
package module
v6.1.1+incompatible Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Jan 8, 2018 License: MIT Imports: 25 Imported by: 0



This is a development branch that is actively being worked on. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!

Elastic is an Elasticsearch client for the Go programming language.

Build Status Godoc license

See the wiki for additional information about Elastic.


The release branches (e.g. release-branch.v6) are actively being worked on and can break at any time. If you want to use stable versions of Elastic, please use a dependency manager like dep.

Here's the version matrix:

Elasticsearch version Elastic version Package URL Remarks
6.x                   6.0             github.com/olivere/elastic (source doc) Use a dependency manager (see below).
5.x 5.0 gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v5 (source doc) Actively maintained.
2.x 3.0 gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v3 (source doc) Deprecated. Please update.
1.x 2.0 gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v2 (source doc) Deprecated. Please update.
0.9-1.3 1.0 gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v1 (source doc) Deprecated. Please update.


You have installed Elasticsearch 6.0.0 and want to use Elastic. As listed above, you should use Elastic 6.0.

To use the required version of Elastic in your application, it is strongly advised to use a tool like dep or Glide to manage that dependency. Make sure to use a version such as ^6.0.0.

To use Elastic, simply import:

import "github.com/olivere/elastic"
Elastic 6.0

Elastic 6.0 targets Elasticsearch 6.x which was released on 14th November 2017.

Notice that there are will be a lot of breaking changes in Elasticsearch 6.0 and we used this as an opportunity to clean up and refactor Elastic as we did in the transition from earlier versions of Elastic.

Elastic 5.0

Elastic 5.0 targets Elasticsearch 5.0.0 and later. Elasticsearch 5.0.0 was released on 26th October 2016.

Notice that there are will be a lot of breaking changes in Elasticsearch 5.0 and we used this as an opportunity to clean up and refactor Elastic as we did in the transition from Elastic 2.0 (for Elasticsearch 1.x) to Elastic 3.0 (for Elasticsearch 2.x).

Furthermore, the jump in version numbers will give us a chance to be in sync with the Elastic Stack.

Elastic 3.0

Elastic 3.0 targets Elasticsearch 2.x and is published via gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v3.

Elastic 3.0 will only get critical bug fixes. You should update to a recent version.

Elastic 2.0

Elastic 2.0 targets Elasticsearch 1.x and is published via gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v2.

Elastic 2.0 will only get critical bug fixes. You should update to a recent version.

Elastic 1.0

Elastic 1.0 is deprecated. You should really update Elasticsearch and Elastic to a recent version.

However, if you cannot update for some reason, don't worry. Version 1.0 is still available. All you need to do is go-get it and change your import path as described above.


We use Elastic in production since 2012. Elastic is stable but the API changes now and then. We strive for API compatibility. However, Elasticsearch sometimes introduces breaking changes and we sometimes have to adapt.

Having said that, there have been no big API changes that required you to rewrite your application big time. More often than not it's renaming APIs and adding/removing features so that Elastic is in sync with Elasticsearch.

Elastic has been used in production with the following Elasticsearch versions: 0.90, 1.0-1.7, and 2.0-2.4.1. Furthermore, we use Travis CI to test Elastic with the most recent versions of Elasticsearch and Go. See the .travis.yml file for the exact matrix and Travis for the results.

Elasticsearch has quite a few features. Most of them are implemented by Elastic. I add features and APIs as required. It's straightforward to implement missing pieces. I'm accepting pull requests :-)

Having said that, I hope you find the project useful.

Getting Started

The first thing you do is to create a Client. The client connects to Elasticsearch on by default.

You typically create one client for your app. Here's a complete example of creating a client, creating an index, adding a document, executing a search etc.

An example is available here.

Here's a link to a complete working example for v3.

See the wiki for more details.

API Status

Document APIs
  • Index API
  • Get API
  • Delete API
  • Delete By Query API
  • Update API
  • Update By Query API
  • Multi Get API
  • Bulk API
  • Reindex API
  • Term Vectors
  • Multi termvectors API
Search APIs
  • Search
  • Search Template
  • Multi Search Template
  • Search Shards API
  • Suggesters
    • Term Suggester
    • Phrase Suggester
    • Completion Suggester
    • Context Suggester
  • Multi Search API
  • Count API
  • Validate API
  • Explain API
  • Profile API
  • Field Capabilities API
  • Metrics Aggregations
    • Avg
    • Cardinality
    • Extended Stats
    • Geo Bounds
    • Geo Centroid
    • Max
    • Min
    • Percentiles
    • Percentile Ranks
    • Scripted Metric
    • Stats
    • Sum
    • Top Hits
    • Value Count
  • Bucket Aggregations
    • Adjacency Matrix
    • Children
    • Date Histogram
    • Date Range
    • Diversified Sampler
    • Filter
    • Filters
    • Geo Distance
    • GeoHash Grid
    • Global
    • Histogram
    • IP Range
    • Missing
    • Nested
    • Range
    • Reverse Nested
    • Sampler
    • Significant Terms
    • Significant Text
    • Terms
  • Pipeline Aggregations
    • Avg Bucket
    • Derivative
    • Max Bucket
    • Min Bucket
    • Sum Bucket
    • Stats Bucket
    • Extended Stats Bucket
    • Percentiles Bucket
    • Moving Average
    • Cumulative Sum
    • Bucket Script
    • Bucket Selector
    • Serial Differencing
  • Matrix Aggregations
    • Matrix Stats
  • Aggregation Metadata
Indices APIs
  • Create Index
  • Delete Index
  • Get Index
  • Indices Exists
  • Open / Close Index
  • Shrink Index
  • Rollover Index
  • Put Mapping
  • Get Mapping
  • Get Field Mapping
  • Types Exists
  • Index Aliases
  • Update Indices Settings
  • Get Settings
  • Analyze
  • Index Templates
  • Shadow Replica Indices
  • Indices Stats
  • Indices Segments
  • Indices Recovery
  • Indices Shard Stores
  • Clear Cache
  • Flush
  • Refresh
  • Force Merge
  • Upgrade
cat APIs

The cat APIs are not implemented as of now. We think they are better suited for operating with Elasticsearch on the command line.

  • cat aliases
  • cat allocation
  • cat count
  • cat fielddata
  • cat health
  • cat indices
  • cat master
  • cat nodeattrs
  • cat nodes
  • cat pending tasks
  • cat plugins
  • cat recovery
  • cat repositories
  • cat thread pool
  • cat shards
  • cat segments
  • cat snapshots
Cluster APIs
  • Cluster Health
  • Cluster State
  • Cluster Stats
  • Pending Cluster Tasks
  • Cluster Reroute
  • Cluster Update Settings
  • Nodes Stats
  • Nodes Info
  • Task Management API
  • Nodes hot_threads
  • Cluster Allocation Explain API
Query DSL
  • Match All Query
  • Inner hits
  • Full text queries
    • Match Query
    • Match Phrase Query
    • Match Phrase Prefix Query
    • Multi Match Query
    • Common Terms Query
    • Query String Query
    • Simple Query String Query
  • Term level queries
    • Term Query
    • Terms Query
    • Range Query
    • Exists Query
    • Prefix Query
    • Wildcard Query
    • Regexp Query
    • Fuzzy Query
    • Type Query
    • Ids Query
  • Compound queries
    • Constant Score Query
    • Bool Query
    • Dis Max Query
    • Function Score Query
    • Boosting Query
    • Indices Query
  • Joining queries
    • Nested Query
    • Has Child Query
    • Has Parent Query
    • Parent Id Query
  • Geo queries
    • GeoShape Query
    • Geo Bounding Box Query
    • Geo Distance Query
    • Geo Distance Range Query
    • Geo Polygon Query
    • Geohash Cell Query
  • Specialized queries
    • More Like This Query
    • Template Query
    • Script Query
    • Percolate Query
  • Span queries
    • Span Term Query
    • Span Multi Term Query
    • Span First Query
    • Span Near Query
    • Span Or Query
    • Span Not Query
    • Span Containing Query
    • Span Within Query
    • Span Field Masking Query
  • Minimum Should Match
  • Multi Term Query Rewrite
  • Snapshot and Restore
    • Repositories
    • Snapshot
    • Restore
    • Snapshot status
    • Monitoring snapshot/restore status
    • Stopping currently running snapshot and restore
  • Sort by score
  • Sort by field
  • Sort by geo distance
  • Sort by script
  • Sort by doc

Scrolling is supported via a ScrollService. It supports an iterator-like interface. The ClearScroll API is implemented as well.

A pattern for efficiently scrolling in parallel is described in the Wiki.

How to contribute

Read the contribution guidelines.


Thanks a lot for the great folks working hard on Elasticsearch and Go.

Elastic uses portions of the uritemplates library by Joshua Tacoma, backoff by Cenk Altı and leaktest by Ian Chiles.


MIT-LICENSE. See LICENSE or the LICENSE file provided in the repository for details.

Documentation ¶

Overview ¶

Package elastic provides an interface to the Elasticsearch server (https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch).

The first thing you do is to create a Client. If you have Elasticsearch installed and running with its default settings (i.e. available at, all you need to do is:

client, err := elastic.NewClient()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error

If your Elasticsearch server is running on a different IP and/or port, just provide a URL to NewClient:

// Create a client and connect to
client, err := elastic.NewClient(elastic.SetURL(""))
if err != nil {
  // Handle error

You can pass many more configuration parameters to NewClient. Review the documentation of NewClient for more information.

If no Elasticsearch server is available, services will fail when creating a new request and will return ErrNoClient.

A Client provides services. The services usually come with a variety of methods to prepare the query and a Do function to execute it against the Elasticsearch REST interface and return a response. Here is an example of the IndexExists service that checks if a given index already exists.

exists, err := client.IndexExists("twitter").Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
	// Handle error
if !exists {
	// Index does not exist yet.

Look up the documentation for Client to get an idea of the services provided and what kinds of responses you get when executing the Do function of a service. Also see the wiki on Github for more details.

Example ¶
package main

import (

	elastic "github.com/olivere/elastic"

type Tweet struct {
	User     string                `json:"user"`
	Message  string                `json:"message"`
	Retweets int                   `json:"retweets"`
	Image    string                `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Created  time.Time             `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Tags     []string              `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Location string                `json:"location,omitempty"`
	Suggest  *elastic.SuggestField `json:"suggest_field,omitempty"`

func main() {
	errorlog := log.New(os.Stdout, "APP ", log.LstdFlags)

	// Obtain a client. You can also provide your own HTTP client here.
	client, err := elastic.NewClient(elastic.SetErrorLog(errorlog))
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// Trace request and response details like this
	//client.SetTracer(log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0))

	// Ping the Elasticsearch server to get e.g. the version number
	info, code, err := client.Ping("").Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	fmt.Printf("Elasticsearch returned with code %d and version %s\n", code, info.Version.Number)

	// Getting the ES version number is quite common, so there's a shortcut
	esversion, err := client.ElasticsearchVersion("")
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	fmt.Printf("Elasticsearch version %s\n", esversion)

	// Use the IndexExists service to check if a specified index exists.
	exists, err := client.IndexExists("twitter").Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	if !exists {
		// Create a new index.
		mapping := `
					"store": true,
					"fielddata": true
		createIndex, err := client.CreateIndex("twitter").Body(mapping).Do(context.Background())
		if err != nil {
			// Handle error
		if !createIndex.Acknowledged {
			// Not acknowledged

	// Index a tweet (using JSON serialization)
	tweet1 := Tweet{User: "olivere", Message: "Take Five", Retweets: 0}
	put1, err := client.Index().
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	fmt.Printf("Indexed tweet %s to index %s, type %s\n", put1.Id, put1.Index, put1.Type)

	// Index a second tweet (by string)
	tweet2 := `{"user" : "olivere", "message" : "It's a Raggy Waltz"}`
	put2, err := client.Index().
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	fmt.Printf("Indexed tweet %s to index %s, type %s\n", put2.Id, put2.Index, put2.Type)

	// Get tweet with specified ID
	get1, err := client.Get().
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	if get1.Found {
		fmt.Printf("Got document %s in version %d from index %s, type %s\n", get1.Id, get1.Version, get1.Index, get1.Type)

	// Flush to make sure the documents got written.
	_, err = client.Flush().Index("twitter").Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	// Search with a term query
	termQuery := elastic.NewTermQuery("user", "olivere")
	searchResult, err := client.Search().
		Index("twitter").        // search in index "twitter"
		Query(termQuery).        // specify the query
		Sort("user", true).      // sort by "user" field, ascending
		From(0).Size(10).        // take documents 0-9
		Pretty(true).            // pretty print request and response JSON
		Do(context.Background()) // execute
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// searchResult is of type SearchResult and returns hits, suggestions,
	// and all kinds of other information from Elasticsearch.
	fmt.Printf("Query took %d milliseconds\n", searchResult.TookInMillis)

	// Each is a convenience function that iterates over hits in a search result.
	// It makes sure you don't need to check for nil values in the response.
	// However, it ignores errors in serialization. If you want full control
	// over iterating the hits, see below.
	var ttyp Tweet
	for _, item := range searchResult.Each(reflect.TypeOf(ttyp)) {
		t := item.(Tweet)
		fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
	// TotalHits is another convenience function that works even when something goes wrong.
	fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.TotalHits())

	// Here's how you iterate through results with full control over each step.
	if searchResult.Hits.TotalHits > 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.Hits.TotalHits)

		// Iterate through results
		for _, hit := range searchResult.Hits.Hits {
			// hit.Index contains the name of the index

			// Deserialize hit.Source into a Tweet (could also be just a map[string]interface{}).
			var t Tweet
			err := json.Unmarshal(*hit.Source, &t)
			if err != nil {
				// Deserialization failed

			// Work with tweet
			fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
	} else {
		// No hits
		fmt.Print("Found no tweets\n")

	// Update a tweet by the update API of Elasticsearch.
	// We just increment the number of retweets.
	script := elastic.NewScript("ctx._source.retweets += params.num").Param("num", 1)
	update, err := client.Update().Index("twitter").Type("doc").Id("1").
		Upsert(map[string]interface{}{"retweets": 0}).
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	fmt.Printf("New version of tweet %q is now %d", update.Id, update.Version)

	// ...

	// Delete an index.
	deleteIndex, err := client.DeleteIndex("twitter").Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	if !deleteIndex.Acknowledged {
		// Not acknowledged

Index ¶

Examples ¶

Constants ¶

View Source
const (
	// Version is the current version of Elastic.
	Version = "6.1.1"

	// DefaultURL is the default endpoint of Elasticsearch on the local machine.
	// It is used e.g. when initializing a new Client without a specific URL.
	DefaultURL = ""

	// DefaultScheme is the default protocol scheme to use when sniffing
	// the Elasticsearch cluster.
	DefaultScheme = "http"

	// DefaultHealthcheckEnabled specifies if healthchecks are enabled by default.
	DefaultHealthcheckEnabled = true

	// DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup is the time the healthcheck waits
	// for a response from Elasticsearch on startup, i.e. when creating a
	// client. After the client is started, a shorter timeout is commonly used
	// (its default is specified in DefaultHealthcheckTimeout).
	DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup = 5 * time.Second

	// DefaultHealthcheckTimeout specifies the time a running client waits for
	// a response from Elasticsearch. Notice that the healthcheck timeout
	// when a client is created is larger by default (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup).
	DefaultHealthcheckTimeout = 1 * time.Second

	// DefaultHealthcheckInterval is the default interval between
	// two health checks of the nodes in the cluster.
	DefaultHealthcheckInterval = 60 * time.Second

	// DefaultSnifferEnabled specifies if the sniffer is enabled by default.
	DefaultSnifferEnabled = true

	// DefaultSnifferInterval is the interval between two sniffing procedures,
	// i.e. the lookup of all nodes in the cluster and their addition/removal
	// from the list of actual connections.
	DefaultSnifferInterval = 15 * time.Minute

	// DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup is the default timeout for the sniffing
	// process that is initiated while creating a new client. For subsequent
	// sniffing processes, DefaultSnifferTimeout is used (by default).
	DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup = 5 * time.Second

	// DefaultSnifferTimeout is the default timeout after which the
	// sniffing process times out. Notice that for the initial sniffing
	// process, DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup is used.
	DefaultSnifferTimeout = 2 * time.Second

	// DefaultSendGetBodyAs is the HTTP method to use when elastic is sending
	// a GET request with a body.
	DefaultSendGetBodyAs = "GET"
View Source
const (
	FieldStatsClusterLevel = "cluster"
	FieldStatsIndicesLevel = "indices"
View Source
const (
	// DefaultScrollKeepAlive is the default time a scroll cursor will be kept alive.
	DefaultScrollKeepAlive = "5m"

Variables ¶

View Source
var (
	// ErrNoClient is raised when no Elasticsearch node is available.
	ErrNoClient = errors.New("no Elasticsearch node available")

	// ErrRetry is raised when a request cannot be executed after the configured
	// number of retries.
	ErrRetry = errors.New("cannot connect after several retries")

	// ErrTimeout is raised when a request timed out, e.g. when WaitForStatus
	// didn't return in time.
	ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")

Functions ¶

func IsConflict ¶

func IsConflict(err interface{}) bool

IsConflict returns true if the given error indicates that the Elasticsearch operation resulted in a version conflict. This can occur in operations like `update` or `index` with `op_type=create`. The err parameter can be of type *elastic.Error, elastic.Error, *http.Response or int (indicating the HTTP status code).

func IsConnErr ¶

func IsConnErr(err error) bool

IsConnError unwraps the given error value and checks if it is equal to elastic.ErrNoClient.

func IsNotFound ¶

func IsNotFound(err interface{}) bool

IsNotFound returns true if the given error indicates that Elasticsearch returned HTTP status 404. The err parameter can be of type *elastic.Error, elastic.Error, *http.Response or int (indicating the HTTP status code).

func IsStatusCode ¶

func IsStatusCode(err interface{}, code int) bool

IsStatusCode returns true if the given error indicates that the Elasticsearch operation returned the specified HTTP status code. The err parameter can be of type *http.Response, *Error, Error, or int (indicating the HTTP status code).

func IsTimeout ¶

func IsTimeout(err interface{}) bool

IsTimeout returns true if the given error indicates that Elasticsearch returned HTTP status 408. The err parameter can be of type *elastic.Error, elastic.Error, *http.Response or int (indicating the HTTP status code).

func Retry ¶

func Retry(o Operation, b Backoff) error

Retry the function f until it does not return error or BackOff stops. f is guaranteed to be run at least once. It is the caller's responsibility to reset b after Retry returns.

Retry sleeps the goroutine for the duration returned by BackOff after a failed operation returns.

func RetryNotify ¶

func RetryNotify(operation Operation, b Backoff, notify Notify) error

RetryNotify calls notify function with the error and wait duration for each failed attempt before sleep.

Types ¶

type AcknowledgedResponse ¶

type AcknowledgedResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

AcknowledgedResponse is returned from various APIs. It simply indicates whether the operation is ack'd or not.

type Aggregation ¶

type Aggregation interface {
	// Source returns a JSON-serializable aggregation that is a fragment
	// of the request sent to Elasticsearch.
	Source() (interface{}, error)

Aggregations can be seen as a unit-of-work that build analytic information over a set of documents. It is (in many senses) the follow-up of facets in Elasticsearch. For more details about aggregations, visit: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations.html

type AggregationBucketFilters ¶

type AggregationBucketFilters struct {

	Buckets      []*AggregationBucketKeyItem          //`json:"buckets"`
	NamedBuckets map[string]*AggregationBucketKeyItem //`json:"buckets"`
	Meta         map[string]interface{}               // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationBucketFilters is a multi-bucket aggregation that is returned with a filters aggregation.

func (*AggregationBucketFilters) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketFilters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketFilters structure.

type AggregationBucketHistogramItem ¶

type AggregationBucketHistogramItem struct {

	Key         float64 //`json:"key"`
	KeyAsString *string //`json:"key_as_string"`
	DocCount    int64   //`json:"doc_count"`

AggregationBucketHistogramItem is a single bucket of an AggregationBucketHistogramItems structure.

func (*AggregationBucketHistogramItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketHistogramItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketHistogramItem structure.

type AggregationBucketHistogramItems ¶

type AggregationBucketHistogramItems struct {

	Buckets []*AggregationBucketHistogramItem //`json:"buckets"`
	Meta    map[string]interface{}            // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationBucketHistogramItems is a bucket aggregation that is returned with a date histogram aggregation.

func (*AggregationBucketHistogramItems) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketHistogramItems) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketHistogramItems structure.

type AggregationBucketKeyItem ¶

type AggregationBucketKeyItem struct {

	Key         interface{} //`json:"key"`
	KeyAsString *string     //`json:"key_as_string"`
	KeyNumber   json.Number
	DocCount    int64 //`json:"doc_count"`

AggregationBucketKeyItem is a single bucket of an AggregationBucketKeyItems structure.

func (*AggregationBucketKeyItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketKeyItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketKeyItem structure.

type AggregationBucketKeyItems ¶

type AggregationBucketKeyItems struct {

	DocCountErrorUpperBound int64                       //`json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound"`
	SumOfOtherDocCount      int64                       //`json:"sum_other_doc_count"`
	Buckets                 []*AggregationBucketKeyItem //`json:"buckets"`
	Meta                    map[string]interface{}      // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationBucketKeyItems is a bucket aggregation that is e.g. returned with a terms aggregation.

func (*AggregationBucketKeyItems) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketKeyItems) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketKeyItems structure.

type AggregationBucketKeyedRangeItems ¶

type AggregationBucketKeyedRangeItems struct {

	DocCountErrorUpperBound int64                                  //`json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound"`
	SumOfOtherDocCount      int64                                  //`json:"sum_other_doc_count"`
	Buckets                 map[string]*AggregationBucketRangeItem //`json:"buckets"`
	Meta                    map[string]interface{}                 // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationBucketKeyedRangeItems is a bucket aggregation that is e.g. returned with a keyed range aggregation.

func (*AggregationBucketKeyedRangeItems) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketKeyedRangeItems) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketRangeItems structure.

type AggregationBucketRangeItem ¶

type AggregationBucketRangeItem struct {

	Key          string   //`json:"key"`
	DocCount     int64    //`json:"doc_count"`
	From         *float64 //`json:"from"`
	FromAsString string   //`json:"from_as_string"`
	To           *float64 //`json:"to"`
	ToAsString   string   //`json:"to_as_string"`

AggregationBucketRangeItem is a single bucket of an AggregationBucketRangeItems structure.

func (*AggregationBucketRangeItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketRangeItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketRangeItem structure.

type AggregationBucketRangeItems ¶

type AggregationBucketRangeItems struct {

	DocCountErrorUpperBound int64                         //`json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound"`
	SumOfOtherDocCount      int64                         //`json:"sum_other_doc_count"`
	Buckets                 []*AggregationBucketRangeItem //`json:"buckets"`
	Meta                    map[string]interface{}        // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationBucketRangeItems is a bucket aggregation that is e.g. returned with a range aggregation.

func (*AggregationBucketRangeItems) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketRangeItems) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketRangeItems structure.

type AggregationBucketSignificantTerm ¶

type AggregationBucketSignificantTerm struct {

	Key      string  //`json:"key"`
	DocCount int64   //`json:"doc_count"`
	BgCount  int64   //`json:"bg_count"`
	Score    float64 //`json:"score"`

AggregationBucketSignificantTerm is a single bucket of an AggregationBucketSignificantTerms structure.

func (*AggregationBucketSignificantTerm) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketSignificantTerm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketSignificantTerm structure.

type AggregationBucketSignificantTerms ¶

type AggregationBucketSignificantTerms struct {

	DocCount int64                               //`json:"doc_count"`
	Buckets  []*AggregationBucketSignificantTerm //`json:"buckets"`
	Meta     map[string]interface{}              // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationBucketSignificantTerms is a bucket aggregation returned with a significant terms aggregation.

func (*AggregationBucketSignificantTerms) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationBucketSignificantTerms) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationBucketSignificantTerms structure.

type AggregationExtendedStatsMetric ¶

type AggregationExtendedStatsMetric struct {

	Count        int64                  // `json:"count"`
	Min          *float64               //`json:"min,omitempty"`
	Max          *float64               //`json:"max,omitempty"`
	Avg          *float64               //`json:"avg,omitempty"`
	Sum          *float64               //`json:"sum,omitempty"`
	SumOfSquares *float64               //`json:"sum_of_squares,omitempty"`
	Variance     *float64               //`json:"variance,omitempty"`
	StdDeviation *float64               //`json:"std_deviation,omitempty"`
	Meta         map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationExtendedStatsMetric is a multi-value metric, returned by an ExtendedStats aggregation.

func (*AggregationExtendedStatsMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationExtendedStatsMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationExtendedStatsMetric structure.

type AggregationGeoBoundsMetric ¶

type AggregationGeoBoundsMetric struct {

	Bounds struct {
		TopLeft struct {
			Latitude  float64 `json:"lat"`
			Longitude float64 `json:"lon"`
		} `json:"top_left"`
		BottomRight struct {
			Latitude  float64 `json:"lat"`
			Longitude float64 `json:"lon"`
		} `json:"bottom_right"`
	} `json:"bounds"`

	Meta map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationGeoBoundsMetric is a metric as returned by a GeoBounds aggregation.

func (*AggregationGeoBoundsMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationGeoBoundsMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationGeoBoundsMetric structure.

type AggregationMatrixStats ¶

type AggregationMatrixStats struct {

	Fields []*AggregationMatrixStatsField // `json:"field,omitempty"`
	Meta   map[string]interface{}         // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationMatrixStats is returned by a MatrixStats aggregation.

func (*AggregationMatrixStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationMatrixStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationMatrixStats structure.

type AggregationMatrixStatsField ¶

type AggregationMatrixStatsField struct {
	Name        string             `json:"name"`
	Count       int64              `json:"count"`
	Mean        float64            `json:"mean,omitempty"`
	Variance    float64            `json:"variance,omitempty"`
	Skewness    float64            `json:"skewness,omitempty"`
	Kurtosis    float64            `json:"kurtosis,omitempty"`
	Covariance  map[string]float64 `json:"covariance,omitempty"`
	Correlation map[string]float64 `json:"correlation,omitempty"`

AggregationMatrixStatsField represents running stats of a single field returned from MatrixStats aggregation.

type AggregationPercentilesMetric ¶

type AggregationPercentilesMetric struct {

	Values map[string]float64     // `json:"values"`
	Meta   map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationPercentilesMetric is a multi-value metric, returned by a Percentiles aggregation.

func (*AggregationPercentilesMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationPercentilesMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationPercentilesMetric structure.

type AggregationPipelineBucketMetricValue ¶

type AggregationPipelineBucketMetricValue struct {

	Keys          []interface{}          // `json:"keys"`
	Value         *float64               // `json:"value"`
	ValueAsString string                 // `json:"value_as_string"`
	Meta          map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationPipelineBucketMetricValue is a value returned e.g. by a MaxBucket aggregation.

func (*AggregationPipelineBucketMetricValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationPipelineBucketMetricValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationPipelineBucketMetricValue structure.

type AggregationPipelineDerivative ¶

type AggregationPipelineDerivative struct {

	Value                   *float64               // `json:"value"`
	ValueAsString           string                 // `json:"value_as_string"`
	NormalizedValue         *float64               // `json:"normalized_value"`
	NormalizedValueAsString string                 // `json:"normalized_value_as_string"`
	Meta                    map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationPipelineDerivative is the value returned by a Derivative aggregation.

func (*AggregationPipelineDerivative) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationPipelineDerivative) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationPipelineDerivative structure.

type AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric ¶

type AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric struct {

	Values map[string]float64     // `json:"values"`
	Meta   map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric is the value returned by a pipeline percentiles Metric aggregation

func (*AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric structure.

type AggregationPipelineSimpleValue ¶

type AggregationPipelineSimpleValue struct {

	Value         *float64               // `json:"value"`
	ValueAsString string                 // `json:"value_as_string"`
	Meta          map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationPipelineSimpleValue is a simple value, returned e.g. by a MovAvg aggregation.

func (*AggregationPipelineSimpleValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationPipelineSimpleValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationPipelineSimpleValue structure.

type AggregationPipelineStatsMetric ¶

type AggregationPipelineStatsMetric struct {

	Count         int64    // `json:"count"`
	CountAsString string   // `json:"count_as_string"`
	Min           *float64 // `json:"min"`
	MinAsString   string   // `json:"min_as_string"`
	Max           *float64 // `json:"max"`
	MaxAsString   string   // `json:"max_as_string"`
	Avg           *float64 // `json:"avg"`
	AvgAsString   string   // `json:"avg_as_string"`
	Sum           *float64 // `json:"sum"`
	SumAsString   string   // `json:"sum_as_string"`

	Meta map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationPipelineStatsMetric is a simple value, returned e.g. by a MovAvg aggregation.

func (*AggregationPipelineStatsMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationPipelineStatsMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationPipelineStatsMetric structure.

type AggregationSingleBucket ¶

type AggregationSingleBucket struct {

	DocCount int64                  // `json:"doc_count"`
	Meta     map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationSingleBucket is a single bucket, returned e.g. via an aggregation of type Global.

func (*AggregationSingleBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationSingleBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationSingleBucket structure.

type AggregationStatsMetric ¶

type AggregationStatsMetric struct {

	Count int64                  // `json:"count"`
	Min   *float64               //`json:"min,omitempty"`
	Max   *float64               //`json:"max,omitempty"`
	Avg   *float64               //`json:"avg,omitempty"`
	Sum   *float64               //`json:"sum,omitempty"`
	Meta  map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationStatsMetric is a multi-value metric, returned by a Stats aggregation.

func (*AggregationStatsMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationStatsMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationStatsMetric structure.

type AggregationTopHitsMetric ¶

type AggregationTopHitsMetric struct {

	Hits *SearchHits            //`json:"hits"`
	Meta map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationTopHitsMetric is a metric returned by a TopHits aggregation.

func (*AggregationTopHitsMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationTopHitsMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationTopHitsMetric structure.

type AggregationValueMetric ¶

type AggregationValueMetric struct {

	Value *float64               //`json:"value"`
	Meta  map[string]interface{} // `json:"meta,omitempty"`

AggregationValueMetric is a single-value metric, returned e.g. by a Min or Max aggregation.

func (*AggregationValueMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (a *AggregationValueMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON data and initializes an AggregationValueMetric structure.

type Aggregations ¶

type Aggregations map[string]*json.RawMessage

Aggregations is a list of aggregations that are part of a search result.

Example ¶
package main

import (

	elastic "github.com/olivere/elastic"

func main() {
	// Get a client to the local Elasticsearch instance.
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// Create an aggregation for users and a sub-aggregation for a date histogram of tweets (per year).
	timeline := elastic.NewTermsAggregation().Field("user").Size(10).OrderByCountDesc()
	histogram := elastic.NewDateHistogramAggregation().Field("created").Interval("year")
	timeline = timeline.SubAggregation("history", histogram)

	// Search with a term query
	searchResult, err := client.Search().
		Index("twitter").                  // search in index "twitter"
		Query(elastic.NewMatchAllQuery()). // return all results, but ...
		SearchType("count").               // ... do not return hits, just the count
		Aggregation("timeline", timeline). // add our aggregation to the query
		Pretty(true).                      // pretty print request and response JSON
		Do(context.Background())           // execute
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// Access "timeline" aggregate in search result.
	agg, found := searchResult.Aggregations.Terms("timeline")
	if !found {
		log.Fatalf("we should have a terms aggregation called %q", "timeline")
	for _, userBucket := range agg.Buckets {
		// Every bucket should have the user field as key.
		user := userBucket.Key

		// The sub-aggregation history should have the number of tweets per year.
		histogram, found := userBucket.DateHistogram("history")
		if found {
			for _, year := range histogram.Buckets {
				fmt.Printf("user %q has %d tweets in %q\n", user, year.DocCount, year.KeyAsString)

func (Aggregations) AvgBucket ¶

AvgBucket returns average bucket pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-avg-bucket-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) BucketScript ¶

func (a Aggregations) BucketScript(name string) (*AggregationPipelineSimpleValue, bool)

BucketScript returns bucket script pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-bucket-script-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) Cardinality ¶

func (a Aggregations) Cardinality(name string) (*AggregationValueMetric, bool)

Cardinality returns cardinality aggregation results. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-cardinality-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) CumulativeSum ¶

func (a Aggregations) CumulativeSum(name string) (*AggregationPipelineSimpleValue, bool)

CumulativeSum returns a cumulative sum pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-cumulative-sum-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) Derivative ¶

func (a Aggregations) Derivative(name string) (*AggregationPipelineDerivative, bool)

Derivative returns derivative pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-derivative-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) MatrixStats ¶

func (a Aggregations) MatrixStats(name string) (*AggregationMatrixStats, bool)

MatrixStats returns matrix stats aggregation results. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-matrix-stats-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) MovAvg ¶

MovAvg returns moving average pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) PercentilesBucket ¶

func (a Aggregations) PercentilesBucket(name string) (*AggregationPipelinePercentilesMetric, bool)

PercentilesBucket returns stats bucket pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-percentiles-bucket-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) SerialDiff ¶

func (a Aggregations) SerialDiff(name string) (*AggregationPipelineSimpleValue, bool)

SerialDiff returns serial differencing pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-serialdiff-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) SignificantTerms ¶

func (a Aggregations) SignificantTerms(name string) (*AggregationBucketSignificantTerms, bool)

SignificantTerms returns significant terms aggregation results. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html

func (Aggregations) StatsBucket ¶

func (a Aggregations) StatsBucket(name string) (*AggregationPipelineStatsMetric, bool)

StatsBucket returns stats bucket pipeline aggregation results. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-stats-bucket-aggregation.html

type AliasAction ¶

type AliasAction interface {
	Source() (interface{}, error)

AliasAction is an action to apply to an alias, e.g. "add" or "remove".

type AliasAddAction ¶

type AliasAddAction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AliasAddAction is an action to add to an alias.

func NewAliasAddAction ¶

func NewAliasAddAction(alias string) *AliasAddAction

NewAliasAddAction returns an action to add an alias.

func (*AliasAddAction) Filter ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) Filter(filter Query) *AliasAddAction

Filter associates a filter to the alias.

func (*AliasAddAction) Index ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) Index(index ...string) *AliasAddAction

Index associates one or more indices to the alias.

func (*AliasAddAction) IndexRouting ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) IndexRouting(routing string) *AliasAddAction

IndexRouting associates an index routing value to the alias.

func (*AliasAddAction) Routing ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) Routing(routing string) *AliasAddAction

Routing associates a routing value to the alias. This basically sets index and search routing to the same value.

func (*AliasAddAction) SearchRouting ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) SearchRouting(routing ...string) *AliasAddAction

SearchRouting associates a search routing value to the alias.

func (*AliasAddAction) Source ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

func (*AliasAddAction) Validate ¶

func (a *AliasAddAction) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type AliasRemoveAction ¶

type AliasRemoveAction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AliasRemoveAction is an action to remove an alias.

func NewAliasRemoveAction ¶

func NewAliasRemoveAction(alias string) *AliasRemoveAction

NewAliasRemoveAction returns an action to remove an alias.

func (*AliasRemoveAction) Index ¶

func (a *AliasRemoveAction) Index(index ...string) *AliasRemoveAction

Index associates one or more indices to the alias.

func (*AliasRemoveAction) Source ¶

func (a *AliasRemoveAction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

func (*AliasRemoveAction) Validate ¶

func (a *AliasRemoveAction) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type AliasResult ¶

type AliasResult struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

AliasResult is the outcome of calling Do on AliasService.

type AliasService ¶

type AliasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AliasService enables users to add or remove an alias. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-aliases.html for details.

func NewAliasService ¶

func NewAliasService(client *Client) *AliasService

NewAliasService implements a service to manage aliases.

func (*AliasService) Action ¶

func (s *AliasService) Action(action ...AliasAction) *AliasService

Action accepts one or more AliasAction instances which can be of type AliasAddAction or AliasRemoveAction.

func (*AliasService) Add ¶

func (s *AliasService) Add(indexName string, aliasName string) *AliasService

Add adds an alias to an index.

func (*AliasService) AddWithFilter ¶

func (s *AliasService) AddWithFilter(indexName string, aliasName string, filter Query) *AliasService

Add adds an alias to an index and associates a filter to the alias.

func (*AliasService) Do ¶

func (s *AliasService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*AliasResult, error)

Do executes the command.

func (*AliasService) Pretty ¶

func (s *AliasService) Pretty(pretty bool) *AliasService

Pretty asks Elasticsearch to indent the HTTP response.

func (*AliasService) Remove ¶

func (s *AliasService) Remove(indexName string, aliasName string) *AliasService

Remove removes an alias.

type AliasesResult ¶

type AliasesResult struct {
	Indices map[string]indexResult

func (AliasesResult) IndicesByAlias ¶

func (ar AliasesResult) IndicesByAlias(aliasName string) []string

type AliasesService ¶

type AliasesService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AliasesService returns the aliases associated with one or more indices. See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/indices-aliases.html.

func NewAliasesService ¶

func NewAliasesService(client *Client) *AliasesService

NewAliasesService instantiates a new AliasesService.

func (*AliasesService) Do ¶

func (*AliasesService) Index ¶

func (s *AliasesService) Index(index ...string) *AliasesService

Index adds one or more indices.

func (*AliasesService) Pretty ¶

func (s *AliasesService) Pretty(pretty bool) *AliasesService

Pretty asks Elasticsearch to indent the returned JSON.

type AvgAggregation ¶

type AvgAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AvgAggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that computes the average of numeric values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-avg-aggregation.html

func NewAvgAggregation ¶

func NewAvgAggregation() *AvgAggregation

func (*AvgAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *AvgAggregation) Field(field string) *AvgAggregation

func (*AvgAggregation) Format ¶

func (a *AvgAggregation) Format(format string) *AvgAggregation

func (*AvgAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *AvgAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *AvgAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*AvgAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *AvgAggregation) Script(script *Script) *AvgAggregation

func (*AvgAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *AvgAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*AvgAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *AvgAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *AvgAggregation

type AvgBucketAggregation ¶

type AvgBucketAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AvgBucketAggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates the (mean) average value of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a multi-bucket aggregation.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-avg-bucket-aggregation.html

func NewAvgBucketAggregation ¶

func NewAvgBucketAggregation() *AvgBucketAggregation

NewAvgBucketAggregation creates and initializes a new AvgBucketAggregation.

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *AvgBucketAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *AvgBucketAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) Format ¶

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *AvgBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *AvgBucketAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *AvgBucketAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *AvgBucketAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *AvgBucketAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *AvgBucketAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *AvgBucketAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*AvgBucketAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *AvgBucketAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *AvgBucketAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type Backoff ¶

type Backoff interface {
	// Next implements a BackoffFunc.
	Next(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

Backoff allows callers to implement their own Backoff strategy.

type BackoffFunc ¶

type BackoffFunc func(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

BackoffFunc specifies the signature of a function that returns the time to wait before the next call to a resource. To stop retrying return false in the 2nd return value.

type BackoffRetrier ¶

type BackoffRetrier struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BackoffRetrier is an implementation that does nothing but return nil on Retry.

func NewBackoffRetrier ¶

func NewBackoffRetrier(backoff Backoff) *BackoffRetrier

NewBackoffRetrier returns a retrier that uses the given backoff strategy.

func (*BackoffRetrier) Retry ¶

func (r *BackoffRetrier) Retry(ctx context.Context, retry int, req *http.Request, resp *http.Response, err error) (time.Duration, bool, error)

Retry calls into the backoff strategy and its wait interval.

type BoolQuery ¶

type BoolQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A bool query matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries. For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-bool-query.html

func NewBoolQuery ¶

func NewBoolQuery() *BoolQuery

Creates a new bool query.

func (*BoolQuery) AdjustPureNegative ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) AdjustPureNegative(adjustPureNegative bool) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) Boost(boost float64) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) Filter ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) Filter(filters ...Query) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) MinimumNumberShouldMatch ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) MinimumNumberShouldMatch(minimumNumberShouldMatch int) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) MinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) Must ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) Must(queries ...Query) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) MustNot ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) MustNot(queries ...Query) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) Should ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) Should(queries ...Query) *BoolQuery

func (*BoolQuery) Source ¶

func (q *BoolQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Creates the query source for the bool query.

type BoostingQuery ¶

type BoostingQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A boosting query can be used to effectively demote results that match a given query. For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-boosting-query.html

func NewBoostingQuery ¶

func NewBoostingQuery() *BoostingQuery

Creates a new boosting query.

func (*BoostingQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *BoostingQuery) Boost(boost float64) *BoostingQuery

func (*BoostingQuery) Negative ¶

func (q *BoostingQuery) Negative(negative Query) *BoostingQuery

func (*BoostingQuery) NegativeBoost ¶

func (q *BoostingQuery) NegativeBoost(negativeBoost float64) *BoostingQuery

func (*BoostingQuery) Positive ¶

func (q *BoostingQuery) Positive(positive Query) *BoostingQuery

func (*BoostingQuery) Source ¶

func (q *BoostingQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Creates the query source for the boosting query.

type BucketCountThresholds ¶

type BucketCountThresholds struct {
	MinDocCount      *int64
	ShardMinDocCount *int64
	RequiredSize     *int
	ShardSize        *int

BucketCountThresholds is used in e.g. terms and significant text aggregations.

type BucketScriptAggregation ¶

type BucketScriptAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BucketScriptAggregation is a parent pipeline aggregation which executes a script which can perform per bucket computations on specified metrics in the parent multi-bucket aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the script must return a numeric value.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-bucket-script-aggregation.html

func NewBucketScriptAggregation ¶

func NewBucketScriptAggregation() *BucketScriptAggregation

NewBucketScriptAggregation creates and initializes a new BucketScriptAggregation.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) AddBucketsPath ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) AddBucketsPath(name, path string) *BucketScriptAggregation

AddBucketsPath adds a bucket path to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) BucketsPathsMap ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) BucketsPathsMap(bucketsPathsMap map[string]string) *BucketScriptAggregation

BucketsPathsMap sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) Format ¶

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *BucketScriptAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *BucketScriptAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *BucketScriptAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) Script ¶

Script is the script to run.

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*BucketScriptAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *BucketScriptAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *BucketScriptAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type BucketSelectorAggregation ¶

type BucketSelectorAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BucketSelectorAggregation is a parent pipeline aggregation which determines whether the current bucket will be retained in the parent multi-bucket aggregation. The specific metric must be numeric and the script must return a boolean value. If the script language is expression then a numeric return value is permitted. In this case 0.0 will be evaluated as false and all other values will evaluate to true.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-bucket-selector-aggregation.html

func NewBucketSelectorAggregation ¶

func NewBucketSelectorAggregation() *BucketSelectorAggregation

NewBucketSelectorAggregation creates and initializes a new BucketSelectorAggregation.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) AddBucketsPath ¶

func (a *BucketSelectorAggregation) AddBucketsPath(name, path string) *BucketSelectorAggregation

AddBucketsPath adds a bucket path to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) BucketsPathsMap ¶

func (a *BucketSelectorAggregation) BucketsPathsMap(bucketsPathsMap map[string]string) *BucketSelectorAggregation

BucketsPathsMap sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) Format ¶

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *BucketSelectorAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *BucketSelectorAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) Script ¶

Script is the script to run.

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *BucketSelectorAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *BucketSelectorAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *BucketSelectorAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type BulkAfterFunc ¶

type BulkAfterFunc func(executionId int64, requests []BulkableRequest, response *BulkResponse, err error)

BulkAfterFunc defines the signature of callbacks that are executed after a commit to Elasticsearch. The err parameter signals an error.

type BulkBeforeFunc ¶

type BulkBeforeFunc func(executionId int64, requests []BulkableRequest)

BulkBeforeFunc defines the signature of callbacks that are executed before a commit to Elasticsearch.

type BulkDeleteRequest ¶

type BulkDeleteRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkDeleteRequest is a request to remove a document from Elasticsearch.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for details.

func NewBulkDeleteRequest ¶

func NewBulkDeleteRequest() *BulkDeleteRequest

NewBulkDeleteRequest returns a new BulkDeleteRequest.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Id ¶

Id specifies the identifier of the document to delete.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Index ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) Index(index string) *BulkDeleteRequest

Index specifies the Elasticsearch index to use for this delete request. If unspecified, the index set on the BulkService will be used.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Parent ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) Parent(parent string) *BulkDeleteRequest

Parent specifies the parent of the request, which is used in parent/child mappings.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Routing ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) Routing(routing string) *BulkDeleteRequest

Routing specifies a routing value for the request.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Source ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) Source() ([]string, error)

Source returns the on-wire representation of the delete request, split into an action-and-meta-data line and an (optional) source line. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for details.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) String ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) String() string

String returns the on-wire representation of the delete request, concatenated as a single string.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Type ¶

Type specifies the Elasticsearch type to use for this delete request. If unspecified, the type set on the BulkService will be used.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) Version ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) Version(version int64) *BulkDeleteRequest

Version indicates the version to be deleted as part of an optimistic concurrency model.

func (*BulkDeleteRequest) VersionType ¶

func (r *BulkDeleteRequest) VersionType(versionType string) *BulkDeleteRequest

VersionType can be "internal" (default), "external", "external_gte", or "external_gt".

type BulkIndexByScrollResponse ¶

type BulkIndexByScrollResponse struct {
	Took             int64  `json:"took"`
	SliceId          *int64 `json:"slice_id,omitempty"`
	TimedOut         bool   `json:"timed_out"`
	Total            int64  `json:"total"`
	Updated          int64  `json:"updated,omitempty"`
	Created          int64  `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Deleted          int64  `json:"deleted"`
	Batches          int64  `json:"batches"`
	VersionConflicts int64  `json:"version_conflicts"`
	Noops            int64  `json:"noops"`
	Retries          struct {
		Bulk   int64 `json:"bulk"`
		Search int64 `json:"search"`
	} `json:"retries,omitempty"`
	Throttled            string                             `json:"throttled"`
	ThrottledMillis      int64                              `json:"throttled_millis"`
	RequestsPerSecond    float64                            `json:"requests_per_second"`
	Canceled             string                             `json:"canceled,omitempty"`
	ThrottledUntil       string                             `json:"throttled_until"`
	ThrottledUntilMillis int64                              `json:"throttled_until_millis"`
	Failures             []bulkIndexByScrollResponseFailure `json:"failures"`

BulkIndexByScrollResponse is the outcome of executing Do with DeleteByQueryService and UpdateByQueryService.

type BulkIndexRequest ¶

type BulkIndexRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkIndexRequest is a request to add a document to Elasticsearch.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for details.

func NewBulkIndexRequest ¶

func NewBulkIndexRequest() *BulkIndexRequest

NewBulkIndexRequest returns a new BulkIndexRequest. The operation type is "index" by default.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Doc ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Doc(doc interface{}) *BulkIndexRequest

Doc specifies the document to index.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Id ¶

Id specifies the identifier of the document to index.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Index ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Index(index string) *BulkIndexRequest

Index specifies the Elasticsearch index to use for this index request. If unspecified, the index set on the BulkService will be used.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) OpType ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) OpType(opType string) *BulkIndexRequest

OpType specifies if this request should follow create-only or upsert behavior. This follows the OpType of the standard document index API. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-index_.html#operation-type for details.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Parent ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Parent(parent string) *BulkIndexRequest

Parent specifies the identifier of the parent document (if available).

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Pipeline ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Pipeline(pipeline string) *BulkIndexRequest

Pipeline to use while processing the request.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) RetryOnConflict ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) RetryOnConflict(retryOnConflict int) *BulkIndexRequest

RetryOnConflict specifies how often to retry in case of a version conflict.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Routing ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Routing(routing string) *BulkIndexRequest

Routing specifies a routing value for the request.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Source ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Source() ([]string, error)

Source returns the on-wire representation of the index request, split into an action-and-meta-data line and an (optional) source line. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for details.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) String ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) String() string

String returns the on-wire representation of the index request, concatenated as a single string.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) TTL ¶

TTL is an expiration time for the document.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Type ¶

Type specifies the Elasticsearch type to use for this index request. If unspecified, the type set on the BulkService will be used.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) Version ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) Version(version int64) *BulkIndexRequest

Version indicates the version of the document as part of an optimistic concurrency model.

func (*BulkIndexRequest) VersionType ¶

func (r *BulkIndexRequest) VersionType(versionType string) *BulkIndexRequest

VersionType specifies how versions are created. It can be e.g. internal, external, external_gte, or force.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-index_.html#index-versioning for details.

type BulkProcessor ¶

type BulkProcessor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkProcessor encapsulates a task that accepts bulk requests and orchestrates committing them to Elasticsearch via one or more workers.

BulkProcessor is returned by setting up a BulkProcessorService and calling the Do method.

func (*BulkProcessor) Add ¶

func (p *BulkProcessor) Add(request BulkableRequest)

Add adds a single request to commit by the BulkProcessorService.

The caller is responsible for setting the index and type on the request.

func (*BulkProcessor) Close ¶

func (p *BulkProcessor) Close() error

Close stops the bulk processor previously started with Do. If it is already stopped, this is a no-op and nil is returned.

By implementing Close, BulkProcessor implements the io.Closer interface.

func (*BulkProcessor) Flush ¶

func (p *BulkProcessor) Flush() error

Flush manually asks all workers to commit their outstanding requests. It returns only when all workers acknowledge completion.

func (*BulkProcessor) Start ¶

func (p *BulkProcessor) Start(ctx context.Context) error

Start starts the bulk processor. If the processor is already started, nil is returned.

func (*BulkProcessor) Stats ¶

func (p *BulkProcessor) Stats() BulkProcessorStats

Stats returns the latest bulk processor statistics. Collecting stats must be enabled first by calling Stats(true) on the service that created this processor.

func (*BulkProcessor) Stop ¶

func (p *BulkProcessor) Stop() error

Stop is an alias for Close.

type BulkProcessorService ¶

type BulkProcessorService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkProcessorService allows to easily process bulk requests. It allows setting policies when to flush new bulk requests, e.g. based on a number of actions, on the size of the actions, and/or to flush periodically. It also allows to control the number of concurrent bulk requests allowed to be executed in parallel.

BulkProcessorService, by default, commits either every 1000 requests or when the (estimated) size of the bulk requests exceeds 5 MB. However, it does not commit periodically. BulkProcessorService also does retry by default, using an exponential backoff algorithm.

The caller is responsible for setting the index and type on every bulk request added to BulkProcessorService.

