Overview ¶
Example (Basic) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run("debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3") c.Run("debug kv scan") c.Run("debug kv revscan") c.Run("debug kv del a c") c.Run("debug kv get a") c.Run("debug kv get b") c.Run("debug kv inc c 1") c.Run("debug kv inc c 10") c.Run("debug kv inc c 100") c.Run("debug kv inc c -- -60") c.Run("debug kv inc c -- -9") c.Run("debug kv scan") c.Run("debug kv revscan") c.Run("debug kv inc c b")
Output: debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 debug kv scan "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3" 3 result(s) debug kv revscan "c" "3" "b" "2" "a" "1" 3 result(s) debug kv del a c debug kv get a "a" not found debug kv get b "2" debug kv inc c 1 1 debug kv inc c 10 11 debug kv inc c 100 111 debug kv inc c -- -60 51 debug kv inc c -- -9 42 debug kv scan "b" "2" "c" 42 2 result(s) debug kv revscan "c" 42 "b" "2" 2 result(s) debug kv inc c b invalid increment: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "b": invalid syntax
Example (Cput) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run("debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4") c.Run("debug kv scan") c.Run("debug kv cput e 5") c.Run("debug kv cput b 3 2") c.Run("debug kv scan")
Output: debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 debug kv scan "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3" "d" "4" 4 result(s) debug kv cput e 5 debug kv cput b 3 2 debug kv scan "a" "1" "b" "3" "c" "3" "d" "4" "e" "5" 5 result(s)
Example (Insecure) ¶
s, err := serverutils.StartServerRaw( base.TestServerArgs{Insecure: true}) if err != nil { log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Could not start server: %v", err) } defer s.Stopper().Stop() c := cliTest{TestServer: s.(*server.TestServer), cleanupFunc: func() {}} c.Run("debug kv put a 1 b 2") c.Run("debug kv scan")
Output: debug kv put a 1 b 2 debug kv scan "a" "1" "b" "2" 2 result(s)
Example (Logging) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--alsologtostderr=false", "-e", "select 1"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--log-backtrace-at=foo.go:1", "-e", "select 1"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--log-dir=", "-e", "select 1"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--logtostderr=true", "-e", "select 1"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--verbosity=0", "-e", "select 1"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--vmodule=foo=1", "-e", "select 1"})
Output: sql --alsologtostderr=false -e select 1 1 row 1 1 sql --log-backtrace-at=foo.go:1 -e select 1 1 row 1 1 sql --log-dir= -e select 1 1 row 1 1 sql --logtostderr=true -e select 1 1 row 1 1 sql --verbosity=0 -e select 1 1 row 1 1 sql --vmodule=foo=1 -e select 1 1 row 1 1
Example (Max_results) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run("debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4") c.Run("debug kv scan --max-results=3") c.Run("debug kv revscan --max-results=2") c.Run("debug range split c") c.Run("debug range split d") c.Run("debug range ls --max-results=2")
Output: debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 debug kv scan --max-results=3 "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3" 3 result(s) debug kv revscan --max-results=2 "d" "4" "c" "3" 2 result(s) debug range split c debug range split d debug range ls --max-results=2 /Min-"c" [1] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 "c"-"d" [6] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 2 result(s)
Example (Node) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() // Refresh time series data, which is required to retrieve stats. if err := c.TestServer.WriteSummaries(); err != nil { log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Couldn't write stats summaries: %s", err) } c.Run("node ls") c.Run("node ls --pretty") c.Run("node status 10000")
Output: node ls 1 row id 1 node ls --pretty +----+ | id | +----+ | 1 | +----+ (1 row) node status 10000 Error: node 10000 doesn't exist
Example (Quoted) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run(`debug kv put a\x00 日本語`) // UTF-8 input text c.Run(`debug kv put a\x01 \u65e5\u672c\u8a9e`) // explicit Unicode code points c.Run(`debug kv put a\x02 \U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e`) // explicit Unicode code points c.Run(`debug kv put a\x03 \xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e`) // explicit UTF-8 bytes c.Run(`debug kv scan`) c.Run(`debug kv get a\x00`) c.Run(`debug kv del a\x00`) c.Run(`debug kv inc 1\x01`) c.Run(`debug kv get 1\x01`)
Output: debug kv put a\x00 日本語 debug kv put a\x01 \u65e5\u672c\u8a9e debug kv put a\x02 \U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e debug kv put a\x03 \xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e debug kv scan "a\x00" "日本語" "a\x01" "日本語" "a\x02" "日本語" "a\x03" "日本語" 4 result(s) debug kv get a\x00 "日本語" debug kv del a\x00 debug kv inc 1\x01 1 debug kv get 1\x01 1
Example (Ranges) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run("debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4") c.Run("debug kv scan") c.Run("debug kv revscan") c.Run("debug range split c") c.Run("debug range ls") c.Run("debug kv scan") c.Run("debug kv revscan") c.Run("debug kv delrange a c") c.Run("debug kv scan")
