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Published: Nov 4, 2024 License: MIT


Multi-Runtime Deployment System (MRDS)

MRDS is an API-driven deployment system designed to provide a standardized way to interact with various runtime environments, such as Bare Metal Hosts, Virtual Machines (VMs), Kubernetes Clusters, Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets, etc. By abstracting the underlying infrastructure details, MRDS enables developers and operators to deploy workloads consistently across different runtime systems without needing to tailor processes to each unique environment.

Key Features

  • Runtime-Agnostic Interface: MRDS offers a single, cohesive API that integrates with diverse runtime environments, enabling smooth deployment operations across platforms.
  • Consistency Across Deployments: By using MRDS, teams can ensure that deployment processes are reliable and repeatable, regardless of the runtime specifics.
  • Implementation Flexibility: Built on a flexible architecture, MRDS can evolve and scale to accommodate different deployment needs while maintaining a clear, uniform API for users.


To get started with MRDS, it’s important to understand a few core concepts of this system.


In the context of MRDS, a runtime environment is the system that manages workloads on a node. This could be a container orchestration system like Kubernetes or a virtual machine scale set (VMSS). MRDS is designed to work seamlessly across various runtime environments, allowing consistent deployment and management processes without being tied to a specific system.


A Node in MRDS represents an individual compute resource, such as a server or virtual machine, that is part of a cluster in a runtime environment. Each Node has specific resources (CPU, memory, storage), a status indicating its current state (e.g., allocated, unallocated, sanitizing), and may support additional capabilities or disruptions. MRDS interacts with Nodes through a standardized API to allocate, monitor, and manage workloads across different runtime systems.

Deployment Plan

A Deployment Plan in MRDS defines what resources and applications should be deployed, along with specific requirements for the target runtime environment. It is a detailed blueprint describing the configurations, applications, and compute capabilities needed for deployment. Each Deployment Plan can be customized to ensure that workloads are deployed only on nodes that meet specified hardware and software requirements.

An example Deployment Plan may look like this:

name: "nginx-deployment-plan"
namespace: "nginx-namespace"
serviceName: "nginx-service"
    - capabilityType: "GPU"
    comparator: "gte"
        - "nvidia-v100"
        - "nvidia-p100"
    - capabilityType: "CPU"
    comparator: "eq"
        - "intel-xeon"
    - payloadName: "nginx-payload"
        cores: 4
        memory: 64
        - protocol: "TCP"
        port: 80
        - protocol: "UDP"
        port: 53
        - storageClass: "standard"
        capacity: 100
        mountPath: "/data"
        - storageClass: "fast-ssd"
        capacity: 500
        mountPath: "/ssd"

A Deployment in MRDS is a sub-resource of a Deployment Plan, representing a single execution of the defined plan. While a Deployment Plan describes the overall configuration and requirements of an application, a Deployment specifies the actual instances to be launched and managed based on that plan. Each Deployment can independently control aspects such as the image to deploy and the number of instances required, allowing for flexibility and scalability.

An example Deployment may look like this:

deployment_plan_name: "nginx-deployment-plan"
deployment_id: "deployment-1"
  - payload_name: "nginx-payload"
      image: "nginx:latest"
instance_count: 1

Since multiple Deployments can be associated with a single Deployment Plan, MRDS can support deployment strategies, such as:

  • Blue-Green Deployments: Run two versions of an application in parallel (one as the live version, and the other as the new version to be switched over).
  • Canary Deployments: Gradually roll out a new version of the application to a subset of instances before deploying it fully.
Meta Instance

A Meta Instance in MRDS represents a single instance of a Deployment, providing detailed tracking and management of each deployed unit. Each Meta Instance is uniquely identifiable and has a 1:1 mapping to an instance of the Deployment.

Meta Instances allow MRDS to manage deployments at a granular level, tracking the precise state and activity of each deployment instance. By maintaining status, operations, and runtime instance information, MRDS can effectively control and coordinate multiple instances, supporting flexible deployment patterns like scaling, rolling updates, and failure handling.