BulkProcessorService takes ideas from the BulkProcessor of the Elasticsearch Java API as documented in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-api/current/java-docs-bulk-processor.html.

func NewBulkProcessorService ¶

func NewBulkProcessorService(client *Client) *BulkProcessorService

NewBulkProcessorService creates a new BulkProcessorService.

func (*BulkProcessorService) After ¶

After specifies a function to be executed when bulk requests have been comitted to Elasticsearch. The After callback executes both when the commit was successful as well as on failures.

func (*BulkProcessorService) Backoff ¶

func (s *BulkProcessorService) Backoff(backoff Backoff) *BulkProcessorService

Set the backoff strategy to use for errors

func (*BulkProcessorService) Before ¶

Before specifies a function to be executed before bulk requests get comitted to Elasticsearch.

func (*BulkProcessorService) BulkActions ¶

func (s *BulkProcessorService) BulkActions(bulkActions int) *BulkProcessorService

BulkActions specifies when to flush based on the number of actions currently added. Defaults to 1000 and can be set to -1 to be disabled.

func (*BulkProcessorService) BulkSize ¶

func (s *BulkProcessorService) BulkSize(bulkSize int) *BulkProcessorService

BulkSize specifies when to flush based on the size (in bytes) of the actions currently added. Defaults to 5 MB and can be set to -1 to be disabled.

func (*BulkProcessorService) Do ¶

Do creates a new BulkProcessor and starts it. Consider the BulkProcessor as a running instance that accepts bulk requests and commits them to Elasticsearch, spreading the work across one or more workers.

You can interoperate with the BulkProcessor returned by Do, e.g. Start and Stop (or Close) it.

Context is an optional context that is passed into the bulk request service calls. In contrast to other operations, this context is used in a long running process. You could use it to pass e.g. loggers, but you shouldn't use it for cancellation.

Calling Do several times returns new BulkProcessors. You probably don't want to do this. BulkProcessorService implements just a builder pattern.

func (*BulkProcessorService) FlushInterval ¶

func (s *BulkProcessorService) FlushInterval(interval time.Duration) *BulkProcessorService

FlushInterval specifies when to flush at the end of the given interval. This is disabled by default. If you want the bulk processor to operate completely asynchronously, set both BulkActions and BulkSize to -1 and set the FlushInterval to a meaningful interval.

func (*BulkProcessorService) Name ¶

Name is an optional name to identify this bulk processor.

func (*BulkProcessorService) Stats ¶

func (s *BulkProcessorService) Stats(wantStats bool) *BulkProcessorService

Stats tells bulk processor to gather stats while running. Use Stats to return the stats. This is disabled by default.

func (*BulkProcessorService) Workers ¶

Workers is the number of concurrent workers allowed to be executed. Defaults to 1 and must be greater or equal to 1.

type BulkProcessorStats ¶

type BulkProcessorStats struct {
	Flushed   int64 // number of times the flush interval has been invoked
	Committed int64 // # of times workers committed bulk requests
	Indexed   int64 // # of requests indexed
	Created   int64 // # of requests that ES reported as creates (201)
	Updated   int64 // # of requests that ES reported as updates
	Deleted   int64 // # of requests that ES reported as deletes
	Succeeded int64 // # of requests that ES reported as successful
	Failed    int64 // # of requests that ES reported as failed

	Workers []*BulkProcessorWorkerStats // stats for each worker

BulkProcessorStats contains various statistics of a bulk processor while it is running. Use the Stats func to return it while running.

type BulkProcessorWorkerStats ¶

type BulkProcessorWorkerStats struct {
	Queued       int64         // # of requests queued in this worker
	LastDuration time.Duration // duration of last commit

BulkProcessorWorkerStats represents per-worker statistics.

type BulkResponse ¶

type BulkResponse struct {
	Took   int                            `json:"took,omitempty"`
	Errors bool                           `json:"errors,omitempty"`
	Items  []map[string]*BulkResponseItem `json:"items,omitempty"`

BulkResponse is a response to a bulk execution.



func (*BulkResponse) ByAction ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) ByAction(action string) []*BulkResponseItem

ByAction returns all bulk request results of a certain action, e.g. "index" or "delete".

func (*BulkResponse) ById ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) ById(id string) []*BulkResponseItem

ById returns all bulk request results of a given document id, regardless of the action ("index", "delete" etc.).

func (*BulkResponse) Created ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) Created() []*BulkResponseItem

Created returns all bulk request results of "create" actions.

func (*BulkResponse) Deleted ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) Deleted() []*BulkResponseItem

Deleted returns all bulk request results of "delete" actions.

func (*BulkResponse) Failed ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) Failed() []*BulkResponseItem

Failed returns those items of a bulk response that have errors, i.e. those that don't have a status code between 200 and 299.

func (*BulkResponse) Indexed ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) Indexed() []*BulkResponseItem

Indexed returns all bulk request results of "index" actions.

func (*BulkResponse) Succeeded ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) Succeeded() []*BulkResponseItem

Succeeded returns those items of a bulk response that have no errors, i.e. those have a status code between 200 and 299.

func (*BulkResponse) Updated ¶

func (r *BulkResponse) Updated() []*BulkResponseItem

Updated returns all bulk request results of "update" actions.

type BulkResponseItem ¶

type BulkResponseItem struct {
	Index         string        `json:"_index,omitempty"`
	Type          string        `json:"_type,omitempty"`
	Id            string        `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	Version       int64         `json:"_version,omitempty"`
	Result        string        `json:"result,omitempty"`
	Shards        *shardsInfo   `json:"_shards,omitempty"`
	SeqNo         int64         `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"`
	PrimaryTerm   int64         `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"`
	Status        int           `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ForcedRefresh bool          `json:"forced_refresh,omitempty"`
	Error         *ErrorDetails `json:"error,omitempty"`

BulkResponseItem is the result of a single bulk request.

type BulkService ¶

type BulkService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkService allows for batching bulk requests and sending them to Elasticsearch in one roundtrip. Use the Add method with BulkIndexRequest, BulkUpdateRequest, and BulkDeleteRequest to add bulk requests to a batch, then use Do to send them to Elasticsearch.

BulkService will be reset after each Do call. In other words, you can reuse BulkService to send many batches. You do not have to create a new BulkService for each batch.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for more details.

func NewBulkService ¶

func NewBulkService(client *Client) *BulkService

NewBulkService initializes a new BulkService.

func (*BulkService) Add ¶

func (s *BulkService) Add(requests ...BulkableRequest) *BulkService

Add adds bulkable requests, i.e. BulkIndexRequest, BulkUpdateRequest, and/or BulkDeleteRequest.

func (*BulkService) Do ¶

func (s *BulkService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*BulkResponse, error)

Do sends the batched requests to Elasticsearch. Note that, when successful, you can reuse the BulkService for the next batch as the list of bulk requests is cleared on success.

func (*BulkService) EstimatedSizeInBytes ¶

func (s *BulkService) EstimatedSizeInBytes() int64

EstimatedSizeInBytes returns the estimated size of all bulkable requests added via Add.

func (*BulkService) Index ¶

func (s *BulkService) Index(index string) *BulkService

Index specifies the index to use for all batches. You may also leave this blank and specify the index in the individual bulk requests.

func (*BulkService) NumberOfActions ¶

func (s *BulkService) NumberOfActions() int

NumberOfActions returns the number of bulkable requests that need to be sent to Elasticsearch on the next batch.

func (*BulkService) Pipeline ¶

func (s *BulkService) Pipeline(pipeline string) *BulkService

Pipeline specifies the pipeline id to preprocess incoming documents with.

func (*BulkService) Pretty ¶

func (s *BulkService) Pretty(pretty bool) *BulkService

Pretty tells Elasticsearch whether to return a formatted JSON response.

func (*BulkService) Refresh ¶

func (s *BulkService) Refresh(refresh string) *BulkService

Refresh controls when changes made by this request are made visible to search. The allowed values are: "true" (refresh the relevant primary and replica shards immediately), "wait_for" (wait for the changes to be made visible by a refresh before applying), or "false" (no refresh related actions).

func (*BulkService) Retrier ¶

func (s *BulkService) Retrier(retrier Retrier) *BulkService

Retrier allows to set specific retry logic for this BulkService. If not specified, it will use the client's default retrier.

func (*BulkService) Routing ¶

func (s *BulkService) Routing(routing string) *BulkService

Routing specifies the routing value.

func (*BulkService) Timeout ¶

func (s *BulkService) Timeout(timeout string) *BulkService

Timeout is a global timeout for processing bulk requests. This is a server-side timeout, i.e. it tells Elasticsearch the time after which it should stop processing.

func (*BulkService) Type ¶

func (s *BulkService) Type(typ string) *BulkService

Type specifies the type to use for all batches. You may also leave this blank and specify the type in the individual bulk requests.

func (*BulkService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *BulkService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *BulkService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the bulk operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type BulkUpdateRequest ¶

type BulkUpdateRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkUpdateRequest is a request to update a document in Elasticsearch.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for details.

func NewBulkUpdateRequest ¶

func NewBulkUpdateRequest() *BulkUpdateRequest

NewBulkUpdateRequest returns a new BulkUpdateRequest.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) DetectNoop ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) DetectNoop(detectNoop bool) *BulkUpdateRequest

DetectNoop specifies whether changes that don't affect the document should be ignored (true) or unignored (false). This is enabled by default in Elasticsearch.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Doc ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Doc(doc interface{}) *BulkUpdateRequest

Doc specifies the updated document.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) DocAsUpsert ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) DocAsUpsert(docAsUpsert bool) *BulkUpdateRequest

DocAsUpsert indicates whether the contents of Doc should be used as the Upsert value.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-update.html#_literal_doc_as_upsert_literal for details.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Id ¶

Id specifies the identifier of the document to update.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Index ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Index(index string) *BulkUpdateRequest

Index specifies the Elasticsearch index to use for this update request. If unspecified, the index set on the BulkService will be used.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Parent ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Parent(parent string) *BulkUpdateRequest

Parent specifies the identifier of the parent document (if available).

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) RetryOnConflict ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) RetryOnConflict(retryOnConflict int) *BulkUpdateRequest

RetryOnConflict specifies how often to retry in case of a version conflict.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Routing ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Routing(routing string) *BulkUpdateRequest

Routing specifies a routing value for the request.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) ScriptedUpsert ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) ScriptedUpsert(upsert bool) *BulkUpdateRequest

ScripedUpsert specifies if your script will run regardless of whether the document exists or not.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-update.html#_literal_scripted_upsert_literal

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Source ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Source() ([]string, error)

Source returns the on-wire representation of the update request, split into an action-and-meta-data line and an (optional) source line. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-bulk.html for details.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) String ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) String() string

String returns the on-wire representation of the update request, concatenated as a single string.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Type ¶

Type specifies the Elasticsearch type to use for this update request. If unspecified, the type set on the BulkService will be used.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Upsert ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Upsert(doc interface{}) *BulkUpdateRequest

Upsert specifies the document to use for upserts. It will be used for create if the original document does not exist.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) Version ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Version(version int64) *BulkUpdateRequest

Version indicates the version of the document as part of an optimistic concurrency model.

func (*BulkUpdateRequest) VersionType ¶

func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) VersionType(versionType string) *BulkUpdateRequest

VersionType can be "internal" (default), "external", "external_gte", or "external_gt".

type BulkableRequest ¶

type BulkableRequest interface {
	Source() ([]string, error)

BulkableRequest is a generic interface to bulkable requests.

type CandidateGenerator ¶

type CandidateGenerator interface {
	Type() string
	Source() (interface{}, error)

type CardinalityAggregation ¶

type CardinalityAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CardinalityAggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that calculates an approximate count of distinct values. Values can be extracted either from specific fields in the document or generated by a script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-cardinality-aggregation.html

func NewCardinalityAggregation ¶

func NewCardinalityAggregation() *CardinalityAggregation

func (*CardinalityAggregation) Field ¶

func (*CardinalityAggregation) Format ¶

func (*CardinalityAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *CardinalityAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *CardinalityAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*CardinalityAggregation) PrecisionThreshold ¶

func (a *CardinalityAggregation) PrecisionThreshold(threshold int64) *CardinalityAggregation

func (*CardinalityAggregation) Rehash ¶

func (*CardinalityAggregation) Script ¶

func (*CardinalityAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *CardinalityAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*CardinalityAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *CardinalityAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *CardinalityAggregation

type ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic ¶

type ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic implements Chi square as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et al., Chapter 13.5.2.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_chi_square for details.

func NewChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic ¶

func NewChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic() *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic

NewChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic.

func (*ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset ¶

func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset(backgroundIsSuperset bool) *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic

BackgroundIsSuperset indicates whether you defined a custom background filter that represents a difference set of documents that you want to compare to.

func (*ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) IncludeNegatives ¶

func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) IncludeNegatives(includeNegatives bool) *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic

IncludeNegatives indicates whether to filter out the terms that appear much less in the subset than in the background without the subset.

func (*ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) Name ¶

Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.

func (*ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) Source ¶

func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.

type ChildrenAggregation ¶

type ChildrenAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ChildrenAggregation is a special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating from buckets on parent document types to buckets on child documents. It is available from 1.4.0.Beta1 upwards. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-children-aggregation.html

func NewChildrenAggregation ¶

func NewChildrenAggregation() *ChildrenAggregation

func (*ChildrenAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *ChildrenAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *ChildrenAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*ChildrenAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *ChildrenAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*ChildrenAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *ChildrenAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *ChildrenAggregation

func (*ChildrenAggregation) Type ¶

type ClearScrollResponse ¶

type ClearScrollResponse struct {

ClearScrollResponse is the response of ClearScrollService.Do.

type ClearScrollService ¶

type ClearScrollService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClearScrollService clears one or more scroll contexts by their ids.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-scroll.html#_clear_scroll_api for details.

func NewClearScrollService ¶

func NewClearScrollService(client *Client) *ClearScrollService

NewClearScrollService creates a new ClearScrollService.

func (*ClearScrollService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*ClearScrollService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ClearScrollService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ClearScrollService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ClearScrollService) ScrollId ¶

func (s *ClearScrollService) ScrollId(scrollIds ...string) *ClearScrollService

ScrollId is a list of scroll IDs to clear. Use _all to clear all search contexts.

func (*ClearScrollService) Validate ¶

func (s *ClearScrollService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type Client ¶

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client is an Elasticsearch client. Create one by calling NewClient.

func NewClient ¶

func NewClient(options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error)

NewClient creates a new client to work with Elasticsearch.

NewClient, by default, is meant to be long-lived and shared across your application. If you need a short-lived client, e.g. for request-scope, consider using NewSimpleClient instead.

The caller can configure the new client by passing configuration options to the func.


client, err := elastic.NewClient(
  elastic.SetURL("", ""),
  elastic.SetBasicAuth("user", "secret"))

If no URL is configured, Elastic uses DefaultURL by default.

If the sniffer is enabled (the default), the new client then sniffes the cluster via the Nodes Info API (see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/cluster-nodes-info.html#cluster-nodes-info). It uses the URLs specified by the caller. The caller is responsible to only pass a list of URLs of nodes that belong to the same cluster. This sniffing process is run on startup and periodically. Use SnifferInterval to set the interval between two sniffs (default is 15 minutes). In other words: By default, the client will find new nodes in the cluster and remove those that are no longer available every 15 minutes. Disable the sniffer by passing SetSniff(false) to NewClient.

The list of nodes found in the sniffing process will be used to make connections to the REST API of Elasticsearch. These nodes are also periodically checked in a shorter time frame. This process is called a health check. By default, a health check is done every 60 seconds. You can set a shorter or longer interval by SetHealthcheckInterval. Disabling health checks is not recommended, but can be done by SetHealthcheck(false).

Connections are automatically marked as dead or healthy while making requests to Elasticsearch. When a request fails, Elastic will call into the Retry strategy which can be specified with SetRetry. The Retry strategy is also responsible for handling backoff i.e. the time to wait before starting the next request. There are various standard backoff implementations, e.g. ExponentialBackoff or SimpleBackoff. Retries are disabled by default.

If no HttpClient is configured, then http.DefaultClient is used. You can use your own http.Client with some http.Transport for advanced scenarios.

An error is also returned when some configuration option is invalid or the new client cannot sniff the cluster (if enabled).

func NewClientFromConfig ¶

func NewClientFromConfig(cfg *config.Config) (*Client, error)

NewClientFromConfig initializes a client from a configuration.

func NewSimpleClient ¶

func NewSimpleClient(options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error)

NewSimpleClient creates a new short-lived Client that can be used in use cases where you need e.g. one client per request.

While NewClient by default sets up e.g. periodic health checks and sniffing for new nodes in separate goroutines, NewSimpleClient does not and is meant as a simple replacement where you don't need all the heavy lifting of NewClient.

NewSimpleClient does the following by default: First, all health checks are disabled, including timeouts and periodic checks. Second, sniffing is disabled, including timeouts and periodic checks. The number of retries is set to 1. NewSimpleClient also does not start any goroutines.

Notice that you can still override settings by passing additional options, just like with NewClient.

func (*Client) Alias ¶

func (c *Client) Alias() *AliasService

Alias enables the caller to add and/or remove aliases.

func (*Client) Aliases ¶

func (c *Client) Aliases() *AliasesService

Aliases returns aliases by index name(s).

func (*Client) Bulk ¶

func (c *Client) Bulk() *BulkService

Bulk is the entry point to mass insert/update/delete documents.

func (*Client) BulkProcessor ¶

func (c *Client) BulkProcessor() *BulkProcessorService

BulkProcessor allows setting up a concurrent processor of bulk requests.

func (*Client) ClearScroll ¶

func (c *Client) ClearScroll(scrollIds ...string) *ClearScrollService

ClearScroll can be used to clear search contexts manually.

func (*Client) CloseIndex ¶

func (c *Client) CloseIndex(name string) *IndicesCloseService

CloseIndex closes an index.

func (*Client) ClusterHealth ¶

func (c *Client) ClusterHealth() *ClusterHealthService

ClusterHealth retrieves the health of the cluster.

func (*Client) ClusterState ¶

func (c *Client) ClusterState() *ClusterStateService

ClusterState retrieves the state of the cluster.

func (*Client) ClusterStats ¶

func (c *Client) ClusterStats() *ClusterStatsService

ClusterStats retrieves cluster statistics.

func (*Client) Count ¶

func (c *Client) Count(indices ...string) *CountService

Count documents.

func (*Client) CreateIndex ¶

func (c *Client) CreateIndex(name string) *IndicesCreateService

CreateIndex returns a service to create a new index.

func (*Client) Delete ¶

func (c *Client) Delete() *DeleteService

Delete a document.

func (*Client) DeleteByQuery ¶

func (c *Client) DeleteByQuery(indices ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

DeleteByQuery deletes documents as found by a query.

func (*Client) DeleteIndex ¶

func (c *Client) DeleteIndex(indices ...string) *IndicesDeleteService

DeleteIndex returns a service to delete an index.

func (*Client) ElasticsearchVersion ¶

func (c *Client) ElasticsearchVersion(url string) (string, error)

ElasticsearchVersion returns the version number of Elasticsearch running on the given URL.

func (*Client) Exists ¶

func (c *Client) Exists() *ExistsService

Exists checks if a document exists.

func (*Client) Explain ¶

func (c *Client) Explain(index, typ, id string) *ExplainService

Explain computes a score explanation for a query and a specific document.

func (*Client) FieldStats ¶

func (c *Client) FieldStats(indices ...string) *FieldStatsService

FieldStats returns statistical information about fields in indices.

func (*Client) Flush ¶

func (c *Client) Flush(indices ...string) *IndicesFlushService

Flush asks Elasticsearch to free memory from the index and flush data to disk.

func (*Client) Forcemerge ¶

func (c *Client) Forcemerge(indices ...string) *IndicesForcemergeService

Forcemerge optimizes one or more indices. It replaces the deprecated Optimize API.

func (*Client) Get ¶

func (c *Client) Get() *GetService

Get a document.

func (*Client) GetFieldMapping ¶

func (c *Client) GetFieldMapping() *IndicesGetFieldMappingService

GetFieldMapping gets mapping for fields.

func (*Client) GetMapping ¶

func (c *Client) GetMapping() *IndicesGetMappingService

GetMapping gets a mapping.

func (*Client) HasPlugin ¶

func (c *Client) HasPlugin(name string) (bool, error)

HasPlugin indicates whether the cluster has the named plugin.

func (*Client) Index ¶

func (c *Client) Index() *IndexService

Index a document.

func (*Client) IndexAnalyze ¶

func (c *Client) IndexAnalyze() *IndicesAnalyzeService

IndexAnalyze performs the analysis process on a text and returns the token breakdown of the text.

func (*Client) IndexDeleteTemplate ¶

func (c *Client) IndexDeleteTemplate(name string) *IndicesDeleteTemplateService

IndexDeleteTemplate deletes an index template. Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.

func (*Client) IndexExists ¶

func (c *Client) IndexExists(indices ...string) *IndicesExistsService

IndexExists allows to check if an index exists.

func (*Client) IndexGet ¶

func (c *Client) IndexGet(indices ...string) *IndicesGetService

IndexGet retrieves information about one or more indices. IndexGet is only available for Elasticsearch 1.4 or later.

func (*Client) IndexGetSettings ¶

func (c *Client) IndexGetSettings(indices ...string) *IndicesGetSettingsService

IndexGetSettings retrieves settings of all, one or more indices.

func (*Client) IndexGetTemplate ¶

func (c *Client) IndexGetTemplate(names ...string) *IndicesGetTemplateService

IndexGetTemplate gets an index template. Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.

func (*Client) IndexNames ¶

func (c *Client) IndexNames() ([]string, error)

IndexNames returns the names of all indices in the cluster.

func (*Client) IndexPutSettings ¶

func (c *Client) IndexPutSettings(indices ...string) *IndicesPutSettingsService

IndexPutSettings sets settings for all, one or more indices.

func (*Client) IndexPutTemplate ¶

func (c *Client) IndexPutTemplate(name string) *IndicesPutTemplateService

IndexPutTemplate creates or updates an index template. Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.

func (*Client) IndexStats ¶

func (c *Client) IndexStats(indices ...string) *IndicesStatsService

IndexStats provides statistics on different operations happining in one or more indices.

func (*Client) IndexTemplateExists ¶

func (c *Client) IndexTemplateExists(name string) *IndicesExistsTemplateService

IndexTemplateExists gets check if an index template exists. Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.

func (*Client) IngestDeletePipeline ¶

func (c *Client) IngestDeletePipeline(id string) *IngestDeletePipelineService

IngestDeletePipeline deletes a pipeline by ID.

func (*Client) IngestGetPipeline ¶

func (c *Client) IngestGetPipeline(ids ...string) *IngestGetPipelineService

IngestGetPipeline returns pipelines based on ID.

func (*Client) IngestPutPipeline ¶

func (c *Client) IngestPutPipeline(id string) *IngestPutPipelineService

IngestPutPipeline adds pipelines and updates existing pipelines in the cluster.

func (*Client) IngestSimulatePipeline ¶

func (c *Client) IngestSimulatePipeline() *IngestSimulatePipelineService

IngestSimulatePipeline executes a specific pipeline against the set of documents provided in the body of the request.

func (*Client) IsRunning ¶

func (c *Client) IsRunning() bool

IsRunning returns true if the background processes of the client are running, false otherwise.

func (*Client) Mget ¶

func (c *Client) Mget() *MgetService

Mget retrieves multiple documents in one roundtrip.

func (*Client) MultiGet ¶

func (c *Client) MultiGet() *MgetService

MultiGet retrieves multiple documents in one roundtrip.

func (*Client) MultiSearch ¶

func (c *Client) MultiSearch() *MultiSearchService

MultiSearch is the entry point for multi searches.

func (*Client) MultiTermVectors ¶

func (c *Client) MultiTermVectors() *MultiTermvectorService

MultiTermVectors returns information and statistics on terms in the fields of multiple documents.

func (*Client) NodesInfo ¶

func (c *Client) NodesInfo() *NodesInfoService

NodesInfo retrieves one or more or all of the cluster nodes information.

func (*Client) NodesStats ¶

func (c *Client) NodesStats() *NodesStatsService

NodesStats retrieves one or more or all of the cluster nodes statistics.

func (*Client) OpenIndex ¶

func (c *Client) OpenIndex(name string) *IndicesOpenService

OpenIndex opens an index.

func (*Client) PerformRequest ¶

func (c *Client) PerformRequest(ctx context.Context, opt PerformRequestOptions) (*Response, error)

PerformRequest does a HTTP request to Elasticsearch. It returns a response (which might be nil) and an error on failure.

Optionally, a list of HTTP error codes to ignore can be passed. This is necessary for services that expect e.g. HTTP status 404 as a valid outcome (Exists, IndicesExists, IndicesTypeExists).

func (*Client) Ping ¶

func (c *Client) Ping(url string) *PingService

Ping checks if a given node in a cluster exists and (optionally) returns some basic information about the Elasticsearch server, e.g. the Elasticsearch version number.

Notice that you need to specify a URL here explicitly.

func (*Client) Plugins ¶

func (c *Client) Plugins() ([]string, error)

Plugins returns the list of all registered plugins.

func (*Client) PutMapping ¶

func (c *Client) PutMapping() *IndicesPutMappingService

PutMapping registers a mapping.

func (*Client) Refresh ¶

func (c *Client) Refresh(indices ...string) *RefreshService

Refresh asks Elasticsearch to refresh one or more indices.

func (*Client) Reindex ¶

func (c *Client) Reindex() *ReindexService

Reindex copies data from a source index into a destination index.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-reindex.html for details on the Reindex API.

func (*Client) RolloverIndex ¶

func (c *Client) RolloverIndex(alias string) *IndicesRolloverService

RolloverIndex rolls an alias over to a new index when the existing index is considered to be too large or too old.

func (*Client) Scroll ¶

func (c *Client) Scroll(indices ...string) *ScrollService

Scroll through documents. Use this to efficiently scroll through results while returning the results to a client.

func (*Client) Search ¶

func (c *Client) Search(indices ...string) *SearchService

Search is the entry point for searches.

func (*Client) ShrinkIndex ¶

func (c *Client) ShrinkIndex(source, target string) *IndicesShrinkService

ShrinkIndex returns a service to shrink one index into another.

func (*Client) SnapshotCreate ¶

func (c *Client) SnapshotCreate(repository string, snapshot string) *SnapshotCreateService

SnapshotCreate creates a snapshot.

func (*Client) SnapshotCreateRepository ¶

func (c *Client) SnapshotCreateRepository(repository string) *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService

SnapshotCreateRepository creates or updates a snapshot repository.

func (*Client) SnapshotDeleteRepository ¶

func (c *Client) SnapshotDeleteRepository(repositories ...string) *SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService

SnapshotDeleteRepository deletes a snapshot repository.

func (*Client) SnapshotGetRepository ¶

func (c *Client) SnapshotGetRepository(repositories ...string) *SnapshotGetRepositoryService

SnapshotGetRepository gets a snapshot repository.

func (*Client) SnapshotVerifyRepository ¶

func (c *Client) SnapshotVerifyRepository(repository string) *SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService

SnapshotVerifyRepository verifies a snapshot repository.

func (*Client) Start ¶

func (c *Client) Start()

Start starts the background processes like sniffing the cluster and periodic health checks. You don't need to run Start when creating a client with NewClient; the background processes are run by default.

If the background processes are already running, this is a no-op.

func (*Client) Stop ¶

func (c *Client) Stop()

Stop stops the background processes that the client is running, i.e. sniffing the cluster periodically and running health checks on the nodes.

If the background processes are not running, this is a no-op.

func (*Client) String ¶

func (c *Client) String() string

String returns a string representation of the client status.

func (*Client) TasksCancel ¶

func (c *Client) TasksCancel() *TasksCancelService

TasksCancel cancels tasks running on the specified nodes.

func (*Client) TasksGetTask ¶

func (c *Client) TasksGetTask() *TasksGetTaskService

TasksGetTask retrieves a task running on the cluster.

func (*Client) TasksList ¶

func (c *Client) TasksList() *TasksListService

TasksList retrieves the list of tasks running on the specified nodes.

func (*Client) TermVectors ¶

func (c *Client) TermVectors(index, typ string) *TermvectorsService

TermVectors returns information and statistics on terms in the fields of a particular document.

func (*Client) TypeExists ¶

func (c *Client) TypeExists() *IndicesExistsTypeService

TypeExists allows to check if one or more types exist in one or more indices.

func (*Client) Update ¶

func (c *Client) Update() *UpdateService

Update a document.

func (*Client) UpdateByQuery ¶

func (c *Client) UpdateByQuery(indices ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

UpdateByQuery performs an update on a set of documents.

func (*Client) WaitForGreenStatus ¶

func (c *Client) WaitForGreenStatus(timeout string) error

WaitForGreenStatus waits for the cluster to have the "green" status. See WaitForStatus for more details.

func (*Client) WaitForStatus ¶

func (c *Client) WaitForStatus(status string, timeout string) error

WaitForStatus waits for the cluster to have the given status. This is a shortcut method for the ClusterHealth service.

WaitForStatus waits for the specified timeout, e.g. "10s". If the cluster will have the given state within the timeout, nil is returned. If the request timed out, ErrTimeout is returned.

func (*Client) WaitForYellowStatus ¶

func (c *Client) WaitForYellowStatus(timeout string) error

WaitForYellowStatus waits for the cluster to have the "yellow" status. See WaitForStatus for more details.

type ClientOptionFunc ¶

type ClientOptionFunc func(*Client) error

ClientOptionFunc is a function that configures a Client. It is used in NewClient.

func SetBasicAuth ¶

func SetBasicAuth(username, password string) ClientOptionFunc

SetBasicAuth can be used to specify the HTTP Basic Auth credentials to use when making HTTP requests to Elasticsearch.

func SetDecoder ¶

func SetDecoder(decoder Decoder) ClientOptionFunc

SetDecoder sets the Decoder to use when decoding data from Elasticsearch. DefaultDecoder is used by default.

func SetErrorLog ¶

func SetErrorLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc

SetErrorLog sets the logger for critical messages like nodes joining or leaving the cluster or failing requests. It is nil by default.

func SetHealthcheck ¶

func SetHealthcheck(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc

SetHealthcheck enables or disables healthchecks (enabled by default).

func SetHealthcheckInterval ¶

func SetHealthcheckInterval(interval time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc

SetHealthcheckInterval sets the interval between two health checks. The default interval is 60 seconds.

func SetHealthcheckTimeout ¶

func SetHealthcheckTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc

SetHealthcheckTimeout sets the timeout for periodic health checks. The default timeout is 1 second (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeout). Notice that a different (usually larger) timeout is used for the initial healthcheck, which is initiated while creating a new client. The startup timeout can be modified with SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup.

func SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup ¶

func SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc

SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup sets the timeout for the initial health check. The default timeout is 5 seconds (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup). Notice that timeouts for subsequent health checks can be modified with SetHealthcheckTimeout.

func SetHttpClient ¶

func SetHttpClient(httpClient *http.Client) ClientOptionFunc

SetHttpClient can be used to specify the http.Client to use when making HTTP requests to Elasticsearch.

func SetInfoLog ¶

func SetInfoLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc

SetInfoLog sets the logger for informational messages, e.g. requests and their response times. It is nil by default.

func SetMaxRetries deprecated

func SetMaxRetries(maxRetries int) ClientOptionFunc

SetMaxRetries sets the maximum number of retries before giving up when performing a HTTP request to Elasticsearch.

Deprecated: Replace with a Retry implementation.

func SetRequiredPlugins ¶

func SetRequiredPlugins(plugins ...string) ClientOptionFunc

SetRequiredPlugins can be used to indicate that some plugins are required before a Client will be created.

func SetRetrier ¶

func SetRetrier(retrier Retrier) ClientOptionFunc

SetRetrier specifies the retry strategy that handles errors during HTTP request/response with Elasticsearch.

func SetScheme ¶

func SetScheme(scheme string) ClientOptionFunc

SetScheme sets the HTTP scheme to look for when sniffing (http or https). This is http by default.

func SetSendGetBodyAs ¶

func SetSendGetBodyAs(httpMethod string) ClientOptionFunc

SetSendGetBodyAs specifies the HTTP method to use when sending a GET request with a body. It is GET by default.

func SetSniff ¶

func SetSniff(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc

SetSniff enables or disables the sniffer (enabled by default).

func SetSnifferCallback ¶

func SetSnifferCallback(f SnifferCallback) ClientOptionFunc

SetSnifferCallback allows the caller to modify sniffer decisions. When setting the callback, the given SnifferCallback is called for each (healthy) node found during the sniffing process. If the callback returns false, the node is ignored: No requests are routed to it.

func SetSnifferInterval ¶

func SetSnifferInterval(interval time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc

SetSnifferInterval sets the interval between two sniffing processes. The default interval is 15 minutes.

func SetSnifferTimeout ¶

func SetSnifferTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc

SetSnifferTimeout sets the timeout for the sniffer that finds the nodes in a cluster. The default is 2 seconds. Notice that the timeout used when creating a new client on startup is usually greater and can be set with SetSnifferTimeoutStartup.

func SetSnifferTimeoutStartup ¶

func SetSnifferTimeoutStartup(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc

SetSnifferTimeoutStartup sets the timeout for the sniffer that is used when creating a new client. The default is 5 seconds. Notice that the timeout being used for subsequent sniffing processes is set with SetSnifferTimeout.

func SetTraceLog ¶

func SetTraceLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc

SetTraceLog specifies the log.Logger to use for output of HTTP requests and responses which is helpful during debugging. It is nil by default.

func SetURL ¶

func SetURL(urls ...string) ClientOptionFunc

SetURL defines the URL endpoints of the Elasticsearch nodes. Notice that when sniffing is enabled, these URLs are used to initially sniff the cluster on startup.

type ClusterHealthResponse ¶

type ClusterHealthResponse struct {
	ClusterName                    string  `json:"cluster_name"`
	Status                         string  `json:"status"`
	TimedOut                       bool    `json:"timed_out"`
	NumberOfNodes                  int     `json:"number_of_nodes"`
	NumberOfDataNodes              int     `json:"number_of_data_nodes"`
	ActivePrimaryShards            int     `json:"active_primary_shards"`
	ActiveShards                   int     `json:"active_shards"`
	RelocatingShards               int     `json:"relocating_shards"`
	InitializingShards             int     `json:"initializing_shards"`
	UnassignedShards               int     `json:"unassigned_shards"`
	DelayedUnassignedShards        int     `json:"delayed_unassigned_shards"`
	NumberOfPendingTasks           int     `json:"number_of_pending_tasks"`
	NumberOfInFlightFetch          int     `json:"number_of_in_flight_fetch"`
	TaskMaxWaitTimeInQueueInMillis int     `json:"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis"`
	ActiveShardsPercentAsNumber    float64 `json:"active_shards_percent_as_number"`

	// Validation failures -> index name -> array of validation failures
	ValidationFailures []map[string][]string `json:"validation_failures"`

	// Index name -> index health
	Indices map[string]*ClusterIndexHealth `json:"indices"`

ClusterHealthResponse is the response of ClusterHealthService.Do.

type ClusterHealthService ¶

type ClusterHealthService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterHealthService allows to get a very simple status on the health of the cluster.

See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/cluster-health.html for details.

Example ¶
package main

import (

	elastic "github.com/olivere/elastic"

func main() {
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {

	// Get cluster health
	res, err := client.ClusterHealth().Index("twitter").Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
	if res == nil {
	fmt.Printf("Cluster status is %q\n", res.Status)

func NewClusterHealthService ¶

func NewClusterHealthService(client *Client) *ClusterHealthService

NewClusterHealthService creates a new ClusterHealthService.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Index ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) Index(indices ...string) *ClusterHealthService

Index limits the information returned to specific indices.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Level ¶

Level specifies the level of detail for returned information.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information. If it is true, we do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*ClusterHealthService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *ClusterHealthService

MasterTimeout specifies an explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ClusterHealthService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Timeout ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) Timeout(timeout string) *ClusterHealthService

Timeout specifies an explicit operation timeout.

func (*ClusterHealthService) Validate ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*ClusterHealthService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards int) *ClusterHealthService

WaitForActiveShards can be used to wait until the specified number of shards are active.

func (*ClusterHealthService) WaitForGreenStatus ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) WaitForGreenStatus() *ClusterHealthService

WaitForGreenStatus will wait for the "green" state.

func (*ClusterHealthService) WaitForNoRelocatingShards ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) WaitForNoRelocatingShards(waitForNoRelocatingShards bool) *ClusterHealthService

WaitForNoRelocatingShards can be used to wait until all shard relocations are finished.

func (*ClusterHealthService) WaitForNodes ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) WaitForNodes(waitForNodes string) *ClusterHealthService

WaitForNodes can be used to wait until the specified number of nodes are available. Example: "12" to wait for exact values, ">12" and "<12" for ranges.

func (*ClusterHealthService) WaitForStatus ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) WaitForStatus(waitForStatus string) *ClusterHealthService

WaitForStatus can be used to wait until the cluster is in a specific state. Valid values are: green, yellow, or red.

func (*ClusterHealthService) WaitForYellowStatus ¶

func (s *ClusterHealthService) WaitForYellowStatus() *ClusterHealthService

WaitForYellowStatus will wait for the "yellow" state.

type ClusterIndexHealth ¶

type ClusterIndexHealth struct {
	Status              string `json:"status"`
	NumberOfShards      int    `json:"number_of_shards"`
	NumberOfReplicas    int    `json:"number_of_replicas"`
	ActivePrimaryShards int    `json:"active_primary_shards"`
	ActiveShards        int    `json:"active_shards"`
	RelocatingShards    int    `json:"relocating_shards"`
	InitializingShards  int    `json:"initializing_shards"`
	UnassignedShards    int    `json:"unassigned_shards"`
	// Validation failures
	ValidationFailures []string `json:"validation_failures"`
	// Shards by id, e.g. "0" or "1"
	Shards map[string]*ClusterShardHealth `json:"shards"`

ClusterIndexHealth will be returned as part of ClusterHealthResponse.

type ClusterShardHealth ¶

type ClusterShardHealth struct {
	Status             string `json:"status"`
	PrimaryActive      bool   `json:"primary_active"`
	ActiveShards       int    `json:"active_shards"`
	RelocatingShards   int    `json:"relocating_shards"`
	InitializingShards int    `json:"initializing_shards"`
	UnassignedShards   int    `json:"unassigned_shards"`

ClusterShardHealth will be returned as part of ClusterHealthResponse.

type ClusterStateResponse ¶

type ClusterStateResponse struct {
	ClusterName  string                               `json:"cluster_name"`
	Version      int64                                `json:"version"`
	StateUUID    string                               `json:"state_uuid"`
	MasterNode   string                               `json:"master_node"`
	Blocks       map[string]*clusterBlocks            `json:"blocks"`
	Nodes        map[string]*discoveryNode            `json:"nodes"`
	Metadata     *clusterStateMetadata                `json:"metadata"`
	RoutingTable map[string]*clusterStateRoutingTable `json:"routing_table"`
	RoutingNodes *clusterStateRoutingNode             `json:"routing_nodes"`
	Customs      map[string]interface{}               `json:"customs"`

ClusterStateResponse is the response of ClusterStateService.Do.

type ClusterStateService ¶

type ClusterStateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterStateService allows to get a comprehensive state information of the whole cluster.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/cluster-state.html for details.

Example ¶
package main

import (

	elastic "github.com/olivere/elastic"

func main() {
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {

	// Get cluster state
	res, err := client.ClusterState().Metric("version").Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Cluster %q has version %d", res.ClusterName, res.Version)

func NewClusterStateService ¶

func NewClusterStateService(client *Client) *ClusterStateService

NewClusterStateService creates a new ClusterStateService.

func (*ClusterStateService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *ClusterStateService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*ClusterStateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*ClusterStateService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *ClusterStateService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (*ClusterStateService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *ClusterStateService

FlatSettings, when set, returns settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*ClusterStateService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *ClusterStateService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*ClusterStateService) Index ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) Index(indices ...string) *ClusterStateService

Index is a list of index names. Use _all or an empty string to perform the operation on all indices.

func (*ClusterStateService) Local ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) Local(local bool) *ClusterStateService

Local indicates whether to return local information. When set, it does not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*ClusterStateService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *ClusterStateService

MasterTimeout specifies timeout for connection to master.

func (*ClusterStateService) Metric ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) Metric(metrics ...string) *ClusterStateService

Metric limits the information returned to the specified metric. It can be one of: version, master_node, nodes, routing_table, metadata, blocks, or customs.

func (*ClusterStateService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ClusterStateService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ClusterStateService) Validate ¶

func (s *ClusterStateService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type ClusterStatsIndices ¶

type ClusterStatsIndices struct {
	Count       int                             `json:"count"`
	Shards      *ClusterStatsIndicesShards      `json:"shards"`
	Docs        *ClusterStatsIndicesDocs        `json:"docs"`
	Store       *ClusterStatsIndicesStore       `json:"store"`
	FieldData   *ClusterStatsIndicesFieldData   `json:"fielddata"`
	FilterCache *ClusterStatsIndicesFilterCache `json:"filter_cache"`
	IdCache     *ClusterStatsIndicesIdCache     `json:"id_cache"`
	Completion  *ClusterStatsIndicesCompletion  `json:"completion"`
	Segments    *ClusterStatsIndicesSegments    `json:"segments"`
	Percolate   *ClusterStatsIndicesPercolate   `json:"percolate"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesCompletion ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesCompletion struct {
	Size        string `json:"size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`
	Fields      map[string]struct {
		Size        string `json:"size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
		SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"fields"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesDocs ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesDocs struct {
	Count   int `json:"count"`
	Deleted int `json:"deleted"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesFieldData ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesFieldData struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions"`
	Fields            map[string]struct {
		MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
		MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"fields"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesFilterCache ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesFilterCache struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesIdCache ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesIdCache struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesPercolate ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesPercolate struct {
	Total int64 `json:"total"`
	// TODO(oe) The JSON tag here is wrong as of ES 1.5.2 it seems
	Time              string `json:"get_time"` // e.g. "1s"
	TimeInBytes       int64  `json:"time_in_millis"`
	Current           int64  `json:"current"`
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_sitze_in_bytes"`
	Queries           int64  `json:"queries"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesSegments ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesSegments struct {
	Count                       int64  `json:"count"`
	Memory                      string `json:"memory"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	MemoryInBytes               int64  `json:"memory_in_bytes"`
	IndexWriterMemory           string `json:"index_writer_memory"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	IndexWriterMemoryInBytes    int64  `json:"index_writer_memory_in_bytes"`
	IndexWriterMaxMemory        string `json:"index_writer_max_memory"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	IndexWriterMaxMemoryInBytes int64  `json:"index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes"`
	VersionMapMemory            string `json:"version_map_memory"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	VersionMapMemoryInBytes     int64  `json:"version_map_memory_in_bytes"`
	FixedBitSet                 string `json:"fixed_bit_set"` // e.g. "61.3kb"
	FixedBitSetInBytes          int64  `json:"fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesShards ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesShards struct {
	Total       int                             `json:"total"`
	Primaries   int                             `json:"primaries"`
	Replication float64                         `json:"replication"`
	Index       *ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndex `json:"index"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndex ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndex struct {
	Shards      *ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexIntMinMax     `json:"shards"`
	Primaries   *ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexIntMinMax     `json:"primaries"`
	Replication *ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexFloat64MinMax `json:"replication"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexFloat64MinMax ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexFloat64MinMax struct {
	Min float64 `json:"min"`
	Max float64 `json:"max"`
	Avg float64 `json:"avg"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexIntMinMax ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesShardsIndexIntMinMax struct {
	Min int     `json:"min"`
	Max int     `json:"max"`
	Avg float64 `json:"avg"`

type ClusterStatsIndicesStore ¶

type ClusterStatsIndicesStore struct {
	Size        string `json:"size"` // e.g. "5.3gb"
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`

type ClusterStatsNodes ¶

type ClusterStatsNodes struct {
	Count    *ClusterStatsNodesCount        `json:"count"`
	Versions []string                       `json:"versions"`
	OS       *ClusterStatsNodesOsStats      `json:"os"`
	Process  *ClusterStatsNodesProcessStats `json:"process"`
	JVM      *ClusterStatsNodesJvmStats     `json:"jvm"`
	FS       *ClusterStatsNodesFsStats      `json:"fs"`
	Plugins  []*ClusterStatsNodesPlugin     `json:"plugins"`

type ClusterStatsNodesCount ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesCount struct {
	Total            int `json:"total"`
	Data             int `json:"data"`
	CoordinatingOnly int `json:"coordinating_only"`
	Master           int `json:"master"`
	Ingest           int `json:"ingest"`

type ClusterStatsNodesFsStats ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesFsStats struct {
	Path                 string `json:"path"`
	Mount                string `json:"mount"`
	Dev                  string `json:"dev"`
	Total                string `json:"total"` // e.g. "930.7gb"`
	TotalInBytes         int64  `json:"total_in_bytes"`
	Free                 string `json:"free"` // e.g. "930.7gb"`
	FreeInBytes          int64  `json:"free_in_bytes"`
	Available            string `json:"available"` // e.g. "930.7gb"`
	AvailableInBytes     int64  `json:"available_in_bytes"`
	DiskReads            int64  `json:"disk_reads"`
	DiskWrites           int64  `json:"disk_writes"`
	DiskIOOp             int64  `json:"disk_io_op"`
	DiskReadSize         string `json:"disk_read_size"` // e.g. "0b"`
	DiskReadSizeInBytes  int64  `json:"disk_read_size_in_bytes"`
	DiskWriteSize        string `json:"disk_write_size"` // e.g. "0b"`
	DiskWriteSizeInBytes int64  `json:"disk_write_size_in_bytes"`
	DiskIOSize           string `json:"disk_io_size"` // e.g. "0b"`
	DiskIOSizeInBytes    int64  `json:"disk_io_size_in_bytes"`
	DiskQueue            string `json:"disk_queue"`
	DiskServiceTime      string `json:"disk_service_time"`

type ClusterStatsNodesJvmStats ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesJvmStats struct {
	MaxUptime         string                              `json:"max_uptime"` // e.g. "5h"
	MaxUptimeInMillis int64                               `json:"max_uptime_in_millis"`
	Versions          []*ClusterStatsNodesJvmStatsVersion `json:"versions"`
	Mem               *ClusterStatsNodesJvmStatsMem       `json:"mem"`
	Threads           int64                               `json:"threads"`

type ClusterStatsNodesJvmStatsMem ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesJvmStatsMem struct {
	HeapUsed        string `json:"heap_used"`
	HeapUsedInBytes int64  `json:"heap_used_in_bytes"`
	HeapMax         string `json:"heap_max"`
	HeapMaxInBytes  int64  `json:"heap_max_in_bytes"`

type ClusterStatsNodesJvmStatsVersion ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesJvmStatsVersion struct {
	Version   string `json:"version"`    // e.g. "1.8.0_45"
	VMName    string `json:"vm_name"`    // e.g. "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM"
	VMVersion string `json:"vm_version"` // e.g. "25.45-b02"
	VMVendor  string `json:"vm_vendor"`  // e.g. "Oracle Corporation"
	Count     int    `json:"count"`

type ClusterStatsNodesOsStats ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesOsStats struct {
	AvailableProcessors int                            `json:"available_processors"`
	Mem                 *ClusterStatsNodesOsStatsMem   `json:"mem"`
	CPU                 []*ClusterStatsNodesOsStatsCPU `json:"cpu"`

type ClusterStatsNodesOsStatsCPU ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesOsStatsCPU struct {
	Vendor           string `json:"vendor"`
	Model            string `json:"model"`
	MHz              int    `json:"mhz"`
	TotalCores       int    `json:"total_cores"`
	TotalSockets     int    `json:"total_sockets"`
	CoresPerSocket   int    `json:"cores_per_socket"`
	CacheSize        string `json:"cache_size"` // e.g. "256b"
	CacheSizeInBytes int64  `json:"cache_size_in_bytes"`
	Count            int    `json:"count"`

type ClusterStatsNodesOsStatsMem ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesOsStatsMem struct {
	Total        string `json:"total"` // e.g. "16gb"
	TotalInBytes int64  `json:"total_in_bytes"`

type ClusterStatsNodesPlugin ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesPlugin struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Version     string `json:"version"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	URL         string `json:"url"`
	JVM         bool   `json:"jvm"`
	Site        bool   `json:"site"`

type ClusterStatsNodesProcessStats ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesProcessStats struct {
	CPU                 *ClusterStatsNodesProcessStatsCPU                 `json:"cpu"`
	OpenFileDescriptors *ClusterStatsNodesProcessStatsOpenFileDescriptors `json:"open_file_descriptors"`

type ClusterStatsNodesProcessStatsCPU ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesProcessStatsCPU struct {
	Percent float64 `json:"percent"`

type ClusterStatsNodesProcessStatsOpenFileDescriptors ¶

type ClusterStatsNodesProcessStatsOpenFileDescriptors struct {
	Min int64 `json:"min"`
	Max int64 `json:"max"`
	Avg int64 `json:"avg"`

type ClusterStatsResponse ¶

type ClusterStatsResponse struct {
	Timestamp   int64                `json:"timestamp"`
	ClusterName string               `json:"cluster_name"`
	ClusterUUID string               `json:"uuid"`
	Status      string               `json:"status"`
	Indices     *ClusterStatsIndices `json:"indices"`
	Nodes       *ClusterStatsNodes   `json:"nodes"`

ClusterStatsResponse is the response of ClusterStatsService.Do.

type ClusterStatsService ¶

type ClusterStatsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterStatsService is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/cluster-stats.html.

func NewClusterStatsService ¶

func NewClusterStatsService(client *Client) *ClusterStatsService

NewClusterStatsService creates a new ClusterStatsService.

func (*ClusterStatsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*ClusterStatsService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *ClusterStatsService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *ClusterStatsService

FlatSettings is documented as: Return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*ClusterStatsService) Human ¶

func (s *ClusterStatsService) Human(human bool) *ClusterStatsService

Human is documented as: Whether to return time and byte values in human-readable format..

func (*ClusterStatsService) NodeId ¶

func (s *ClusterStatsService) NodeId(nodeId []string) *ClusterStatsService

NodeId is documented as: A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (*ClusterStatsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ClusterStatsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ClusterStatsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ClusterStatsService) Validate ¶

func (s *ClusterStatsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type CollapseBuilder ¶

type CollapseBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CollapseBuilder enables field collapsing on a search request. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-collapse.html for details.

func NewCollapseBuilder ¶

func NewCollapseBuilder(field string) *CollapseBuilder

NewCollapseBuilder creates a new CollapseBuilder.

func (*CollapseBuilder) Field ¶

func (b *CollapseBuilder) Field(field string) *CollapseBuilder

Field to collapse.

func (*CollapseBuilder) InnerHit ¶

func (b *CollapseBuilder) InnerHit(innerHit *InnerHit) *CollapseBuilder

InnerHit option to expand the collapsed results.

func (*CollapseBuilder) MaxConcurrentGroupRequests ¶

func (b *CollapseBuilder) MaxConcurrentGroupRequests(max int) *CollapseBuilder

MaxConcurrentGroupRequests is the maximum number of group requests that are allowed to be ran concurrently in the inner_hits phase.

func (*CollapseBuilder) Source ¶

func (b *CollapseBuilder) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source generates the JSON serializable fragment for the CollapseBuilder.

type CollectorResult ¶

type CollectorResult struct {
	Name      string            `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Reason    string            `json:"reason,omitempty"`
	Time      string            `json:"time,omitempty"`
	TimeNanos int64             `json:"time_in_nanos,omitempty"`
	Children  []CollectorResult `json:"children,omitempty"`

CollectorResult holds the profile timings of the collectors used in the search. Children's CollectorResults may be embedded inside of a parent CollectorResult.

type CommonTermsQuery ¶

type CommonTermsQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CommonTermsQuery is a modern alternative to stopwords which improves the precision and recall of search results (by taking stopwords into account), without sacrificing performance. For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-common-terms-query.html

func NewCommonTermsQuery ¶

func NewCommonTermsQuery(name string, text interface{}) *CommonTermsQuery

NewCommonTermsQuery creates and initializes a new common terms query.

func (*CommonTermsQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) Boost(boost float64) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) CutoffFrequency ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) CutoffFrequency(f float64) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) HighFreq ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) HighFreq(f float64) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) HighFreqMinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) HighFreqMinimumShouldMatch(minShouldMatch string) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) HighFreqOperator ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) HighFreqOperator(op string) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) LowFreq ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) LowFreq(f float64) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) LowFreqMinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) LowFreqMinimumShouldMatch(minShouldMatch string) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) LowFreqOperator ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) LowFreqOperator(op string) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *CommonTermsQuery

func (*CommonTermsQuery) Source ¶

func (q *CommonTermsQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Creates the query source for the common query.

type CompletionSuggester ¶

type CompletionSuggester struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CompletionSuggester is a fast suggester for e.g. type-ahead completion. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/search-suggesters-completion.html for more details.

func NewCompletionSuggester ¶

func NewCompletionSuggester(name string) *CompletionSuggester

Creates a new completion suggester.

func (*CompletionSuggester) Analyzer ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) Analyzer(analyzer string) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) ContextQueries ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) ContextQueries(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) ContextQuery ¶

func (*CompletionSuggester) Field ¶

func (*CompletionSuggester) Fuzziness ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) Fuzziness(fuzziness interface{}) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) FuzzyOptions ¶

func (*CompletionSuggester) Name ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) Name() string

func (*CompletionSuggester) Prefix ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) Prefix(prefix string) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) PrefixWithEditDistance ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) PrefixWithEditDistance(prefix string, editDistance interface{}) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) PrefixWithOptions ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) PrefixWithOptions(prefix string, options *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) Regex ¶

func (*CompletionSuggester) RegexOptions ¶

func (*CompletionSuggester) RegexWithOptions ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) RegexWithOptions(regex string, options *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) ShardSize ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) ShardSize(shardSize int) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) Size ¶

func (*CompletionSuggester) SkipDuplicates ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) SkipDuplicates(skipDuplicates bool) *CompletionSuggester

func (*CompletionSuggester) Source ¶

func (q *CompletionSuggester) Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error)

Source creates the JSON data for the completion suggester.

func (*CompletionSuggester) Text ¶

type ConstantBackoff ¶

type ConstantBackoff struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConstantBackoff is a backoff policy that always returns the same delay.

func NewConstantBackoff ¶

func NewConstantBackoff(interval time.Duration) *ConstantBackoff

NewConstantBackoff returns a new ConstantBackoff.

func (*ConstantBackoff) Next ¶

func (b *ConstantBackoff) Next(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

Next implements BackoffFunc for ConstantBackoff.

type ConstantScoreQuery ¶

type ConstantScoreQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConstantScoreQuery is a query that wraps a filter and simply returns a constant score equal to the query boost for every document in the filter.

