func NewTransactionPool ¶
func NewTransactionPool(size int) (*TransactionPool, error)
NewTransactionPool create a new TransactionPool
func (*TransactionPool) Del ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) Del(tx *Transaction)
Del a transaction from pool
func (*TransactionPool) Empty ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) Empty() bool
Empty return if the pool is empty
func (*TransactionPool) GetMaxGasLimit ¶
func (pool *TransactionPool) GetMaxGasLimit() *util.Uint128
GetMaxGasLimit return the maxGasLimit
func (*TransactionPool) GetMinGasPrice ¶
func (pool *TransactionPool) GetMinGasPrice() *util.Uint128
GetMinGasPrice return the minGasPrice
func (*TransactionPool) GetPending ¶
func (pool *TransactionPool) GetPending(addr *Address) uint64
get pending tx count
func (*TransactionPool) GetTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) GetTransaction(hash byteutils.Hash) *Transaction
GetTransaction return transaction of given hash from transaction pool.
func (*TransactionPool) Pop ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) Pop() *Transaction
Pop a transaction from pool
func (*TransactionPool) PopWithBlacklist ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) PopWithBlacklist(fromBlacklist *sync.Map, toBlacklist *sync.Map) *Transaction
PopWithBlacklist return a tx with highest gasprice and not in the blocklist
func (*TransactionPool) Push ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) Push(tx *Transaction) error
Push tx into pool
func (*TransactionPool) PushAndBroadcast ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) PushAndBroadcast(tx *Transaction) error
PushAndBroadcast push tx into pool and broadcast it
func (*TransactionPool) PushAndRelay ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) PushAndRelay(tx *Transaction) error
PushAndRelay push tx into pool and relay it
func (*TransactionPool) RegisterInNetwork ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) RegisterInNetwork(ns net.Service)
RegisterInNetwork register message subscriber in network.
func (*TransactionPool) SetGasConfig ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) SetGasConfig(gasPrice, gasLimit *util.Uint128) error
SetGasConfig config the lowest gasPrice and the maximum gasLimit.
func (*TransactionPool) Start ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (pool *TransactionPool) Start()
Start start loop.
type TxPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TxPayload interface { ToBytes() ([]byte, error) BaseGasCount() *util.Uint128 Execute(limitedGas *util.Uint128, tx *Transaction, block *Block, ws WorldState) (*util.Uint128, string, error) }
TxPayload stored in tx
type V8JSLibVersionHeightMap ¶
V8JSLibVersionHeightMap key is version in string format, value is height
func (*V8JSLibVersionHeightMap) GetHeightOfVersion ¶
func (v *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap) GetHeightOfVersion(version string) uint64
GetHeightOfVersion ..
func (*V8JSLibVersionHeightMap) String ¶
func (v *V8JSLibVersionHeightMap) String() string
type WorldState ¶ added in v1.0.0
type WorldState interface { GetOrCreateUserAccount(addr byteutils.Hash) (state.Account, error) GetContractAccount(addr byteutils.Hash) (state.Account, error) CreateContractAccount(owner byteutils.Hash, birthPlace byteutils.Hash, contractMeta *corepb.ContractMeta) (state.Account, error) GetTx(txHash byteutils.Hash) ([]byte, error) PutTx(txHash byteutils.Hash, txBytes []byte) error RecordEvent(txHash byteutils.Hash, event *state.Event) FetchEvents(byteutils.Hash) ([]*state.Event, error) Dynasty() ([]byteutils.Hash, error) DynastyRoot() byteutils.Hash RecordGas(from string, gas *util.Uint128) error Reset(addr byteutils.Hash, isResetChangeLog bool) error GetBlockHashByHeight(height uint64) ([]byte, error) GetBlock(txHash byteutils.Hash) ([]byte, error) }
WorldState needed by core
Source Files
- access.go
- address.go
- block.go
- block_pool.go
- blockchain.go
- compatibility.go
- compatibility_local.go
- compatibility_mainnet.go
- compatibility_testnet.go
- crypto.go
- event.go
- genesis.go
- metrics.go
- mock.go
- transaction.go
- transaction_binary_payload.go
- transaction_call_payload.go
- transaction_deploy_payload.go
- transaction_dip_payload.go
- transaction_pool.go
- transaction_protocol_payload.go
- types.go