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K6 K9-AMQP extension
K6 extension for AMQP 0-9-1 / RabbitMQ uses RabbitMQ GoLang client library.
"K6 K9 AMQP" - it's a pun. K6 for Grafana K6 testing tool, K-9 for Canine/(police) dog. K6 and K-9, both makes world a better place to live in. Even not noticing what happen when a dog see a rabbit...
Simple Example
import { sleep } from 'k6';
import k9amqp from 'k6/x/k9amqp';
import queue from 'k6/x/k9amqp/queue';
import exchange from 'k6/x/k9amqp/exchange';
export const options = {
vus: 10,
duration: '30s',
const amqpOptions = {
host : __ENV.AMQP_HOST || "localhost",
port : __ENV.AMQP_PORT || 5672,
vhost : __ENV.AMQP_VHOST || "/",
username : __ENV.AMQP_USERNAME || "guest",
password : __ENV.AMQP_PASSWORD || "guest"
const poolOptions = {
channels_per_conn : __ENV.AMQP_CHANNELS_PER_CONN || 2,
channels_cache_size : __ENV.AMQP_CACHE_SIZE || 10,
// Inits K9 AMQP Client, Client is singleton object initialized only once for all VUs.
const client = new k9amqp.Client(amqpOptions, poolOptions)
export function setup() {
// Gets already inited K9 AMQP Client
const client = new k9amqp.Client(amqpOptions, poolOptions)
// Creates 'test.ex' exchange, 'test.q' queue and binds the queue to the exchange using 'test' routing key
exchange.declare(client, {name: "test.ex", kind: "topic", durable: true})
queue.declare(client, {name: "test.q", durable: true, args: {"x-message-ttl": 300000}})
queue.bind(client, {name: "test.q", key: "test", exchange: "test.ex"})
// Cleans up
export function teardown(data) {
const client = new k9amqp.Client()
queue.delete(client, {name: "test.q"})
exchange.delete(client, {name: 'test.ex'})
export default function() {
// Publishes simple JSON message to 'test.ex' exchange usnit 'test' routing key.
{ exchange: "test.ex", key: "test"},
{ content_type: "application/json",
priority: 0,
app_id: "k6",
body: "{\"test\":\"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\"}"
// Consumes message from 'test.q'
let msg = client.get({queue: "test.q", auto_ack: true})
if (msg) {
// do smth.
Build K6 with K9 AMQP extension
go build .
used in development as fast compilation for syntax errors as it's way faster than xk6 build...
$ cat build.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
go build . && xk6 build latest --with xk6-k9-amqp=.
$ ./build.sh
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] Temporary folder: /tmp/buildenv_2024-11-23-2138.79571920
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] Initializing Go module
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] exec (timeout=10s): /opt/go/bin/go mod init k6
go: creating new go.mod: module k6
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] Replace xk6-k9-amqp => /home/mvolejnik/Git/xk6-k9-amqp
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod edit -replace xk6-k9-amqp=/home/mvolejnik/Git/xk6-k9-amqp
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod tidy -compat=1.17
go: warning: "all" matched no packages
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] Pinning versions
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod tidy -compat=1.17
go: found xk6-k9-amqp in xk6-k9-amqp v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
go: finding module for package github.com/nxadm/tail
go: found github.com/nxadm/tail in github.com/nxadm/tail v1.4.11
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] Writing main module: /tmp/buildenv_2024-11-23-2138.79571920/main.go
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod edit -require go.k6.io/k6@latest
2024/11/23 21:38:06 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod tidy -compat=1.17
2024/11/23 21:38:07 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod tidy -compat=1.17
2024/11/23 21:38:07 [INFO] Build environment ready
2024/11/23 21:38:07 [INFO] Building k6
2024/11/23 21:38:07 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go mod tidy -compat=1.17
2024/11/23 21:38:07 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /opt/go/bin/go build -o /home/mvolejnik/Git/xk6-k9-amqp/k6 -ldflags=-w -s -trimpath
2024/11/23 21:38:08 [INFO] Build complete: ./k6
2024/11/23 21:38:08 [INFO] Cleaning up temporary folder: /tmp/buildenv_2024-11-23-2138.79571920
xk6 has now produced a new k6 binary which may be different than the command on your system path!
Be sure to run './k6 run <SCRIPT_NAME>' from the '/home/mvolejnik/Git/xk6-k9-amqp' directory.
Run Simple Example
$ ./k6 run examples/simple.js
/\ Grafana /‾‾/
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/ __________ \ |_|\_\ \_____/
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO init amqp client with pool {ChannelsPerConn:2 ChannelsCacheSize:10}
execution: local
script: examples/simple.js
output: -
scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 10 max VUs, 1m0s max duration (incl. graceful stop):
* default: 10 looping VUs for 30s (gracefulStop: 30s)
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO exchange created name=test.ex
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO qeuue created name=test.q
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO qeuue binded name=test.q key=test
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0000] 2024/11/23 21:41:45 INFO no available channel in pool, creating new one
INFO[0030] 2024/11/23 21:42:15 INFO qeuue deleted name=test.q
INFO[0030] 2024/11/23 21:42:15 INFO exchange deleted name=test.ex
INFO[0030] 2024/11/23 21:42:15 INFO Teardown AMQP Client
amqp_pub_failed........: 0 0/s
amqp_pub_sent..........: 5750 191.158496/s
amqp_sub_failed........: 0 0/s
amqp_sub_no_delivery...: 5750 191.158496/s
amqp_sub_received......: 5750 191.158496/s
data_received..........: 0 B 0 B/s
data_sent..............: 0 B 0 B/s
iteration_duration.....: avg=52.23ms min=50.72ms med=52.06ms max=63.14ms p(90)=53.18ms p(95)=53.7ms
iterations.............: 5750 191.158496/s
vus....................: 10 min=10 max=10
vus_max................: 10 min=10 max=10
running (0m30.1s), 00/10 VUs, 5750 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
default ✓ [======================================] 10 VUs 30s