For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-constant-score-query.html

func NewConstantScoreQuery ¶

func NewConstantScoreQuery(filter Query) *ConstantScoreQuery

ConstantScoreQuery creates and initializes a new constant score query.

func (*ConstantScoreQuery) Boost ¶

Boost sets the boost for this query. Documents matching this query will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by the boost provided.

func (*ConstantScoreQuery) Source ¶

func (q *ConstantScoreQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the query source.

type ContextSuggester ¶

type ContextSuggester struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ContextSuggester is a fast suggester for e.g. type-ahead completion that supports filtering and boosting based on contexts. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/suggester-context.html for more details.

func NewContextSuggester ¶

func NewContextSuggester(name string) *ContextSuggester

Creates a new context suggester.

func (*ContextSuggester) ContextQueries ¶

func (q *ContextSuggester) ContextQueries(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *ContextSuggester

func (*ContextSuggester) ContextQuery ¶

func (*ContextSuggester) Field ¶

func (q *ContextSuggester) Field(field string) *ContextSuggester

func (*ContextSuggester) Name ¶

func (q *ContextSuggester) Name() string

func (*ContextSuggester) Prefix ¶

func (q *ContextSuggester) Prefix(prefix string) *ContextSuggester

func (*ContextSuggester) Size ¶

func (q *ContextSuggester) Size(size int) *ContextSuggester

func (*ContextSuggester) Source ¶

func (q *ContextSuggester) Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error)

Creates the source for the context suggester.

type CountResponse ¶

type CountResponse struct {
	Count  int64      `json:"count"`
	Shards shardsInfo `json:"_shards,omitempty"`

CountResponse is the response of using the Count API.

type CountService ¶

type CountService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CountService is a convenient service for determining the number of documents in an index. Use SearchService with a SearchType of count for counting with queries etc.

func NewCountService ¶

func NewCountService(client *Client) *CountService

NewCountService creates a new CountService.

func (*CountService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *CountService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *CountService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes "_all" string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*CountService) AnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (s *CountService) AnalyzeWildcard(analyzeWildcard bool) *CountService

AnalyzeWildcard specifies whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (*CountService) Analyzer ¶

func (s *CountService) Analyzer(analyzer string) *CountService

Analyzer specifies the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (*CountService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *CountService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *CountService

BodyJson specifies the query to restrict the results specified with the Query DSL (optional). The interface{} will be serialized to a JSON document, so use a map[string]interface{}.

func (*CountService) BodyString ¶

func (s *CountService) BodyString(body string) *CountService

Body specifies a query to restrict the results specified with the Query DSL (optional).

func (*CountService) DefaultOperator ¶

func (s *CountService) DefaultOperator(defaultOperator string) *CountService

DefaultOperator specifies the default operator for query string query (AND or OR).

func (*CountService) Df ¶

func (s *CountService) Df(df string) *CountService

Df specifies the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (*CountService) Do ¶

func (s *CountService) Do(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)

Do executes the operation.

func (*CountService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *CountService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *CountService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*CountService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *CountService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *CountService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*CountService) Index ¶

func (s *CountService) Index(index ...string) *CountService

Index sets the names of the indices to restrict the results.

func (*CountService) Lenient ¶

func (s *CountService) Lenient(lenient bool) *CountService

Lenient specifies whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (*CountService) LowercaseExpandedTerms ¶

func (s *CountService) LowercaseExpandedTerms(lowercaseExpandedTerms bool) *CountService

LowercaseExpandedTerms specifies whether query terms should be lowercased.

func (*CountService) MinScore ¶

func (s *CountService) MinScore(minScore interface{}) *CountService

MinScore indicates to include only documents with a specific `_score` value in the result.

func (*CountService) Preference ¶

func (s *CountService) Preference(preference string) *CountService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*CountService) Pretty ¶

func (s *CountService) Pretty(pretty bool) *CountService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*CountService) Q ¶

func (s *CountService) Q(q string) *CountService

Q in the Lucene query string syntax. You can also use Query to pass a Query struct.

func (*CountService) Query ¶

func (s *CountService) Query(query Query) *CountService

Query specifies the query to pass. You can also pass a query string with Q.

func (*CountService) Routing ¶

func (s *CountService) Routing(routing string) *CountService

Routing specifies the routing value.

func (*CountService) Type ¶

func (s *CountService) Type(typ ...string) *CountService

Type sets the types to use to restrict the results.

func (*CountService) Validate ¶

func (s *CountService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type CumulativeSumAggregation ¶

type CumulativeSumAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CumulativeSumAggregation is a parent pipeline aggregation which calculates the cumulative sum of a specified metric in a parent histogram (or date_histogram) aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the enclosing histogram must have min_doc_count set to 0 (default for histogram aggregations).

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-cumulative-sum-aggregation.html

func NewCumulativeSumAggregation ¶

func NewCumulativeSumAggregation() *CumulativeSumAggregation

NewCumulativeSumAggregation creates and initializes a new CumulativeSumAggregation.

func (*CumulativeSumAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *CumulativeSumAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *CumulativeSumAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*CumulativeSumAggregation) Format ¶

func (*CumulativeSumAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *CumulativeSumAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *CumulativeSumAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*CumulativeSumAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *CumulativeSumAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*CumulativeSumAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *CumulativeSumAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *CumulativeSumAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type DateHistogramAggregation ¶

type DateHistogramAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DateHistogramAggregation is a multi-bucket aggregation similar to the histogram except it can only be applied on date values. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-datehistogram-aggregation.html

func NewDateHistogramAggregation ¶

func NewDateHistogramAggregation() *DateHistogramAggregation

NewDateHistogramAggregation creates a new DateHistogramAggregation.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) ExtendedBounds ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) ExtendedBounds(min, max interface{}) *DateHistogramAggregation

ExtendedBounds accepts int, int64, string, or time.Time values. In case the lower value in the histogram would be greater than min or the upper value would be less than max, empty buckets will be generated.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMax ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMax(max interface{}) *DateHistogramAggregation

ExtendedBoundsMax accepts int, int64, string, or time.Time values.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMin ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMin(min interface{}) *DateHistogramAggregation

ExtendedBoundsMin accepts int, int64, string, or time.Time values.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Field ¶

Field on which the aggregation is processed.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Format ¶

Format sets the format to use for dates.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Interval ¶

Interval by which the aggregation gets processed. Allowed values are: "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute". It also supports time settings like "1.5h" (up to "w" for weeks).

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *DateHistogramAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) MinDocCount ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount int64) *DateHistogramAggregation

MinDocCount sets the minimum document count per bucket. Buckets with less documents than this min value will not be returned.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Missing ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) Missing(missing interface{}) *DateHistogramAggregation

Missing configures the value to use when documents miss a value.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Offset ¶

Offset sets the offset of time intervals in the histogram, e.g. "+6h".

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Order ¶

Order specifies the sort order. Valid values for order are: "_key", "_count", a sub-aggregation name, or a sub-aggregation name with a metric.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregation ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregation(aggName string, asc bool) *DateHistogramAggregation

OrderByAggregation creates a bucket ordering strategy which sorts buckets based on a single-valued calc get.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregationAndMetric ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregationAndMetric(aggName, metric string, asc bool) *DateHistogramAggregation

OrderByAggregationAndMetric creates a bucket ordering strategy which sorts buckets based on a multi-valued calc get.

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByCount ¶

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByCountAsc ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByCountAsc() *DateHistogramAggregation

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByCountDesc ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByCountDesc() *DateHistogramAggregation

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByKey ¶

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByKeyAsc ¶

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) OrderByKeyDesc ¶

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Script ¶

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *DateHistogramAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *DateHistogramAggregation

func (*DateHistogramAggregation) TimeZone ¶

TimeZone sets the timezone in which to translate dates before computing buckets.

type DateRangeAggregation ¶

type DateRangeAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DateRangeAggregation is a range aggregation that is dedicated for date values. The main difference between this aggregation and the normal range aggregation is that the from and to values can be expressed in Date Math expressions, and it is also possible to specify a date format by which the from and to response fields will be returned. Note that this aggregration includes the from value and excludes the to value for each range. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-daterange-aggregation.html

func NewDateRangeAggregation ¶

func NewDateRangeAggregation() *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) AddRange ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) AddRange(from, to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) AddRangeWithKey ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) AddRangeWithKey(key string, from, to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom(to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey(key string, to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedTo ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedTo(from interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey(key string, from interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Between ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Between(from, to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) BetweenWithKey ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) BetweenWithKey(key string, from, to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Field ¶

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Format ¶

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Gt ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Gt(from interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) GtWithKey ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) GtWithKey(key string, from interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Keyed ¶

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Lt ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Lt(to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) LtWithKey ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) LtWithKey(key string, to interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *DateRangeAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Script(script *Script) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*DateRangeAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *DateRangeAggregation

func (*DateRangeAggregation) Unmapped ¶

func (a *DateRangeAggregation) Unmapped(unmapped bool) *DateRangeAggregation

type DateRangeAggregationEntry ¶

type DateRangeAggregationEntry struct {
	Key  string
	From interface{}
	To   interface{}

type Decoder ¶

type Decoder interface {
	Decode(data []byte, v interface{}) error

Decoder is used to decode responses from Elasticsearch. Users of elastic can implement their own marshaler for advanced purposes and set them per Client (see SetDecoder). If none is specified, DefaultDecoder is used.

type DefaultDecoder ¶

type DefaultDecoder struct{}

DefaultDecoder uses json.Unmarshal from the Go standard library to decode JSON data.

func (*DefaultDecoder) Decode ¶

func (u *DefaultDecoder) Decode(data []byte, v interface{}) error

Decode decodes with json.Unmarshal from the Go standard library.

type DeleteByQueryService ¶

type DeleteByQueryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeleteByQueryService deletes documents that match a query. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-delete-by-query.html.

func NewDeleteByQueryService ¶

func NewDeleteByQueryService(client *Client) *DeleteByQueryService

NewDeleteByQueryService creates a new DeleteByQueryService. You typically use the client's DeleteByQuery to get a reference to the service.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) AbortOnVersionConflict ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) AbortOnVersionConflict() *DeleteByQueryService

AbortOnVersionConflict aborts the request on version conflicts. It is an alias to setting Conflicts("abort").

func (*DeleteByQueryService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) AllowNoIndices(allow bool) *DeleteByQueryService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices (including the _all string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) AnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) AnalyzeWildcard(analyzeWildcard bool) *DeleteByQueryService

AnalyzeWildcard specifies whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Analyzer ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Analyzer(analyzer string) *DeleteByQueryService

Analyzer to use for the query string.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Body ¶

Body specifies the body of the request. It overrides data being specified via SearchService.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Conflicts ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Conflicts(conflicts string) *DeleteByQueryService

Conflicts indicates what to do when the process detects version conflicts. Possible values are "proceed" and "abort".

func (*DeleteByQueryService) DF ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) DF(defaultField string) *DeleteByQueryService

DF is the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) DefaultField ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) DefaultField(defaultField string) *DeleteByQueryService

DefaultField is the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string. It is an alias to the DF func.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) DefaultOperator ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) DefaultOperator(defaultOperator string) *DeleteByQueryService

DefaultOperator for query string query (AND or OR).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Do ¶

Do executes the delete-by-query operation.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) DocvalueFields ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

DocvalueFields specifies the list of fields to return as the docvalue representation of a field for each hit.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) ExpandWildcards(expand string) *DeleteByQueryService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. It can be "open" or "closed".

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Explain ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Explain(explain bool) *DeleteByQueryService

Explain specifies whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) From ¶

From is the starting offset (default: 0).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignore bool) *DeleteByQueryService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Index ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Index(index ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

Index sets the indices on which to perform the delete operation.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Lenient ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Lenient(lenient bool) *DeleteByQueryService

Lenient specifies whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) LowercaseExpandedTerms ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) LowercaseExpandedTerms(lowercaseExpandedTerms bool) *DeleteByQueryService

LowercaseExpandedTerms specifies whether query terms should be lowercased.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Preference ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Preference(preference string) *DeleteByQueryService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Pretty ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Pretty(pretty bool) *DeleteByQueryService

Pretty indents the JSON output from Elasticsearch.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) ProceedOnVersionConflict ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) ProceedOnVersionConflict() *DeleteByQueryService

ProceedOnVersionConflict aborts the request on version conflicts. It is an alias to setting Conflicts("proceed").

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Q ¶

Q specifies the query in Lucene query string syntax. You can also use Query to programmatically specify the query.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Query ¶

Query sets the query programmatically.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) QueryString ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) QueryString(query string) *DeleteByQueryService

QueryString is an alias to Q. Notice that you can also use Query to programmatically set the query.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Refresh ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Refresh(refresh string) *DeleteByQueryService

Refresh indicates whether the effected indexes should be refreshed.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) RequestCache ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) RequestCache(requestCache bool) *DeleteByQueryService

RequestCache specifies if request cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to index level setting.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) RequestsPerSecond ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) RequestsPerSecond(requestsPerSecond int) *DeleteByQueryService

RequestsPerSecond sets the throttle on this request in sub-requests per second. -1 means set no throttle as does "unlimited" which is the only non-float this accepts.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Routing ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Routing(routing ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

Routing is a list of specific routing values.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Scroll ¶

Scroll specifies how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) ScrollSize ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) ScrollSize(scrollSize int) *DeleteByQueryService

ScrollSize is the size on the scroll request powering the update_by_query.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SearchTimeout ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SearchTimeout(searchTimeout string) *DeleteByQueryService

SearchTimeout defines an explicit timeout for each search request. Defaults to no timeout.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SearchType ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SearchType(searchType string) *DeleteByQueryService

SearchType is the search operation type. Possible values are "query_then_fetch" and "dfs_query_then_fetch".

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Size ¶

Size represents the number of hits to return (default: 10).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Sort ¶

Sort is a list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SortByField ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SortByField(field string, ascending bool) *DeleteByQueryService

SortByField adds a sort order.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Stats ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Stats(stats ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

Stats specifies specific tag(s) of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) StoredFields ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) StoredFields(storedFields ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

StoredFields specifies the list of stored fields to return as part of a hit.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SuggestField ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SuggestField(suggestField string) *DeleteByQueryService

SuggestField specifies which field to use for suggestions.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SuggestMode ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SuggestMode(suggestMode string) *DeleteByQueryService

SuggestMode specifies the suggest mode. Possible values are "missing", "popular", and "always".

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SuggestSize ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SuggestSize(suggestSize int) *DeleteByQueryService

SuggestSize specifies how many suggestions to return in response.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) SuggestText ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) SuggestText(suggestText string) *DeleteByQueryService

SuggestText specifies the source text for which the suggestions should be returned.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) TerminateAfter ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) TerminateAfter(terminateAfter int) *DeleteByQueryService

TerminateAfter indicates the maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Timeout ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Timeout(timeout string) *DeleteByQueryService

Timeout is the time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) TimeoutInMillis ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) TimeoutInMillis(timeoutInMillis int) *DeleteByQueryService

TimeoutInMillis sets the timeout in milliseconds.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) TrackScores ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *DeleteByQueryService

TrackScores indicates whether to calculate and return scores even if they are not used for sorting.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Type ¶

Type limits the delete operation to the given types.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Validate ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) Version ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) Version(version bool) *DeleteByQueryService

Version specifies whether to return document version as part of a hit.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *DeleteByQueryService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the update by query operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

func (*DeleteByQueryService) WaitForCompletion ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) WaitForCompletion(waitForCompletion bool) *DeleteByQueryService

WaitForCompletion indicates if the request should block until the reindex is complete.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) XSource ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) XSource(xSource ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

XSource is true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) XSourceExclude ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) XSourceExclude(xSourceExclude ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

XSourceExclude represents a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (*DeleteByQueryService) XSourceInclude ¶

func (s *DeleteByQueryService) XSourceInclude(xSourceInclude ...string) *DeleteByQueryService

XSourceInclude represents a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

type DeleteResponse ¶

type DeleteResponse struct {
	Index         string      `json:"_index,omitempty"`
	Type          string      `json:"_type,omitempty"`
	Id            string      `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	Version       int64       `json:"_version,omitempty"`
	Result        string      `json:"result,omitempty"`
	Shards        *shardsInfo `json:"_shards,omitempty"`
	SeqNo         int64       `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"`
	PrimaryTerm   int64       `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"`
	Status        int         `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ForcedRefresh bool        `json:"forced_refresh,omitempty"`

DeleteResponse is the outcome of running DeleteService.Do.

type DeleteService ¶

type DeleteService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeleteService allows to delete a typed JSON document from a specified index based on its id.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-delete.html for details.

func NewDeleteService ¶

func NewDeleteService(client *Client) *DeleteService

NewDeleteService creates a new DeleteService.

func (*DeleteService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation. If the document is not found (404), Elasticsearch will still return a response. This response is serialized and returned as well. In other words, for HTTP status code 404, both an error and a response might be returned.

func (*DeleteService) Id ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Id(id string) *DeleteService

Id is the document ID.

func (*DeleteService) Index ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Index(index string) *DeleteService

Index is the name of the index.

func (*DeleteService) Parent ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Parent(parent string) *DeleteService

Parent is the ID of parent document.

func (*DeleteService) Pretty ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Pretty(pretty bool) *DeleteService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*DeleteService) Refresh ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Refresh(refresh string) *DeleteService

Refresh the index after performing the operation.

func (*DeleteService) Routing ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Routing(routing string) *DeleteService

Routing is a specific routing value.

func (*DeleteService) Timeout ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Timeout(timeout string) *DeleteService

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*DeleteService) Type ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Type(typ string) *DeleteService

Type is the type of the document.

func (*DeleteService) Validate ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*DeleteService) Version ¶

func (s *DeleteService) Version(version interface{}) *DeleteService

Version is an explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (*DeleteService) VersionType ¶

func (s *DeleteService) VersionType(versionType string) *DeleteService

VersionType is a specific version type.

func (*DeleteService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *DeleteService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *DeleteService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the delete operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type DerivativeAggregation ¶

type DerivativeAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DerivativeAggregation is a parent pipeline aggregation which calculates the derivative of a specified metric in a parent histogram (or date_histogram) aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the enclosing histogram must have min_doc_count set to 0 (default for histogram aggregations).

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-derivative-aggregation.html

func NewDerivativeAggregation ¶

func NewDerivativeAggregation() *DerivativeAggregation

NewDerivativeAggregation creates and initializes a new DerivativeAggregation.

func (*DerivativeAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *DerivativeAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *DerivativeAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*DerivativeAggregation) Format ¶

func (*DerivativeAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *DerivativeAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *DerivativeAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*DerivativeAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *DerivativeAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *DerivativeAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*DerivativeAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*DerivativeAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *DerivativeAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *DerivativeAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*DerivativeAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *DerivativeAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*DerivativeAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *DerivativeAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *DerivativeAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

func (*DerivativeAggregation) Unit ¶

Unit sets the unit provided, e.g. "1d" or "1y". It is only useful when calculating the derivative using a date_histogram.

type DirectCandidateGenerator ¶

type DirectCandidateGenerator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DirectCandidateGenerator implements a direct candidate generator. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters-phrase.html#_smoothing_models for details about smoothing models.

func NewDirectCandidateGenerator ¶

func NewDirectCandidateGenerator(field string) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) Accuracy ¶

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) Field ¶

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) MaxEdits ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) MaxEdits(maxEdits int) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) MaxInspections ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) MaxInspections(maxInspections int) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) MaxTermFreq ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) MaxTermFreq(maxTermFreq float64) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) MinDocFreq ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) MinDocFreq(minDocFreq float64) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) MinWordLength ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) MinWordLength(minWordLength int) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) PostFilter ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) PostFilter(postFilter string) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) PreFilter ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) PreFilter(preFilter string) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) PrefixLength ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) Size ¶

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) Sort ¶

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) Source ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) StringDistance ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) StringDistance(stringDistance string) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) SuggestMode ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) SuggestMode(suggestMode string) *DirectCandidateGenerator

func (*DirectCandidateGenerator) Type ¶

func (g *DirectCandidateGenerator) Type() string

type DisMaxQuery ¶

type DisMaxQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DisMaxQuery is a query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries, and that scores each document with the maximum score for that document as produced by any subquery, plus a tie breaking increment for any additional matching subqueries.

For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-dis-max-query.html

func NewDisMaxQuery ¶

func NewDisMaxQuery() *DisMaxQuery

NewDisMaxQuery creates and initializes a new dis max query.

func (*DisMaxQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *DisMaxQuery) Boost(boost float64) *DisMaxQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query. Documents matching this query will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by the boost provided.

func (*DisMaxQuery) Query ¶

func (q *DisMaxQuery) Query(queries ...Query) *DisMaxQuery

Query adds one or more queries to the dis max query.

func (*DisMaxQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *DisMaxQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *DisMaxQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*DisMaxQuery) Source ¶

func (q *DisMaxQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON serializable content for this query.

func (*DisMaxQuery) TieBreaker ¶

func (q *DisMaxQuery) TieBreaker(tieBreaker float64) *DisMaxQuery

TieBreaker is the factor by which the score of each non-maximum disjunct for a document is multiplied with and added into the final score.

If non-zero, the value should be small, on the order of 0.1, which says that 10 occurrences of word in a lower-scored field that is also in a higher scored field is just as good as a unique word in the lower scored field (i.e., one that is not in any higher scored field).

type DiscoveryNode ¶

type DiscoveryNode struct {
	Name             string                 `json:"name"`
	TransportAddress string                 `json:"transport_address"`
	Host             string                 `json:"host"`
	IP               string                 `json:"ip"`
	Attributes       map[string]interface{} `json:"attributes"`
	// Tasks returns the tasks by its id (as a string).
	Tasks map[string]*TaskInfo `json:"tasks"`

type EWMAMovAvgModel ¶

type EWMAMovAvgModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EWMAMovAvgModel calculates an exponentially weighted moving average.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html#_ewma_exponentially_weighted

func NewEWMAMovAvgModel ¶

func NewEWMAMovAvgModel() *EWMAMovAvgModel

NewEWMAMovAvgModel creates and initializes a new EWMAMovAvgModel.

func (*EWMAMovAvgModel) Alpha ¶

func (m *EWMAMovAvgModel) Alpha(alpha float64) *EWMAMovAvgModel

Alpha controls the smoothing of the data. Alpha = 1 retains no memory of past values (e.g. a random walk), while alpha = 0 retains infinite memory of past values (e.g. the series mean). Useful values are somewhere in between. Defaults to 0.5.

func (*EWMAMovAvgModel) Name ¶

func (m *EWMAMovAvgModel) Name() string

Name of the model.

func (*EWMAMovAvgModel) Settings ¶

func (m *EWMAMovAvgModel) Settings() map[string]interface{}

Settings of the model.

type Error ¶

type Error struct {
	Status  int           `json:"status"`
	Details *ErrorDetails `json:"error,omitempty"`

Error encapsulates error details as returned from Elasticsearch.

func (*Error) Error ¶

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error returns a string representation of the error.

type ErrorDetails ¶

type ErrorDetails struct {
	Type         string                   `json:"type"`
	Reason       string                   `json:"reason"`
	ResourceType string                   `json:"resource.type,omitempty"`
	ResourceId   string                   `json:"resource.id,omitempty"`
	Index        string                   `json:"index,omitempty"`
	Phase        string                   `json:"phase,omitempty"`
	Grouped      bool                     `json:"grouped,omitempty"`
	CausedBy     map[string]interface{}   `json:"caused_by,omitempty"`
	RootCause    []*ErrorDetails          `json:"root_cause,omitempty"`
	FailedShards []map[string]interface{} `json:"failed_shards,omitempty"`

ErrorDetails encapsulate error details from Elasticsearch. It is used in e.g. elastic.Error and elastic.BulkResponseItem.

type ExistsQuery ¶

type ExistsQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExistsQuery is a query that only matches on documents that the field has a value in them.

For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-exists-query.html

func NewExistsQuery ¶

func NewExistsQuery(name string) *ExistsQuery

NewExistsQuery creates and initializes a new dis max query.

func (*ExistsQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *ExistsQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *ExistsQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched queries per hit.

func (*ExistsQuery) Source ¶

func (q *ExistsQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON serializable content for this query.

type ExistsService ¶

type ExistsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExistsService checks for the existence of a document using HEAD.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-get.html for details.

func NewExistsService ¶

func NewExistsService(client *Client) *ExistsService

NewExistsService creates a new ExistsService.

func (*ExistsService) Do ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Do(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)

Do executes the operation.

func (*ExistsService) Id ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Id(id string) *ExistsService

Id is the document ID.

func (*ExistsService) Index ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Index(index string) *ExistsService

Index is the name of the index.

func (*ExistsService) Parent ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Parent(parent string) *ExistsService

Parent is the ID of the parent document.

func (*ExistsService) Preference ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Preference(preference string) *ExistsService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*ExistsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ExistsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ExistsService) Realtime ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Realtime(realtime bool) *ExistsService

Realtime specifies whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (*ExistsService) Refresh ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Refresh(refresh string) *ExistsService

Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (*ExistsService) Routing ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Routing(routing string) *ExistsService

Routing is a specific routing value.

func (*ExistsService) Type ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Type(typ string) *ExistsService

Type is the type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types).

func (*ExistsService) Validate ¶

func (s *ExistsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type ExplainResponse ¶

type ExplainResponse struct {
	Index       string                 `json:"_index"`
	Type        string                 `json:"_type"`
	Id          string                 `json:"_id"`
	Matched     bool                   `json:"matched"`
	Explanation map[string]interface{} `json:"explanation"`

ExplainResponse is the response of ExplainService.Do.

type ExplainService ¶

type ExplainService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExplainService computes a score explanation for a query and a specific document. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-explain.html.

func NewExplainService ¶

func NewExplainService(client *Client) *ExplainService

NewExplainService creates a new ExplainService.

func (*ExplainService) AnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (s *ExplainService) AnalyzeWildcard(analyzeWildcard bool) *ExplainService

AnalyzeWildcard specifies whether wildcards and prefix queries in the query string query should be analyzed (default: false).

func (*ExplainService) Analyzer ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Analyzer(analyzer string) *ExplainService

Analyzer is the analyzer for the query string query.

func (*ExplainService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *ExplainService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *ExplainService

BodyJson sets the query definition using the Query DSL.

func (*ExplainService) BodyString ¶

func (s *ExplainService) BodyString(body string) *ExplainService

BodyString sets the query definition using the Query DSL as a string.

func (*ExplainService) DefaultOperator ¶

func (s *ExplainService) DefaultOperator(defaultOperator string) *ExplainService

DefaultOperator is the default operator for query string query (AND or OR).

func (*ExplainService) Df ¶

Df is the default field for query string query (default: _all).

func (*ExplainService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*ExplainService) Fields ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Fields(fields ...string) *ExplainService

Fields is a list of fields to return in the response.

func (*ExplainService) Id ¶

Id is the document ID.

func (*ExplainService) Index ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Index(index string) *ExplainService

Index is the name of the index.

func (*ExplainService) Lenient ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Lenient(lenient bool) *ExplainService

Lenient specifies whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (*ExplainService) LowercaseExpandedTerms ¶

func (s *ExplainService) LowercaseExpandedTerms(lowercaseExpandedTerms bool) *ExplainService

LowercaseExpandedTerms specifies whether query terms should be lowercased.

func (*ExplainService) Parent ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Parent(parent string) *ExplainService

Parent is the ID of the parent document.

func (*ExplainService) Preference ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Preference(preference string) *ExplainService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*ExplainService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ExplainService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ExplainService) Q ¶

Query in the Lucene query string syntax.

func (*ExplainService) Query ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Query(query Query) *ExplainService

Query sets a query definition using the Query DSL.

func (*ExplainService) Routing ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Routing(routing string) *ExplainService

Routing sets a specific routing value.

func (*ExplainService) Source ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Source(source string) *ExplainService

Source is the URL-encoded query definition (instead of using the request body).

func (*ExplainService) Type ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Type(typ string) *ExplainService

Type is the type of the document.

func (*ExplainService) Validate ¶

func (s *ExplainService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*ExplainService) XSource ¶

func (s *ExplainService) XSource(xSource ...string) *ExplainService

XSource is true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (*ExplainService) XSourceExclude ¶

func (s *ExplainService) XSourceExclude(xSourceExclude ...string) *ExplainService

XSourceExclude is a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (*ExplainService) XSourceInclude ¶

func (s *ExplainService) XSourceInclude(xSourceInclude ...string) *ExplainService

XSourceInclude is a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

type ExponentialBackoff ¶

type ExponentialBackoff struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExponentialBackoff implements the simple exponential backoff described by Douglas Thain at http://dthain.blogspot.de/2009/02/exponential-backoff-in-distributed.html.

func NewExponentialBackoff ¶

func NewExponentialBackoff(initialTimeout, maxTimeout time.Duration) *ExponentialBackoff

NewExponentialBackoff returns a ExponentialBackoff backoff policy. Use initialTimeout to set the first/minimal interval and maxTimeout to set the maximum wait interval.

func (*ExponentialBackoff) Next ¶

func (b *ExponentialBackoff) Next(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

Next implements BackoffFunc for ExponentialBackoff.

type ExponentialDecayFunction ¶

type ExponentialDecayFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExponentialDecayFunction builds an exponential decay score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html for details.

func NewExponentialDecayFunction ¶

func NewExponentialDecayFunction() *ExponentialDecayFunction

NewExponentialDecayFunction creates a new ExponentialDecayFunction.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Decay ¶

Decay defines how documents are scored at the distance given a Scale. If no decay is defined, documents at the distance Scale will be scored 0.5.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) FieldName ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) FieldName(fieldName string) *ExponentialDecayFunction

FieldName specifies the name of the field to which this decay function is applied to.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) MultiValueMode ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) MultiValueMode(mode string) *ExponentialDecayFunction

MultiValueMode specifies how the decay function should be calculated on a field that has multiple values. Valid modes are: min, max, avg, and sum.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Offset ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) Offset(offset interface{}) *ExponentialDecayFunction

Offset, if defined, computes the decay function only for a distance greater than the defined offset.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Origin ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) Origin(origin interface{}) *ExponentialDecayFunction

Origin defines the "central point" by which the decay function calculates "distance".

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Scale ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) Scale(scale interface{}) *ExponentialDecayFunction

Scale defines the scale to be used with Decay.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *ExponentialDecayFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*ExponentialDecayFunction) Weight ¶

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type ExtendedStatsAggregation ¶

type ExtendedStatsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExtendedExtendedStatsAggregation is a multi-value metrics aggregation that computes stats over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-extendedstats-aggregation.html

func NewExtendedStatsAggregation ¶

func NewExtendedStatsAggregation() *ExtendedStatsAggregation

func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) Field ¶

func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) Format ¶

func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *ExtendedStatsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *ExtendedStatsAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) Script ¶

func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *ExtendedStatsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *ExtendedStatsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *ExtendedStatsAggregation

type FailedNodeException ¶

type FailedNodeException struct {
	NodeId string `json:"node_id"`

type FetchSourceContext ¶

type FetchSourceContext struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FetchSourceContext enables source filtering, i.e. it allows control over how the _source field is returned with every hit. It is used with various endpoints, e.g. when searching for documents, retrieving individual documents, or even updating documents.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-source-filtering.html for details.

func NewFetchSourceContext ¶

func NewFetchSourceContext(fetchSource bool) *FetchSourceContext

NewFetchSourceContext returns a new FetchSourceContext.

func (*FetchSourceContext) Exclude ¶

func (fsc *FetchSourceContext) Exclude(excludes ...string) *FetchSourceContext

Exclude indicates to exclude specific parts of the _source. Wildcards are allowed here.

func (*FetchSourceContext) FetchSource ¶

func (fsc *FetchSourceContext) FetchSource() bool

FetchSource indicates whether to return the _source.

func (*FetchSourceContext) Include ¶

func (fsc *FetchSourceContext) Include(includes ...string) *FetchSourceContext

Include indicates to return specific parts of the _source. Wildcards are allowed here.

func (*FetchSourceContext) Query ¶

func (fsc *FetchSourceContext) Query() url.Values

Query returns the parameters in a form suitable for a URL query string.

func (*FetchSourceContext) SetFetchSource ¶

func (fsc *FetchSourceContext) SetFetchSource(fetchSource bool)

SetFetchSource specifies whether to return the _source.

func (*FetchSourceContext) Source ¶

func (fsc *FetchSourceContext) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data to be used in a body.

type FieldSort ¶

type FieldSort struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FieldSort sorts by a given field.

func NewFieldSort ¶

func NewFieldSort(fieldName string) *FieldSort

NewFieldSort creates a new FieldSort.

func (*FieldSort) Asc ¶

func (s *FieldSort) Asc() *FieldSort

Asc sets ascending sort order.

func (*FieldSort) Desc ¶

func (s *FieldSort) Desc() *FieldSort

Desc sets descending sort order.

func (*FieldSort) FieldName ¶

func (s *FieldSort) FieldName(fieldName string) *FieldSort

FieldName specifies the name of the field to be used for sorting.

func (*FieldSort) Missing ¶

func (s *FieldSort) Missing(missing interface{}) *FieldSort

Missing sets the value to be used when a field is missing in a document. You can also use "_last" or "_first" to sort missing last or first respectively.

func (*FieldSort) NestedFilter ¶

func (s *FieldSort) NestedFilter(nestedFilter Query) *FieldSort

NestedFilter sets a filter that nested objects should match with in order to be taken into account for sorting.

func (*FieldSort) NestedPath ¶

func (s *FieldSort) NestedPath(nestedPath string) *FieldSort

NestedPath is used if sorting occurs on a field that is inside a nested object.

func (*FieldSort) NestedSort ¶

func (s *FieldSort) NestedSort(nestedSort *NestedSort) *FieldSort

NestedSort is available starting with 6.1 and will replace NestedFilter and NestedPath.

func (*FieldSort) Order ¶

func (s *FieldSort) Order(ascending bool) *FieldSort

Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.

func (*FieldSort) SortMode ¶

func (s *FieldSort) SortMode(sortMode string) *FieldSort

SortMode specifies what values to pick in case a document contains multiple values for the targeted sort field. Possible values are: min, max, sum, and avg.

func (*FieldSort) Source ¶

func (s *FieldSort) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

func (*FieldSort) UnmappedType ¶

func (s *FieldSort) UnmappedType(typ string) *FieldSort

UnmappedType sets the type to use when the current field is not mapped in an index.

type FieldStatistics ¶

type FieldStatistics struct {
	DocCount   int64 `json:"doc_count"`
	SumDocFreq int64 `json:"sum_doc_freq"`
	SumTtf     int64 `json:"sum_ttf"`

type FieldStats ¶

type FieldStats struct {
	Type                  string      `json:"type"`
	MaxDoc                int64       `json:"max_doc"`
	DocCount              int64       `json:"doc_count"`
	Density               int64       `json:"density"`
	SumDocFrequeny        int64       `json:"sum_doc_freq"`
	SumTotalTermFrequency int64       `json:"sum_total_term_freq"`
	Searchable            bool        `json:"searchable"`
	Aggregatable          bool        `json:"aggregatable"`
	MinValue              interface{} `json:"min_value"`
	MinValueAsString      string      `json:"min_value_as_string"`
	MaxValue              interface{} `json:"max_value"`
	MaxValueAsString      string      `json:"max_value_as_string"`

FieldStats contains stats of an individual field

type FieldStatsComparison ¶

type FieldStatsComparison struct {
	Lte interface{} `json:"lte,omitempty"`
	Lt  interface{} `json:"lt,omitempty"`
	Gte interface{} `json:"gte,omitempty"`
	Gt  interface{} `json:"gt,omitempty"`

FieldStatsComparison contain all comparison operations that can be used in FieldStatsConstraints.

type FieldStatsConstraints ¶

type FieldStatsConstraints struct {
	Min *FieldStatsComparison `json:"min_value,omitempty"`
	Max *FieldStatsComparison `json:"max_value,omitempty"`

FieldStatsConstraints is a constraint on a field.

type FieldStatsRequest ¶

type FieldStatsRequest struct {
	Fields           []string                          `json:"fields"`
	IndexConstraints map[string]*FieldStatsConstraints `json:"index_constraints,omitempty"`

FieldStatsRequest can be used to set up the body to be used in the Field Stats API.

type FieldStatsResponse ¶

type FieldStatsResponse struct {
	Indices map[string]IndexFieldStats `json:"indices,omitempty"`

FieldStatsResponse is the response body content

type FieldStatsService ¶

type FieldStatsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FieldStatsService allows finding statistical properties of a field without executing a search, but looking up measurements that are natively available in the Lucene index.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-field-stats.html for details

func NewFieldStatsService ¶

func NewFieldStatsService(client *Client) *FieldStatsService

NewFieldStatsService creates a new FieldStatsService

func (*FieldStatsService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *FieldStatsService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*FieldStatsService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *FieldStatsService

BodyJson is documented as: Field json objects containing the name and optionally a range to filter out indices result, that have results outside the defined bounds.

func (*FieldStatsService) BodyString ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) BodyString(body string) *FieldStatsService

BodyString is documented as: Field json objects containing the name and optionally a range to filter out indices result, that have results outside the defined bounds.

func (*FieldStatsService) ClusterLevel ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) ClusterLevel() *FieldStatsService

ClusterLevel is a helper that sets Level to "cluster".

func (*FieldStatsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*FieldStatsService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *FieldStatsService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*FieldStatsService) Fields ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) Fields(fields ...string) *FieldStatsService

Fields is a list of fields for to get field statistics for (min value, max value, and more).

func (*FieldStatsService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *FieldStatsService

IgnoreUnavailable is documented as: Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*FieldStatsService) Index ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) Index(index ...string) *FieldStatsService

Index is a list of index names; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices.

func (*FieldStatsService) IndicesLevel ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) IndicesLevel() *FieldStatsService

IndicesLevel is a helper that sets Level to "indices".

func (*FieldStatsService) Level ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) Level(level string) *FieldStatsService

Level sets if stats should be returned on a per index level or on a cluster wide level; should be one of 'cluster' or 'indices'; defaults to former

func (*FieldStatsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *FieldStatsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*FieldStatsService) Validate ¶

func (s *FieldStatsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type FieldValueFactorFunction ¶

type FieldValueFactorFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FieldValueFactorFunction is a function score function that allows you to use a field from a document to influence the score. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_field_value_factor.

func NewFieldValueFactorFunction ¶

func NewFieldValueFactorFunction() *FieldValueFactorFunction

NewFieldValueFactorFunction initializes and returns a new FieldValueFactorFunction.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Factor ¶

Factor is the (optional) factor to multiply the field with. If you do not specify a factor, the default is 1.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Field ¶

Field is the field to be extracted from the document.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *FieldValueFactorFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Missing ¶

Missing is used if a document does not have that field.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Modifier ¶

Modifier to apply to the field value. It can be one of: none, log, log1p, log2p, ln, ln1p, ln2p, square, sqrt, or reciprocal. Defaults to: none.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *FieldValueFactorFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *FieldValueFactorFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*FieldValueFactorFunction) Weight ¶

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type FilterAggregation ¶

type FilterAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FilterAggregation defines a single bucket of all the documents in the current document set context that match a specified filter. Often this will be used to narrow down the current aggregation context to a specific set of documents. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-filter-aggregation.html

func NewFilterAggregation ¶

func NewFilterAggregation() *FilterAggregation

func (*FilterAggregation) Filter ¶

func (a *FilterAggregation) Filter(filter Query) *FilterAggregation

func (*FilterAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *FilterAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *FilterAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*FilterAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *FilterAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*FilterAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *FilterAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *FilterAggregation

type FiltersAggregation ¶

type FiltersAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FiltersAggregation defines a multi bucket aggregations where each bucket is associated with a filter. Each bucket will collect all documents that match its associated filter.

Notice that the caller has to decide whether to add filters by name (using FilterWithName) or unnamed filters (using Filter or Filters). One cannot use both named and unnamed filters.

For details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-filters-aggregation.html

func NewFiltersAggregation ¶

func NewFiltersAggregation() *FiltersAggregation

NewFiltersAggregation initializes a new FiltersAggregation.

func (*FiltersAggregation) Filter ¶

func (a *FiltersAggregation) Filter(filter Query) *FiltersAggregation

Filter adds an unnamed filter. Notice that you can either use named or unnamed filters, but not both.

func (*FiltersAggregation) FilterWithName ¶

func (a *FiltersAggregation) FilterWithName(name string, filter Query) *FiltersAggregation

FilterWithName adds a filter with a specific name. Notice that you can either use named or unnamed filters, but not both.

func (*FiltersAggregation) Filters ¶

func (a *FiltersAggregation) Filters(filters ...Query) *FiltersAggregation

Filters adds one or more unnamed filters. Notice that you can either use named or unnamed filters, but not both.

func (*FiltersAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *FiltersAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *FiltersAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*FiltersAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *FiltersAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the a JSON-serializable interface. If the aggregation is invalid, an error is returned. This may e.g. happen if you mixed named and unnamed filters.

func (*FiltersAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *FiltersAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *FiltersAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type FunctionScoreQuery ¶

type FunctionScoreQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FunctionScoreQuery allows you to modify the score of documents that are retrieved by a query. This can be useful if, for example, a score function is computationally expensive and it is sufficient to compute the score on a filtered set of documents.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html

func NewFunctionScoreQuery ¶

func NewFunctionScoreQuery() *FunctionScoreQuery

NewFunctionScoreQuery creates and initializes a new function score query.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) Add ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) Add(filter Query, scoreFunc ScoreFunction) *FunctionScoreQuery

Add adds a score function that will execute on all the documents matching the filter.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) AddScoreFunc ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) AddScoreFunc(scoreFunc ScoreFunction) *FunctionScoreQuery

AddScoreFunc adds a score function that will execute the function on all documents.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) Boost ¶

Boost sets the boost for this query. Documents matching this query will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by the boost provided.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) BoostMode ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) BoostMode(boostMode string) *FunctionScoreQuery

BoostMode defines how the combined result of score functions will influence the final score together with the sub query score.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) Filter ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) Filter(filter Query) *FunctionScoreQuery

Filter sets the filter for the function score query.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) MaxBoost ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) MaxBoost(maxBoost float64) *FunctionScoreQuery

MaxBoost is the maximum boost that will be applied by function score.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) MinScore ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) MinScore(minScore float64) *FunctionScoreQuery

MinScore sets the minimum score.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) Query ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) Query(query Query) *FunctionScoreQuery

Query sets the query for the function score query.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) ScoreMode ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) ScoreMode(scoreMode string) *FunctionScoreQuery

ScoreMode defines how results of individual score functions will be aggregated. Can be first, avg, max, sum, min, or multiply.

func (*FunctionScoreQuery) Source ¶

func (q *FunctionScoreQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions ¶

type FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions represents the options for fuzzy completion suggester.

func NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions ¶

func NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions() *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions

NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions initializes a new FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions instance.

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) EditDistance ¶

func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) EditDistance(editDistance interface{}) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions

EditDistance specifies the maximum number of edits, e.g. a number like "1" or "2" or a string like "0..2" or ">5". See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/common-options.html#fuzziness for details.

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) MaxDeterminizedStates ¶

MaxDeterminizedStates is currently undocumented in Elasticsearch. It represents the maximum automaton states allowed for fuzzy expansion.

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) MinLength ¶

MinLength represents the minimum length of the input before fuzzy suggestions are returned (defaults to 3).

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) PrefixLength ¶

PrefixLength represents the minimum length of the input, which is not checked for fuzzy alternatives (defaults to 1).

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) Source ¶

func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source creates the JSON data.

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) Transpositions ¶

func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) Transpositions(transpositions bool) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions

Transpositions, if set to true, are counted as one change instead of two (defaults to true).

func (*FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) UnicodeAware ¶

UnicodeAware, if true, all measurements (like fuzzy edit distance, transpositions, and lengths) are measured in Unicode code points instead of in bytes. This is slightly slower than raw bytes, so it is set to false by default.

type FuzzyQuery ¶

type FuzzyQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FuzzyQuery uses similarity based on Levenshtein edit distance for string fields, and a +/- margin on numeric and date fields.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-fuzzy-query.html

func NewFuzzyQuery ¶

func NewFuzzyQuery(name string, value interface{}) *FuzzyQuery

NewFuzzyQuery creates a new fuzzy query.

func (*FuzzyQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) Boost(boost float64) *FuzzyQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query. Documents matching this query will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by the boost provided.

func (*FuzzyQuery) Fuzziness ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) Fuzziness(fuzziness interface{}) *FuzzyQuery

Fuzziness can be an integer/long like 0, 1 or 2 as well as strings like "auto", "0..1", "1..4" or "0.0..1.0".

func (*FuzzyQuery) MaxExpansions ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) MaxExpansions(maxExpansions int) *FuzzyQuery

func (*FuzzyQuery) PrefixLength ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *FuzzyQuery

func (*FuzzyQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *FuzzyQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*FuzzyQuery) Rewrite ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *FuzzyQuery

func (*FuzzyQuery) Source ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

func (*FuzzyQuery) Transpositions ¶

func (q *FuzzyQuery) Transpositions(transpositions bool) *FuzzyQuery

type GNDSignificanceHeuristic ¶

type GNDSignificanceHeuristic struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GNDSignificanceHeuristic implements the "Google Normalized Distance" as described in "The Google Similarity Distance", Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_google_normalized_distance for details.

func NewGNDSignificanceHeuristic ¶

func NewGNDSignificanceHeuristic() *GNDSignificanceHeuristic

NewGNDSignificanceHeuristic implements a new GNDSignificanceHeuristic.

func (*GNDSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset ¶

func (sh *GNDSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset(backgroundIsSuperset bool) *GNDSignificanceHeuristic

BackgroundIsSuperset indicates whether you defined a custom background filter that represents a difference set of documents that you want to compare to.

func (*GNDSignificanceHeuristic) Name ¶

func (sh *GNDSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string

Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.

func (*GNDSignificanceHeuristic) Source ¶

func (sh *GNDSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.

type GaussDecayFunction ¶

type GaussDecayFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GaussDecayFunction builds a gauss decay score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html for details.

func NewGaussDecayFunction ¶

func NewGaussDecayFunction() *GaussDecayFunction

NewGaussDecayFunction returns a new GaussDecayFunction.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Decay ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Decay(decay float64) *GaussDecayFunction

Decay defines how documents are scored at the distance given a Scale. If no decay is defined, documents at the distance Scale will be scored 0.5.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) FieldName ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) FieldName(fieldName string) *GaussDecayFunction

FieldName specifies the name of the field to which this decay function is applied to.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) MultiValueMode ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) MultiValueMode(mode string) *GaussDecayFunction

MultiValueMode specifies how the decay function should be calculated on a field that has multiple values. Valid modes are: min, max, avg, and sum.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Offset ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Offset(offset interface{}) *GaussDecayFunction

Offset, if defined, computes the decay function only for a distance greater than the defined offset.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Origin ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Origin(origin interface{}) *GaussDecayFunction

Origin defines the "central point" by which the decay function calculates "distance".

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Scale ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Scale(scale interface{}) *GaussDecayFunction

Scale defines the scale to be used with Decay.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*GaussDecayFunction) Weight ¶

func (fn *GaussDecayFunction) Weight(weight float64) *GaussDecayFunction

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type GeoBoundingBoxQuery ¶

type GeoBoundingBoxQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GeoBoundingBoxQuery allows to filter hits based on a point location using a bounding box.

For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-geo-bounding-box-query.html

func NewGeoBoundingBoxQuery ¶

func NewGeoBoundingBoxQuery(name string) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

NewGeoBoundingBoxQuery creates and initializes a new GeoBoundingBoxQuery.