Runtime Instance

A Runtime Instance in MRDS represents the actual instance of an application workload that is hosted on a specific node within the runtime environment. Each Runtime Instance is associated with a Meta Instance and operates on a particular Node, tracking the execution and state of the deployed application at the infrastructure level.

Runtime Instances represent the actual compute units for workloads, tracking their status and activity on specific nodes.


Operations in MRDS represent specific actions or lifecycle management tasks performed on Meta Instances or Runtime Instances. Operations allow MRDS to manage instances dynamically, handling actions such as creation, updates, and terminations based on deployment needs. Each operation includes information about its type, current status, and progress, making it possible to track the state of each action performed within the system.

All operations follow a common state transition, ensuring a structured approach to instance management. The typical process includes:

  1. Creation: An operation is created in response to a deployment event or change request.
  2. Approval: Before execution, operations require approval to proceed. Approval can come from a manual review or, in many cases, automated systems that evaluate and approve actions based on predefined rules and criteria.
  3. Execution: Once approved, the operation takes action on the instance, performing tasks such as deploying, updating, or terminating.
  4. Completion: After successful execution, the operation is marked as complete. If issues arise, it may transition to a FAILED state, requiring attention.

Operations allow MRDS to systematically control the full lifecycle of each deployment instance, adhering to a predictable transition process. With support for both manual and automated approvals, MRDS can respond flexibly to deployment needs, manage scaling, and adapt instances based on environmental conditions or predefined rules. This structured approach enables advanced deployment strategies, such as automated rollouts, scheduled updates, and graceful shutdowns, enhancing the resilience and responsiveness of deployments.

Let's deploy

Now that you've been introduced to the core concepts behind MRDS, it's time to put them into practice. In this section, let's walk through building the system and performing a deployment. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of MRDS in action, from defining Deployment Plans to managing individual instances on your chosen runtime environment.

1. Install Pre-requisites

For local execution, we are going to use the system to deploy against a locally deployed kubernetes cluster deployed using kind.

The mac commands are

brew install mysql
brew install temporal
brew install kind
brew install kubectl
Build the system
make build

3 binaries are built and added to the /bin directory

  • mrds-apiserver - The API server for MRDS.
  • mrds-controlplane - The control plane of MRDS.
  • mrds-ctl - A CLI for interacting with MRDS.
Create the database.
make local-db-reset
Start the API server

Open a new terminal tab to start the API server. Once it's running, you’ll be able to observe the interactions with the server.

make run-apiserver
Create a test Kind cluster and add nodes to MRDS.
make test-kind-prep

This creates a local kind cluster with 4 worker nodes. It registers those nodes to MRDS. You can query them as

> ./bin/mrds-ctl node list
|  Node Name   |  Update Domain  | Total Cores | Total Memory | System Reserved Cores | System Reserved Memory | Remaining Cores | Remaining Memory | # Disruptions | Cluster ID |        State        | Message |
| kind-worker2 | update-domain-1 |     64      |     512      |           4           |           32           |       60        |       480        |       0       |    kind    | NodeState_ALLOCATED |         |
| kind-worker3 | update-domain-2 |     64      |     512      |           4           |           32           |       60        |       480        |       0       |    kind    | NodeState_ALLOCATED |         |
| kind-worker  | update-domain-1 |     64      |     512      |           4           |           32           |       60        |       480        |       0       |    kind    | NodeState_ALLOCATED |         |
| kind-worker4 | update-domain-2 |     64      |     512      |           4           |           32           |       60        |       480        |       0       |    kind    | NodeState_ALLOCATED |         |
Total: 4

(Note: The resources shown here are abstract and not a representation of actual resources. This setup is intended for demonstration purposes only. In a real runtime environment, these fields will be populated with actual values.)

Create a Deployment

The following is a plan to deploy nginx.

  - name: "nginx-deployment-plan"
    namespace: "nginx-namespace"
    serviceName: "nginx-service"
      - capabilityType: "GPU"
        comparator: "gte"
          - "nvidia-v100"
          - "nvidia-p100"
      - capabilityType: "CPU"
        comparator: "eq"
          - "intel-xeon"
      - payloadName: "nginx-payload"
          cores: 4
          memory: 64
          - protocol: "TCP"
            port: 80
          - protocol: "UDP"
            port: 53
          - storageClass: "standard"
            capacity: 100
            mountPath: "/data"
          - storageClass: "fast-ssd"
            capacity: 500
            mountPath: "/ssd"

(Note: The capabilities are for illustration only. We are not actually going to deploy on them in this example.)

