Bitkub-SDK 🚀
To connect to the Bitkub public APIÂ and use the secure endpoint using an api key and api secret, all you need is the Bitkub SDK.
How to use.
package main
import (
// Example init. the bksdk
func main() {
sdk := bksdk.New("apiKey","apiSecret")
// Call sample functions using the non-secure endpoint, such GetStatus().
resp, err := sdk.GetStatus();
if err != nil {
// show to response from GetStatus();
Check error description with function.
you can use this function below for get error description with error code from bitkub public api
package main
import (
func main() {
// example : if error code is 2
fmt.Println(bkerr.ErrorText(2)) // Missing X-BTK-APIKEY
Non-secure endpoints
All non-secure endpoints do not need authentication and use the method GET.
- ✅GetStatus();
- ✅GetServertime();
- ✅GetSymbols();
- ✅GetTicker();
- ✅GetTrades();
- ✅GetBids();
- ✅GetAsks();
- ✅GetBooks();
- ✅GetDepth();
- ✅GetHistory();
Secure endpoints v3
All secure endpoints require authentication and use the method POST. These are old endpoints. We suspended the creation of old-version API keys using with the old secure endpoints. Please use the new secure endpoints V3 instead.
User endpoints
- ✅TradingCredits();
- ✅Limits();
Market endpoints
- ✅Wallet();
- ✅Balances();
- ✅PlaceBid();
- ✅PlaceAsk();
- ✅CancelOrder();
- ✅Wstoken();
- ✅MyOpenOrders();
- ✅MyOrderHistory();
- ✅OrderInfo();
- ✅OrderInfoByHash();
Crypto endpoints
- ✅CryptoInternalWithdraw();
- ✅CryptoAddresses();
- ✅CryptoWithdraw();
- ✅CryptoDepositHistory();
- ✅CryptoWithdrawHistory();
- ✅CryptoGenerateAddress();
Fiat endpoints
- ✅FiatAccounts();
- ✅FiatWithdraw();
- ✅FiatDepositHistory();
- ✅FiatWithdrawHistory();
Error codes
Refer to the following descriptions:
Code |
Description |
0 |
No error |
1 |
Invalid JSON payload |
2 |
Missing X-BTK-APIKEY |
3 |
Invalid API key |
4 |
API pending for activation |
5 |
IP not allowed |
6 |
Missing / invalid signature |
7 |
Missing timestamp |
8 |
Invalid timestamp |
9 |
Invalid user |
10 |
Invalid parameter |
11 |
Invalid symbol |
12 |
Invalid amount |
13 |
Invalid rate |
14 |
Improper rate |
15 |
Amount too low |
16 |
Failed to get balance |
17 |
Wallet is empty |
18 |
Insufficient balance |
19 |
Failed to insert order into db |
20 |
Failed to deduct balance |
21 |
Invalid order for cancellation (Unable to find OrderID or Symbol.) |
22 |
Invalid side |
23 |
Failed to update order status |
24 |
Invalid order for lookup |
25 |
KYC level 1 is required to proceed |
30 |
Limit exceeds |
40 |
Pending withdrawal exists |
41 |
Invalid currency for withdrawal |
42 |
Address is not in whitelist |
43 |
Failed to deduct crypto |
44 |
Failed to create withdrawal record |
45 |
Nonce has to be numeric |
46 |
Invalid nonce |
47 |
Withdrawal limit exceeds |
48 |
Invalid bank account |
49 |
Bank limit exceeds |
50 |
Pending withdrawal exists |
51 |
Withdrawal is under maintenance |
52 |
Invalid permission |
53 |
Invalid internal address |
54 |
Address has been deprecated |
55 |
Cancel only mode |
56 |
User has been suspended from purchasing |
57 |
User has been suspended from selling |
90 |
Server error (please contact support) |
Next in BKSDK v2
- Functional programming optimized
- Code refactor
- SDK file size optimized
- Improve function name