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomLeft ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomLeft(bottom, left float64) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomLeftFromGeoPoint ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomLeftFromGeoPoint(point *GeoPoint) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomRight ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomRight(bottom, right float64) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomRightFromGeoPoint ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) BottomRightFromGeoPoint(point *GeoPoint) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) Source ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopLeft ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopLeft(top, left float64) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopLeftFromGeoPoint ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopLeftFromGeoPoint(point *GeoPoint) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopRight ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopRight(top, right float64) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopRightFromGeoPoint ¶

func (q *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) TopRightFromGeoPoint(point *GeoPoint) *GeoBoundingBoxQuery

func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) Type ¶

Type sets the type of executing the geo bounding box. It can be either memory or indexed. It defaults to memory.

type GeoBoundsAggregation ¶

type GeoBoundsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GeoBoundsAggregation is a metric aggregation that computes the bounding box containing all geo_point values for a field. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-geobounds-aggregation.html

func NewGeoBoundsAggregation ¶

func NewGeoBoundsAggregation() *GeoBoundsAggregation

func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) Field ¶

func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *GeoBoundsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *GeoBoundsAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *GeoBoundsAggregation) Script(script *Script) *GeoBoundsAggregation

func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *GeoBoundsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *GeoBoundsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *GeoBoundsAggregation

func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) WrapLongitude ¶

func (a *GeoBoundsAggregation) WrapLongitude(wrapLongitude bool) *GeoBoundsAggregation

type GeoDistanceAggregation ¶

type GeoDistanceAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GeoDistanceAggregation is a multi-bucket aggregation that works on geo_point fields and conceptually works very similar to the range aggregation. The user can define a point of origin and a set of distance range buckets. The aggregation evaluate the distance of each document value from the origin point and determines the buckets it belongs to based on the ranges (a document belongs to a bucket if the distance between the document and the origin falls within the distance range of the bucket). See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-geodistance-aggregation.html

func NewGeoDistanceAggregation ¶

func NewGeoDistanceAggregation() *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) AddRange ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) AddRange(from, to interface{}) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) AddRangeWithKey ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) AddRangeWithKey(key string, from, to interface{}) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom(to float64) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey(key string, to float64) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedTo ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedTo(from float64) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey(key string, from float64) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) Between ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) Between(from, to interface{}) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) BetweenWithKey ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) BetweenWithKey(key string, from, to interface{}) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) DistanceType ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) DistanceType(distanceType string) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) Field ¶

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *GeoDistanceAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) Point ¶

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *GeoDistanceAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *GeoDistanceAggregation

func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) Unit ¶

type GeoDistanceQuery ¶

type GeoDistanceQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GeoDistanceQuery filters documents that include only hits that exists within a specific distance from a geo point.

For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-geo-distance-query.html

func NewGeoDistanceQuery ¶

func NewGeoDistanceQuery(name string) *GeoDistanceQuery

NewGeoDistanceQuery creates and initializes a new GeoDistanceQuery.

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) Distance ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) Distance(distance string) *GeoDistanceQuery

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) DistanceType ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) DistanceType(distanceType string) *GeoDistanceQuery

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) GeoHash ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) GeoHash(geohash string) *GeoDistanceQuery

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) GeoPoint ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) GeoPoint(point *GeoPoint) *GeoDistanceQuery

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) Lat ¶

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) Lon ¶

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) Point ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) Point(lat, lon float64) *GeoDistanceQuery

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *GeoDistanceQuery

func (*GeoDistanceQuery) Source ¶

func (q *GeoDistanceQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type GeoDistanceSort ¶

type GeoDistanceSort struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GeoDistanceSort allows for sorting by geographic distance. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-sort.html#_geo_distance_sorting.

func NewGeoDistanceSort ¶

func NewGeoDistanceSort(fieldName string) *GeoDistanceSort

NewGeoDistanceSort creates a new sorter for geo distances.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Asc ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Asc() *GeoDistanceSort

Asc sets ascending sort order.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Desc ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Desc() *GeoDistanceSort

Desc sets descending sort order.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) DistanceType ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) DistanceType(distanceType string) *GeoDistanceSort

DistanceType describes how to compute the distance, e.g. "arc" or "plane". See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-sort.html#geo-sorting for details.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) FieldName ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) FieldName(fieldName string) *GeoDistanceSort

FieldName specifies the name of the (geo) field to use for sorting.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) GeoDistance ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) GeoDistance(geoDistance string) *GeoDistanceSort

GeoDistance is an alias for DistanceType.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) GeoHashes ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) GeoHashes(geohashes ...string) *GeoDistanceSort

GeoHashes specifies the geo point to create the range distance aggregations from.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) NestedFilter ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) NestedFilter(nestedFilter Query) *GeoDistanceSort

NestedFilter sets a filter that nested objects should match with in order to be taken into account for sorting.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) NestedPath ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) NestedPath(nestedPath string) *GeoDistanceSort

NestedPath is used if sorting occurs on a field that is inside a nested object.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) NestedSort ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) NestedSort(nestedSort *NestedSort) *GeoDistanceSort

NestedSort is available starting with 6.1 and will replace NestedFilter and NestedPath.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Order ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Order(ascending bool) *GeoDistanceSort

Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Point ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Point(lat, lon float64) *GeoDistanceSort

Point specifies a point to create the range distance aggregations from.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Points ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Points(points ...*GeoPoint) *GeoDistanceSort

Points specifies the geo point(s) to create the range distance aggregations from.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) SortMode ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) SortMode(sortMode string) *GeoDistanceSort

SortMode specifies what values to pick in case a document contains multiple values for the targeted sort field. Possible values are: min, max, sum, and avg.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Source ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

func (*GeoDistanceSort) Unit ¶

func (s *GeoDistanceSort) Unit(unit string) *GeoDistanceSort

Unit specifies the distance unit to use. It defaults to km. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/common-options.html#distance-units for details.

type GeoHashGridAggregation ¶

type GeoHashGridAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGeoHashGridAggregation ¶

func NewGeoHashGridAggregation() *GeoHashGridAggregation

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) Field ¶

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *GeoHashGridAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *GeoHashGridAggregation

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) Precision ¶

func (a *GeoHashGridAggregation) Precision(precision int) *GeoHashGridAggregation

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) ShardSize ¶

func (a *GeoHashGridAggregation) ShardSize(shardSize int) *GeoHashGridAggregation

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) Size ¶

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *GeoHashGridAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *GeoHashGridAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *GeoHashGridAggregation

type GeoPoint ¶

type GeoPoint struct {
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lon float64 `json:"lon"`

GeoPoint is a geographic position described via latitude and longitude.

func GeoPointFromLatLon ¶

func GeoPointFromLatLon(lat, lon float64) *GeoPoint

GeoPointFromLatLon initializes a new GeoPoint by latitude and longitude.

func GeoPointFromString ¶

func GeoPointFromString(latLon string) (*GeoPoint, error)

GeoPointFromString initializes a new GeoPoint by a string that is formatted as "{latitude},{longitude}", e.g. "40.10210,-70.12091".

func (*GeoPoint) Source ¶

func (pt *GeoPoint) Source() map[string]float64

Source returns the object to be serialized in Elasticsearch DSL.

type GeoPolygonQuery ¶

type GeoPolygonQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GeoPolygonQuery allows to include hits that only fall within a polygon of points.

For more details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-geo-polygon-query.html

func NewGeoPolygonQuery ¶

func NewGeoPolygonQuery(name string) *GeoPolygonQuery

NewGeoPolygonQuery creates and initializes a new GeoPolygonQuery.

func (*GeoPolygonQuery) AddGeoPoint ¶

func (q *GeoPolygonQuery) AddGeoPoint(point *GeoPoint) *GeoPolygonQuery

AddGeoPoint adds a GeoPoint.

func (*GeoPolygonQuery) AddPoint ¶

func (q *GeoPolygonQuery) AddPoint(lat, lon float64) *GeoPolygonQuery

AddPoint adds a point from latitude and longitude.

func (*GeoPolygonQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *GeoPolygonQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *GeoPolygonQuery

func (*GeoPolygonQuery) Source ¶

func (q *GeoPolygonQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type GetResult ¶

type GetResult struct {
	Index   string                 `json:"_index"`   // index meta field
	Type    string                 `json:"_type"`    // type meta field
	Id      string                 `json:"_id"`      // id meta field
	Uid     string                 `json:"_uid"`     // uid meta field (see MapperService.java for all meta fields)
	Routing string                 `json:"_routing"` // routing meta field
	Parent  string                 `json:"_parent"`  // parent meta field
	Version *int64                 `json:"_version"` // version number, when Version is set to true in SearchService
	Source  *json.RawMessage       `json:"_source,omitempty"`
	Found   bool                   `json:"found,omitempty"`
	Fields  map[string]interface{} `json:"fields,omitempty"`
	//Error     string                 `json:"error,omitempty"` // used only in MultiGet
	// TODO double-check that MultiGet now returns details error information
	Error *ErrorDetails `json:"error,omitempty"` // only used in MultiGet

GetResult is the outcome of GetService.Do.

type GetService ¶

type GetService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetService allows to get a typed JSON document from the index based on its id.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-get.html for details.

func NewGetService ¶

func NewGetService(client *Client) *GetService

NewGetService creates a new GetService.

func (*GetService) Do ¶

func (s *GetService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*GetResult, error)

Do executes the operation.

func (*GetService) FetchSource ¶

func (s *GetService) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *GetService

func (*GetService) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (s *GetService) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *GetService

func (*GetService) Id ¶

func (s *GetService) Id(id string) *GetService

Id is the document ID.

func (*GetService) IgnoreErrorsOnGeneratedFields ¶

func (s *GetService) IgnoreErrorsOnGeneratedFields(ignore bool) *GetService

IgnoreErrorsOnGeneratedFields indicates whether to ignore fields that are generated if the transaction log is accessed.

func (*GetService) Index ¶

func (s *GetService) Index(index string) *GetService

Index is the name of the index.

func (*GetService) Parent ¶

func (s *GetService) Parent(parent string) *GetService

Parent is the ID of the parent document.

func (*GetService) Preference ¶

func (s *GetService) Preference(preference string) *GetService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*GetService) Pretty ¶

func (s *GetService) Pretty(pretty bool) *GetService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*GetService) Realtime ¶

func (s *GetService) Realtime(realtime bool) *GetService

Realtime specifies whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (*GetService) Refresh ¶

func (s *GetService) Refresh(refresh string) *GetService

Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (*GetService) Routing ¶

func (s *GetService) Routing(routing string) *GetService

Routing is the specific routing value.

func (*GetService) StoredFields ¶

func (s *GetService) StoredFields(storedFields ...string) *GetService

StoredFields is a list of fields to return in the response.

func (*GetService) Type ¶

func (s *GetService) Type(typ string) *GetService

Type is the type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types).

func (*GetService) Validate ¶

func (s *GetService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*GetService) Version ¶

func (s *GetService) Version(version interface{}) *GetService

Version is an explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (*GetService) VersionType ¶

func (s *GetService) VersionType(versionType string) *GetService

VersionType is the specific version type.

type GlobalAggregation ¶

type GlobalAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GlobalAggregation defines a single bucket of all the documents within the search execution context. This context is defined by the indices and the document types you’re searching on, but is not influenced by the search query itself. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-global-aggregation.html

func NewGlobalAggregation ¶

func NewGlobalAggregation() *GlobalAggregation

func (*GlobalAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *GlobalAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *GlobalAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*GlobalAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *GlobalAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*GlobalAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *GlobalAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *GlobalAggregation

type HasChildQuery ¶

type HasChildQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HasChildQuery accepts a query and the child type to run against, and results in parent documents that have child docs matching the query.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-has-child-query.html

func NewHasChildQuery ¶

func NewHasChildQuery(childType string, query Query) *HasChildQuery

NewHasChildQuery creates and initializes a new has_child query.

func (*HasChildQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) Boost(boost float64) *HasChildQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*HasChildQuery) InnerHit ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) InnerHit(innerHit *InnerHit) *HasChildQuery

InnerHit sets the inner hit definition in the scope of this query and reusing the defined type and query.

func (*HasChildQuery) MaxChildren ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) MaxChildren(maxChildren int) *HasChildQuery

MaxChildren defines the maximum number of children that are required to match for the parent to be considered a match.

func (*HasChildQuery) MinChildren ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) MinChildren(minChildren int) *HasChildQuery

MinChildren defines the minimum number of children that are required to match for the parent to be considered a match.

func (*HasChildQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *HasChildQuery

QueryName specifies the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*HasChildQuery) ScoreMode ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) ScoreMode(scoreMode string) *HasChildQuery

ScoreMode defines how the scores from the matching child documents are mapped into the parent document. Allowed values are: min, max, avg, or none.

func (*HasChildQuery) ShortCircuitCutoff ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) ShortCircuitCutoff(shortCircuitCutoff int) *HasChildQuery

ShortCircuitCutoff configures what cut off point only to evaluate parent documents that contain the matching parent id terms instead of evaluating all parent docs.

func (*HasChildQuery) Source ¶

func (q *HasChildQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type HasParentQuery ¶

type HasParentQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HasParentQuery accepts a query and a parent type. The query is executed in the parent document space which is specified by the parent type. This query returns child documents which associated parents have matched. For the rest has_parent query has the same options and works in the same manner as has_child query.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-has-parent-query.html

func NewHasParentQuery ¶

func NewHasParentQuery(parentType string, query Query) *HasParentQuery

NewHasParentQuery creates and initializes a new has_parent query.

func (*HasParentQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *HasParentQuery) Boost(boost float64) *HasParentQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*HasParentQuery) InnerHit ¶

func (q *HasParentQuery) InnerHit(innerHit *InnerHit) *HasParentQuery

InnerHit sets the inner hit definition in the scope of this query and reusing the defined type and query.

func (*HasParentQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *HasParentQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *HasParentQuery

QueryName specifies the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*HasParentQuery) Score ¶

func (q *HasParentQuery) Score(score bool) *HasParentQuery

Score defines if the parent score is mapped into the child documents.

func (*HasParentQuery) Source ¶

func (q *HasParentQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type Highlight ¶

type Highlight struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Highlight allows highlighting search results on one or more fields. For details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-highlighting.html

func NewHighlight ¶

func NewHighlight() *Highlight

func (*Highlight) BoundaryChars ¶

func (hl *Highlight) BoundaryChars(boundaryChars string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) BoundaryMaxScan ¶

func (hl *Highlight) BoundaryMaxScan(boundaryMaxScan int) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) BoundaryScannerLocale ¶

func (hl *Highlight) BoundaryScannerLocale(boundaryScannerLocale string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) BoundaryScannerType ¶

func (hl *Highlight) BoundaryScannerType(boundaryScannerType string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Encoder ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Encoder(encoder string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Field ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Field(name string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Fields ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Fields(fields ...*HighlighterField) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) ForceSource ¶

func (hl *Highlight) ForceSource(forceSource bool) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) FragmentSize ¶

func (hl *Highlight) FragmentSize(fragmentSize int) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Fragmenter ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Fragmenter(fragmenter string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) HighlighQuery ¶

func (hl *Highlight) HighlighQuery(highlightQuery Query) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) HighlightFilter ¶

func (hl *Highlight) HighlightFilter(highlightFilter bool) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) HighlighterType ¶

func (hl *Highlight) HighlighterType(highlighterType string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) NoMatchSize ¶

func (hl *Highlight) NoMatchSize(noMatchSize int) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) NumOfFragments ¶

func (hl *Highlight) NumOfFragments(numOfFragments int) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Options ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Options(options map[string]interface{}) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Order ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Order(order string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) PostTags ¶

func (hl *Highlight) PostTags(postTags ...string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) PreTags ¶

func (hl *Highlight) PreTags(preTags ...string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) RequireFieldMatch ¶

func (hl *Highlight) RequireFieldMatch(requireFieldMatch bool) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) Source ¶

func (hl *Highlight) Source() (interface{}, error)

Creates the query source for the bool query.

func (*Highlight) TagsSchema ¶

func (hl *Highlight) TagsSchema(schemaName string) *Highlight

func (*Highlight) UseExplicitFieldOrder ¶

func (hl *Highlight) UseExplicitFieldOrder(useExplicitFieldOrder bool) *Highlight

type HighlighterField ¶

type HighlighterField struct {
	Name string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HighlighterField specifies a highlighted field.

func NewHighlighterField ¶

func NewHighlighterField(name string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) BoundaryChars ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) BoundaryChars(boundaryChars ...rune) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) BoundaryMaxScan ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) BoundaryMaxScan(boundaryMaxScan int) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) ForceSource ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) ForceSource(forceSource bool) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) FragmentOffset ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) FragmentOffset(fragmentOffset int) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) FragmentSize ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) FragmentSize(fragmentSize int) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) Fragmenter ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) Fragmenter(fragmenter string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) HighlightFilter ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) HighlightFilter(highlightFilter bool) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) HighlightQuery ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) HighlightQuery(highlightQuery Query) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) HighlighterType ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) HighlighterType(highlighterType string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) MatchedFields ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) MatchedFields(matchedFields ...string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) NoMatchSize ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) NoMatchSize(noMatchSize int) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) NumOfFragments ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) NumOfFragments(numOfFragments int) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) Options ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) Options(options map[string]interface{}) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) Order ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) Order(order string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) PhraseLimit ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) PhraseLimit(phraseLimit int) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) PostTags ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) PostTags(postTags ...string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) PreTags ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) PreTags(preTags ...string) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) RequireFieldMatch ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) RequireFieldMatch(requireFieldMatch bool) *HighlighterField

func (*HighlighterField) Source ¶

func (f *HighlighterField) Source() (interface{}, error)

type HistogramAggregation ¶

type HistogramAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HistogramAggregation is a multi-bucket values source based aggregation that can be applied on numeric values extracted from the documents. It dynamically builds fixed size (a.k.a. interval) buckets over the values. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-histogram-aggregation.html

func NewHistogramAggregation ¶

func NewHistogramAggregation() *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) ExtendedBounds ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) ExtendedBounds(min, max float64) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMax ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMax(max float64) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMin ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) ExtendedBoundsMin(min float64) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) Field ¶

func (*HistogramAggregation) Interval ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) Interval(interval float64) *HistogramAggregation

Interval for this builder, must be greater than 0.

func (*HistogramAggregation) MaxBounds ¶

func (*HistogramAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *HistogramAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*HistogramAggregation) MinBounds ¶

func (*HistogramAggregation) MinDocCount ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount int64) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) Missing ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) Missing(missing interface{}) *HistogramAggregation

Missing configures the value to use when documents miss a value.

func (*HistogramAggregation) Offset ¶

Offset into the histogram

func (*HistogramAggregation) Order ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) Order(order string, asc bool) *HistogramAggregation

Order specifies the sort order. Valid values for order are: "_key", "_count", a sub-aggregation name, or a sub-aggregation name with a metric.

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregation ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregation(aggName string, asc bool) *HistogramAggregation

OrderByAggregation creates a bucket ordering strategy which sorts buckets based on a single-valued calc get.

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregationAndMetric ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByAggregationAndMetric(aggName, metric string, asc bool) *HistogramAggregation

OrderByAggregationAndMetric creates a bucket ordering strategy which sorts buckets based on a multi-valued calc get.

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByCount ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByCount(asc bool) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByCountAsc ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByCountAsc() *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByCountDesc ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByCountDesc() *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByKey ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByKey(asc bool) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByKeyAsc ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByKeyAsc() *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) OrderByKeyDesc ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) OrderByKeyDesc() *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) Script(script *Script) *HistogramAggregation

func (*HistogramAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*HistogramAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *HistogramAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *HistogramAggregation

type HoltLinearMovAvgModel ¶

type HoltLinearMovAvgModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HoltLinearMovAvgModel calculates a doubly exponential weighted moving average.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html#_holt_linear

func NewHoltLinearMovAvgModel ¶

func NewHoltLinearMovAvgModel() *HoltLinearMovAvgModel

NewHoltLinearMovAvgModel creates and initializes a new HoltLinearMovAvgModel.

func (*HoltLinearMovAvgModel) Alpha ¶

Alpha controls the smoothing of the data. Alpha = 1 retains no memory of past values (e.g. a random walk), while alpha = 0 retains infinite memory of past values (e.g. the series mean). Useful values are somewhere in between. Defaults to 0.5.

func (*HoltLinearMovAvgModel) Beta ¶

Beta is equivalent to Alpha but controls the smoothing of the trend instead of the data.

func (*HoltLinearMovAvgModel) Name ¶

func (m *HoltLinearMovAvgModel) Name() string

Name of the model.

func (*HoltLinearMovAvgModel) Settings ¶

func (m *HoltLinearMovAvgModel) Settings() map[string]interface{}

Settings of the model.

type HoltWintersMovAvgModel ¶

type HoltWintersMovAvgModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HoltWintersMovAvgModel calculates a triple exponential weighted moving average.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html#_holt_winters

func NewHoltWintersMovAvgModel ¶

func NewHoltWintersMovAvgModel() *HoltWintersMovAvgModel

NewHoltWintersMovAvgModel creates and initializes a new HoltWintersMovAvgModel.

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Alpha ¶

Alpha controls the smoothing of the data. Alpha = 1 retains no memory of past values (e.g. a random walk), while alpha = 0 retains infinite memory of past values (e.g. the series mean). Useful values are somewhere in between. Defaults to 0.5.

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Beta ¶

Beta is equivalent to Alpha but controls the smoothing of the trend instead of the data.

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Gamma ¶

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Name ¶

func (m *HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Name() string

Name of the model.

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Pad ¶

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Period ¶

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) SeasonalityType ¶

func (m *HoltWintersMovAvgModel) SeasonalityType(typ string) *HoltWintersMovAvgModel

func (*HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Settings ¶

func (m *HoltWintersMovAvgModel) Settings() map[string]interface{}

Settings of the model.

type IPRangeAggregation ¶

type IPRangeAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IPRangeAggregation is a range aggregation that is dedicated for IP addresses.

See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-iprange-aggregation.html

func NewIPRangeAggregation ¶

func NewIPRangeAggregation() *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddMaskRange ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddMaskRange(mask string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddMaskRangeWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddMaskRangeWithKey(key, mask string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddRange ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddRange(from, to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddRangeWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddRangeWithKey(key, from, to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom(to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey(key, to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedTo ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedTo(from string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey(key, from string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Between ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) Between(from, to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) BetweenWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) BetweenWithKey(key, from, to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) Field(field string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Gt ¶

func (*IPRangeAggregation) GtWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) GtWithKey(key, from string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Keyed ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) Keyed(keyed bool) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Lt ¶

func (*IPRangeAggregation) LtWithKey ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) LtWithKey(key, to string) *IPRangeAggregation

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *IPRangeAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*IPRangeAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*IPRangeAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *IPRangeAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *IPRangeAggregation

type IPRangeAggregationEntry ¶

type IPRangeAggregationEntry struct {
	Key  string
	Mask string
	From string
	To   string

type IdsQuery ¶

type IdsQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IdsQuery filters documents that only have the provided ids. Note, this query uses the _uid field.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-ids-query.html

func NewIdsQuery ¶

func NewIdsQuery(types ...string) *IdsQuery

NewIdsQuery creates and initializes a new ids query.

func (*IdsQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *IdsQuery) Boost(boost float64) *IdsQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*IdsQuery) Ids ¶

func (q *IdsQuery) Ids(ids ...string) *IdsQuery

Ids adds ids to the filter.

func (*IdsQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *IdsQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *IdsQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter.

func (*IdsQuery) Source ¶

func (q *IdsQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type IndexFieldStats ¶

type IndexFieldStats struct {
	Fields map[string]FieldStats `json:"fields,omitempty"`

IndexFieldStats contains field stats for an index

type IndexResponse ¶

type IndexResponse struct {
	Index         string      `json:"_index,omitempty"`
	Type          string      `json:"_type,omitempty"`
	Id            string      `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	Version       int64       `json:"_version,omitempty"`
	Result        string      `json:"result,omitempty"`
	Shards        *shardsInfo `json:"_shards,omitempty"`
	SeqNo         int64       `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"`
	PrimaryTerm   int64       `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"`
	Status        int         `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ForcedRefresh bool        `json:"forced_refresh,omitempty"`

IndexResponse is the result of indexing a document in Elasticsearch.

type IndexService ¶

type IndexService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndexService adds or updates a typed JSON document in a specified index, making it searchable.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-index_.html for details.

func NewIndexService ¶

func NewIndexService(client *Client) *IndexService

NewIndexService creates a new IndexService.

func (*IndexService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndexService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndexService

BodyJson is the document as a serializable JSON interface.

func (*IndexService) BodyString ¶

func (s *IndexService) BodyString(body string) *IndexService

BodyString is the document encoded as a string.

func (*IndexService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndexService) Id ¶

func (s *IndexService) Id(id string) *IndexService

Id is the document ID.

func (*IndexService) Index ¶

func (s *IndexService) Index(index string) *IndexService

Index is the name of the index.

func (*IndexService) OpType ¶

func (s *IndexService) OpType(opType string) *IndexService

OpType is an explicit operation type, i.e. "create" or "index" (default).

func (*IndexService) Parent ¶

func (s *IndexService) Parent(parent string) *IndexService

Parent is the ID of the parent document.

func (*IndexService) Pipeline ¶

func (s *IndexService) Pipeline(pipeline string) *IndexService

Pipeline specifies the pipeline id to preprocess incoming documents with.

func (*IndexService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndexService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndexService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndexService) Refresh ¶

func (s *IndexService) Refresh(refresh string) *IndexService

Refresh the index after performing the operation.

func (*IndexService) Routing ¶

func (s *IndexService) Routing(routing string) *IndexService

Routing is a specific routing value.

func (*IndexService) TTL ¶

func (s *IndexService) TTL(ttl string) *IndexService

TTL is an expiration time for the document (alias for Ttl).

func (*IndexService) Timeout ¶

func (s *IndexService) Timeout(timeout string) *IndexService

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndexService) Timestamp ¶

func (s *IndexService) Timestamp(timestamp string) *IndexService

Timestamp is an explicit timestamp for the document.

func (*IndexService) Ttl ¶

func (s *IndexService) Ttl(ttl string) *IndexService

Ttl is an expiration time for the document.

func (*IndexService) Type ¶

func (s *IndexService) Type(typ string) *IndexService

Type is the type of the document.

func (*IndexService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndexService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*IndexService) Version ¶

func (s *IndexService) Version(version interface{}) *IndexService

Version is an explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (*IndexService) VersionType ¶

func (s *IndexService) VersionType(versionType string) *IndexService

VersionType is a specific version type.

func (*IndexService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *IndexService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *IndexService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the index operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type IndexStats ¶

type IndexStats struct {
	Primaries *IndexStatsDetails `json:"primaries,omitempty"`
	Total     *IndexStatsDetails `json:"total,omitempty"`

IndexStats is index stats for a specific index.

type IndexStatsCompletion ¶

type IndexStatsCompletion struct {
	Size        string `json:"size,omitempty"`
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsDetails ¶

type IndexStatsDetails struct {
	Docs        *IndexStatsDocs        `json:"docs,omitempty"`
	Store       *IndexStatsStore       `json:"store,omitempty"`
	Indexing    *IndexStatsIndexing    `json:"indexing,omitempty"`
	Get         *IndexStatsGet         `json:"get,omitempty"`
	Search      *IndexStatsSearch      `json:"search,omitempty"`
	Merges      *IndexStatsMerges      `json:"merges,omitempty"`
	Refresh     *IndexStatsRefresh     `json:"refresh,omitempty"`
	Flush       *IndexStatsFlush       `json:"flush,omitempty"`
	Warmer      *IndexStatsWarmer      `json:"warmer,omitempty"`
	FilterCache *IndexStatsFilterCache `json:"filter_cache,omitempty"`
	IdCache     *IndexStatsIdCache     `json:"id_cache,omitempty"`
	Fielddata   *IndexStatsFielddata   `json:"fielddata,omitempty"`
	Percolate   *IndexStatsPercolate   `json:"percolate,omitempty"`
	Completion  *IndexStatsCompletion  `json:"completion,omitempty"`
	Segments    *IndexStatsSegments    `json:"segments,omitempty"`
	Translog    *IndexStatsTranslog    `json:"translog,omitempty"`
	Suggest     *IndexStatsSuggest     `json:"suggest,omitempty"`
	QueryCache  *IndexStatsQueryCache  `json:"query_cache,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsDocs ¶

type IndexStatsDocs struct {
	Count   int64 `json:"count,omitempty"`
	Deleted int64 `json:"deleted,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsFielddata ¶

type IndexStatsFielddata struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size,omitempty"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsFilterCache ¶

type IndexStatsFilterCache struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size,omitempty"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsFlush ¶

type IndexStatsFlush struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time,omitempty"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsGet ¶

type IndexStatsGet struct {
	Total               int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	GetTime             string `json:"get_time,omitempty"`
	TimeInMillis        int64  `json:"time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	ExistsTotal         int64  `json:"exists_total,omitempty"`
	ExistsTime          string `json:"exists_time,omitempty"`
	ExistsTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"exists_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	MissingTotal        int64  `json:"missing_total,omitempty"`
	MissingTime         string `json:"missing_time,omitempty"`
	MissingTimeInMillis int64  `json:"missing_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	Current             int64  `json:"current,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsIdCache ¶

type IndexStatsIdCache struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size,omitempty"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsIndexing ¶

type IndexStatsIndexing struct {
	IndexTotal         int64  `json:"index_total,omitempty"`
	IndexTime          string `json:"index_time,omitempty"`
	IndexTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"index_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	IndexCurrent       int64  `json:"index_current,omitempty"`
	DeleteTotal        int64  `json:"delete_total,omitempty"`
	DeleteTime         string `json:"delete_time,omitempty"`
	DeleteTimeInMillis int64  `json:"delete_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	DeleteCurrent      int64  `json:"delete_current,omitempty"`
	NoopUpdateTotal    int64  `json:"noop_update_total,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsMerges ¶

type IndexStatsMerges struct {
	Current            int64  `json:"current,omitempty"`
	CurrentDocs        int64  `json:"current_docs,omitempty"`
	CurrentSize        string `json:"current_size,omitempty"`
	CurrentSizeInBytes int64  `json:"current_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	Total              int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	TotalTime          string `json:"total_time,omitempty"`
	TotalTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	TotalDocs          int64  `json:"total_docs,omitempty"`
	TotalSize          string `json:"total_size,omitempty"`
	TotalSizeInBytes   int64  `json:"total_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsPercolate ¶

type IndexStatsPercolate struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	GetTime           string `json:"get_time,omitempty"`
	TimeInMillis      int64  `json:"time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	Current           int64  `json:"current,omitempty"`
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size,omitempty"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	Queries           int64  `json:"queries,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsQueryCache ¶

type IndexStatsQueryCache struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size,omitempty"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions,omitempty"`
	HitCount          int64  `json:"hit_count,omitempty"`
	MissCount         int64  `json:"miss_count,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsRefresh ¶

type IndexStatsRefresh struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time,omitempty"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsSearch ¶

type IndexStatsSearch struct {
	OpenContexts      int64  `json:"open_contexts,omitempty"`
	QueryTotal        int64  `json:"query_total,omitempty"`
	QueryTime         string `json:"query_time,omitempty"`
	QueryTimeInMillis int64  `json:"query_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	QueryCurrent      int64  `json:"query_current,omitempty"`
	FetchTotal        int64  `json:"fetch_total,omitempty"`
	FetchTime         string `json:"fetch_time,omitempty"`
	FetchTimeInMillis int64  `json:"fetch_time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	FetchCurrent      int64  `json:"fetch_current,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsSegments ¶

type IndexStatsSegments struct {
	Count                       int64  `json:"count,omitempty"`
	Memory                      string `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	MemoryInBytes               int64  `json:"memory_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	IndexWriterMemory           string `json:"index_writer_memory,omitempty"`
	IndexWriterMemoryInBytes    int64  `json:"index_writer_memory_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	IndexWriterMaxMemory        string `json:"index_writer_max_memory,omitempty"`
	IndexWriterMaxMemoryInBytes int64  `json:"index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	VersionMapMemory            string `json:"version_map_memory,omitempty"`
	VersionMapMemoryInBytes     int64  `json:"version_map_memory_in_bytes,omitempty"`
	FixedBitSetMemory           string `json:"fixed_bit_set,omitempty"`
	FixedBitSetMemoryInBytes    int64  `json:"fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsStore ¶

type IndexStatsStore struct {
	Size        string `json:"size,omitempty"` // human size, e.g. 119.3mb
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsSuggest ¶

type IndexStatsSuggest struct {
	Total        int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	Time         string `json:"time,omitempty"`
	TimeInMillis int64  `json:"time_in_millis,omitempty"`
	Current      int64  `json:"current,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsTranslog ¶

type IndexStatsTranslog struct {
	Operations  int64  `json:"operations,omitempty"`
	Size        string `json:"size,omitempty"`
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes,omitempty"`

type IndexStatsWarmer ¶

type IndexStatsWarmer struct {
	Current           int64  `json:"current,omitempty"`
	Total             int64  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time,omitempty"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis,omitempty"`

type IndicesAnalyzeRequest ¶

type IndicesAnalyzeRequest struct {
	Text       []string `json:"text,omitempty"`
	Analyzer   string   `json:"analyzer,omitempty"`
	Tokenizer  string   `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"`
	Filter     []string `json:"filter,omitempty"`
	CharFilter []string `json:"char_filter,omitempty"`
	Field      string   `json:"field,omitempty"`
	Explain    bool     `json:"explain,omitempty"`
	Attributes []string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`

IndicesAnalyzeRequest specifies the parameters of the analyze request.

type IndicesAnalyzeResponse ¶

type IndicesAnalyzeResponse struct {
	Tokens []IndicesAnalyzeResponseToken `json:"tokens"` // json part for normal message
	Detail IndicesAnalyzeResponseDetail  `json:"detail"` // json part for verbose message of explain request

type IndicesAnalyzeResponseDetail ¶

type IndicesAnalyzeResponseDetail struct {
	CustomAnalyzer bool          `json:"custom_analyzer"`
	Charfilters    []interface{} `json:"charfilters"`
	Analyzer       struct {
		Name   string `json:"name"`
		Tokens []struct {
			Token          string `json:"token"`
			StartOffset    int    `json:"start_offset"`
			EndOffset      int    `json:"end_offset"`
			Type           string `json:"type"`
			Position       int    `json:"position"`
			Bytes          string `json:"bytes"`
			PositionLength int    `json:"positionLength"`
		} `json:"tokens"`
	} `json:"analyzer"`
	Tokenizer struct {
		Name   string `json:"name"`
		Tokens []struct {
			Token       string `json:"token"`
			StartOffset int    `json:"start_offset"`
			EndOffset   int    `json:"end_offset"`
			Type        string `json:"type"`
			Position    int    `json:"position"`
		} `json:"tokens"`
	} `json:"tokenizer"`
	Tokenfilters []struct {
		Name   string `json:"name"`
		Tokens []struct {
			Token       string `json:"token"`
			StartOffset int    `json:"start_offset"`
			EndOffset   int    `json:"end_offset"`
			Type        string `json:"type"`
			Position    int    `json:"position"`
			Keyword     bool   `json:"keyword"`
		} `json:"tokens"`
	} `json:"tokenfilters"`

type IndicesAnalyzeResponseToken ¶

type IndicesAnalyzeResponseToken struct {
	Token       string `json:"token"`
	StartOffset int    `json:"start_offset"`
	EndOffset   int    `json:"end_offset"`
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	Position    int    `json:"position"`

type IndicesAnalyzeService ¶

type IndicesAnalyzeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesAnalyzeService performs the analysis process on a text and returns the tokens breakdown of the text.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-analyze.html for detail.

func NewIndicesAnalyzeService ¶

func NewIndicesAnalyzeService(client *Client) *IndicesAnalyzeService

NewIndicesAnalyzeService creates a new IndicesAnalyzeService.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Analyzer ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) Analyzer(analyzer string) *IndicesAnalyzeService

Analyzer is the name of the analyzer to use.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Attributes ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) Attributes(attributes ...string) *IndicesAnalyzeService

Attributes is a list of token attributes to output; this parameter works only with explain=true.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndicesAnalyzeService

BodyJson is the text on which the analysis should be performed.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) BodyString ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) BodyString(body string) *IndicesAnalyzeService

BodyString is the text on which the analysis should be performed.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) CharFilter ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) CharFilter(charFilter ...string) *IndicesAnalyzeService

CharFilter is a list of character filters to use for the analysis.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Do ¶

Do will execute the request with the given context.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Explain ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) Explain(explain bool) *IndicesAnalyzeService

Explain, when true, outputs more advanced details (default: false).

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Field ¶

Field specifies to use a specific analyzer configured for this field (instead of passing the analyzer name).

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Filter ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) Filter(filter ...string) *IndicesAnalyzeService

Filter is a list of filters to use for the analysis.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Format ¶

Format of the output.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Index ¶

Index is the name of the index to scope the operation.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) PreferLocal ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) PreferLocal(preferLocal bool) *IndicesAnalyzeService

PreferLocal, when true, specifies that a local shard should be used if available. When false, a random shard is used (default: true).

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Request ¶

Request passes the analyze request to use.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Text ¶

Text is the text on which the analysis should be performed (when request body is not used).

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Tokenizer ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) Tokenizer(tokenizer string) *IndicesAnalyzeService

Tokenizer is the name of the tokenizer to use for the analysis.

func (*IndicesAnalyzeService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesAnalyzeService) Validate() error

type IndicesCloseResponse ¶

type IndicesCloseResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesCloseResponse is the response of IndicesCloseService.Do.

type IndicesCloseService ¶

type IndicesCloseService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesCloseService closes an index.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-open-close.html for details.

func NewIndicesCloseService ¶

func NewIndicesCloseService(client *Client) *IndicesCloseService

NewIndicesCloseService creates and initializes a new IndicesCloseService.

func (*IndicesCloseService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesCloseService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesCloseService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesCloseService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesCloseService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*IndicesCloseService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesCloseService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesCloseService) Index ¶

Index is the name of the index to close.

func (*IndicesCloseService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesCloseService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesCloseService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesCloseService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesCloseService) Timeout ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) Timeout(timeout string) *IndicesCloseService

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesCloseService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesCloseService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesCreateResult ¶

type IndicesCreateResult struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesCreateResult is the outcome of creating a new index.

type IndicesCreateService ¶

type IndicesCreateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesCreateService creates a new index.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-create-index.html for details.

func NewIndicesCreateService ¶

func NewIndicesCreateService(client *Client) *IndicesCreateService

NewIndicesCreateService returns a new IndicesCreateService.

func (*IndicesCreateService) Body ¶

Body specifies the configuration of the index as a string. It is an alias for BodyString.

func (*IndicesCreateService) BodyJson ¶

func (b *IndicesCreateService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndicesCreateService

BodyJson specifies the configuration of the index. The interface{} will be serializes as a JSON document, so use a map[string]interface{}.

func (*IndicesCreateService) BodyString ¶

func (b *IndicesCreateService) BodyString(body string) *IndicesCreateService

BodyString specifies the configuration of the index as a string.

func (*IndicesCreateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesCreateService) Index ¶

Index is the name of the index to create.

func (*IndicesCreateService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesCreateService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesCreateService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesCreateService) Pretty ¶

func (b *IndicesCreateService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesCreateService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesCreateService) Timeout ¶

func (s *IndicesCreateService) Timeout(timeout string) *IndicesCreateService

Timeout the explicit operation timeout, e.g. "5s".

type IndicesDeleteResponse ¶

type IndicesDeleteResponse struct {
	Acknowledged bool `json:"acknowledged"`

IndicesDeleteResponse is the response of IndicesDeleteService.Do.

type IndicesDeleteService ¶

type IndicesDeleteService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteService allows to delete existing indices.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-delete-index.html for details.

func NewIndicesDeleteService ¶

func NewIndicesDeleteService(client *Client) *IndicesDeleteService

NewIndicesDeleteService creates and initializes a new IndicesDeleteService.

func (*IndicesDeleteService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesDeleteService) Index ¶

Index adds the list of indices to delete. Use `_all` or `*` string to delete all indices.

func (*IndicesDeleteService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesDeleteService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesDeleteService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesDeleteService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesDeleteService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesDeleteService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesDeleteService) Timeout ¶

func (s *IndicesDeleteService) Timeout(timeout string) *IndicesDeleteService

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesDeleteService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesDeleteService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesDeleteTemplateResponse ¶

type IndicesDeleteTemplateResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesDeleteTemplateResponse is the response of IndicesDeleteTemplateService.Do.

type IndicesDeleteTemplateService ¶

type IndicesDeleteTemplateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteTemplateService deletes index templates. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-templates.html.

func NewIndicesDeleteTemplateService ¶

func NewIndicesDeleteTemplateService(client *Client) *IndicesDeleteTemplateService

NewIndicesDeleteTemplateService creates a new IndicesDeleteTemplateService.

func (*IndicesDeleteTemplateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesDeleteTemplateService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesDeleteTemplateService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesDeleteTemplateService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesDeleteTemplateService) Name ¶

Name is the name of the template.

func (*IndicesDeleteTemplateService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesDeleteTemplateService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesDeleteTemplateService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesDeleteTemplateService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesExistsService ¶

type IndicesExistsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsService checks if an index or indices exist or not.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-exists.html for details.

func NewIndicesExistsService ¶

func NewIndicesExistsService(client *Client) *IndicesExistsService

NewIndicesExistsService creates and initializes a new IndicesExistsService.

func (*IndicesExistsService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesExistsService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesExistsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesExistsService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesExistsService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*IndicesExistsService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesExistsService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesExistsService) Index ¶

Index is a list of one or more indices to check.

func (*IndicesExistsService) Local ¶

Local, when set, returns local information and does not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesExistsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesExistsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesExistsService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesExistsTemplateService ¶

type IndicesExistsTemplateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsTemplateService checks if a given template exists. See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/indices-templates.html#indices-templates-exists for documentation.

func NewIndicesExistsTemplateService ¶

func NewIndicesExistsTemplateService(client *Client) *IndicesExistsTemplateService

NewIndicesExistsTemplateService creates a new IndicesExistsTemplateService.

func (*IndicesExistsTemplateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesExistsTemplateService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information, i.e. do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesExistsTemplateService) Name ¶

Name is the name of the template.

func (*IndicesExistsTemplateService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesExistsTemplateService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsTemplateService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesExistsTypeService ¶

type IndicesExistsTypeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsTypeService checks if one or more types exist in one or more indices.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-types-exists.html for details.

func NewIndicesExistsTypeService ¶

func NewIndicesExistsTypeService(client *Client) *IndicesExistsTypeService

NewIndicesExistsTypeService creates a new IndicesExistsTypeService.

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsTypeService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesExistsTypeService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsTypeService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesExistsTypeService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsTypeService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesExistsTypeService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names; use `_all` to check the types across all indices.

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) Local ¶

Local specifies whether to return local information, i.e. do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) Type ¶

Type is a list of document types to check.

func (*IndicesExistsTypeService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesExistsTypeService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesFlushResponse ¶

type IndicesFlushResponse struct {
	Shards shardsInfo `json:"_shards"`

type IndicesFlushService ¶

type IndicesFlushService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Flush allows to flush one or more indices. The flush process of an index basically frees memory from the index by flushing data to the index storage and clearing the internal transaction log.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-flush.html for details.

func NewIndicesFlushService ¶

func NewIndicesFlushService(client *Client) *IndicesFlushService

NewIndicesFlushService creates a new IndicesFlushService.

func (*IndicesFlushService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesFlushService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesFlushService) Do ¶

Do executes the service.

func (*IndicesFlushService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesFlushService

ExpandWildcards specifies whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (*IndicesFlushService) Force ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) Force(force bool) *IndicesFlushService

Force indicates whether a flush should be forced even if it is not necessarily needed ie. if no changes will be committed to the index. This is useful if transaction log IDs should be incremented even if no uncommitted changes are present. (This setting can be considered as internal).

func (*IndicesFlushService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesFlushService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesFlushService) Index ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) Index(indices ...string) *IndicesFlushService

Index is a list of index names; use `_all` or empty string for all indices.

func (*IndicesFlushService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesFlushService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesFlushService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*IndicesFlushService) WaitIfOngoing ¶

func (s *IndicesFlushService) WaitIfOngoing(waitIfOngoing bool) *IndicesFlushService

WaitIfOngoing, if set to true, indicates that the flush operation will block until the flush can be executed if another flush operation is already executing. The default is false and will cause an exception to be thrown on the shard level if another flush operation is already running..

type IndicesForcemergeResponse ¶

type IndicesForcemergeResponse struct {
	Shards shardsInfo `json:"_shards"`

IndicesForcemergeResponse is the response of IndicesForcemergeService.Do.

type IndicesForcemergeService ¶

type IndicesForcemergeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesForcemergeService allows to force merging of one or more indices. The merge relates to the number of segments a Lucene index holds within each shard. The force merge operation allows to reduce the number of segments by merging them.

See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/indices-forcemerge.html for more information.

func NewIndicesForcemergeService ¶

func NewIndicesForcemergeService(client *Client) *IndicesForcemergeService

NewIndicesForcemergeService creates a new IndicesForcemergeService.

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesForcemergeService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesForcemergeService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) Flush ¶

Flush specifies whether the index should be flushed after performing the operation (default: true).

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesForcemergeService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices.

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) MaxNumSegments ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) MaxNumSegments(maxNumSegments interface{}) *IndicesForcemergeService

MaxNumSegments specifies the number of segments the index should be merged into (default: dynamic).

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) OnlyExpungeDeletes ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) OnlyExpungeDeletes(onlyExpungeDeletes bool) *IndicesForcemergeService

OnlyExpungeDeletes specifies whether the operation should only expunge deleted documents.

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) OperationThreading ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) OperationThreading(operationThreading interface{}) *IndicesForcemergeService

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesForcemergeService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesForcemergeService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesGetFieldMappingService ¶

type IndicesGetFieldMappingService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetFieldMappingService retrieves the mapping definitions for the fields in an index

or index/type.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-get-field-mapping.html for details.

func NewGetFieldMappingService ¶

func NewGetFieldMappingService(client *Client) *IndicesGetFieldMappingService

NewGetFieldMappingService is an alias for NewIndicesGetFieldMappingService. Use NewIndicesGetFieldMappingService.

func NewIndicesGetFieldMappingService ¶

func NewIndicesGetFieldMappingService(client *Client) *IndicesGetFieldMappingService

NewIndicesGetFieldMappingService creates a new IndicesGetFieldMappingService.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesGetFieldMappingService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesGetFieldMappingService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Do ¶

func (s *IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Do(ctx context.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Do executes the operation. It returns mapping definitions for an index or index/type.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesGetFieldMappingService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesGetFieldMappingService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Field ¶

Field is a list of fields.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesGetFieldMappingService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesGetFieldMappingService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Type ¶

Type is a list of document types.

func (*IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesGetFieldMappingService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesGetMappingService ¶

type IndicesGetMappingService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetMappingService retrieves the mapping definitions for an index or index/type.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-get-mapping.html for details.

func NewGetMappingService ¶

func NewGetMappingService(client *Client) *IndicesGetMappingService

NewGetMappingService is an alias for NewIndicesGetMappingService. Use NewIndicesGetMappingService.

func NewIndicesGetMappingService ¶

func NewIndicesGetMappingService(client *Client) *IndicesGetMappingService

NewIndicesGetMappingService creates a new IndicesGetMappingService.

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesGetMappingService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesGetMappingService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified.

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) Do ¶

func (s *IndicesGetMappingService) Do(ctx context.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Do executes the operation. It returns mapping definitions for an index or index/type.

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesGetMappingService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesGetMappingService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesGetMappingService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesGetMappingService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names.

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) Type ¶

Type is a list of document types.

func (*IndicesGetMappingService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesGetMappingService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesGetResponse ¶

type IndicesGetResponse struct {
	Aliases  map[string]interface{} `json:"aliases"`
	Mappings map[string]interface{} `json:"mappings"`
	Settings map[string]interface{} `json:"settings"`
	Warmers  map[string]interface{} `json:"warmers"`

IndicesGetResponse is part of the response of IndicesGetService.Do.

type IndicesGetService ¶

type IndicesGetService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetService retrieves information about one or more indices.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-get-index.html for more details.

func NewIndicesGetService ¶

func NewIndicesGetService(client *Client) *IndicesGetService

NewIndicesGetService creates a new IndicesGetService.

func (*IndicesGetService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesGetService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard expression resolves to no concrete indices (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesGetService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesGetService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (*IndicesGetService) Feature ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) Feature(features ...string) *IndicesGetService

Feature is a list of features.

func (*IndicesGetService) Human ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) Human(human bool) *IndicesGetService

Human indicates whether to return version and creation date values in human-readable format (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesGetService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether to ignore unavailable indexes (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetService) Index ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) Index(indices ...string) *IndicesGetService

Index is a list of index names.

func (*IndicesGetService) Local ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) Local(local bool) *IndicesGetService

Local indicates whether to return local information, i.e. do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesGetService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesGetService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesGetService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesGetSettingsResponse ¶

type IndicesGetSettingsResponse struct {
	Settings map[string]interface{} `json:"settings"`

IndicesGetSettingsResponse is the response of IndicesGetSettingsService.Do.

type IndicesGetSettingsService ¶

type IndicesGetSettingsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetSettingsService allows to retrieve settings of one or more indices.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-get-settings.html for more details.

func NewIndicesGetSettingsService ¶

func NewIndicesGetSettingsService(client *Client) *IndicesGetSettingsService

NewIndicesGetSettingsService creates a new IndicesGetSettingsService.

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesGetSettingsService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesGetSettingsService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesGetSettingsService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesGetSettingsService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Options: open, closed, none, all. Default: open,closed.

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *IndicesGetSettingsService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *IndicesGetSettingsService

FlatSettings indicates whether to return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesGetSettingsService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesGetSettingsService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices.

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) Name ¶

Name are the names of the settings that should be included.

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesGetSettingsService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesGetSettingsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesGetTemplateResponse ¶

type IndicesGetTemplateResponse struct {
	Order    int                    `json:"order,omitempty"`
	Version  int                    `json:"version,omitempty"`
	Template string                 `json:"template,omitempty"`
	Settings map[string]interface{} `json:"settings,omitempty"`
	Mappings map[string]interface{} `json:"mappings,omitempty"`
	Aliases  map[string]interface{} `json:"aliases,omitempty"`

IndicesGetTemplateResponse is the response of IndicesGetTemplateService.Do.

type IndicesGetTemplateService ¶

type IndicesGetTemplateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetTemplateService returns an index template. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-templates.html.

func NewIndicesGetTemplateService ¶

func NewIndicesGetTemplateService(client *Client) *IndicesGetTemplateService

NewIndicesGetTemplateService creates a new IndicesGetTemplateService.

func (*IndicesGetTemplateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesGetTemplateService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *IndicesGetTemplateService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *IndicesGetTemplateService

FlatSettings is returns settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetTemplateService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information, i.e. do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*IndicesGetTemplateService) Name ¶

Name is the name of the index template.

func (*IndicesGetTemplateService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesGetTemplateService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesGetTemplateService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesOpenResponse ¶

type IndicesOpenResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesOpenResponse is the response of IndicesOpenService.Do.

type IndicesOpenService ¶

type IndicesOpenService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesOpenService opens an index.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-open-close.html for details.

func NewIndicesOpenService ¶

func NewIndicesOpenService(client *Client) *IndicesOpenService

NewIndicesOpenService creates and initializes a new IndicesOpenService.

func (*IndicesOpenService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesOpenService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesOpenService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesOpenService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesOpenService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (*IndicesOpenService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesOpenService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesOpenService) Index ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) Index(index string) *IndicesOpenService

Index is the name of the index to open.

func (*IndicesOpenService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesOpenService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesOpenService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesOpenService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesOpenService) Timeout ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) Timeout(timeout string) *IndicesOpenService

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesOpenService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesOpenService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesPutMappingService ¶

type IndicesPutMappingService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutMappingService allows to register specific mapping definition for a specific type.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-put-mapping.html for details.

func NewIndicesPutMappingService ¶

func NewIndicesPutMappingService(client *Client) *IndicesPutMappingService

NewIndicesPutMappingService creates a new IndicesPutMappingService.

func NewPutMappingService ¶

func NewPutMappingService(client *Client) *IndicesPutMappingService

NewPutMappingService is an alias for NewIndicesPutMappingService. Use NewIndicesPutMappingService.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesPutMappingService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) BodyJson(mapping map[string]interface{}) *IndicesPutMappingService

BodyJson contains the mapping definition.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is the mapping definition serialized as a string.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesPutMappingService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesPutMappingService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names the mapping should be added to (supports wildcards); use `_all` or omit to add the mapping on all indices.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesPutMappingService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) Type ¶

Type is the name of the document type.

