
v0.0.0-...-4bbf388 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 23, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type ChatMessage

type ChatMessage struct {
	BroadcasterID string `json:"broadcaster_id"`
	SenderID      string `json:"sender_id"`
	Message       string `json:"message"`

type ChatMessageEvent

type ChatMessageEvent struct {
	Challenge    string `json:"challenge"`
	Subscription struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
			UserID            string `json:"user_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		Transport struct {
			Method    string `json:"method"`
			SessionID string `json:"session_id"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
		Cost      int       `json:"cost"`
	} `json:"subscription"`
	Event struct {
		BroadcasterUserID    string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		BroadcasterUserLogin string `json:"broadcaster_user_login"`
		BroadcasterUserName  string `json:"broadcaster_user_name"`
		ChatterUserID        string `json:"chatter_user_id"`
		ChatterUserLogin     string `json:"chatter_user_login"`
		ChatterUserName      string `json:"chatter_user_name"`
		MessageID            string `json:"message_id"`
		Message              struct {
			Text      string `json:"text"`
			Fragments []struct {
				Type      string      `json:"type"`
				Text      string      `json:"text"`
				Cheermote interface{} `json:"cheermote"`
				Emote     interface{} `json:"emote"`
				Mention   interface{} `json:"mention"`
			} `json:"fragments"`
		} `json:"message"`
		Color  string `json:"color"`
		Badges []struct {
			SetID string `json:"set_id"`
			ID    string `json:"id"`
			Info  string `json:"info"`
		} `json:"badges"`
		MessageType                 string      `json:"message_type"`
		Cheer                       interface{} `json:"cheer"`
		Reply                       interface{} `json:"reply"`
		ChannelPointsCustomRewardID interface{} `json:"channel_points_custom_reward_id"`
	} `json:"event"`

type CheerEvent

type CheerEvent struct {
	Subscription struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Cost      int    `json:"cost"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		Transport struct {
			Method   string `json:"method"`
			Callback string `json:"callback"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	} `json:"subscription"`
	Event struct {
		IsAnonymous          bool   `json:"is_anonymous"`
		UserID               string `json:"user_id"`
		UserLogin            string `json:"user_login"`
		UserName             string `json:"user_name"`
		BroadcasterUserID    string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		BroadcasterUserLogin string `json:"broadcaster_user_login"`
		BroadcasterUserName  string `json:"broadcaster_user_name"`
		Message              string `json:"message"`
		Bits                 int    `json:"bits"`
	} `json:"event"`

type DopplerSecretUpdate

type DopplerSecretUpdate struct {
	Messages []string `json:"messages"`
	Data     struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Success bool `json:"success"`

type EventLog

type EventLog struct {
	Username  string    `json:"username"`
	Message   string    `json:"message"`
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"@timestamp"`
	Type      string    `json:"type"`

type FollowEvent

type FollowEvent struct {
	Subscription struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Cost      int    `json:"cost"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
			ModeratorUserID   string `json:"moderator_user_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		Transport struct {
			Method   string `json:"method"`
			Callback string `json:"callback"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	} `json:"subscription"`
	Event struct {
		UserID               string    `json:"user_id"`
		UserLogin            string    `json:"user_login"`
		UserName             string    `json:"user_name"`
		BroadcasterUserID    string    `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		BroadcasterUserLogin string    `json:"broadcaster_user_login"`
		BroadcasterUserName  string    `json:"broadcaster_user_name"`
		FollowedAt           time.Time `json:"followed_at"`
	} `json:"event"`

type RequestHeader

type RequestHeader struct {
	Token    string
	ClientID string

type RequestJson

type RequestJson struct {
	Method  string
	URL     string
	Payload string
	Headers map[string]string

type RewardEvent

type RewardEvent struct {
	Subscription struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Cost      int    `json:"cost"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
			RewardID          string `json:"reward_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		Transport struct {
			Method   string `json:"method"`
			Callback string `json:"callback"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	} `json:"subscription"`
	Event struct {
		ID                   string `json:"id"`
		BroadcasterUserID    string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		BroadcasterUserLogin string `json:"broadcaster_user_login"`
		BroadcasterUserName  string `json:"broadcaster_user_name"`
		UserID               string `json:"user_id"`
		UserLogin            string `json:"user_login"`
		UserName             string `json:"user_name"`
		UserInput            string `json:"user_input"`
		Status               string `json:"status"`
		Reward               struct {
			ID     string `json:"id"`
			Title  string `json:"title"`
			Cost   int    `json:"cost"`
			Prompt string `json:"prompt"`
		} `json:"reward"`
		RedeemedAt time.Time `json:"redeemed_at"`
	} `json:"event"`

type SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying

type SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying struct {
	Device struct {
		ID               string `json:"id"`
		IsActive         bool   `json:"is_active"`
		IsPrivateSession bool   `json:"is_private_session"`
		IsRestricted     bool   `json:"is_restricted"`
		Name             string `json:"name"`
		Type             string `json:"type"`
		VolumePercent    int    `json:"volume_percent"`
		SupportsVolume   bool   `json:"supports_volume"`
	} `json:"device"`
	RepeatState  string `json:"repeat_state"`
	ShuffleState bool   `json:"shuffle_state"`
	Context      struct {
		Type         string `json:"type"`
		Href         string `json:"href"`
		ExternalUrls struct {
			Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
		} `json:"external_urls"`
		URI string `json:"uri"`
	} `json:"context"`
	Timestamp  int  `json:"timestamp"`
	ProgressMs int  `json:"progress_ms"`
	IsPlaying  bool `json:"is_playing"`
	Item       struct {
		Album struct {
			AlbumType        string   `json:"album_type"`
			TotalTracks      int      `json:"total_tracks"`
			AvailableMarkets []string `json:"available_markets"`
			ExternalUrls     struct {
				Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
			} `json:"external_urls"`
			Href   string `json:"href"`
			ID     string `json:"id"`
			Images []struct {
				URL    string `json:"url"`
				Height int    `json:"height"`
				Width  int    `json:"width"`
			} `json:"images"`
			Name                 string `json:"name"`
			ReleaseDate          string `json:"release_date"`
			ReleaseDatePrecision string `json:"release_date_precision"`
			Restrictions         struct {
				Reason string `json:"reason"`
			} `json:"restrictions"`
			Type    string `json:"type"`
			URI     string `json:"uri"`
			Artists []struct {
				ExternalUrls struct {
					Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
				} `json:"external_urls"`
				Href string `json:"href"`
				ID   string `json:"id"`
				Name string `json:"name"`
				Type string `json:"type"`
				URI  string `json:"uri"`
			} `json:"artists"`
		} `json:"album"`
		Artists []struct {
			ExternalUrls struct {
				Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
			} `json:"external_urls"`
			Followers struct {
				Href  string `json:"href"`
				Total int    `json:"total"`
			} `json:"followers"`
			Genres []string `json:"genres"`
			Href   string   `json:"href"`
			ID     string   `json:"id"`
			Images []struct {
				URL    string `json:"url"`
				Height int    `json:"height"`
				Width  int    `json:"width"`
			} `json:"images"`
			Name       string `json:"name"`
			Popularity int    `json:"popularity"`
			Type       string `json:"type"`
			URI        string `json:"uri"`
		} `json:"artists"`
		AvailableMarkets []string `json:"available_markets"`
		DiscNumber       int      `json:"disc_number"`
		DurationMs       int      `json:"duration_ms"`
		Explicit         bool     `json:"explicit"`
		ExternalIds      struct {
			Isrc string `json:"isrc"`
			Ean  string `json:"ean"`
			Upc  string `json:"upc"`
		} `json:"external_ids"`
		ExternalUrls struct {
			Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
		} `json:"external_urls"`
		Href       string `json:"href"`
		ID         string `json:"id"`
		IsPlayable bool   `json:"is_playable"`
		LinkedFrom struct {
		} `json:"linked_from"`
		Restrictions struct {
			Reason string `json:"reason"`
		} `json:"restrictions"`
		Name        string `json:"name"`
		Popularity  int    `json:"popularity"`
		PreviewURL  string `json:"preview_url"`
		TrackNumber int    `json:"track_number"`
		Type        string `json:"type"`
		URI         string `json:"uri"`
		IsLocal     bool   `json:"is_local"`
	} `json:"item"`
	CurrentlyPlayingType string `json:"currently_playing_type"`
	Actions              struct {
		InterruptingPlayback  bool `json:"interrupting_playback"`
		Pausing               bool `json:"pausing"`
		Resuming              bool `json:"resuming"`
		Seeking               bool `json:"seeking"`
		SkippingNext          bool `json:"skipping_next"`
		SkippingPrev          bool `json:"skipping_prev"`
		TogglingRepeatContext bool `json:"toggling_repeat_context"`
		TogglingShuffle       bool `json:"toggling_shuffle"`
		TogglingRepeatTrack   bool `json:"toggling_repeat_track"`
		TransferringPlayback  bool `json:"transferring_playback"`
	} `json:"actions"`