To create this

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment create -m test/manifests/deploymentplan.yaml

You should see an output like

Deployment plan created successfullynginx-deployment-plan
| Deployment Plan Name  |    Namespace    | Service Name  |           State            | Message | # Applications | # Deployments |
| nginx-deployment-plan | nginx-namespace | nginx-service | DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE |         |       1        |       0       |
Total: 1
Add a deployment.

The following is a deployment to deploy 1 instance.

deployment_plan_name: "nginx-deployment-plan"
deployment_id: "deployment-1"
  - payload_name: "nginx-payload"
      image: "nginx:latest"
instance_count: 1


./bin/mrds-ctl deployment add-deployment -m test/manifests/deployment-1.yaml

You should see an output as

Deployment Plan Info
Deployment Plan Name:     nginx-deployment-plan
Node ID:                  b0ba0333-d386-4625-8743-7b94aa908d32
Version:                  1
Namespace:                nginx-namespace
Service Name:             nginx-service

        Deployment Plan State:    DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE
        Status Message:           <unset>

Matching Compute Capabilities
| Capability Type |  Comparator   |    Capability Names     |
|       CPU       | Comparator_IN |       intel-xeon        |
|       GPU       | Comparator_IN | nvidia-v100,nvidia-p100 |
Total: 2

| Payload Name  | Cores | Memory (GiB) | Ports  |                      Persistent Volumes                      |
| nginx-payload |   4   |      64      | TCP:80 | Storage Class: standard, Capacity: 100 GB, Mount Path: /data |
|               |       |              | UDP:53 | Storage Class: fast-ssd, Capacity: 500 GB, Mount Path: /ssd  |
Total: 1

| Deployment ID | Instance Count |          State          | Message |                        Payload Information                         |
| deployment-1  |       1        | DeploymentState_PENDING |         | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
Total: 1

Instance Summary
No instances found

As mentioned in the output, no instances have been found because there aren't any yet. To create instances, we need to start the runtime.

Start temporal server
make run-temporal
Start controlplane
make run-controlplane
Observe the changes

Starting the control plane should kickstart a workflow that is going to attempt to deploy the plan. Open the following temporal link to view the changes - http://localhost:8233/namespaces/mrds/workflows. Open the workflow with ID - nginx-deployment-plan-deployment-1 and read through the events.

You'll observe that the workflow created a MetaInstance record and added a CREATE operation on the instance, and triggered a child workflow. In the child workflow, you'll see that a new Runtime Instance was allocated, and the operation is now waiting approval to proceed.

This can also be observed on the CLI

> ./bin/mrds-ctl deployment show nginx-deployment-plan
Deployment Plan Info
Deployment Plan Name:     nginx-deployment-plan
Node ID:                  b0ba0333-d386-4625-8743-7b94aa908d32
Version:                  2
Namespace:                nginx-namespace
Service Name:             nginx-service

        Deployment Plan State:    DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE
        Status Message:           <unset>

Matching Compute Capabilities
| Capability Type |  Comparator   |    Capability Names     |
|       CPU       | Comparator_IN |       intel-xeon        |
|       GPU       | Comparator_IN | nvidia-v100,nvidia-p100 |
Total: 2

| Payload Name  | Cores | Memory (GiB) | Ports  |                      Persistent Volumes                      |
| nginx-payload |   4   |      64      | TCP:80 | Storage Class: standard, Capacity: 100 GB, Mount Path: /data |
|               |       |              | UDP:53 | Storage Class: fast-ssd, Capacity: 500 GB, Mount Path: /ssd  |
Total: 1

| Deployment ID | Instance Count |            State            |        Message        |                        Payload Information                         |
| deployment-1  |       1        | DeploymentState_IN_PROGRESS | Deployment is running | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
Total: 1

Instance Summary
        Total Instances:          1
        Running Instances:        0
        Pending Instances:        1
        Failed Instances:         0