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) UpdateAllTypes ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) UpdateAllTypes(updateAllTypes bool) *IndicesPutMappingService

UpdateAllTypes, if true, indicates that all fields that span multiple indices should be updated (default: false).

func (*IndicesPutMappingService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesPutMappingService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesPutSettingsResponse ¶

type IndicesPutSettingsResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesPutSettingsResponse is the response of IndicesPutSettingsService.Do.

type IndicesPutSettingsService ¶

type IndicesPutSettingsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutSettingsService changes specific index level settings in real time.

See the documentation at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-update-settings.html.

func NewIndicesPutSettingsService ¶

func NewIndicesPutSettingsService(client *Client) *IndicesPutSettingsService

NewIndicesPutSettingsService creates a new IndicesPutSettingsService.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *IndicesPutSettingsService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndicesPutSettingsService

BodyJson is documented as: The index settings to be updated.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is documented as: The index settings to be updated.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *IndicesPutSettingsService

ExpandWildcards specifies whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *IndicesPutSettingsService

FlatSettings indicates whether to return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *IndicesPutSettingsService

IgnoreUnavailable specifies whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) Index ¶

Index is a list of index names the mapping should be added to (supports wildcards); use `_all` or omit to add the mapping on all indices.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesPutSettingsService

MasterTimeout is the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesPutSettingsService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesPutSettingsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IndicesPutTemplateResponse ¶

type IndicesPutTemplateResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesPutTemplateResponse is the response of IndicesPutTemplateService.Do.

type IndicesPutTemplateService ¶

type IndicesPutTemplateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutTemplateService creates or updates index mappings. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-templates.html.

func NewIndicesPutTemplateService ¶

func NewIndicesPutTemplateService(client *Client) *IndicesPutTemplateService

NewIndicesPutTemplateService creates a new IndicesPutTemplateService.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndicesPutTemplateService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndicesPutTemplateService

BodyJson is documented as: The template definition.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is documented as: The template definition.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Cause ¶

Cause describes the cause for this index template creation. This is currently undocumented, but part of the Java source.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Create ¶

Create indicates whether the index template should only be added if new or can also replace an existing one.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *IndicesPutTemplateService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *IndicesPutTemplateService

FlatSettings indicates whether to return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesPutTemplateService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesPutTemplateService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Name ¶

Name is the name of the index template.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Order ¶

func (s *IndicesPutTemplateService) Order(order interface{}) *IndicesPutTemplateService

Order is the order for this template when merging multiple matching ones (higher numbers are merged later, overriding the lower numbers).

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesPutTemplateService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*IndicesPutTemplateService) Version ¶

Version sets the version number for this template.

type IndicesRolloverResponse ¶

type IndicesRolloverResponse struct {
	OldIndex           string          `json:"old_index"`
	NewIndex           string          `json:"new_index"`
	RolledOver         bool            `json:"rolled_over"`
	DryRun             bool            `json:"dry_run"`
	Acknowledged       bool            `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool            `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Conditions         map[string]bool `json:"conditions"`

IndicesRolloverResponse is the response of IndicesRolloverService.Do.

type IndicesRolloverService ¶

type IndicesRolloverService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesRolloverService rolls an alias over to a new index when the existing index is considered to be too large or too old.

It is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-rollover-index.html.

func NewIndicesRolloverService ¶

func NewIndicesRolloverService(client *Client) *IndicesRolloverService

NewIndicesRolloverService creates a new IndicesRolloverService.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) AddCondition ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) AddCondition(name string, value interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

AddCondition adds a condition to the rollover decision.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) AddMapping ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) AddMapping(typ string, mapping interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

AddMapping adds a mapping for the given type.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) AddMaxIndexAgeCondition ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) AddMaxIndexAgeCondition(time string) *IndicesRolloverService

AddMaxIndexAgeCondition adds a condition to set the max index age.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) AddMaxIndexDocsCondition ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) AddMaxIndexDocsCondition(docs int64) *IndicesRolloverService

AddMaxIndexDocsCondition adds a condition to set the max documents in the index.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) AddSetting ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) AddSetting(name string, value interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

AddSetting adds an index setting.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Alias ¶

Alias is the name of the alias to rollover.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

BodyJson sets the conditions that needs to be met for executing rollover, specified as a serializable JSON instance which is sent as the body of the request.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) BodyString ¶

BodyString sets the conditions that needs to be met for executing rollover, specified as a string which is sent as the body of the request.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Conditions ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) Conditions(conditions map[string]interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

Conditions allows to specify all conditions as a dictionary.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) DryRun ¶

DryRun, when set, specifies that only conditions are checked without performing the actual rollover.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Mappings ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) Mappings(mappings map[string]interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

Mappings adds the index mappings.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesRolloverService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) NewIndex ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) NewIndex(newIndex string) *IndicesRolloverService

NewIndex is the name of the rollover index.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Settings ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) Settings(settings map[string]interface{}) *IndicesRolloverService

Settings adds the index settings.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Timeout ¶

Timeout sets an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*IndicesRolloverService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *IndicesRolloverService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *IndicesRolloverService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of active shards to wait for on the newly created rollover index before the operation returns.

type IndicesShrinkResponse ¶

type IndicesShrinkResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IndicesShrinkResponse is the response of IndicesShrinkService.Do.

type IndicesShrinkService ¶

type IndicesShrinkService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesShrinkService allows you to shrink an existing index into a new index with fewer primary shards.

For further details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-shrink-index.html.

func NewIndicesShrinkService ¶

func NewIndicesShrinkService(client *Client) *IndicesShrinkService

NewIndicesShrinkService creates a new IndicesShrinkService.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IndicesShrinkService

BodyJson is the configuration for the target index (`settings` and `aliases`) defined as a JSON-serializable instance to be sent as the request body.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) BodyString ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) BodyString(body string) *IndicesShrinkService

BodyString is the configuration for the target index (`settings` and `aliases`) defined as a string to send as the request body.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IndicesShrinkService

MasterTimeout specifies the timeout for connection to master.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesShrinkService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) Source ¶

Source is the name of the source index to shrink.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) Target ¶

Target is the name of the target index to shrink into.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) Timeout ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) Timeout(timeout string) *IndicesShrinkService

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*IndicesShrinkService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *IndicesShrinkService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *IndicesShrinkService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of active shards to wait for on the shrunken index before the operation returns.

type IndicesStatsResponse ¶

type IndicesStatsResponse struct {
	// Shards provides information returned from shards.
	Shards shardsInfo `json:"_shards"`

	// All provides summary stats about all indices.
	All *IndexStats `json:"_all,omitempty"`

	// Indices provides a map into the stats of an index. The key of the
	// map is the index name.
	Indices map[string]*IndexStats `json:"indices,omitempty"`

IndicesStatsResponse is the response of IndicesStatsService.Do.

type IndicesStatsService ¶

type IndicesStatsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesStatsService provides stats on various metrics of one or more indices. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-stats.html.

func NewIndicesStatsService ¶

func NewIndicesStatsService(client *Client) *IndicesStatsService

NewIndicesStatsService creates a new IndicesStatsService.

func (*IndicesStatsService) CompletionFields ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) CompletionFields(completionFields ...string) *IndicesStatsService

CompletionFields is a list of fields for `fielddata` and `suggest` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (*IndicesStatsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IndicesStatsService) FielddataFields ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) FielddataFields(fielddataFields ...string) *IndicesStatsService

FielddataFields is a list of fields for `fielddata` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (*IndicesStatsService) Fields ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Fields(fields ...string) *IndicesStatsService

Fields is a list of fields for `fielddata` and `completion` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (*IndicesStatsService) Groups ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Groups(groups ...string) *IndicesStatsService

Groups is a list of search groups for `search` index metric.

func (*IndicesStatsService) Human ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Human(human bool) *IndicesStatsService

Human indicates whether to return time and byte values in human-readable format..

func (*IndicesStatsService) Index ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Index(indices ...string) *IndicesStatsService

Index is the list of index names; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices.

func (*IndicesStatsService) Level ¶

Level returns stats aggregated at cluster, index or shard level.

func (*IndicesStatsService) Metric ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Metric(metric ...string) *IndicesStatsService

Metric limits the information returned the specific metrics. Options are: docs, store, indexing, get, search, completion, fielddata, flush, merge, query_cache, refresh, suggest, and warmer.

func (*IndicesStatsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *IndicesStatsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IndicesStatsService) Type ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Type(types ...string) *IndicesStatsService

Type is a list of document types for the `indexing` index metric.

func (*IndicesStatsService) Validate ¶

func (s *IndicesStatsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IngestDeletePipelineResponse ¶

type IngestDeletePipelineResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IngestDeletePipelineResponse is the response of IngestDeletePipelineService.Do.

type IngestDeletePipelineService ¶

type IngestDeletePipelineService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestDeletePipelineService deletes pipelines by ID. It is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/delete-pipeline-api.html.

func NewIngestDeletePipelineService ¶

func NewIngestDeletePipelineService(client *Client) *IngestDeletePipelineService

NewIngestDeletePipelineService creates a new IngestDeletePipelineService.

func (*IngestDeletePipelineService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IngestDeletePipelineService) Id ¶

Id is documented as: Pipeline ID.

func (*IngestDeletePipelineService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IngestDeletePipelineService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IngestDeletePipelineService

MasterTimeout is documented as: Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*IngestDeletePipelineService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IngestDeletePipelineService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is documented as: Explicit operation timeout.

func (*IngestDeletePipelineService) Validate ¶

func (s *IngestDeletePipelineService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IngestGetPipeline ¶

type IngestGetPipeline struct {
	ID     string                 `json:"id"`
	Config map[string]interface{} `json:"config"`

type IngestGetPipelineResponse ¶

type IngestGetPipelineResponse map[string]*IngestGetPipeline

IngestGetPipelineResponse is the response of IngestGetPipelineService.Do.

type IngestGetPipelineService ¶

type IngestGetPipelineService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestGetPipelineService returns pipelines based on ID. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/get-pipeline-api.html for documentation.

func NewIngestGetPipelineService ¶

func NewIngestGetPipelineService(client *Client) *IngestGetPipelineService

NewIngestGetPipelineService creates a new IngestGetPipelineService.

func (*IngestGetPipelineService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IngestGetPipelineService) Id ¶

Id is a list of pipeline ids. Wildcards supported.

func (*IngestGetPipelineService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IngestGetPipelineService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IngestGetPipelineService

MasterTimeout is an explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*IngestGetPipelineService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IngestGetPipelineService) Validate ¶

func (s *IngestGetPipelineService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IngestPutPipelineResponse ¶

type IngestPutPipelineResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

IngestPutPipelineResponse is the response of IngestPutPipelineService.Do.

type IngestPutPipelineService ¶

type IngestPutPipelineService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestPutPipelineService adds pipelines and updates existing pipelines in the cluster.

It is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/put-pipeline-api.html.

func NewIngestPutPipelineService ¶

func NewIngestPutPipelineService(client *Client) *IngestPutPipelineService

NewIngestPutPipelineService creates a new IngestPutPipelineService.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IngestPutPipelineService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IngestPutPipelineService

BodyJson is the ingest definition, defined as a JSON-serializable document. Use e.g. a map[string]interface{} here.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is the ingest definition, specified as a string.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) Id ¶

Id is the pipeline ID.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *IngestPutPipelineService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *IngestPutPipelineService

MasterTimeout is an explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) Timeout ¶

Timeout specifies an explicit operation timeout.

func (*IngestPutPipelineService) Validate ¶

func (s *IngestPutPipelineService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type IngestSimulateDocumentResult ¶

type IngestSimulateDocumentResult struct {
	Doc              map[string]interface{}           `json:"doc"`
	ProcessorResults []*IngestSimulateProcessorResult `json:"processor_results"`

type IngestSimulatePipelineResponse ¶

type IngestSimulatePipelineResponse struct {
	Docs []*IngestSimulateDocumentResult `json:"docs"`

IngestSimulatePipelineResponse is the response of IngestSimulatePipeline.Do.

type IngestSimulatePipelineService ¶

type IngestSimulatePipelineService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestSimulatePipelineService executes a specific pipeline against the set of documents provided in the body of the request.

The API is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/simulate-pipeline-api.html.

func NewIngestSimulatePipelineService ¶

func NewIngestSimulatePipelineService(client *Client) *IngestSimulatePipelineService

NewIngestSimulatePipelineService creates a new IngestSimulatePipeline.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *IngestSimulatePipelineService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *IngestSimulatePipelineService

BodyJson is the ingest definition, defined as a JSON-serializable simulate definition. Use e.g. a map[string]interface{} here.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is the simulate definition, defined as a string.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) Id ¶

Id specifies the pipeline ID.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) Validate ¶

func (s *IngestSimulatePipelineService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*IngestSimulatePipelineService) Verbose ¶

Verbose mode. Display data output for each processor in executed pipeline.

type IngestSimulateProcessorResult ¶

type IngestSimulateProcessorResult struct {
	ProcessorTag string                 `json:"tag"`
	Doc          map[string]interface{} `json:"doc"`

type InnerHit ¶

type InnerHit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InnerHit implements a simple join for parent/child, nested, and even top-level documents in Elasticsearch. It is an experimental feature for Elasticsearch versions 1.5 (or greater). See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/search-request-inner-hits.html for documentation.

See the tests for SearchSource, HasChildFilter, HasChildQuery, HasParentFilter, HasParentQuery, NestedFilter, and NestedQuery for usage examples.

func NewInnerHit ¶

func NewInnerHit() *InnerHit

NewInnerHit creates a new InnerHit.

func (*InnerHit) DocvalueField ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) DocvalueField(docvalueField string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) DocvalueFields ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Explain ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Explain(explain bool) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) FetchSource ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) From ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) From(from int) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Highlight ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Highlight(highlight *Highlight) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Highlighter ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Highlighter() *Highlight

func (*InnerHit) Name ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Name(name string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) NoStoredFields ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) NoStoredFields() *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Path ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Path(path string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Query ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Query(query Query) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) ScriptField ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) ScriptField(scriptField *ScriptField) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) ScriptFields ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) ScriptFields(scriptFields ...*ScriptField) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Size ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Size(size int) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Sort ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) SortBy ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) SortWithInfo ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Source ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*InnerHit) StoredField ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) StoredField(storedFieldName string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) StoredFields ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) StoredFields(storedFieldNames ...string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) TrackScores ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Type ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Type(typ string) *InnerHit

func (*InnerHit) Version ¶

func (hit *InnerHit) Version(version bool) *InnerHit

type JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic ¶

type JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic struct{}

JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic implements the JLH score as described in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_jlh_score.

func NewJLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic ¶

func NewJLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic() *JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic

NewJLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic.

func (*JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Name ¶

Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.

func (*JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Source ¶

func (sh *JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.

type LaplaceSmoothingModel ¶

type LaplaceSmoothingModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LaplaceSmoothingModel implements a laplace smoothing model. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters-phrase.html#_smoothing_models for details about smoothing models.

func NewLaplaceSmoothingModel ¶

func NewLaplaceSmoothingModel(alpha float64) *LaplaceSmoothingModel

func (*LaplaceSmoothingModel) Source ¶

func (sm *LaplaceSmoothingModel) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*LaplaceSmoothingModel) Type ¶

func (sm *LaplaceSmoothingModel) Type() string

type LinearDecayFunction ¶

type LinearDecayFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LinearDecayFunction builds a linear decay score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html for details.

func NewLinearDecayFunction ¶

func NewLinearDecayFunction() *LinearDecayFunction

NewLinearDecayFunction initializes and returns a new LinearDecayFunction.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Decay ¶

Decay defines how documents are scored at the distance given a Scale. If no decay is defined, documents at the distance Scale will be scored 0.5.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) FieldName ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) FieldName(fieldName string) *LinearDecayFunction

FieldName specifies the name of the field to which this decay function is applied to.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) GetMultiValueMode ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) GetMultiValueMode() string

GetMultiValueMode returns how the decay function should be calculated on a field that has multiple values. Valid modes are: min, max, avg, and sum.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) MultiValueMode ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) MultiValueMode(mode string) *LinearDecayFunction

MultiValueMode specifies how the decay function should be calculated on a field that has multiple values. Valid modes are: min, max, avg, and sum.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Offset ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) Offset(offset interface{}) *LinearDecayFunction

Offset, if defined, computes the decay function only for a distance greater than the defined offset.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Origin ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) Origin(origin interface{}) *LinearDecayFunction

Origin defines the "central point" by which the decay function calculates "distance".

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Scale ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) Scale(scale interface{}) *LinearDecayFunction

Scale defines the scale to be used with Decay.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*LinearDecayFunction) Weight ¶

func (fn *LinearDecayFunction) Weight(weight float64) *LinearDecayFunction

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel ¶

type LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel implements a linear interpolation smoothing model. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters-phrase.html#_smoothing_models for details about smoothing models.

func NewLinearInterpolationSmoothingModel ¶

func NewLinearInterpolationSmoothingModel(trigramLamda, bigramLambda, unigramLambda float64) *LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel

func (*LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel) Source ¶

func (sm *LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel) Type ¶

type LinearMovAvgModel ¶

type LinearMovAvgModel struct {

LinearMovAvgModel calculates a linearly weighted moving average, such that older values are linearly less important. "Time" is determined by position in collection.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html#_linear

func NewLinearMovAvgModel ¶

func NewLinearMovAvgModel() *LinearMovAvgModel

NewLinearMovAvgModel creates and initializes a new LinearMovAvgModel.

func (*LinearMovAvgModel) Name ¶

func (m *LinearMovAvgModel) Name() string

Name of the model.

func (*LinearMovAvgModel) Settings ¶

func (m *LinearMovAvgModel) Settings() map[string]interface{}

Settings of the model.

type Logger ¶

type Logger interface {
	Printf(format string, v ...interface{})

Logger specifies the interface for all log operations.

type MatchAllQuery ¶

type MatchAllQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MatchAllQuery is the most simple query, which matches all documents, giving them all a _score of 1.0.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-match-all-query.html

func NewMatchAllQuery ¶

func NewMatchAllQuery() *MatchAllQuery

NewMatchAllQuery creates and initializes a new match all query.

func (*MatchAllQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *MatchAllQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MatchAllQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query. Documents matching this query will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by the boost provided.

func (*MatchAllQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MatchAllQuery) QueryName(name string) *MatchAllQuery

QueryName sets the query name.

func (MatchAllQuery) Source ¶

func (q MatchAllQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the match all query.

type MatchNoneQuery ¶

type MatchNoneQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MatchNoneQuery returns no documents. It is the inverse of MatchAllQuery.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-match-all-query.html

func NewMatchNoneQuery ¶

func NewMatchNoneQuery() *MatchNoneQuery

NewMatchNoneQuery creates and initializes a new match none query.

func (*MatchNoneQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MatchNoneQuery) QueryName(name string) *MatchNoneQuery

QueryName sets the query name.

func (MatchNoneQuery) Source ¶

func (q MatchNoneQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the match none query.

type MatchPhrasePrefixQuery ¶

type MatchPhrasePrefixQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MatchPhrasePrefixQuery is the same as match_phrase, except that it allows for prefix matches on the last term in the text.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-match-query-phrase-prefix.html

func NewMatchPhrasePrefixQuery ¶

func NewMatchPhrasePrefixQuery(name string, value interface{}) *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery

NewMatchPhrasePrefixQuery creates and initializes a new MatchPhrasePrefixQuery.

func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery

Analyzer explicitly sets the analyzer to use. It defaults to use explicit mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer.

func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) Boost ¶

Boost sets the boost to apply to this query.

func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) MaxExpansions ¶

func (q *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) MaxExpansions(n int) *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery

MaxExpansions sets the number of term expansions to use.

func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) Slop ¶

Slop sets the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type.

func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) Source ¶

func (q *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type MatchPhraseQuery ¶

type MatchPhraseQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MatchPhraseQuery analyzes the text and creates a phrase query out of the analyzed text.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-match-query-phrase.html

func NewMatchPhraseQuery ¶

func NewMatchPhraseQuery(name string, value interface{}) *MatchPhraseQuery

NewMatchPhraseQuery creates and initializes a new MatchPhraseQuery.

func (*MatchPhraseQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MatchPhraseQuery

Analyzer explicitly sets the analyzer to use. It defaults to use explicit mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer.

func (*MatchPhraseQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MatchPhraseQuery

Boost sets the boost to apply to this query.

func (*MatchPhraseQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MatchPhraseQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*MatchPhraseQuery) Slop ¶

func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Slop(slop int) *MatchPhraseQuery

Slop sets the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type.

func (*MatchPhraseQuery) Source ¶

func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

type MatchQuery ¶

type MatchQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MatchQuery is a family of queries that accepts text/numerics/dates, analyzes them, and constructs a query.

To create a new MatchQuery, use NewMatchQuery. To create specific types of queries, e.g. a match_phrase query, use NewMatchPhrQuery(...).Type("phrase"), or use one of the shortcuts e.g. NewMatchPhraseQuery(...).

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-match-query.html

func NewMatchQuery ¶

func NewMatchQuery(name string, text interface{}) *MatchQuery

NewMatchQuery creates and initializes a new MatchQuery.

func (*MatchQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MatchQuery

Analyzer explicitly sets the analyzer to use. It defaults to use explicit mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer.

func (*MatchQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MatchQuery

Boost sets the boost to apply to this query.

func (*MatchQuery) CutoffFrequency ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) CutoffFrequency(cutoff float64) *MatchQuery

CutoffFrequency can be a value in [0..1] (or an absolute number >=1). It represents the maximum treshold of a terms document frequency to be considered a low frequency term.

func (*MatchQuery) Fuzziness ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) Fuzziness(fuzziness string) *MatchQuery

Fuzziness sets the fuzziness when evaluated to a fuzzy query type. Defaults to "AUTO".

func (*MatchQuery) FuzzyRewrite ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) FuzzyRewrite(fuzzyRewrite string) *MatchQuery

FuzzyRewrite sets the fuzzy_rewrite parameter controlling how the fuzzy query will get rewritten.

func (*MatchQuery) FuzzyTranspositions ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) FuzzyTranspositions(fuzzyTranspositions bool) *MatchQuery

FuzzyTranspositions sets whether transpositions are supported in fuzzy queries.

The default metric used by fuzzy queries to determine a match is the Damerau-Levenshtein distance formula which supports transpositions. Setting transposition to false will * switch to classic Levenshtein distance. * If not set, Damerau-Levenshtein distance metric will be used.

func (*MatchQuery) Lenient ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) Lenient(lenient bool) *MatchQuery

Lenient specifies whether format based failures will be ignored.

func (*MatchQuery) MaxExpansions ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) MaxExpansions(maxExpansions int) *MatchQuery

MaxExpansions is used with fuzzy or prefix type queries. It specifies the number of term expansions to use. It defaults to unbounded so that its recommended to set it to a reasonable value for faster execution.

func (*MatchQuery) MinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *MatchQuery

MinimumShouldMatch sets the optional minimumShouldMatch value to apply to the query.

func (*MatchQuery) Operator ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) Operator(operator string) *MatchQuery

Operator sets the operator to use when using a boolean query. Can be "AND" or "OR" (default).

func (*MatchQuery) PrefixLength ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *MatchQuery

PrefixLength sets the length of a length of common (non-fuzzy) prefix for fuzzy match queries. It must be non-negative.

func (*MatchQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MatchQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*MatchQuery) Source ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the function score query.

func (*MatchQuery) ZeroTermsQuery ¶

func (q *MatchQuery) ZeroTermsQuery(zeroTermsQuery string) *MatchQuery

ZeroTermsQuery can be "all" or "none".

type MatrixStatsAggregation ¶

type MatrixStatsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MatrixMatrixStatsAggregation ... See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-stats-aggregation.html for details.

func NewMatrixStatsAggregation ¶

func NewMatrixStatsAggregation() *MatrixStatsAggregation

NewMatrixStatsAggregation initializes a new MatrixStatsAggregation.

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) Fields ¶

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) Format ¶

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MatrixStatsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MatrixStatsAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) Missing ¶

func (a *MatrixStatsAggregation) Missing(missing interface{}) *MatrixStatsAggregation

Missing configures the value to use when documents miss a value.

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) Mode ¶

Mode specifies how to operate. Valid values are: sum, avg, median, min, or max.

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MatrixStatsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON to serialize into the request, or an error.

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MatrixStatsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MatrixStatsAggregation

func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) ValueType ¶

func (a *MatrixStatsAggregation) ValueType(valueType interface{}) *MatrixStatsAggregation

type MaxAggregation ¶

type MaxAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MaxAggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that keeps track and returns the maximum value among the numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-max-aggregation.html

func NewMaxAggregation ¶

func NewMaxAggregation() *MaxAggregation

func (*MaxAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *MaxAggregation) Field(field string) *MaxAggregation

func (*MaxAggregation) Format ¶

func (a *MaxAggregation) Format(format string) *MaxAggregation

func (*MaxAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MaxAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MaxAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MaxAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *MaxAggregation) Script(script *Script) *MaxAggregation

func (*MaxAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MaxAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*MaxAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MaxAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MaxAggregation

type MaxBucketAggregation ¶

type MaxBucketAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MaxBucketAggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation which identifies the bucket(s) with the maximum value of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation and outputs both the value and the key(s) of the bucket(s). The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a multi-bucket aggregation.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-max-bucket-aggregation.html

func NewMaxBucketAggregation ¶

func NewMaxBucketAggregation() *MaxBucketAggregation

NewMaxBucketAggregation creates and initializes a new MaxBucketAggregation.

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *MaxBucketAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *MaxBucketAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) Format ¶

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *MaxBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *MaxBucketAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *MaxBucketAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *MaxBucketAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MaxBucketAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MaxBucketAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MaxBucketAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*MaxBucketAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MaxBucketAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MaxBucketAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type MgetResponse ¶

type MgetResponse struct {
	Docs []*GetResult `json:"docs,omitempty"`

MgetResponse is the outcome of a Multi GET API request.

type MgetService ¶

type MgetService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MgetService allows to get multiple documents based on an index, type (optional) and id (possibly routing). The response includes a docs array with all the fetched documents, each element similar in structure to a document provided by the Get API.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-multi-get.html for details.

func NewMgetService ¶

func NewMgetService(client *Client) *MgetService

NewMgetService initializes a new Multi GET API request call.

func (*MgetService) Add ¶

func (s *MgetService) Add(items ...*MultiGetItem) *MgetService

Add an item to the request.

func (*MgetService) Do ¶

func (s *MgetService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*MgetResponse, error)

Do executes the request.

func (*MgetService) Preference ¶

func (s *MgetService) Preference(preference string) *MgetService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*MgetService) Pretty ¶

func (s *MgetService) Pretty(pretty bool) *MgetService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*MgetService) Realtime ¶

func (s *MgetService) Realtime(realtime bool) *MgetService

Realtime specifies whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (*MgetService) Refresh ¶

func (s *MgetService) Refresh(refresh string) *MgetService

Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (*MgetService) Routing ¶

func (s *MgetService) Routing(routing string) *MgetService

Routing is the specific routing value.

func (*MgetService) Source ¶

func (s *MgetService) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the request body, which will be serialized into JSON.

func (*MgetService) StoredFields ¶

func (s *MgetService) StoredFields(storedFields ...string) *MgetService

StoredFields is a list of fields to return in the response.

type MinAggregation ¶

type MinAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MinAggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that keeps track and returns the minimum value among numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-min-aggregation.html

func NewMinAggregation ¶

func NewMinAggregation() *MinAggregation

func (*MinAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *MinAggregation) Field(field string) *MinAggregation

func (*MinAggregation) Format ¶

func (a *MinAggregation) Format(format string) *MinAggregation

func (*MinAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MinAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MinAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MinAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *MinAggregation) Script(script *Script) *MinAggregation

func (*MinAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MinAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*MinAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MinAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MinAggregation

type MinBucketAggregation ¶

type MinBucketAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MinBucketAggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation which identifies the bucket(s) with the maximum value of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation and outputs both the value and the key(s) of the bucket(s). The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a multi-bucket aggregation.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-min-bucket-aggregation.html

func NewMinBucketAggregation ¶

func NewMinBucketAggregation() *MinBucketAggregation

NewMinBucketAggregation creates and initializes a new MinBucketAggregation.

func (*MinBucketAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *MinBucketAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *MinBucketAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*MinBucketAggregation) Format ¶

func (*MinBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *MinBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *MinBucketAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*MinBucketAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *MinBucketAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *MinBucketAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*MinBucketAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*MinBucketAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MinBucketAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MinBucketAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MinBucketAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MinBucketAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*MinBucketAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MinBucketAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MinBucketAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type MissingAggregation ¶

type MissingAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MissingAggregation is a field data based single bucket aggregation, that creates a bucket of all documents in the current document set context that are missing a field value (effectively, missing a field or having the configured NULL value set). This aggregator will often be used in conjunction with other field data bucket aggregators (such as ranges) to return information for all the documents that could not be placed in any of the other buckets due to missing field data values. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-missing-aggregation.html

func NewMissingAggregation ¶

func NewMissingAggregation() *MissingAggregation

func (*MissingAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *MissingAggregation) Field(field string) *MissingAggregation

func (*MissingAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MissingAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MissingAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MissingAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MissingAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*MissingAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MissingAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MissingAggregation

type MoreLikeThisQuery ¶

type MoreLikeThisQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MoreLikeThis query (MLT Query) finds documents that are "like" a given set of documents. In order to do so, MLT selects a set of representative terms of these input documents, forms a query using these terms, executes the query and returns the results. The user controls the input documents, how the terms should be selected and how the query is formed.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-mlt-query.html

func NewMoreLikeThisQuery ¶

func NewMoreLikeThisQuery() *MoreLikeThisQuery

NewMoreLikeThisQuery creates and initializes a new MoreLikeThisQuery.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

Analyzer specifies the analyzer that will be use to analyze the text. Defaults to the analyzer associated with the field.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MoreLikeThisQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) BoostTerms ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) BoostTerms(boostTerms float64) *MoreLikeThisQuery

BoostTerms sets the boost factor to use when boosting terms. It defaults to 1.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) FailOnUnsupportedField ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) FailOnUnsupportedField(fail bool) *MoreLikeThisQuery

FailOnUnsupportedField indicates whether to fail or return no result when this query is run against a field which is not supported such as a binary/numeric field.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) Field ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) Field(fields ...string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

Field adds one or more field names to the query.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) Ids ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) Ids(ids ...string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

Ids sets the document ids to use in order to find documents that are "like" this.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) IgnoreLikeItems ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) IgnoreLikeItems(ignoreDocs ...*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) *MoreLikeThisQuery

IgnoreLikeItems sets the documents from which the terms should not be selected from.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) IgnoreLikeText ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) IgnoreLikeText(ignoreLikeText ...string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

IgnoreLikeText sets the text from which the terms should not be selected from.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) Include ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) Include(include bool) *MoreLikeThisQuery

Include specifies whether the input documents should also be included in the results returned. Defaults to false.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) LikeItems ¶

LikeItems sets the documents to use in order to find documents that are "like" this.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) LikeText ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) LikeText(likeTexts ...string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

LikeText sets the text to use in order to find documents that are "like" this.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MaxDocFreq ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MaxDocFreq(maxDocFreq int) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MaxDocFreq sets the maximum frequency for which words may still appear. Words that appear in more than this many docs will be ignored. It defaults to unbounded.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MaxQueryTerms ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MaxQueryTerms(maxQueryTerms int) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MaxQueryTerms sets the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query. It defaults to 25.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MaxWordLength ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MaxWordLength(maxWordLength int) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MaxWordLength sets the maximum word length above which words will be ignored. Defaults to unbounded (0).

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MinDocFreq ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MinDocFreq(minDocFreq int) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MinDocFreq sets the frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in at least this many docs. The default is 5.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MinTermFreq ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MinTermFreq(minTermFreq int) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MinTermFreq is the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source doc. The default frequency is 2.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MinWordLength ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MinWordLength(minWordLength int) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MinWordLength sets the minimum word length below which words will be ignored. It defaults to 0.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) MinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

MinimumShouldMatch sets the number of terms that must match the generated query expressed in the common syntax for minimum should match. The default value is "30%".

This used to be "PercentTermsToMatch" in Elasticsearch versions before 2.0.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) Source ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source creates the source for the MLT query. It may return an error if the caller forgot to specify any documents to be "liked" in the MoreLikeThisQuery.

func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) StopWord ¶

func (q *MoreLikeThisQuery) StopWord(stopWords ...string) *MoreLikeThisQuery

StopWord sets the stopwords. Any word in this set is considered "uninteresting" and ignored. Even if your Analyzer allows stopwords, you might want to tell the MoreLikeThis code to ignore them, as for the purposes of document similarity it seems reasonable to assume that "a stop word is never interesting".

type MoreLikeThisQueryItem ¶

type MoreLikeThisQueryItem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MoreLikeThisQueryItem represents a single item of a MoreLikeThisQuery to be "liked" or "unliked".

func NewMoreLikeThisQueryItem ¶

func NewMoreLikeThisQueryItem() *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

NewMoreLikeThisQueryItem creates and initializes a MoreLikeThisQueryItem.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Doc ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Doc(doc interface{}) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

Doc represents a raw document template for the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) FetchSourceContext(fsc *FetchSourceContext) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

FetchSourceContext represents the fetch source of the item which controls if and how _source should be returned.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Fields ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Fields(fields ...string) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

Fields represents the list of fields of the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Id ¶

Id represents the document id of the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Index ¶

Index represents the index of the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) LikeText ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) LikeText(likeText string) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

LikeText represents a text to be "liked".

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Routing ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Routing(routing string) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

Routing sets the routing associated with the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Source ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable fragment of the entity.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Type ¶

Type represents the document type of the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Version ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) Version(version int64) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

Version specifies the version of the item.

func (*MoreLikeThisQueryItem) VersionType ¶

func (item *MoreLikeThisQueryItem) VersionType(versionType string) *MoreLikeThisQueryItem

VersionType represents the version type of the item.

type MovAvgAggregation ¶

type MovAvgAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MovAvgAggregation operates on a series of data. It will slide a window across the data and emit the average value of that window.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html

func NewMovAvgAggregation ¶

func NewMovAvgAggregation() *MovAvgAggregation

NewMovAvgAggregation creates and initializes a new MovAvgAggregation.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *MovAvgAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Format ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) Format(format string) *MovAvgAggregation

func (*MovAvgAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *MovAvgAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *MovAvgAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*MovAvgAggregation) GapSkip ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) GapSkip() *MovAvgAggregation

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *MovAvgAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Minimize ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) Minimize(minimize bool) *MovAvgAggregation

Minimize determines if the model should be fit to the data using a cost minimizing algorithm.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Model ¶

Model is used to define what type of moving average you want to use in the series.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Predict ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) Predict(numPredictions int) *MovAvgAggregation

Predict sets the number of predictions that should be returned. Each prediction will be spaced at the intervals in the histogram. E.g. a predict of 2 will return two new buckets at the end of the histogram with the predicted values.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*MovAvgAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *MovAvgAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

func (*MovAvgAggregation) Window ¶

func (a *MovAvgAggregation) Window(window int) *MovAvgAggregation

Window sets the window size for the moving average. This window will "slide" across the series, and the values inside that window will be used to calculate the moving avg value.

type MovAvgModel ¶

type MovAvgModel interface {
	Name() string
	Settings() map[string]interface{}

MovAvgModel specifies the model to use with the MovAvgAggregation.

type MultiGetItem ¶

type MultiGetItem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiGetItem is a single document to retrieve via the MgetService.

func NewMultiGetItem ¶

func NewMultiGetItem() *MultiGetItem

NewMultiGetItem initializes a new, single item for a Multi GET request.

func (*MultiGetItem) FetchSource ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) FetchSource(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *MultiGetItem

FetchSource allows to specify source filtering.

func (*MultiGetItem) Id ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) Id(id string) *MultiGetItem

Id specifies the identifier of the document.

func (*MultiGetItem) Index ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) Index(index string) *MultiGetItem

Index specifies the index name.

func (*MultiGetItem) Routing ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) Routing(routing string) *MultiGetItem

Routing is the specific routing value.

func (*MultiGetItem) Source ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serialized JSON to be sent to Elasticsearch as part of a MultiGet search.

func (*MultiGetItem) StoredFields ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) StoredFields(storedFields ...string) *MultiGetItem

StoredFields is a list of fields to return in the response.

func (*MultiGetItem) Type ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) Type(typ string) *MultiGetItem

Type specifies the type name.

func (*MultiGetItem) Version ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) Version(version int64) *MultiGetItem

Version can be MatchAny (-3), MatchAnyPre120 (0), NotFound (-1), or NotSet (-2). These are specified in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.Versions. The default in Elasticsearch is MatchAny (-3).

func (*MultiGetItem) VersionType ¶

func (item *MultiGetItem) VersionType(versionType string) *MultiGetItem

VersionType can be "internal", "external", "external_gt", or "external_gte". See org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType in Elasticsearch source. It is "internal" by default.

type MultiMatchQuery ¶

type MultiMatchQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiMatchQuery builds on the MatchQuery to allow multi-field queries.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-multi-match-query.html

func NewMultiMatchQuery ¶

func NewMultiMatchQuery(text interface{}, fields ...string) *MultiMatchQuery

MultiMatchQuery creates and initializes a new MultiMatchQuery.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MultiMatchQuery

Analyzer sets the analyzer to use explicitly. It defaults to use explicit mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MultiMatchQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) CutoffFrequency ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) CutoffFrequency(cutoff float64) *MultiMatchQuery

CutoffFrequency sets a cutoff value in [0..1] (or absolute number >=1) representing the maximum threshold of a terms document frequency to be considered a low frequency term.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Field ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Field(field string) *MultiMatchQuery

Field adds a field to run the multi match against.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) FieldWithBoost ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) FieldWithBoost(field string, boost float64) *MultiMatchQuery

FieldWithBoost adds a field to run the multi match against with a specific boost.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Fuzziness ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Fuzziness(fuzziness string) *MultiMatchQuery

Fuzziness sets the fuzziness used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type. It defaults to "AUTO".

func (*MultiMatchQuery) FuzzyRewrite ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) FuzzyRewrite(fuzzyRewrite string) *MultiMatchQuery

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Lenient ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Lenient(lenient bool) *MultiMatchQuery

Lenient indicates whether format based failures will be ignored.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) MaxExpansions ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) MaxExpansions(maxExpansions int) *MultiMatchQuery

MaxExpansions is the number of term expansions to use when using fuzzy or prefix type query. It defaults to unbounded so it's recommended to set it to a reasonable value for faster execution.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) MinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *MultiMatchQuery

MinimumShouldMatch represents the minimum number of optional should clauses to match.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Operator ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Operator(operator string) *MultiMatchQuery

Operator sets the operator to use when using boolean query. It can be either AND or OR (default).

func (*MultiMatchQuery) PrefixLength ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *MultiMatchQuery

PrefixLength for the fuzzy process.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MultiMatchQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Rewrite ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *MultiMatchQuery

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Slop ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Slop(slop int) *MultiMatchQuery

Slop sets the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Source ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) TieBreaker ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) TieBreaker(tieBreaker float64) *MultiMatchQuery

TieBreaker for "best-match" disjunction queries (OR queries). The tie breaker capability allows documents that match more than one query clause (in this case on more than one field) to be scored better than documents that match only the best of the fields, without confusing this with the better case of two distinct matches in the multiple fields.

A tie-breaker value of 1.0 is interpreted as a signal to score queries as "most-match" queries where all matching query clauses are considered for scoring.

func (*MultiMatchQuery) Type ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Type(typ string) *MultiMatchQuery

Type can be "best_fields", "boolean", "most_fields", "cross_fields", "phrase", or "phrase_prefix".

func (*MultiMatchQuery) ZeroTermsQuery ¶

func (q *MultiMatchQuery) ZeroTermsQuery(zeroTermsQuery string) *MultiMatchQuery

ZeroTermsQuery can be "all" or "none".

type MultiSearchResult ¶

type MultiSearchResult struct {
	Responses []*SearchResult `json:"responses,omitempty"`

type MultiSearchService ¶

type MultiSearchService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiSearch executes one or more searches in one roundtrip.

func NewMultiSearchService ¶

func NewMultiSearchService(client *Client) *MultiSearchService

func (*MultiSearchService) Add ¶

func (s *MultiSearchService) Add(requests ...*SearchRequest) *MultiSearchService

func (*MultiSearchService) Do ¶

func (*MultiSearchService) Index ¶

func (s *MultiSearchService) Index(indices ...string) *MultiSearchService

func (*MultiSearchService) Pretty ¶

func (s *MultiSearchService) Pretty(pretty bool) *MultiSearchService

type MultiTermvectorItem ¶

type MultiTermvectorItem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiTermvectorItem is a single document to retrieve via MultiTermvectorService.

func NewMultiTermvectorItem ¶

func NewMultiTermvectorItem() *MultiTermvectorItem

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Doc ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Doc(doc interface{}) *MultiTermvectorItem

Doc is the document to analyze.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) FieldStatistics ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) FieldStatistics(fieldStatistics bool) *MultiTermvectorItem

FieldStatistics specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Fields ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Fields(fields ...string) *MultiTermvectorItem

Fields a list of fields to return.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Id ¶

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Index ¶

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Offsets ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Offsets(offsets bool) *MultiTermvectorItem

Offsets specifies if term offsets should be returned.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Parent ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Parent(parent string) *MultiTermvectorItem

Parent id of documents.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Payloads ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Payloads(payloads bool) *MultiTermvectorItem

Payloads specifies if term payloads should be returned.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) PerFieldAnalyzer ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) PerFieldAnalyzer(perFieldAnalyzer map[string]string) *MultiTermvectorItem

PerFieldAnalyzer allows to specify a different analyzer than the one at the field.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Positions ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Positions(positions bool) *MultiTermvectorItem

Positions specifies if term positions should be returned.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Preference ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Preference(preference string) *MultiTermvectorItem

Preference specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Realtime ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Realtime(realtime bool) *MultiTermvectorItem

Realtime specifies if request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true).

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Routing ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Routing(routing string) *MultiTermvectorItem

Routing is a specific routing value.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Source ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) Source() interface{}

Source returns the serialized JSON to be sent to Elasticsearch as part of a MultiTermvector.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) TermStatistics ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorItem) TermStatistics(termStatistics bool) *MultiTermvectorItem

TermStatistics specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned.

func (*MultiTermvectorItem) Type ¶

type MultiTermvectorResponse ¶

type MultiTermvectorResponse struct {
	Docs []*TermvectorsResponse `json:"docs"`

MultiTermvectorResponse is the response of MultiTermvectorService.Do.

type MultiTermvectorService ¶

type MultiTermvectorService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiTermvectorService returns information and statistics on terms in the fields of a particular document. The document could be stored in the index or artificially provided by the user.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-multi-termvectors.html for documentation.

func NewMultiTermvectorService ¶

func NewMultiTermvectorService(client *Client) *MultiTermvectorService

NewMultiTermvectorService creates a new MultiTermvectorService.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Add ¶

Add adds documents to MultiTermvectors service.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *MultiTermvectorService

BodyJson is documented as: Define ids, documents, parameters or a list of parameters per document here. You must at least provide a list of document ids. See documentation..

func (*MultiTermvectorService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is documented as: Define ids, documents, parameters or a list of parameters per document here. You must at least provide a list of document ids. See documentation..

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) FieldStatistics ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) FieldStatistics(fieldStatistics bool) *MultiTermvectorService

FieldStatistics specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Fields ¶

Fields is a comma-separated list of fields to return. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Ids ¶

Ids is a comma-separated list of documents ids. You must define ids as parameter or set "ids" or "docs" in the request body.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Index ¶

Index in which the document resides.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Offsets ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Offsets(offsets bool) *MultiTermvectorService

Offsets specifies if term offsets should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Parent ¶

Parent id of documents. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Payloads ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Payloads(payloads bool) *MultiTermvectorService

Payloads specifies if term payloads should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Positions ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Positions(positions bool) *MultiTermvectorService

Positions specifies if term positions should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Preference ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Preference(preference string) *MultiTermvectorService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random). Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Realtime ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Realtime(realtime bool) *MultiTermvectorService

Realtime specifies if requests are real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true).

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Routing ¶

Routing specific routing value. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Source ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Source() interface{}

func (*MultiTermvectorService) TermStatistics ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) TermStatistics(termStatistics bool) *MultiTermvectorService

TermStatistics specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs".

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Type ¶

Type of the document.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Validate ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) Version ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) Version(version interface{}) *MultiTermvectorService

Version is explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (*MultiTermvectorService) VersionType ¶

func (s *MultiTermvectorService) VersionType(versionType string) *MultiTermvectorService

VersionType is specific version type.

type MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic ¶

type MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic implements Mutual information as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et al., Chapter 13.5.1.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_mutual_information for details.

func NewMutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic ¶

func NewMutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic() *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic

NewMutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new instance of MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic.

func (*MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset ¶

func (sh *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset(backgroundIsSuperset bool) *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic

BackgroundIsSuperset indicates whether you defined a custom background filter that represents a difference set of documents that you want to compare to.

func (*MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) IncludeNegatives ¶

IncludeNegatives indicates whether to filter out the terms that appear much less in the subset than in the background without the subset.

func (*MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) Name ¶

Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.

func (*MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) Source ¶

func (sh *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.

type NestedAggregation ¶

type NestedAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NestedAggregation is a special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating nested documents. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-nested-aggregation.html

func NewNestedAggregation ¶

func NewNestedAggregation() *NestedAggregation

func (*NestedAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *NestedAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *NestedAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*NestedAggregation) Path ¶

func (*NestedAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *NestedAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*NestedAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *NestedAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *NestedAggregation

type NestedQuery ¶

type NestedQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NestedQuery allows to query nested objects / docs. The query is executed against the nested objects / docs as if they were indexed as separate docs (they are, internally) and resulting in the root parent doc (or parent nested mapping).

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-nested-query.html

func NewNestedQuery ¶

func NewNestedQuery(path string, query Query) *NestedQuery

NewNestedQuery creates and initializes a new NestedQuery.

func (*NestedQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *NestedQuery) Boost(boost float64) *NestedQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*NestedQuery) IgnoreUnmapped ¶

func (q *NestedQuery) IgnoreUnmapped(value bool) *NestedQuery

IgnoreUnmapped sets the ignore_unmapped option for the filter that ignores unmapped nested fields

func (*NestedQuery) InnerHit ¶

func (q *NestedQuery) InnerHit(innerHit *InnerHit) *NestedQuery

InnerHit sets the inner hit definition in the scope of this nested query and reusing the defined path and query.

func (*NestedQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *NestedQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *NestedQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit

func (*NestedQuery) ScoreMode ¶

func (q *NestedQuery) ScoreMode(scoreMode string) *NestedQuery

ScoreMode specifies the score mode.

func (*NestedQuery) Source ¶

func (q *NestedQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type NestedSort ¶

type NestedSort struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NestedSort is used for fields that are inside a nested object. It takes a "path" argument and an optional nested filter that the nested objects should match with in order to be taken into account for sorting.

