Go Utils
This repository contains the utils
library, a set of useful tools to be used in go projects.
Getting Started
currently the utils has the below utility functions:
- NewLog = it is used to save logs in a log file. Allowing you to choose the log file destination.
- CopyFile = it copies a file from src to dst.
- MsSQLSendAlarm = it can be used to send predefined alarms in the form of inserting text to tables in MSSQL DB used for Alarm notifications.
install using:
go get github.com/nadim-khalil/go-utils
How to use
NewLog is used to save logs in a log file.
if err != nil {
logpath := "errors.log"
utils.Log.Printf("error in xxx func: %v \r\n", err)
CopyFile copies a file from src to dst. If src and dst files exist, and are the same, then return success. Otherwise, attempt to create a hard link between the two files. If that fail, copy the file contents from src to dst.
//to := "source file"
//from := "destination file"
fmt.Printf("Copying %s from %s\n", to, from)
err := utils.CopyFile(from, to)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("CopyFile failed %q\n", err)
logpath := "errors.log"
utils.Log.Printf("CopyFile failed")
} else {
fmt.Printf("CopyFile succeeded\n")
ChecksumCompare can used to compare checksum of 2 files to make sure the files are being copied without any tampering
//to := "source file"
//from := "destination file"
fmt.Printf("Checksum comparison %s and %s\n", to, from)
checksum, err := utils.ChecksumCompare(to, from)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ChecksumCompare failed %q\n", err)
logpath := "errors.log"
utils.Log.Printf("error detected, ChecksumCompare failed")
} else {
if checksum {
log.Println("Checksum comparison SUCCESS the 2 files are identical \n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Checksum comparison FAIL the 2 files are not identical \n")
MsSQLSendAlarm can be used to send predefined alarms in the form of inserting text to tables in MSSQL DB used for Alarm notifications
//fill the variables in case you want to send Alarms to an SQL DB used for Alarms notifications
iniConnString := "server=x.x.x.x;user id=sa;password=xxxxx;port=1433"
iniSQLQuery := "insert into [x.x.x.x].Alarms.dbo.xxx_tbl (number,date,text,flag_sent) select 'xx',getdate(),'Failed xxxx',0"
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error in getCurrentDir func: %v \r\n", err)
if iniConnString != "" && iniSQLQuery != "" {
utils.MsSQLSendAlarm(iniConnString, iniSQLQuery)
- Nadim Khalil - My personal site - nadim.tk
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used