type SpotifyPlaylistItemList

type SpotifyPlaylistItemList struct {
	Href     string `json:"href"`
	Limit    int    `json:"limit"`
	Next     string `json:"next"`
	Offset   int    `json:"offset"`
	Previous string `json:"previous"`
	Total    int    `json:"total"`
	Items    []struct {
		AddedAt string `json:"added_at"`
		AddedBy struct {
			ExternalUrls struct {
				Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
			} `json:"external_urls"`
			Followers struct {
				Href  string `json:"href"`
				Total int    `json:"total"`
			} `json:"followers"`
			Href string `json:"href"`
			ID   string `json:"id"`
			Type string `json:"type"`
			URI  string `json:"uri"`
		} `json:"added_by"`
		IsLocal bool `json:"is_local"`
		Track   struct {
			Album struct {
				AlbumType        string   `json:"album_type"`
				TotalTracks      int      `json:"total_tracks"`
				AvailableMarkets []string `json:"available_markets"`
				ExternalUrls     struct {
					Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
				} `json:"external_urls"`
				Href   string `json:"href"`
				ID     string `json:"id"`
				Images []struct {
					URL    string `json:"url"`
					Height int    `json:"height"`
					Width  int    `json:"width"`
				} `json:"images"`
				Name                 string `json:"name"`
				ReleaseDate          string `json:"release_date"`
				ReleaseDatePrecision string `json:"release_date_precision"`
				Restrictions         struct {
					Reason string `json:"reason"`
				} `json:"restrictions"`
				Type    string `json:"type"`
				URI     string `json:"uri"`
				Artists []struct {
					ExternalUrls struct {
						Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
					} `json:"external_urls"`
					Href string `json:"href"`
					ID   string `json:"id"`
					Name string `json:"name"`
					Type string `json:"type"`
					URI  string `json:"uri"`
				} `json:"artists"`
			} `json:"album"`
			Artists []struct {
				ExternalUrls struct {
					Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
				} `json:"external_urls"`
				Followers struct {
					Href  string `json:"href"`
					Total int    `json:"total"`
				} `json:"followers"`
				Genres []string `json:"genres"`
				Href   string   `json:"href"`
				ID     string   `json:"id"`
				Images []struct {
					URL    string `json:"url"`
					Height int    `json:"height"`
					Width  int    `json:"width"`
				} `json:"images"`
				Name       string `json:"name"`
				Popularity int    `json:"popularity"`
				Type       string `json:"type"`
				URI        string `json:"uri"`
			} `json:"artists"`
			AvailableMarkets []string `json:"available_markets"`
			DiscNumber       int      `json:"disc_number"`
			DurationMs       int      `json:"duration_ms"`
			Explicit         bool     `json:"explicit"`
			ExternalIds      struct {
				Isrc string `json:"isrc"`
				Ean  string `json:"ean"`
				Upc  string `json:"upc"`
			} `json:"external_ids"`
			ExternalUrls struct {
				Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
			} `json:"external_urls"`
			Href       string `json:"href"`
			ID         string `json:"id"`
			IsPlayable bool   `json:"is_playable"`
			LinkedFrom struct {
			} `json:"linked_from"`
			Restrictions struct {
				Reason string `json:"reason"`
			} `json:"restrictions"`
			Name        string `json:"name"`
			Popularity  int    `json:"popularity"`
			PreviewURL  string `json:"preview_url"`
			TrackNumber int    `json:"track_number"`
			Type        string `json:"type"`
			URI         string `json:"uri"`
			IsLocal     bool   `json:"is_local"`
		} `json:"track"`
	} `json:"items"`

