Proof of concept Server
This server starts up a gRPC reverse proxy.
Driven through two config files:
command line content or read from file using --kedge_config_backendpool_config_path
"grpc": {
"backends": [
"name": "controller",
"balancer": "ROUND_ROBIN",
"interceptors": [
"prometheus": true
"srv": {
"dns_name": ""
"http": {
"backends": [
"name": "controller",
"balancer": "ROUND_ROBIN",
"srv": {
"dns_name": ""
command line content or read from file using --kedge_config_director_config_path
"grpc": {
"routes": [
"backend_name": "controller",
"service_name_matcher": "*",
"authority_matcher": "controller.ext.cluster.local"
"http": {
"routes": [
"backend_name": "controller",
"host_matcher": "controller.ext.cluster.local"
"adhoc_rules": [
"dns_name_matcher": "*.pod.cluster.local",
"port": {
"allowed_ranges": [
"from": 40,
"to": 10000
Here's an example that runs the server listening on four ports (80 for debug HTTP, 443 for HTTPS+gRPCTLS, 444 for gRPCTLS), and requiring client side certs:
go build
./server \
--server_grpc_tls_port=444 \
--server_http_port=80 \
--server_http_tls_port=443 \
--server_tls_cert_file=../misc/localhost.crt \
--server_tls_key_file=../misc/localhost.key \
--server_tls_client_ca_files=../misc/ca.crt \
--server_tls_client_cert_required=true \
--kedge_config_director_config_path=../misc/director.json \
Optionally you can skip client's side cert requirement and perform authorization based on JWT OIDC ID token (in case you are already have some OIDC provider running, that supports filling permissions into ID token claim):
go build
./server \
--server_grpc_tls_port=444 \
--server_http_port=80 \
--server_http_tls_port=443 \
--server_tls_cert_file=../misc/localhost.crt \
--server_tls_key_file=../misc/localhost.key \
--server_tls_client_cert_required=false \
--kedge_config_director_config_path=../misc/director.json \
--kedge_config_backendpool_config_path=../misc/backendpool.json \
--server_oidc_provider_url = "" \
--server_oidc_client_id = "some-client-id" \
--server_oidc_perms_claim = "perms" \
--server_oidc_required_perm = "perms-prod-example"
Running locally with access to kubernetes cluster
Running it locally with k8s resolver or dynamic routing discovery requires access to k8s cluster. You can add that by adding flags:
--k8sclient_kubeapi_url="<kubernetes master URL (usually with port 6443)>"
To gain access you need to pass either token:
--k8client_token_file="<file with simple one-line token. By default it is /var/run/secrets/>"
Or user from you kube/config:
--k8sclient_kubeconfig_user="<user from kubeconf>"
Default values are designed to be working from the pod, so when deploying kedge should not require any flags for that.
Running with Dynaming Routing Discovery
Dynamic routing discovery is a convenient way and addition to manually created routings and backends
(passed by --kedge_config_director_config_path
and --kedge_config_backendpool_config_path
Routing Discovery allows to get fresh director and backendpool configuration filled with autogenerated routings based on service annotations.
It watches every services (from whatever namespace) that have label named by <--discovery_label_annotation_prefix>kedge-exposed.
It goes through every service's spec port's and generates routings->backend pair.
For each spec in form like:
- port: 1234
name: "http-something"
targetPort: "pods-port"
It generates HTTP route in form of:
"backend_name": "<service-name>_<namespace>_pods-port",
"host_matcher": "<service-name>.<--discovery_external_domain_suffix>",
"proxy_mode": "REVERSE_PROXY",
"port_matcher": 1234,
"autogenerated": true
And HTTP backend in form of:
"name": "<service-name>_<namespace>_pods-port",
"k8s": {
"dns_port_name": "<service-name>.<namespace>:pods-port"
"autogenerated": true
This is assumed to be HTTP because the name starts http-
(it can be as well exactly named http
Similar for GRPC if name is grpc
or starts from grpc-
If you wish to override host_matcher or service_name_matcher use annotations:
<--discovery_label_annotation_prefix>host-matcher = <domain>
<--discovery_label_annotation_prefix>service-name-matcher = <domain>
- backend name is always in form of
- if no name is provided or name is not in form of grpc- or http- it is silently ignored (!)
- TargetPort can be in both port name or port number form.
- no check for duplicated host_matchers in annotations or between autogenerated & base ones (!)\
- no check if the target port inside service actually exists.
There is no documentation for this package.