NestedSort is available from 6.1 and replaces nestedFilter and nestedPath in the other sorters.

func NewNestedSort ¶

func NewNestedSort(path string) *NestedSort

NewNestedSort creates a new NestedSort.

func (*NestedSort) Filter ¶

func (s *NestedSort) Filter(filter Query) *NestedSort

Filter sets the filter.

func (*NestedSort) NestedSort ¶

func (s *NestedSort) NestedSort(nestedSort *NestedSort) *NestedSort

NestedSort embeds another level of nested sorting.

func (*NestedSort) Source ¶

func (s *NestedSort) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

type NodesInfoNode ¶

type NodesInfoNode struct {
	// Name of the node, e.g. "Mister Fear"
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// TransportAddress, e.g. ""
	TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"`
	// Host is the host name, e.g. "macbookair"
	Host string `json:"host"`
	// IP is the IP address, e.g. ""
	IP string `json:"ip"`
	// Version is the Elasticsearch version running on the node, e.g. "1.4.3"
	Version string `json:"version"`
	// Build is the Elasticsearch build, e.g. "36a29a7"
	Build string `json:"build"`
	// HTTPAddress, e.g. ""
	HTTPAddress string `json:"http_address"`
	// HTTPSAddress, e.g. ""
	HTTPSAddress string `json:"https_address"`

	// Attributes of the node.
	Attributes map[string]interface{} `json:"attributes"`

	// Settings of the node, e.g. paths and pidfile.
	Settings map[string]interface{} `json:"settings"`

	// OS information, e.g. CPU and memory.
	OS *NodesInfoNodeOS `json:"os"`

	// Process information, e.g. max file descriptors.
	Process *NodesInfoNodeProcess `json:"process"`

	// JVM information, e.g. VM version.
	JVM *NodesInfoNodeJVM `json:"jvm"`

	// ThreadPool information.
	ThreadPool *NodesInfoNodeThreadPool `json:"thread_pool"`

	// Network information.
	Network *NodesInfoNodeNetwork `json:"network"`

	// Network information.
	Transport *NodesInfoNodeTransport `json:"transport"`

	// HTTP information.
	HTTP *NodesInfoNodeHTTP `json:"http"`

	// Plugins information.
	Plugins []*NodesInfoNodePlugin `json:"plugins"`

type NodesInfoNodeHTTP ¶

type NodesInfoNodeHTTP struct {
	BoundAddress            []string `json:"bound_address"`      // e.g. ["", "[fe80::1]:9200", "[::1]:9200"]
	PublishAddress          string   `json:"publish_address"`    // e.g. ""
	MaxContentLength        string   `json:"max_content_length"` // e.g. "100mb"
	MaxContentLengthInBytes int64    `json:"max_content_length_in_bytes"`

type NodesInfoNodeJVM ¶

type NodesInfoNodeJVM struct {
	PID               int       `json:"pid"`        // process id, e.g. 87079
	Version           string    `json:"version"`    // e.g. "1.8.0_25"
	VMName            string    `json:"vm_name"`    // e.g. "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM"
	VMVersion         string    `json:"vm_version"` // e.g. "25.25-b02"
	VMVendor          string    `json:"vm_vendor"`  // e.g. "Oracle Corporation"
	StartTime         time.Time `json:"start_time"` // e.g. "2015-01-03T15:18:30.982Z"
	StartTimeInMillis int64     `json:"start_time_in_millis"`

	// Mem information
	Mem struct {
		HeapInit           string `json:"heap_init"` // e.g. 1gb
		HeapInitInBytes    int    `json:"heap_init_in_bytes"`
		HeapMax            string `json:"heap_max"` // e.g. 4gb
		HeapMaxInBytes     int    `json:"heap_max_in_bytes"`
		NonHeapInit        string `json:"non_heap_init"` // e.g. 2.4mb
		NonHeapInitInBytes int    `json:"non_heap_init_in_bytes"`
		NonHeapMax         string `json:"non_heap_max"` // e.g. 0b
		NonHeapMaxInBytes  int    `json:"non_heap_max_in_bytes"`
		DirectMax          string `json:"direct_max"` // e.g. 4gb
		DirectMaxInBytes   int    `json:"direct_max_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"mem"`

	GCCollectors []string `json:"gc_collectors"` // e.g. ["ParNew"]
	MemoryPools  []string `json:"memory_pools"`  // e.g. ["Code Cache", "Metaspace"]

type NodesInfoNodeNetwork ¶

type NodesInfoNodeNetwork struct {
	RefreshInterval         string `json:"refresh_interval"`           // e.g. 1s
	RefreshIntervalInMillis int    `json:"refresh_interval_in_millis"` // e.g. 1000
	PrimaryInterface        struct {
		Address    string `json:"address"`     // e.g.
		Name       string `json:"name"`        // e.g. en0
		MACAddress string `json:"mac_address"` // e.g. 11:22:33:44:55:66
	} `json:"primary_interface"`

type NodesInfoNodeOS ¶

type NodesInfoNodeOS struct {
	RefreshInterval         string `json:"refresh_interval"`           // e.g. 1s
	RefreshIntervalInMillis int    `json:"refresh_interval_in_millis"` // e.g. 1000
	AvailableProcessors     int    `json:"available_processors"`       // e.g. 4

	// CPU information
	CPU struct {
		Vendor           string `json:"vendor"`              // e.g. Intel
		Model            string `json:"model"`               // e.g. iMac15,1
		MHz              int    `json:"mhz"`                 // e.g. 3500
		TotalCores       int    `json:"total_cores"`         // e.g. 4
		TotalSockets     int    `json:"total_sockets"`       // e.g. 4
		CoresPerSocket   int    `json:"cores_per_socket"`    // e.g. 16
		CacheSizeInBytes int    `json:"cache_size_in_bytes"` // e.g. 256
	} `json:"cpu"`

	// Mem information
	Mem struct {
		Total        string `json:"total"`          // e.g. 16gb
		TotalInBytes int    `json:"total_in_bytes"` // e.g. 17179869184
	} `json:"mem"`

	// Swap information
	Swap struct {
		Total        string `json:"total"`          // e.g. 1gb
		TotalInBytes int    `json:"total_in_bytes"` // e.g. 1073741824
	} `json:"swap"`

type NodesInfoNodePlugin ¶

type NodesInfoNodePlugin struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Site        bool   `json:"site"`
	JVM         bool   `json:"jvm"`
	URL         string `json:"url"` // e.g. /_plugin/dummy/

type NodesInfoNodeProcess ¶

type NodesInfoNodeProcess struct {
	RefreshInterval         string `json:"refresh_interval"`           // e.g. 1s
	RefreshIntervalInMillis int    `json:"refresh_interval_in_millis"` // e.g. 1000
	ID                      int    `json:"id"`                         // process id, e.g. 87079
	MaxFileDescriptors      int    `json:"max_file_descriptors"`       // e.g. 32768
	Mlockall                bool   `json:"mlockall"`                   // e.g. false

type NodesInfoNodeThreadPool ¶

type NodesInfoNodeThreadPool struct {
	Percolate  *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"percolate"`
	Bench      *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"bench"`
	Listener   *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"listener"`
	Index      *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"index"`
	Refresh    *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"refresh"`
	Suggest    *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"suggest"`
	Generic    *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"generic"`
	Warmer     *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"warmer"`
	Search     *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"search"`
	Flush      *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"flush"`
	Optimize   *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"optimize"`
	Management *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"management"`
	Get        *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"get"`
	Merge      *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"merge"`
	Bulk       *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"bulk"`
	Snapshot   *NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection `json:"snapshot"`

type NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection ¶

type NodesInfoNodeThreadPoolSection struct {
	Type      string      `json:"type"`       // e.g. fixed
	Min       int         `json:"min"`        // e.g. 4
	Max       int         `json:"max"`        // e.g. 4
	KeepAlive string      `json:"keep_alive"` // e.g. "5m"
	QueueSize interface{} `json:"queue_size"` // e.g. "1k" or -1

type NodesInfoNodeTransport ¶

type NodesInfoNodeTransport struct {
	BoundAddress   []string                                  `json:"bound_address"`
	PublishAddress string                                    `json:"publish_address"`
	Profiles       map[string]*NodesInfoNodeTransportProfile `json:"profiles"`

type NodesInfoNodeTransportProfile ¶

type NodesInfoNodeTransportProfile struct {
	BoundAddress   []string `json:"bound_address"`
	PublishAddress string   `json:"publish_address"`

type NodesInfoResponse ¶

type NodesInfoResponse struct {
	ClusterName string                    `json:"cluster_name"`
	Nodes       map[string]*NodesInfoNode `json:"nodes"`

NodesInfoResponse is the response of NodesInfoService.Do.

type NodesInfoService ¶

type NodesInfoService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesInfoService allows to retrieve one or more or all of the cluster nodes information. It is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/cluster-nodes-info.html.

func NewNodesInfoService ¶

func NewNodesInfoService(client *Client) *NodesInfoService

NewNodesInfoService creates a new NodesInfoService.

func (*NodesInfoService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*NodesInfoService) FlatSettings ¶

func (s *NodesInfoService) FlatSettings(flatSettings bool) *NodesInfoService

FlatSettings returns settings in flat format (default: false).

func (*NodesInfoService) Human ¶

func (s *NodesInfoService) Human(human bool) *NodesInfoService

Human indicates whether to return time and byte values in human-readable format.

func (*NodesInfoService) Metric ¶

func (s *NodesInfoService) Metric(metric ...string) *NodesInfoService

Metric is a list of metrics you wish returned. Leave empty to return all. Valid metrics are: settings, os, process, jvm, thread_pool, network, transport, http, and plugins.

func (*NodesInfoService) NodeId ¶

func (s *NodesInfoService) NodeId(nodeId ...string) *NodesInfoService

NodeId is a list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information. Use "_local" to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (*NodesInfoService) Pretty ¶

func (s *NodesInfoService) Pretty(pretty bool) *NodesInfoService

Pretty indicates whether to indent the returned JSON.

func (*NodesInfoService) Validate ¶

func (s *NodesInfoService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type NodesStatsBreaker ¶

type NodesStatsBreaker struct {
	LimitSize            string  `json:"limit_size"`
	LimitSizeInBytes     int64   `json:"limit_size_in_bytes"`
	EstimatedSize        string  `json:"estimated_size"`
	EstimatedSizeInBytes int64   `json:"estimated_size_in_bytes"`
	Overhead             float64 `json:"overhead"`
	Tripped              int64   `json:"tripped"`

type NodesStatsCompletionStats ¶

type NodesStatsCompletionStats struct {
	Size        string `json:"size"`
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`
	Fields      map[string]struct {
		Size        string `json:"size"`
		SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"fields"`

type NodesStatsDiscovery ¶

type NodesStatsDiscovery struct {
	ClusterStateQueue *NodesStatsDiscoveryStats `json:"cluster_state_queue"`

type NodesStatsDiscoveryStats ¶

type NodesStatsDiscoveryStats struct {
	Total     int64 `json:"total"`
	Pending   int64 `json:"pending"`
	Committed int64 `json:"committed"`

type NodesStatsDocsStats ¶

type NodesStatsDocsStats struct {
	Count   int64 `json:"count"`
	Deleted int64 `json:"deleted"`

type NodesStatsFielddataStats ¶

type NodesStatsFielddataStats struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions"`
	Fields            map[string]struct {
		MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"`
		MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"fields"`

type NodesStatsFlushStats ¶

type NodesStatsFlushStats struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis"`

type NodesStatsGetStats ¶

type NodesStatsGetStats struct {
	Total               int64  `json:"total"`
	Time                string `json:"get_time"`
	TimeInMillis        int64  `json:"time_in_millis"`
	Exists              int64  `json:"exists"`
	ExistsTime          string `json:"exists_time"`
	ExistsTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"exists_in_millis"`
	Missing             int64  `json:"missing"`
	MissingTime         string `json:"missing_time"`
	MissingTimeInMillis int64  `json:"missing_in_millis"`
	Current             int64  `json:"current"`

type NodesStatsIndex ¶

type NodesStatsIndex struct {
	Docs         *NodesStatsDocsStats         `json:"docs"`
	Store        *NodesStatsStoreStats        `json:"store"`
	Indexing     *NodesStatsIndexingStats     `json:"indexing"`
	Get          *NodesStatsGetStats          `json:"get"`
	Search       *NodesStatsSearchStats       `json:"search"`
	Merges       *NodesStatsMergeStats        `json:"merges"`
	Refresh      *NodesStatsRefreshStats      `json:"refresh"`
	Flush        *NodesStatsFlushStats        `json:"flush"`
	Warmer       *NodesStatsWarmerStats       `json:"warmer"`
	QueryCache   *NodesStatsQueryCacheStats   `json:"query_cache"`
	Fielddata    *NodesStatsFielddataStats    `json:"fielddata"`
	Percolate    *NodesStatsPercolateStats    `json:"percolate"`
	Completion   *NodesStatsCompletionStats   `json:"completion"`
	Segments     *NodesStatsSegmentsStats     `json:"segments"`
	Translog     *NodesStatsTranslogStats     `json:"translog"`
	Suggest      *NodesStatsSuggestStats      `json:"suggest"`
	RequestCache *NodesStatsRequestCacheStats `json:"request_cache"`
	Recovery     NodesStatsRecoveryStats      `json:"recovery"`

	Indices map[string]*NodesStatsIndex `json:"indices"` // for level=indices
	Shards  map[string]*NodesStatsIndex `json:"shards"`  // for level=shards

type NodesStatsIndexingStats ¶

type NodesStatsIndexingStats struct {
	IndexTotal         int64  `json:"index_total"`
	IndexTime          string `json:"index_time"`
	IndexTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"index_time_in_millis"`
	IndexCurrent       int64  `json:"index_current"`
	IndexFailed        int64  `json:"index_failed"`
	DeleteTotal        int64  `json:"delete_total"`
	DeleteTime         string `json:"delete_time"`
	DeleteTimeInMillis int64  `json:"delete_time_in_millis"`
	DeleteCurrent      int64  `json:"delete_current"`
	NoopUpdateTotal    int64  `json:"noop_update_total"`

	Types map[string]*NodesStatsIndexingStats `json:"types"` // stats for individual types

type NodesStatsIngest ¶

type NodesStatsIngest struct {
	Total     *NodesStatsIngestStats `json:"total"`
	Pipelines interface{}            `json:"pipelines"`

type NodesStatsIngestStats ¶

type NodesStatsIngestStats struct {
	Count        int64  `json:"count"`
	Time         string `json:"time"`
	TimeInMillis int64  `json:"time_in_millis"`
	Current      int64  `json:"current"`
	Failed       int64  `json:"failed"`

type NodesStatsMergeStats ¶

type NodesStatsMergeStats struct {
	Current                    int64  `json:"current"`
	CurrentDocs                int64  `json:"current_docs"`
	CurrentSize                string `json:"current_size"`
	CurrentSizeInBytes         int64  `json:"current_size_in_bytes"`
	Total                      int64  `json:"total"`
	TotalTime                  string `json:"total_time"`
	TotalTimeInMillis          int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis"`
	TotalDocs                  int64  `json:"total_docs"`
	TotalSize                  string `json:"total_size"`
	TotalSizeInBytes           int64  `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
	TotalStoppedTime           string `json:"total_stopped_time"`
	TotalStoppedTimeInMillis   int64  `json:"total_stopped_time_in_millis"`
	TotalThrottledTime         string `json:"total_throttled_time"`
	TotalThrottledTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_throttled_time_in_millis"`
	TotalThrottleBytes         string `json:"total_auto_throttle"`
	TotalThrottleBytesInBytes  int64  `json:"total_auto_throttle_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsNode ¶

type NodesStatsNode struct {
	// Timestamp when these stats we're gathered.
	Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
	// Name of the node, e.g. "Mister Fear"
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// TransportAddress, e.g. ""
	TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"`
	// Host is the host name, e.g. "macbookair"
	Host string `json:"host"`
	// IP is an IP address, e.g. ""
	IP string `json:"ip"`
	// Roles is a list of the roles of the node, e.g. master, data, ingest.
	Roles []string `json:"roles"`

	// Attributes of the node.
	Attributes map[string]interface{} `json:"attributes"`

	// Indices returns index information.
	Indices *NodesStatsIndex `json:"indices"`

	// OS information, e.g. CPU and memory.
	OS *NodesStatsNodeOS `json:"os"`

	// Process information, e.g. max file descriptors.
	Process *NodesStatsNodeProcess `json:"process"`

	// JVM information, e.g. VM version.
	JVM *NodesStatsNodeJVM `json:"jvm"`

	// ThreadPool information.
	ThreadPool map[string]*NodesStatsNodeThreadPool `json:"thread_pool"`

	// FS returns information about the filesystem.
	FS *NodesStatsNodeFS `json:"fs"`

	// Network information.
	Transport *NodesStatsNodeTransport `json:"transport"`

	// HTTP information.
	HTTP *NodesStatsNodeHTTP `json:"http"`

	// Breaker contains information about circuit breakers.
	Breaker map[string]*NodesStatsBreaker `json:"breakers"`

	// ScriptStats information.
	ScriptStats *NodesStatsScriptStats `json:"script"`

	// Discovery information.
	Discovery *NodesStatsDiscovery `json:"discovery"`

	// Ingest information
	Ingest *NodesStatsIngest `json:"ingest"`

type NodesStatsNodeFS ¶

type NodesStatsNodeFS struct {
	Timestamp int64                    `json:"timestamp"`
	Total     *NodesStatsNodeFSEntry   `json:"total"`
	Data      []*NodesStatsNodeFSEntry `json:"data"`
	IOStats   *NodesStatsNodeFSIOStats `json:"io_stats"`

type NodesStatsNodeFSEntry ¶

type NodesStatsNodeFSEntry struct {
	Path             string `json:"path"`
	Mount            string `json:"mount"`
	Type             string `json:"type"`
	Total            string `json:"total"`
	TotalInBytes     int64  `json:"total_in_bytes"`
	Free             string `json:"free"`
	FreeInBytes      int64  `json:"free_in_bytes"`
	Available        string `json:"available"`
	AvailableInBytes int64  `json:"available_in_bytes"`
	Spins            string `json:"spins"`

type NodesStatsNodeFSIOStats ¶

type NodesStatsNodeFSIOStats struct {
	Devices []*NodesStatsNodeFSIOStatsEntry `json:"devices"`
	Total   *NodesStatsNodeFSIOStatsEntry   `json:"total"`

type NodesStatsNodeFSIOStatsEntry ¶

type NodesStatsNodeFSIOStatsEntry struct {
	DeviceName      string `json:"device_name"`
	Operations      int64  `json:"operations"`
	ReadOperations  int64  `json:"read_operations"`
	WriteOperations int64  `json:"write_operations"`
	ReadKilobytes   int64  `json:"read_kilobytes"`
	WriteKilobytes  int64  `json:"write_kilobytes"`

type NodesStatsNodeHTTP ¶

type NodesStatsNodeHTTP struct {
	CurrentOpen int `json:"current_open"`
	TotalOpened int `json:"total_opened"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVM ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVM struct {
	Timestamp      int64                                   `json:"timestamp"`
	Uptime         string                                  `json:"uptime"`
	UptimeInMillis int64                                   `json:"uptime_in_millis"`
	Mem            *NodesStatsNodeJVMMem                   `json:"mem"`
	Threads        *NodesStatsNodeJVMThreads               `json:"threads"`
	GC             *NodesStatsNodeJVMGC                    `json:"gc"`
	BufferPools    map[string]*NodesStatsNodeJVMBufferPool `json:"buffer_pools"`
	Classes        *NodesStatsNodeJVMClasses               `json:"classes"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVMBufferPool ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVMBufferPool struct {
	Count                int64  `json:"count"`
	TotalCapacity        string `json:"total_capacity"`
	TotalCapacityInBytes int64  `json:"total_capacity_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVMClasses ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVMClasses struct {
	CurrentLoadedCount int64 `json:"current_loaded_count"`
	TotalLoadedCount   int64 `json:"total_loaded_count"`
	TotalUnloadedCount int64 `json:"total_unloaded_count"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVMGC ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVMGC struct {
	Collectors map[string]*NodesStatsNodeJVMGCCollector `json:"collectors"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVMGCCollector ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVMGCCollector struct {
	CollectionCount        int64  `json:"collection_count"`
	CollectionTime         string `json:"collection_time"`
	CollectionTimeInMillis int64  `json:"collection_time_in_millis"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVMMem ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVMMem struct {
	HeapUsed                string `json:"heap_used"`
	HeapUsedInBytes         int64  `json:"heap_used_in_bytes"`
	HeapUsedPercent         int    `json:"heap_used_percent"`
	HeapCommitted           string `json:"heap_committed"`
	HeapCommittedInBytes    int64  `json:"heap_committed_in_bytes"`
	HeapMax                 string `json:"heap_max"`
	HeapMaxInBytes          int64  `json:"heap_max_in_bytes"`
	NonHeapUsed             string `json:"non_heap_used"`
	NonHeapUsedInBytes      int64  `json:"non_heap_used_in_bytes"`
	NonHeapCommitted        string `json:"non_heap_committed"`
	NonHeapCommittedInBytes int64  `json:"non_heap_committed_in_bytes"`
	Pools                   map[string]struct {
		Used            string `json:"used"`
		UsedInBytes     int64  `json:"used_in_bytes"`
		Max             string `json:"max"`
		MaxInBytes      int64  `json:"max_in_bytes"`
		PeakUsed        string `json:"peak_used"`
		PeakUsedInBytes int64  `json:"peak_used_in_bytes"`
		PeakMax         string `json:"peak_max"`
		PeakMaxInBytes  int64  `json:"peak_max_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"pools"`

type NodesStatsNodeJVMThreads ¶

type NodesStatsNodeJVMThreads struct {
	Count     int64 `json:"count"`
	PeakCount int64 `json:"peak_count"`

type NodesStatsNodeOS ¶

type NodesStatsNodeOS struct {
	Timestamp int64                 `json:"timestamp"`
	CPU       *NodesStatsNodeOSCPU  `json:"cpu"`
	Mem       *NodesStatsNodeOSMem  `json:"mem"`
	Swap      *NodesStatsNodeOSSwap `json:"swap"`

type NodesStatsNodeOSCPU ¶

type NodesStatsNodeOSCPU struct {
	Percent     int                `json:"percent"`
	LoadAverage map[string]float64 `json:"load_average"` // keys are: 1m, 5m, and 15m

type NodesStatsNodeOSMem ¶

type NodesStatsNodeOSMem struct {
	Total        string `json:"total"`
	TotalInBytes int64  `json:"total_in_bytes"`
	Free         string `json:"free"`
	FreeInBytes  int64  `json:"free_in_bytes"`
	Used         string `json:"used"`
	UsedInBytes  int64  `json:"used_in_bytes"`
	FreePercent  int    `json:"free_percent"`
	UsedPercent  int    `json:"used_percent"`

type NodesStatsNodeOSSwap ¶

type NodesStatsNodeOSSwap struct {
	Total        string `json:"total"`
	TotalInBytes int64  `json:"total_in_bytes"`
	Free         string `json:"free"`
	FreeInBytes  int64  `json:"free_in_bytes"`
	Used         string `json:"used"`
	UsedInBytes  int64  `json:"used_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsNodeProcess ¶

type NodesStatsNodeProcess struct {
	Timestamp           int64 `json:"timestamp"`
	OpenFileDescriptors int64 `json:"open_file_descriptors"`
	MaxFileDescriptors  int64 `json:"max_file_descriptors"`
	CPU                 struct {
		Percent       int    `json:"percent"`
		Total         string `json:"total"`
		TotalInMillis int64  `json:"total_in_millis"`
	} `json:"cpu"`
	Mem struct {
		TotalVirtual        string `json:"total_virtual"`
		TotalVirtualInBytes int64  `json:"total_virtual_in_bytes"`
	} `json:"mem"`

type NodesStatsNodeThreadPool ¶

type NodesStatsNodeThreadPool struct {
	Threads   int   `json:"threads"`
	Queue     int   `json:"queue"`
	Active    int   `json:"active"`
	Rejected  int64 `json:"rejected"`
	Largest   int   `json:"largest"`
	Completed int64 `json:"completed"`

type NodesStatsNodeTransport ¶

type NodesStatsNodeTransport struct {
	ServerOpen    int    `json:"server_open"`
	RxCount       int64  `json:"rx_count"`
	RxSize        string `json:"rx_size"`
	RxSizeInBytes int64  `json:"rx_size_in_bytes"`
	TxCount       int64  `json:"tx_count"`
	TxSize        string `json:"tx_size"`
	TxSizeInBytes int64  `json:"tx_size_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsPercolateStats ¶

type NodesStatsPercolateStats struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total"`
	Time              string `json:"time"`
	TimeInMillis      int64  `json:"time_in_millis"`
	Current           int64  `json:"current"`
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	Queries           int64  `json:"queries"`

type NodesStatsQueryCacheStats ¶

type NodesStatsQueryCacheStats struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	TotalCount        int64  `json:"total_count"`
	HitCount          int64  `json:"hit_count"`
	MissCount         int64  `json:"miss_count"`
	CacheSize         int64  `json:"cache_size"`
	CacheCount        int64  `json:"cache_count"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions"`

type NodesStatsRecoveryStats ¶

type NodesStatsRecoveryStats struct {
	CurrentAsSource int `json:"current_as_source"`
	CurrentAsTarget int `json:"current_as_target"`

type NodesStatsRefreshStats ¶

type NodesStatsRefreshStats struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis"`

type NodesStatsRequestCacheStats ¶

type NodesStatsRequestCacheStats struct {
	MemorySize        string `json:"memory_size"`
	MemorySizeInBytes int64  `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"`
	Evictions         int64  `json:"evictions"`
	HitCount          int64  `json:"hit_count"`
	MissCount         int64  `json:"miss_count"`

type NodesStatsResponse ¶

type NodesStatsResponse struct {
	ClusterName string                     `json:"cluster_name"`
	Nodes       map[string]*NodesStatsNode `json:"nodes"`

NodesStatsResponse is the response of NodesStatsService.Do.

type NodesStatsScriptStats ¶

type NodesStatsScriptStats struct {
	Compilations   int64 `json:"compilations"`
	CacheEvictions int64 `json:"cache_evictions"`

type NodesStatsSearchStats ¶

type NodesStatsSearchStats struct {
	OpenContexts       int64  `json:"open_contexts"`
	QueryTotal         int64  `json:"query_total"`
	QueryTime          string `json:"query_time"`
	QueryTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"query_time_in_millis"`
	QueryCurrent       int64  `json:"query_current"`
	FetchTotal         int64  `json:"fetch_total"`
	FetchTime          string `json:"fetch_time"`
	FetchTimeInMillis  int64  `json:"fetch_time_in_millis"`
	FetchCurrent       int64  `json:"fetch_current"`
	ScrollTotal        int64  `json:"scroll_total"`
	ScrollTime         string `json:"scroll_time"`
	ScrollTimeInMillis int64  `json:"scroll_time_in_millis"`
	ScrollCurrent      int64  `json:"scroll_current"`

	Groups map[string]*NodesStatsSearchStats `json:"groups"` // stats for individual groups

type NodesStatsSegmentsStats ¶

type NodesStatsSegmentsStats struct {
	Count                       int64  `json:"count"`
	Memory                      string `json:"memory"`
	MemoryInBytes               int64  `json:"memory_in_bytes"`
	TermsMemory                 string `json:"terms_memory"`
	TermsMemoryInBytes          int64  `json:"terms_memory_in_bytes"`
	StoredFieldsMemory          string `json:"stored_fields_memory"`
	StoredFieldsMemoryInBytes   int64  `json:"stored_fields_memory_in_bytes"`
	TermVectorsMemory           string `json:"term_vectors_memory"`
	TermVectorsMemoryInBytes    int64  `json:"term_vectors_memory_in_bytes"`
	NormsMemory                 string `json:"norms_memory"`
	NormsMemoryInBytes          int64  `json:"norms_memory_in_bytes"`
	DocValuesMemory             string `json:"doc_values_memory"`
	DocValuesMemoryInBytes      int64  `json:"doc_values_memory_in_bytes"`
	IndexWriterMemory           string `json:"index_writer_memory"`
	IndexWriterMemoryInBytes    int64  `json:"index_writer_memory_in_bytes"`
	IndexWriterMaxMemory        string `json:"index_writer_max_memory"`
	IndexWriterMaxMemoryInBytes int64  `json:"index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes"`
	VersionMapMemory            string `json:"version_map_memory"`
	VersionMapMemoryInBytes     int64  `json:"version_map_memory_in_bytes"`
	FixedBitSetMemory           string `json:"fixed_bit_set"` // not a typo
	FixedBitSetMemoryInBytes    int64  `json:"fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsService ¶

type NodesStatsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesStatsService returns node statistics. See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/cluster-nodes-stats.html for details.

func NewNodesStatsService ¶

func NewNodesStatsService(client *Client) *NodesStatsService

NewNodesStatsService creates a new NodesStatsService.

func (*NodesStatsService) CompletionFields ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) CompletionFields(completionFields ...string) *NodesStatsService

CompletionFields is a list of fields for `fielddata` and `suggest` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (*NodesStatsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*NodesStatsService) FielddataFields ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) FielddataFields(fielddataFields ...string) *NodesStatsService

FielddataFields is a list of fields for `fielddata` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (*NodesStatsService) Fields ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Fields(fields ...string) *NodesStatsService

Fields is a list of fields for `fielddata` and `completion` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (*NodesStatsService) Groups ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Groups(groups bool) *NodesStatsService

Groups is a list of search groups for `search` index metric.

func (*NodesStatsService) Human ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Human(human bool) *NodesStatsService

Human indicates whether to return time and byte values in human-readable format.

func (*NodesStatsService) IndexMetric ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) IndexMetric(indexMetric ...string) *NodesStatsService

IndexMetric limits the information returned for `indices` metric to the specific index metrics. Isn't used if `indices` (or `all`) metric isn't specified..

func (*NodesStatsService) Level ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Level(level string) *NodesStatsService

Level specifies whether to return indices stats aggregated at node, index or shard level.

func (*NodesStatsService) Metric ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Metric(metric ...string) *NodesStatsService

Metric limits the information returned to the specified metrics.

func (*NodesStatsService) NodeId ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) NodeId(nodeId ...string) *NodesStatsService

NodeId is a list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (*NodesStatsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *NodesStatsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*NodesStatsService) Timeout ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Timeout(timeout string) *NodesStatsService

Timeout specifies an explicit operation timeout.

func (*NodesStatsService) Types ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Types(types ...string) *NodesStatsService

Types a list of document types for the `indexing` index metric.

func (*NodesStatsService) Validate ¶

func (s *NodesStatsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type NodesStatsStoreStats ¶

type NodesStatsStoreStats struct {
	Size        string `json:"size"`
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsSuggestStats ¶

type NodesStatsSuggestStats struct {
	Total             int64  `json:"total"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis"`
	Current           int64  `json:"current"`

type NodesStatsTranslogStats ¶

type NodesStatsTranslogStats struct {
	Operations  int64  `json:"operations"`
	Size        string `json:"size"`
	SizeInBytes int64  `json:"size_in_bytes"`

type NodesStatsWarmerStats ¶

type NodesStatsWarmerStats struct {
	Current           int64  `json:"current"`
	Total             int64  `json:"total"`
	TotalTime         string `json:"total_time"`
	TotalTimeInMillis int64  `json:"total_time_in_millis"`

type Notify ¶

type Notify func(error)

Notify is a notify-on-error function. It receives error returned from an operation.

Notice that if the backoff policy stated to stop retrying, the notify function isn't called.

type Operation ¶

type Operation func() error

An Operation is executing by Retry() or RetryNotify(). The operation will be retried using a backoff policy if it returns an error.

type ParentIdQuery ¶

type ParentIdQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ParentIdQuery can be used to find child documents which belong to a particular parent. Given the following mapping definition.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-parent-id-query.html

func NewParentIdQuery ¶

func NewParentIdQuery(typ, id string) *ParentIdQuery

NewParentIdQuery creates and initializes a new parent_id query.

func (*ParentIdQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) Boost(boost float64) *ParentIdQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*ParentIdQuery) Id ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) Id(id string) *ParentIdQuery

Id sets the id.

func (*ParentIdQuery) IgnoreUnmapped ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) IgnoreUnmapped(ignore bool) *ParentIdQuery

IgnoreUnmapped specifies whether unmapped types should be ignored. If set to false, the query failes when an unmapped type is found.

func (*ParentIdQuery) InnerHit ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) InnerHit(innerHit *InnerHit) *ParentIdQuery

InnerHit sets the inner hit definition in the scope of this query and reusing the defined type and query.

func (*ParentIdQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *ParentIdQuery

QueryName specifies the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched filters per hit.

func (*ParentIdQuery) Source ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the parent_id query.

func (*ParentIdQuery) Type ¶

func (q *ParentIdQuery) Type(typ string) *ParentIdQuery

Type sets the parent type.

type PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic ¶

type PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic struct{}

PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic implements the algorithm described in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_percentage.

func NewPercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic ¶

func NewPercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic() *PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic

NewPercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new instance of PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic.

func (*PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Name ¶

Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.

func (*PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Source ¶

func (sh *PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.

type PercentileRanksAggregation ¶

type PercentileRanksAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PercentileRanksAggregation See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-percentile-rank-aggregation.html

func NewPercentileRanksAggregation ¶

func NewPercentileRanksAggregation() *PercentileRanksAggregation

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Compression ¶

func (a *PercentileRanksAggregation) Compression(compression float64) *PercentileRanksAggregation

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Estimator ¶

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Field ¶

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Format ¶

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *PercentileRanksAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *PercentileRanksAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Script ¶

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *PercentileRanksAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *PercentileRanksAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *PercentileRanksAggregation

func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) Values ¶

type PercentilesAggregation ¶

type PercentilesAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PercentilesAggregation See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-percentile-aggregation.html

func NewPercentilesAggregation ¶

func NewPercentilesAggregation() *PercentilesAggregation

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Compression ¶

func (a *PercentilesAggregation) Compression(compression float64) *PercentilesAggregation

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Estimator ¶

func (a *PercentilesAggregation) Estimator(estimator string) *PercentilesAggregation

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Field ¶

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Format ¶

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *PercentilesAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *PercentilesAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Percentiles ¶

func (a *PercentilesAggregation) Percentiles(percentiles ...float64) *PercentilesAggregation

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Script ¶

func (*PercentilesAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *PercentilesAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*PercentilesAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *PercentilesAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *PercentilesAggregation

type PercentilesBucketAggregation ¶

type PercentilesBucketAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PercentilesBucketAggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates percentiles across all bucket of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a multi-bucket aggregation.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-percentiles-bucket-aggregation.html

func NewPercentilesBucketAggregation ¶

func NewPercentilesBucketAggregation() *PercentilesBucketAggregation

NewPercentilesBucketAggregation creates and initializes a new PercentilesBucketAggregation.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (p *PercentilesBucketAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *PercentilesBucketAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) Format ¶

Format to apply the output value of this aggregation.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) Meta ¶

func (p *PercentilesBucketAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *PercentilesBucketAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) Percents ¶

Percents to calculate percentiles for in this aggregation.

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) Source ¶

func (p *PercentilesBucketAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (p *PercentilesBucketAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *PercentilesBucketAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type PercolatorQuery ¶

type PercolatorQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PercolatorQuery can be used to match queries stored in an index.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-percolate-query.html

func NewPercolatorQuery ¶

func NewPercolatorQuery() *PercolatorQuery

NewPercolatorQuery creates and initializes a new Percolator query.

func (*PercolatorQuery) Document ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) Document(doc interface{}) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) DocumentType deprecated

func (q *PercolatorQuery) DocumentType(typ string) *PercolatorQuery

Deprecated: DocumentType is deprecated as of 6.0.

func (*PercolatorQuery) Field ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) Field(field string) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentId ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentId(id string) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentIndex ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentIndex(index string) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentPreference ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentPreference(preference string) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentRouting ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentRouting(routing string) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentType ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentType(typ string) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentVersion ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) IndexedDocumentVersion(version int64) *PercolatorQuery

func (*PercolatorQuery) Source ¶

func (q *PercolatorQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the percolate query.

type PerformRequestOptions ¶

type PerformRequestOptions struct {
	Method       string
	Path         string
	Params       url.Values
	Body         interface{}
	ContentType  string
	IgnoreErrors []int
	Retrier      Retrier

PerformRequestOptions must be passed into PerformRequest.

type PhraseSuggester ¶

type PhraseSuggester struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PhraseSuggester provides an API to access word alternatives on a per token basis within a certain string distance. For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters-phrase.html.

func NewPhraseSuggester ¶

func NewPhraseSuggester(name string) *PhraseSuggester

NewPhraseSuggester creates a new PhraseSuggester.

func (*PhraseSuggester) Analyzer ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Analyzer(analyzer string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) CandidateGenerator ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) CandidateGenerator(generator CandidateGenerator) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) CandidateGenerators ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) CandidateGenerators(generators ...CandidateGenerator) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) ClearCandidateGenerator ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) ClearCandidateGenerator() *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) CollateParams ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) CollateParams(collateParams map[string]interface{}) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) CollatePreference ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) CollatePreference(collatePreference string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) CollatePrune ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) CollatePrune(collatePrune bool) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) CollateQuery ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) CollateQuery(collateQuery string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Confidence ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Confidence(confidence float64) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) ContextQueries ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) ContextQueries(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) ContextQuery ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) ContextQuery(query SuggesterContextQuery) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Field ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Field(field string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) ForceUnigrams ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) ForceUnigrams(forceUnigrams bool) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) GramSize ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) GramSize(gramSize int) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Highlight ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Highlight(preTag, postTag string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) MaxErrors ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) MaxErrors(maxErrors float64) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Name ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Name() string

func (*PhraseSuggester) RealWordErrorLikelihood ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) RealWordErrorLikelihood(realWordErrorLikelihood float64) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Separator ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Separator(separator string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) ShardSize ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) ShardSize(shardSize int) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Size ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Size(size int) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) SmoothingModel ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) SmoothingModel(smoothingModel SmoothingModel) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) Source ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error)

Source generates the source for the phrase suggester.

func (*PhraseSuggester) Text ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) Text(text string) *PhraseSuggester

func (*PhraseSuggester) TokenLimit ¶

func (q *PhraseSuggester) TokenLimit(tokenLimit int) *PhraseSuggester

type PingResult ¶

type PingResult struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"`
	Version     struct {
		Number         string `json:"number"`
		BuildHash      string `json:"build_hash"`
		BuildTimestamp string `json:"build_timestamp"`
		BuildSnapshot  bool   `json:"build_snapshot"`
		LuceneVersion  string `json:"lucene_version"`
	} `json:"version"`
	TagLine string `json:"tagline"`

PingResult is the result returned from querying the Elasticsearch server.

type PingService ¶

type PingService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PingService checks if an Elasticsearch server on a given URL is alive. When asked for, it can also return various information about the Elasticsearch server, e.g. the Elasticsearch version number.

Ping simply starts a HTTP GET request to the URL of the server. If the server responds with HTTP Status code 200 OK, the server is alive.

func NewPingService ¶

func NewPingService(client *Client) *PingService

func (*PingService) Do ¶

func (s *PingService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*PingResult, int, error)

Do returns the PingResult, the HTTP status code of the Elasticsearch server, and an error.

func (*PingService) HttpHeadOnly ¶

func (s *PingService) HttpHeadOnly(httpHeadOnly bool) *PingService

HeadOnly makes the service to only return the status code in Do; the PingResult will be nil.

func (*PingService) Pretty ¶

func (s *PingService) Pretty(pretty bool) *PingService

func (*PingService) Timeout ¶

func (s *PingService) Timeout(timeout string) *PingService

func (*PingService) URL ¶

func (s *PingService) URL(url string) *PingService

type PrefixQuery ¶

type PrefixQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PrefixQuery matches documents that have fields containing terms with a specified prefix (not analyzed).

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-prefix-query.html

Example ¶
package main

import (


func main() {
	// Get a client to the local Elasticsearch instance.
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// Define wildcard query
	q := elastic.NewPrefixQuery("user", "oli")
	q = q.QueryName("my_query_name")

	searchResult, err := client.Search().
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	_ = searchResult

func NewPrefixQuery ¶

func NewPrefixQuery(name string, prefix string) *PrefixQuery

NewPrefixQuery creates and initializes a new PrefixQuery.

func (*PrefixQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *PrefixQuery) Boost(boost float64) *PrefixQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*PrefixQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *PrefixQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *PrefixQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit.

func (*PrefixQuery) Rewrite ¶

func (q *PrefixQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *PrefixQuery

func (*PrefixQuery) Source ¶

func (q *PrefixQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type ProfileResult ¶

type ProfileResult struct {
	Type          string           `json:"type"`
	Description   string           `json:"description,omitempty"`
	NodeTime      string           `json:"time,omitempty"`
	NodeTimeNanos int64            `json:"time_in_nanos,omitempty"`
	Breakdown     map[string]int64 `json:"breakdown,omitempty"`
	Children      []ProfileResult  `json:"children,omitempty"`

ProfileResult is the internal representation of a profiled query, corresponding to a single node in the query tree.

type PutMappingResponse ¶

type PutMappingResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

PutMappingResponse is the response of IndicesPutMappingService.Do.

type Query ¶

type Query interface {
	// Source returns the JSON-serializable query request.
	Source() (interface{}, error)

Query represents the generic query interface. A query's sole purpose is to return the source of the query as a JSON-serializable object. Returning map[string]interface{} is the norm for queries.

type QueryProfileShardResult ¶

type QueryProfileShardResult struct {
	Query       []ProfileResult `json:"query,omitempty"`
	RewriteTime int64           `json:"rewrite_time,omitempty"`
	Collector   []interface{}   `json:"collector,omitempty"`

QueryProfileShardResult is a container class to hold the profile results for a single shard in the request. It comtains a list of query profiles, a collector tree and a total rewrite tree.

type QueryRescorer ¶

type QueryRescorer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewQueryRescorer ¶

func NewQueryRescorer(query Query) *QueryRescorer

func (*QueryRescorer) Name ¶

func (r *QueryRescorer) Name() string

func (*QueryRescorer) QueryWeight ¶

func (r *QueryRescorer) QueryWeight(queryWeight float64) *QueryRescorer

func (*QueryRescorer) RescoreQueryWeight ¶

func (r *QueryRescorer) RescoreQueryWeight(rescoreQueryWeight float64) *QueryRescorer

func (*QueryRescorer) ScoreMode ¶

func (r *QueryRescorer) ScoreMode(scoreMode string) *QueryRescorer

func (*QueryRescorer) Source ¶

func (r *QueryRescorer) Source() (interface{}, error)

type QueryStringQuery ¶

type QueryStringQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

QueryStringQuery uses the query parser in order to parse its content.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-query-string-query.html

func NewQueryStringQuery ¶

func NewQueryStringQuery(queryString string) *QueryStringQuery

NewQueryStringQuery creates and initializes a new QueryStringQuery.

func (*QueryStringQuery) AllowLeadingWildcard ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) AllowLeadingWildcard(allowLeadingWildcard bool) *QueryStringQuery

AllowLeadingWildcard specifies whether leading wildcards should be allowed or not (defaults to true).

func (*QueryStringQuery) AnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) AnalyzeWildcard(analyzeWildcard bool) *QueryStringQuery

AnalyzeWildcard indicates whether to enabled analysis on wildcard and prefix queries.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *QueryStringQuery

Analyzer is an optional analyzer used to analyze the query string. Note, if a field has search analyzer defined for it, then it will be used automatically. Defaults to the smart search analyzer.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Boost(boost float64) *QueryStringQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*QueryStringQuery) DefaultField ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) DefaultField(defaultField string) *QueryStringQuery

DefaultField specifies the field to run against when no prefix field is specified. Only relevant when not explicitly adding fields the query string will run against.

func (*QueryStringQuery) DefaultOperator ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) DefaultOperator(operator string) *QueryStringQuery

DefaultOperator sets the boolean operator of the query parser used to parse the query string.

In default mode (OR) terms without any modifiers are considered optional, e.g. "capital of Hungary" is equal to "capital OR of OR Hungary".

In AND mode, terms are considered to be in conjunction. The above mentioned query is then parsed as "capital AND of AND Hungary".

func (*QueryStringQuery) EnablePositionIncrements ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) EnablePositionIncrements(enablePositionIncrements bool) *QueryStringQuery

EnablePositionIncrements indicates whether to enable position increments in result query. Defaults to true.

When set, result phrase and multi-phrase queries will be aware of position increments. Useful when e.g. a StopFilter increases the position increment of the token that follows an omitted token.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Escape ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Escape(escape bool) *QueryStringQuery

Escape performs escaping of the query string.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Field ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Field(field string) *QueryStringQuery

Field adds a field to run the query string against.

func (*QueryStringQuery) FieldWithBoost ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) FieldWithBoost(field string, boost float64) *QueryStringQuery

FieldWithBoost adds a field to run the query string against with a specific boost.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Fuzziness ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Fuzziness(fuzziness string) *QueryStringQuery

Fuzziness sets the edit distance for fuzzy queries. Default is "AUTO".

func (*QueryStringQuery) FuzzyMaxExpansions ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) FuzzyMaxExpansions(fuzzyMaxExpansions int) *QueryStringQuery

func (*QueryStringQuery) FuzzyPrefixLength ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) FuzzyPrefixLength(fuzzyPrefixLength int) *QueryStringQuery

FuzzyPrefixLength sets the minimum prefix length for fuzzy queries. Default is 1.

func (*QueryStringQuery) FuzzyRewrite ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) FuzzyRewrite(fuzzyRewrite string) *QueryStringQuery

func (*QueryStringQuery) Lenient ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Lenient(lenient bool) *QueryStringQuery

Lenient indicates whether the query string parser should be lenient when parsing field values. It defaults to the index setting and if not set, defaults to false.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Locale deprecated

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Locale(locale string) *QueryStringQuery

Locale specifies the locale to be used for string conversions.

Deprecated: Decision is now made by the analyzer.

func (*QueryStringQuery) LowercaseExpandedTerms deprecated

func (q *QueryStringQuery) LowercaseExpandedTerms(lowercaseExpandedTerms bool) *QueryStringQuery

LowercaseExpandedTerms indicates whether terms of wildcard, prefix, fuzzy and range queries are automatically lower-cased or not. Default is true.

Deprecated: Decision is now made by the analyzer.

func (*QueryStringQuery) MaxDeterminizedState ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) MaxDeterminizedState(maxDeterminizedStates int) *QueryStringQuery

MaxDeterminizedState protects against too-difficult regular expression queries.

func (*QueryStringQuery) MinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *QueryStringQuery

func (*QueryStringQuery) PhraseSlop ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) PhraseSlop(phraseSlop int) *QueryStringQuery

PhraseSlop sets the default slop for phrases. If zero, then exact matches are required. Default value is zero.

func (*QueryStringQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *QueryStringQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit.

func (*QueryStringQuery) QuoteAnalyzer ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) QuoteAnalyzer(quoteAnalyzer string) *QueryStringQuery

QuoteAnalyzer is an optional analyzer to be used to analyze the query string for phrase searches. Note, if a field has search analyzer defined for it, then it will be used automatically. Defaults to the smart search analyzer.

func (*QueryStringQuery) QuoteFieldSuffix ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) QuoteFieldSuffix(quoteFieldSuffix string) *QueryStringQuery

QuoteFieldSuffix is an optional field name suffix to automatically try and add to the field searched when using quoted text.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Rewrite ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *QueryStringQuery

func (*QueryStringQuery) Source ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

func (*QueryStringQuery) TieBreaker ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) TieBreaker(tieBreaker float64) *QueryStringQuery

TieBreaker is used when more than one field is used with the query string, and combined queries are using dismax.

func (*QueryStringQuery) TimeZone ¶

func (q *QueryStringQuery) TimeZone(timeZone string) *QueryStringQuery

TimeZone can be used to automatically adjust to/from fields using a timezone. Only used with date fields, of course.

func (*QueryStringQuery) Type ¶

Type sets how multiple fields should be combined to build textual part queries, e.g. "best_fields".

type RandomFunction ¶

type RandomFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RandomFunction builds a random score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_random for details.

func NewRandomFunction ¶

func NewRandomFunction() *RandomFunction

NewRandomFunction initializes and returns a new RandomFunction.

func (*RandomFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *RandomFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*RandomFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *RandomFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*RandomFunction) Seed ¶

func (fn *RandomFunction) Seed(seed interface{}) *RandomFunction

Seed is documented in 1.6 as a numeric value. However, in the source code of the Java client, it also accepts strings. So we accept both here, too.

func (*RandomFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *RandomFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*RandomFunction) Weight ¶

func (fn *RandomFunction) Weight(weight float64) *RandomFunction

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type RangeAggregation ¶

type RangeAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RangeAggregation is a multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define a set of ranges - each representing a bucket. During the aggregation process, the values extracted from each document will be checked against each bucket range and "bucket" the relevant/matching document. Note that this aggregration includes the from value and excludes the to value for each range. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-range-aggregation.html

func NewRangeAggregation ¶

func NewRangeAggregation() *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) AddRange ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) AddRange(from, to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) AddRangeWithKey ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) AddRangeWithKey(key string, from, to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFrom(to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedFromWithKey(key string, to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedTo ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedTo(from interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) AddUnboundedToWithKey(key string, from interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Between ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Between(from, to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) BetweenWithKey ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) BetweenWithKey(key string, from, to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Field(field string) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Gt ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Gt(from interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) GtWithKey ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) GtWithKey(key string, from interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Keyed ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Keyed(keyed bool) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Lt ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Lt(to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) LtWithKey ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) LtWithKey(key string, to interface{}) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *RangeAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*RangeAggregation) Missing ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Missing(missing interface{}) *RangeAggregation

Missing configures the value to use when documents miss a value.

func (*RangeAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Script(script *Script) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*RangeAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *RangeAggregation

func (*RangeAggregation) Unmapped ¶

func (a *RangeAggregation) Unmapped(unmapped bool) *RangeAggregation

type RangeQuery ¶

type RangeQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RangeQuery matches documents with fields that have terms within a certain range.

