Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Nov 19, 2021
License: GPL-3.0
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 1
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
MissingFieldErrMsg is a string representation of a missing field value.
In returns true if a specific value is in a list of strings.
IsUnique returns true if all string values in a slice are unique.
Matches returns true if a string value matches a specific regexp pattern.
Validator encapsulates a set of validation rules and methods.
New returns a configured instance of *Validator
AddError adds new errors to the errors map.
Check performs a boolean check on the value and appends the errMsg to the errors map.
IsValid checks if a particular value is valid according to the applied rules.
Source Files
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