What is it?
The project allows clients to send files to a server which process them (by applying filters) and then send them back to the clients.
Filter List
or identity
- grayscale filters :
- (to learn more about grayScaleFilters click here
(a.k.a blur), parameters :
int (default=1) : larger is blurrier (e.g.: noiseReduction radius
return an image with different color for edges and gap :
int (default=1) : smaller gives sharper edges (e.g.: radius=2
float64 (default=1000) : threshold for the detection of edges (e.g.: threshold=500
string (default=euclidean) : function used to compute color distance in RGBA color space
available functions :
(R,G,B,A) [warning : no spaces] (default=BLACK=[0,0,0,255])
gap color=
(R,G,B,A) [warning : no spaces] (default=TRANSPARENT_WHITE=[255,255,255,0])
when the color is not well defined, it will keep the originals colors
to use a filter with arguments, simply give filter arg1=value arg2=value ...
. Every argument has a default value that will be used if custom value is not provided by the user
e.g.: edges radius=5 threshold=1000 dist=euclidean edge_color=(100,100,100,75) gap_color=(10,10,10,100)
will run an edge detection filter with a radius of 5, a threshold of 1000, the norm euclidean, and a chosen edge color & gap color
Building project
git clone https://github.com/mxyns/go-filter
cd go-filter
go build
If you want to launch the server mode you have to use the -s
(or -s=true
) flag, otherwise the client mode is launched by default.
Server Mode
It should be noted :
Common flags :
(string, default = : the address of the server
(string, default = tcp) : the protocol you want to use
(int, default = 8887) : the port of the server
(string, default = 10s) : the time after client connection crash
(string, default = "panic") : the level of debug, logrus has seven log levels: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal, and Panic
(boolean, default = true) : the custom formatter for the message in the terminal
(boolean, default = true) : clear go-tcp files target directory and go-filter's outDir(used by server) on close
(string, default = "panic") : change the temporary output directory. be sure it exists. won't be created automatically
Server specific flags :
(int, default = 1) : number of image processing routines
(int, default = 5) : vertical slice count per image
(int, default = 5) : horizontal slice count per image
Client Mode
You can use all of the server's common flags, as well as :
(string, default = "") : the path of the image you want to use
(string, default = "copy") [requires -i
] : the list of filters you want to apply on your image
Using -i
will put the client in "direct mode". It will immediately send a request to the server using the values provided and close after reception of the result.
Omitting -i
will put the client in "interactive mode", sequentially asking for the input file path (e.g.: ./path/to/file.png
), the filter list you want to apply (e.g.: filter1 filter2 ...