q [OPTIONS] [@server] [type...] [name]
All long form (--) flags can be toggled with the dig-standard +[no]flag notation.
Application Options:
-q, --qname= Query name
-s, --server= DNS server
-t, --type= RR type
-x, --reverse Reverse lookup
-d, --dnssec Set the DO (DNSSEC OK) bit in the OPT record
-n, --nsid Set EDNS0 NSID opt
--subnet= Set EDNS0 client subnet
-f, --format= Output format (pretty, json, raw) (default: pretty)
-c, --chaos Use CHAOS query class
-p, --odoh-proxy= ODoH proxy
--timeout= Query timeout duration (default: 10s)
--pad Set EDNS0 padding
--aa Set AA (Authoritative Answer) flag in query
--ad Set AD (Authentic Data) flag in query
--cd Set CD (Checking Disabled) flag in query
--rd Set RD (Recursion Desired) flag in query
--ra Set RA (Recursion Available) flag in query
--z Set Z (Zero) flag in query
-i, --tls-no-verify Disable TLS certificate verification
--tls-min-version= Minimum TLS version to use (default: 1.0)
--tls-max-version= Maximum TLS version to use (default: 1.3)
--http-user-agent= HTTP user agent
--http-method= HTTP method (default: GET)
--quic-alpn-tokens= QUIC ALPN tokens (default: doq, doq-i11)
--udp-buffer= Set EDNS0 UDP size in query (default: 4096)
-v, --verbose Show verbose log messages
-V, --version Show version and exit
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Protocol Support
is available as a deb/rpm for apt/yum in my public code repositories, as a binary under releases, and in the AUR as q-dns-git.