Movie Night
Movie Night is a simple web application used to manage $5 movie night that occurs every tuesday night here in utah valley.
can be run as a stand alone executable. Grab the binary release
from the releases folder.
Command Line Options
There are a number of command line options that you can use to start developing against movie night. If you run the application with the -help flag you will get a man page describing the flags and their usage.
- -port=9000 Specify the port that movie-night will listen on
- -debug=false Turn on debug mode. In this mode, emails will be printed to the command line, as well as the buzz integration.
- -buzz='{url to buzz bot endpoint}' Specify the buzz bot endpoint to send messages to on activity and rsvp events.
- -emailFrom The email address to use as the from address when sending email.
- -emailHost The host smtp serve to connect to to relay email.
- -emailUser The smtp username for sending email
- -emailPass The smtp password for sending email
- -weeklyDay=6 The day to send the weekly email
- -weeklyHour=9 The hour within the day to send the weekly email
- -weeklyMinute=0 The minute within the hour to send the weekly email
- -lockDay=2 The day to send the lock email
- -lockHour=16 The hour within the day to send the lock email
- -lockMinute=30 The minute within the hour to send the lock email
- -www=true When true the application will serve web content from the www directory instead of rendering the home html template. This is for developing a custom web application for movie night.
- -salt The salt string to use to salt user passwords before hashing
- -url The url prefix to use for all callback urls in emails and links
Users register by submitting an html post form to /register
with their name
and email address. The application will then send them a registration email to
their email address with a link to come back to the application with a one time
token. This token is the url query param with key ott
and the value set to
the one time token sent in the email. The user is then guided to set their
, which they post along with their ott
. At this point the
application will set a cookie and the user will have completed registration.
Users login by submitting an html post form to /login
with their email and
password. The application will then set a cookie and redirect them to the home
page. The user must have completed registration in order to be able to login.
All passwords are prepended with the same application level salt, and then sha512'd before being saved in the database to provide password security.
The application tracks sessions by setting the 'movienightsid' http cookie with a v4 UUID. The application then keeps an in memory map to associate the cookie with a logged in user id.
User and Preferences
The JSON endpoint is located at /api/user
and supports the GET
, and
methods. It returns and receives a User object:
"name":"Bob Smith",
There is also an html form submission endpoint at /prefs
that can update user
preferences. If post form values are set and not empty for weekly
, lock
or activity
then they will be assumed true and updated.
At the moment the endpoints will only update the notification preferences.
Showtimes and Voting
The JSON endpoint is located at /api/showtimes
and supports the GET
, and PUT
methods. It returns and receives an array of Showtime
And here is an example movie object:
"Runtime":"100 min",
"Plot":"blah blah blah",
The movie object comes from the omdb api.
When recieving the server will inline the movie object for each showtime. It is
not required to include the movie object when submitting to the POST
or PUT
endpoints. The votes property is the number of total votes
that the showtime
has recieved. The vote
property is the number of votes that the user has
contributed to this showtime. When submitting votes, this property will be used
to update the servers view.
The user can rsvp to the winning showtime by calling the /callback/rsvp
endpoint. The endpoint uses query parameters exclusively. The three query
parameters required are:
The users idid
This is the week of identifier, it is the unix timestamp for the beginning of the week.value
This is the users response, one of "ACCEPT", "DECLINE", or "TENATIVE".
The administration endpoints are all managed through query parameters. At the moment they are all open auth.
The movie endpoint is called with the imdb
query parameter set to the imdb id
of the movie to insert into the database.
The showtime endpoint requires the following query parameters to be set:
The imdb id of the moviescreen
The screen type of the showtime. One of "2D", "3D", "IMAX", or "IMAX3D"date
[Optional] If included all times will be prepended with this and 'T' to form the datetime of the showing. Also if this is included 'PM' will be appended to the
the showtime of the movie. Must end up being in the form: "2006-01-02T03:04PM". If thedate
parameter is include this this is just the time portion of the datetime. Example "07:30" would represent 7:30pm.
The lock endpoint can be used to lock, or finalize the vote. The current winner will be awarded 1000 points, and theoretically keep any other votes from upending the current winner. Once the vote has been locked, either via this endpoint or by the lock go routine, an email invitation will be sent out to everyone with a calendar invite to the winning showtime. They can then rsvp either by mail or by one of the links to the rsvp endpoint.
Movie Night uses a sqlite database to store all the data required. It uses to bind to the c apis. At the time we are planning to use the json1 extensions, in order to compile sqlite with this extension use:
go build --tags "json1 fts5" -o movie-night main.go
Some other nice functions and support are in the icu and soundex extensions. You can build those like so:
go build --tags "json1 soundex icu fts5" -o movie-night main.go
Movie night has sane defaults in order to run the application locally while developing, but at some point you may want to actually turn off debugging, send emails to your users, etc. We suggest you use a bash script to set all the necissary flags and then use that to wrap your application. Here is an example:
./movie-night \
-port=8080 \
-debug=false \
-buzz='' \
-emailFrom='' \
-emailHost='' \
-emailUser='' \
-emailPass=supercool \
-weeklyDay=6 -weeklyHour=9 -weeklyMinute=0 \
-lockDay=2 -lockHour=16 -lockMinute=30 \
-salt='saltylakeut' \
-url='' \
Say this script was called Now you can run your application via:
There are some utility scripts to help out with development in the scripts folder. Sometimes it's helpful to populate the database with some users, movies and showtimes to test out the operations. The scripts folder can help with this. The scripts all assume movie night is running locally on port 9000 unless otherwise stated.
There is no documentation for this package.