This is a k6 extension using the xk6 system.
❗ This is a proof of concept, isn't supported by the k6 team, and may break in the future. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! |
This projects implements query generator for graphite API
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Predominantly because of the above this is very unlikely to ever get in k6 in it's current form, so please don't open issues :D.
To build a k6
binary with this extension, first ensure you have the prerequisites:
Then, install xk6 and build your custom k6 binary with the carbonapi extension:
- Install
$ go install go.k6.io/xk6/cmd/xk6@latest
- Build the binary:
$ make build
- For run test cycle
$ make
Tune with variables
ADDR : ""
QUERIES : "carbonapi.txt" # Test dataset
DELAY : 8000:12000 # 1 request per random (in range 8:12 seconds) for user, can used random value in range, pass like MIN:MAX or fixed like DELAY (in ms)
DURATION : "60s" # test duration
USERS_1H_0 : 10 # Number of users with queries in 1 hour range
USERS_1H_7D : 0 # Number of users with queries in 1 hour range with from offset with 7 days (disabled by default)
USERS_1D_0 : 0 # Number of users with queries in 1 day range (disabled by default)
USERS_1D_7D : 0 # Number of users with queries in 1 day range with from offset with 7 days (disabled by default)
USERS_7D_0 : 0 # Number of users with queries in 7 days range (disabled by default)
USERS_7D_10M : 0 # Number of users with queries in 7 days range with from offset with 10 minutes (disabled by default)
USERS_30D_0 : 0 # Number of users with queries in 30 days range (disabled by default)
USERS_90D_0 : 0 # Number of users with queries in 90 days range (disabled by default)
USERS_365D_0 : 0 # Number of users with queries in 365 days range (disabled by default)
Thresolds for autostop
THRESHOLD_TIME_1H : 3000 # 95% of requests in groups USERS_1H_0, USERS_1H_7D should be below THRESHOLD_TIME_1H ms
THRESHOLD_TIME_1D : 5000 # 95% of requests in groups USERS_1D_0, USERS_1D_7D should be below THRESHOLD_TIME_1D ms
THRESHOLD_TIME_7D : 7000 # 95% of requests in groups USERS_7D_0, USERS_7D_10M should be below THRESHOLD_TIME_7D ms
THRESHOLD_TIME_30D : 10000 # 95% of requests in group USERS_30D_0 should be below THRESHOLD_TIME_30D ms
THRESHOLD_TIME_90D : 15000 # 95% of requests in group USERS_90D_0 should be below THRESHOLD_TIME_90D ms
THRESHOLD_TIME_365D : 20000 # 95% of requests in group USERS_365D_0 should be below THRESHOLD_TIME_365D ms
Pass CARBONAPI_USER and CARBONAPI_PASSWORD, if basic auth is needed
$ export CARBONAPI_USER="username" CARBONAPI_PASSWORD="password"
For different statistic for each query group use statsite output (identifical with statsd, but tagged metrics not supported and some taggs can be appended to metric with K6_STATSITE_TAG_APPEND)
export K6_STATSITE_ADDR='graphite-relay:8125' K6_STATSITE_BUFFER_SIZE=1000 K6_STATSITE_TAG_APPEND='label' K6_STATSITE_NAMESPACE="DevOps.loadtest.k6.graphite.staging."
./k6 run -e ADDR="http://localhost:8889" -e USERS_1H_0=300 -e USERS_1D_0=50 -e USERS_7D_0=5 -e USERS_30D_0=5 -e DELAY=1 -e DURATION=1h --out json=result.json.gz --out statsite carbonapi.js
For long duration tests with limited memory usage can be run sequent
export K6_STATSITE_ADDR='graphite-relay:8125' K6_STATSITE_BUFFER_SIZE=1000 K6_STATSITE_TAG_APPEND='label' K6_STATSITE_NAMESPACE="DevOps.loadtest.k6.graphite.staging."
for i in `seq 1 24`; do
echo "Execute step ${i}" ;
./k6 run -e ADDR="http://localhost:8889" -e USERS_1H_0=300 -e USERS_1D_0=50 -e USERS_7D_0=5 -e USERS_30D_0=5 -e DELAY=1 -e DURATION=1h --out json=result.json.gz --out statsite carbonapi.js ;
[ "$?" == "0" ] || break ;