Opeartions Summary
|     Operation Type     | # Pending Approval | # Approved | # Failed | # Succeeded |
|  OperationType_CREATE  |         1          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|  OperationType_UPDATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RELOCATE |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|   OperationType_STOP   |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RESTART  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|  OperationType_DELETE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |

|          Meta Instance Name          | Deployment Plan Name  | Deployment ID |            Runtime Instances             |                   Operations                    |
| nginx-service-6P7rl50eSlKsOEbYfWTiwg | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-1  | Node Name: kind-worker2                  | ID: CREATE-ddd23f06-2050-4515-83e3-a07db62b1b7f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0 | Intent ID: deployment-1                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_PENDING              | State: OperationState_PENDING_APPROVAL          |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message: Operation is pending approval          |
Total: 1

As seen above, the node kind-worker2 has been picked by the scheduler to deploy the workload (This might be different in yourr case). The State of the RuntimeInstance is RuntimeStatus_PENDING, which means, the instance is not running yet. The last column shows the operations that are applicable on the meta instance.

Approve the operation

Execute the following command to select and approve the operations via the CLI. Note: These operations are handled through an API, which can also be accessed by automated systems.

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment approve-operation nginx-deployment-plan
Observe changes post approval

Keep watching the deployment output on the CLI to see the deployment in action. After a few seconds, the deployment should be complete, and you should see an output like

> ./bin/mrds-ctl deployment show nginx-deployment-plan
Deployment Plan Info
Deployment Plan Name:     nginx-deployment-plan
Node ID:                  b0ba0333-d386-4625-8743-7b94aa908d32
Version:                  3
Namespace:                nginx-namespace
Service Name:             nginx-service

        Deployment Plan State:    DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE
        Status Message:           <unset>

Matching Compute Capabilities
| Capability Type |  Comparator   |    Capability Names     |
|       CPU       | Comparator_IN |       intel-xeon        |
|       GPU       | Comparator_IN | nvidia-v100,nvidia-p100 |
Total: 2

| Payload Name  | Cores | Memory (GiB) | Ports  |                      Persistent Volumes                      |
| nginx-payload |   4   |      64      | TCP:80 | Storage Class: standard, Capacity: 100 GB, Mount Path: /data |
|               |       |              | UDP:53 | Storage Class: fast-ssd, Capacity: 500 GB, Mount Path: /ssd  |
Total: 1

| Deployment ID | Instance Count |           State           |              Message              |                        Payload Information                         |
| deployment-1  |       1        | DeploymentState_COMPLETED | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
Total: 1

Instance Summary
        Total Instances:          1
        Running Instances:        1
        Pending Instances:        0
        Failed Instances:         0

Opeartions Summary
|     Operation Type     | # Pending Approval | # Approved | # Failed | # Succeeded |
|  OperationType_CREATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      1      |
|  OperationType_UPDATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RELOCATE |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|   OperationType_STOP   |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RESTART  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|  OperationType_DELETE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |

|          Meta Instance Name          | Deployment Plan Name  | Deployment ID |            Runtime Instances             |                   Operations                    |
| nginx-service-6P7rl50eSlKsOEbYfWTiwg | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-1  | Node Name: kind-worker2                  | ID: CREATE-ddd23f06-2050-4515-83e3-a07db62b1b7f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0 | Intent ID: deployment-1                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                        |
Total: 1

You'll see that an instance is RUNNING and the operation was successful. The deployment deployment-1 has been marked as complete too.

Scale up instances

Scaling up instances is a matter of adding a new Deployment to the DeploymentPlan. Let's increase the instance count to 3. Run

 ./bin/mrds-ctl deployment add-deployment -m test/manifests/deployment-2.yaml

You should see an output like

> ./bin/mrds-ctl deployment show nginx-deployment-plan
Deployment Plan Info
Deployment Plan Name:     nginx-deployment-plan
Node ID:                  b0ba0333-d386-4625-8743-7b94aa908d32
Version:                  5
Namespace:                nginx-namespace
Service Name:             nginx-service

        Deployment Plan State:    DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE
        Status Message:           <unset>

