building services on lambda should be easy and fun.
a project scaffold for a backend service on aws with an infrastructure set ready-to-deploy with libaws.
the project scaffold makes it easy to:
authenticate callers.
implement fast synchronous apis that return all results immediately.
implement slow asynchronous apis with streaming logs, exit code, and 15 minutes max duration.
use the web admin interface, even from a phone.
use the cli admin interface, executing locally or on lambda.
use the api interface, calling efficiently from other backend services.
synchronous apis are normal http on lambda.
asynchronous apis are a http post that triggers an async lambda which invokes a command via rpc or subprocess and stores the results in s3.
each invocation creates 3 objects in s3:
- log: all stdout and stderr, updated in its entirety every second.
- exit: the exit code of the command, written once.
- size: the size in bytes of the log after the final update, written once, written last.
objects are stored in either:
- aws-exec private s3.
- presigned s3 put urls provided by the caller.
to follow invocation status, the caller:
- polls the log object with increasing range-start.
- stops when the size object exists and range-start equals size.
- returns the exit object.
there are three ways to invoke an asynchronous api:
add a new synchronous functionality
add to api/.
duplicate the httpExecGet or httpExecPost handler and modify it to introduce new functionality.
add a new asynchronous functionality
add to cmd/.
duplicate the listdir command and modify it to introduce new functionality.
web demo

cli demo

api demo

mobile demo

use the included Dockerfile or install the following dependencies:
aws prerequisites
go install
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
cp # update values
bash bin/ # lint
bash bin/ # preview changes to aws infra
bash bin/ # ensure aws infra
bash bin/ # iterate on backend and frontend
bash bin/ # tail the logs
bash bin/ # delete aws infra
bash bin/ -h # interact with the service via the cli
usage with bad upload bandwidth:
# bash bin/ # this needs upload bandwidth
bash bin/ # iterate on localhost frontend
bash bin/ # iterate on backend via ec2 relay
usage with docker
cp # update values
docker build -t aws-exec:latest .
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd):/code \
aws-exec:latest \
bash -c '
cd /code
bash bin/
create auth
bash bin/ auth-new test-user
install and use cli
go install
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
export AUTH=$AUTH
aws-exec exec -- whoami
install and use api
go get
package cmd
import (
awsexec ""
func main() {
val, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"path": ".",
if err != nil {
exitCode, err := awsexec.Exec(context.Background(), &awsexec.Args{
Url: "https://%s" + os.Getenv("PROJECT_DOMAIN"),
Auth: os.Getenv("AUTH"),
RpcName: "listdir",
RpcArgs: string(val),
LogDataCallback: func(logs string) {
if err != nil {