This repository holds code for various demonstrations. The list of demonstration steps and discussion can be found below in Included Demos. These demonstrations use a real containerized applications with a micro services architecture and are deployed to Kubernetes. The applications components are:
- gRPC Client - client side application for the demonstration written in Go
- gRPC Server - service side application for the demonstration written in Go
- MongoDB - database for storing state of the application
The Applications
The demo applications are simple. They are GRPC apps are written in Go.
The Wizter application is a wizards listing service as defined in the wizard.proto file. The client requests a list of wizards from the server. The server retrieves a list of wizards from the database and streams them back to the client.
*Note: The apps are meant to be a quickly written simple single file. There are obviously a lot improvements to be made and production best practices implemented. They are just single files with a main package and they import protobuf. The goal of this repo is not to write the prettiest or best tested Go programs, but to have a running application to use for the included demo steps.
Included Demos
This repository is not accepting contributions.