Matching Compute Capabilities
| Capability Type |  Comparator   |    Capability Names     |
|       CPU       | Comparator_IN |       intel-xeon        |
|       GPU       | Comparator_IN | nvidia-v100,nvidia-p100 |
Total: 2

| Payload Name  | Cores | Memory (GiB) | Ports  |                      Persistent Volumes                      |
| nginx-payload |   4   |      64      | TCP:80 | Storage Class: standard, Capacity: 100 GB, Mount Path: /data |
|               |       |              | UDP:53 | Storage Class: fast-ssd, Capacity: 500 GB, Mount Path: /ssd  |
Total: 1

| Deployment ID | Instance Count |            State            |              Message              |                        Payload Information                         |
| deployment-1  |       1        |  DeploymentState_COMPLETED  | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
| deployment-2  |       3        | DeploymentState_IN_PROGRESS |       Deployment is running       | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
Total: 2

Instance Summary
        Total Instances:          3
        Running Instances:        1
        Pending Instances:        2
        Failed Instances:         0

Opeartions Summary
|     Operation Type     | # Pending Approval | # Approved | # Failed | # Succeeded |
|  OperationType_CREATE  |         2          |     0      |    0     |      1      |
|  OperationType_UPDATE  |         1          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RELOCATE |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|   OperationType_STOP   |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RESTART  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|  OperationType_DELETE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |

|          Meta Instance Name          | Deployment Plan Name  | Deployment ID |            Runtime Instances             |                   Operations                    |
| nginx-service-PXPfTmVLQSmf-Kww_Qbu_w | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-2  | Node Name: kind-worker3                  | ID: CREATE-f2579172-e4cb-44a5-bd25-389a4522f81f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: c36f2746-a3ae-46bc-8bac-b1c53ad2da87 | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_PENDING              | State: OperationState_PENDING_APPROVAL          |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message: Operation is pending approval          |
| nginx-service-S8taiebIQPeJ1sB4y2rS5Q | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-2  | Node Name: kind-worker                   | ID: CREATE-9f0949d4-a8a2-4315-8f56-c1412c01eec3 |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: dd86c93b-e6fb-43b5-9ceb-90f8171d2421 | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_PENDING              | State: OperationState_PENDING_APPROVAL          |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message: Operation is pending approval          |
| nginx-service-6P7rl50eSlKsOEbYfWTiwg | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-2  | Node Name: kind-worker2                  | ID: CREATE-ddd23f06-2050-4515-83e3-a07db62b1b7f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0 | Intent ID: deployment-1                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                        |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ----------------                                |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ID: UPDATE-5a4684c0-80b7-461c-baa6-e292b81984c0 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Type: OperationType_UPDATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | State: OperationState_PENDING_APPROVAL          |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Message: Operation is pending approval          |
Total: 3

It shows you that 2 new instances are added, and CREATE operations are set on them. The existing one has an operation UPDATE on it, since the instance is already created.

These are again waiting for approval. Approve each one of them and observe the changes.

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment approve-operation nginx-deployment-plan

Once all the approvals are provided, you should see an output like the following after a few seconds.

> ./bin/mrds-ctl deployment show nginx-deployment-plan
Deployment Plan Info
Deployment Plan Name:     nginx-deployment-plan
Node ID:                  b0ba0333-d386-4625-8743-7b94aa908d32
Version:                  6
Namespace:                nginx-namespace
Service Name:             nginx-service

        Deployment Plan State:    DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE
        Status Message:           <unset>

Matching Compute Capabilities
| Capability Type |  Comparator   |    Capability Names     |
|       CPU       | Comparator_IN |       intel-xeon        |
|       GPU       | Comparator_IN | nvidia-v100,nvidia-p100 |
Total: 2

| Payload Name  | Cores | Memory (GiB) | Ports  |                      Persistent Volumes                      |
| nginx-payload |   4   |      64      | TCP:80 | Storage Class: standard, Capacity: 100 GB, Mount Path: /data |
|               |       |              | UDP:53 | Storage Class: fast-ssd, Capacity: 500 GB, Mount Path: /ssd  |
Total: 1

| Deployment ID | Instance Count |           State           |              Message              |                        Payload Information                         |
| deployment-1  |       1        | DeploymentState_COMPLETED | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
| deployment-2  |       3        | DeploymentState_COMPLETED | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
Total: 2

Instance Summary
        Total Instances:          3
        Running Instances:        3
        Pending Instances:        0
        Failed Instances:         0

Opeartions Summary
|     Operation Type     | # Pending Approval | # Approved | # Failed | # Succeeded |
|  OperationType_CREATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      3      |
|  OperationType_UPDATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      1      |
| OperationType_RELOCATE |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|   OperationType_STOP   |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RESTART  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|  OperationType_DELETE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |

|          Meta Instance Name          | Deployment Plan Name  | Deployment ID |            Runtime Instances             |                   Operations                    |
| nginx-service-PXPfTmVLQSmf-Kww_Qbu_w | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-2  | Node Name: kind-worker3                  | ID: CREATE-f2579172-e4cb-44a5-bd25-389a4522f81f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: c36f2746-a3ae-46bc-8bac-b1c53ad2da87 | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                        |
| nginx-service-S8taiebIQPeJ1sB4y2rS5Q | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-2  | Node Name: kind-worker                   | ID: CREATE-9f0949d4-a8a2-4315-8f56-c1412c01eec3 |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: dd86c93b-e6fb-43b5-9ceb-90f8171d2421 | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                        |
| nginx-service-6P7rl50eSlKsOEbYfWTiwg | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-2  | Node Name: kind-worker2                  | ID: CREATE-ddd23f06-2050-4515-83e3-a07db62b1b7f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0 | Intent ID: deployment-1                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                        |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ----------------                                |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ID: UPDATE-5a4684c0-80b7-461c-baa6-e292b81984c0 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Type: OperationType_UPDATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Message:                                        |
Total: 3

Observe that there are 3 corresponding kubernetes pods for the same running on the nodes specified above

> kubectl get pods -owide
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP           NODE           NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0   1/1     Running   0          10m   kind-worker2   <none>           <none>
c36f2746-a3ae-46bc-8bac-b1c53ad2da87   1/1     Running   0          111s   kind-worker3   <none>           <none>
dd86c93b-e6fb-43b5-9ceb-90f8171d2421   1/1     Running   0          110s   kind-worker    <none>           <none>
Scale down instance

Scaling down instances is also another deployment. Let's scale down the instances to 1 again.

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment add-deployment -m test/manifests/deployment-3.yaml

Observe the changes again, and approve operations as needed. After a few seconds, you should see an output like

> ./bin/mrds-ctl deployment show nginx-deployment-plan
Deployment Plan Info
Deployment Plan Name:     nginx-deployment-plan
Node ID:                  b0ba0333-d386-4625-8743-7b94aa908d32
Version:                  9
Namespace:                nginx-namespace
Service Name:             nginx-service

        Deployment Plan State:    DeploymentPlanState_ACTIVE
        Status Message:           <unset>

Matching Compute Capabilities
| Capability Type |  Comparator   |    Capability Names     |
|       CPU       | Comparator_IN |       intel-xeon        |
|       GPU       | Comparator_IN | nvidia-v100,nvidia-p100 |
Total: 2

| Payload Name  | Cores | Memory (GiB) | Ports  |                      Persistent Volumes                      |
| nginx-payload |   4   |      64      | TCP:80 | Storage Class: standard, Capacity: 100 GB, Mount Path: /data |
|               |       |              | UDP:53 | Storage Class: fast-ssd, Capacity: 500 GB, Mount Path: /ssd  |
Total: 1

| Deployment ID | Instance Count |           State           |              Message              |                        Payload Information                         |
| deployment-1  |       1        | DeploymentState_COMPLETED | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
| deployment-2  |       3        | DeploymentState_COMPLETED | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
| deployment-3  |       1        | DeploymentState_COMPLETED | Deployment completed successfully | Payload Name: nginx-payload, Coordinates: {"image":"nginx:latest"} |
Total: 3

Instance Summary
        Total Instances:          1
        Running Instances:        1
        Pending Instances:        0
        Failed Instances:         0

