This directory contains the main database code written in Go:
This file is the main code for creating and adding files into mongodb. This assumes you have mongodb-golang drivers installed
and in the same directory as this file. As well as the mongodb service running already. Consult the mongodb golang drivers
web page for most up to date instructions on how to install and run.
This program will use a file called hash_outputs. Parse the input between whats before the ';' sign and after. The collection
the file belongs to is the token before the ';'. The contents after the ';', is the content on the file that was added to ipfs.
Each file's content is on a new line in 'hash_outputs'.
'hash_outputs' is generated from a script in the parent directory called extract_hashes.
func scanLines(path):
This function takes in a file and returns a string array with the contents of each file in each index.
This is so a scanner object is only used once and the contents of the file persists for ease of use in main().