Output: debug kv put a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 debug kv scan "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3" "d" "4" 4 result(s) debug kv revscan "d" "4" "c" "3" "b" "2" "a" "1" 4 result(s) debug range split c debug range ls /Min-"c" [1] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 "c"-/Table/11 [6] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 /Table/11-/Table/12 [2] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 /Table/12-/Table/13 [3] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 /Table/13-/Table/14 [4] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 /Table/14-/Max [5] 0: node-id=1 store-id=1 6 result(s) debug kv scan "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3" "d" "4" 4 result(s) debug kv revscan "d" "4" "c" "3" "b" "2" "a" "1" 4 result(s) debug kv delrange a c debug kv scan "c" "3" "d" "4" 2 result(s)
Example (Sql) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "create database t; create table t.f (x int, y int); insert into t.f values (42, 69)"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "select 3", "-e", "select * from t.f"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "begin", "-e", "select 3", "-e", "commit"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "select * from t.f"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--execute=show databases"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "explain select 3"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "select 1; select 2"})
Output: sql -e create database t; create table t.f (x int, y int); insert into t.f values (42, 69) INSERT 1 sql -e select 3 -e select * from t.f 1 row 3 3 1 row x y 42 69 sql -e begin -e select 3 -e commit BEGIN 1 row 3 3 COMMIT sql -e select * from t.f 1 row x y 42 69 sql --execute=show databases 4 rows Database information_schema pg_catalog system t sql -e explain select 3 1 row Level Type Description 0 empty - sql -e select 1; select 2 1 row 1 1 1 row 2 2
Example (Sql_escape) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "create database t; create table t.t (s string, d string);"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'foo', 'printable ASCII')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'\"foo', 'printable ASCII with quotes')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'\\\\foo', 'printable ASCII with backslash')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'foo\\x0abar', 'non-printable ASCII')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values ('κόσμε', 'printable UTF8')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'\\xc3\\xb1', 'printable UTF8 using escapes')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'\\x01', 'non-printable UTF8 string')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'\\xdc\\x88\\x38\\x35', 'UTF8 string with RTL char')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'\\xc3\\x28', 'non-UTF8 string')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.t values (e'a\\tb\\tc\\n12\\t123123213\\t12313', 'tabs')"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "select * from t.t"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "create table t.u (\"\"\"foo\" int, \"\\foo\" int, \"foo\nbar\" int, \"κόσμε\" int, \"܈85\" int)"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "insert into t.u values (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "show columns from t.u"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "-e", "select * from t.u"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--pretty", "-e", "select * from t.t"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--pretty", "-e", "show columns from t.u"}) c.RunWithArgs([]string{"sql", "--pretty", "-e", "select * from t.u"})
Output: sql -e create database t; create table t.t (s string, d string); CREATE TABLE sql -e insert into t.t values (e'foo', 'printable ASCII') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'"foo', 'printable ASCII with quotes') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'\\foo', 'printable ASCII with backslash') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'foo\x0abar', 'non-printable ASCII') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values ('κόσμε', 'printable UTF8') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'\xc3\xb1', 'printable UTF8 using escapes') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'\x01', 'non-printable UTF8 string') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'\xdc\x88\x38\x35', 'UTF8 string with RTL char') INSERT 1 sql -e insert into t.t values (e'\xc3\x28', 'non-UTF8 string') pq: invalid UTF-8 byte sequence insert into t.t values (e'\xc3\x28', 'non-UTF8 string') ^ sql -e insert into t.t values (e'a\tb\tc\n12\t123123213\t12313', 'tabs') INSERT 1 sql -e select * from t.t 9 rows s d foo printable ASCII "\"foo" printable ASCII with quotes "\\foo" printable ASCII with backslash "foo\nbar" non-printable ASCII "\u03ba\u1f79\u03c3\u03bc\u03b5" printable UTF8 "\u00f1" printable UTF8 using escapes "\x01" non-printable UTF8 string "\u070885" UTF8 string with RTL char "a\tb\tc\n12\t123123213\t12313" tabs sql -e create table t.u ("""foo" int, "\foo" int, "foo bar" int, "κόσμε" int, "܈85" int) CREATE TABLE sql -e insert into t.u values (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) INSERT 1 sql -e show columns from t.u 6 rows Field Type Null Default "\"foo" INT true NULL "\\foo" INT true NULL "foo\nbar" INT true NULL "\u03ba\u1f79\u03c3\u03bc\u03b5" INT true NULL "\u070885" INT true NULL rowid INT false unique_rowid() sql -e select * from t.u 1 row "\"foo" "\\foo" "foo\nbar" "\u03ba\u1f79\u03c3\u03bc\u03b5" "\u070885" 0 0 0 0 0 sql --pretty -e select * from t.t +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | s | d | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | foo | printable ASCII | | "foo | printable ASCII with quotes | | \foo | printable ASCII with backslash | | foo | non-printable ASCII | | bar | | | κόσμε | printable UTF8 | | ñ | printable UTF8 using escapes | | "\x01" | non-printable UTF8 string | | ܈85 | UTF8 string with RTL char | | a b c | tabs | | 12 123123213 12313 | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ (9 rows) sql --pretty -e show columns from t.u +----------+------+-------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Default | +----------+------+-------+----------------+ | "foo | INT | true | NULL | | \foo | INT | true | NULL | | foo | INT | true | NULL | | bar | | | | | κόσμε | INT | true | NULL | | ܈85 | INT | true | NULL | | rowid | INT | false | unique_rowid() | +----------+------+-------+----------------+ (6 rows) sql --pretty -e select * from t.u +------+------+------------+-------+-----+ | "foo | \foo | "foo\nbar" | κόσμε | ܈85 | +------+------+------------+-------+-----+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +------+------+------------+-------+-----+ (1 row)
Example (User) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run("user ls") c.Run("user ls --pretty") c.Run("user ls --pretty=false") c.Run("user set foo --password=bar") // Don't use get, since the output of hashedPassword is random. // c.Run("user get foo") c.Run("user ls --pretty") c.Run("user rm foo") c.Run("user ls --pretty")
Output: user ls 0 rows username user ls --pretty +----------+ | username | +----------+ +----------+ (0 rows) user ls --pretty=false 0 rows username user set foo --password=bar INSERT 1 user ls --pretty +----------+ | username | +----------+ | foo | +----------+ (1 row) user rm foo DELETE 1 user ls --pretty +----------+ | username | +----------+ +----------+ (0 rows)
Example (Zone) ¶
c := newCLITest() defer c.stop() c.Run("zone ls") c.Run("zone set system --file=./testdata/zone_attrs.yaml") c.Run("zone ls") c.Run("zone get system.nonexistent") c.Run("zone get") c.Run("zone set system --file=./testdata/zone_range_max_bytes.yaml") c.Run("zone get system") c.Run("zone rm system") c.Run("zone ls") c.Run("zone rm .default") c.Run("zone set .default --file=./testdata/zone_range_max_bytes.yaml") c.Run("zone get system") c.Run("zone set .default --disable-replication") c.Run("zone get system")
Output: zone ls .default zone set system --file=./testdata/zone_attrs.yaml range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 67108864 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 1 constraints: [us-east-1a, ssd] zone ls .default system zone get system.nonexistent system.nonexistent not found zone get system range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 67108864 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 1 constraints: [us-east-1a, ssd] zone set system --file=./testdata/zone_range_max_bytes.yaml range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 134217728 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 3 constraints: [us-east-1a, ssd] zone get system system range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 134217728 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 3 constraints: [us-east-1a, ssd] zone rm system DELETE 1 zone ls .default zone rm .default unable to remove .default zone set .default --file=./testdata/zone_range_max_bytes.yaml range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 134217728 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 3 constraints: [] zone get system .default range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 134217728 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 3 constraints: [] zone set .default --disable-replication range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 134217728 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 1 constraints: [] zone get system .default range_min_bytes: 1048576 range_max_bytes: 134217728 gc: ttlseconds: 86400 num_replicas: 1 constraints: []
Index ¶
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
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Variables ¶
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var ErrorCode = 1
ErrorCode is the value to be used by main() as exit code in case of error. For most errors 1 is appropriate, but a signal termination can change this.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
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