type SpotifyPlaylistResponse

type SpotifyPlaylistResponse struct {
	Collaborative bool   `json:"collaborative"`
	Description   string `json:"description"`
	ExternalUrls  struct {
		Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
	} `json:"external_urls"`
	Followers struct {
		Href  interface{} `json:"href"`
		Total int         `json:"total"`
	} `json:"followers"`
	Href   string `json:"href"`
	ID     string `json:"id"`
	Images []struct {
		URL    string      `json:"url"`
		Height interface{} `json:"height"`
		Width  interface{} `json:"width"`
	} `json:"images"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Owner struct {
		ExternalUrls struct {
			Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
		} `json:"external_urls"`
		Href        string `json:"href"`
		ID          string `json:"id"`
		Type        string `json:"type"`
		URI         string `json:"uri"`
		DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	} `json:"owner"`
	Public     bool   `json:"public"`
	SnapshotID string `json:"snapshot_id"`
	Tracks     struct {
		Href     string      `json:"href"`
		Limit    int         `json:"limit"`
		Next     interface{} `json:"next"`
		Offset   int         `json:"offset"`
		Previous interface{} `json:"previous"`
		Total    int         `json:"total"`
		Items    []struct {
			AddedAt time.Time `json:"added_at"`
			AddedBy struct {
				ExternalUrls struct {
					Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
				} `json:"external_urls"`
				Href string `json:"href"`
				ID   string `json:"id"`
				Type string `json:"type"`
				URI  string `json:"uri"`
			} `json:"added_by"`
			IsLocal bool `json:"is_local"`
			Track   struct {
				Album struct {
					AlbumType        string   `json:"album_type"`
					TotalTracks      int      `json:"total_tracks"`
					AvailableMarkets []string `json:"available_markets"`
					ExternalUrls     struct {
						Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
					} `json:"external_urls"`
					Href   string `json:"href"`
					ID     string `json:"id"`
					Images []struct {
						URL    string `json:"url"`
						Height int    `json:"height"`
						Width  int    `json:"width"`
					} `json:"images"`
					Name                 string `json:"name"`
					ReleaseDate          string `json:"release_date"`
					ReleaseDatePrecision string `json:"release_date_precision"`
					Type                 string `json:"type"`
					URI                  string `json:"uri"`
					Artists              []struct {
						ExternalUrls struct {
							Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
						} `json:"external_urls"`
						Href string `json:"href"`
						ID   string `json:"id"`
						Name string `json:"name"`
						Type string `json:"type"`
						URI  string `json:"uri"`
					} `json:"artists"`
				} `json:"album"`
				Artists []struct {
					ExternalUrls struct {
						Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
					} `json:"external_urls"`
					Href string `json:"href"`
					ID   string `json:"id"`
					Name string `json:"name"`
					Type string `json:"type"`
					URI  string `json:"uri"`
				} `json:"artists"`
				AvailableMarkets []string `json:"available_markets"`
				DiscNumber       int      `json:"disc_number"`
				DurationMs       int      `json:"duration_ms"`
				Explicit         bool     `json:"explicit"`
				ExternalIds      struct {
					Isrc string `json:"isrc"`
				} `json:"external_ids"`
				ExternalUrls struct {
					Spotify string `json:"spotify"`
				} `json:"external_urls"`
				Href        string `json:"href"`
				ID          string `json:"id"`
				Name        string `json:"name"`
				Popularity  int    `json:"popularity"`
				PreviewURL  string `json:"preview_url"`
				TrackNumber int    `json:"track_number"`
				Type        string `json:"type"`
				URI         string `json:"uri"`
				IsLocal     bool   `json:"is_local"`
				Episode     bool   `json:"episode"`
				Track       bool   `json:"track"`
			} `json:"track"`
			PrimaryColor   interface{} `json:"primary_color"`
			VideoThumbnail struct {
				URL interface{} `json:"url"`
			} `json:"video_thumbnail"`
		} `json:"items"`
	} `json:"tracks"`
	Type         string      `json:"type"`
	URI          string      `json:"uri"`
	PrimaryColor interface{} `json:"primary_color"`

type SpotifyTokenResponse

type SpotifyTokenResponse struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
	TokenType   string `json:"token_type"`
	Scope       string `json:"scope"`

type SubscribeEvent

type SubscribeEvent struct {
	Challenge    string `json:"challenge"`
	Subscription struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Cost      int    `json:"cost"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		Transport struct {
			Method   string `json:"method"`
			Callback string `json:"callback"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	} `json:"subscription"`

type SubscriptionEvent

type SubscriptionEvent struct {
	Subscription struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Cost      int    `json:"cost"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		Transport struct {
			Method   string `json:"method"`
			Callback string `json:"callback"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	} `json:"subscription"`
	Event struct {
		UserID               string `json:"user_id"`
		UserLogin            string `json:"user_login"`
		UserName             string `json:"user_name"`
		BroadcasterUserID    string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
		BroadcasterUserLogin string `json:"broadcaster_user_login"`
		BroadcasterUserName  string `json:"broadcaster_user_name"`
		Tier                 string `json:"tier"`
		IsGift               bool   `json:"is_gift"`
	} `json:"event"`

type SubscriptionType

type SubscriptionType struct {
	Name    string
	Version string
	Type    string

type TwitchRefreshResponse

type TwitchRefreshResponse struct {
	AccessToken  string   `json:"access_token"`
	RefreshToken string   `json:"refresh_token"`
	Scope        []string `json:"scope"`
	TokenType    string   `json:"token_type"`

type ValidateSubscription

type ValidateSubscription struct {
	Data []struct {
		ID        string `json:"id"`
		Status    string `json:"status"`
		Type      string `json:"type"`
		Version   string `json:"version"`
		Condition struct {
			BroadcasterUserID string `json:"broadcaster_user_id"`
			UserID            string `json:"user_id"`
		} `json:"condition"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
		Transport struct {
			Method   string `json:"method"`
			Callback string `json:"callback"`
		} `json:"transport"`
		Cost int `json:"cost"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Total        int `json:"total"`
	MaxTotalCost int `json:"max_total_cost"`
	TotalCost    int `json:"total_cost"`

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL