Personal web-proxy written in Go.
Pepper was developed to fix two problems:
- Improve privacy while surfing the web
- Unify keyword search among all browsers
The first problem is tackled by black- and whitelising domains known to track users and blocking web-bugs like single pixel GIFs. The second problem is more of a convenience and allows you to setup keyword search once and use them on all browsers.
This project is a work-in-process.
- Block web-bugs
- Blacklist domains known to track users and server ads
- Unify Keyword search engine among all browsers
To build Pepper you must have Go installed.
export GOPATH=$(pwd)/go
mkdir -p $GOPATH
git clone
cd ./pepper
go build pepper.go sem.go
On OSX you can have pepper run as a service by creating a launchagent.
The following setup assumes you installed the pepper binary at /usr/local/bin/pepper
and the data file at /Users/namsral/pepper.json
- Create a new agent:
cat > ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.namsral.pepper.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
- Enable the new agent and have Pepper started automatically:
sudo launchctl load -F ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.namsral.pepper.plist
On other *nixes run pepper in the background:
The following setup assumes you installed the pepper binary at /usr/local/bin/pepper
and the data file at /home/namsral/pepper.json
./pepper -http= -data=~/pepper.json
Or you could write a startup file for your favourite init system.
Browser setup
- Launch your browser and configure the HTTP proxy to point to host: and port:8081
- Surf to
to check the new proxy is working
- If your browser support it add a custom search engine with url:
, or set your search engine to Bing as Pepper wil Hijack any search request made to
- One last thing to do is edit pepper.json and add your own domain blacklist and search engine keywords.
As mentioned above, this is a work-in-process project so there are things todo:
- Persist blacklisted web-bug URLs
- Move to a datastore
- More efficient response handling, preferebly within the proxyHandler
- Expand webBugHandler to block other tracking methods beside single pixel GIFs
- Modify resources from the browser; search engines, blacklists, etc
- Multiuser support; home or small office use
Pepper is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, see attached LICENSE file for more details.