For details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-range-query.html

func NewRangeQuery ¶

func NewRangeQuery(name string) *RangeQuery

NewRangeQuery creates and initializes a new RangeQuery.

func (*RangeQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Boost(boost float64) *RangeQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*RangeQuery) Format ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Format(format string) *RangeQuery

Format is used for date fields. In that case, we can set the format to be used instead of the mapper format.

func (*RangeQuery) From ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) From(from interface{}) *RangeQuery

From indicates the from part of the RangeQuery. Use nil to indicate an unbounded from part.

func (*RangeQuery) Gt ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Gt(from interface{}) *RangeQuery

Gt indicates a greater-than value for the from part. Use nil to indicate an unbounded from part.

func (*RangeQuery) Gte ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Gte(from interface{}) *RangeQuery

Gte indicates a greater-than-or-equal value for the from part. Use nil to indicate an unbounded from part.

func (*RangeQuery) IncludeLower ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) IncludeLower(includeLower bool) *RangeQuery

IncludeLower indicates whether the lower bound should be included or not. Defaults to true.

func (*RangeQuery) IncludeUpper ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) IncludeUpper(includeUpper bool) *RangeQuery

IncludeUpper indicates whether the upper bound should be included or not. Defaults to true.

func (*RangeQuery) Lt ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Lt(to interface{}) *RangeQuery

Lt indicates a less-than value for the to part. Use nil to indicate an unbounded to part.

func (*RangeQuery) Lte ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Lte(to interface{}) *RangeQuery

Lte indicates a less-than-or-equal value for the to part. Use nil to indicate an unbounded to part.

func (*RangeQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *RangeQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit.

func (*RangeQuery) Source ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

func (*RangeQuery) TimeZone ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) TimeZone(timeZone string) *RangeQuery

TimeZone is used for date fields. In that case, we can adjust the from/to fields using a timezone.

func (*RangeQuery) To ¶

func (q *RangeQuery) To(to interface{}) *RangeQuery

To indicates the to part of the RangeQuery. Use nil to indicate an unbounded to part.

type RawStringQuery ¶

type RawStringQuery string

RawStringQuery can be used to treat a string representation of an ES query as a Query. Example usage:

q := RawStringQuery("{\"match_all\":{}}")

func NewRawStringQuery ¶

func NewRawStringQuery(q string) RawStringQuery

NewRawStringQuery ininitializes a new RawStringQuery. It is the same as RawStringQuery(q).

func (RawStringQuery) Source ¶

func (q RawStringQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON encoded body

type RefreshResult ¶

type RefreshResult struct {
	Shards shardsInfo `json:"_shards,omitempty"`

RefreshResult is the outcome of RefreshService.Do.

type RefreshService ¶

type RefreshService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RefreshService explicitly refreshes one or more indices. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/indices-refresh.html.

func NewRefreshService ¶

func NewRefreshService(client *Client) *RefreshService

NewRefreshService creates a new instance of RefreshService.

func (*RefreshService) Do ¶

Do executes the request.

func (*RefreshService) Index ¶

func (s *RefreshService) Index(index ...string) *RefreshService

Index specifies the indices to refresh.

func (*RefreshService) Pretty ¶

func (s *RefreshService) Pretty(pretty bool) *RefreshService

Pretty asks Elasticsearch to return indented JSON.

type RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions ¶

type RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions represents the options for regex completion suggester.

func NewRegexCompletionSuggesterOptions ¶

func NewRegexCompletionSuggesterOptions() *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions

NewRegexCompletionSuggesterOptions initializes a new RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions instance.

func (*RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) Flags ¶

Flags represents internal regex flags. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/search-suggesters-completion.html#regex for details.

func (*RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) MaxDeterminizedStates ¶

MaxDeterminizedStates represents the maximum automaton states allowed for regex expansion. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/search-suggesters-completion.html#regex for details.

func (*RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) Source ¶

func (o *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source creates the JSON data.

type RegexpQuery ¶

type RegexpQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RegexpQuery allows you to use regular expression term queries.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-regexp-query.html

func NewRegexpQuery ¶

func NewRegexpQuery(name string, regexp string) *RegexpQuery

NewRegexpQuery creates and initializes a new RegexpQuery.

func (*RegexpQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *RegexpQuery) Boost(boost float64) *RegexpQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*RegexpQuery) Flags ¶

func (q *RegexpQuery) Flags(flags string) *RegexpQuery

Flags sets the regexp flags.

func (*RegexpQuery) MaxDeterminizedStates ¶

func (q *RegexpQuery) MaxDeterminizedStates(maxDeterminizedStates int) *RegexpQuery

MaxDeterminizedStates protects against complex regular expressions.

func (*RegexpQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *RegexpQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *RegexpQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit

func (*RegexpQuery) Rewrite ¶

func (q *RegexpQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *RegexpQuery

func (*RegexpQuery) Source ¶

func (q *RegexpQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable query data.

type ReindexDestination ¶

type ReindexDestination struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReindexDestination is the destination of a Reindex API call. It is basically the meta data of a BulkIndexRequest.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-reindex.html fsourcer details.

func NewReindexDestination ¶

func NewReindexDestination() *ReindexDestination

NewReindexDestination returns a new ReindexDestination.

func (*ReindexDestination) Discard ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) Discard() *ReindexDestination

Discard sets the routing on the bulk request sent for each match to null.

func (*ReindexDestination) Index ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) Index(index string) *ReindexDestination

Index specifies name of the Elasticsearch index to use as the destination of a reindexing process.

func (*ReindexDestination) Keep ¶

Keep sets the routing on the bulk request sent for each match to the routing of the match (the default).

func (*ReindexDestination) OpType ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) OpType(opType string) *ReindexDestination

OpType specifies if this request should follow create-only or upsert behavior. This follows the OpType of the standard document index API. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-index_.html#operation-type for details.

func (*ReindexDestination) Parent ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) Parent(parent string) *ReindexDestination

Parent specifies the identifier of the parent document (if available).

func (*ReindexDestination) Routing ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) Routing(routing string) *ReindexDestination

Routing specifies a routing value for the reindexing request. It can be "keep", "discard", or start with "=". The latter specifies the routing on the bulk request.

func (*ReindexDestination) Source ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns a serializable JSON request for the request.

func (*ReindexDestination) Type ¶

Type specifies the Elasticsearch type to use for reindexing.

func (*ReindexDestination) Version ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) Version(version int64) *ReindexDestination

Version indicates the version of the document as part of an optimistic concurrency model.

func (*ReindexDestination) VersionType ¶

func (r *ReindexDestination) VersionType(versionType string) *ReindexDestination

VersionType specifies how versions are created.

type ReindexRemoteInfo ¶

type ReindexRemoteInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReindexRemoteInfo contains information for reindexing from a remote cluster.

func NewReindexRemoteInfo ¶

func NewReindexRemoteInfo() *ReindexRemoteInfo

NewReindexRemoteInfo creates a new ReindexRemoteInfo.

func (*ReindexRemoteInfo) ConnectTimeout ¶

func (ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) ConnectTimeout(timeout string) *ReindexRemoteInfo

ConnectTimeout sets the connection timeout to connect with the remote cluster. Use ES compatible values like e.g. "30s" or "1m".

func (*ReindexRemoteInfo) Host ¶

func (ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) Host(host string) *ReindexRemoteInfo

Host sets the host information of the remote cluster. It must be of the form "http(s)://<hostname>:<port>"

func (*ReindexRemoteInfo) Password ¶

func (ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) Password(password string) *ReindexRemoteInfo

Password sets the password to authenticate with the remote cluster.

func (*ReindexRemoteInfo) SocketTimeout ¶

func (ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) SocketTimeout(timeout string) *ReindexRemoteInfo

SocketTimeout sets the socket timeout to connect with the remote cluster. Use ES compatible values like e.g. "30s" or "1m".

func (*ReindexRemoteInfo) Source ¶

func (ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data for the request.

func (*ReindexRemoteInfo) Username ¶

func (ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) Username(username string) *ReindexRemoteInfo

Username sets the username to authenticate with the remote cluster.

type ReindexService ¶

type ReindexService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReindexService is a method to copy documents from one index to another. It is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-reindex.html.

func NewReindexService ¶

func NewReindexService(client *Client) *ReindexService

NewReindexService creates a new ReindexService.

func (*ReindexService) AbortOnVersionConflict ¶

func (s *ReindexService) AbortOnVersionConflict() *ReindexService

AbortOnVersionConflict aborts the request on version conflicts. It is an alias to setting Conflicts("abort").

func (*ReindexService) Body ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Body(body interface{}) *ReindexService

Body specifies the body of the request to send to Elasticsearch. It overrides settings specified with other setters, e.g. Query.

func (*ReindexService) Conflicts ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Conflicts(conflicts string) *ReindexService

Conflicts indicates what to do when the process detects version conflicts. Possible values are "proceed" and "abort".

func (*ReindexService) Destination ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Destination(destination *ReindexDestination) *ReindexService

Destination specifies the destination of the reindexing process.

func (*ReindexService) DestinationIndex ¶

func (s *ReindexService) DestinationIndex(index string) *ReindexService

DestinationIndex specifies the destination index of the reindexing process.

func (*ReindexService) DestinationIndexAndType ¶

func (s *ReindexService) DestinationIndexAndType(index, typ string) *ReindexService

DestinationIndexAndType specifies both the destination index and type of the reindexing process.

func (*ReindexService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*ReindexService) DoAsync ¶

func (s *ReindexService) DoAsync(ctx context.Context) (*StartTaskResult, error)

DoAsync executes the reindexing operation asynchronously by starting a new task. Callers need to use the Task Management API to watch the outcome of the reindexing operation.

func (*ReindexService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ReindexService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*ReindexService) ProceedOnVersionConflict ¶

func (s *ReindexService) ProceedOnVersionConflict() *ReindexService

ProceedOnVersionConflict aborts the request on version conflicts. It is an alias to setting Conflicts("proceed").

func (*ReindexService) Refresh ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Refresh(refresh string) *ReindexService

Refresh indicates whether Elasticsearch should refresh the effected indexes immediately.

func (*ReindexService) RequestsPerSecond ¶

func (s *ReindexService) RequestsPerSecond(requestsPerSecond int) *ReindexService

RequestsPerSecond specifies the throttle to set on this request in sub-requests per second. -1 means set no throttle as does "unlimited" which is the only non-float this accepts.

func (*ReindexService) Script ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Script(script *Script) *ReindexService

Script allows for modification of the documents as they are reindexed from source to destination.

func (*ReindexService) Size ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Size(size int) *ReindexService

Size sets an upper limit for the number of processed documents.

func (*ReindexService) Source ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Source(source *ReindexSource) *ReindexService

Source specifies the source of the reindexing process.

func (*ReindexService) SourceIndex ¶

func (s *ReindexService) SourceIndex(index string) *ReindexService

SourceIndex specifies the source index of the reindexing process.

func (*ReindexService) Timeout ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Timeout(timeout string) *ReindexService

Timeout is the time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable.

func (*ReindexService) Validate ¶

func (s *ReindexService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*ReindexService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *ReindexService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *ReindexService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the reindex operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

func (*ReindexService) WaitForCompletion ¶

func (s *ReindexService) WaitForCompletion(waitForCompletion bool) *ReindexService

WaitForCompletion indicates whether Elasticsearch should block until the reindex is complete.

type ReindexSource ¶

type ReindexSource struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReindexSource specifies the source of a Reindex process.

func NewReindexSource ¶

func NewReindexSource() *ReindexSource

NewReindexSource creates a new ReindexSource.

func (*ReindexSource) Index ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) Index(indices ...string) *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) Preference ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) Preference(preference string) *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) Query ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) Query(query Query) *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) RemoteInfo ¶

func (s *ReindexSource) RemoteInfo(ri *ReindexRemoteInfo) *ReindexSource

RemoteInfo sets up reindexing from a remote cluster.

func (*ReindexSource) RequestCache ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) RequestCache(requestCache bool) *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) Scroll ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) Scroll(scroll string) *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) SearchType ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) SearchType(searchType string) *ReindexSource

SearchType is the search operation type. Possible values are "query_then_fetch" and "dfs_query_then_fetch".

func (*ReindexSource) SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch() *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch() *ReindexSource

func (*ReindexSource) Sort ¶

func (s *ReindexSource) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *ReindexSource

Sort adds a sort order.

func (*ReindexSource) SortBy ¶

func (s *ReindexSource) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *ReindexSource

SortBy adds a sort order.

func (*ReindexSource) SortWithInfo ¶

func (s *ReindexSource) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *ReindexSource

SortWithInfo adds a sort order.

func (*ReindexSource) Source ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns a serializable JSON request for the request.

func (*ReindexSource) Type ¶

func (r *ReindexSource) Type(types ...string) *ReindexSource

type Request ¶

type Request http.Request

Elasticsearch-specific HTTP request

func NewRequest ¶

func NewRequest(method, url string) (*Request, error)

NewRequest is a http.Request and adds features such as encoding the body.

func (*Request) SetBasicAuth ¶

func (r *Request) SetBasicAuth(username, password string)

SetBasicAuth wraps http.Request's SetBasicAuth.

func (*Request) SetBody ¶

func (r *Request) SetBody(body interface{}) error

SetBody encodes the body in the request.

type Rescore ¶

type Rescore struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRescore ¶

func NewRescore() *Rescore

func (*Rescore) IsEmpty ¶

func (r *Rescore) IsEmpty() bool

func (*Rescore) Rescorer ¶

func (r *Rescore) Rescorer(rescorer Rescorer) *Rescore

func (*Rescore) Source ¶

func (r *Rescore) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*Rescore) WindowSize ¶

func (r *Rescore) WindowSize(windowSize int) *Rescore

type Rescorer ¶

type Rescorer interface {
	Name() string
	Source() (interface{}, error)

type Response ¶

type Response struct {
	// StatusCode is the HTTP status code, e.g. 200.
	StatusCode int
	// Header is the HTTP header from the HTTP response.
	// Keys in the map are canonicalized (see http.CanonicalHeaderKey).
	Header http.Header
	// Body is the deserialized response body.
	Body json.RawMessage

Response represents a response from Elasticsearch.

type RestoreSource ¶

type RestoreSource struct {
	Repository string `json:"repository"`
	Snapshot   string `json:"snapshot"`
	Version    string `json:"version"`
	Index      string `json:"index"`

type Retrier ¶

type Retrier interface {
	// Retry is called when a request has failed. It decides whether to retry
	// the call, how long to wait for the next call, or whether to return an
	// error (which will be returned to the service that started the HTTP
	// request in the first place).
	// Callers may also use this to inspect the HTTP request/response and
	// the error that happened. Additional data can be passed through via
	// the context.
	Retry(ctx context.Context, retry int, req *http.Request, resp *http.Response, err error) (time.Duration, bool, error)

Retrier decides whether to retry a failed HTTP request with Elasticsearch.

type RetrierFunc ¶

type RetrierFunc func(context.Context, int, *http.Request, *http.Response, error) (time.Duration, bool, error)

RetrierFunc specifies the signature of a Retry function.

type ReverseNestedAggregation ¶

type ReverseNestedAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReverseNestedAggregation defines a special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating on parent docs from nested documents. Effectively this aggregation can break out of the nested block structure and link to other nested structures or the root document, which allows nesting other aggregations that aren’t part of the nested object in a nested aggregation.

See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-reverse-nested-aggregation.html

func NewReverseNestedAggregation ¶

func NewReverseNestedAggregation() *ReverseNestedAggregation

NewReverseNestedAggregation initializes a new ReverseNestedAggregation bucket aggregation.

func (*ReverseNestedAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *ReverseNestedAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *ReverseNestedAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*ReverseNestedAggregation) Path ¶

Path set the path to use for this nested aggregation. The path must match the path to a nested object in the mappings. If it is not specified then this aggregation will go back to the root document.

func (*ReverseNestedAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *ReverseNestedAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*ReverseNestedAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *ReverseNestedAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *ReverseNestedAggregation

type SamplerAggregation ¶

type SamplerAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SamplerAggregation is a filtering aggregation used to limit any sub aggregations' processing to a sample of the top-scoring documents. Optionally, diversity settings can be used to limit the number of matches that share a common value such as an "author".

See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-sampler-aggregation.html

func NewSamplerAggregation ¶

func NewSamplerAggregation() *SamplerAggregation

func (*SamplerAggregation) ExecutionHint ¶

func (a *SamplerAggregation) ExecutionHint(hint string) *SamplerAggregation

func (*SamplerAggregation) MaxDocsPerValue ¶

func (a *SamplerAggregation) MaxDocsPerValue(maxDocsPerValue int) *SamplerAggregation

func (*SamplerAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *SamplerAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SamplerAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*SamplerAggregation) ShardSize ¶

func (a *SamplerAggregation) ShardSize(shardSize int) *SamplerAggregation

ShardSize sets the maximum number of docs returned from each shard.

func (*SamplerAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *SamplerAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*SamplerAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *SamplerAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SamplerAggregation

type ScoreFunction ¶

type ScoreFunction interface {
	Name() string
	GetWeight() *float64 // returns the weight which must be serialized at the level of FunctionScoreQuery
	Source() (interface{}, error)

ScoreFunction is used in combination with the Function Score Query.

type ScoreSort ¶

type ScoreSort struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScoreSort sorts by relevancy score.

func NewScoreSort ¶

func NewScoreSort() *ScoreSort

NewScoreSort creates a new ScoreSort.

func (*ScoreSort) Asc ¶

func (s *ScoreSort) Asc() *ScoreSort

Asc sets ascending sort order.

func (*ScoreSort) Desc ¶

func (s *ScoreSort) Desc() *ScoreSort

Desc sets descending sort order.

func (*ScoreSort) Order ¶

func (s *ScoreSort) Order(ascending bool) *ScoreSort

Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.

func (*ScoreSort) Source ¶

func (s *ScoreSort) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

type Script ¶

type Script struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Script holds all the paramaters necessary to compile or find in cache and then execute a script.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-scripting.html for details of scripting.

func NewScript ¶

func NewScript(script string) *Script

NewScript creates and initializes a new Script.

func NewScriptInline ¶

func NewScriptInline(script string) *Script

NewScriptInline creates and initializes a new inline script, i.e. code.

func NewScriptStored ¶

func NewScriptStored(script string) *Script

NewScriptStored creates and initializes a new stored script.

func (*Script) Lang ¶

func (s *Script) Lang(lang string) *Script

Lang sets the language of the script. Permitted values are "groovy", "expression", "mustache", "mvel" (default), "javascript", "python". To use certain languages, you need to configure your server and/or add plugins. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-scripting.html for details.

func (*Script) Param ¶

func (s *Script) Param(name string, value interface{}) *Script

Param adds a key/value pair to the parameters that this script will be executed with.

func (*Script) Params ¶

func (s *Script) Params(params map[string]interface{}) *Script

Params sets the map of parameters this script will be executed with.

func (*Script) Script ¶

func (s *Script) Script(script string) *Script

Script is either the cache key of the script to be compiled/executed or the actual script source code for inline scripts. For indexed scripts this is the id used in the request. For file scripts this is the file name.

func (*Script) Source ¶

func (s *Script) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON serializable data for this Script.

func (*Script) Type ¶

func (s *Script) Type(typ string) *Script

Type sets the type of script: "inline" or "id".

type ScriptField ¶

type ScriptField struct {
	FieldName string // name of the field
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScriptField is a single script field.

func NewScriptField ¶

func NewScriptField(fieldName string, script *Script) *ScriptField

NewScriptField creates and initializes a new ScriptField.

func (*ScriptField) Source ¶

func (f *ScriptField) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON for the ScriptField.

type ScriptFunction ¶

type ScriptFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScriptFunction builds a script score function. It uses a script to compute or influence the score of documents that match with the inner query or filter.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_script_score for details.

func NewScriptFunction ¶

func NewScriptFunction(script *Script) *ScriptFunction

NewScriptFunction initializes and returns a new ScriptFunction.

func (*ScriptFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *ScriptFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*ScriptFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *ScriptFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*ScriptFunction) Script ¶

func (fn *ScriptFunction) Script(script *Script) *ScriptFunction

Script specifies the script to be executed.

func (*ScriptFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *ScriptFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*ScriptFunction) Weight ¶

func (fn *ScriptFunction) Weight(weight float64) *ScriptFunction

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type ScriptQuery ¶

type ScriptQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScriptQuery allows to define scripts as filters.

For details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-script-query.html

func NewScriptQuery ¶

func NewScriptQuery(script *Script) *ScriptQuery

NewScriptQuery creates and initializes a new ScriptQuery.

func (*ScriptQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *ScriptQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *ScriptQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit

func (*ScriptQuery) Source ¶

func (q *ScriptQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type ScriptSignificanceHeuristic ¶

type ScriptSignificanceHeuristic struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScriptSignificanceHeuristic implements a scripted significance heuristic. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_scripted for details.

func NewScriptSignificanceHeuristic ¶

func NewScriptSignificanceHeuristic() *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic

NewScriptSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new instance of ScriptSignificanceHeuristic.

func (*ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Name ¶

Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.

func (*ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Script ¶

Script specifies the script to use to get custom scores. The following parameters are available in the script: `_subset_freq`, `_superset_freq`, `_subset_size`, and `_superset_size`.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_scripted for details.

func (*ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Source ¶

func (sh *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.

type ScriptSort ¶

type ScriptSort struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScriptSort sorts by a custom script. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-scripting.html#modules-scripting for details about scripting.

func NewScriptSort ¶

func NewScriptSort(script *Script, typ string) *ScriptSort

NewScriptSort creates and initializes a new ScriptSort. You must provide a script and a type, e.g. "string" or "number".

func (*ScriptSort) Asc ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) Asc() *ScriptSort

Asc sets ascending sort order.

func (*ScriptSort) Desc ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) Desc() *ScriptSort

Desc sets descending sort order.

func (*ScriptSort) NestedFilter ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) NestedFilter(nestedFilter Query) *ScriptSort

NestedFilter sets a filter that nested objects should match with in order to be taken into account for sorting.

func (*ScriptSort) NestedPath ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) NestedPath(nestedPath string) *ScriptSort

NestedPath is used if sorting occurs on a field that is inside a nested object.

func (*ScriptSort) NestedSort ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) NestedSort(nestedSort *NestedSort) *ScriptSort

NestedSort is available starting with 6.1 and will replace NestedFilter and NestedPath.

func (*ScriptSort) Order ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) Order(ascending bool) *ScriptSort

Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.

func (*ScriptSort) SortMode ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) SortMode(sortMode string) *ScriptSort

SortMode specifies what values to pick in case a document contains multiple values for the targeted sort field. Possible values are: min or max.

func (*ScriptSort) Source ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

func (*ScriptSort) Type ¶

func (s *ScriptSort) Type(typ string) *ScriptSort

Type sets the script type, which can be either "string" or "number".

type ScrollService ¶

type ScrollService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScrollService iterates over pages of search results from Elasticsearch.

func NewScrollService ¶

func NewScrollService(client *Client) *ScrollService

NewScrollService initializes and returns a new ScrollService.

func (*ScrollService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *ScrollService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *ScrollService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*ScrollService) Body ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Body(body interface{}) *ScrollService

Body sets the raw body to send to Elasticsearch. This can be e.g. a string, a map[string]interface{} or anything that can be serialized into JSON. Notice that setting the body disables the use of SearchSource and many other properties of the ScanService.

func (*ScrollService) Clear ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Clear(ctx context.Context) error

Clear cancels the current scroll operation. If you don't do this manually, the scroll will be expired automatically by Elasticsearch. You can control how long a scroll cursor is kept alive with the KeepAlive func.

func (*ScrollService) Do ¶

Do returns the next search result. It will return io.EOF as error if there are no more search results.

func (*ScrollService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *ScrollService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *ScrollService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*ScrollService) FetchSource ¶

func (s *ScrollService) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *ScrollService

FetchSource indicates whether the response should contain the stored _source for every hit.

func (*ScrollService) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (s *ScrollService) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *ScrollService

FetchSourceContext indicates how the _source should be fetched.

func (*ScrollService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *ScrollService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *ScrollService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether the specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*ScrollService) Index ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Index(indices ...string) *ScrollService

Index sets the name of one or more indices to iterate over.

func (*ScrollService) KeepAlive ¶

func (s *ScrollService) KeepAlive(keepAlive string) *ScrollService

KeepAlive sets the maximum time after which the cursor will expire. It is "2m" by default.

func (*ScrollService) PostFilter ¶

func (s *ScrollService) PostFilter(postFilter Query) *ScrollService

PostFilter is executed as the last filter. It only affects the search hits but not facets. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-post-filter.html for details.

func (*ScrollService) Preference ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Preference(preference string) *ScrollService

Preference sets the preference to execute the search. Defaults to randomize across shards ("random"). Can be set to "_local" to prefer local shards, "_primary" to execute on primary shards only, or a custom value which guarantees that the same order will be used across different requests.

func (*ScrollService) Pretty ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Pretty(pretty bool) *ScrollService

Pretty asks Elasticsearch to pretty-print the returned JSON.

func (*ScrollService) Query ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Query(query Query) *ScrollService

Query sets the query to perform, e.g. a MatchAllQuery.

func (*ScrollService) Retrier ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Retrier(retrier Retrier) *ScrollService

Retrier allows to set specific retry logic for this ScrollService. If not specified, it will use the client's default retrier.

func (*ScrollService) Routing ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Routing(routings ...string) *ScrollService

Routing is a list of specific routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on.

func (*ScrollService) Scroll ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Scroll(keepAlive string) *ScrollService

Scroll is an alias for KeepAlive, the time to keep the cursor alive (e.g. "5m" for 5 minutes).

func (*ScrollService) ScrollId ¶

func (s *ScrollService) ScrollId(scrollId string) *ScrollService

ScrollId specifies the identifier of a scroll in action.

func (*ScrollService) SearchSource ¶

func (s *ScrollService) SearchSource(searchSource *SearchSource) *ScrollService

SearchSource sets the search source builder to use with this iterator. Notice that only a certain number of properties can be used when scrolling, e.g. query and sorting.

func (*ScrollService) Size ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Size(size int) *ScrollService

Size specifies the number of documents Elasticsearch should return from each shard, per page.

func (*ScrollService) Slice ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Slice(sliceQuery Query) *ScrollService

Slice allows slicing the scroll request into several batches. This is supported in Elasticsearch 5.0 or later. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-scroll.html#sliced-scroll for details.

func (*ScrollService) Sort ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *ScrollService

Sort adds a sort order. This can have negative effects on the performance of the scroll operation as Elasticsearch needs to sort first.

func (*ScrollService) SortBy ¶

func (s *ScrollService) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *ScrollService

SortBy specifies a sort order. Notice that sorting can have a negative impact on scroll performance.

func (*ScrollService) SortWithInfo ¶

func (s *ScrollService) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *ScrollService

SortWithInfo specifies a sort order. Notice that sorting can have a negative impact on scroll performance.

func (*ScrollService) Type ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Type(types ...string) *ScrollService

Type sets the name of one or more types to iterate over.

func (*ScrollService) Version ¶

func (s *ScrollService) Version(version bool) *ScrollService

Version can be set to true to return a version for each search hit. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-version.html.

type SearchExplanation ¶

type SearchExplanation struct {
	Value       float64             `json:"value"`             // e.g. 1.0
	Description string              `json:"description"`       // e.g. "boost" or "ConstantScore(*:*), product of:"
	Details     []SearchExplanation `json:"details,omitempty"` // recursive details

SearchExplanation explains how the score for a hit was computed. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-explain.html.

type SearchHit ¶

type SearchHit struct {
	Score          *float64                       `json:"_score"`          // computed score
	Index          string                         `json:"_index"`          // index name
	Type           string                         `json:"_type"`           // type meta field
	Id             string                         `json:"_id"`             // external or internal
	Uid            string                         `json:"_uid"`            // uid meta field (see MapperService.java for all meta fields)
	Routing        string                         `json:"_routing"`        // routing meta field
	Parent         string                         `json:"_parent"`         // parent meta field
	Version        *int64                         `json:"_version"`        // version number, when Version is set to true in SearchService
	Sort           []interface{}                  `json:"sort"`            // sort information
	Highlight      SearchHitHighlight             `json:"highlight"`       // highlighter information
	Source         *json.RawMessage               `json:"_source"`         // stored document source
	Fields         map[string]interface{}         `json:"fields"`          // returned (stored) fields
	Explanation    *SearchExplanation             `json:"_explanation"`    // explains how the score was computed
	MatchedQueries []string                       `json:"matched_queries"` // matched queries
	InnerHits      map[string]*SearchHitInnerHits `json:"inner_hits"`      // inner hits with ES >= 1.5.0


SearchHit is a single hit.

type SearchHitHighlight ¶

type SearchHitHighlight map[string][]string

SearchHitHighlight is the highlight information of a search hit. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-highlighting.html for a general discussion of highlighting.

type SearchHitInnerHits ¶

type SearchHitInnerHits struct {
	Hits *SearchHits `json:"hits"`

type SearchHits ¶

type SearchHits struct {
	TotalHits int64        `json:"total"`     // total number of hits found
	MaxScore  *float64     `json:"max_score"` // maximum score of all hits
	Hits      []*SearchHit `json:"hits"`      // the actual hits returned

SearchHits specifies the list of search hits.

type SearchProfile ¶

type SearchProfile struct {
	Shards []SearchProfileShardResult `json:"shards"`

SearchProfile is a list of shard profiling data collected during query execution in the "profile" section of a SearchResult

type SearchProfileShardResult ¶

type SearchProfileShardResult struct {
	ID           string                    `json:"id"`
	Searches     []QueryProfileShardResult `json:"searches"`
	Aggregations []ProfileResult           `json:"aggregations"`

SearchProfileShardResult returns the profiling data for a single shard accessed during the search query or aggregation.

type SearchRequest ¶

type SearchRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchRequest combines a search request and its query details (see SearchSource). It is used in combination with MultiSearch.

func NewSearchRequest ¶

func NewSearchRequest() *SearchRequest

NewSearchRequest creates a new search request.

func (*SearchRequest) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *SearchRequest) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *SearchRequest

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*SearchRequest) Body ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Body() interface{}

Body allows to access the search body of the request, as generated by the DSL. Notice that Body is read-only. You must not change the request body.

Body is used e.g. by MultiSearch to get information about the search body of one SearchRequest. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-multi-search.html

func (*SearchRequest) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *SearchRequest) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *SearchRequest

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*SearchRequest) HasIndices ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) HasIndices() bool

func (*SearchRequest) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *SearchRequest) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *SearchRequest

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*SearchRequest) Index ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Index(indices ...string) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) Preference ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Preference(preference string) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) RequestCache ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) RequestCache(requestCache bool) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) Routing ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Routing(routing string) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) Routings ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Routings(routings ...string) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) Scroll ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Scroll(scroll string) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchSource ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchSource(searchSource *SearchSource) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchType ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchType(searchType string) *SearchRequest

SearchRequest must be one of "query_then_fetch", "query_and_fetch", "scan", "count", "dfs_query_then_fetch", or "dfs_query_and_fetch". Use one of the constants defined via SearchType.

func (*SearchRequest) SearchTypeCount ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchTypeCount() *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchTypeDfsQueryAndFetch ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchTypeDfsQueryAndFetch() *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch() *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchTypeQueryAndFetch ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchTypeQueryAndFetch() *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch() *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) SearchTypeScan ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) SearchTypeScan() *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) Source ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Source(source interface{}) *SearchRequest

func (*SearchRequest) Type ¶

func (r *SearchRequest) Type(types ...string) *SearchRequest

type SearchResult ¶

type SearchResult struct {
	TookInMillis int64          `json:"took"`              // search time in milliseconds
	ScrollId     string         `json:"_scroll_id"`        // only used with Scroll and Scan operations
	Hits         *SearchHits    `json:"hits"`              // the actual search hits
	Suggest      SearchSuggest  `json:"suggest"`           // results from suggesters
	Aggregations Aggregations   `json:"aggregations"`      // results from aggregations
	TimedOut     bool           `json:"timed_out"`         // true if the search timed out
	Error        *ErrorDetails  `json:"error,omitempty"`   // only used in MultiGet
	Profile      *SearchProfile `json:"profile,omitempty"` // profiling results, if optional Profile API was active for this search
	Shards       *shardsInfo    `json:"_shards,omitempty"` // shard information

SearchResult is the result of a search in Elasticsearch.

Example ¶
package main

import (

	elastic "github.com/olivere/elastic"

type Tweet struct {
	User     string                `json:"user"`
	Message  string                `json:"message"`
	Retweets int                   `json:"retweets"`
	Image    string                `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Created  time.Time             `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Tags     []string              `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Location string                `json:"location,omitempty"`
	Suggest  *elastic.SuggestField `json:"suggest_field,omitempty"`

func main() {
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {

	// Do a search
	searchResult, err := client.Search().Index("twitter").Query(elastic.NewMatchAllQuery()).Do(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	// searchResult is of type SearchResult and returns hits, suggestions,
	// and all kinds of other information from Elasticsearch.
	fmt.Printf("Query took %d milliseconds\n", searchResult.TookInMillis)

	// Each is a utility function that iterates over hits in a search result.
	// It makes sure you don't need to check for nil values in the response.
	// However, it ignores errors in serialization. If you want full control
	// over iterating the hits, see below.
	var ttyp Tweet
	for _, item := range searchResult.Each(reflect.TypeOf(ttyp)) {
		t := item.(Tweet)
		fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
	fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.TotalHits())

	// Here's how you iterate hits with full control.
	if searchResult.Hits.TotalHits > 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.Hits.TotalHits)

		// Iterate through results
		for _, hit := range searchResult.Hits.Hits {
			// hit.Index contains the name of the index

			// Deserialize hit.Source into a Tweet (could also be just a map[string]interface{}).
			var t Tweet
			err := json.Unmarshal(*hit.Source, &t)
			if err != nil {
				// Deserialization failed

			// Work with tweet
			fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
	} else {
		// No hits
		fmt.Print("Found no tweets\n")

func (*SearchResult) Each ¶

func (r *SearchResult) Each(typ reflect.Type) []interface{}

Each is a utility function to iterate over all hits. It saves you from checking for nil values. Notice that Each will ignore errors in serializing JSON and hits with empty/nil _source will get an empty value

func (*SearchResult) TotalHits ¶

func (r *SearchResult) TotalHits() int64

TotalHits is a convenience function to return the number of hits for a search result.

type SearchService ¶

type SearchService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Search for documents in Elasticsearch.

Example ¶
package main

import (

	elastic "github.com/olivere/elastic"

type Tweet struct {
	User     string                `json:"user"`
	Message  string                `json:"message"`
	Retweets int                   `json:"retweets"`
	Image    string                `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Created  time.Time             `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Tags     []string              `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Location string                `json:"location,omitempty"`
	Suggest  *elastic.SuggestField `json:"suggest_field,omitempty"`

func main() {
	// Get a client to the local Elasticsearch instance.
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// Search with a term query
	termQuery := elastic.NewTermQuery("user", "olivere")
	searchResult, err := client.Search().
		Index("twitter").        // search in index "twitter"
		Query(termQuery).        // specify the query
		Sort("user", true).      // sort by "user" field, ascending
		From(0).Size(10).        // take documents 0-9
		Pretty(true).            // pretty print request and response JSON
		Do(context.Background()) // execute
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// searchResult is of type SearchResult and returns hits, suggestions,
	// and all kinds of other information from Elasticsearch.
	fmt.Printf("Query took %d milliseconds\n", searchResult.TookInMillis)

	// Number of hits
	if searchResult.Hits.TotalHits > 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.Hits.TotalHits)

		// Iterate through results
		for _, hit := range searchResult.Hits.Hits {
			// hit.Index contains the name of the index

			// Deserialize hit.Source into a Tweet (could also be just a map[string]interface{}).
			var t Tweet
			err := json.Unmarshal(*hit.Source, &t)
			if err != nil {
				// Deserialization failed

			// Work with tweet
			fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
	} else {
		// No hits
		fmt.Print("Found no tweets\n")

func NewSearchService ¶

func NewSearchService(client *Client) *SearchService

NewSearchService creates a new service for searching in Elasticsearch.

func (*SearchService) Aggregation ¶

func (s *SearchService) Aggregation(name string, aggregation Aggregation) *SearchService

Aggregation adds an aggreation to perform as part of the search.

func (*SearchService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *SearchService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *SearchService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*SearchService) Collapse ¶

func (s *SearchService) Collapse(collapse *CollapseBuilder) *SearchService

Collapse adds field collapsing.

func (*SearchService) Do ¶

Do executes the search and returns a SearchResult.

func (*SearchService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *SearchService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *SearchService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*SearchService) Explain ¶

func (s *SearchService) Explain(explain bool) *SearchService

Explain indicates whether each search hit should be returned with an explanation of the hit (ranking).

func (*SearchService) FetchSource ¶

func (s *SearchService) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *SearchService

FetchSource indicates whether the response should contain the stored _source for every hit.

func (*SearchService) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (s *SearchService) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *SearchService

FetchSourceContext indicates how the _source should be fetched.

func (*SearchService) FilterPath ¶

func (s *SearchService) FilterPath(filterPath ...string) *SearchService

FilterPath allows reducing the response, a mechanism known as response filtering and described here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/common-options.html#common-options-response-filtering.

func (*SearchService) From ¶

func (s *SearchService) From(from int) *SearchService

From index to start the search from. Defaults to 0.

func (*SearchService) GlobalSuggestText ¶

func (s *SearchService) GlobalSuggestText(globalText string) *SearchService

GlobalSuggestText defines the global text to use with all suggesters. This avoids repetition.

func (*SearchService) Highlight ¶

func (s *SearchService) Highlight(highlight *Highlight) *SearchService

Highlight adds highlighting to the search.

func (*SearchService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *SearchService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *SearchService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether the specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*SearchService) Index ¶

func (s *SearchService) Index(index ...string) *SearchService

Index sets the names of the indices to use for search.

func (*SearchService) MinScore ¶

func (s *SearchService) MinScore(minScore float64) *SearchService

MinScore sets the minimum score below which docs will be filtered out.

func (*SearchService) NoStoredFields ¶

func (s *SearchService) NoStoredFields() *SearchService

NoStoredFields indicates that no stored fields should be loaded, resulting in only id and type to be returned per field.

func (*SearchService) PostFilter ¶

func (s *SearchService) PostFilter(postFilter Query) *SearchService

PostFilter will be executed after the query has been executed and only affects the search hits, not the aggregations. This filter is always executed as the last filtering mechanism.

func (*SearchService) Preference ¶

func (s *SearchService) Preference(preference string) *SearchService

Preference sets the preference to execute the search. Defaults to randomize across shards ("random"). Can be set to "_local" to prefer local shards, "_primary" to execute on primary shards only, or a custom value which guarantees that the same order will be used across different requests.

func (*SearchService) Pretty ¶

func (s *SearchService) Pretty(pretty bool) *SearchService

Pretty enables the caller to indent the JSON output.

func (*SearchService) Profile ¶

func (s *SearchService) Profile(profile bool) *SearchService

Profile sets the Profile API flag on the search source. When enabled, a search executed by this service will return query profiling data.

func (*SearchService) Query ¶

func (s *SearchService) Query(query Query) *SearchService

Query sets the query to perform, e.g. MatchAllQuery.

func (*SearchService) RequestCache ¶

func (s *SearchService) RequestCache(requestCache bool) *SearchService

RequestCache indicates whether the cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to index level setting.

func (*SearchService) Routing ¶

func (s *SearchService) Routing(routings ...string) *SearchService

Routing is a list of specific routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on.

func (*SearchService) SearchAfter ¶

func (s *SearchService) SearchAfter(sortValues ...interface{}) *SearchService

SearchAfter allows a different form of pagination by using a live cursor, using the results of the previous page to help the retrieval of the next.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-search-after.html

func (*SearchService) SearchSource ¶

func (s *SearchService) SearchSource(searchSource *SearchSource) *SearchService

SearchSource sets the search source builder to use with this service.

func (*SearchService) SearchType ¶

func (s *SearchService) SearchType(searchType string) *SearchService

SearchType sets the search operation type. Valid values are: "query_then_fetch", "query_and_fetch", "dfs_query_then_fetch", "dfs_query_and_fetch", "count", "scan". See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-search-type.html for details.

func (*SearchService) Size ¶

func (s *SearchService) Size(size int) *SearchService

Size is the number of search hits to return. Defaults to 10.

func (*SearchService) Sort ¶

func (s *SearchService) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *SearchService

Sort adds a sort order.

func (*SearchService) SortBy ¶

func (s *SearchService) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *SearchService

SortBy adds a sort order.

func (*SearchService) SortWithInfo ¶

func (s *SearchService) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *SearchService

SortWithInfo adds a sort order.

func (*SearchService) Source ¶

func (s *SearchService) Source(source interface{}) *SearchService

Source allows the user to set the request body manually without using any of the structs and interfaces in Elastic.

func (*SearchService) StoredField ¶

func (s *SearchService) StoredField(fieldName string) *SearchService

StoredField adds a single field to load and return (note, must be stored) as part of the search request. If none are specified, the source of the document will be returned.

func (*SearchService) StoredFields ¶

func (s *SearchService) StoredFields(fields ...string) *SearchService

StoredFields sets the fields to load and return as part of the search request. If none are specified, the source of the document will be returned.

func (*SearchService) Suggester ¶

func (s *SearchService) Suggester(suggester Suggester) *SearchService

Suggester adds a suggester to the search.

func (*SearchService) Timeout ¶

func (s *SearchService) Timeout(timeout string) *SearchService

Timeout sets the timeout to use, e.g. "1s" or "1000ms".

func (*SearchService) TimeoutInMillis ¶

func (s *SearchService) TimeoutInMillis(timeoutInMillis int) *SearchService

TimeoutInMillis sets the timeout in milliseconds.

func (*SearchService) TrackScores ¶

func (s *SearchService) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *SearchService

TrackScores is applied when sorting and controls if scores will be tracked as well. Defaults to false.

func (*SearchService) Type ¶

func (s *SearchService) Type(typ ...string) *SearchService

Types adds search restrictions for a list of types.

func (*SearchService) Validate ¶

func (s *SearchService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*SearchService) Version ¶

func (s *SearchService) Version(version bool) *SearchService

Version indicates whether each search hit should be returned with a version associated to it.

type SearchSource ¶

type SearchSource struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchSource enables users to build the search source. It resembles the SearchSourceBuilder in Elasticsearch.

func NewSearchSource ¶

func NewSearchSource() *SearchSource

NewSearchSource initializes a new SearchSource.

func (*SearchSource) Aggregation ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Aggregation(name string, aggregation Aggregation) *SearchSource

Aggregation adds an aggreation to perform as part of the search.

func (*SearchSource) ClearRescorers ¶

func (s *SearchSource) ClearRescorers() *SearchSource

ClearRescorers removes all rescorers from the search.

func (*SearchSource) Collapse ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Collapse(collapse *CollapseBuilder) *SearchSource

Collapse adds field collapsing.

func (*SearchSource) DefaultRescoreWindowSize ¶

func (s *SearchSource) DefaultRescoreWindowSize(defaultRescoreWindowSize int) *SearchSource

DefaultRescoreWindowSize sets the rescore window size for rescores that don't specify their window.

func (*SearchSource) DocvalueField ¶

func (s *SearchSource) DocvalueField(fieldDataField string) *SearchSource

DocvalueField adds a single field to load from the field data cache and return as part of the search request.

func (*SearchSource) DocvalueFields ¶

func (s *SearchSource) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *SearchSource

DocvalueFields adds one or more fields to load from the field data cache and return as part of the search request.

func (*SearchSource) Explain ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Explain(explain bool) *SearchSource

Explain indicates whether each search hit should be returned with an explanation of the hit (ranking).

func (*SearchSource) FetchSource ¶

func (s *SearchSource) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *SearchSource

FetchSource indicates whether the response should contain the stored _source for every hit.

func (*SearchSource) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (s *SearchSource) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *SearchSource

FetchSourceContext indicates how the _source should be fetched.

func (*SearchSource) From ¶

func (s *SearchSource) From(from int) *SearchSource

From index to start the search from. Defaults to 0.

func (*SearchSource) GlobalSuggestText ¶

func (s *SearchSource) GlobalSuggestText(text string) *SearchSource

GlobalSuggestText defines the global text to use with all suggesters. This avoids repetition.

func (*SearchSource) Highlight ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Highlight(highlight *Highlight) *SearchSource

Highlight adds highlighting to the search.

func (*SearchSource) Highlighter ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Highlighter() *Highlight

Highlighter returns the highlighter.

func (*SearchSource) IndexBoost ¶

func (s *SearchSource) IndexBoost(index string, boost float64) *SearchSource

IndexBoost sets the boost that a specific index will receive when the query is executed against it.

func (*SearchSource) InnerHit ¶

func (s *SearchSource) InnerHit(name string, innerHit *InnerHit) *SearchSource

InnerHit adds an inner hit to return with the result.

func (*SearchSource) MinScore ¶

func (s *SearchSource) MinScore(minScore float64) *SearchSource

MinScore sets the minimum score below which docs will be filtered out.

func (*SearchSource) NoStoredFields ¶

func (s *SearchSource) NoStoredFields() *SearchSource

NoStoredFields indicates that no fields should be loaded, resulting in only id and type to be returned per field.

func (*SearchSource) PostFilter ¶

func (s *SearchSource) PostFilter(postFilter Query) *SearchSource

PostFilter will be executed after the query has been executed and only affects the search hits, not the aggregations. This filter is always executed as the last filtering mechanism.

func (*SearchSource) Profile ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Profile(profile bool) *SearchSource

Profile specifies that this search source should activate the Profile API for queries made on it.

func (*SearchSource) Query ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Query(query Query) *SearchSource

Query sets the query to use with this search source.

func (*SearchSource) Rescorer ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Rescorer(rescore *Rescore) *SearchSource

Rescorer adds a rescorer to the search.

func (*SearchSource) ScriptField ¶

func (s *SearchSource) ScriptField(scriptField *ScriptField) *SearchSource

ScriptField adds a single script field with the provided script.

func (*SearchSource) ScriptFields ¶

func (s *SearchSource) ScriptFields(scriptFields ...*ScriptField) *SearchSource

ScriptFields adds one or more script fields with the provided scripts.

func (*SearchSource) SearchAfter ¶

func (s *SearchSource) SearchAfter(sortValues ...interface{}) *SearchSource

SearchAfter allows a different form of pagination by using a live cursor, using the results of the previous page to help the retrieval of the next.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-search-after.html

func (*SearchSource) Size ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Size(size int) *SearchSource

Size is the number of search hits to return. Defaults to 10.

func (*SearchSource) Slice ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Slice(sliceQuery Query) *SearchSource

Slice allows partitioning the documents in multiple slices. It is e.g. used to slice a scroll operation, supported in Elasticsearch 5.0 or later. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-scroll.html#sliced-scroll for details.

func (*SearchSource) Sort ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *SearchSource

Sort adds a sort order.

func (*SearchSource) SortBy ¶

func (s *SearchSource) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *SearchSource

SortBy adds a sort order.

func (*SearchSource) SortWithInfo ¶

func (s *SearchSource) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *SearchSource

SortWithInfo adds a sort order.

func (*SearchSource) Source ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON for the source builder.

func (*SearchSource) Stats ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Stats(statsGroup ...string) *SearchSource

Stats group this request will be aggregated under.

func (*SearchSource) StoredField ¶

func (s *SearchSource) StoredField(storedFieldName string) *SearchSource

StoredField adds a single field to load and return (note, must be stored) as part of the search request. If none are specified, the source of the document will be returned.

func (*SearchSource) StoredFields ¶

func (s *SearchSource) StoredFields(storedFieldNames ...string) *SearchSource

StoredFields sets the fields to load and return as part of the search request. If none are specified, the source of the document will be returned.

func (*SearchSource) Suggester ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Suggester(suggester Suggester) *SearchSource

Suggester adds a suggester to the search.

func (*SearchSource) TerminateAfter ¶

func (s *SearchSource) TerminateAfter(terminateAfter int) *SearchSource

TerminateAfter allows the request to stop after the given number of search hits are collected.

func (*SearchSource) Timeout ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Timeout(timeout string) *SearchSource

Timeout controls how long a search is allowed to take, e.g. "1s" or "500ms".

func (*SearchSource) TimeoutInMillis ¶

func (s *SearchSource) TimeoutInMillis(timeoutInMillis int) *SearchSource

TimeoutInMillis controls how many milliseconds a search is allowed to take before it is canceled.

func (*SearchSource) TrackScores ¶

func (s *SearchSource) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *SearchSource

TrackScores is applied when sorting and controls if scores will be tracked as well. Defaults to false.

func (*SearchSource) Version ¶

func (s *SearchSource) Version(version bool) *SearchSource

Version indicates whether each search hit should be returned with a version associated to it.

type SearchSuggestion ¶

type SearchSuggestion struct {
	Text    string                   `json:"text"`
	Offset  int                      `json:"offset"`
	Length  int                      `json:"length"`
	Options []SearchSuggestionOption `json:"options"`

SearchSuggestion is a single search suggestion. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters.html.

type SearchSuggestionOption ¶

type SearchSuggestionOption struct {
	Text         string           `json:"text"`
	Index        string           `json:"_index"`
	Type         string           `json:"_type"`
	Id           string           `json:"_id"`
	Score        float64          `json:"score"`
	Highlighted  string           `json:"highlighted"`
	CollateMatch bool             `json:"collate_match"`
	Freq         int              `json:"freq"` // from TermSuggestion.Option in Java API
	Source       *json.RawMessage `json:"_source"`

SearchSuggestionOption is an option of a SearchSuggestion. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters.html.

type SerialDiffAggregation ¶

type SerialDiffAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SerialDiffAggregation implements serial differencing. Serial differencing is a technique where values in a time series are subtracted from itself at different time lags or periods.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-serialdiff-aggregation.html

func NewSerialDiffAggregation ¶

func NewSerialDiffAggregation() *SerialDiffAggregation

NewSerialDiffAggregation creates and initializes a new SerialDiffAggregation.

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *SerialDiffAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *SerialDiffAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) Format ¶

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *SerialDiffAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *SerialDiffAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *SerialDiffAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *SerialDiffAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) Lag ¶

Lag specifies the historical bucket to subtract from the current value. E.g. a lag of 7 will subtract the current value from the value 7 buckets ago. Lag must be a positive, non-zero integer.

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *SerialDiffAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SerialDiffAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *SerialDiffAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*SerialDiffAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *SerialDiffAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SerialDiffAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type SignificanceHeuristic ¶

type SignificanceHeuristic interface {
	Name() string
	Source() (interface{}, error)

type SignificantTermsAggregation ¶

type SignificantTermsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SignificantTermsAggregation is an aggregation that returns interesting or unusual occurrences of terms in a set. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html

func NewSignificantTermsAggregation ¶

func NewSignificantTermsAggregation() *SignificantTermsAggregation

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) BackgroundFilter ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) BackgroundFilter(filter Query) *SignificantTermsAggregation

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) ExecutionHint ¶

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) Field ¶

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SignificantTermsAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) MinDocCount ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount int) *SignificantTermsAggregation

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) RequiredSize ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) RequiredSize(requiredSize int) *SignificantTermsAggregation

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) ShardMinDocCount ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) ShardMinDocCount(shardMinDocCount int) *SignificantTermsAggregation

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) ShardSize ¶

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) SignificanceHeuristic ¶

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SignificantTermsAggregation

type SignificantTextAggregation ¶

type SignificantTextAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SignificantTextAggregation returns interesting or unusual occurrences of free-text terms in a set. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-bucket-significanttext-aggregation.html

func NewSignificantTextAggregation ¶

func NewSignificantTextAggregation() *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) BackgroundFilter ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) BackgroundFilter(filter Query) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Exclude ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) ExcludeValues ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) ExcludeValues(values ...interface{}) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Field ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) FilterDuplicateText ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) FilterDuplicateText(filter bool) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Include ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) IncludeValues ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) IncludeValues(values ...interface{}) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SignificantTextAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) MinDocCount ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount int64) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) NumPartitions ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Partition ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) ShardMinDocCount ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) ShardMinDocCount(shardMinDocCount int64) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) ShardSize ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) SignificanceHeuristic ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Size ¶

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) SourceFieldNames ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) SourceFieldNames(names ...string) *SignificantTextAggregation

func (*SignificantTextAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *SignificantTextAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SignificantTextAggregation

type SimpleBackoff ¶

type SimpleBackoff struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SimpleBackoff takes a list of fixed values for backoff intervals. Each call to Next returns the next value from that fixed list. After each value is returned, subsequent calls to Next will only return the last element. The values are optionally "jittered" (off by default).

func NewSimpleBackoff ¶

func NewSimpleBackoff(ticks ...int) *SimpleBackoff

NewSimpleBackoff creates a SimpleBackoff algorithm with the specified list of fixed intervals in milliseconds.

func (*SimpleBackoff) Jitter ¶

func (b *SimpleBackoff) Jitter(flag bool) *SimpleBackoff

Jitter enables or disables jittering values.

func (*SimpleBackoff) Next ¶

func (b *SimpleBackoff) Next(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

Next implements BackoffFunc for SimpleBackoff.

type SimpleMovAvgModel ¶

type SimpleMovAvgModel struct {

SimpleMovAvgModel calculates a simple unweighted (arithmetic) moving average.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html#_simple

func NewSimpleMovAvgModel ¶

func NewSimpleMovAvgModel() *SimpleMovAvgModel

NewSimpleMovAvgModel creates and initializes a new SimpleMovAvgModel.

func (*SimpleMovAvgModel) Name ¶

func (m *SimpleMovAvgModel) Name() string

Name of the model.

func (*SimpleMovAvgModel) Settings ¶

func (m *SimpleMovAvgModel) Settings() map[string]interface{}

Settings of the model.

type SimpleQueryStringQuery ¶

type SimpleQueryStringQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SimpleQueryStringQuery is a query that uses the SimpleQueryParser to parse its context. Unlike the regular query_string query, the simple_query_string query will never throw an exception, and discards invalid parts of the query.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-simple-query-string-query.html

func NewSimpleQueryStringQuery ¶

func NewSimpleQueryStringQuery(text string) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

NewSimpleQueryStringQuery creates and initializes a new SimpleQueryStringQuery.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) AnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) AnalyzeWildcard(analyzeWildcard bool) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

AnalyzeWildcard indicates whether to enabled analysis on wildcard and prefix queries.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Analyzer ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

Analyzer specifies the analyzer to use for the query.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Boost ¶

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) DefaultOperator ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) DefaultOperator(defaultOperator string) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

DefaultOperator specifies the default operator for the query.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Field ¶

Field adds a field to run the query against.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) FieldWithBoost ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) FieldWithBoost(field string, boost float64) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

Field adds a field to run the query against with a specific boost.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Flags ¶

Flags sets the flags for the query.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Lenient ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) Lenient(lenient bool) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

Lenient indicates whether the query string parser should be lenient when parsing field values. It defaults to the index setting and if not set, defaults to false.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Locale ¶

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) LowercaseExpandedTerms ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) LowercaseExpandedTerms(lowercaseExpandedTerms bool) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

LowercaseExpandedTerms indicates whether terms of wildcard, prefix, fuzzy and range queries are automatically lower-cased or not. Default is true.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) MinimumShouldMatch ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *SimpleQueryStringQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit.

func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) Source ¶

func (q *SimpleQueryStringQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type SliceQuery ¶

type SliceQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SliceQuery allows to partition the documents into several slices. It is used e.g. to slice scroll operations in Elasticsearch 5.0 or later. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-scroll.html#sliced-scroll for details.

func NewSliceQuery ¶

func NewSliceQuery() *SliceQuery

NewSliceQuery creates a new SliceQuery.

func (*SliceQuery) Field ¶

func (s *SliceQuery) Field(field string) *SliceQuery

Field is the name of the field to slice against (_uid by default).

func (*SliceQuery) Id ¶

func (s *SliceQuery) Id(id int) *SliceQuery

Id is the id of the slice.

func (*SliceQuery) Max ¶

func (s *SliceQuery) Max(max int) *SliceQuery

Max is the maximum number of slices.

func (*SliceQuery) Source ¶

func (s *SliceQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON body.

type SmoothingModel ¶

type SmoothingModel interface {
	Type() string
	Source() (interface{}, error)

type SnapshotCreateRepositoryResponse ¶

type SnapshotCreateRepositoryResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

SnapshotCreateRepositoryResponse is the response of SnapshotCreateRepositoryService.Do.

type SnapshotCreateRepositoryService ¶

type SnapshotCreateRepositoryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotCreateRepositoryService creates a snapshot repository. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-snapshots.html for details.

func NewSnapshotCreateRepositoryService ¶

func NewSnapshotCreateRepositoryService(client *Client) *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService

NewSnapshotCreateRepositoryService creates a new SnapshotCreateRepositoryService.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) BodyJson ¶

BodyJson is documented as: The repository definition.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) BodyString ¶

BodyString is documented as: The repository definition.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) MasterTimeout ¶

MasterTimeout specifies an explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Repository ¶

Repository is the repository name.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Setting ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Setting(name string, value interface{}) *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService

Setting sets a single settings of the snapshot repository.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Settings ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Settings(settings map[string]interface{}) *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService

Settings sets all settings of the snapshot repository.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Type ¶

Type sets the snapshot repository type, e.g. "fs".