Opeartions Summary
|     Operation Type     | # Pending Approval | # Approved | # Failed | # Succeeded |
|  OperationType_CREATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      1      |
|  OperationType_UPDATE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      2      |
| OperationType_RELOCATE |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|   OperationType_STOP   |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
| OperationType_RESTART  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |
|  OperationType_DELETE  |         0          |     0      |    0     |      0      |

|          Meta Instance Name          | Deployment Plan Name  | Deployment ID |            Runtime Instances             |                   Operations                    |
| nginx-service-6P7rl50eSlKsOEbYfWTiwg | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-3  | Node Name: kind-worker2                  | ID: CREATE-ddd23f06-2050-4515-83e3-a07db62b1b7f |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_CREATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0 | Intent ID: deployment-1                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                        |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ----------------                                |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ID: UPDATE-5a4684c0-80b7-461c-baa6-e292b81984c0 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Type: OperationType_UPDATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Intent ID: deployment-2                         |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Message:                                        |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ----------------                                |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ID: UPDATE-d4883bc3-afbe-40a8-9566-12525047f308 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Type: OperationType_UPDATE                      |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Intent ID: deployment-3                         |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Message:                                        |
Total: 1

And here is the kubectl output

> kubectl get pods -owide
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE           NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0   1/1     Running   0          19m   kind-worker2   <none>           <none>
Operate on instances

If we want to move an instance from one node to another, this can be done by requesting a relocate operation on the instance. This operation is useful for instances where the current node is experiencing issues, resource constraints, or requires maintenance.


./bin/mrds-ctl deployment operate nginx-deployment-plan --relocate

After this, you should see an output like

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment show nginx-deployment-plan
|          Meta Instance Name          | Deployment Plan Name  | Deployment ID |            Runtime Instances             |                           Operations                            |
| nginx-service-6P7rl50eSlKsOEbYfWTiwg | nginx-deployment-plan | deployment-3  | Node Name: kind-worker3                  | ID: CREATE-ddd23f06-2050-4515-83e3-a07db62b1b7f                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: false                         | Type: OperationType_CREATE                                      |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 39320622-c4df-4d18-aadf-16ea819d4950 | Intent ID: deployment-1                                         |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_PENDING              | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                                 |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message:                                                        |
|                                      |                       |               | ----------------                         | ----------------                                                |
|                                      |                       |               | Node Name: kind-worker2                  | ID: OperationType_RELOCATE-426a611b-59b5-43c0-ac99-1c4d44904916 |
|                                      |                       |               | Is Active: true                          | Type: OperationType_RELOCATE                                    |
|                                      |                       |               | ID: 8d893aed-a5df-43a9-890c-74677fbe5ff0 | Intent ID: User                                                 |
|                                      |                       |               | State: RuntimeState_RUNNING              | State: OperationState_PENDING_APPROVAL                          |
|                                      |                       |               | Message:                                 | Message: Operation is pending approval                          |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ----------------                                                |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ID: UPDATE-5a4684c0-80b7-461c-baa6-e292b81984c0                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Type: OperationType_UPDATE                                      |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Intent ID: deployment-2                                         |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Message:                                                        |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ----------------                                                |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | ID: UPDATE-d4883bc3-afbe-40a8-9566-12525047f308                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Type: OperationType_UPDATE                                      |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Intent ID: deployment-3                                         |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | State: OperationState_SUCCEEDED                                 |
|                                      |                       |               |                                          | Message:                                                        |
Total: 1

This shows a new passive (Is Active: false) runtime instance created, on a new node kind-worker3. The previous one is still running on kind-worker2. There is a RELOCATE operation with state PENDING_APPROVAL. Once approved, the passive instance will be started and marked as active instance. The previous active instance will be removed.

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment approve-operation nginx-deployment-plan

Similarly, you can try stop and restart commands.

./bin/mrds-ctl deployment operate nginx-deployment-plan --stop
./bin/mrds-ctl deployment operate nginx-deployment-plan --restart




Path Synopsis
This file implements a local k8s kind cluster runtime, which is meant to be used for testing purposes.
This file implements a local k8s kind cluster runtime, which is meant to be used for testing purposes.

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