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Validate ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*SnapshotCreateRepositoryService) Verify ¶

Verify indicates whether to verify the repository after creation.

type SnapshotCreateResponse ¶

type SnapshotCreateResponse struct {
	// Accepted indicates whether the request was accepted by elasticsearch.
	// It's available when waitForCompletion is false.
	Accepted *bool `json:"accepted"`

	// Snapshot is available when waitForCompletion is true.
	Snapshot *struct {
		Snapshot          string                 `json:"snapshot"`
		UUID              string                 `json:"uuid"`
		VersionID         int                    `json:"version_id"`
		Version           string                 `json:"version"`
		Indices           []string               `json:"indices"`
		State             string                 `json:"state"`
		Reason            string                 `json:"reason"`
		StartTime         time.Time              `json:"start_time"`
		StartTimeInMillis int64                  `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
		EndTime           time.Time              `json:"end_time"`
		EndTimeInMillis   int64                  `json:"end_time_in_millis"`
		DurationInMillis  int64                  `json:"duration_in_millis"`
		Failures          []SnapshotShardFailure `json:"failures"`
		Shards            shardsInfo             `json:"shards"`
	} `json:"snapshot"`

SnapshotCreateResponse is the response of SnapshotCreateService.Do.

type SnapshotCreateService ¶

type SnapshotCreateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotCreateService is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-snapshots.html.

func NewSnapshotCreateService ¶

func NewSnapshotCreateService(client *Client) *SnapshotCreateService

NewSnapshotCreateService creates a new SnapshotCreateService.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *SnapshotCreateService

BodyJson is documented as: The snapshot definition.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) BodyString ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) BodyString(body string) *SnapshotCreateService

BodyString is documented as: The snapshot definition.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *SnapshotCreateService

MasterTimeout is documented as: Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) Repository ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) Repository(repository string) *SnapshotCreateService

Repository is the repository name.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) Snapshot ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) Snapshot(snapshot string) *SnapshotCreateService

Snapshot is the snapshot name.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) Validate ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*SnapshotCreateService) WaitForCompletion ¶

func (s *SnapshotCreateService) WaitForCompletion(waitForCompletion bool) *SnapshotCreateService

WaitForCompletion is documented as: Should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning.

type SnapshotDeleteRepositoryResponse ¶

type SnapshotDeleteRepositoryResponse struct {
	Acknowledged       bool   `json:"acknowledged"`
	ShardsAcknowledged bool   `json:"shards_acknowledged"`
	Index              string `json:"index,omitempty"`

SnapshotDeleteRepositoryResponse is the response of SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService.Do.

type SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService ¶

type SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService deletes a snapshot repository. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-snapshots.html for details.

func NewSnapshotDeleteRepositoryService ¶

func NewSnapshotDeleteRepositoryService(client *Client) *SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService

NewSnapshotDeleteRepositoryService creates a new SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService.

func (*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) MasterTimeout ¶

MasterTimeout specifies an explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) Repository ¶

Repository is the list of repository names.

func (*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) Validate ¶

func (s *SnapshotDeleteRepositoryService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type SnapshotGetRepositoryResponse ¶

type SnapshotGetRepositoryResponse map[string]*SnapshotRepositoryMetaData

SnapshotGetRepositoryResponse is the response of SnapshotGetRepositoryService.Do.

type SnapshotGetRepositoryService ¶

type SnapshotGetRepositoryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotGetRepositoryService reads a snapshot repository. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-snapshots.html for details.

func NewSnapshotGetRepositoryService ¶

func NewSnapshotGetRepositoryService(client *Client) *SnapshotGetRepositoryService

NewSnapshotGetRepositoryService creates a new SnapshotGetRepositoryService.

func (*SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Local ¶

Local indicates whether to return local information, i.e. do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (*SnapshotGetRepositoryService) MasterTimeout ¶

func (s *SnapshotGetRepositoryService) MasterTimeout(masterTimeout string) *SnapshotGetRepositoryService

MasterTimeout specifies an explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Repository ¶

func (s *SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Repository(repositories ...string) *SnapshotGetRepositoryService

Repository is the list of repository names.

func (*SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Validate ¶

func (s *SnapshotGetRepositoryService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type SnapshotRepositoryMetaData ¶

type SnapshotRepositoryMetaData struct {
	Type     string                 `json:"type"`
	Settings map[string]interface{} `json:"settings,omitempty"`

SnapshotRepositoryMetaData contains all information about a single snapshot repository.

type SnapshotShardFailure ¶

type SnapshotShardFailure struct {
	Index     string `json:"index"`
	IndexUUID string `json:"index_uuid"`
	ShardID   int    `json:"shard_id"`
	Reason    string `json:"reason"`
	NodeID    string `json:"node_id"`
	Status    string `json:"status"`

SnapshotShardFailure stores information about failures that occurred during shard snapshotting process.

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryNode ¶

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryNode struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryResponse ¶

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryResponse struct {
	Nodes map[string]*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryNode `json:"nodes"`

SnapshotVerifyRepositoryResponse is the response of SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService.Do.

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService ¶

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService verifies a snapshop repository. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/modules-snapshots.html for details.

func NewSnapshotVerifyRepositoryService ¶

func NewSnapshotVerifyRepositoryService(client *Client) *SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService

NewSnapshotVerifyRepositoryService creates a new SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService.

func (*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) MasterTimeout ¶

MasterTimeout is the explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) Pretty ¶

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) Repository ¶

Repository specifies the repository name.

func (*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) Timeout ¶

Timeout is an explicit operation timeout.

func (*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) Validate ¶

func (s *SnapshotVerifyRepositoryService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type SnifferCallback ¶

type SnifferCallback func(*NodesInfoNode) bool

SnifferCallback defines the protocol for sniffing decisions.

type SortByDoc ¶

type SortByDoc struct {

SortByDoc sorts by the "_doc" field, as described in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-scroll.html.


ss := elastic.NewSearchSource()
ss = ss.SortBy(elastic.SortByDoc{})

func (SortByDoc) Source ¶

func (s SortByDoc) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON-serializable data.

type SortInfo ¶

type SortInfo struct {
	Field          string
	Ascending      bool
	Missing        interface{}
	IgnoreUnmapped *bool
	UnmappedType   string
	SortMode       string
	NestedFilter   Query
	NestedPath     string
	NestedSort     *NestedSort // available in 6.1 or later

SortInfo contains information about sorting a field.

func (SortInfo) Source ¶

func (info SortInfo) Source() (interface{}, error)

type Sorter ¶

type Sorter interface {
	Source() (interface{}, error)

Sorter is an interface for sorting strategies, e.g. ScoreSort or FieldSort. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-request-sort.html.

type StartTaskResult ¶

type StartTaskResult struct {
	TaskId string `json:"task"`

StartTaskResult is used in cases where a task gets started asynchronously and the operation simply returnes a TaskID to watch for via the Task Management API.

type StatsAggregation ¶

type StatsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StatsAggregation is a multi-value metrics aggregation that computes stats over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-stats-aggregation.html

func NewStatsAggregation ¶

func NewStatsAggregation() *StatsAggregation

func (*StatsAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *StatsAggregation) Field(field string) *StatsAggregation

func (*StatsAggregation) Format ¶

func (a *StatsAggregation) Format(format string) *StatsAggregation

func (*StatsAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *StatsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *StatsAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*StatsAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *StatsAggregation) Script(script *Script) *StatsAggregation

func (*StatsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *StatsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*StatsAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *StatsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *StatsAggregation

type StatsBucketAggregation ¶

type StatsBucketAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StatsBucketAggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates a variety of stats across all bucket of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a multi-bucket aggregation.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-stats-bucket-aggregation.html

func NewStatsBucketAggregation ¶

func NewStatsBucketAggregation() *StatsBucketAggregation

NewStatsBucketAggregation creates and initializes a new StatsBucketAggregation.

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *StatsBucketAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) Format ¶

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *StatsBucketAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *StatsBucketAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) Meta ¶

func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *StatsBucketAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) Source ¶

func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*StatsBucketAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *StatsBucketAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type StopBackoff ¶

type StopBackoff struct{}

StopBackoff is a fixed backoff policy that always returns false for Next(), meaning that the operation should never be retried.

func (StopBackoff) Next ¶

func (b StopBackoff) Next(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

Next implements BackoffFunc for StopBackoff.

type StopRetrier ¶

type StopRetrier struct {

StopRetrier is an implementation that does no retries.

func NewStopRetrier ¶

func NewStopRetrier() *StopRetrier

NewStopRetrier returns a retrier that does no retries.

func (*StopRetrier) Retry ¶

func (r *StopRetrier) Retry(ctx context.Context, retry int, req *http.Request, resp *http.Response, err error) (time.Duration, bool, error)

Retry does not retry.

type StupidBackoffSmoothingModel ¶

type StupidBackoffSmoothingModel struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StupidBackoffSmoothingModel implements a stupid backoff smoothing model. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters-phrase.html#_smoothing_models for details about smoothing models.

func NewStupidBackoffSmoothingModel ¶

func NewStupidBackoffSmoothingModel(discount float64) *StupidBackoffSmoothingModel

func (*StupidBackoffSmoothingModel) Source ¶

func (sm *StupidBackoffSmoothingModel) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*StupidBackoffSmoothingModel) Type ¶

type SuggestField ¶

type SuggestField struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SuggestField can be used by the caller to specify a suggest field at index time. For a detailed example, see e.g. https://www.elastic.co/blog/you-complete-me.

func NewSuggestField ¶

func NewSuggestField(input ...string) *SuggestField

func (*SuggestField) ContextQuery ¶

func (f *SuggestField) ContextQuery(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *SuggestField

func (*SuggestField) Input ¶

func (f *SuggestField) Input(input ...string) *SuggestField

func (*SuggestField) MarshalJSON ¶

func (f *SuggestField) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON encodes SuggestField into JSON.

func (*SuggestField) Weight ¶

func (f *SuggestField) Weight(weight int) *SuggestField

type Suggester ¶

type Suggester interface {
	Name() string
	Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error)

Represents the generic suggester interface. A suggester's only purpose is to return the source of the query as a JSON-serializable object. Returning a map[string]interface{} will do.

type SuggesterCategoryMapping ¶

type SuggesterCategoryMapping struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SuggesterCategoryMapping provides a mapping for a category context in a suggester. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/suggester-context.html#_category_mapping.

func NewSuggesterCategoryMapping ¶

func NewSuggesterCategoryMapping(name string) *SuggesterCategoryMapping

NewSuggesterCategoryMapping creates a new SuggesterCategoryMapping.

func (*SuggesterCategoryMapping) DefaultValues ¶

func (q *SuggesterCategoryMapping) DefaultValues(values ...string) *SuggesterCategoryMapping

func (*SuggesterCategoryMapping) FieldName ¶

func (q *SuggesterCategoryMapping) FieldName(fieldName string) *SuggesterCategoryMapping

func (*SuggesterCategoryMapping) Source ¶

func (q *SuggesterCategoryMapping) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns a map that will be used to serialize the context query as JSON.

type SuggesterCategoryQuery ¶

type SuggesterCategoryQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SuggesterCategoryQuery provides querying a category context in a suggester. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/suggester-context.html#_category_query.

func NewSuggesterCategoryQuery ¶

func NewSuggesterCategoryQuery(name string, values ...string) *SuggesterCategoryQuery

NewSuggesterCategoryQuery creates a new SuggesterCategoryQuery.

func (*SuggesterCategoryQuery) Source ¶

func (q *SuggesterCategoryQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns a map that will be used to serialize the context query as JSON.

func (*SuggesterCategoryQuery) Value ¶

func (*SuggesterCategoryQuery) ValueWithBoost ¶

func (q *SuggesterCategoryQuery) ValueWithBoost(val string, boost int) *SuggesterCategoryQuery

func (*SuggesterCategoryQuery) Values ¶

type SuggesterContextQuery ¶

type SuggesterContextQuery interface {
	Source() (interface{}, error)

SuggesterContextQuery is used to define context information within a suggestion request.

type SuggesterGeoMapping ¶

type SuggesterGeoMapping struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SuggesterGeoMapping provides a mapping for a geolocation context in a suggester. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/suggester-context.html#_geo_location_mapping.

func NewSuggesterGeoMapping ¶

func NewSuggesterGeoMapping(name string) *SuggesterGeoMapping

NewSuggesterGeoMapping creates a new SuggesterGeoMapping.

func (*SuggesterGeoMapping) DefaultLocations ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoMapping) DefaultLocations(locations ...*GeoPoint) *SuggesterGeoMapping

func (*SuggesterGeoMapping) FieldName ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoMapping) FieldName(fieldName string) *SuggesterGeoMapping

func (*SuggesterGeoMapping) Neighbors ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoMapping) Neighbors(neighbors bool) *SuggesterGeoMapping

func (*SuggesterGeoMapping) Precision ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoMapping) Precision(precision ...string) *SuggesterGeoMapping

func (*SuggesterGeoMapping) Source ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoMapping) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns a map that will be used to serialize the context query as JSON.

type SuggesterGeoQuery ¶

type SuggesterGeoQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SuggesterGeoQuery provides querying a geolocation context in a suggester. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/suggester-context.html#_geo_location_query

func NewSuggesterGeoQuery ¶

func NewSuggesterGeoQuery(name string, location *GeoPoint) *SuggesterGeoQuery

NewSuggesterGeoQuery creates a new SuggesterGeoQuery.

func (*SuggesterGeoQuery) Precision ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoQuery) Precision(precision ...string) *SuggesterGeoQuery

func (*SuggesterGeoQuery) Source ¶

func (q *SuggesterGeoQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns a map that will be used to serialize the context query as JSON.

type SumAggregation ¶

type SumAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SumAggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that sums up numeric values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-sum-aggregation.html

func NewSumAggregation ¶

func NewSumAggregation() *SumAggregation

func (*SumAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *SumAggregation) Field(field string) *SumAggregation

func (*SumAggregation) Format ¶

func (a *SumAggregation) Format(format string) *SumAggregation

func (*SumAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *SumAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SumAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*SumAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *SumAggregation) Script(script *Script) *SumAggregation

func (*SumAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *SumAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*SumAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *SumAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SumAggregation

type SumBucketAggregation ¶

type SumBucketAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SumBucketAggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates the sum across all buckets of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a multi-bucket aggregation.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-pipeline-sum-bucket-aggregation.html

func NewSumBucketAggregation ¶

func NewSumBucketAggregation() *SumBucketAggregation

NewSumBucketAggregation creates and initializes a new SumBucketAggregation.

func (*SumBucketAggregation) BucketsPath ¶

func (a *SumBucketAggregation) BucketsPath(bucketsPaths ...string) *SumBucketAggregation

BucketsPath sets the paths to the buckets to use for this pipeline aggregator.

func (*SumBucketAggregation) Format ¶

func (*SumBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros ¶

func (a *SumBucketAggregation) GapInsertZeros() *SumBucketAggregation

GapInsertZeros inserts zeros for gaps in the series.

func (*SumBucketAggregation) GapPolicy ¶

func (a *SumBucketAggregation) GapPolicy(gapPolicy string) *SumBucketAggregation

GapPolicy defines what should be done when a gap in the series is discovered. Valid values include "insert_zeros" or "skip". Default is "insert_zeros".

func (*SumBucketAggregation) GapSkip ¶

GapSkip skips gaps in the series.

func (*SumBucketAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *SumBucketAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SumBucketAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*SumBucketAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *SumBucketAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*SumBucketAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *SumBucketAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SumBucketAggregation

SubAggregation adds a sub-aggregation to this aggregation.

type TaskInfo ¶

type TaskInfo struct {
	Node               string      `json:"node"`
	Id                 int64       `json:"id"` // the task id
	Type               string      `json:"type"`
	Action             string      `json:"action"`
	Status             interface{} `json:"status"`      // has separate implementations of Task.Status in Java for reindexing, replication, and "RawTaskStatus"
	Description        interface{} `json:"description"` // same as Status
	StartTime          string      `json:"start_time"`
	StartTimeInMillis  int64       `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
	RunningTime        string      `json:"running_time"`
	RunningTimeInNanos int64       `json:"running_time_in_nanos"`
	Cancellable        bool        `json:"cancellable"`
	ParentTaskId       string      `json:"parent_task_id"` // like "YxJnVYjwSBm_AUbzddTajQ:12356"

type TaskOperationFailure ¶

type TaskOperationFailure struct {
	TaskId int64         `json:"task_id"`
	NodeId string        `json:"node_id"`
	Status string        `json:"status"`
	Reason *ErrorDetails `json:"reason"`

type TasksCancelService ¶

type TasksCancelService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TasksCancelService can cancel long-running tasks. It is supported as of Elasticsearch 2.3.0.

See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/tasks-cancel.html for details.

func NewTasksCancelService ¶

func NewTasksCancelService(client *Client) *TasksCancelService

NewTasksCancelService creates a new TasksCancelService.

func (*TasksCancelService) Actions ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) Actions(actions []string) *TasksCancelService

Actions is a list of actions that should be cancelled. Leave empty to cancel all.

func (*TasksCancelService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*TasksCancelService) NodeId ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) NodeId(nodeId []string) *TasksCancelService

NodeId is a list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (*TasksCancelService) ParentNode ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) ParentNode(parentNode string) *TasksCancelService

ParentNode specifies to cancel tasks with specified parent node.

func (*TasksCancelService) ParentTask ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) ParentTask(parentTask int64) *TasksCancelService

ParentTask specifies to cancel tasks with specified parent task id. Set to -1 to cancel all.

func (*TasksCancelService) Pretty ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) Pretty(pretty bool) *TasksCancelService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*TasksCancelService) TaskId ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) TaskId(taskId int64) *TasksCancelService

TaskId specifies the task to cancel. Set to -1 to cancel all tasks.

func (*TasksCancelService) Validate ¶

func (s *TasksCancelService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

type TasksGetTaskResponse ¶

type TasksGetTaskResponse struct {
	Completed bool      `json:"completed"`
	Task      *TaskInfo `json:"task,omitempty"`

type TasksGetTaskService ¶

type TasksGetTaskService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TasksGetTaskService retrieves the state of a task in the cluster. It is part of the Task Management API documented at http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/tasks-list.html.

It is supported as of Elasticsearch 2.3.0.

func NewTasksGetTaskService ¶

func NewTasksGetTaskService(client *Client) *TasksGetTaskService

NewTasksGetTaskService creates a new TasksGetTaskService.

func (*TasksGetTaskService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*TasksGetTaskService) Pretty ¶

func (s *TasksGetTaskService) Pretty(pretty bool) *TasksGetTaskService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*TasksGetTaskService) TaskId ¶

func (s *TasksGetTaskService) TaskId(taskId string) *TasksGetTaskService

TaskId indicates to return the task with specified id.

func (*TasksGetTaskService) Validate ¶

func (s *TasksGetTaskService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*TasksGetTaskService) WaitForCompletion ¶

func (s *TasksGetTaskService) WaitForCompletion(waitForCompletion bool) *TasksGetTaskService

WaitForCompletion indicates whether to wait for the matching tasks to complete (default: false).

type TasksListResponse ¶

type TasksListResponse struct {
	TaskFailures []*TaskOperationFailure `json:"task_failures"`
	NodeFailures []*FailedNodeException  `json:"node_failures"`
	// Nodes returns the tasks per node. The key is the node id.
	Nodes map[string]*DiscoveryNode `json:"nodes"`

TasksListResponse is the response of TasksListService.Do.

type TasksListService ¶

type TasksListService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TasksListService retrieves the list of currently executing tasks on one ore more nodes in the cluster. It is part of the Task Management API documented at http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/tasks-list.html.

It is supported as of Elasticsearch 2.3.0.

func NewTasksListService ¶

func NewTasksListService(client *Client) *TasksListService

NewTasksListService creates a new TasksListService.

func (*TasksListService) Actions ¶

func (s *TasksListService) Actions(actions ...string) *TasksListService

Actions is a list of actions that should be returned. Leave empty to return all.

func (*TasksListService) Detailed ¶

func (s *TasksListService) Detailed(detailed bool) *TasksListService

Detailed indicates whether to return detailed task information (default: false).

func (*TasksListService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*TasksListService) NodeId ¶

func (s *TasksListService) NodeId(nodeId ...string) *TasksListService

NodeId is a list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (*TasksListService) ParentNode ¶

func (s *TasksListService) ParentNode(parentNode string) *TasksListService

ParentNode returns tasks with specified parent node.

func (*TasksListService) ParentTask ¶

func (s *TasksListService) ParentTask(parentTask int64) *TasksListService

ParentTask returns tasks with specified parent task id. Set to -1 to return all.

func (*TasksListService) Pretty ¶

func (s *TasksListService) Pretty(pretty bool) *TasksListService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*TasksListService) TaskId ¶

func (s *TasksListService) TaskId(taskId ...int64) *TasksListService

TaskId indicates to returns the task(s) with specified id(s).

func (*TasksListService) Validate ¶

func (s *TasksListService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*TasksListService) WaitForCompletion ¶

func (s *TasksListService) WaitForCompletion(waitForCompletion bool) *TasksListService

WaitForCompletion indicates whether to wait for the matching tasks to complete (default: false).

type TermQuery ¶

type TermQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermQuery finds documents that contain the exact term specified in the inverted index.

For details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-term-query.html

func NewTermQuery ¶

func NewTermQuery(name string, value interface{}) *TermQuery

NewTermQuery creates and initializes a new TermQuery.

func (*TermQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *TermQuery) Boost(boost float64) *TermQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*TermQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *TermQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *TermQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit

func (*TermQuery) Source ¶

func (q *TermQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type TermSuggester ¶

type TermSuggester struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermSuggester suggests terms based on edit distance. For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-suggesters-term.html.

func NewTermSuggester ¶

func NewTermSuggester(name string) *TermSuggester

NewTermSuggester creates a new TermSuggester.

func (*TermSuggester) Accuracy ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Accuracy(accuracy float64) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Analyzer ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Analyzer(analyzer string) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) ContextQueries ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) ContextQueries(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) ContextQuery ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) ContextQuery(query SuggesterContextQuery) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Field ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Field(field string) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) MaxEdits ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) MaxEdits(maxEdits int) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) MaxInspections ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) MaxInspections(maxInspections int) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) MaxTermFreq ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) MaxTermFreq(maxTermFreq float64) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) MinDocFreq ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) MinDocFreq(minDocFreq float64) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) MinWordLength ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) MinWordLength(minWordLength int) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Name ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Name() string

func (*TermSuggester) PrefixLength ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) ShardSize ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) ShardSize(shardSize int) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Size ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Size(size int) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Sort ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Sort(sort string) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Source ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error)

Source generates the source for the term suggester.

func (*TermSuggester) StringDistance ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) StringDistance(stringDistance string) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) SuggestMode ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) SuggestMode(suggestMode string) *TermSuggester

func (*TermSuggester) Text ¶

func (q *TermSuggester) Text(text string) *TermSuggester

type TermVectorsFieldInfo ¶

type TermVectorsFieldInfo struct {
	FieldStatistics FieldStatistics      `json:"field_statistics"`
	Terms           map[string]TermsInfo `json:"terms"`

type TermsAggregation ¶

type TermsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermsAggregation is a multi-bucket value source based aggregation where buckets are dynamically built - one per unique value. See: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation.html

func NewTermsAggregation ¶

func NewTermsAggregation() *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) CollectionMode ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) CollectionMode(collectionMode string) *TermsAggregation

Collection mode can be depth_first or breadth_first as of 1.4.0.

func (*TermsAggregation) Exclude ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Exclude(regexp string) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) ExcludeValues ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) ExcludeValues(values ...interface{}) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) ExecutionHint ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) ExecutionHint(hint string) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Field ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Field(field string) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Include ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Include(regexp string) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) IncludeValues ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) IncludeValues(values ...interface{}) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *TermsAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*TermsAggregation) MinDocCount ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Missing ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Missing(missing interface{}) *TermsAggregation

Missing configures the value to use when documents miss a value.

func (*TermsAggregation) NumPartitions ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) NumPartitions(n int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Order ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Order(order string, asc bool) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByAggregation ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByAggregation(aggName string, asc bool) *TermsAggregation

OrderByAggregation creates a bucket ordering strategy which sorts buckets based on a single-valued calc get.

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByAggregationAndMetric ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByAggregationAndMetric(aggName, metric string, asc bool) *TermsAggregation

OrderByAggregationAndMetric creates a bucket ordering strategy which sorts buckets based on a multi-valued calc get.

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByCount ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByCount(asc bool) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByCountAsc ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByCountAsc() *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByCountDesc ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByCountDesc() *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByTerm ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByTerm(asc bool) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByTermAsc ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByTermAsc() *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) OrderByTermDesc ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) OrderByTermDesc() *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Partition ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Partition(p int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) RequiredSize ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) RequiredSize(requiredSize int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Script ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Script(script *Script) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) ShardMinDocCount ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) ShardMinDocCount(shardMinDocCount int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) ShardSize ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) ShardSize(shardSize int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) ShowTermDocCountError ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) ShowTermDocCountError(showTermDocCountError bool) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Size ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Size(size int) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*TermsAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *TermsAggregation

func (*TermsAggregation) ValueType ¶

func (a *TermsAggregation) ValueType(valueType string) *TermsAggregation

ValueType can be string, long, or double.

type TermsAggregationIncludeExclude ¶

type TermsAggregationIncludeExclude struct {
	Include       string
	Exclude       string
	IncludeValues []interface{}
	ExcludeValues []interface{}
	Partition     int
	NumPartitions int

TermsAggregationIncludeExclude allows for include/exclude in a TermsAggregation.

type TermsInfo ¶

type TermsInfo struct {
	DocFreq  int64       `json:"doc_freq"`
	Score    float64     `json:"score"`
	TermFreq int64       `json:"term_freq"`
	Ttf      int64       `json:"ttf"`
	Tokens   []TokenInfo `json:"tokens"`

type TermsLookup ¶

type TermsLookup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermsLookup encapsulates the parameters needed to fetch terms.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-terms-query.html#query-dsl-terms-lookup.

func NewTermsLookup ¶

func NewTermsLookup() *TermsLookup

NewTermsLookup creates and initializes a new TermsLookup.

func (*TermsLookup) Id ¶

func (t *TermsLookup) Id(id string) *TermsLookup

Id to look up.

func (*TermsLookup) Index ¶

func (t *TermsLookup) Index(index string) *TermsLookup

Index name.

func (*TermsLookup) Path ¶

func (t *TermsLookup) Path(path string) *TermsLookup

Path to use for lookup.

func (*TermsLookup) Routing ¶

func (t *TermsLookup) Routing(routing string) *TermsLookup

Routing value.

func (*TermsLookup) Source ¶

func (t *TermsLookup) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source creates the JSON source of the builder.

func (*TermsLookup) Type ¶

func (t *TermsLookup) Type(typ string) *TermsLookup

Type name.

type TermsOrder ¶

type TermsOrder struct {
	Field     string
	Ascending bool

TermsOrder specifies a single order field for a terms aggregation.

func (*TermsOrder) Source ¶

func (order *TermsOrder) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns serializable JSON of the TermsOrder.

type TermsQuery ¶

type TermsQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermsQuery filters documents that have fields that match any of the provided terms (not analyzed).

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-terms-query.html

func NewTermsQuery ¶

func NewTermsQuery(name string, values ...interface{}) *TermsQuery

NewTermsQuery creates and initializes a new TermsQuery.

func (*TermsQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *TermsQuery) Boost(boost float64) *TermsQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*TermsQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *TermsQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *TermsQuery

QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit

func (*TermsQuery) Source ¶

func (q *TermsQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Creates the query source for the term query.

func (*TermsQuery) TermsLookup ¶

func (q *TermsQuery) TermsLookup(lookup *TermsLookup) *TermsQuery

TermsLookup adds terms lookup details to the query.

type TermvectorsFilterSettings ¶

type TermvectorsFilterSettings struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermvectorsFilterSettings adds additional filters to a Termsvector request. It allows to filter terms based on their tf-idf scores. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-termvectors.html#_terms_filtering for more information.

func NewTermvectorsFilterSettings ¶

func NewTermvectorsFilterSettings() *TermvectorsFilterSettings

NewTermvectorsFilterSettings creates and initializes a new TermvectorsFilterSettings struct.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MaxDocFreq ¶

MaxDocFreq ignores terms which occur in more than this many docs.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MaxNumTerms ¶

MaxNumTerms specifies the maximum number of terms the must be returned per field.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MaxTermFreq ¶

MaxTermFreq ignores words with more than this frequency in the source doc.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MaxWordLength ¶

func (fs *TermvectorsFilterSettings) MaxWordLength(value int64) *TermvectorsFilterSettings

MaxWordLength specifies the maximum word length above which words will be ignored.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MinDocFreq ¶

MinDocFreq ignores terms which do not occur in at least this many docs.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MinTermFreq ¶

MinTermFreq ignores words with less than this frequency in the source doc.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) MinWordLength ¶

func (fs *TermvectorsFilterSettings) MinWordLength(value int64) *TermvectorsFilterSettings

MinWordLength specifies the minimum word length below which words will be ignored.

func (*TermvectorsFilterSettings) Source ¶

func (fs *TermvectorsFilterSettings) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type TermvectorsResponse ¶

type TermvectorsResponse struct {
	Index       string                          `json:"_index"`
	Type        string                          `json:"_type"`
	Id          string                          `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	Version     int                             `json:"_version"`
	Found       bool                            `json:"found"`
	Took        int64                           `json:"took"`
	TermVectors map[string]TermVectorsFieldInfo `json:"term_vectors"`

TermvectorsResponse is the response of TermvectorsService.Do.

type TermvectorsService ¶

type TermvectorsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermvectorsService returns information and statistics on terms in the fields of a particular document. The document could be stored in the index or artificially provided by the user.

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-termvectors.html for documentation.

func NewTermvectorsService ¶

func NewTermvectorsService(client *Client) *TermvectorsService

NewTermvectorsService creates a new TermvectorsService.

func (*TermvectorsService) BodyJson ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) BodyJson(body interface{}) *TermvectorsService

BodyJson defines the body parameters. See documentation.

func (*TermvectorsService) BodyString ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) BodyString(body string) *TermvectorsService

BodyString defines the body parameters as a string. See documentation.

func (*TermvectorsService) Dfs ¶

Dfs specifies if distributed frequencies should be returned instead shard frequencies.

func (*TermvectorsService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*TermvectorsService) Doc ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Doc(doc interface{}) *TermvectorsService

Doc is the document to analyze.

func (*TermvectorsService) FieldStatistics ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) FieldStatistics(fieldStatistics bool) *TermvectorsService

FieldStatistics specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned.

func (*TermvectorsService) Fields ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Fields(fields ...string) *TermvectorsService

Fields a list of fields to return.

func (*TermvectorsService) Filter ¶

Filter adds terms filter settings.

func (*TermvectorsService) Id ¶

Id of the document.

func (*TermvectorsService) Index ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Index(index string) *TermvectorsService

Index in which the document resides.

func (*TermvectorsService) Offsets ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Offsets(offsets bool) *TermvectorsService

Offsets specifies if term offsets should be returned.

func (*TermvectorsService) Parent ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Parent(parent string) *TermvectorsService

Parent id of documents.

func (*TermvectorsService) Payloads ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Payloads(payloads bool) *TermvectorsService

Payloads specifies if term payloads should be returned.

func (*TermvectorsService) PerFieldAnalyzer ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) PerFieldAnalyzer(perFieldAnalyzer map[string]string) *TermvectorsService

PerFieldAnalyzer allows to specify a different analyzer than the one at the field.

func (*TermvectorsService) Positions ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Positions(positions bool) *TermvectorsService

Positions specifies if term positions should be returned.

func (*TermvectorsService) Preference ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Preference(preference string) *TermvectorsService

Preference specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*TermvectorsService) Pretty ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Pretty(pretty bool) *TermvectorsService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*TermvectorsService) Realtime ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Realtime(realtime bool) *TermvectorsService

Realtime specifies if request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true).

func (*TermvectorsService) Routing ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Routing(routing string) *TermvectorsService

Routing is a specific routing value.

func (*TermvectorsService) TermStatistics ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) TermStatistics(termStatistics bool) *TermvectorsService

TermStatistics specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned.

func (*TermvectorsService) Type ¶

Type of the document.

func (*TermvectorsService) Validate ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*TermvectorsService) Version ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) Version(version interface{}) *TermvectorsService

Version an explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (*TermvectorsService) VersionType ¶

func (s *TermvectorsService) VersionType(versionType string) *TermvectorsService

VersionType specifies a version type ("internal", "external", or "external_gte").

type TokenInfo ¶

type TokenInfo struct {
	StartOffset int64  `json:"start_offset"`
	EndOffset   int64  `json:"end_offset"`
	Position    int64  `json:"position"`
	Payload     string `json:"payload"`

type TopHitsAggregation ¶

type TopHitsAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TopHitsAggregation keeps track of the most relevant document being aggregated. This aggregator is intended to be used as a sub aggregator, so that the top matching documents can be aggregated per bucket.

It can effectively be used to group result sets by certain fields via a bucket aggregator. One or more bucket aggregators determines by which properties a result set get sliced into.

See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-top-hits-aggregation.html

func NewTopHitsAggregation ¶

func NewTopHitsAggregation() *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) DocvalueField ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) DocvalueField(docvalueField string) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) DocvalueFields ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Explain ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Explain(explain bool) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) FetchSource ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) From ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) From(from int) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Highlight ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Highlight(highlight *Highlight) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Highlighter ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Highlighter() *Highlight

func (*TopHitsAggregation) NoStoredFields ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) NoStoredFields() *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) ScriptField ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) ScriptField(scriptField *ScriptField) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) ScriptFields ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) ScriptFields(scriptFields ...*ScriptField) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Size ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Size(size int) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Sort ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) SortBy ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) SortWithInfo ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*TopHitsAggregation) TrackScores ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *TopHitsAggregation

func (*TopHitsAggregation) Version ¶

func (a *TopHitsAggregation) Version(version bool) *TopHitsAggregation

type TypeQuery ¶

type TypeQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TypeQuery filters documents matching the provided document / mapping type.

For details, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-type-query.html

func NewTypeQuery ¶

func NewTypeQuery(typ string) *TypeQuery

func (*TypeQuery) Source ¶

func (q *TypeQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns JSON for the query.

type UpdateByQueryService ¶

type UpdateByQueryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UpdateByQueryService is documented at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/master/plugins-reindex.html.

func NewUpdateByQueryService ¶

func NewUpdateByQueryService(client *Client) *UpdateByQueryService

NewUpdateByQueryService creates a new UpdateByQueryService.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) AbortOnVersionConflict ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) AbortOnVersionConflict() *UpdateByQueryService

AbortOnVersionConflict aborts the request on version conflicts. It is an alias to setting Conflicts("abort").

func (*UpdateByQueryService) AllowNoIndices ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) AllowNoIndices(allowNoIndices bool) *UpdateByQueryService

AllowNoIndices indicates whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) AnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) AnalyzeWildcard(analyzeWildcard bool) *UpdateByQueryService

AnalyzeWildcard specifies whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Analyzer ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Analyzer(analyzer string) *UpdateByQueryService

Analyzer specifies the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Body ¶

Body specifies the body of the request. It overrides data being specified via SearchService or Script.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Conflicts ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Conflicts(conflicts string) *UpdateByQueryService

Conflicts indicates what to do when the process detects version conflicts. Possible values are "proceed" and "abort".

func (*UpdateByQueryService) DF ¶

DF specifies the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) DefaultOperator ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) DefaultOperator(defaultOperator string) *UpdateByQueryService

DefaultOperator is the default operator for query string query (AND or OR).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Do ¶

Do executes the operation.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) DocvalueFields ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

DocvalueFields specifies the list of fields to return as the docvalue representation of a field for each hit.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) ExpandWildcards ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) ExpandWildcards(expandWildcards string) *UpdateByQueryService

ExpandWildcards indicates whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Explain ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Explain(explain bool) *UpdateByQueryService

Explain specifies whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) FielddataFields ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) FielddataFields(fielddataFields ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

FielddataFields is a list of fields to return as the field data representation of a field for each hit.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) From ¶

From is the starting offset (default: 0).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) IgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) IgnoreUnavailable(ignoreUnavailable bool) *UpdateByQueryService

IgnoreUnavailable indicates whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Index ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Index(index ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

Index is a list of index names to search; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Lenient ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Lenient(lenient bool) *UpdateByQueryService

Lenient specifies whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) LowercaseExpandedTerms ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) LowercaseExpandedTerms(lowercaseExpandedTerms bool) *UpdateByQueryService

LowercaseExpandedTerms specifies whether query terms should be lowercased.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Pipeline ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Pipeline(pipeline string) *UpdateByQueryService

Pipeline specifies the ingest pipeline to set on index requests made by this action (default: none).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Preference ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Preference(preference string) *UpdateByQueryService

Preference specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Pretty ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Pretty(pretty bool) *UpdateByQueryService

Pretty indicates that the JSON response be indented and human readable.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) ProceedOnVersionConflict ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) ProceedOnVersionConflict() *UpdateByQueryService

ProceedOnVersionConflict aborts the request on version conflicts. It is an alias to setting Conflicts("proceed").

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Q ¶

Q specifies the query in the Lucene query string syntax.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Query ¶

Query sets a query definition using the Query DSL.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Refresh ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Refresh(refresh string) *UpdateByQueryService

Refresh indicates whether the effected indexes should be refreshed.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) RequestCache ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) RequestCache(requestCache bool) *UpdateByQueryService

RequestCache specifies if request cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to index level setting.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) RequestsPerSecond ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) RequestsPerSecond(requestsPerSecond int) *UpdateByQueryService

RequestsPerSecond sets the throttle on this request in sub-requests per second. -1 means set no throttle as does "unlimited" which is the only non-float this accepts.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Routing ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Routing(routing ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

Routing is a list of specific routing values.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Script ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Script(script *Script) *UpdateByQueryService

Script sets an update script.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Scroll ¶

Scroll specifies how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) ScrollSize ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) ScrollSize(scrollSize int) *UpdateByQueryService

ScrollSize is the size on the scroll request powering the update_by_query.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SearchTimeout ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SearchTimeout(searchTimeout string) *UpdateByQueryService

SearchTimeout defines an explicit timeout for each search request. Defaults to no timeout.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SearchType ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SearchType(searchType string) *UpdateByQueryService

SearchType is the search operation type. Possible values are "query_then_fetch" and "dfs_query_then_fetch".

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Size ¶

Size represents the number of hits to return (default: 10).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Sort ¶

Sort is a list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SortByField ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SortByField(field string, ascending bool) *UpdateByQueryService

SortByField adds a sort order.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Stats ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Stats(stats ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

Stats specifies specific tag(s) of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) StoredFields ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) StoredFields(storedFields ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

StoredFields specifies the list of stored fields to return as part of a hit.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SuggestField ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SuggestField(suggestField string) *UpdateByQueryService

SuggestField specifies which field to use for suggestions.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SuggestMode ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SuggestMode(suggestMode string) *UpdateByQueryService

SuggestMode specifies the suggest mode. Possible values are "missing", "popular", and "always".

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SuggestSize ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SuggestSize(suggestSize int) *UpdateByQueryService

SuggestSize specifies how many suggestions to return in response.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) SuggestText ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) SuggestText(suggestText string) *UpdateByQueryService

SuggestText specifies the source text for which the suggestions should be returned.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) TerminateAfter ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) TerminateAfter(terminateAfter int) *UpdateByQueryService

TerminateAfter indicates the maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Timeout ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Timeout(timeout string) *UpdateByQueryService

Timeout is the time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) TimeoutInMillis ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) TimeoutInMillis(timeoutInMillis int) *UpdateByQueryService

TimeoutInMillis sets the timeout in milliseconds.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) TrackScores ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *UpdateByQueryService

TrackScores indicates whether to calculate and return scores even if they are not used for sorting.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Type ¶

Type is a list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Validate ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Validate() error

Validate checks if the operation is valid.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) Version ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) Version(version bool) *UpdateByQueryService

Version specifies whether to return document version as part of a hit.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) VersionType ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) VersionType(versionType bool) *UpdateByQueryService

VersionType indicates if the document increment the version number (internal) on hit or not (reindex).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *UpdateByQueryService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the update by query operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

func (*UpdateByQueryService) WaitForCompletion ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) WaitForCompletion(waitForCompletion bool) *UpdateByQueryService

WaitForCompletion indicates if the request should block until the reindex is complete.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) XSource ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) XSource(xSource ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

XSource is true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) XSourceExclude ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) XSourceExclude(xSourceExclude ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

XSourceExclude represents a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (*UpdateByQueryService) XSourceInclude ¶

func (s *UpdateByQueryService) XSourceInclude(xSourceInclude ...string) *UpdateByQueryService

XSourceInclude represents a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

type UpdateResponse ¶

type UpdateResponse struct {
	Index         string      `json:"_index,omitempty"`
	Type          string      `json:"_type,omitempty"`
	Id            string      `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	Version       int64       `json:"_version,omitempty"`
	Result        string      `json:"result,omitempty"`
	Shards        *shardsInfo `json:"_shards,omitempty"`
	SeqNo         int64       `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"`
	PrimaryTerm   int64       `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"`
	Status        int         `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ForcedRefresh bool        `json:"forced_refresh,omitempty"`
	GetResult     *GetResult  `json:"get,omitempty"`

UpdateResponse is the result of updating a document in Elasticsearch.

type UpdateService ¶

type UpdateService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UpdateService updates a document in Elasticsearch. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/docs-update.html for details.

func NewUpdateService ¶

func NewUpdateService(client *Client) *UpdateService

NewUpdateService creates the service to update documents in Elasticsearch.

func (*UpdateService) DetectNoop ¶

func (b *UpdateService) DetectNoop(detectNoop bool) *UpdateService

DetectNoop will instruct Elasticsearch to check if changes will occur when updating via Doc. It there aren't any changes, the request will turn into a no-op.

func (*UpdateService) Do ¶

Do executes the update operation.

func (*UpdateService) Doc ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Doc(doc interface{}) *UpdateService

Doc allows for updating a partial document.

func (*UpdateService) DocAsUpsert ¶

func (b *UpdateService) DocAsUpsert(docAsUpsert bool) *UpdateService

DocAsUpsert can be used to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.

func (*UpdateService) FetchSource ¶

func (s *UpdateService) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *UpdateService

FetchSource asks Elasticsearch to return the updated _source in the response.

func (*UpdateService) FetchSourceContext ¶

func (s *UpdateService) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *UpdateService

FetchSourceContext indicates that _source should be returned in the response, allowing wildcard patterns to be defined via FetchSourceContext.

func (*UpdateService) Fields ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Fields(fields ...string) *UpdateService

Fields is a list of fields to return in the response.

func (*UpdateService) Id ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Id(id string) *UpdateService

Id is the identifier of the document to update (required).

func (*UpdateService) Index ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Index(name string) *UpdateService

Index is the name of the Elasticsearch index (required).

func (*UpdateService) Parent ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Parent(parent string) *UpdateService

Parent sets the id of the parent document.

func (*UpdateService) Pretty ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Pretty(pretty bool) *UpdateService

Pretty instructs to return human readable, prettified JSON.

func (*UpdateService) Refresh ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Refresh(refresh string) *UpdateService

Refresh the index after performing the update.

func (*UpdateService) RetryOnConflict ¶

func (b *UpdateService) RetryOnConflict(retryOnConflict int) *UpdateService

RetryOnConflict specifies how many times the operation should be retried when a conflict occurs (default: 0).

func (*UpdateService) Routing ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Routing(routing string) *UpdateService

Routing specifies a specific routing value.

func (*UpdateService) Script ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Script(script *Script) *UpdateService

Script is the script definition.

func (*UpdateService) ScriptedUpsert ¶

func (b *UpdateService) ScriptedUpsert(scriptedUpsert bool) *UpdateService

ScriptedUpsert should be set to true if the referenced script (defined in Script or ScriptId) should be called to perform an insert. The default is false.

func (*UpdateService) Timeout ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Timeout(timeout string) *UpdateService

Timeout is an explicit timeout for the operation, e.g. "1000", "1s" or "500ms".

func (*UpdateService) Type ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Type(typ string) *UpdateService

Type is the type of the document (required).

func (*UpdateService) Upsert ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Upsert(doc interface{}) *UpdateService

Upsert can be used to index the document when it doesn't exist yet. Use this e.g. to initialize a document with a default value.

func (*UpdateService) Version ¶

func (b *UpdateService) Version(version int64) *UpdateService

Version defines the explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (*UpdateService) VersionType ¶

func (b *UpdateService) VersionType(versionType string) *UpdateService

VersionType is e.g. "internal".

func (*UpdateService) WaitForActiveShards ¶

func (b *UpdateService) WaitForActiveShards(waitForActiveShards string) *UpdateService

WaitForActiveShards sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the update operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type ValueCountAggregation ¶

type ValueCountAggregation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ValueCountAggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that counts the number of values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. These values can be extracted either from specific fields in the documents, or be generated by a provided script. Typically, this aggregator will be used in conjunction with other single-value aggregations. For example, when computing the avg one might be interested in the number of values the average is computed over. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/search-aggregations-metrics-valuecount-aggregation.html

func NewValueCountAggregation ¶

func NewValueCountAggregation() *ValueCountAggregation

func (*ValueCountAggregation) Field ¶

func (*ValueCountAggregation) Format ¶

func (*ValueCountAggregation) Meta ¶

func (a *ValueCountAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *ValueCountAggregation

Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.

func (*ValueCountAggregation) Script ¶

func (*ValueCountAggregation) Source ¶

func (a *ValueCountAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error)

func (*ValueCountAggregation) SubAggregation ¶

func (a *ValueCountAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *ValueCountAggregation

type WeightFactorFunction ¶

type WeightFactorFunction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WeightFactorFunction builds a weight factor function that multiplies the weight to the score. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_weight for details.

func NewWeightFactorFunction ¶

func NewWeightFactorFunction(weight float64) *WeightFactorFunction

NewWeightFactorFunction initializes and returns a new WeightFactorFunction.

func (*WeightFactorFunction) GetWeight ¶

func (fn *WeightFactorFunction) GetWeight() *float64

GetWeight returns the adjusted score. It is part of the ScoreFunction interface. Returns nil if weight is not specified.

func (*WeightFactorFunction) Name ¶

func (fn *WeightFactorFunction) Name() string

Name represents the JSON field name under which the output of Source needs to be serialized by FunctionScoreQuery (see FunctionScoreQuery.Source).

func (*WeightFactorFunction) Source ¶

func (fn *WeightFactorFunction) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the serializable JSON data of this score function.

func (*WeightFactorFunction) Weight ¶

Weight adjusts the score of the score function. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_using_function_score for details.

type WildcardQuery ¶

type WildcardQuery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WildcardQuery matches documents that have fields matching a wildcard expression (not analyzed). Supported wildcards are *, which matches any character sequence (including the empty one), and ?, which matches any single character. Note this query can be slow, as it needs to iterate over many terms. In order to prevent extremely slow wildcard queries, a wildcard term should not start with one of the wildcards * or ?. The wildcard query maps to Lucene WildcardQuery.

For more details, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/query-dsl-wildcard-query.html

Example ¶
package main

import (


func main() {
	// Get a client to the local Elasticsearch instance.
	client, err := elastic.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

	// Define wildcard query
	q := elastic.NewWildcardQuery("user", "oli*er?").Boost(1.2)
	searchResult, err := client.Search().
		Index("twitter").  // search in index "twitter"
		Query(q).          // use wildcard query defined above
		Do(context.TODO()) // execute
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	_ = searchResult

func NewWildcardQuery ¶

func NewWildcardQuery(name, wildcard string) *WildcardQuery

NewWildcardQuery creates and initializes a new WildcardQuery.

func (*WildcardQuery) Boost ¶

func (q *WildcardQuery) Boost(boost float64) *WildcardQuery

Boost sets the boost for this query.

func (*WildcardQuery) QueryName ¶

func (q *WildcardQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *WildcardQuery

QueryName sets the name of this query.

func (*WildcardQuery) Rewrite ¶

func (q *WildcardQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *WildcardQuery

func (*WildcardQuery) Source ¶

func (q *WildcardQuery) Source() (interface{}, error)

Source returns the JSON serializable body of this query.

type ZeroBackoff ¶

type ZeroBackoff struct{}

ZeroBackoff is a fixed backoff policy whose backoff time is always zero, meaning that the operation is retried immediately without waiting, indefinitely.

func (ZeroBackoff) Next ¶

func (b ZeroBackoff) Next(retry int) (time.Duration, bool)

Next implements BackoffFunc for ZeroBackoff.

Source Files ¶

Directories ¶

Path Synopsis
Package config allows parsing a configuration for Elasticsearch from a URL.
Package config allows parsing a configuration for Elasticsearch from a URL.
BulkInsert illustrates how to bulk insert documents into Elasticsearch.
BulkInsert illustrates how to bulk insert documents into Elasticsearch.
Connect simply connects to Elasticsearch.
Connect simply connects to Elasticsearch.
SlicedScroll illustrates scrolling through a set of documents in parallel.
SlicedScroll illustrates scrolling through a set of documents in parallel.
Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570).
Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570).

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL